Star Wars: The Last Jedi Spoiler thread


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    ElleMadara wrote: »
    Rian Johnson wasted a lot of good oportunities,
    l wanted to see:

    An explanation about Rey's powers
    A Heroic Luke
    The True power of Luke

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    Degs29 wrote: »
    The Last Jedi was great...except for the story. And that's unfortunately the important bit for a Star Wars movie.
    Oh my god, how could someone who knew Star Wars write that?! They kept serving up great potential only to fall flat on their faces. Every interesting story arc established in TFA and earlier films, as well as in TLJ itself, was allowed to just fizzle out. They established Snoke as a great Supreme Leader...the way he manipulated Rey and Kylo to get the confrontation was brilliant, and the way he taunted Rey once there was perfect. And then...dead. Talk about not capitalizing! Though even with his death it setup the interesting possibility of a Rey/Kylo alliance. But no, once again it simply devolves into the same old story.
    Luke/Rey training sessions...nope, not really. Snoke/Kylo training sessions...nope.
    80% of the movie revolves around a space chase that is so illogical, it astounds me. In addition, they might as well not have had Finn or Rose in this movie at all. BB8 was treated the same way as C3PO was in the prequels. Where JJ Abrams went light on CGI, Rian Johnston went all out, especially on the casino world.
    Mary Poppins Leia almost made me cry out in exasperation.
    Now, that's not to say there weren't cool moments. The opening 15 minutes were great. The Rey/Kylo lightsaber battle was pretty good. Rey in the DS cave was a cool scene, though one with little payoff. The sacrificial lightspeed run through the fleet was also cool, but it does make me wonder why they don't use lightspeed missiles if lightspeed is so destructive. I really liked the Luke projection thing, because it was a brilliant thing for him to do in that situation.
    But all in all, highly disappointing, to the point of being disastrous in my eyes. I'm not sure how the trilogy can be redeemed now. And I definitely don't know why critics are lauding this movie. It would have gotten a 7/10 from me as an entertaining movie, but as a Star Wars movie and with where they took the story? 4/10

    What do you think about Luke's death?

    This will be the major talking point long term. Should then have done it? Why did he die? Why not wait till IX? Will he come back as a force ghost?

    I liked how they did it overall because it gives a strong impression that Luke almost wanted to die in order to give him self to the force.

    I assume what actually caused him to die/ evaporate into the force was that seprateing himself from his body on the island must have took so much energy/lifeforce that it killed him.
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    Semi wrote: »
    The first part of the movie was great, the drama and the bombers. The rest of the movie was a toss up for me. The chewy scene with the furry creatures was funny, the yoda scene was great, the new AT-M6 walkers were cool. It was also neat that they put a regular ATAT beside the AT-M6 to show how much bigger they were. Kylo Ren as the new leader of the first order is a bit meh to me.

    It leaves a bitter taste in my darkside mouth now that Snoke is dead because who will Capital games now make as a darkside toon to compete against CLS and Jedi Training Rey?

    Hopefully not another Josh Groban toon.

    Dont forget that Leia know.... THAT horrible scene that in my opinion almost killed the franchise lol.

    Glad I'm not the only one. They Leia scene was was ridiculously dumb. It would have been so much better if Kylo would have pushed the trigger. To me that would have been a better fitting ending for Leia and complete Klyos transformation to the dark side.

    Now we have to deal with a CGI version of Leia for the next episode.
    Wanna see a trolls weak roster? Here ya go---->>>>'ve been warned.

    Re: Discussion in category Forum Trash
    HardPill2Swallow - December 22, 2017 2:25PM
    If you're like me and play faithfully everyday getting rank 1 constantly, working with others in your shard to not only stay competetive but also working to keep out new players from dropping your rank, then you will understand what I'm saying.

    When CLS came for the first time there were a lot of new faces that entered the top 10. Now that he is coming back we will see even more climbing the ranks...not because they have a good roster, or because they are good players..but because they finally got the CLS toon they have been crying about for months. We all know how good CLS is and how he fits into any team or any part of this game.

    The shard I'm in has the exact same feeling as I do: All of us don't like to see new faces. All of us have controlled the top of our arena shard for well over a year and the last thing we want is to have to share our ranks with other players, not because they are good or deserve to be in the top 10...but because they weren't good enough to make it to the top 10 with what they had.

    Instead they are gonna climb the ranks because of 1 toon. Just 1 toon...that's it. They haven't worked endlessly day after day for months holding on to their ranks of their daily payout, helping each other out like so many of us do. Nor have they helped each other out from snipers like many of us also have done.

    My together to keep out all these new faces that get into the top 10 not because they are good or ain't good or deserve to be there...but because they couldn't get there before now all of a sudden because they got Luke they think they are top 10 arena tier and deserve to be there. They don't deserve to be there. Attack them soon as you get the chance to.

    I know this isn't a popular opinion and I'm gonna get tons of hate...and honestly I don't even care. I'm just saying what the majorty of all the top people of their arena shards are thinking:

    All these new players that are gonna enter the top 10 deserves to be targets first. Make them work for it. Show them just how competetive the top 10 is and what it takes if they wanna try and stay there.

    To all the new players entering the top better be ready for a war cause you're not climbing the ranks that easily because you finally got Luke. Better mod up, refresh and be ready to change your team up cause for players like me and many others: it takes dedication, team work, communication and a willingness to log in multiple times a day to hold on to your ranks that we've held on to for well over a year...and many others and myself aren't giving it up without a fight. Just because you finally got Luke doesn't mean you are gonna get an easy free ride to the top.

    If you can't beat any combination of squads in the top simply just don't belong there yet.
    Moderator TyloRen
    Points 0
    TyloRenTyloRen 5:05PM
    I appreciate passion and all, but I'm removing your post. It really serves no purpose, and trolling other users isn't permitted.
    HardPill2SwallowHardPill2Swallow 5:07PM
    **** you
  • jejuzang
    710 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    There is no more Resistance. In order for for there to be resistance they have to be RESISTING something. They are now Rebels as the are REBELLING aganist the FirstOrder.

    No i don't agree with how this is but it should still be corrected in game. So Rey, and all new toons from the movie are NOT resistance. They are REBELS.

    Even the characters in the movie called themselves Rebels. This should be reflected in game as well.

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    So you mean RJT should have rebel tag and her leader skill will apply to all Rebels?
  • Deus
    2 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    I am personally disappointed with the movie. The first one of the trilogy set multiple options for much more interesting outcomes than they showed in this one. By my opinion, they are repeating again the rebel/empire story they just renamed them resistance/first order, which is ridiculous, because half of the time they say we are rebels etc. They have simply replaced most of the main characters and repeat the same story: Vader-Kylo, Luke- Rey, R2D2-BB8, Emperor- Snoak and so on and so on. The Star Wars Universe is so big and they decided to refilm the same story with some changes in 3 movies .... impressive work Disney.
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    Yeah, that's not going to happen. The Rebel tag refers to the Rebel Alliance that fought the Galactic Empire. Simply being a rebel isn't enough to be a Rebel.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • DatBoi
    3615 posts Member
    Deus wrote: »
    I am personally disappointed with the movie. The first one of the trilogy set multiple options for much more interesting outcomes than they showed in this one. By my opinion, they are repeating again the rebel/empire story they just renamed them resistance/first order, which is ridiculous, because half of the time they say we are rebels etc. They have simply replaced most of the main characters and repeat the same story: Vader-Kylo, Luke- Rey, R2D2-BB8, Emperor- Snoak and so on and so on. The Star Wars Universe is so big and they decided to refilm the same story with some changes in 3 movies .... impressive work Disney.

    While TLJ clearly has parallel scenes to both Empire and Jedi, i think there’s a self awareness to how they’re executed so that they pay homage to the original scene without ripping it off or feeling lazy (unlike TFA). And since it heavily parallels both Empire and Jedi, episode 9 is finally (hopefully) going to feel like its own, new story.

    And ultimately, thats a prominent theme with TLJ: out with the old, in with the new. Personally, I thought this film was more of a reboot than TFA and effectively ushers in these new characters who aren’t defined by their predecessors and makes their arcs personal and genuine.

    I had a lot of issues with TLJ, but i loved its approach to the material and for the first time since 1983, i feel like I’ve gotten a new star wars movie that has its own story.
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    Well I guess we're not getting snoke in the game, first legendary toon for the FO is gonna be supreme leader kylo ren. I love that they took kylo from being a toddler throwing a temper tantrum into a legit bad a$$ that fight seen in the , I'm gonna call it a throne room, with him rey and the guards was the best thing I've seen in a theater all year.
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    Great character building for Rey and Kylo Ren in this one. Interested in where this all leads. If Kylo Ren dies and Rey rebuilds the Jedi with kids then it means the dark side will return stong again as both exist together and not alone.

    If Kylo Ren wins then other light side users will pop up to destroy him.

    The cycle is endless unless both sides join together.

    Does Kylo Ren have time to find an apprentice since these movies all take place in just a few days? Will there be years between 8 and 9?
    Seems like there should be two to three more so as this all doesnt seem rushed.

    Why did Snoke come fro. The outer rim and the resistances forces they were calling were also from the outer rim?

    Realisticaly how long can the resisistance keep going? They have nothing and the FO has millions of ships, vehicles and people.

    Seems like the next movie might be rushed to wrap things up.
    We needed Cobb Vanth shards for Krayt Dragon raid, Endor Gear Luke shards for Speeder Bike raid and Anakin Skywalker shards for Battle for Naboo raid?
  • DatBoi
    3615 posts Member
    Wings (1927) directed by William Wellman has a famous dolly shot that is almost perfectly replicated in The Last Jedi.
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    Good find. I think TLJ did a much better job with Omage than TFA did, especially since despite the heavy allusions to ESB, the plot wasn't identical as with TFA and ANH.
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    DatBoi wrote: »
    Deus wrote: »
    I am personally disappointed with the movie. The first one of the trilogy set multiple options for much more interesting outcomes than they showed in this one. By my opinion, they are repeating again the rebel/empire story they just renamed them resistance/first order, which is ridiculous, because half of the time they say we are rebels etc. They have simply replaced most of the main characters and repeat the same story: Vader-Kylo, Luke- Rey, R2D2-BB8, Emperor- Snoak and so on and so on. The Star Wars Universe is so big and they decided to refilm the same story with some changes in 3 movies .... impressive work Disney.

    While TLJ clearly has parallel scenes to both Empire and Jedi, i think there’s a self awareness to how they’re executed so that they pay homage to the original scene without ripping it off or feeling lazy (unlike TFA). And since it heavily parallels both Empire and Jedi, episode 9 is finally (hopefully) going to feel like its own, new story.

    And ultimately, thats a prominent theme with TLJ: out with the old, in with the new. Personally, I thought this film was more of a reboot than TFA and effectively ushers in these new characters who aren’t defined by their predecessors and makes their arcs personal and genuine.

    I had a lot of issues with TLJ, but i loved its approach to the material and for the first time since 1983, i feel like I’ve gotten a new star wars movie that has its own story.

    I would argree that it's a new story. However the plot was very thin it was 2h of the resistance being on the end of a string. Personally I would have liked to have seen more of Luke and Rey.

    I don't like some of the charecter arcs nothing has changed really other than Luke is dead and Kylo leads the FO and I'm not sure if I like how those arcs progressed
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    ElleMadara wrote: »
    Rian Johnson wasted a lot of good oportunities,
    l wanted to see:

    The Knights of Ren (in combat against Luke and Rey)
    Snoke's origin
    An explanation about Rey's powers
    A Heroic Luke
    The True power of Luke
    The True Power of Snoke
    Kylo & Rey vs Snoke
    Luke vs Snoke
    Anakin's Force Ghost
    A good ending to General Leia
    More screentime to Phasma
    Luke wielding his green lightsaber (in the actual story, not in a flashback)
    More screentime to R2, 3PO and Chewie
    I wanted to see Lando or Wedge

    You saw the knights of ren they got killed by rey and kylo
  • Thor_Odinson1
    1995 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Just finished the movie. Here are my thoughts:

    Leia came back for no apparent reason and proceeded to do next to nothing for the rest of the film.

    I liked the Kylo/Rey team up and the misdirect of Kylo's resolution being to kill Snoke (not Rey).

    Snoke went out like a wimp, and it irked me that we still got no explanation at all for his origin or power.

    Immediately following one of the Rey/Kylo force connections, Kylo finds water on his glove. Does this mean the force can physically transfer matter across these presumably mental connections? If so can force users use such an ability to literally teleport? Because that's what the scene suggested to me.

    I was ready to accept Finn's sacrifice and was peeved that Rose ruined it, especially since if she was able to maneuver into such an angle as that to take him out, then her craft should clearly have been fast enough to shoot the cannon to begin with.

    I think I would have preferred to see Luke actually fight Kylo, regardless of how cool his force projection ability was.

    I feel like Luke's death served no purpose. It felt empty. It was like Yoda's death in ROTJ when it should have been more like Ben's sacrifice in ANH. But at least with Yoda's death we knew it was his time, Luke still seemed like he had gas in the tank despite how broken he was.

    Is Poe just gonna end up with Rey now? Because Ep. 9 doesn't need to be like a Shakespearean comedy where everyone gets together at the end. And then old granny Leia just sits back and approves from the end of the table since apparently she is immortal. (Even though she died IRL, they already turned her into a CGI abomination in R1 and we know they can do it again Peter Cushing style for #9.)

    That's about all I got for now. It's 1:30 am. I'm tired.
  • DatBoi
    3615 posts Member
    Good find. I think TLJ did a much better job with Omage than TFA did, especially since despite the heavy allusions to ESB, the plot wasn't identical as with TFA and ANH.

    Agreed. Paralleled scenes weren't used out of laziness and were given enough of a twist to feel unique and necessary to the film’s story.
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    Good find. I think TLJ did a much better job with Omage than TFA did, especially since despite the heavy allusions to ESB, the plot wasn't identical as with TFA and ANH.

    It took me a second to figure out you meant homage. Okay yeah about that, I think this is a debate that will be argued over and over again.
    TLJ borrowed plot points from ESB and RotJ. TFA was practically a beat-for-beat remake of ANH, but TLJ blended episodes 5 and 6 and undercut expectations, especially with the reveal of Rey's parents as supposedly "nobodies." The debate is whether TLJ did this well or just recycled old ideas. That's up to the individual to decide.
    The field of battle is like the mongoose. Slow to joviality, but thirsty for morning sunshine.
    -Sun Tzu
  • DatBoi
    3615 posts Member
    Good find. I think TLJ did a much better job with Omage than TFA did, especially since despite the heavy allusions to ESB, the plot wasn't identical as with TFA and ANH.

    It took me a second to figure out you meant homage. Okay yeah about that, I think this is a debate that will be argued over and over again.
    TLJ borrowed plot points from ESB and RotJ. TFA was practically a beat-for-beat remake of ANH, but TLJ blended episodes 5 and 6 and undercut expectations, especially with the reveal of Rey's parents as supposedly "nobodies." The debate is whether TLJ did this well or just recycled old ideas. That's up to the individual to decide.

    The most important takeaway is that now that episodes 4, 5, and 6 have been covered, we are in new territory (come on jj old buddy dont fail me now)
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    The entire movie was a joke, too much humour was forced, which made Hux and the FO seem like a joke. 80% of the movie was a super boring ship chase which resulted in a very anti-climactic manner. Why didn't they have Leia replace Holdo driving the ship? That would've been the most Leia way to go out. They let her live and she did nothing the rest of the movie.

    It was an ok "movie" but it was terrible "Star Wars movie."

    I totally agree. It has become far too common in movies now to do two things:
    1. Ruin serious moments with lame jokes, Luke brushing his shoulder was a perfect example of this, especially considering how anachronistic it was.

    2. Refuse to kill characters at obvious times and/or resurrect them and thereby cheapen their deaths. First Leia, then later Finn.

    I wanted Leia to die when the bridge went out. It was fitting. Just show her floating peacefully through space for a moment and move on. They said they didn't cut her scenes because of Carrie Fisher's untimely death, but they should have cut those scenes because it made way more sense for her to die than to force ex machina herself back into the ship only to play no significant part in the rest of the film.

    I didn't want Finn to die...until they set him up to. I'm sick of movies yanking that rug out from under me. I never expect characters to either die OR stay dead anymore. Just once can you set up a sacrifice and give it a proper payoff? For all my complaints about TFA, at least Han is still dead. Two thumbs up to J.J. for getting one thing right in that movie.

    Oh and don't anyone bring up Luke. We all know he comes back as a force ghost at some point, everyone whose body disappears like that does.
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    The entire movie was a joke, too much humour was forced, which made Hux and the FO seem like a joke. 80% of the movie was a super boring ship chase which resulted in a very anti-climactic manner. Why didn't they have Leia replace Holdo driving the ship? That would've been the most Leia way to go out. They let her live and she did nothing the rest of the movie.

    It was an ok "movie" but it was terrible "Star Wars movie."

    I totally agree. It has become far too common in movies now to do two things:
    1. Ruin serious moments with lame jokes, Luke brushing his shoulder was a perfect example of this, especially considering how anachronistic it was.

    2. Refuse to kill characters at obvious times and/or resurrect them and thereby cheapen their deaths. First Leia, then later Finn.

    I wanted Leia to die when the bridge went out. It was fitting. Just show her floating peacefully through space for a moment and move on. They said they didn't cut her scenes because of Carrie Fisher's untimely death, but they should have cut those scenes because it made way more sense for her to die than to force ex machina herself back into the ship only to play no significant part in the rest of the film.

    I didn't want Finn to die...until they set him up to. I'm sick of movies yanking that rug out from under me. I never expect characters to either die OR stay dead anymore. Just once can you set up a sacrifice and give it a proper payoff? For all my complaints about TFA, at least Han is still dead. Two thumbs up to J.J. for getting one thing right in that movie.

    Oh and don't anyone bring up Luke. We all know he comes back as a force ghost at some point, everyone whose body disappears like that does.

    Luke's death is the biggest thing to happen in a Star Wars movie ever. The fact he 'died' in the way he did for me is the thing I remember most about the movie.

    Yes he will be a force ghost but why not let him live and kill him in episode 9?
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    I thought Luke’s death was perfect. It mirrored Obi-Wan’s sacrifice without being a ripoff, it demonstrated his power without undermining his character (unlike yoda in the prequels), it expands our understanding of the force, and it was a huge surprise that nobody could have seen coming. It was tasteful, emotional, bittersweet, and epic. Best part of the movie (following rey’s temptation by kylo which was shockingly convincing)
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    What did y’all think of the yoda scene? I was initially a little put off because of his appearance, but I loved the dialogue and scene itself. It reminded me of my favorite scenes from empire while expanding on them and distinguishing itself. People often forget how funny and seemingly contradictory he was in Empire, and TLJ perfectly captured his character the way I remember him.
  • TotenTeufel
    133 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    LordDirt wrote: »
    phatphil3 wrote: »
    @KorAgaz For a brief moment when Finn opens a compartment on the Falcon you see the ancient Jedi texts in there. Rey got them out before Yoda burnt that place like Mustafar did Anakin

    Where is Luke's green saber? Anakin's blue one is destroyed. Rey going to learn to make her own from the Jedi books for IX?

    It is a rule. To become a Jedi, they must craft their own lightsaber. So it made sense to destroy JKA's. Also it was foreshadowing for the end the Skywalker Jedi line.

    Lastly, Luke made his by reading OB's journal.
    “When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” George R R Martin
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    I like the fact that Luke kept his promise of going to the island to die while still haveing such a big influence.

    I liked Yoda. Everyone does and the fact we got to see him again was brilliant.

    I didn't notice anything wrong with the visuals. I think Yoda in ESB is creepy looking.

    Johnson used his character well. By burning the books Yoda is still teaching Luke that he needs to look forward and that being a Jedi was about doing what's right not getting distracted by rules or teachings.
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    Blue_10 wrote: »
    I like the fact that Luke kept his promise of going to the island to die while still haveing such a big influence.

    I liked Yoda. Everyone does and the fact we got to see him again was brilliant.

    I didn't notice anything wrong with the visuals. I think Yoda in ESB is creepy looking.

    Johnson used his character well. By burning the books Yoda is still teaching Luke that he needs to look forward and that being a Jedi was about doing what's right not getting distracted by rules or teachings.

    Yoda didn't burn the books. They're in the Falcon. Rey stole them. So the question is did Yoga already know Rey had the books. Hence why he asked what more the books could teach Rey. She has them, so she could learn from them. I also like Yoda is still messing with Luke's mind. He's done it since they first met.
    “When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” George R R Martin
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    Blue_10 wrote: »
    I like the fact that Luke kept his promise of going to the island to die while still haveing such a big influence.

    I liked Yoda. Everyone does and the fact we got to see him again was brilliant.

    I didn't notice anything wrong with the visuals. I think Yoda in ESB is creepy looking.

    Johnson used his character well. By burning the books Yoda is still teaching Luke that he needs to look forward and that being a Jedi was about doing what's right not getting distracted by rules or teachings.

    Except he didn't burn the books. Remember Yoda saying that there's nothing in the books Rey doesn't already possess? That's because she possesses the actual books. It was shown in an easy-to-miss scene at the end, they were in a drawer on the Falcon. And it makes Yoda possibly the best troll ever.
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    aliaknife wrote: »
    So you mean RJT should have rebel tag and her leader skill will apply to all Rebels?

    That's correct.
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    NicWester wrote: »
    Yeah, that's not going to happen. The Rebel tag refers to the Rebel Alliance that fought the Galactic Empire. Simply being a rebel isn't enough to be a Rebel.

    "Simply being a rebel isn't enough to be a Rebel."

    Quote of the week.
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    Rebels or not, I think they will keep them separated. They will either keep the "resistance" tag or have a "second rebellion" tag.
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    Actually the First Order are the Rebels, as they're rebelling against the New Republic.
This discussion has been closed.