GW difficulty increases dramatically at level 60


  • CaroCanon
    200 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    I think that a lot of people just get unlucky pulls and most of us who are generally having an easy time don't come onto the boards and talk about it. Or, we attribute our success entirely to our own brilliance rather than at least partially to luck ;).

    I'm not a gamer, so my strategy is not amazing. I have read some guides to completing GW. I've been playing since mid-December and hit 70 last week. I finish GW most days on my main account. I've only spent about 20 bucks, for crystal refreshes. My iPad account started the day after and ranks worse in arena and has characters about five levels behind, and it gets harder opponents in GW. I think a lot of it is luck of the draw on your opponents.

    So to people struggling, all I can say is, hang in there. Read the strategy guides and maybe sacrifice a goat or two to the random number gods.
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    I was getting all the way through quite easily for about 2 straight weeks. Then as soon as I hit lvl 65 it has now become impossible.
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    Unlucky pulls for sure, but all the time!? =\

    Gimme a break RNG Gods! How have I offended you!?

    How do you build an altar to worship a concept of a pre-generated set of numbers based on a pseudo-random seed number?
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    Yeah, it Def seems harder to me. But either way if I throw chumps out against a tough team so they can use their specials, I can usually go in with my A team and beat them, even if their players are 10-15 levels higher than mine and purple geared and 7 star. I only have one 6 star at purple and 1- 5 star. Their player leveled 60-65. You just have to retreat and try energy single combo and try making different moves, eventually something will give. Although if battle idea really hard, I usually will have to sacrifice a taunting tank like STH or Poe. Not saying its easy, but possible yes.
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    Lvl 70. Lumi led Jedi team. Mace(pre buff too), Ahsoka, JC, Ima Gun (used to help Mace). Good synergy, but not a heavy hittjng team. I've failed only a few times, only when level 54 and lower though. And I know that's little consolation, but my experience has been super easy (not bragging, just my input). Even today, my hardest fight at the 11 battle was a lvl 61 team. My 12 was lvl 58.

    It's not fun being so easy, and doesn't seem right. It's as if I get low level players line ups, and some how they get mine. I'm not sure how they figure out matchmaking, but its not right. I actually have a deep bench, but never use them. No need.

    Yesterday I put 5* Anakin, QGJ, and Yoda in my GW team, replacing 7* heroes and lowering my over all power. Oddly enough, today was my easiest GW in ever (see above). Weird.
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    I sometimes have that issue. Some days I can complete it super easy, other days I can't even get pats half of the levels because the enemies are way better than me.
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    M9silent wrote: »
    Lvl 70. Lumi led Jedi team. Mace(pre buff too), Ahsoka, JC, Ima Gun (used to help Mace). Good synergy, but not a heavy hittjng team. I've failed only a few times, only when level 54 and lower though. And I know that's little consolation, but my experience has been super easy (not bragging, just my input). Even today, my hardest fight at the 11 battle was a lvl 61 team. My 12 was lvl 58.

    It's not fun being so easy, and doesn't seem right. It's as if I get low level players line ups, and some how they get mine. I'm not sure how they figure out matchmaking, but its not right. I actually have a deep bench, but never use them. No need.

    Yesterday I put 5* Anakin, QGJ, and Yoda in my GW team, replacing 7* heroes and lowering my over all power. Oddly enough, today was my easiest GW in ever (see above). Weird.

    I think we're facing the same teams and I'm about 20 lvls lower than you... Lol.

    Definitely not right. =\
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    Actually I'd love to trade pulls with you... You say 58-61 were the HARDEST of the day!?

    I get about 6 teams harder than that on every GW. 58-61 is about average for what I face.
    And I'm lvl 52.
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    @Mstrdrgn1012 Exactly. My enemy lineups should be level 65 at the lowest. Not 61 at the hardest. Maybe their algorithms are backwards.

    I'd honestly like it to be a challenge, and others would like to complete it. They need to adjust whatever they did to the matchmaking.
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    Definitely as your roster gets stronger, GW gets easier. I don't think you can rely on your "top 5 only" for the whole event unless they are super geared/starred up. The whole "just bring 3 healers" thing is **** because that's what I do and it's not always enough.

    For reference, I am level 65 now (almost 66). I can clear GW like 90% of the time. Most of my GWs go like this:

    1) First 6 nodes are super easy (level 59-65, undergeared opponents)
    2) Nodes 7-8 about average opponents
    3) Nodes 9, 10, 11 super hard, usually level 70, all 7*, all gear 8/9.
    4) Node 12 average opponent.

    Once in a while I will get a super hard team early. Yesterday I had a full level 66, 7*/max gear team at node 3 for example.

    My team (all level 65):

    7* Lumi (leader), gear 8
    7* Sid, gear 8
    5* GS, gear 8
    5* JC, gear 8
    4* Daka, gear 7

    Daka is the obvious weak link. She seems to get focused-fired down ALL THE TIME. Often I have to retreat and restart just so she doesn't keep dying.....but, her heals and stuns are very useful.

    My B-team (all between level 60-65) is:

    5* Poe, gear 8
    6* IG-86, gear 7
    4* Phasma, gear 7
    4* Greedo, gear 7
    4* Luke, gear 8

    As you can see, my B-team is built around quick damage, and they can sacrifice themselves to take out at least 1 or 2 of the opponents team before dying. Sometimes they can even clear a hard node by themselves. Once 1 or 2 have died, it's a breeze to bring my A-team back in and clear up the node.

    I also have a C and D team now. Those are full of level 20-50 toons, poorly geared. They are there solely to absorb the opponents special attacks before dying, so when you bring your A-team back in you don't have to deal with Phasma's Victory March, as an example.

    So.....there are usually 3 very hard nodes on each of my GWs. Between using my A,B,C, and D teams, I can clear those 3, and make it to the end. Once in a blue moon there will be more than 3 very difficult nodes, and then I won't have enough toons to clear them.

    GW is meant to be hard, I can appreciate that, and it's also not "suppose" to be cleared every time, which is my case. I am empathize with those of you who are unable to clear because the opponents are WAY (like 10+ levels) above your range, and therefore it doesn't matter how many teams you send at it, they are gonna get wiped in a second. All I can say is stick with it, build up your roster, focus on 10 toons to make a good A and B team, and you will be able to clear GW on a more regular basis in the future.

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    when you get your guys to level 70 it becomes a lot easier, level 50-65 can be pretty tough. When you have a solid squad of 5 toons 7* geared up with a couple healers in the mix, you'll be fine every day
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    I've won 3 in a row. Seems easier than pre update
  • puru
    161 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Definitely as your roster gets stronger, GW gets easier. I don't think you can rely on your "top 5 only" for the whole event unless they are super geared/starred up. The whole "just bring 3 healers" thing is **** because that's what I do and it's not always enough.

    For reference, I am level 65 now (almost 66). I can clear GW like 90% of the time. Most of my GWs go like this:

    1) First 6 nodes are super easy (level 59-65, undergeared opponents)
    2) Nodes 7-8 about average opponents
    3) Nodes 9, 10, 11 super hard, usually level 70, all 7*, all gear 8/9.
    4) Node 12 average opponent.

    Once in a while I will get a super hard team early. Yesterday I had a full level 66, 7*/max gear team at node 3 for example.

    My team (all level 65):

    7* Lumi (leader), gear 8
    7* Sid, gear 8
    5* GS, gear 8
    5* JC, gear 8
    4* Daka, gear 7

    Daka is the obvious weak link. She seems to get focused-fired down ALL THE TIME. Often I have to retreat and restart just so she doesn't keep dying.....but, her heals and stuns are very useful.

    My B-team (all between level 60-65) is:

    5* Poe, gear 8
    6* IG-86, gear 7
    4* Phasma, gear 7
    4* Greedo, gear 7
    4* Luke, gear 8

    As you can see, my B-team is built around quick damage, and they can sacrifice themselves to take out at least 1 or 2 of the opponents team before dying. Sometimes they can even clear a hard node by themselves. Once 1 or 2 have died, it's a breeze to bring my A-team back in and clear up the node.

    I also have a C and D team now. Those are full of level 20-50 toons, poorly geared. They are there solely to absorb the opponents special attacks before dying, so when you bring your A-team back in you don't have to deal with Phasma's Victory March, as an example.

    So.....there are usually 3 very hard nodes on each of my GWs. Between using my A,B,C, and D teams, I can clear those 3, and make it to the end. Once in a blue moon there will be more than 3 very difficult nodes, and then I won't have enough toons to clear them.

    GW is meant to be hard, I can appreciate that, and it's also not "suppose" to be cleared every time, which is my case. I am empathize with those of you who are unable to clear because the opponents are WAY (like 10+ levels) above your range, and therefore it doesn't matter how many teams you send at it, they are gonna get wiped in a second. All I can say is stick with it, build up your roster, focus on 10 toons to make a good A and B team, and you will be able to clear GW on a more regular basis in the future.

    I fully agree with this analysis and approach. I face almost the same difficulty level GW everyday and clear it everyday. I am currently level 68 but all my toons are level 65. I consistently face 7* lvl 70 teams from node 6-7 onwards. According to my understating GW difficulty is very heavily weighted on the power of your top 5 toons. For this reason I have chosen to maintain a deep bench and maintain parity between my A, B and C teams. My arena rank usually hovers around #60. I am currently upgrading my bench and havent touched my arena team for some time.

    The second most important thing is to run a team with 3 healers. Thats a absolute must. Life became much easier after I farmed daka. Her stuns are very useful. If you have bariss that works too.

    I typically rotate toons from my main team based on who am I facing or if they have grudge against my daka. Lumi's leader ability gives a health boost every turn, which is very very useful. On very hard nodes I have to create suicide squads from my bench

    A team (all level 65) g8
    • Lumi 6*(leader)
    • JC 6*
    • daka 4*
    • GS 6*
    • Poggle 5*
    bench (all level 62-65) g7-g8
    • Sid 7*
    • QGJ 5*
    • Poe 5*
    • Phasma 5*
    • Rey 5*
    • Kylo 4*
    • Maul 5*
    • Vader 4*
    • Talia 5*
    • STHan 5*
    • Chewie 4*
    • FOTP 3*
    • HK-47 5*

    Suicide Squad
    Another 15 toons

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    Y'all got huge rosters of steady toons.
    I wish I had half of your teams. >_<

    Maybe I'm leveling too fast!?
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    I wish I had a dime for every person who said GW is supposed to be hard , ya no ^#*+€T but this a €£*^+ JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    It was very difficult for me today. Two maxed out/nearly maxed out teams in a row midway through.

    But then the last 2 battles were level 59 and 60's which made me chuckle (in hesitant relief). I am chalking it up to RNG until/if it continues.
  • Mysery
    16 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    The retreat change combined with the target swap change completely blows given the preset persistent RNG list and inability to pass/defend. Sometimes the rolls are rediculiously stacked against you, and now there's very little you can do to get around it.

    Example: was forced to blow my suicide squad on match 7, so wasn't really an option for match 8, which included Dooku, Ben, Daka, Sid, Lumi all +4 lvls, purple gear, 5-7*. Double stuns from both Dooku and Daka with crit/double dots from Sid to virtually the whole team right off. Round 2 Ben ability blocks all, Dooku double crits 1 already damaged healer (dead), Sid + Lumi kill the second healer, while Daka double stuns again. Had only like 2 or 3 opportunities to act, most options resulted in dodge/deflect/resist. Messing with my roster, order, leader, attacking different targets, nothing made a real difference other than which of my toons died first.

    What's worse is I'm pretty sure these same mechanics apply to arena. If you loose a fight, then re-engage the same opponent... seems to use the same RNG list.

    Makes me wonder how often the RNG list resets. If its recycled a lot, without generating new rolls, would explain why some people have very long winning/losing streaks.
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    The galactic war isn't supposed to be easy. You shouldn't be able to beat it every single day.
  • DarthThai
    72 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    I haven't faced a killer series of squads in GW in a while, so I guess it was time. But, if you are going to give me a battle consisting of all 7*, Level 70, Level 8 gear of Sid (L), QGJ, Poe, GS, FOTP - (BTW, nice squad Superwizen), which is preceded and followed by difficult battles, at least have the decency to let me know, it's just not going to happen today. It would save me a lot of time and frustration.
    Post edited by DarthThai on
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    Happens man, better luck tomorrow. Having goon squads helps to burn Poe taunt. For me using that old battle axe daka has been crucial for winning GW. Dooku as well since nearly every team has lumi.
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    Team matchups seems different since the patch. My level 62 team with 2x6*, 1x5*, and several 4* used to beat GW almost every day. Today, on battle 10, I was paired against a team with 4x7*, 1x6* all level 70. That's a huge power difference. There's challenging and then there's frustrating because you have no chance. This was the latter. I did refrain from throwing my phone (barely.)
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    Well up to the point I reached this one, I think I hadn't lost any, but my JC was less than half health and I had burned Lumi and Barris heals on a standard lvl 70 team.

    I ended up suicide some 50 - 65 lvl characters to burn out the taunt, and get a little damage done to FOTP. I got through it after several tries, with 7* Lumi, Phasma, Sid, and 5* FOTP and GS, losing FOTP.

    It wasn't the one battle as much as the next fight being Lvl 70 7* Sid, Lumi, Kylo, 6* Dooku, Daka (Phex Krieg), in which I burned more suicide troops and lost several troops, but thankful I got passed it.

    Which was followed by lvl 68, 7* Sid, Lumi, GS, 6* Poe, 5* Poogle (something Chinese).

    With little in reserve, cooldowns not reset, and 75% or less health on my few remaining good troops, it's not much use.
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    When we FINALLY collect enough heroes to put together different squads and try them against various teams. Just almost win then retreat to try a different squad. The future looks bright!
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    Mine got a spike in difficulty after the last update. Sad.
  • Mizo
    172 posts Member
    So I have 30 well geared and 7star level 70 toons and I can get through guild wars about 60% of the time. I even have 7 star Yoda who is L7 gear and L70. I guess if you are in the top 10 in arena then they won't allow you to finish GW? I face no less than 6 level 70 teams that have 25000 to 28000 power. I actually think the GW is harder than getting 7 star Yoda. Lol
    Other than the mats that drop I don't care much but it's definately not a cake walk.
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    Iam ranked 30-50 I have 16 well geared level 70 and it's pretty easy for me to finish GW daily, it all depends who you have and how you use them I guess.
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    Dude I can't even finish a galactic war battle I've had 54 attempts and I am at level 66 with five and six*characters I can get to about 10 or 11 node and it's over . I have an awesome bench to but it's just a joke . I'm just going to keep leveling up gearing up and I just hope I can get through one at some point but pretty frustrating
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    Altoon33 wrote: »
    Dude I can't even finish a galactic war battle I've had 54 attempts and I am at level 66 with five and six*characters I can get to about 10 or 11 node and it's over . I have an awesome bench to but it's just a joke . I'm just going to keep leveling up gearing up and I just hope I can get through one at some point but pretty frustrating

    Same problem here but i will stay trying
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    It's all about the healers. Pretty much require JC, and Lumi. Barriss is a huge plus. Make sure to end every battle with Lumi's heal cooled down.
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