Adaptive F2P Guide


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    Is it still possible to Hoard Energy etc at 27 To do jump up several levels when you hit 28? - The same tactic people used when Arena opened at Level 8.
  • Raw
    559 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    Raw wrote: »
    Hey Raw,

    Do you think I should gear my *7 Rex to counter Zaul squad?

    I have:
    *7 G10-G11 Wiggsandohan & Boba
    *7 G10 Zylo


    Yes, I switched to Rex lead (+ Wiggs, STH, Boba) some time ago and he is important.

    You can also try Zylo instead of Boba under the Rex lead

    Rex, Wiggs, Zylo, STH

    or against Chaze teams:
    Rex (l), Boba, Zylo, STH, EP/DN[/b]

    So, Rex (L), Boba, Zylo, STH and EP/DN is the best squad against Wiggs, Chaze, Lando? Because I don't feel like to develop sith squad.

    And EP is better than DN against rebel, right?

    See the team in action in the last half of Smithie's video:

    Maybe EP will be better against Lando but he is also squishier.
  • Raw
    559 posts Member
    Shaneyp58 wrote: »
    Is it still possible to Hoard Energy etc at 27 To do jump up several levels when you hit 28? - The same tactic people used when Arena opened at Level 8.

    Yes, only you can now also collect guild currency and receive gifts from other guild members. Some say they only spend cantina energy and farm Lando+Boba.
  • Raw
    559 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    I would also like to inform you that in my arena shard (where also lvl85 g11 Zaul / Zihilus teams are present) still a FTP player rocks with his lvl84 Lando (L, g11), Wedge (g11), Biggs (g10), STH (g11, 207 speed), Boba (zeta, g11, 208 speed), CD set on Wedge and Lando.
    Within multiply tries with several different comps I was not able to beat him. However I must say I am a little undergeared (Wedge and Boba still g10) because I geared Rex (g11), SF (g10), EP (g10), Maul (g9) and Kylo (g9), so really be careful that you hit the gear upgrade when available. I must say I underestimated the g10=>g11 difference and also I have no CD sets. So when you have the Jedi challenge mastered, maybe invest some 15 crystals in refreshes for mod shipments to get such a set ready.
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    Thanks for the Info Raw, Very useful.
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    Is Jyn Erso at 4 stars a good starter or I should keep trying for Wedge?
  • MagnificentWang
    14 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    I'm level 70, with the standard arena team recommended in this guide (Lando lead + Wiggs + Boba + ST Han) all at g8. The top 50 of my shard is packed full of Nihilus teams. I'm running into some serious problems with them and would appreciate any advice on the following issues:

    1. Nihilus' first attack dispels ST Han's taunt, and thereafter ST Han seems to be fairly useless.
    2. Dooku continues to be a ridiculously impossible-to-kill target. If Biggs' special assist call doesn't deal fatal damage, Dooku then counterattacks, healing a lot; and then he gets his actual turn, attacks, and heals even more. My AoE attacks (Lando, Boba, Wedge) only make Dooku more healthy. Individual basic attacks do the same.
    3. Vader and other dark side enemies love to put bleeds and other debuffs on my team, and without a defensive dispel, I eat 100% of the resulting damage (and other ill effects).

    Are there workarounds for any of these problems? Is it just a matter of farming better gear & mods? Or is there a character progression for moving out of this team, into another, more potent one (but still f2p)?

    Or maybe this is simply as good as it gets, from an f2p perspective.
  • Raw
    559 posts Member
    Stun/Healing immunity are offered by Kylo and JKA. Maybe switch to Kylo when TFP is 5*.

    Against Vader, Rex lead or Ackbar would help (tenacity up, cleanse)
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    @Raw - how close are you to unlocking GK? I'm trying to work out if I'm ahead or behind. Currently, I'm level 81 and have 91/145 shards for him.

    Also, thanks for the info on the Lando team - that is very interesting. I have STH at g11 and the jump from g10->g11 is massive. I know Boba gains a lot of speed, but he is so hard to gear.
  • pnhuy
    92 posts Member
    I finnaly finished Def Mod Challenge tier 3 with 2*.
    Some info about jedi team for anyone who need the smallest resource investment for this Challenge:
    Total power 23k
    Barris (L) 5* lev65 G6.3 power 3996 , leader skill lev4, basic skill lev4
    Ahsoka 7* lev73 G8.2 power 5853
    JC 7* lev73 G8.4 power 5696
    IGD 5* lev65 G6.2 power 3657
    QGJ 5* lev65 G6.2 power 3927
    Need mods.
  • Raw
    559 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    @Raw - how close are you to unlocking GK? I'm trying to work out if I'm ahead or behind. Currently, I'm level 81 and have 91/145 shards for him.

    Also, thanks for the info on the Lando team - that is very interesting. I have STH at g11 and the jump from g10->g11 is massive. I know Boba gains a lot of speed, but he is so hard to gear.

    You are ahead, only 66/145 here...
    We have a minimum of lvl80 to join
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    Anyone recently join a shard? Curious to see what its at right now
  • Lekrom1982
    343 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    Shaneyp58 wrote: »
    Is it still possible to Hoard Energy etc at 27 To do jump up several levels when you hit 28? - The same tactic people used when Arena opened at Level 8.

    I did it with my 2nd account. Was able to go from L28 to L45 in 2-3 days. Now on 53 2 weeks later having spent all my hoarded energy. I made a mistake in accidentally claiming a daily reward instead of energy when I was around 4k energy in, so had to jump in. I went too close to L28 before hoarding. I'd say leave it at L26 to ensure you don't blow it like I did.

    Landed over 5000 in on a shard when I hit L28. Got to top100 in 2 days and still able to hold up top50 in my shard despite loads of whales creeping in with 7 star R1 teams and 7 star Nihilus etc.

    If you hoard enough cantina energy as well you can get a good head start. I rolled 4* Mace, then got a 4* IGD in a lucky bronzium card, and got 4* Lando within 1 hour of reaching L28 using hoarded cantina energy. On that acc I currently run 5* Lando (L), 4* QGJ, 4* Vader, 4* Boba and near-5* STH all farmed after reaching L28, using this guide (thanks RAW).
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    pnhuy wrote: »
    I finnaly finished Def Mod Challenge tier 3 with 2*.
    Some info about jedi team for anyone who need the smallest resource investment for this Challenge:
    Total power 23k
    Barris (L) 5* lev65 G6.3 power 3996 , leader skill lev4, basic skill lev4
    Ahsoka 7* lev73 G8.2 power 5853
    JC 7* lev73 G8.4 power 5696
    IGD 5* lev65 G6.2 power 3657
    QGJ 5* lev65 G6.2 power 3927
    Need mods.

    Thanks for the info and well done!
    Still struggling but will unlock Yoda tomorrow at 5* and then hopefully have a stronger team to work with.

    Currently have:
    7* Mace G8, abilities 5/6
    7* Lumi G8, abilities 5/6
    5* QGJ G7, abilities 4/5 - will have him on 6* 2mrw
    6* Ahsoka G8, abilities 5/6
    5* JC G7, abilities 5
  • Raw
    559 posts Member
    I managed to 3* the Baze node today with lvl84:
    9B: Wedge lead (my own, g11), Lando lead (g11, lvl85, as support), Biggs (g10), Rex (g11), STH (g11), Ackbar (g8)
    9C: Wedge lead, JKA lead (g11, lvl85, as support), Biggs (g10), Rex (g11), STH (g11), Ackbar (g8)

    9B is much harder, only 1* on it, took several attempts. 9C was easy, 2* first try with Lando as support.
  • MaTucci
    73 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    Hey, Raw!
    Will finish my Rex today (5 syringes away from G11) and will start to use it in my arena team tomorrow. The thing is: My toons are fairly similar to yours (your Biggs is a little bit faster, same for you Boba), but my Rex will be faster. The thing is: I saw you changing your team a lot, but it seems that you had success with Rex (L)+Wiggs+Boba+SF (which is what I'm aiming for). Do you think SF is better than STH in that team? I'm saying that, because my STH only has 170 speed, which is too slow (even if I'm not comparing to yours (I remember yours was like 190)) and I want to use SF instead.
    And by using SF instead, do I need to push STH him to G11 (will need cuffs and a furnace), or keep him as G10, because his time has passed and use the gear in other toons? (Thinking about pushing Lando to G10 (to hAAT, since he's only missing 1 set of syringes), Kylo to G10 (he'll be my first zeta) and Nihilus to G10 (to use with Rex), but not too sure on the order, might go for Nihilus first)
    Thanks, as always!
  • Raw
    559 posts Member
    Wow you know my numbers :) Yes, I first experimented with an STH with lower speed under Rex because one of my guild mates said that under Rex you could also use a slower STH. However that didn't work out for me, but that might be due to my Rex being too slow? I then decided to try my SF again, who I geared g10 which was expensive enough. That worked fine for me, because like this the opponent has the first turn but then they usually "waste" the taunt on STH because it is instantly removed. Then it's my turn and I can (hopefully) dispell the debuffs and kill an attacker from the enemy team. With Wedge g11 I have enough protection so I survive even a full Wiggs attack.

    In my case I am not sure if I come back to STH again. I don't have good speed secondaries so maybe it makes no sense. Lando g10 does not really do a lot of dmg to the hAAT cannons, although I have a CD set on him and omega on the AoE, it only does such a small amout of dmg that the already killed cannons come back. Only the Wiggs attack can really kill the cannons. So Kylo or Nihilus would be more reasonable. I think without a pre-taunter, Nihilus will be killed to easily. I will push Kylo first. However he shares a Mk4-chedak comlink requirement with Biggs, I might prefer to give it to Biggs first = g11 on lvl85.
  • Byronpinks
    2 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    Heya guys, been following the guide and just hit 60.

    Question: can I skip sun fac and go for Vaders ship as the replacement, since it is available in fleet now? I'm not a fan of genosians, and would dread having two of them, I have GD already.

    My plan is Boba, Kylo or maul, GS, Vader, and TFP for dark ships. For light ships, wedge, Biggs, JC, Ahsoka

    Am I missing something for ships? Is Sun fac too good to not pick up?

    I still haven't figured out arena team, will just stick to the basic ones suggested in the guide until I do. I figure no point chasing meta, by time I get them meta changes.
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    Raw wrote: »
    Wow you know my numbers :) Yes, I first experimented with an STH with lower speed under Rex because one of my guild mates said that under Rex you could also use a slower STH. However that didn't work out for me, but that might be due to my Rex being too slow? I then decided to try my SF again, who I geared g10 which was expensive enough. That worked fine for me, because like this the opponent has the first turn but then they usually "waste" the taunt on STH because it is instantly removed. Then it's my turn and I can (hopefully) dispell the debuffs and kill an attacker from the enemy team. With Wedge g11 I have enough protection so I survive even a full Wiggs attack.

    In my case I am not sure if I come back to STH again. I don't have good speed secondaries so maybe it makes no sense. Lando g10 does not really do a lot of dmg to the hAAT cannons, although I have a CD set on him and omega on the AoE, it only does such a small amout of dmg that the already killed cannons come back. Only the Wiggs attack can really kill the cannons. So Kylo or Nihilus would be more reasonable. I think without a pre-taunter, Nihilus will be killed to easily. I will push Kylo first. However he shares a Mk4-chedak comlink requirement with Biggs, I might prefer to give it to Biggs first = g11 on lvl85.

    Hahahah, yes. You are 2 to 3 weeks ahead of me, so it's nice to keep track of a guy who is a bit ahead and getting good results, that's what I'm doing.

    As always, thanks for the answer. Will take the mods from STH and put him on my Rex (he'll be at almost 190 speed) and hopefully take my top5 spot back (started to get hard to break the top5). Will share my results with you guys when I'm done (atm there are a total of 0 Rex's squads on my shard).

    I don't even have Kylo unlocked, but with this double drop, I might drop $20 and buy 4 refreshes a day (already do 2), which will allow me to 7* him in the 6th day, and then focus on other toons, like B2 and Aayla, maybe even some mods.
    I'll get SF to G10 (just 1 set of Stun Gun missing) and then will focus on Kylo and then Nihilus (or Wedge, depending on how close I'll be to 84 when I finish Kylo)
  • pnhuy
    92 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    Byronpinks wrote: »
    Heya guys, been following the guide and just hit 60.

    Question: can I skip sun fac and go for Vaders ship as the replacement, since it is available in fleet now? I'm not a fan of genosians, and would dread having two of them, I have GD already.

    My plan is Boba, Kylo or maul, GS, Vader, and TFP for dark ships. For light ships, wedge, Biggs, JC, Ahsoka

    Am I missing something for ships? Is Sun fac too good to not pick up?

    I still haven't figured out arena team, will just stick to the basic ones suggested in the guide until I do. I figure no point chasing meta, by time I get them meta changes.

    Please read Raw's guide again.

    You will need 5 dark side ship 4* for upgrading Tarkin's fleet to 5* (can try at lev 75), and 8 ship 5* + Tarkin 's fleet 5* to finished the zeta challenge (can try at lev 78)

    If you are PTP, it's ok if you want to use Kylo 's ship (not in fleet store, sold in data store) or Vader's ship (Vader's ship is now sold in Fleet store, but I still do not see in fleet store at lev 76)

    If you are FTP, you can not have Kylo's ship without using money/crystal.Plan for Kylo 's ship or Vader's ship is not a good bet. SF'ship is chosen in stead of GSpy/FOTF's ship because SF can be good in arena and SF's ship skills
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    Thanks for the feedback, will stick to the guide then. Even though I'm level 60 feels like I still know nothing of this game
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    874-882-816 fresh account add me thanks I'll be following the adapted guide after reading through the extensive comments. I'll probably hoard for about a week until my next days off to at least give myself a little time.
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    Raw wrote: »
    Wow you know my numbers :) Yes, I first experimented with an STH with lower speed under Rex because one of my guild mates said that under Rex you could also use a slower STH. However that didn't work out for me, but that might be due to my Rex being too slow? I then decided to try my SF again, who I geared g10 which was expensive enough. That worked fine for me, because like this the opponent has the first turn but then they usually "waste" the taunt on STH because it is instantly removed. Then it's my turn and I can (hopefully) dispell the debuffs and kill an attacker from the enemy team. With Wedge g11 I have enough protection so I survive even a full Wiggs attack.

    In my case I am not sure if I come back to STH again. I don't have good speed secondaries so maybe it makes no sense. Lando g10 does not really do a lot of dmg to the hAAT cannons, although I have a CD set on him and omega on the AoE, it only does such a small amout of dmg that the already killed cannons come back. Only the Wiggs attack can really kill the cannons. So Kylo or Nihilus would be more reasonable. I think without a pre-taunter, Nihilus will be killed to easily. I will push Kylo first. However he shares a Mk4-chedak comlink requirement with Biggs, I might prefer to give it to Biggs first = g11 on lvl85.

    Any love for B2? I'm considering to farm him since it's double drop cantina event. My shards are filled with Wiggs Chaze or Zaul.
  • Raw
    559 posts Member
    'Chazing Meta' is not the point here, you need an arena team that is farmable at different spots simultaneously, the scoundrels for credit heist, the ships for fleet arena and the zeta challenge and basic Jedis for the mod store / 5* mods. And the EP event needs 5 rebels.

    This is combined here. Wiggs are still good pilots, Ahsoka too, her and JC are Jedi for the challenge, Lando/Boba/STH scoundrels, Ackbar a rebel and fleet commander. So mostly dual purposes.

    SF has the advantage to have cheap plans, they come in the GW. He saved my arena rank in the time I used double tank, and is my tank atm. Totally great against the omnipresent Chaze.

    One of my guild mates uses B2 successfully (#1 each day) so go for his shards but be careful not to gear too many toons at once. I will skip B2, next tanks will be GK or Baze. In the meantime I will continue to gear RG, for a PalpaTIE team (EP, TFP, RG, SF, STH), for P3 hAAT.
  • Raw
    559 posts Member
    btw EP (l) RG Vader TFP Boba seems to be a viable ftp arena team if you seek for a non-zeta alternative.
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    hi all,very new guy here,2 weeks in level 49. this is amazing tread with lots of helpful posts. my problem is i dont know what should i focus on,i feel like im spreading myself too my roster grows im beginning to be short on xp droids and creds. here are my chars if any of XPenced players could have a look and pick like 6-8 chars i should focus on,i would be very grateful. thx in advance.
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    Samael75 wrote: »
    hi all,very new guy here,2 weeks in level 49. this is amazing tread with lots of helpful posts. my problem is i dont know what should i focus on,i feel like im spreading myself too my roster grows im beginning to be short on xp droids and creds. here are my chars if any of XPenced players could have a look and pick like 6-8 chars i should focus on,i would be very grateful. thx in advance.

    Since you are only two weeks into the game and gained a lot of experience up to that point I would honestly encourage you to start a new account and follow raws advices closely. You definitely spread too thin in levelling up too many toons and dropped in arena too far already to keep up. I did basically the same with my first account and started over to rule the world :)
  • Raw
    559 posts Member
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    "Since you are only two weeks into the game and gained a lot of experience up to that point I would honestly encourage you to start a new account and follow raws advices closely. You definitely spread too thin in levelling up too many toons and dropped in arena too far already to keep up. I did basically the same with my first account and started over to rule the world :)"

    so you saying its beyond salvage point?
  • pnhuy
    92 posts Member
    With 101% luck, i completed the mision to upgrading Tarkin's fleet to 5*.

    Key point:

    When Falcon ship used AoE skill at it's first turn, i began to fight and won (after many tries).

    My fleet:
    Fleet Power: 61.3k
    -Tarkin fleet 4* lev50 power 7.9k, Tarkin 4* lev50 Gear 6.4
    -Slave 1 4* lev77 power 13.2k, Boba 7* lev77 Gear 8.5
    -SF's ship 4* lev76 power 11.6k, SF 5* lev76 Gear 8
    -GS's ship 4* lev76 power 10.5k, GS 4* lev71 Gear 8.3
    -TFP's ship 4* lev70 power 9.9k, TFP 5* lev69 Gear 7.1
    -Scimitar 4* lev52 power 8k, Maul 5* lev52 Gear 6.3

    All pilot have mk5 mods (lev 9-12-15) except Maul and TFPT have some mk1, mk2 mods lev15.
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