Ver Update 9: 08/28/2017 [MEGA]


  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    edited August 2017
    Lay off personal attacks versus devs. Calling them lazy or incompetent or how they are greedy or needing a whip is NOT funny and is neither helpful nor following forum guidelines. Consider this a general courtesy reminder

    Edit: spelling correct
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
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    Riffinator wrote: »
    Riffinator wrote: »
    LtGenStu wrote: »
    So much complaining... stop playing the game if it affects you so much...

    right cause complaining about complaining is different



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    Riffinator wrote: »
    LtGenStu wrote: »
    So much complaining... stop playing the game if it affects you so much...

    right cause complaining about complaining is different

    Same argument over and over very original...
  • Jamesm
    863 posts Member
    edited August 2017
    LtGenStu wrote: »
    So much complaining... stop playing the game if it affects you so much...

    When some of us have put money into this game, we expect the game to be entertaining and not constantly disappointing us

    then stop paying or stop playing. No one's forcing you to do any of this.
  • Faroer
    246 posts Member
    edited August 2017
    @CG_Kozispoon You are doing a great job communicating a situation that is beyond your control. The rest of the team really threw you under the bus on this one given this launch deadline has clearly been your internal target for a long time, and it was being cross marketed on other star wars accounts on twitter.

    Looking forward to the next concrete details you can provide when someone finally steps up, does their job, gets work done, and provides them to you. Thanks! Your coworkers should be ashamed.
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    Riffinator wrote: »
    LtGenStu wrote: »
    So much complaining... stop playing the game if it affects you so much...

    right cause complaining about complaining is different

    The thousands I've spent on this game says I can complain all I want. For some people it's more than a ftp pass time.
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    Jamesm wrote: »
    LtGenStu wrote: »
    So much complaining... stop playing the game if it affects you so much...

    When some of us have put money into this game, we expect the game to be entertaining and not constantly disappointing us

    then stop paying or stop playing. No one's forcing you to do any of this.

    Oh I've already stopped paying. If they keep this up I'll for sure stop playing.
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  • Bobby777
    614 posts Member
    edited August 2017

    I still don't have ugnaught unlocked :neutral:
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    LtGenStu wrote: »
    If CG don't give info, people are unhappy.
    If CG gives info, people are unhappy!

    Cg says that a toon that everyone has/can easily get is daily login character, every gets mad.
    CG says a completely unrelated bug delays the biggest release in the game's history, everyone stops spending...

    I pity Kozi, she's taking a lot of undeserved heat right now tho.
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    Some droids halted Hoth TB? We didn't have Hoth Han...

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    J0K3R wrote: »
    Lay off personal attacks versus devs. Calling them lazy or incompetent or how they are greedy or needing a whip is NOT funny and is neither helpful nor following forum guidelines. Consider this a general curtesy reminder


  • Jamesm
    863 posts Member
    Muaddib wrote: »
    Jamesm wrote: »
    When did the daily login character become such a big deal?? So what you have it 7*, most of the charcters the past year ive had 7*, it's free shard shop. Is it the cool thing to do to complain about every little thing now?

    Personally, it's just silly. Kozi said it would be a character we needed in a thread (before it was merged) filled with questions about it being one of the Hoth twins. Fine, more shard shop tokens. But she said it was "needed" which implied it would be helpful for the TB launching tomorrow (which isn't now). But since Phasma isn't going to be helpful for the TB... then how is that "needed"? Yes, I find it frustrating. Not because it's Phasma, the last 4 toons of the month have fed my shard shop currency, but because of the "needed" comment by Kozi. It's just weird. Ok, so tell us how this is needed? But per the usual, we get no communication about it. That's not a "big deal," but it is frustrating because it feed the pattern of very little communication. That part of this is getting old.

    You assumed "needed" meant TB when it could mean TLJ content and now theyre giving you advanced warning.
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    If you read the delay it said droid visual bug and a bug involving opening certain characters from packs. For all we know that bug could crash the game. Either way there is still more than one thing going on here.
  • Mihai29
    592 posts Member
    edited August 2017
    MmoProNick wrote: »
    LtGenStu wrote: »
    If CG don't give info, people are unhappy.
    If CG gives info, people are unhappy!

    Cg says that a toon that everyone has/can easily get is daily login character, every gets mad.
    CG says a completely unrelated bug delays the biggest release in the game's history, everyone stops spending...

    I pity Kozi, she's taking a lot of undeserved heat right now tho.

    You pitty her?....u must be beginner in the forum
  • Strubz
    429 posts Member
    Does anyone else realize this entire a lie? It's a mega update thread for an update that doesn't exist. Everyone take your blue pills and go to bed.
  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    Remember that time a ton of people asked for the daily raid ticket counter to be fixed and you said "would you rather have new content or a visual bug fix"? About that...
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    Still over 10 hours before it was supposed to launch. Plenty of time to fix some graphical bug. Unreal.
  • StarSon
    7491 posts Member
    Maegor wrote: »
    Remember that time a ton of people asked for the daily raid ticket counter to be fixed and you said "would you rather have new content or a visual bug fix"? About that...

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    This may be a big joke in an effort so they can take back August.

    Probably not actually
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    And the Winner is August! Nice try CG don't worry you'll still get a runner up ribbon.
  • Nith
    22 posts Member
    Am I the only one who's feeling like this is just a big joke? Come on, this can't be true
  • J7Luke
    484 posts Member
    When some random graphical bug results in a reschedule of the most anticipated new feature on this game a day before it happens.
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    Cuzzins wrote: »
    Septembers Daily login character is up <<HERE>>

    Again, about usefulness...
    Can we please get someone hard node exclusive of the FO instead?
    Like FOTP or FOST?
    I mean, we got Phasma for free in Dec 2015, then shewas the first addition to GW shipments.
    That wasnt nice, pls tell it them @CG_Kozispoon

    Agreed, this is most disappointing, even if Phasma is vaguely needed down the road for something it does not help in the here and now, plus many of us have her and those that don't can farm her easily!

    +12 parsecs I've had Phasma Gear 11 for a long time now. Excited for Tb but this is a let down.
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    Please? Chewy need a friend.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Still over 10 hours before it was supposed to launch. Plenty of time to fix some graphical bug. Unreal.

    Chill out. They need sleep. I'd rather they get it right, then push out buggy content and tgen be trying to hot fix it while our TB times are counting.

    People complain that they didn't have time to farm and gear characters for TB - more they complain that TB isn't here soon enough.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Hmm there is more new content on the forums than in the game.....
    | ANZGC | Exile |
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    ^_^ was just thinking that, unless they force first TB to start on a Thursday 6am and end on Wednesday at 5:59, then, next TB starts a minute after, it's still doable, and on top of that, they could make phase 5-6 of 12 hours as many guilds won't finish it and they'd gain an extra day, so could be launched Friday, we only have to hope, or collect cantina energy ^_^
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    I just can't wait for all the taking back August memes when they blow their timing. I'm gleefully waiting
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