When cls event come? [MERGED]


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    You should have him now
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    Probably december. 2018
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    Yees ! Dec 23 ! Coming son!
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    Days after jrey event ends.
    R2 has come again already, doubt there will be a 4th r2 event before cls.
    Only 2nd bb8 event and he is needed for Rey.
    Also r2 is meta so very few players missing him
    Mostly new players I would assume. R2 has been a almost universally used toon in arena for last 6 months.
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    Ywepii8 wrote: »
    Yees ! Dec 23 ! Coming son!

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    I think!
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    @Ssj3goku , @Th3Ch40t1C , @Goober1_ I'm just confused by players with this attitude. If you joined the game in the second half this year you have had R2's event ONCE and yes you might have 7* him in October if you started farming 5 Empire toons to 7* the minute you started playing, but let’s be honest, how many players do you think did that with everything else that needs farming?

    If you started the game in the beginning of this year or earlier you had your first shoot at R2 in the beginning of May. If you didn't get him to 7* in May you got another shot in august just before CLS got released. Why shouldn’t new players get the same chance?

    Just don't assume that all players have played the game for like 2 years and have every toon that has been released at 7 stars!
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    Ywepii8 wrote: »
    I think!

    It would be nice to deal with facts.
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    MajorP wrote: »
    @Ssj3goku , @Th3Ch40t1C , @Goober1_ I'm just confused by players with this attitude. If you joined the game in the second half this year you have had R2's event ONCE and yes you might have 7* him in October if you started farming 5 Empire toons to 7* the minute you started playing, but let’s be honest, how many players do you think did that with everything else that needs farming?

    If you started the game in the beginning of this year or earlier you had your first shoot at R2 in the beginning of May. If you didn't get him to 7* in May you got another shot in august just before CLS got released. Why shouldn’t new players get the same chance?

    Just don't assume that all players have played the game for like 2 years and have every toon that has been released at 7 stars!

    I don't assume new players have all required for r2, or that they have unlocked him .
    You assume new players who started middle of this year( 6 months or less) should have access to the best toon in the game.
    If new player wants r2 and cls they might have to spend some money
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    CLS will come in the next 10 days. If you think about it logically. It won’t be Yoda, EP, BB8, Thrawn, JTR (Because we’ve had these recently). This leaves R2D2, CLS & Chimera. I think the Chimera will come in January following the Fleet mastery events at the end of December.

    R2D2 was recent too, however, they could redo the event because we would have had a hero’s journey (JTR) by then.

    My guess would be that CLS is coming. If you heard the Dev interview, apparently JTR won’t be as OP as CLS but she will be able to nullify his impact, some what. (Providing you have BB8 and god mods)

    Be ready!
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    "If new player wants r2 and cls they might have to spend some money"

    As opposed to older players who didn't have to spend money because they got R2's event again just before CLS? I know several players who didn’t get R2 at 7 stars the first time but the second time, or else they wouldn’t have CLS. Anyhow, all I'm saying is the older players got a new opportunity to get R2 to 7 stars just before CLS and I don’t think it’s too much to ask that newer players get the same chance. Hopefully the devs. Thinks the same way, otherwise they would not have released BB8 again, before Jedi Rey.

  • Th3Ch40t1C
    147 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    MajorP wrote: »
    @Ssj3goku , @Th3Ch40t1C , @Goober1_ I'm just confused by players with this attitude. If you joined the game in the second half this year you have had R2's event ONCE and yes you might have 7* him in October if you started farming 5 Empire toons to 7* the minute you started playing, but let’s be honest, how many players do you think did that with everything else that needs farming?

    If you started the game in the beginning of this year or earlier you had your first shoot at R2 in the beginning of May. If you didn't get him to 7* in May you got another shot in august just before CLS got released. Why shouldn’t new players get the same chance?

    Just don't assume that all players have played the game for like 2 years and have every toon that has been released at 7 stars!

    Why would a player that just started have access to an end game character that even some people who played since the release dont have yet?
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    We worked hard for pit raid, hAAT, the legy chars and you want to get them after half a year with no effort? Lol. You probably never fought against cls. As long as you dont face cls every day in the arena, just be quiet.
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    Th3Ch40t1C wrote: »
    We worked hard for pit raid, hAAT, the legy chars and you want to get them after half a year with no effort? Lol. You probably never fought against cls. As long as you dont face cls every day in the arena, just be quiet.

    Shut up.
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    @Th3Ch40t1C without effort? You would still need to farm 10 characters to 7 stars and gear them properly, that is if you know from the beginning that this is all you would have to do. But to your point, no I'm not expecting to get it without effort I'm just wishing for the same chance older players got. That's it!

    In your logic the devs should not have released BB8 again because if you didn't get him at 7 stars the first time in September, well then you are **** out of luck getting Jedi Rey?
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    I suspect xmas - 1 week post TLJ release / close of Rey event.

    If not then, maybe new years.

    But if not then, I doubt he's coming back. Too OP.
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    Ywepii8 wrote: »
    I think!

    It would be nice to deal with facts.

    That's not how the internet works!
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    Liath wrote: »
    Sorry to **** on your bonfire, those ambiguously named 'recurring events', is it not possible that they could be training droid and credit heists?

    Since the first one was a mythic event..... no.

    Exactly. That's what I thought too.
    Massive SWGOH Community On Discord - https://discord.gg/QWvTUBZ
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    12/5 is the data mined rumor
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    Kozi has a very different concept of "soon" than the rest of us if cls isn't back in December. Like kozi told us that before Thanksgiving so end of December is really pushing it. That's my only thread of hope at this point.

    Cause kozi trolled us pretty hard in November if "soon" meant January or February.
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    @CG_Kozispoon to what do you define soon? Soon comes with a great range in time from a week (clearly not since this is a month old) to a year. Players had paid their dues and farmed hard for an event that's forever on the horizon and never getting closer. Now the game is focussed on the new (potentially game breaking) character that is even more unattainable for ftp players. Can we get an actual answer please?
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    I think we will never get a straight answer.
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    They made CLS mandatory to be able to succeed in Arena then dont let the F2P players have him. Thank you EA.
  • Kozispoon
    3245 posts EA Staff (retired)
    Masterme21 wrote: »

    @CG_Kozispoon to what do you define soon? Soon comes with a great range in time from a week (clearly not since this is a month old) to a year. Players had paid their dues and farmed hard for an event that's forever on the horizon and never getting closer. Now the game is focussed on the new (potentially game breaking) character that is even more unattainable for ftp players. Can we get an actual answer please?

    That it does!
    While I unfortunately cannot provide more information apart from the above, any updates on new and returning content can be followed in future Game Updates and the Event Calendar.
    Thank you for your patience 8D Forum Guidelines
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    Masterme21 wrote: »

    @CG_Kozispoon to what do you define soon? Soon comes with a great range in time from a week (clearly not since this is a month old) to a year. Players had paid their dues and farmed hard for an event that's forever on the horizon and never getting closer. Now the game is focussed on the new (potentially game breaking) character that is even more unattainable for ftp players. Can we get an actual answer please?

    That it does!
    While I unfortunately cannot provide more information apart from the above, any updates on new and returning content can be followed in future Game Updates and the Event Calendar.

    @CG_Kozispoon thank you greatly for the reply. While I understand you can't give specific details and mention the events calendar, surely the frustration is understood that legendary and other events tend to be left out of those calendars. The big rumour at the moment is that cls will appear in the "recurring event" slot late this month. Hopefully not much longer for his appearance.
    Again cheers for the reply and our time :)
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    Masterme21 wrote: »
    Masterme21 wrote: »

    @CG_Kozispoon to what do you define soon? Soon comes with a great range in time from a week (clearly not since this is a month old) to a year. Players had paid their dues and farmed hard for an event that's forever on the horizon and never getting closer. Now the game is focussed on the new (potentially game breaking) character that is even more unattainable for ftp players. Can we get an actual answer please?

    That it does!
    While I unfortunately cannot provide more information apart from the above, any updates on new and returning content can be followed in future Game Updates and the Event Calendar.

    @CG_Kozispoon thank you greatly for the reply. While I understand you can't give specific details and mention the events calendar, surely the frustration is understood that legendary and other events tend to be left out of those calendars. The big rumour at the moment is that cls will appear in the "recurring event" slot late this month. Hopefully not much longer for his appearance.
    Again cheers for the reply and our time :)

    Great feedback, ah, so, I missed the part about when CLS is returning?
  • scuba
    14148 posts Member


    Seems they hear/read the requests but are not at this time going to give the community any information till they are ready. Some psychological reason CG sees behind keeping this information secret

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    scuba wrote: »


    Seems they hear/read the requests but are not at this time going to give the community any information till they are ready. Some psychological reason CG sees behind keeping this information secret

    I just read the links. So by the logic of a developer, if they keep cls upcoming and not available it will keep players coming back. I feel there's a flaw in that reasoning: if you add a character to the game, the main character of Star Wars none the less, who is the single most powerful character in the game and then make him required to access certain parts that game and anyone without him significantly fall behind in many aspects of said game, how long are players expected to keep returning? We are now on the next heroes journey that only a minority will actually be able to unlock (veteran pay Wall) leaving anyone without either characters even further behind. I have seen comments regarding the lack of cls return and players ready to give up the game and I'm personally verging on that point myself with progression stunted for a reason as silly as "to keep players playing". It's been left long enough that everyone who doesn't have him is ready to unlock and no panic farming necessary for him (no income from a 2nd running of his event). The game for cls seekers is farm for weeks to never get the result.

    I found @CG_Kozispoon s "soon" more pleasing than these paragraphs of, to put simply, bad news.
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    MajorP wrote: »
    @Th3Ch40t1C without effort? You would still need to farm 10 characters to 7 stars and gear them properly, that is if you know from the beginning that this is all you would have to do. But to your point, no I'm not expecting to get it without effort I'm just wishing for the same chance older players got. That's it!

    In your logic the devs should not have released BB8 again because if you didn't get him at 7 stars the first time in September, well then you are **** out of luck getting Jedi Rey?

    If you dont meet the requirements the second time the event occurs then you cant blame the devs. If you are a new player and didnt play when the event occurred the first time, chances are you wont get hin this time. If you saw it occur and didnt farm you are the only one to blame.
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