Pop up crystal sale and Boba Fett pack [MERGE]


  • NewCaprica
    124 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    I had one pop-up earlier today an a bug occured so it didn't work. And it wasn't for the vault; for a pack of crystals though.
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    Most businesses would like to keep their spending customers happpy... Not EA. My last four cars have been manufactured by Toyota, but now Toyota is only allowing discount pricing if you have never bought a Toyota. I guess it’s time to check out other cars.....
  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    Yeah it is weird, you'd think they'd have them popping up all over. What was wrong with the old way? You buy it from the store and then it disappears. Clean and simple.
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    Like I keep saying, pass the word around your guildmates and sharmates to send in a ticket.

    Make sure to say this idea is horrible AND you never got the bonus pop ups!

    and if that doesn't work, make sure to ask for a callback.

    We can't let this fly. This is beyond re tard ed
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    Who thought pop up crystal sale was a good idea and their reasoning behind it? There is no good reason to add another layer to jump over.


    One! Quarter bonus... readily available but you have to wait for the fabled pop up
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    Same here, asked in guild, not one person has had pop up...bummer
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    Yeah, you get the "just for you!" packs pop-up like 10 times a day, at least. For a bonus crystal pop-up (I believe Warrior said it) you get one time a day for it to pop-up? Even though there seems to be a trend for it to not be happening.

    Maybe something to look into CG? Just a recommendation.
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    send in a ticket

    ask your guildmates and sharmates to send in a ticket

    (see my msg right above yours)
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    So no pop up. I guess I don’t give you guys money. GREAT business sense.
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    No Pop Ups today. Am I reading it correctly that - maybe even purchasing the 20 dollar bonus pop up excludes you from more? And maybe any holiday bonus excludes you from purchasing as well???
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    Mckeli wrote: »
    Same here, asked in guild, not one person has had pop up...bummer

    My wife just had the boba Fett, no others. I am still waiting for all of them
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    NewCaprica wrote: »
    I had one pop-up earlier today an a bug occured so it didn't work. And it wasn't for the vault; for a pack of crystals though.

    I had this happen too, $20 version popped up and it closed somehow when I wanted to purchase it. This was yesterday and I've been waiting to see it again but no luck. So stupid not to just put it in the store.
  • Ikky2win
    870 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Purchasing something previously has nothing to do with whether you get the pop up. I’ve only been playing a month and I definitely have not bought the boba bundle, yet I still haven’t seen it pop up. I’m somewhat of a whale but I also have a f2p account and I haven’t got any pop ups on either account. Thus I would say your previous purchase history has nothing to do with this.
  • UncleOnceler
    196 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Still waiting . . . I'd like to give you money . . . hello, . . . are you there . . . can someone send me the deal so I can pay you . . . still waiting.

    What, I can't buy multiple tiers of discount crystals like every other sale, . . ok rather than 200 I guess I'll pay only 100 for the vault.

    What, you aren't actually offering the vault except through a pop no one receives, really? Ok, I guess I won't pay you 100.

    I'm always confused by stores with lines so long people are leaving . . it's money ready to spend, walking out the door.

    What you've done is hidden the registers. Maybe time to think about hiring a new VP of revenue/sales?
    Post edited by UncleOnceler on
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    Since we are on the subject and this practice seems more preditorial and less like Christmas spirit, I know people who never pay to play, and they seem luckier in the credit heist than me by far. ( I have NEVER got the highest payout). Are the algorethuims designed not to reward players if there is an increased chance that the said player might simply buy gems to compensate. I am not a whale, by any stretch, but I have occasionally purchased stuff. That tactics seems like something EA would do. It’s a similar tactic employed by slot machines.... an appearance of luck, but designed only to maximize their profits and your loses.
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    What_Why wrote: »
    NewCaprica wrote: »
    I had one pop-up earlier today an a bug occured so it didn't work. And it wasn't for the vault; for a pack of crystals though.

    I had this happen too, $20 version popped up and it closed somehow when I wanted to purchase it. This was yesterday and I've been waiting to see it again but no luck. So **** not to just put it in the store.

    I had the exact thing happen to me!!! it popped up I clicked purchase and it just closed out. It was for the 19.99 and 3800 crystals. How do we rectify this issue @CG_Kozispoon? Open up a customer support issue? I don't want to miss out on something that I think is a fair deal and I want to purchase.
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    This is seriously disappointing... I have waited two days to spend money on a vault and another crystal package without one pop-up. From a marketing perspective this is a horrible strategy. Hopefully, the marketing department relooks at this after Christmas.
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    redexon wrote: »
    This is seriously disappointing... I have waited two days to spend money on a vault and another crystal package without one pop-up. From a marketing perspective this is a horrible strategy. Hopefully, the marketing department relooks at this after Christmas.

    Yea this is another fail for the players/customers. Maybe it has to do with the minutes in the game they are trying to bulk up?? Idk?
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    Yeah, I'm really hoping they come back to work tomorrow and fix this.
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    Yeah, I'm really hoping they come back to work tomorrow and fix this.

    I think they are gone till after New Years
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    I got the 20 dollar pop up this morning. I didn’t want to spend the money.

    Since then I received a 50 dollar iTunes gift card for the holiday.

    Do you want it EA or should I send those funds somewhere else?
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    Vicarious wrote: »
    So far the only pop ups some players have received have been the Boba and the $19.99 flash sales. Not a single $99.99 crystal package has appeared.

    How about the fact that some of us have seen NONE of the pop ups after 2 days. I just want to buy the Boba deal but even that hasn't shown up for me let alone any crystal packages. Seems ridiculous that we're basically playing with RNG and crossing our fingers in hopes that the pack we want to buy shows up.
  • Smack
    36 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    This is such a screw up. I've been waiting to buy a vault on sale so that I have the crystals to buy the omega pack which only last for 3 days and you can only purchase 1 a day. Now that this has been a fail I cannot buy the Omega pack for at least today so there goes all of those omeags and who knows, This thing will probably get fixed after the omega packs are gone. This is such an epic disaster. I cannot believe that there is absoultely nobody working on fixing this or at least letting us know that they know there is a problem. I love this game but this move to make spending our money only available via pop up is far and away the worst move they have ever made, whoemever had this idea should be fired immediately. Some of us were waiting to spend our money and get some good gaming in on Christmas Day because we dont have to work. If I wasnt so invested in the community and this game I would quit immediately...
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    @CG_Kozispoon any response would be nice
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    The way they are handling this is ridiculous.
    They should just give the 25% extra crystals to any package that has been bought during the days when the promotion is supposed to be active. Once per package type.
  • Smack
    36 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    The way they are handling this is ridiculous.
    They should just give the 25% extra crystals to any package that has been bought during the days when the promotion is supposed to be active. Once per package type.

    Here’s a bright idea... DONT CHANGE SOMETHING THAT WORKS!! They have done these deals several times in the past. Leave them in the **** store for people to buy at their own leisure. They tried to get cute and wasted countless hours of people’s time. I have a guildmate who lives in China who literally waited for hours to see a pop up so he could spend $100 on a vault. Now nobody is freaking available for like another week? Are you serious? You have millions of people playing a game and nobody is around? This kitten is madness.
    Post edited by Kyno on
  • Bomroll
    399 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    What's madness is £70 for 4 gear pieces and some fluff. I would say that puts a new character at about £500 minimum to get, those players at battlefront have never had it so easy. The real madness / stupid is I'm still playing!
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    Should have started seeing them the 24 of December. I haven't seen any and it is almost the end of the 25.
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