Adaptive F2P Guide


  • Raw
    559 posts Member
    As mentioned in the OP, keep your Arena team maxed. If you face a level up, save credits in advance.

    The credit heist event must be done in the highest tier possible, so if your Boba is late, you might have a problem here. (I expect a credit heist today, it is already over the average time).

    I also have Vader, JC, Barriss ready on 100/100 and several others (Fives, sidious) like 150/85 because I lack credits. Also Kylo 7* but lvl65 because no credits to level him. Same with Ahsoka. Well actually I have 5 mio but that's a reserve for a golden mod with speed secondary to eventually appear in the mod shipments.

    Your pilots need to be maxed too but not with priority over arena (incl a decent mod set).
  • Options
    for the suggested arena team, who should we have as the leader?
  • Raw
    559 posts Member
    redsand wrote: »
    for the suggested arena team, who should we have as the leader?

    Lando, then Wedge if you have good speed secondaries on your mods, then Rex on lvl80+
  • Options
    I started of wrong, but since I have read your guide and following it, it goes much better, thank you

    my profile :

    a question:

    I have Asoka at 7* now, who should I farm next in cantena shipments?

    For the moment I am farming Sun fac , then I will start on rex, then maul

    In Cantena, I am doing Ani ( for yoda an offence mods), then TFP, then Kylo

    in arena shipments, I am doing IG 88, then ...?


  • pnhuy
    92 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    ROKNZJ wrote: »
    Thanks for the reply. I really appreciate it.
    One quick follow up:

    I've been very short on cash lately, so much so that two of my pilots are Lvl50, and my arena team is one level below me. Is it common to not have all your arena and pilots leveled up to current level? I just got Lando to 7* and the $1,000,000 was only doable because of the free $500k today. I'm about to take another hit with STH so I just don't see being able to level up characters let alone pay for mods or upgrade them.

    Am I missing an easy source of cash?
    Should I not level pilots up past 50? Just enough for mods?
    Should I only level up arena team with spare cash when I have it, but primarily use cash on mods?

    Thanks again.

    -The only good way to find large credits is Credit Heist event, be sure you are not missing it (need Scoudrel team)
    -Concentrate to level max your arena team only. The fleet team is 2nd priority, if you have a good fleet rank, level pilot fleet team may not necessary (your pilots level may be lower than you arena team, for me is 5 level lower ).
    -Only level max good mk5 mods only (arrow mod with speed primary (event mk 1), mod with speed in secondary and good primary). For other mods, you can level to 12 (in order to show all secondary attributes for you to find out good mod) to use for your pilot if you really need.
    -When you pass tier 3 health challenge, you can hunt for 1,2 arrow mk5 speed primary. for all mk5 health mod, you can use for you pilot team (up to lev 6,9, or 12 if you have enough credits).
    -If you pass tier 1,2,3 defend mod challenge, you will increase the rate to buy mk 5 mod in mod store. So, try to keep at leat 6m credit in your wallet (4m for mk5 in mod store, 2m for level up).
  • Raw
    559 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    Mischka wrote: »
    I have Asoka at 7* now, who should I farm next in cantena shipments?

    Quite irrelevant I would say, because you can't gear the toons anyways now (to a relevant level = g10 or better g11).
    I decided to start with Fives, because he is a good pilot. Also is relevant for the 4-clone-raid-team.
    However I leave him at g1 / lvl 1 for now.

    The Java Scavenger can be used for raids (with the clones), the First Order Officer would be needed for a FO team.
    Mischka wrote: »
    arena shipments, I am doing IG 88, then ...?

    The same here, you won't have the gear for this toon if you concentrate to finish the existing ones.
    You could farm HK47 and Chief Nebit for raids, but you won't have the gear for them (probably also no credits to level them or mods...).
    I decided to go for Sidious (future raid team: Zader, TFP, Sid)
    You could also choose Mace (after lvl85 the better capital ship if you can switch in Fives and Rex). Probably my next arena farm spot.
    Leia would also have raid relevance. Zavage could also be an option under a Zaul lead.

    So you have a lot of options, but concentrate your energy on finishing your toons to g11 rather than having several g9-toons, that are irrelevant for arena or raid, because they will just be oneshot pray.

  • pnhuy
    92 posts Member
    Hi Raw, I need your experiences about fleet.

    -What is your fleet power to get Ackbar fleet 5*??? Is it easy ??? My fleet team preparing for this is 70.4k power with 5 ships ( Wiggs,JC, Ahsoka, CS ( i am just lev 75)

    -What is your ship team plan for getting Ackbar fleet 6*?

    -At over lev 80, is Ackbar fleet is good or i have to change to Tarkin/Windu??

    Thanks a lot!!!
  • Jookaa
    30 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    pnhuy wrote: »
    Hi Raw, I need your experiences about fleet.

    -What is your fleet power to get Ackbar fleet 5*??? Is it easy ??? My fleet team preparing for this is 70.4k power with 5 ships ( Wiggs,JC, Ahsoka, CS ( i am just lev 75)

    -What is your ship team plan for getting Ackbar fleet 6*?

    -At over lev 80, is Ackbar fleet is good or i have to change to Tarkin/Windu??

    Thanks a lot!!!

    I just beat it at level 76 with multiple tries and good ring. I think my fleet power was 75-76k. It is really hard and you need to get lucky. I think mace 5 star was easier tbh.

    I don't know how people get this but I heard it is really hard due to light ship requirements plus reinforcement slots.
  • Raw
    559 posts Member
    pnhuy wrote: »
    -What is your ship team plan for getting Ackbar fleet 6*?
    Not really a plan but since I have Rex g11 (pilot) and Fives (soon 7* but ungeared), these two will be future light side ships. Also I bought plans for Clone Sgt, and I need the pilot for raids later.
    pnhuy wrote: »
    -At over lev 80, is Ackbar fleet is good or i have to change to Tarkin/Windu??

    Ackbar is viable a longer time so lvl 85 is no problem. Later Mace Windu will be the better fleet leader, but as a comparison our "whale" uses a 5* Ackbar with 167k fleet power. So no haste changing to Mace.
  • Options
    Hi! Need a couple of tips.

    Didn't quite follow the guide in one particular area - Lando farming. Since I've had him from chromium (Wedge didn't come despite innumerable rerolls) I thought it would be nice to have some additional gun power. So I farmed 4* GS while waited for new arena, accumulating energy and spending cantina energy only, then farmed Lando to 6*, then came up 10 GS shards from challenge and I decided to add 55 more to make him 5*. And now came lvl50 and all that mods battles & challenges.

    The question is: should I farm Lando's 100 shards asap or should I farm and invest in some 3* (or maybe 4*, haven't tried tier2 challenge yet; btw can it be done ov lvl50, gear 6/7?) for arena team?

    Offtop: you described GW "ridiculously easy" until lvl80+; it is not if you don't have Wedge from the start. In my case it is hard as hell from lvl45. Didn't finish 3 times already and stuck with another one right now. The problems are: 1. "Arena team vs GW team", guess who have advantage when your TM and/or cooldowns are not in optimal shape; 2. protection: your toons lost it long time ago and opponents have it full and fresh. On the other hand I finish top-3 in arena from day 1, and all credits go to you and your guide.

    P.S. As I mentioned earlier, haven't seen Rex in Guild store a single time yet. And I checked every single shipment update. So "Pre-Level 60" farming Rex might be impossible since he is not available before lvl60.
  • Options
    Update: with a bit of luck and only Boba alive managed to complete 4-dot health mod challenge for 1* only and got 4-dot mod. But not sure at all it will happend every single time as well as the reward will be so generous. On the other hand bonuses seem so attractive)) Share your experience and wisdom please - Lando's 7th star or attemts to farm 4-dot mods for arena team?
  • pnhuy
    92 posts Member
    Jookaa wrote: »
    pnhuy wrote: »
    Hi Raw, I need your experiences about fleet.

    -What is your fleet power to get Ackbar fleet 5*??? Is it easy ??? My fleet team preparing for this is 70.4k power with 5 ships ( Wiggs,JC, Ahsoka, CS ( i am just lev 75)

    -What is your ship team plan for getting Ackbar fleet 6*?

    -At over lev 80, is Ackbar fleet is good or i have to change to Tarkin/Windu??

    Thanks a lot!!!

    I just beat it at level 76 with multiple tries and good ring. I think my fleet power was 75-76k. It is really hard and you need to get lucky. I think mace 5 star was easier tbh.

    I don't know how people get this but I heard it is really hard due to light ship requirements plus reinforcement slots.
    Thank you, i gave up to get Mace fleet 5* because of weak Mace ( my fleet team's power for this challenge is only 64k :-) )
    Raw wrote: »
    pnhuy wrote: »
    -What is your ship team plan for getting Ackbar fleet 6*?
    Not really a plan but since I have Rex g11 (pilot) and Fives (soon 7* but ungeared), these two will be future light side ships. Also I bought plans for Clone Sgt, and I need the pilot for raids later.
    pnhuy wrote: »
    -At over lev 80, is Ackbar fleet is good or i have to change to Tarkin/Windu??

    Ackbar is viable a longer time so lvl 85 is no problem. Later Mace Windu will be the better fleet leader, but as a comparison our "whale" uses a 5* Ackbar with 167k fleet power. So no haste changing to Mace.
    Thank you. With your useful tips, i will farm some Rex's ship.
    Dmitry_M81 wrote: »
    Hi! Need a couple of tips.

    Didn't quite follow the guide in one particular area - Lando farming. Since I've had him from chromium (Wedge didn't come despite innumerable rerolls) I thought it would be nice to have some additional gun power. So I farmed 4* GS while waited for new arena, accumulating energy and spending cantina energy only, then farmed Lando to 6*, then came up 10 GS shards from challenge and I decided to add 55 more to make him 5*. And now came lvl50 and all that mods battles & challenges.

    The question is: should I farm Lando's 100 shards asap or should I farm and invest in some 3* (or maybe 4*, haven't tried tier2 challenge yet; btw can it be done ov lvl50, gear 6/7?) for arena team?

    Offtop: you described GW "ridiculously easy" until lvl80+; it is not if you don't have Wedge from the start. In my case it is hard as hell from lvl45. Didn't finish 3 times already and stuck with another one right now. The problems are: 1. "Arena team vs GW team", guess who have advantage when your TM and/or cooldowns are not in optimal shape; 2. protection: your toons lost it long time ago and opponents have it full and fresh. On the other hand I finish top-3 in arena from day 1, and all credits go to you and your guide.

    P.S. As I mentioned earlier, haven't seen Rex in Guild store a single time yet. And I checked every single shipment update. So "Pre-Level 60" farming Rex might be impossible since he is not available before lvl60.

    My experience is both: farming Lando , and hunt mk1 arrow with speed primary(for arena if you slow than others)/hunt some mk3,4 for strong enough to complete tier 3 health mod challenge and make your arena stronger.

    With GW, i think you need at least 2,3 team(if you can afford enough credits, and choose useful toons to level such as toons will use for fleet, for raid,mod challenge... ). Use healer to keep your team go farther (or toons with high health steal) , try to keep health, special skill ready for next match. Before getting Wedge, gw is rather hard, i used JC or even Talia to keep health. Pay attention to the skill/the toons gw team use to attack your toons to: change position of your team ( except leader)/ change the skill attack Gw team. Moreover, you can use 4 strong toon adding 1 weak toons, use tank as RG, Chewbaca.
  • Options
    My experience is both: farming Lando , and hunt mk1 arrow with speed primary(for arena if you slow than others)/hunt some mk3,4 for strong enough to complete tier 3 health mod challenge and make your arena stronger.

    With GW, i think you need at least 2,3 team(if you can afford enough credits, and choose useful toons to level such as toons will use for fleet, for raid,mod challenge... ). Use healer to keep your team go farther (or toons with high health steal) , try to keep health, special skill ready for next match. Before getting Wedge, gw is rather hard, i used JC or even Talia to keep health. Pay attention to the skill/the toons gw team use to attack your toons to: change position of your team ( except leader)/ change the skill attack Gw team. Moreover, you can use 4 strong toon adding 1 weak toons, use tank as RG, Chewbaca.[/quote]

    Not sure I understand first paragraph right: you suggest to start farming Lando and farm mods lower than 5-dot only if they are needed badly? Is his 7th star crucial right now anyway if my guild doesn't run heroic raids? Couple of hours ago tried my team in Sabin challenge against 80lvl opposition and learned HOW far from tier3 Health mod I am))) It's gonna take weeks so there's no hurry with that.

    Thnx for the tips on GW. I'm currently short of toons but working on it. Gearing up s3cond/third team is a pain atm as all energy goes to arena team gear farming.
  • Raw
    559 posts Member
    Dmitry_M81 wrote: »
    The question is: should I farm Lando's 100 shards asap or should I farm and invest in some 3* (or maybe 4*, haven't tried tier2 challenge yet; btw can it be done ov lvl50, gear 6/7?) for arena team?
    I've bought 2 mod packs but you would not have this possibility. So maybe yes, get some 4* mods if you can do the challenge and feel that you need an improvement (like the speed arrow mentioned), that is you have difficulties to win in the arena. Otherwise try to upgrade Lando 7* asap.
    Dmitry_M81 wrote: »
    As I mentioned earlier, haven't seen Rex in Guild store a single time yet. And I checked every single shipment update. So "Pre-Level 60" farming Rex might be impossible since he is not available before lvl60.

    Thank you, changed the guide in this point so maybe just save the tokens before lvl60. Farming Rex, SF and Maul will cost more tokens than your income will be.

  • pnhuy
    92 posts Member
    Dmitry_M81 wrote: »
    My experience is both: farming Lando , and hunt mk1 arrow with speed primary(for arena if you slow than others)/hunt some mk3,4 for strong enough to complete tier 3 health mod challenge and make your arena stronger.

    With GW, i think you need at least 2,3 team(if you can afford enough credits, and choose useful toons to level such as toons will use for fleet, for raid,mod challenge... ). Use healer to keep your team go farther (or toons with high health steal) , try to keep health, special skill ready for next match. Before getting Wedge, gw is rather hard, i used JC or even Talia to keep health. Pay attention to the skill/the toons gw team use to attack your toons to: change position of your team ( except leader)/ change the skill attack Gw team. Moreover, you can use 4 strong toon adding 1 weak toons, use tank as RG, Chewbaca.

    Not sure I understand first paragraph right: you suggest to start farming Lando and farm mods lower than 5-dot only if they are needed badly? Is his 7th star crucial right now anyway if my guild doesn't run heroic raids? Couple of hours ago tried my team in Sabin challenge against 80lvl opposition and learned HOW far from tier3 Health mod I am))) It's gonna take weeks so there's no hurry with that.

    Thnx for the tips on GW. I'm currently short of toons but working on it. Gearing up s3cond/third team is a pain atm as all energy goes to arena team gear farming.

    Yes, you will need full mod sets (at least mk1) for your team if you want to complete tier 3 health mod challenge early at low lever.( <60, or <65 - i don't remember exactly level i passed tier3 health mod but i had some mk1 mods max and some mk4 mods max/level 12, my team at that time was Lando, St han, boba, biggs, JC).

    For mk1 mods, you can level max (does not expensive comparing to level mk5), for mk3/4, you can level up to 12(to show all secondary attributes ). Be sure to keep credits enough to level up your arrena team when you level up.

    About arena, everyday your enemies will stronger, and increase your power with mods (even mk1 mods) will be useful.

    About GW, you can begin to star a GW before you level up your toons / gear up a lot of yours toons, idk it would be useful or not but i felt it was easier for me.

    Try to have a jedi team to complete def mod challenge (increasing the rate to sell mk5 mod on mod store).

    @Raw, please put some informations in your guide about the important of complete def mod challenge : some things like this "increasing the rate to sell mk5 mod on mod store".
  • Options
    Does everyone use their fleet currency to buy zetas?
  • Raw
    559 posts Member
    Does everyone use their fleet currency to buy zetas?

    No I don't. I need to finish Rex (90/100), also I farm Slave and Scimitar. Other tokens I use for stun cuffs and stun guns, because I want to have Wedge g11 with lvl84, also Kylo g11 (currently 7* g9).
    From the challenge I currently have 13 zeta mats, so maybe with Kylo g11 I will also be able to zeta him.

    At the moment I have problems against the top 3 in my arena, but since they are all lvl85 g11 with zeta (double zeta 7* Nihilus, Zaul, Zylo + Chaze) I would not win with my lvl83 g9 Zylo against them anyways. I probably need to be lvl85 (for g11) too until I can win again against the top payers.

  • Raw
    559 posts Member
    pnhuy wrote: »
    @Raw, please put some informations in your guide about the important of complete def mod challenge : some things like this "increasing the rate to sell mk5 mod on mod store".

    "Aim to 5 Jedi at 5* for the Def Mod challenge. Tier II will allow you to buy 5-dot-mods in the mod shipments, Tier III will increase the chance for 5-dot-mods in the shipments."

  • Old_Nathan
    2 posts Member
    edited April 2017

    I've been using this guide a lot, so I thank you very much for posting and updating it. I had already started building my characters when I found it, so I haven't followed it step by step.

    I would love some advice on my next steps.

    I've reached 80th level, and I think I need to start to plan for Zeta.

    I had hoped by this time that Vader ship would be farmable, and maybe other darkside but that isn't the case.

    On the darkside I currently have:

    Imperial TIE fighter 5* with a 6* TFP.

    Slave 1 4* (24/65) with a 7* Bobba

    Scimitar 4* (48/65) with a 7* Darth Maul.

    GS 1* (4/15) with a 1* GS.

    So I'm thinking I need to farm up GS and probably Sun Frac to get 5* ships. Is this the right plan? if so how many * do I need to get those two characters?

  • Raw
    559 posts Member
    Old_Nathan wrote: »

    I've been using this guide a lot, so I thank you very much for posting and updating it. I had already started building my characters when I found it, so I haven't followed it step by step.

    I would love some advice on my next steps.

    I've reached 80th level, and I think I need to start to plan for Zeta.

    I had hoped by this time that Vader ship would be farmable, and maybe other darkside but that isn't the case.

    On the darkside I currently have:

    Imperial TIE fighter 5* with a 6* TFP.

    Slave 1 4* (24/65) with a 7* Bobba

    Scimitar 4* (48/65) with a 7* Darth Maul.

    GS 1* (4/15) with a 1* GS.

    So I'm thinking I need to farm up GS and probably Sun Frac to get 5* ships. Is this the right plan? if so how many * do I need to get those two characters?


    For the Tarkin Challenge you need 5x 4* ds ships (you can read that in the requirements I assume). GS and SF can probably be the lowest star possible but you need to invest in gear and level them.

    For the zeta mat challenge you can have three "bad" 5* ships in the reinforcements and use 5 strong ships only. These ships's pilots should have a good gear lvl then.
  • pnhuy
    92 posts Member
    Tried challenge upgrading Ackbar 's capital ship to 5* and failed.

    With only 5 ships , total power 71k, for me it is impossible to win.
  • pnhuy
    92 posts Member
    Is it worthy to buy mod pack with 999 crystal???
  • Raw
    559 posts Member
    pnhuy wrote: »
    Is it worthy to buy mod pack with 999 crystal???

    If you are short in mods maybe, but ppl in my guild have rather agreed it's not worth it (after they bought for 10k...)
  • Options
    Hey Raw,

    Do you think I should gear my *7 Rex to counter Zaul squad?

    I have:
    *7 G10-G11 Wiggsandohan & Boba
    *7 G10 Zylo

  • Options

    Thanks for the guide, I started following it later after I was already 40ish and it's been very helpful. I was wondering if you could possibly take a look at my profile and see what things to focus on as next step. I'm generally b/w 25-50 on both arena and ship battles. About to wrap up Teebo in GW but have been focusing more on levelling ship. I'm close to 7starring sidious and wondering about where to go next. The guild I'm in does heroic pit and 6/7 star Haat so trying to find a team that can help in that space as well.

    I've been farming JKA and Rey lately on hard, but wondering if I should stop and go for Kylo?

  • Raw
    559 posts Member
    Hey Raw,

    Do you think I should gear my *7 Rex to counter Zaul squad?

    I have:
    *7 G10-G11 Wiggsandohan & Boba
    *7 G10 Zylo


    Yes, I switched to Rex lead (+ Wiggs, STH, Boba) some time ago and he is important.

    You can also try Zylo instead of Boba under the Rex lead

    Rex, Wiggs, Zylo, STH

    or against Chaze teams:
    Rex (l), Boba, Zylo, STH, EP/DN
  • Options
    I personally find Wiggs, Lando, Boba, STH (leader according speed) best against Wiggs without chaze.
    Against Wiggs with Chaze put in Qgj instead of Lando for the Dispell
    Against DN and Dooku I use Rex (l), wiggs, ep and Boba. Up to now I didn't see any Zaul team.
    I normally reach place 2 in Arena just the super whale of my shard is too far away.
  • Raw
    559 posts Member
    chachu wrote: »

    Thanks for the guide, I started following it later after I was already 40ish and it's been very helpful. I was wondering if you could possibly take a look at my profile and see what things to focus on as next step. I'm generally b/w 25-50 on both arena and ship battles. About to wrap up Teebo in GW but have been focusing more on levelling ship. I'm close to 7starring sidious and wondering about where to go next. The guild I'm in does heroic pit and 6/7 star Haat so trying to find a team that can help in that space as well.

    I've been farming JKA and Rey lately on hard, but wondering if I should stop and go for Kylo?


    Change your mods:
    1. CD holo-array from JC to Wedge
    2. Protection holo from chewie to STH
    You need a cross with Protection for Wedge and Lando.

    Don't farm JKA in cantina, go for Kylo. I farmed JKA in hard nodes but have not needed him so far, but he might have a place in a zQGJ team later. You should have 5x 5* Jedi for the challenge (=> buy 5* mods in the shipments) but their relevance for the (h)AAT P1 has ceased because of Zylo.

    Teebo's relevance is low. The Rancor is mainly solo'ed by Zader TFP teams so you don't need him anymore here. You might want him as an alternative for Chirpatine (Teebotine) but not sure if it is even worth it. At least don't give him any gear that you would rather need for your arena team to be g11.

    I'm almost lvl84 now and only bought ship plans in GW (after Biggs that is), and have Biggs, Wedge, JC's ships 6* and Ahsoka, SF, GS's ship 5*. I also buy plans for Fives, FOTP, TFP, CS. The plan is to get the two TIE fighters ready in the future. No haste with that but a long-time plan. FOTP Pilot is also a very long farm, I started to farm his shards. Will probably take several months until he is 7*.

  • Options
    Raw wrote: »
    Hey Raw,

    Do you think I should gear my *7 Rex to counter Zaul squad?

    I have:
    *7 G10-G11 Wiggsandohan & Boba
    *7 G10 Zylo


    Yes, I switched to Rex lead (+ Wiggs, STH, Boba) some time ago and he is important.

    You can also try Zylo instead of Boba under the Rex lead

    Rex, Wiggs, Zylo, STH

    or against Chaze teams:
    Rex (l), Boba, Zylo, STH, EP/DN[/b]

    So, Rex (L), Boba, Zylo, STH and EP/DN is the best squad against Wiggs, Chaze, Lando? Because I don't feel like to develop sith squad.

    And EP is better than DN against rebel, right?
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