Territory Battles: Imperial - difficulty feedback


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    For all the hate that's still coming through:

    1) Kozi acknowledged last Thursday both the difficulty issue and the scoring bug.
    2) We're still going to get rewards from this TB. Even if you miss out on 4-5 stars, it's still rewards.
    3) We're all getting an opportunity to figure out what teams to use and we're getting time to gear them up.
    4) We're going to get compensation that will more than make up for what we'd miss out on from those 4-5 stars you may not be getting.

    They get it, but changes take time in any organization - even one who works with a fairly fluid programming methodology. It probably was released "too soon", but that ship sailed. Can we just accept what it is, realize we aren't getting a true experience, and be okay with that for now?
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    @kmilky You're right on the money, my hope is that they postpone the next Dark Side TB until the bugs are fixed. That also gives everyone more time to prepare their rosters.
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    @kmilky can not agree with you more.
    And this is what I have been telling my members. We know it is bugged out, we know the tuning is way out of whack. Heck, yesterday we could not even fill a SINGLE platoon completely, because the amounts of new FO characters and new NS in EVERY single platoon. Roll with it, and do what you can, put forth effort and lets see what comes of it all next week, or the week after.
    In the mean time, figure out what you need to figure out, kill order, abilities, so on. It will be polished in the end.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    In one platoon I had 2 nightsister spirits, 1 nightsister zombie and 1 Mother Talzin all at 5* - it made me laugh.
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    I'm not giving them a pass here but I'm not rage quitting either. Stuff must be addressed and soon, otherwise the anger becomes justified. Keeping chin up despite the obvious muck of DS TB. Bugs, cheaters, oh my.
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    Great post
    Not even a huge star drop. We might lose 2 stars compared to the last lightside tb
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    It is good that new challenges are being made and introduced. TB's are puzzles that allow guild and individuals to work towards achieving. Yes, this TB is very bad to say the least. Yes, it is too difficult. It is very buggy and I think the compensation for us sticking it out should be well thought out by EA/CG.

    However, I do not like that the DS TB is THIS difficult. If anything it needs to be toned down to the LS and the LS could be bumped up since there are more characters. I am fine with TB's being difficult, because now I can farm pretty much anybody and have some benefit to the guild.

    It is difficult though to farm for all these special events, R2, BB8, CLS, etc., and then try to work on resistance, nightsisters, bounty hunters, etc. This provides longevity. I like that.

    On the flip side, polished game modes should be expected from EA/CG when it comes to the Star Wars IP. I would rather they delay new content to make it right the first time, then have ALL this happen.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    BTBAMthony wrote: »
    First order squad is honestly just not very good in this. Well unless you spent thousands of dollars on the new unmasked Kylo and new tie pilot. Try a sith team with zMaul lead, nihilus, Zylo. That got me through first 3 phases. Failed on current phase four though.

    Everyone seems to fail on phase 4 - this isn't news to anyone.
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    DS TB Findings & Guidance


    Wanted to post here for those looking for help. Need to focus on disabling enemy specials, including strafe.
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    Phase 5 is crazy :) they hit you 20k on basic like wampa lol
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    This event has it problems and has been pushed out early, as I long time player I have seen this time and time again from the roll out of mods,

    The torment events to get toons, light side tb. I just hope that the tw roll out is read and not as badly flawed as this event has been.

  • Gawejn
    1129 posts Member
    My Empire team finished again combat mission. 4/4. But this is Thrawn, Shore, Storm, Death and Tarkin. Very strong team. Next team zVader Palp RG ad Snow did2/4. Team comps are strategic and stun is very helpfull.
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    I did 4/4 with Vader zeta lead G11, TFP g12, EP g11, Tarkin G10, Storm G8. Not great mods but using Tarkins debuff special was crucial along with force crush from Vader. Gave TFP huge TM gains and allowed him to deal massive damage on basic.
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    I'm not quite sure how my multi-zeta'd g12, well modded teams are supposed to get good enough to beat these missions. Oh wait, they can't. :/
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • zombiwan_kenobi
    427 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    kmilky wrote: »
    3) We're all getting an opportunity to figure out what teams to use and we're getting time to gear them up.

    Like kitten bountyhunters ? So many fights that require such an outdated and terrible faction. Plus they're a pain to farm... No thanks.
    We're not talking about difficulty here but also design.

    Post edited by Ambassador on
  • kmilky
    79 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    kmilky wrote: »
    3) We're all getting an opportunity to figure out what teams to use and we're getting time to gear them up.

    Like kitten bountyhunters ? So many fights that require such an outdated and terrible faction. Plus they're a pain to farm... No thanks.
    We're not talking about difficulty here but also design.

    Bounty hunters aren’t great but if you have them at 7* and g10 with decent mods they do fine. TB is about depth. I have all at 7 star but not geared at all, so I struggled. They are on my list to gear after troopers. And no, I don’t spend a ton. I use gift cards from the holidays and am otherwise ftp, I’ve just played for 2 years. What other factions would they have picked that would be consistent with a hoth theme? Night sisters? Sith? Separatists? It’s fine to not like stuff, but I don’t see any kind of design flaw. Hopefully they rework BH soon but until we experience the actual difficulty it seems premature to throw so much shade.
    Post edited by Ambassador on
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    kmilky wrote: »
    kmilky wrote: »
    3) We're all getting an opportunity to figure out what teams to use and we're getting time to gear them up.

    Like ****** bountyhunters ? So many fights that require such an outdated and terrible faction. Plus they're a pain to farm... No thanks.
    We're not talking about difficulty here but also design.

    Bounty hunters aren’t great but if you have them at 7* and g10 with decent mods they do fine. TB is about depth. I have all at 7 star but not geared at all, so I struggled. They are on my list to gear after troopers. And no, I don’t spend a ton. I use gift cards from the holidays and am otherwise ftp, I’ve just played for 2 years. What other factions would they have picked that would be consistent with a hoth theme? Night sisters? Sith? Separatists? It’s fine to not like stuff, but I don’t see any kind of design flaw. Hopefully they rework BH soon but until we experience the actual difficulty it seems premature to throw so much shade.

    Ehhhh... how can you say theyre fine at g10 if you dont have them at g10? I do, and I can say - I may have been able to finish the fight in p2 if I played somewhat better, but theres no way I even stand a remote chance at any of the rest without god mods.
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    Zenflow wrote: »
    kmilky wrote: »
    kmilky wrote: »
    3) We're all getting an opportunity to figure out what teams to use and we're getting time to gear them up.

    Like ****** bountyhunters ? So many fights that require such an outdated and terrible faction. Plus they're a pain to farm... No thanks.
    We're not talking about difficulty here but also design.

    Bounty hunters aren’t great but if you have them at 7* and g10 with decent mods they do fine. TB is about depth. I have all at 7 star but not geared at all, so I struggled. They are on my list to gear after troopers. And no, I don’t spend a ton. I use gift cards from the holidays and am otherwise ftp, I’ve just played for 2 years. What other factions would they have picked that would be consistent with a hoth theme? Night sisters? Sith? Separatists? It’s fine to not like stuff, but I don’t see any kind of design flaw. Hopefully they rework BH soon but until we experience the actual difficulty it seems premature to throw so much shade.

    Ehhhh... how can you say theyre fine at g10 if you dont have them at g10? I do, and I can say - I may have been able to finish the fight in p2 if I played somewhat better, but theres no way I even stand a remote chance at any of the rest without god mods.

    guild mates and arena shard mates :)
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    kmilky wrote: »
    Zenflow wrote: »
    kmilky wrote: »
    kmilky wrote: »
    3) We're all getting an opportunity to figure out what teams to use and we're getting time to gear them up.

    Like ****** bountyhunters ? So many fights that require such an outdated and terrible faction. Plus they're a pain to farm... No thanks.
    We're not talking about difficulty here but also design.

    Bounty hunters aren’t great but if you have them at 7* and g10 with decent mods they do fine. TB is about depth. I have all at 7 star but not geared at all, so I struggled. They are on my list to gear after troopers. And no, I don’t spend a ton. I use gift cards from the holidays and am otherwise ftp, I’ve just played for 2 years. What other factions would they have picked that would be consistent with a hoth theme? Night sisters? Sith? Separatists? It’s fine to not like stuff, but I don’t see any kind of design flaw. Hopefully they rework BH soon but until we experience the actual difficulty it seems premature to throw so much shade.

    Ehhhh... how can you say theyre fine at g10 if you dont have them at g10? I do, and I can say - I may have been able to finish the fight in p2 if I played somewhat better, but theres no way I even stand a remote chance at any of the rest without god mods.

    guild mates and arena shard mates :)

    Highly dependant on mods. Can tell you from experience as someone with mediocre mods at best, its not doable at that level.
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    Today’s phase of DS TB was the least enjoyable experience I’ve ever had playing this game.
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    Check_It wrote: »
    What an insult. My full g12, full zetaed First Order squad barely beat 4/4 on p1, and since has lost every 4/4 wave. “Challenge” doesn’t even begin to describe this. This entire dstb is a huge insult to everyone. The devs *must* see and know that this entire thing is a pathetic joke! It’s a waste of time. The whole thing is going to get reworked anyway, save us all some time... Cut the cord now, pull the plug, and go back to the drawing board. Rewards or not, I really don’t care. But I do care about wasting my time.

    In the meanwhile you can achieve any LSTB with a low gear resistance. Blame devs to not being able to tune LS/DS discrepancy. If one needs only G12 toons to get more stars in this TBs, a lot of players will just avoid this content.
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    Zenflow wrote: »
    kmilky wrote: »
    kmilky wrote: »
    3) We're all getting an opportunity to figure out what teams to use and we're getting time to gear them up.

    Like ****** bountyhunters ? So many fights that require such an outdated and terrible faction. Plus they're a pain to farm... No thanks.
    We're not talking about difficulty here but also design.

    Bounty hunters aren’t great but if you have them at 7* and g10 with decent mods they do fine. TB is about depth. I have all at 7 star but not geared at all, so I struggled. They are on my list to gear after troopers. And no, I don’t spend a ton. I use gift cards from the holidays and am otherwise ftp, I’ve just played for 2 years. What other factions would they have picked that would be consistent with a hoth theme? Night sisters? Sith? Separatists? It’s fine to not like stuff, but I don’t see any kind of design flaw. Hopefully they rework BH soon but until we experience the actual difficulty it seems premature to throw so much shade.

    Ehhhh... how can you say theyre fine at g10 if you dont have them at g10? I do, and I can say - I may have been able to finish the fight in p2 if I played somewhat better, but theres no way I even stand a remote chance at any of the rest without god mods.

    I cleared all 3 BH missions with G11 Boba, G11 88, G9 Zam, G7 Dengar, and G7 Greedo. I had solid potency but terrible speed on mods (Boba is at +33). Boba and 88 wiped through the rebels with Zam staying alive well enough to keep handing them TM to keep rebels constantly ability blocked.
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    kmilky wrote: »
    kmilky wrote: »
    3) We're all getting an opportunity to figure out what teams to use and we're getting time to gear them up.

    Like ****** bountyhunters ? So many fights that require such an outdated and terrible faction. Plus they're a pain to farm... No thanks.
    We're not talking about difficulty here but also design.

    Bounty hunters aren’t great but if you have them at 7* and g10 with decent mods they do fine. TB is about depth. I have all at 7 star but not geared at all, so I struggled. They are on my list to gear after troopers. And no, I don’t spend a ton. I use gift cards from the holidays and am otherwise ftp, I’ve just played for 2 years. What other factions would they have picked that would be consistent with a hoth theme? Night sisters? Sith? Separatists? It’s fine to not like stuff, but I don’t see any kind of design flaw. Hopefully they rework BH soon but until we experience the actual difficulty it seems premature to throw so much shade.

    Siths would have been fine but they could also have made Boba only mandatory, they didn't need to make so many battles BHs only.
    It's so poor design wise. Good luck farming Zam and Dengar along with the new trooper in guild shipment. Everything is about grabing more cash, not a single thing is about fun anymore.
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    kmilky wrote: »
    kmilky wrote: »
    3) We're all getting an opportunity to figure out what teams to use and we're getting time to gear them up.

    Like ****** bountyhunters ? So many fights that require such an outdated and terrible faction. Plus they're a pain to farm... No thanks.
    We're not talking about difficulty here but also design.

    Bounty hunters aren’t great but if you have them at 7* and g10 with decent mods they do fine. TB is about depth. I have all at 7 star but not geared at all, so I struggled. They are on my list to gear after troopers. And no, I don’t spend a ton. I use gift cards from the holidays and am otherwise ftp, I’ve just played for 2 years. What other factions would they have picked that would be consistent with a hoth theme? Night sisters? Sith? Separatists? It’s fine to not like stuff, but I don’t see any kind of design flaw. Hopefully they rework BH soon but until we experience the actual difficulty it seems premature to throw so much shade.

    Siths would have been fine but they could also have made Boba only mandatory, they didn't need to make so many battles BHs only.
    It's so poor design wise. Good luck farming Zam and Dengar along with the new trooper in guild shipment. Everything is about grabing more cash, not a single thing is about fun anymore.

    100% this. Also add that they raised characters to 450. They have to grab fake currency too.
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    Seriously? you expect people to participate on THOSE opponents with a 2* team???

    No to mention Vader's mission... just wow.
  • JohnnySteelAlpha
    2794 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    This is from wave 5 - total blowouts. You just need to build up the teams for DS. I know many don't have that currently so it seems really hard, but DS needs proper built characters and you have to matchup skills appropriately. I linked a post above about ability block & +1 CD as it relates to specials and strafe. Some in Order 66 are having success with FO, but it's mixed bag. Without ability block / +1 CD skills and some of the heavy aoe debuffs other DS teams have they're not the best matchup for the enemies presented in the DS TBs @Check_It




    EDIT: I'll link this again below since I know many are not reading past posts...

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    So you are saying people arent geared enough? I had problems on day 1 with G9 and G10. People had g12 toons getting flat lined. Empire teams getting wiped out. I personally seen Fracture cleansed off. How are you dismissing valid problems like this?
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    Perfxion wrote: »
    So you are saying people arent geared enough? I had problems on day 1 with G9 and G10. People had g12 toons getting flat lined. Empire teams getting wiped out. I personally seen Fracture cleansed off. How are you dismissing valid problems like this?

    No one is saying people aren't good enough - way to jump to an argumentative extreme - but these are new and complicated enemies that require certain tactics. It's new content that takes time to adapt. First Order for example is not a great matchup since they lack AB / +1 CD skills. It's hard to just brute force kill these rebels because their specials are insane and if you're eating a bunch of Strafes you're going to get murked even with G12 zeta'd teams...my post is an attempt to help and provide guidance - maybe considering other's successful experiences as well would be beneficial. That DK team I posed that routed wave 5 is a pretty F2P / low spend friendly team. DK being the hardest farm of course...DV team can remove MT just fine and put in DN instead and that's very F2P friendly. There's options.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Perfxion wrote: »
    So you are saying people arent geared enough? I had problems on day 1 with G9 and G10. People had g12 toons getting flat lined. Empire teams getting wiped out. I personally seen Fracture cleansed off. How are you dismissing valid problems like this?

    No one is saying people aren't good enough - way to jump to an argumentative extreme - but these are new and complicated enemies that require certain tactics. It's new content that takes time to adapt. First Order for example is not a great matchup since they lack AB / +1 CD skills. It's hard to just brute force kill these rebels because their specials are insane and if you're eating a bunch of Strafes you're going to get murked even with G12 zeta'd teams...my post is an attempt to help and provide guidance - maybe considering other's successful experiences as well would be beneficial. That DK team I posed that routed wave 5 is a pretty F2P / low spend friendly team. DK being the hardest farm of course...DV team can remove MT just fine and put in DN instead and that's very F2P friendly. There's options.

    I am not doubting that you are wrong - the videos you posted you have very strong DS teams, certainly not f2p - but that is the point of this game...growth & development of your roster and teams.

    But when people have gear level 10-12 teams with zetas getting wiped out on the 1st phase of 2* requirement missions - something is very wrong with the game design.

    When these rebels are cleansing debuffs that are not meant to be cleansed - like plague and fracture - something is wrong.

    So as much as you wanted to help by posting these end-game videos at the 5* level of DSTB, you are not really adding anything to the overall point.

    Not to mention Kozi already posted and confirmed that they didn't get this right judging the reaction of the entire playerbase (except you), and will be fixing this after this current DSTB runs its course. They cannot fix anything while it is still running.

    So everyone just needs to be patient, accept the rewards granted when this thing ends and look forward to the revised version when the Dev team have tweaked these issues.
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    Boo wrote: »
    Perfxion wrote: »
    So you are saying people arent geared enough? I had problems on day 1 with G9 and G10. People had g12 toons getting flat lined. Empire teams getting wiped out. I personally seen Fracture cleansed off. How are you dismissing valid problems like this?

    No one is saying people aren't good enough - way to jump to an argumentative extreme - but these are new and complicated enemies that require certain tactics. It's new content that takes time to adapt. First Order for example is not a great matchup since they lack AB / +1 CD skills. It's hard to just brute force kill these rebels because their specials are insane and if you're eating a bunch of Strafes you're going to get murked even with G12 zeta'd teams...my post is an attempt to help and provide guidance - maybe considering other's successful experiences as well would be beneficial. That DK team I posed that routed wave 5 is a pretty F2P / low spend friendly team. DK being the hardest farm of course...DV team can remove MT just fine and put in DN instead and that's very F2P friendly. There's options.

    I am not doubting that you are wrong - the videos you posted you have very strong DS teams, certainly not f2p - but that is the point of this game...growth & development of your roster and teams.

    But when people have gear level 10-12 teams with zetas getting wiped out on the 1st phase of 2* requirement missions - something is very wrong with the game design.

    When these rebels are cleansing debuffs that are not meant to be cleansed - like plague and fracture - something is wrong.

    So as much as you wanted to help by posting these end-game videos at the 5* level of DSTB, you are not really adding anything to the overall point.

    Not to mention Kozi already posted and confirmed that they didn't get this right judging the reaction of the entire playerbase (except you), and will be fixing this after this current DSTB runs its course. They cannot fix anything while it is still running.

    So everyone just needs to be patient, accept the rewards granted when this thing ends and look forward to the revised version when the Dev team have tweaked these issues.

    Well, FYI it isn't just me - the interwebz overstates the % of people unhappy with things relative to the % of people just fine with things. I know quite a few people that like the TBs difficulty level generally. The scaling seems off on the first waves I agree for 2*, but if you think I'm the only one that means you're just seeking out venues with like-minded players..

    Also...don't pull the woe-is-me F2P "end game guy" comment here...I have in that thread a wave 3 DK squad, where DK is just gear 11 and has no zeta. See the third screen shot in the post below. Team includes: TFP (many F2P have), Tarkin (same), DT (same) and Snowtrooper (harder to farm, but still a 2 year old launch character and he could be subbed for a number of toons). That's a ZERO zeta squad my friend with 2/5 of the team at just G11. That's far from a maxed out end game team. I think you're so focused on your argument that you're blocking out any evidence to the contrary.

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