Game Crash / Freeze Issues (New Patch 7/3 Related Only) [Mega] -- DEV RESPONSE


  • Vedd
    62 posts Member
    Still cant play because game is crushing. not a word from EA.
  • Golden
    2 posts Member
    Havent been able to login since early yesterday after i updated the game. The loading circle just keeps trying to load the game but nothing happens. Ios 10 and iphone 6. Any help from EA would be appreciated
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    @EA_Jesse @CG_Kozispoon @EA_MindTricks

    Please help.

    The game is crashing at a point where it's like Russian Roulette when I'm in arena, GW, raiding and ships.

    Ships have always performed poorly in that the frame rate has always been choppy and the game crashes periodically. Now, the game crashes when I'm in regular arena and ships crash the game even more frequntly (out of 5 battles, the game will crash twice; ships two to three times).

    I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game and does not help. Same issues remain.

    iOS iPhone and iPad mini. Never had issues this bad since the latest update. Please advise. Thanks!
  • Crowtalker
    52 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    After reading everything that has been posted it is very obvious that there is issues with the software not working correctly with the devices - manly ios

    No replies have been received to any of the post since the 3rd by EA or CG

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    GW issue has improved

    Slowness and crashing has not
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    Same here - there are about a dozen threads on this topic and the people overseeing the forums are not responding at all.

    The quiet is usually a bad sign

  • Kozispoon
    3245 posts EA Staff (retired)
    We've flagged this issue as a bug and sent it up for review. Thanks!
    Thank you for your patience 8D Forum Guidelines
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    I just upgraded from a 3.5 year old samsung device that was constantly crashing and hanging. Upgraded to a samsung s7, which is fairly current and am still having some issues with the app closing and layering screens.
    Intergalactic space slugs are recruiting. Pm me if interested in entering the slug life. ~°° ♡
  • Vedd
    62 posts Member
    When starting game i get to loading screen with briwf 0/12mb update status before game crashes. This update is bugged and someone should take responsibilty for putting out untested content. Not a single reply or even acknovledgement of the problem from Ea representatives!
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    Can't complete one fleet area battle. I went from 152 to 203 in rank today and caused me to fall a prize tier. Tried 3 battles and game crashed every time. Beyond frustrated with this at this point.
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    Ship battles crashing - 35 times and counting I dropped from 1st to 18th

    I doubt they get it fixed tomorrow so make it 40 battles and counting - thats 2 zetas people
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    I move it to top, it is still a huge problem for me
  • Orfy
    34 posts Member
    Everything in the first post is what I experience too.

    I also have lost crystals because I've lost a few battles due to arena crashing and I wanted to move up. Any chance on getting crystals back due to this issue?
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    same here for a while, then after the crashing stopped (most of the time, not all) it is now painfully slowwwww.
    at a point where I am not sure if the game is worth playing because of the wait/loading times.
    Empire Team with Boba!
  • tacos
    3 posts Member
    Guys i got a serious problem with the game lately. It got so slow since the last update. Loading time is way longer than before. If i open the character screen it does not show the portraits for several seconds. It takes a long time loading these. Another thing: it lags when i enter a battle...freeze for min. 3 sec. Im on android s7 edge. Everything updated, chache cleared, reboot. Nothing helped.
  • mujae
    2 posts Member
    Fought a Thrawn (L), r2d2, shore, GK, DN in arena and whenever I killed Thrawn he would be in his death animation and the game would freeze. The counter would keep going and the background animations would still move. Happened to me twice against the same team.
  • Derkus
    38 posts Member
    Still nothing ? I dropped from 23 to 53, in Fleet Arena and I can't even make a single fight
    iPhone 4 / iOS 9.3.5
  • crzydroid
    7378 posts Moderator
    Did he die from dots?
  • Jonais
    68 posts Member
    Thrawn death by dots... frozen combat
  • mujae
    2 posts Member
    I run zader. He had dots on him but I'm pretty sure both times he died from a hit.
  • Vedd
    62 posts Member
    Finnaly managed to bypass the 12mb file and get to the cantina. While loading game and getting to download screen game was crashing 2-3 seconds after update started. In this short period game was downloading small data pueces. 1000 restarts and 4 days later i managed to get into the cantina. Still downloading in game data now with occasional crashes but way better than before. Didnt try any battles yet but hope this bugged update wont cause more misery than it did.

    Anyways for the poor communication and non existant customer care i will keep following withdrawal of all crystal purchases from apple that i did in a last month.

    Good luck to all
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    Any news on this issue? Still can't complete a ship arena battle without crashing.
  • First_but_66_Order
    1014 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    Any news on this issue? Still can't complete a ship arena battle without crashing.

    Not yet.

    @CG_Kozispoon you are my last hope.
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    Same problem. Ship battles crash every time and game is very slow and lagy but worked fine before update
  • Pallax
    16 posts Member
    Death by dots - fragged my arena payout - extremely disappointing to have something directly affect
    the competitive portion of the game.dffa7babc8d1c6df6dadd33620a1baf0.jpg
  • wheywood76
    47 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    I'm getting pretty tired of the game crashing so much. It crashes for me probably a few times a day across devices. It never used to crash and the only thing to change is the update. So what gives devs? Crashing in GW is no problem, but if it's in Squad\Fleet Arena it's effectively losing me credits. And if it's in a raid it can be the difference between 1st or last. It's also lousy game play. Needs to be fixed and proto.
  • Gavstar
    214 posts Member
    Hello all, I'm sure I'm not the only one experiencing this. SWGOH App has a high frequency of crashes while in Ship battles. Its **** annoying!

    Not only do I lost a ship battle attempt, I have to wait for the battle timer to reset, and I likely forced to refresh for 50 crystals.

    I'm on iOS version 10.0.2. iPhone6S. Is this being addressed?
  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    I never refresh ship arena. You don't even get crystals..

    Also, I hope they resolve your issue. Never had the game crash in a fight.
  • LenoraLupin
    420 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    It's been happening to me too. It used to only happen occasionally and I can't tell if it's because of my wifi being satellite, and I don't have mobile data for my tablet, but now it seems to happen every time I try and do a fleet battle. And I'm wondering if it's happening to the rest of my shard too because I haven't really moved spots in the last three days or so. I'm going to try and run it in 1x speed tonight to see if maybe the lag that eventually causes it to crash will not happen. Worth a try anyway.

    I'm on an Android RCA tablet, literally the lowest compatible tablet for the game. xD

    Edit: My spec info and such:

    List device your using- RCA Tablet
    Os your on (ios9.x or kitkat 2.x) etc- Android 4.4.2
    Using mobile / wifi- Wifi
    Did you unisnstall then reinstall- No because I'm on limited monthly bandwith. I'll try during my free period after midnight.
    Post edited by LenoraLupin on
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