Nute Nuances Megathread (All things Nute)


  • Dark_Light
    499 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Consider hiring better game testers and balance experts.
    Post edited by Mageduckey on
  • Spardog713
    215 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Spardog713 wrote: »
    Spardog713 wrote: »
    I am just sick of all you whiny people... that team was a **** joke. It would literally break the game... and comparing Clones to it? Are you freaking serious?? Clearly none of you have farmed and geared Clones

    Yes! It took me 3 months to get a clone team scoring 7 million in phase 4. I'm so glad they're addressing this.

    Meanwhile. This team took me 10 minutes to assemble this morning.

    Exactly, so the people in this thread would just tell you that you are an **** for spending that time doing that.

    "Ands that is just too bad for you.. now everyone can do 7 million damage, lol at the people who actually worked at it, its your fault for spending .. etc.."

    Complete garbage. It's like everyone thinks they are entitled to the same as the people who spend... well guess what... they are not. No participation trophies

    I've noticed a trend though. Most of the people that are upset about the nerf joined a couple of months ago. That alone sums up the entire situation, and why EA is fixing it.

    My favorite arguments are from the people that are comparing Nute's team to Chirpantine. Those are the 'tokens' on this forum.

    I noticed that too. They weren't around for the months of figuring out comps to even attempt to beat HAAT.

    And Zylo can only solo phase 1 if your entire guild decides to nap during phase 1 and let's you do it all by yourself. He doesn't put up 10 million damage in his sleep. Clones are not automatic either , I have had way more runs go bad than good with Clones.
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    THill80 wrote: »
    When are people going to learn if you find a loophole or a tactical advantage that maybe you shouldn't tell the whole world?

    Do you honestly think this wouldn't haven't shot out regardless? EA has systems in place that would have made them aware.

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    Spardog713 wrote: »
    Thanks guys for getting on this right away. You are protecting those of us whom have spent thousands on building specific HAAT teams to earn top tier rewards. Thanks for doing the right thing this time!

    the lugo squad was pure ingenuity & creativity. the squad worked into the math & there were no violation of rules & regulations, mistake or glitch (though, i'm quite sure something will come up even if there wasn't any just to save face). it didn't even cost much to build it up.

    if you've spent much, then, that's not the problem of those around you. it doesn't take away their right to be ingenius & creative (too bad, your rant & supporters just embarassingly proved that lugo & similar players are way better than you big spenders are). neither does it give you the right to pull strings into your favor.

    i agree that the game wouldn't be w/out its big spenders, but, there are other ways to address this fiasco & still protect spenders, ea & the devs, not this way - never this way to be exact.
  • mazingo
    22 posts Member
    For me the nutini strategy is the same as chaze is against the game the only thing some just like when the coin comes out of the side they like.
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    DracuLaura wrote: »
    This game works because so many people are prepared to spend money on it and/or time grinding. If you take away the need for that, its popularity and profitability naturally declines.

    No matter what you think personally about nerfing , this is the right decision from the devs perspective

    This might be the right decision from a money perspective, but they have lost all my trust and good will they recently just got. I will never pay a penny to them again.
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    Just as the title suggests, this is aimed at the developers and this thread will most likely get taken down but it still needs to be said. Why is this Nute Jawa squad getting "fixed" this quickly when all of those abilities have been in the game for months. We all know it's a nerf at this point and there is absolutely no reason to nerf them. The mechanic isn't breaking anything, it's WAI based on what the description says it will do, and you are being petty because somebody yesterday figured out a way to use the mechanics you made for this game to play the game. Somebody figured out that Nute can make Jawas deal a lot of damage to only half of the Tank Raid, and they are already being nerfed because you failed to stress test every character in this game in every part of this game. This is unwarranted and unprecedented. There is no reason to do so and we all know it. If you are nerfing Nute and the Jawas then you better nerf Teebo in the Rancor Raid. You better nerf Zylo in the tank raid and you better start nerfing these squads the can solo entire phases of both raids because it is unfair to nerf one and none of the others. This "unintended behavior" is also applicable to so many other squads so you've got a lot of nerve to pull this so fast. At least you didn't wait until people farmed them up to nerf them, so thank you for that at least. Get to nerfing guys.

    You can put the games key game mode on auto and solo it, of course they were not going to let that fly.

    For 2 out of 4 of the raid phases and even then you have to rely on RNG to get results. Plus to top it all off, nothing about what they could do was broken or mislabeled like Zarris and Zader, it was WAI but the devs didn't like how well it was working so they decided to nerf the already terrible toon back into the graveyard.

    You could Solo a whole phase of the games key mode with the game on auto. We all know that's not WAI.

    So Teebo isn't WAI then? That's been around for about a year now right. He's able to solo **** near the entire raid, and now that Jyn is available, the Rancor Raid is 100% able to be fully autoed. This latest "fix" stopped people from being able to do only 2 of the 4 phases of the raid, and not even the hardest phases of the raid either.

    You couldn't put Teebo on auto.

    What are you going to do if this stays as is? You'll put it on auto and go back to having nothing to play but a few arena battles and Galactic war. Look at the big picture. If you want the game to still exist they have to have is actively playing it.

    I still have to worry about the hardest half the raid you ****. How is that so lost with you. This was an option to beat the two easiest phases of the raid. You still have to worry about GG in phase 1, and the army of Droids in phase 3. They changed it for absolutely no reason. And yes Teebo can still auto the Rancor raid, and with Bistan and Jyn the Rancor will never have a turn with Teebo

    Name calling? Classy.

    We all know this isn't WAI.
  • BSwoody87
    149 posts Member
    Spardog713 wrote: »
    Thanks guys for getting on this right away. You are protecting those of us whom have spent thousands on building specific HAAT teams to earn top tier rewards. Thanks for doing the right thing this time!

    Thousands? Dude, get a life. That's really sad....
  • Georgemi6
    1236 posts Member
    Georgemi6 wrote: »
    I can sense that there's going to be hell to be raised in the near future. First this business with the nute nerf, who was already useless anyway, now more useless, and this new broken fulcrum ahsoka that's gonna be released. I feel like tensions in this forum are at an all time high. Not to mention the fact that arena is dull and raids are stale and repetitive. I don't know what's going on, but we need to prioritize here. I agree that nute+ jawas was kinda broken, but all this nonsense with all the border line op toons being released has to stop. First GK and chaze, now ahsoka. This has to stop, and soon, or I fear something really bad is going to happen soon. This new game mode better lay golden eggs or something cuz I've never seen so many angry people on this forum before.
    Georgemi6 wrote: »
    I can sense that there's going to be hell to be raised in the near future. First this business with the nute nerf, who was already useless anyway, now more useless, and this new broken fulcrum ahsoka that's gonna be released. I feel like tensions in this forum are at an all time high. Not to mention the fact that arena is dull and raids are stale and repetitive. I don't know what's going on, but we need to prioritize here. I agree that nute+ jawas was kinda broken, but all this nonsense with all the border line op toons being released has to stop. First GK and chaze, now ahsoka. This has to stop, and soon, or I fear something really bad is going to happen soon. This new game mode better lay golden eggs or something cuz I've never seen so many angry people on this forum before.

    It was way worse when mods first came out!

    I almost quit the game then just because of all the vitriol from other players.

    Right now things are concerning but we have yet to see vids of the new and improved Tarkin who SHOULD be a Rebel eater with the right team to support him.

    His AOE offense down and crit chance down that can't be resisted by Rebels will be quite affective against R2, Chaze and company.

    I understand the whole cleanse thing but cleansers are nothing new and DT is already quite affective against Chaze and R2 even in a triple cleanse lineup.

    But... Rex (L): cleanse+ tm va crits
    Chaze: cleanse, damage, dispel, taunt+ way too much other stuff
    GK: cleanse, taunt,+ also a bunch of other stuff
    R2: stun, burning, cleanse,+ a lot of other stuff
    Snips: self cleanse each effing turn, way too much damage, + a ton of other stuff
    Barriss: cleanse, heal, not too much else

    Any combination of these guys will be the meta to end all metas. They all have cleanse along with tons of other stuff, like taunt, massive damage, crazy heals, debuffs, dispels, counter chance, TM gain and removal, crit immunity, crit chance removal, DOT immunity, foresight, protection up, hard counters to crits, LS synergy, hard counters to dark side metas (maul vs R2+Rex, ahsoka vs Vader) assists, and prolly some other stuff that I missed, but yeah. These guys totes aren't OP at all. I should just calm down... ehh... ;)
  • aclbosox
    132 posts Member
    BSwoody87 wrote: »
    Spardog713 wrote: »
    Thanks guys for getting on this right away. You are protecting those of us whom have spent thousands on building specific HAAT teams to earn top tier rewards. Thanks for doing the right thing this time!

    Thousands? Dude, get a life. That's really sad....

    Look at you being judgmental on how people spend their money.
    ΔCŁBØSØX | Discord: aclbosox#8982
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    Spardog713 wrote: »
    Big spenders keep the game going... be sure to thank them when you see them

    You going to thank me then? "Fixing" Nute was a terrible idea but I've spent thousands on this game at this point. Does my opinion mean anything now anymore than it did before you knew how much I've spent?
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    Lol if you spent thousands on this game and still can't get top rewards even with this strategy available there is something really wrong with the way you play and spent that money. It's one phase so it dies nothing to let ftp take top rewards over guys who have huge rosters.
    If I see one more **** attacking a Jedi with a blaster pistol, then I'll kill them myself!
  • SnakesOnAPlane
    4363 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Official name of this comp is "Nutinni" (if you don't get it google "Jawa Utinni", listen, and then you will remember). :)
    Bt_7274 wrote: »
    We should name it "lugo" not this dumb name,after all they created this

    Wonder if snakes gets mad when people keep calling it Lugo after he insists it's called what he wants to call it lol

    Not at all. I'm humored, and humbled by all the lovely mentions. :D

    P.s. What are you in jail for this week?
    Post edited by SnakesOnAPlane on
  • THill80
    95 posts Member
    So you think EA was aware for months and months before they fixed the extra challenges bug?
  • BSwoody87
    149 posts Member
    aclbosox wrote: »
    BSwoody87 wrote: »
    Spardog713 wrote: »
    Thanks guys for getting on this right away. You are protecting those of us whom have spent thousands on building specific HAAT teams to earn top tier rewards. Thanks for doing the right thing this time!

    Thousands? Dude, get a life. That's really sad....

    Look at you being judgmental on how people spend their money.

    Well yeah? You're paying for pixels
  • tmntguy86
    446 posts Member
    Hmmmmm.... I think I just had a comment deleted from here. Didn't think I had violated anything. I was trying to edit the wording and now it's gone
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    Stop feeding the troll
  • Spardog713
    215 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    aclbosox wrote: »
    BSwoody87 wrote: »
    Spardog713 wrote: »
    Thanks guys for getting on this right away. You are protecting those of us whom have spent thousands on building specific HAAT teams to earn top tier rewards. Thanks for doing the right thing this time!

    Thousands? Dude, get a life. That's really sad....

    Look at you being judgmental on how people spend their money.

    This... meanwhile BSwoody at the strip club...
  • THill80
    95 posts Member
    I think you are giving them a little to much credit. They have better things to accomplish in their daily tasks to worry about one person tearing up their tank raid.
  • Options
    Just as the title suggests, this is aimed at the developers and this thread will most likely get taken down but it still needs to be said. Why is this Nute Jawa squad getting "fixed" this quickly when all of those abilities have been in the game for months. We all know it's a nerf at this point and there is absolutely no reason to nerf them. The mechanic isn't breaking anything, it's WAI based on what the description says it will do, and you are being petty because somebody yesterday figured out a way to use the mechanics you made for this game to play the game. Somebody figured out that Nute can make Jawas deal a lot of damage to only half of the Tank Raid, and they are already being nerfed because you failed to stress test every character in this game in every part of this game. This is unwarranted and unprecedented. There is no reason to do so and we all know it. If you are nerfing Nute and the Jawas then you better nerf Teebo in the Rancor Raid. You better nerf Zylo in the tank raid and you better start nerfing these squads the can solo entire phases of both raids because it is unfair to nerf one and none of the others. This "unintended behavior" is also applicable to so many other squads so you've got a lot of nerve to pull this so fast. At least you didn't wait until people farmed them up to nerf them, so thank you for that at least. Get to nerfing guys.

    You can put the games key game mode on auto and solo it, of course they were not going to let that fly.

    For 2 out of 4 of the raid phases and even then you have to rely on RNG to get results. Plus to top it all off, nothing about what they could do was broken or mislabeled like Zarris and Zader, it was WAI but the devs didn't like how well it was working so they decided to nerf the already terrible toon back into the graveyard.

    You could Solo a whole phase of the games key mode with the game on auto. We all know that's not WAI.

    So Teebo isn't WAI then? That's been around for about a year now right. He's able to solo **** near the entire raid, and now that Jyn is available, the Rancor Raid is 100% able to be fully autoed. This latest "fix" stopped people from being able to do only 2 of the 4 phases of the raid, and not even the hardest phases of the raid either.

    You couldn't put Teebo on auto.

    What are you going to do if this stays as is? You'll put it on auto and go back to having nothing to play but a few arena battles and Galactic war. Look at the big picture. If you want the game to still exist they have to have is actively playing it.

    I still have to worry about the hardest half the raid you ****. How is that so lost with you. This was an option to beat the two easiest phases of the raid. You still have to worry about GG in phase 1, and the army of Droids in phase 3. They changed it for absolutely no reason. And yes Teebo can still auto the Rancor raid, and with Bistan and Jyn the Rancor will never have a turn with Teebo

    Name calling? Classy.

    We all know this isn't WAI.

    Who is "we" here? Nearly 80% of the playerbase voted and said that they didn't need a nerf. You are in the minority here by a lot. It was working as intended because they were the ones that changed the ability in the first place to give 50% TM. They knew that it would do that when they released R2 but they didn't do a thing about it until Fugo discovered it and went public with the info.
  • THill80
    95 posts Member
    It's when you release it to the masses that makes it an issue
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    Can someone please post the picture of the nerf or nothin meme?
  • BSwoody87
    149 posts Member
    Spardog713 wrote: »
    aclbosox wrote: »
    BSwoody87 wrote: »
    Spardog713 wrote: »
    Thanks guys for getting on this right away. You are protecting those of us whom have spent thousands on building specific HAAT teams to earn top tier rewards. Thanks for doing the right thing this time!

    Thousands? Dude, get a life. That's really sad....

    Look at you being judgmental on how people spend their money.

    This... meanwhile BSwoody at the strip club...

    Nah I actually have loved ones....
  • CleverWes
    648 posts Member
    THill80 wrote: »
    I think you are giving them a little to much credit. They have better things to accomplish in their daily tasks to worry about one person tearing up their tank raid.

    Like... many people tearing up their tank raid?
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  • Nickielll
    195 posts Member
    Whazn wrote: »
    Nickielll wrote: »
    Ok guys, after reading nutes description i dont think this team is working as intended, it says the ally will gain 50% tm when stealthed and crit the first time, so the assist shouldnt give tm.

    It says each turn, so the assists count. Datcha gets a turn they get 50% each. Scavenger gets a turn, 50% each.

    Well I dont believe assist is a turn, for me a turn is when the turn meter of a toon reaches 100% then you will have another turn
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    Thats the rumor going around.
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    fixing this would require rewriting (probably) every event ability. The effort it would require to fix that would be enormous. Fixing Nutini is as simple as changing Nute's leader ability from 50% TM to 45% TM.

    So the amount of work involved determines the worth. How about the old saying. " Nothing with doing is ever easy"?
    If this is truly about principles then the amount of work should be irrelevant. The company seems to be giving conflicting mission statements. How about just fixing everything that's known to be broken all at once. Having someone log in on thier off day to respond to something that usually takes 6 months to get them acknowledge is telling in itself
  • aclbosox
    132 posts Member
    BSwoody87 wrote: »
    aclbosox wrote: »
    BSwoody87 wrote: »
    Spardog713 wrote: »
    Thanks guys for getting on this right away. You are protecting those of us whom have spent thousands on building specific HAAT teams to earn top tier rewards. Thanks for doing the right thing this time!

    Thousands? Dude, get a life. That's really sad....

    Look at you being judgmental on how people spend their money.

    Well yeah? You're paying for pixels

    If you get enjoyment from it then that's all that matters. This is merely a digital form of a hobby, like stamp collecting, comic books, crochet, etc. What hobbies do you have that I can criticize you for?
    ΔCŁBØSØX | Discord: aclbosox#8982
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    Lol if you spent thousands on this game and still can't get top rewards even with this strategy available there is something really wrong with the way you play and spent that money. It's one phase so it dies nothing to let ftp take top rewards over guys who have huge rosters.

    Who ever claimed to stop getting top rewards? I didn't. I can go mindless Nute team myself and still stay right with everyone else. It's the principle
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