SWGoH Ultimate Wishlist! / QOL suggestions [MERGE]


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    Since everyone seems to have troubles with gear. Why not let us exchange ally point for specific high demand gear like Mk 3 Carbanti, Mk 3 Holo projector, Mk 5 Stun Gun, Mk 3 Stun Cuff...
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    Theophany wrote: »
    I find it hilarious that for months players were whining for new content and when new content arrived the tone changed and now they’re whining because there’s too much to do lol

    Reminds me of a child that says they’re hungry and when the parent brings them food the child says they weren’t hungry for that lol these guys just need to sit in a corner

    Amazingly enough, The Community isn't a single person (or child) but a number of people who think and want different things. But the nerve of people for having different opinions and expressing them. Everybody should always think the same and never change their minds based on new experiences or evidence.
  • Winstar
    2429 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    I just looked at my collection and I have 1000 toons that need 100,000 MK3 Carbanis in total and don't want to use real money. The struggle is real. I don't know why but I have to gear all of them.

    I just started playing a few months ago. Please do something. Thank you.

    @ dev 1, dev 2, dev 3, dev 4...
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    I completely ignored the rest of your post when you implied that the developers families would starve if a few more free Carbantis were handed out.
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    Would be cool if you could combine 3 to 5 mods together into 1 more powerful mod.
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    Let's just start with a lob that the Dev's can hit out of the park...please no more challenge gear in raids.
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    LukeDukem8 wrote: »
    Let's just start with a lob that the Dev's can hit out of the park...please no more challenge gear in raids.

    oh and make the arena payout based off the highest rank you achieved in a 24 hour period. (which I know is not a lob), but it would remove sniping and shard collusion. That is truly the nastiest and ugliest part of this game that NEVER should have been allowed to happen.

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    Still need that General Grievous rework :)
  • Lor_San_Teka
    558 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    What the OP doesn't understand is that each piece of gear has specific stats. There is no "sub Mk4 callers for mk 3 carbantis" because those drive completely different stats.

    What is needed is a straight up gear exchange / store (new currency type, yay), and a modification to the Challenges structure. TAC challenge is totally useless.

    Speaking of challenges, it would be nice to not get 3 qty on 3 of my 5 attempts for the Carb challenge. Or get 7 as often as I get 3. But I guarantee the rate of 3/4 is more than 50%, when 5 should be the norm, and you have 4/6 and 3/7 occurring with the same frequency.
  • niko2018
    171 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    Ha, giving an easier time on carbs and other ridiculous gears that needed by every toon will make dev go broke? Now who is the one that needs to be lessoned?

    You and I both know this carb cuff issues are deliberately put there to make people pay since it’s so much pain to farm them, and really, when did a new toon comes out that don’t need a good 3 or 4 carbs?
  • Globuhl
    751 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    Hard to disagree, that's a solid list that captures most of the issues with the game. I hope somebody with power notices it...
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    There's some pretty funny comments on here.
  • Shadeslayer7
    355 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    I +1 to all of this I agree with everything that would make this game easier to play and more fun
    Also let us favorite gear and players that aren't activated yet
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    Thank you for making this
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    I have been gearing up GK and ATF simultaneously, and it has been a massive pain, at last count it was around 700 carbanti salivate, 6 stun guns and 5 stun cuffs. It has been a slog and am glad I am nearly done and hopefully will reap the rewards in the arena

    I agree about the gear crunch but am also of the option that it was my choice to do it and my hard work will hopeful pay off. If it was easy to gear and promote characters everyone would just have the same OP team and maybe you wouldn’t feel like you achieved anything.
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    I love posts that complain about other posts that complain. Why don’t these threads get deleted or moved to the feedback sub Forum?
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    It is really disrespectful to players to still have a galactic war "achievement", when only the most elite teams can beat it, top 5% or so. I won it 37 times in the past, but have not won it in iver 3 months. If it was not intended to be beaten with any regular frequency, then the achievements for 50 or more gw wins is pointless.
    IGN: l l BOOM l l
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    First of all, there seems to be disagreement about what "Quality of Life" means. To me it refers to two things: the total amount of time required to complete the tasks required to gather most of the rewards available in a day, and the degree to which you can do these tasks on your own time. Some people think it refers to the gear (or credit, Zeta, shard, etc.) crunch, and some think it refers to basically anything they want.

    Also, regarding the "requesting for new content & then complaining about the grind" issue: The game obviously needs to add new content on a regular basis. However, it should not always REQUIRE you to complete all the old content/ tasks (if you want to play competitively).They should probably make the new content more rewarding but phase out the old content, or make it so that you can play it whenever you want for low/no rewards.
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    My wish for this game:

    - An event for Clones and more Clone Characters
    - A Legendary Event to take us back to the Old Republic or the Mandalorian war
    - A new type of pack in the shop
    - New Daily events and Challenges
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    As a long time player I have seen player turnover from when mods was introduced, when raids were introduced and now with TB. They all said the same thing, that this game takes up too much time at certain points of the day so I thought I would offer some suggestions.

    Disclosure - I am a family man with kids.

    A) Make the arena (and fleet battles) payout based on your highest rank during the preceding 24 hours.
    By this I mean that if you hit the #2 spot 12 hours before payout then that is what your payout would be; this means you don't have to play the game at ten minutes before payout time to get the best result.
    For example, if I take the train home between 4-5pm, and it's boring, then I can spend the whole hour playing arena battles and not have to save one or two battles for later on when it's closer to payout time - when you're saying hello to your kids for the first time of the day.

    B) TB - Rework it. Take away the phase timers and have one 7 day timer. Have it that a guild cannot goto the next phase until they have got full stars in the current phase, reset all toons each 24 hours after the start of the phase to allow the guilds to use all their toons again if they couldn't get full stars.
    Once the 7 day timer expires then finish the TB up and that's how many stars the guild gets.

    Another suggestion for TB's; little side quests to be completed for a players own rewards. Phase 6 you could fight a Wampa in his cave to recover a piece of Zeta material for yourself.

    C) Slider bar on spending ally points so we don't waste hours on it.

    Ability to trade up pieces;each part has a value (parts currency) which can be used to buy other currency pieces. Heck I'd be happy just to be allowed to sell some parts for shard store currency.
    Another concept would be the wrecking of certain ships; you can go back to 0 shards in that ship if you want to wreck them, so you might decide to wreck 'Jedi consulars ship' for 3 carbanettis and 1 droid caller.

    How about side games? There could be a game where you face 6 stormtroopers, and as you kill one it gets replaced by a more powerful version (or a commander, or a probe droide.t.c), and it just gets harder and harder without an ending.
    Final score is how many enemies killed.

    F) MODS
    Like squad builder we need something to help with mods. Need a method of quickly taking mods off toons. 1m credits to take all mods off all toons would be great.
    Need filters so we can quickly put mods in order (for example all my potency mods in order of secondary speeds).

    Allow for each player to earn 800 tickets per day but keep the maximum of 30k for the guild; that way if a player is in hospital and misses their 600 (which has happened) then we don't lose a raid.

    H) PACKS
    Stop the total randomness of cards that give '10-330' shards (I have only ever gotten 10 shards so I don't buy them), 1k crystals gives you 10-100 shards, 3k crystals gives you 101-200 and 6k crystals gives you 201-330 shards.

    P.S Yes I have more ideas but this will do as a start :)

    Looking for 1 member with 3.5m+ GP roster to help in GEO TB; we are 185m guild who are 70-6 in TW.
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    These are great idea. As a person with lots of free time i am lucky to be able to play an any point during the game but with arena and ships if I am not available to battle close to payout, and for a family man with children 6pm and 7pm are always going to be bad times, i could lose my ranking. The TB rework is great as it will allow guild to complete them at their own pace, be it faster or slower.

    The gear issues for certain items is getting stupid,we are short on key items if we want a balanced roster that is required for all parts of the game and have massive amounts of others that are only rarely used. This feels like a plan to increase spending or get left behind. Ability materials can fall into the same category. We need better ways to farm them, either increase the drop rates to better match the usage or place some key items in the lower nodes so they can be farmed more. Another option is to remove the limit on donations in the guild. By keeping the timer at 24hrs but removing the cap people can donate spare gear to newer members and help everyone progress

    Right now I can see no reason to want to spend money on this game, If i buy the packs i will either get 10 shards or characters I already have. I know its working as intended but for a long term player its too much of a risk. You made rarer characters needed for territory battles but have not increased the ways to farm them as much. I know hard nodes were increase form 3 to 5 but when their is double ups in cantina battle nodes like old ben, and characters like the First order and lobot are in 2 hard nodes only, meaning without crystaland perfect luck its a max of 10 shards per day.
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    Rework the ally points make tiers 1, 2, 3, each tier costing more ally points but also getting higher ranked gear. Keep the lower tiers for new players starting the game. And rework a dark side character that will stand a chance against CLS.
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    Do not put items for sale in any shop, that a player currently already has 250+ of. As a business practice, you are trying to sell ice to Eskimos.........
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    As a long time player I have seen player turnover from when mods was introduced, when raids were introduced and now with TB. They all said the same thing, that this game takes up too much time at certain points of the day so I thought I would offer some suggestions.

    Disclosure - I am a family man with kids.

    A) Make the arena (and fleet battles) payout based on your highest rank during the preceding 24 hours.
    By this I mean that if you hit the #2 spot 12 hours before payout then that is what your payout would be; this means you don't have to play the game at ten minutes before payout time to get the best result.
    For example, if I take the train home between 4-5pm, and it's boring, then I can spend the whole hour playing arena battles and not have to save one or two battles for later on when it's closer to payout time - when you're saying hello to your kids for the first time of the day.

    This cannot be stated enough. Highest of the day would be great, but I would gladly take just allowing us to pick our payout time. Doing it right during commute and dinner and family time is the worst time for most players. Plus it would increase arena activity causing more movement causing more refreshing and spending to get to the top. Just look what is happening in fleet right now with the updated rewards.
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    Practice Dummy (or Dummies).

    A simple node where you can assemble a team of any of your existing characters and face a set group of opponents. There are no rewards, its there just to test out skills, mods, group combinations against opponents that don't necessarily hit back. (I'm sure some people would prefer an actual fight, but for me its fine just to see the numbers, buffs, debuffs, etc.).

    Of course, thinking like a business, I understand if this was completely free some players would just do this all day and little else. To avoid that, limit to X number of free fights per day. After that a nominal crystal/credit fee to reset.
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    1) IM function in-game to send messages to other players
    2) Inventory function to browse the gear i have
    3) Time display in-game so i dont have to go to my phone's home screen to look at the time
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    CaptainRex wrote: »
    Copied this AMAZING Wishlist from voidminer on Reddit. Couldn't find a single thing he listed that I wouldn't LOVE to be implemented.
    @CG_JohnSalera @CG_Carrie @CG_Kozispoon @CG_RyDiggs @EA_Jesse this list solves SO many current problems with SWGoH, while still maintaining the balance of the game. Seriously, this is GOOD stuff!!!

    Balance and Gameplay Changes

    1) Ship challenges:
    Increase the amount of all attempts from 2 to 3.
    All Challenges: equalize the chance to get any amount of rewards.
    Show the min-max limits of each possible payout (i.e. 3-7).
    2) Challenges:
    TAC Challenge modification: addition of Mk3 Holo Projector Salvage starting from Tier 3 (max gains: T3-3, T4-4, T5-5).
    Bounty Hunter Challenge: increase the rewards by adding a variable payout (i.e. 150k-200k).
    All Challenges: equalize the chance to get any level of rewards.
    Show the min-max limits of each possible payout (i.e. 3-7).
    3) Omega Battles change to Zeta Battles:
    Tier 1 gives 500k Credits.
    Tier 2 gives 5 mk3, 7 mk2 and 10 mk3 ability materials.
    Tier 3 gives 1-3 Omega ability materials.
    Tier 4 added – with a guaranteed 1 Zeta ability material.
    4) Tank Takedown (AAT) Raid: challenge gear removed from all rewards pools (Mk8 Biotech Implant Salvage, Mk5 Athakam Medpac Salvage, Mk9 Fabritech Data Pad Salvage, Mk8 Neuro-Saav Electrobinoculars Salvage).
    5) Daily Login Rewards:
    Increase the payouts of Ally Points, Training Droids and Credits.
    Move the gear piece reward to the last day and make it worthwhile (Mk3 Carbanti)
    6) Guild Donations: reward players who donate with a little amount of Guild Tokens – like 1 for every white piece, 3 for every green piece, 5 for every blue piece and 10 for every purple piece.
    7) Raid Tickets: allow for 1 person to generate more than 600 tickets, even raising the cap to 650-700 would be enough.
    8) Galactic War: recalibrate some of the toons GP (like increase CLS) and match-making algorithm to provide a more fair experience, especially againts opponents with Zeta-level abilities.
    9) Crystals: bring back a Monthly Subscription option, which provides more value in Crystals on the condition of loyalty (daily login needed to collect the rewards)
    10) Squad & Fleet Arena: allow for easier browsing for opponents from the whole range possible.
    11) Squad Arena: increase all the Credit rewards slightly.
    12) Shipments: lower the Crystal cost of Mk4 Stun Gun, just to show there are no bad intentions there.

    QoL Changes

    1) Gear Inventory screen: making possible to make a gear piece or a PvE battle “favorite”.
    2) Character Inventory: possibility to manage squads at all times.
    3) Mod management:
    Name-able mod sets;
    Remove all mods button;
    Equip all mods from [set] button;
    Switch all mods between [X] and [Y] toon.
    4) Inbox: allow sending in-game messages, at least in-guild by guild officers.
    5) Achievements: modify or remove the “Days of Spring” achievement, as it is now unobtainable.
    6) Chat:
    Make guild officers messages distinguishable;
    Include @ mentions that ping the recipient, with a red number indicator by the chat icon to show, that “you’ve got mentioned [X] times”.
    7) Bronzium Data Cards: allow opening in batches, like in 5 at once.
    8) Guild Management Screen: allow sorting members by GP and Arena positions.
    9) Raids: allow guild officers to set automatic raid start times (provided there are enough tickets).
    10) Territory Battles:
    Allow the preview of who completed each Combat Mission.
    Allow guild officers to set automatic locks of territories when they reach a set amount of stars (in full range of 0-3), which can be timed of indefinite.

    Cosmetic Changes

    1) Clone Trooper helmets!


    Fix the raid ticket counter.

    These are all perfect. i think for the ability mat challenge in fleet, zeta drop rate should be increased (maybe all it needs is ~5-10%) and add the possibility of getting 3 zetas.

    One larger scale change they could do is increase the level cap to 90. As most of us are 85 already, this gives us all a general goal to work toward and helps to alleviate two large problems which are gear and zetas. At level 90, we could receive new challenge tiers that give pieces of G12 salvage and increases the drops of other gear we desperately need (Carbanti). Additionally at Level 90, the daily prize box could contain a zeta which will help in the long term.
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    McBee wrote: »
    Make credit heists weekly on a certain day. This whole "maybe it'll be 4 days or 13 days" isn't clever or witty or fun. It's dumb. The tons of new characters and content, with no reliable way to actually gain the necessary credit resources to develop them, is extremely annoying.

    On Sundays, instead of having the Bounty Hunter challenge, we could just have credit heist instead. Both of these should have the credits increased which could come with a level cap increase
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    i would like to add a personal one :smile:

    -Make sub categories for a specific store pack...

    There are 5 phoenix packs ? Make it an single card with sub cards that show the actual packs and prices.

    Really annoying when there are over 12 packs that don't interest me and I have to scroll like a mad man to get to bronzium.
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    This video sums up all of the QOL changes that would be awesome.
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