February speculation (MERGE)


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    I can see people MAYBE wanting Hux added even though I personally thought he was a joke in the movie. I’d be interested in maybe Snoke and a couple more first order characters. But come on. Rose, DJ, and Holdo? Lol garbage characters. Like I’ve said in other threads. People would be much more interested in old republic and other legends characters.
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    I'd prefer Hux to other toons like Rose. He had a couple of "joke" moments because he's the villain and Disney can't allow him to be all-powerful and win, but he could have crushed the Resistance if Princess Kylo had let him do the job without interfering.
    Also, SuperLeia Poppins could be a good addition to the game.
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    That's just your opinion, you know. I personally liked each one of them. And secondly, they're Resistance, not Rebels.

    Honestly, the best thing for the game would be
    If they just merged the Resistance and Rebel tags. Doing the same for the FO/Empire would be nice, but not as justifiable sadly.

    I feel like TFA was a stupid rehash and TLJ was stuck trying to continue from that.

    Hux felt so incoherent he was almost two charachters.
    1)Crazy ranting stupid Hux from the opening
    2)Voice of reason Hux from the ending.
    I was like "how are you even the same guy?"
    iN Spectre
  • Cossin
    301 posts Member
    You guys do know that neither JJ nor Rian were simply able to make any film they want? They get ideas, scripts whatever and have a quite reasonable amount of freedom, yet it all passes through some committee with all kinds of questions and issues...

    So, in the end, I don‘t think one was stuck because of another. They did have different styles and visions on how to keep going, but in the end, it is going to be a coherent, last trilogy. I‘m pretty sure they knew JJ would direct the last one, before shooting ep 8 even started, thus there certainly had been instructions made. (Why they didn‘t leave it to just one director will probably stay a mystery for me)
    That‘s why I believe, that Episode 9 is the big revelation... tabula raza episode which changes the Star Wars universe completely...

    And interestingly enough, apparently Lucas mentioned that Episode 8 was pretty close to what he would‘ve had in mind for Episode 7.

    Theoretically, it‘ll be the end of the Skywalker storyline, handing the torch to a newer, fresher concept (favorably some grey force user style generation, where good and evil depend on the perception and side from which they are being looked at)
    Yet, some villain or villains ARE needed. So, either it will be reduced to a "XYZ - A Star Wars Story" franchise or they completely start anew. Otherwise it‘ll repeat the evil vs good force user plot over and over again. Actually, a Yuuzhan Vong style saga/storyline might be refreshing.
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    Surprised at how little has been done with relation to the new movie, especially since the devs claim to try and stay topical and current. Maybe therell still be something but it's a lot later than Rogue 1 stuff was. And TFA

    probably giving everyone a chance to see the new movie to avoid spoilers
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    Surprised at how little has been done with relation to the new movie, especially since the devs claim to try and stay topical and current. Maybe therell still be something but it's a lot later than Rogue 1 stuff was. And TFA

    probably giving everyone a chance to see the new movie to avoid spoilers

    Don't go making sense... it's bad for the forum.
  • Kyleslater
    438 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    Spoiler warning.....

    Well as much as I’d like more resistance characters so I could run two full squads (zfinn, zrtj) I suspect the finn/Poe login means we’ll need them in some event. Most likely a event for an fo character. I personally was quite supprised to see the lack of new ls characters leading up to the movie. That said I didn’t see anyone compelling in the movie.
    Just loads of resistance killed of. What’s left is stupid boring.
    Though we do need a resistance version of leia because we need more leia’s to go with all the Han’s.... and speeking of han... the next han better come with a lead ability cause sth’s lead doesn’t do them any good.

    On another aside... jtr isn’t near as compelling as I had hoped. I have her filled out except the dispel zeta. Not terribly impressed but we will see what else they add to give her momentum.
    I hate these new timesinks called Tb/tw. Annoying features.
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    Luniz wrote: »
    I think there will be a marquee event for rose who will be a mediocre support toon.

    B.Rook style
  • JaggedJ
    1352 posts Member
    Cossin wrote: »
    You guys do know that neither JJ nor Rian were simply able to make any film they want? They get ideas, scripts whatever and have a quite reasonable amount of freedom, yet it all passes through some committee with all kinds of questions and issues...

    So, in the end, I don‘t think one was stuck because of another. They did have different styles and visions on how to keep going, but in the end, it is going to be a coherent, last trilogy. I‘m pretty sure they knew JJ would direct the last one, before shooting ep 8 even started, thus there certainly had been instructions made. (Why they didn‘t leave it to just one director will probably stay a mystery for me)

    JJ was not supposed to direct episode 9. Colin Trevorrow (Jurassic World) was supposed to direct it but left the project September last year. So they had no clue that JJ would direct episode 9 before 8 started.

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    Cstone812 wrote: »
    I can see people MAYBE wanting Hux added even though I personally thought he was a joke in the movie. I’d be interested in maybe Snoke and a couple more first order characters. But come on. Rose, DJ, and Holdo? Lol garbage characters. Like I’ve said in other threads. People would be much more interested in old republic and other legends characters.

    You don't speak for everyone. Get over yourself.
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    I would like a Praetorian Guard, Executioner Storm Trooper and General Hux. Need more DS characters.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    The only ls i want right now is Granny Leia
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    God please don't add worthless TLJ folk like rose, holdo, etc.... Enough with light side crap. We need balance and we have none. Many have said it give palps a zeta, unique Vader, and if you really wanna have someone contest.... Make Revan available and slap him with a sith/Jedi tag!!
    Help Grievious if able. Savvy??
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    I can't take anyone seriously who calls those TLJ folk "worthless" but wants a coughing chicken robot rework.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    Atrreyu wrote: »
    God please don't add worthless TLJ folk like rose, holdo, etc.... Enough with light side ****. We need balance and we have none. Many have said it give palps a zeta, unique Vader, and if you really wanna have someone contest.... Make Revan available and slap him with a sith/Jedi tag!!
    Help Grievious if able. Savvy??

    ┳┻| _
    ┻┳| •.•) when nearly all content allows mixed squads
    ┳┻|⊂ノ light an dark dont mean anything
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Atlas1
    1713 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    Atrreyu wrote: »
    God please don't add worthless TLJ folk like rose, holdo, etc.... Enough with light side ****. We need balance and we have none. Many have said it give palps a zeta, unique Vader, and if you really wanna have someone contest.... Make Revan available and slap him with a sith/Jedi tag!!
    Help Grievious if able. Savvy??

    ┳┻| _
    ┻┳| •.•) when nearly all content allows mixed squads
    ┳┻|⊂ノ light an dark dont mean anything

    Uhhh territory battles? Light and dark are pretty important atm...
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    ewqewqc wrote: »
    we need release of new siths already.
    raven is the best option to swap this disgusting LS meta, along with Palpatine zetas (COME FREAKING ON) and give an alternative that can beat the rebel and resistance teams.

    every day we stray further from god.

    Play NSers or Imperial Troopers much? They can beat any JTR or Titans team. You just gotta gear them.

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    I may be the weird one here, but I'm hoping for a little bit of a lull boring period.

    So that I can get some good farming done, without having to worry about a new Event or Toon.

    I agree with this
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    Atlas1 wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    Atrreyu wrote: »
    God please don't add worthless TLJ folk like rose, holdo, etc.... Enough with light side ****. We need balance and we have none. Many have said it give palps a zeta, unique Vader, and if you really wanna have someone contest.... Make Revan available and slap him with a sith/Jedi tag!!
    Help Grievious if able. Savvy??

    ┳┻| _
    ┻┳| •.•) when nearly all content allows mixed squads
    ┳┻|⊂ノ light an dark dont mean anything

    Uhhh territory battles? Light and dark are pretty important atm...

    "Nearly all."

    More importantly, Territory Battles are balanced around the number of existing characters. Adding more characters won't make it easier, it'll only make platoons even more unpredictable until those new characters become farmable.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    More importantly, Territory Battles are balanced around the number of existing characters.

    I feel like that is a very generous view of DS TB.
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    We need like 7 to 8 more DS toons to make DS TB battles a bit better for the the platoons. Also arent there like 180ish LS toons and 169 DS toons?
  • botabu
    246 posts Member
    I know I am extremely disappointed with the lack of releases from TLJ. We have gotten 3 new toons and 2 ships. So many more toons that could be added. I would be happy with the just riot stormtrooper!
  • JohnnySteelAlpha
    2794 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    NicWester wrote: »
    Atlas1 wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    Atrreyu wrote: »
    God please don't add worthless TLJ folk like rose, holdo, etc.... Enough with light side ****. We need balance and we have none. Many have said it give palps a zeta, unique Vader, and if you really wanna have someone contest.... Make Revan available and slap him with a sith/Jedi tag!!
    Help Grievious if able. Savvy??

    ┳┻| _
    ┻┳| •.•) when nearly all content allows mixed squads
    ┳┻|⊂ノ light an dark dont mean anything

    Uhhh territory battles? Light and dark are pretty important atm...

    "Nearly all."

    More importantly, Territory Battles are balanced around the number of existing characters. Adding more characters won't make it easier, it'll only make platoons even more unpredictable until those new characters become farmable.

    The imbalance in LS / DS is key and a big part of why DS TB is so hard for many - the LS has been so good people have LS built very strong, multiple teams down. DS though, you get a bit past a few Empire and a few Sith and many players just haven't done much with DS toons on their roster because they've been pointless..and up to this point LS / DS didn't matter. The "LS / DS doesn't matter" take doesn't hold water anymore.
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    Ds toons need to be added to the point where unloading all tfps in platoons doesn’t hurt as much as it does now.
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    Just spent past 2-3 months prepping FO for bb8 and panic farming vets for Rey, I would be okay with a break so I could touch up on things I want to do (work on night sister's and empire) instead of chasing the next shiny
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    Funny how people think minor characters in the movies will be minor characters in the game. Chaze and Wiggs didn't have long lasting appeal in the Star Wars universe are are two highly sought after toon combos in this game. EP, Vader, and Yoda are iconic from the movies, all out shined by a toon from a kids cartoon(GK). Right now I would go and say DK is more valuable than EP in this game.
  • Cossin
    301 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    But Chaze had a long screen time and have been very important to the movie, while I wish I had never seen what the others "offered"to the Star Wars universe
    Most importantly that Holdo crap they turns the rebellion into utter fools not sending auto-/droid piloted ships into every large Imperial vessel even Starkiller Base included..... most non-canonical nonsense they produced.... all the hero‘s the rebellion lost have been turned into mere idiocracy and not being inventive in desperate times on rebel side.... not like the rebellion was ever desperate....
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    Perfxion wrote: »
    Funny how people think minor characters in the movies will be minor characters in the game. Chaze and Wiggs didn't have long lasting appeal in the Star Wars universe are are two highly sought after toon combos in this game. EP, Vader, and Yoda are iconic from the movies, all out shined by a toon from a kids cartoon(GK). Right now I would go and say DK is more valuable than EP in this game.
    GK is not from a kids cartoon, he also represents obi wan from episode 3 as he is still a general then
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    NicWester wrote: »
    Atlas1 wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    Atrreyu wrote: »
    God please don't add worthless TLJ folk like rose, holdo, etc.... Enough with light side ****. We need balance and we have none. Many have said it give palps a zeta, unique Vader, and if you really wanna have someone contest.... Make Revan available and slap him with a sith/Jedi tag!!
    Help Grievious if able. Savvy??

    ┳┻| _
    ┻┳| •.•) when nearly all content allows mixed squads
    ┳┻|⊂ノ light an dark dont mean anything

    Uhhh territory battles? Light and dark are pretty important atm...

    "Nearly all."

    More importantly, Territory Battles are balanced around the number of existing characters. Adding more characters won't make it easier, it'll only make platoons even more unpredictable until those new characters become farmable.

    The imbalance in LS / DS is key and a big part of why DS TB is so hard for many - the LS has been so good people have LS built very strong, multiple teams down. DS though, you get a bit past a few Empire and a few Sith and many players just haven't done much with DS toons on their roster because they've been pointless..and up to this point LS / DS didn't matter. The "LS / DS doesn't matter" take doesn't hold water anymore.
    Raids, Squad Arena, Territory Wars, Fleet Arena, Galactic War, about half of Events, Cantina Battles, even Credit/Droid Heists.

    Compared to: Territory Battles, Light/Dark Battles.

    (Note: I'm not considering anything that requires a specific faction squad (ie: Mod Challenges or Assault Battles). That goes beyond simple light/dark constraints.)
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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