Arena Bug mega- RESOLVED


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    I find that if you beat the current bugged node in GW, the next node return normal.
    I'm lucky and I was at the beginning, so it wasn't to difficult.
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    He is light side so its pretty standard
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    But even then it's way too high even at gear 11 it's only supposed to be around 33K
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    TheKunz wrote: »
    Today in GW on node 3 I came across a K2SO with 59k health at gear 8 if memory serves me right.

    Isn't this way to high of health for him?

    This is a bug, CG is working on it... (l guess)
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    Thanks just saw the post
    ElleMadara wrote: »
    TheKunz wrote: »
    Today in GW on node 3 I came across a K2SO with 59k health at gear 8 if memory serves me right.

    Isn't this way to high of health for him?

    This is a bug, CG is working on it... (l guess)

    Thanks just saw the post
  • Phayntom
    3 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    The Galactic War is still not fixed as of now.

    The AI has health meters and shields that are quite literally twice stronger then they should be based on the rank, skill levels and gear. this is NOT normal.

    I experienced this from the start of a new galactic war, and from fight number 1, and all my teams were beaten by fight number 3. On fight number one, I had 7 star characters, with level 8 gear, and 6 and 7's for all skill levels, and the health meters and shields for the AI were a least DOUBLE what mine were, not to mention that the amount of damage being dealt was double what I was doing. I'm sorry but that AINT normal. By fight 3 on a new Galactic war all characters and teams were beaten and disabled.

    Please fix. I've not wasted my time and money on a game that has these kinds of bugs.

    If you dont fix, time to move on to another game designer
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    So I saved my GW to do 2 runs back to back and now I lost whole loot from (at least) one run, on 2 accounts. I do understand there's a bug, but come on...
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    collapsE wrote: »
    He is light side so its pretty standard

    lol, this made my evening
  • RevanReborn
    25 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    i got owned by 4 g12 toons who are all rebels and attacked liked a resistance. the g11 raid Han was tough as GK and i was surprised my fulcrum's whirlwind (zeta) couldnt even take him out. it took me 5 shots of whirlwind and..... my squad died....and that kitten Han is still standing with his prot at 1/4 remaining.
    Post edited by Sunnie1978 on
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    Got a meta team: triple zeta CLS + double zeta R2D2 + Chaze + GK on node 9. All at around 350 speed and at least 100k health+prot. Exept the tanks, Baze has over 200k.. CLS hits for 70-100k. Chirut too.
    Already lost my key toons. I didnt lose a GW in months and now i lose it because this?! I am very very angry!!!!!!
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    Waiting for GW to stop 1-shotting my GK with a > 7k physical dmg and 95% crit chance CLS...
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    DracoBull wrote: »

    That is normal, COMMANDER LUKE is the most BROKEN character ever, he is ruining the game
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    Yup. GW is still bugged.

    Any fix planned?

    I'm on node 9. So get through this and it will be fine doesn't help when thrawn is doing 100k damage to me and I can't even dent protection.

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    Drepd wrote: »
    mine is working again. although I've lost 3 attempts in fleet, 1 in squad and 2 groups from GW I guess we won't get back.

    I will rephrase this. fleet is fixed but my node in GW isn't.
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    You need to swallow it, they won't fix this gw. Restart go next
  • crzydroid
    7371 posts Moderator
    Glad for a confirmation on bug. Will keep checking to see when this is resolved.
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    Can we get a confirmation on whether the current bugged galactic war node can/will be fixed? If not, just say it and we can press reset and get on with it instead of hanging here waiting till midnight.
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    Oh and by restarting at node 9 now i got that 200 tokens that can never be used and will be there forever :<
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    TesVevec wrote: »
    Oh and by restarting at node 9 now i got that 200 tokens that can never be used and will be there forever :<

    Same. Will forever be reminded of this fiasco
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    Tiali wrote: »
    Can we get a confirmation on whether the current bugged galactic war node can/will be fixed? If not, just say it and we can press reset and get on with it instead of hanging here waiting till midnight.

    This. On the plus side, midnight is only an hour away for me, so it's not a very long hang.
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    collapsE wrote: »
    You need to swallow it, they won't fix this gw. Restart go next

    ya know your attitude needs to change here a bit because, the Dev's need to know whats going on, in order for them to know what to fix. So if you don't like people reporting bugs then don't read them.

    as I stated before:
    I experienced this bug from the start of a new galactic war, and from fight number 1.
    On fight number one, I had 7 star characters, with level 8 gear, and 6 and 7's for every skill levels, and the AI health meters and shields for the AI were a least DOUBLE what mine were, not to mention that the amount of damage being dealt by the AI was at least double what I was doing, and their skills were below the skill levels of mine (6's and 7's). By fight 3 on a new Galactic war all characters and teams were beaten and disabled.

    Now I will say that from time to time, yes there are times you run into a slightly over powered team in the MIDDLE of a new glalactic war, but not on the first three or four fights and they certainly don't destroy every ones 7 star toons by fight 3. And they also are certainly not that strong even when they are a bit over powered. Today is absolutely the worst I have ever experienced it. Something has gone wrong, and unless we as players let the Dev's know ...... It will most likely continue.

    At least they have posted they are working on it.
    check out this post here .......

    if we post feedback and let them know whats going on, someone will see, and work on it for us at some point.

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    GW still broken - arena seems to be normal. Haven't tried fleet @CG_Kozispoon No QA on the hotfix :(
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    Stat manipulation in Arena, fleet & GW caused by a visable "bug".

    Does anyone understand the implications of this?
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    So that's it? No compensation whatsoever? Just "hey sorry we messed up again....oh you lost GW currency, and a lot of credits? Dang that stinks"
  • Kozispoon
    3245 posts EA Staff (retired)
    (9/18) Hotfix LIVE

    Hotfix has been pushed and the above issues regarding excessive damage in Arena have been addressed. Hooray! If you do not see these changes, please restart/refresh.

    Please note that if you began a Galactic War node containing overpowered opponents during the time this bug manifested, those opponents are 'saved' to your server. This means that despite the hotfix, this node, and remaining nodes, will remain very difficult. We're currently investigating how to move forward addressing this, but for now we recommend restarting Galactic War.
    Thank you for your patience 8D Forum Guidelines
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    Ok, at least a confirmation. Time for bed :p
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    (9/18) Hotfix LIVE

    Hotfix has been pushed and the above issues regarding excessive damage in Arena have been addressed. Hooray! If you do not see these changes, please restart/refresh.

    Please note that if you began a Galactic War node containing overpowered opponents during the time this bug manifested, those opponents are 'saved' to your server. This means that despite the hotfix, this node, and remaining nodes, will remain very difficult. We're currently investigating how to move forward addressing this, but for now we recommend restarting Galactic War.

    How about an apology instead of a hooray... this just doesn't seem like something that should be celebrated… A lot of people spend a lot of money on this game
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    I'm sorry if I seem a little bit angry about it… I'm just surprised that you're celebrating
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    They recommend restarting GW, I don't have a reset available, are they going to give us a free reset?
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