Nerf of Genosian Soldier


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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    gs is a hard hitter but not a game changer.
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    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    fikretkuru wrote: »
    gs is a hard hitter but not a game changer.
    GS with assists is nuts man. He single hand espy destroys the team.
  • fikretkuru
    111 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    fikretkuru wrote: »
    gs is a hard hitter but not a game changer.
    GS with assists is nuts man. He single hand espy destroys the team.

    you wrong he single hand destroy your squad member not a team. if he have an area effect than we can talk about nerf but we cant talk about single targeters for a nerf.
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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    btw poll question is wrong because i dont want nerf for him but he is not my favorite character.
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    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    I'd be very happy if they gave his set and stats to someone like anakin or luke.It hurts to see a bug overpower those iconic characters of the franchise
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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    Shanks wrote: »
    I'd be very happy if they gave his set and stats to someone like anakin or luke.It hurts to see a bug overpower those iconic characters of the franchise

    anakin has areal damage and when a dies all of your team will get damage bonus. when his ally died he gave turn meter and damage boost. he still powerfull.
    luke has more crit chance and stun ability, dot etc. etc.
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    Yeah let's nerf someone because they work well when synergized with the only character they share a synergy with.

    Logic. It's not just for dinner anymore.
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    SlyGambit wrote: »
    Yeah let's nerf someone because they work well when synergized with the only character they share a synergy with.

    Logic. It's not just for dinner anymore.

    Yeah, it's really depressing. GS, then Jinn's leader, then ST-Han. I'm sorry to say that players don't understand strategy or a challenge. It's ok. That's why those who are smart get higher paying jobs and become p2w in games. Yea for us! USA! USA!
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    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    SlyGambit wrote: »
    Yeah let's nerf someone because they work well when synergized with the only character they share a synergy with.

    Logic. It's not just for dinner anymore.

    Yeah, it's really depressing. GS, then Jinn's leader, then ST-Han. I'm sorry to say that players don't understand strategy or a challenge. It's ok. That's why those who are smart get higher paying jobs and become p2w in games. Yea for us! USA! USA!
    Had no idea successful CEOs and billionaires are playing this two bit tablet game.
    You funny lol ;)
  • Wjprberg
    59 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    Just saying, but in the clone wars the Jedi attack of geonosis was nearly defeated by the geonosian army, that should say something for their strength.

    Also, in episode two the geonosian soldiers captured Anakin and Padmai, GS deserves to be strong. But I still feel they should add the Geonosian Queen to the game
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    I wanna vote but your poll is just wrong.
    I dont think we need to nerf him. He is not my favorite and yes he is a bug with gun lol.
  • Achilles
    1380 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    The Geonosian soldiers (with Droids together) killed alot of Jedis when the clone wars started at the first battle of geonosis, maybe even more than Vader did in his Jedi purge later.

    I got GS in game and he deals nice damage, but dies pretty fast as well, so, i think he is strong, but not overpowered, no need to nerf.

    However, i agree that famous, named (iconic) characters should be stronger than nameless filler ... There are many characters, who are way too weak/slow compared to their movie-counter parts.
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    Nerfing him would kill one of the great f2p DPS equalizers. After GS you're really only left with IG-86, RP, and IG-88... and maybe Greedo as easily farmable f2p DPS characters, and they're all slow as dirt.
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    floods wrote: »
    Nerfing him would kill one of the great f2p DPS equalizers. After GS you're really only left with IG-86, RP, and IG-88... and maybe Greedo as easily farmable f2p DPS characters, and they're all slow as dirt.

    I think the nerf will come eventually. Start farming for other fast DPS.!
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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    Im slowly crawling my up to the top 20 in my bracket, I Barley see GS being used by other teams int he top 100. No need to Nerf him because he is not over used like POE was.
    When everyone uses a character because he is soo good then talk about Nerf. but for now there are so many options out there. stop making too many changes and let us play.
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    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    One of the best toons in this game right now is named Genosian Soldier. Is it a Jedi? A sith? No, its a bug with a gun. Is it the only of its type? No, its one of probably 100.000 other bugs with guns.

    This have to change! Right now iconic characters from the movies, especially Mace Windu, is unplayable. EA and CG have to change this.

    Do Genosian Soldier need a nerf?

    SUPEREDIT: The hate flood has now filled my house to the limit. Im sitting here in my room crying, thinking back on the first time i saw the Geonosian Soldiers in the Battle of Geonosis. They were wery scary to a 7 year old boy that all his life was scared of insects. This has nothing to do with him being easy to get and for the F2P players, its only because his creepy looks. Please EA & CG change his looks to a more friendly and likeable character. Im out, peace on the streets.

    What a stupid post.

    Go spend ur moms money on chromium packs leave my GS alone.

    He is powerful bcs extra gear level. Its only temporary and who cares if he isnt some important character. Gtf9 loser
  • Sixplicit
    88 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    NO! Genosian Soldier is my favorite character from the Star Wars universe.
    fikretkuru wrote: »
    gs is a hard hitter but not a game changer.
    GS with assists is nuts man. He single hand espy destroys the team.

    Isn't that an oxy ****. He needs another strong dps to assist. He is fine. Leave the bug be. If he gets a nerf Rey will be next one folks cry about.

    I do however agree that epic named characters should be better than no name characters. Mace still isn't amazing. Ahsoka is horrid. And the list goes on...

    So let's start buff threads instead of nerf ones.

  • RonTom
    268 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    I only have him at 1*, don't plan to farm hon in the foreseeable future, and still don't want him nerfed. Sure he can bring alot of hurt, but he's far from the scariest guy to see on the opposing team.

    My scariest is Obi-wan, but guess what. I don't want to nerf him either. I have Poe and wasn't happy when he got nerfed, but I realize it was a necessity (although the change to speed mechanics maybe made it less so). I finish top 20 twenty in my arena most days, top 5 once in a while, and I don't use him. Neither do all (but some) my competition at the top (All level 70 7* toons only). That probably means he's ok as he is.
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    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Having a lowly Geo soldier blasting the likes of a fully geared and leveled Jedi into oblivion simply seems wrong in the Star Wars universe.

    In that case, I would expect you would be for nerfing FOTP, since he can do pretty much the same thing, and he is just a lowly pilot.

    And in fact, I would imagine you would be more for nerfing FOTP's power, since I would expect a pilot to not be good with a gun, since they probably spend most of their time practicing flying. Same goes for ResPilot.

    Basically, what you are asking for is for any unnamed character to essentially be cannon fodder for the named characters, since that is essentially what they are in the movie.

    Nope. There is a huge difference between "cannon fodder" and reducing the effectiveness of minor characters so that they are not actually MORE powerful than major ones. It's really not that hard of a concept.

    Honestly, I grow tired of this strawman argument, and would appreciate it if people would simply respond to what I ACTUALLY stated as opposed to putting words in my mouth, then arguing with those.

    Nerfing GS (or FOTP) so they are still very much functional, but simply not more powerful than, say Mace or Luminara, etc. is all I have suggested.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    Copy and Pasted

    Qui Gon has 10.6K health. IG 86 has 10.9. GS has 12.3

    Qui Gon's basic attack does **** for damage so he is not as valuable when he is the one getting called in for an assist

    IG 86 is slow at 116 speed (without leader) and still slower than GS with Lobot as lead
    Qui Gon's tenacity is 37%. IG 86 is 31%. Geonosian is 42%.

    Qui Gon has a lot of counters like Sid (dodge) and Dooku (stuns, ability blocks, and outrageous potency). IG 86 does as well, but those characters are not as prevalent at the top of most brackets.

    GS is a step above in almost every conceivable way. That took me a few minutes to put together so I hope you take the minute to read it. Though, I suspect you are aware and just defending him because he is benefiting you.

  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Having a lowly Geo soldier blasting the likes of a fully geared and leveled Jedi into oblivion simply seems wrong in the Star Wars universe.

    In that case, I would expect you would be for nerfing FOTP, since he can do pretty much the same thing, and he is just a lowly pilot.

    And in fact, I would imagine you would be more for nerfing FOTP's power, since I would expect a pilot to not be good with a gun, since they probably spend most of their time practicing flying. Same goes for ResPilot.

    Basically, what you are asking for is for any unnamed character to essentially be cannon fodder for the named characters, since that is essentially what they are in the movie.

    Nope. There is a huge difference between "cannon fodder" and reducing the effectiveness of minor characters so that they are not actually MORE powerful than major ones. It's really not that hard of a concept.

    Honestly, I grow tired of this strawman argument, and would appreciate it if people would simply respond to what I ACTUALLY stated as opposed to putting words in my mouth, then (...)

    Nerfing GS (or FOTP) so they are still very much functional, but simply not more powerful than, say Mace or Luminara, etc. is all I have suggested.
    If none of the unnameds are more powerful than the named ones.... Why would anyone spend time farming them?

    Let's say you have Geo nerfed to the point he is just slightly below Luke. Why would anyone farm Geo over Luke, ever? He is ugly, has no fans, is not a char, he is just in the same cantina level. If he were worse than named guys, why would anyone farm him?

    I think you and those who propose that are looking at the game from s perspective of what is better for the players (more correctly, for players with your tastes). Not what is better for the game, or better for the company making the game. Making unnamed guys subpar compared to named guys as a philosophy means that fewer chars are valuable to be collected. Which means less crystals spent farming them and buying lacks for them. It also means less longevity for the game, and fewer valid teams, as some factions don't have enough chars and need to fill the ranks with Tie pilots and stormtroopers. Jawas, Ewoks, Geonosian, droids, etc are or will be factions in the game. They don't have enough nsmed guys. And they need to be a competitive option somedsy, or nobody will spend money to get them
    Post edited by Triqui on
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    l3end3r wrote: »
    No, I'm sick of EA nerfing characters. Might as well nerf QGJ, Rey, 86, Phasma, Kylo and 88 while you're at it if this is the trend.

    I don't even have GS, and I feel like most people who want a character nerfed are just upset that they don't have said character

    Well said. Now if more chars than Poe can PLEASE get nerfed bad, everybody would learn a bit more abiut how to not whine next

    GS is OP as you can one shot a char in turn 0.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    Triqui wrote: »
    Making unnamed guys subpar compared to named guys as a philosophy means that fewer chars are valuable to be collected. Which means less crystals spent farming them and buying lacks for them. It also means less longevity for the game, and fewer valid teams, as some factions don't have enough chars and need to fill the ranks with Tie pilots and stormtroopers. Jawas, Ewoks, Geonosian, droids, etc are or will be factions in the game. They don't have enough nsmed guys. And they need to be a competitive option somedsy, or nobody will spend money to get them

    This simply is not true. If the factions you named that "don't have enough name characters" (which isn't true to begin with - IG88 is a named character as is HK-47, Poggle & Sun Fac for Geonosians, etc.) - if their abilities were synergistic such that they derived more power from working as a team, they would be MORE sought after, not less.

    Droid teams are great BECAUSE they have synergies that work well together. That's exactly why people farm HK, IG88, IG86 & Magnaguard. If GS's speed or DPS was due to having other Geonosians around that provided those buffs to Geonosians only, that'd be great. I'd be all for it. It'd make game sense. It would make ALL Geonosians more valuable AND more sought after - but it's not and it doesn't. Only GS himself matters - even if he's on a team with Rey, Phasma, Sideous and Dooku (which makes little sense for many reasons).

    Yes, for those who like min/maxing he's great. For those that beleive he shouldn't be nerfed because "I FARMED HIM!" - I get it. For those that like a Star Wars game to at least resemble the Star Wars universe upon which the game is based, not as much. Is wanting a Star Wars game to at least on some basic level reflect the Star Wars universe "my taste"? Sure - and I'm sure many share that point of view. And it can be done and still hold (and actually increase) the value of ALL characters if done well.

    But only if CG/EA can be creative in their synergies and abilities - and people could set aside what's in their best interest vs. what's best for the game.

    ETA: Just wanted to point out, again for those who are throwing around the "you only want him nerfed because you don't have him!" argument. I have GS.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    Bug needs to be swatted...NERF him!
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    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    It doesn't even have to be a significant nerf. Just something to bring him more in line with other dps.

    Bring his speed down to ~140 or drop his health and tenacity to 10K/30%. Easy quick fix and people will still use him
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    Dude...Mace Windu got his hand cut off and was pushed out a window... Was probably the funniest death scene in all of SW
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    Anything resembling slightly the SW universe will require that s team of 2 Jedi could kill sbout 300 regular droids, like QGJ and Obi Wan in the Phantom Menace.

    If this make it more pslatable to you, it is not Geonosian Soldier beating Yoda. It is the virtual representation of a Geonosian Soldier defeating the virtual representation of Yoda in a holotable played by you, a scoudrel gambler in a SW cantina. The real chars themselves would make 0 sense because Yoda is dead when Kylo emerges and you could make a team with Anakin and Vader.
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    Bring his speed down to ~140 or drop his health and tenacity to 10K/30%. Easy quick fix and people will still use him
    That is where he would be, if he could use only gear 8 like everybody else.
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    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!
    Triqui wrote: »
    Bring his speed down to ~140 or drop his health and tenacity to 10K/30%. Easy quick fix and people will still use him
    That is where he would be, if he could use only gear 8 like everybody else.

    I don't care if it is because he has access to gear level 11. The solution should not be wait 6 more months until things may or may not even out.
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    HELL YEAH! He is no more then a bug with a gun!

    I don't care if it is because he has access to gear level 11. The solution should not be wait 6 more months until things may or may not even out.


    I dislike right now that we have QGJ and GS both being speedy assist high damagers. It's what makes "speed meta" so annoying right now. Nerf GS to something more standard for a nameless unit.

    ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ ︵ DOE
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