Version Update 2/28/18 QoL + Sith Raid + Characters [MEGA]


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    So just about everyone is disappointed with this so called QoL update.Big surprise. :/ Like someone mentioned above,sure looks like nobody is listening to our demands (cries for help).
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    I don't understand why people are so super excited about half the game now being simmable. Isn't the whole point of it is to "play" ? If not, why not just make the whole thing simmable ? Create a button "Sim All" , two minutes , see you later. Personally , I like GW for a couple reasons, and won't sim it. Sure its easy at this point, but you can make it more challenging yourself.

    As for TW, ugh. Don't even wanna get into that clusterkitten of a mess, others have done it already.

    QoL ? LoL. Main issues that bother the majority of player base still haven't been addressed.

    Basically, try not to have high expectations, then there will be less disappointment.
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    I don't have anything new to contribute, but I will add my voice to the chorus saying that the TW changes are needlessly complicated and designed to prevent a problem that wasn't a problem in the first place.
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    Those TW banner changes, whatever reason you're doing them, it's not tie breaking that's for sure. They CERTAINLY aren't a Quality of Life increase. Please reconsider them. TW is my favorite game mode and you are unnecessarily complicating it and making it revolting and tedious.

    These banner changers are not a quality of life increase, they are a sharp decrease. Please do not implement them. Leave TW alone.

    Couldn't the main scoring have stayed the same and the change be used only if there is a tie? Bit like away goals counting twice in champion league iff the 2 leg score if tied?

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    I don’t like that favourites will be at the top instead of having their own tab now. I enjoyed going to a less cluttered zone to see characters I actually want
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    Don‘t like the TW changes either. Please don‘t implement this ridiculous idea.
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    they should make some arrangement about ally points. it takes forever to spend them
  • Astronavigatrix
    41 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    I think the updates are cool - favorites on top is super useful for farming, all the small shortcuts for gear purchases and squad selection are welcome, and it will be nice to sim galactic war on the days when I'm not trying out new squad configurations. Do I hope we get better mod management? Sure, but this is still progress.

    And as for the territory wars, it's awesome that we can see how well our defense squads did and that we get points for 1st defeats and surviving toons. I'm a guild leader and most of my people wanted both of those things. And really the math is not that difficult - in a game that substantially based around statistics, this is no big deal. Maybe I'm missing something at first glance that will make everyone abandon the territory wars en masse like everyone is claiming, but I don't see it.

    So good start @CG_Leviathan @CG_Kozispoon , looking forward to the rest of the year.
    Post edited by Astronavigatrix on
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    Ace0187420 wrote: »
    Mod management has to be the most requested QOL update wanted and we don't get it? Hey you can sort by text? Who cares it takes longer to type than to scroll. Definitely could of been better.

    We still have a Glimmer of hope.
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    DasMurich wrote: »
    No mod management, nothing to ease the gear and material crunch, no changes to any shipments? New challenge levels? Guild sandbox? Challenge gear left in raids?

    So, filters, sims, and changing how Territory Wars works, basically. This is the "highly anticipated" QoL update.


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    RunchGwar wrote: »
    I don't have anything new to contribute, but I will add my voice to the chorus saying that the TW changes are needlessly complicated and designed to prevent a problem that wasn't a problem in the first place.

    Firstly, there was a major problem top tier (90 mil+ guilds) that caused ties at an extremely annoying rate... Secondly, TW has become more and more defensively based, which slowly leads to stale gameplay, The changes actually give people a reason to save good teams for offense, rather than using some random team that only partially defeats the enemy. It's going be more fun, and the changes really aren't very convoluted.
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    No change to TAC gear challenge awarding anything vaguely useful
    No multi-open function for bronzium
    No mod management
    No sandbox/practice arena

    The 600 tickets counter is a bug fix. A very long standing and long overdue bug fix. Not a QoL update.

    As an officer in a guild am i suposed to thank you for an even more complex system for territory wars compounded by there being still no improvement to the in game communication available to me?

    If this is all we are getting as QoL, I echo the many disappointed voices here. There is nothing here that will improve quality of life. Nothing.
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    At least now for us Apple users who own android devices we can use the trick that there are many YouTube videos on to mass open bronziums
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    ProximaB1_ wrote: »
    Anyone else really worried about the height changing squad position. I purposely put characters in locations where I know I can click on them. I've always had trouble with some spots. I realize that they are trying to fix it so it works. But could easily cause it to happen.

    Yeah i dont like this. Sometines i organize my charactets on purpose. Like i put anakin and ahsoka in the back on purpose so they can be beside eachother just because i like it that way
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    tw changes are really awful...

    what are you thinking that officers and leaders will do with guildmembers who have less than 2mio gp, or guildmember with more than that but still are not able to win on their first attempt?
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    jedilord wrote: »
    tw changes are really awful...

    what are you thinking that officers and leaders will do with guildmembers who have less than 2mio gp, or guildmember with more than that but still are not able to win on their first attempt?
    I know.. it can be brutal
  • Zeuschild35
    124 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    This 'update' is just terrible as it is. I can't express my disappointing. I'm better off to delete and forget this game for good.
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    i'm loving all of the territory war improvements but one question; can you make it (if possible) where guilds fight other guilds with similar win loss ratios, or save similar amounts of unlocked legendary heros (hero journey and raids)? note i think any other toon is pretty much fair game

    fighting guilds with 10 jedi training rey's on defense while we only have 1 rey in general sucks. not to mention none in my guild have kenobi yet, but we have to fight TONS of him
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    Another person who does not like 95% of the TW changes

    Defence counter.. that rocks really happy for that.. It was something that was mentioned in the original beta testing so glad to see it implemented. The rest is going to make TW a lot harder and a LOT more complicated.

    We are a guild of 50 with a guild gp of 78mil but have a range of players that make up that number. 25 people with 1.8 mil gp+ 20 between 1mil - 1.8 with a few under the 1 mil mark. What this has done is meant the people around the 1 mil mark who were setting defence for the filler spots are now a liability as their toons now become a points liability for both defence where if they are rolled the opposing team gets more points, or in offence where if they cant take a team first go, we get less points.

    What I see this doing is marginalising guilds that have a large spread of player base, so id say a lot of the general population.
  • deadeye
    61 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    Funny thing about all this TW outrage is that we haven't even tried the new system yet. It's like saying something doesn't taste good just from reading the description on the menu without even tasting it.

    Albeit, it does sound like more of a hassle than an improvement. I'm a guild leader and I think the amount of strategy we currently have to put into the TW planning is sufficient and fun enough. Keep it simple, basic math not calculus.

    There's some good stuff in this QOL, but it will be overshadowed by this TW scoring debacle.

    The community has spoken loud and clear and the overwhelming consensus is...
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    deadeye wrote: »
    Funny thing about all this TW outrage is that we haven't even tried the new system yet. It's like saying something doesn't taste good just from reading the description on the menu without even tasting it.

    You don’t need to be a statistician to read numbers and realize the new system will fundamentally change how TW operates and strategy.
  • Azza
    245 posts Member
    deadeye wrote: »
    Funny thing about all this TW outrage is that we haven't even tried the new system yet. It's like saying something doesn't taste good just from reading the description on the menu without even tasting it.

    You don’t need to be a statistician to read numbers and realize the new system will fundamentally change how TW operates and strategy.


    Or realize that having fun with your jawa team offense will not be possible anymore. TW will now only be about : mine is bigger than yours. And i am obviously talking about speed mod collection...
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    The reporting changes to tw wars are great, and then they completely erase any goodwill from that with the scoring changes. The only thing needed to resolves ties is to count the total number of defensive wins and award the win to the guild with the most. In the case of a tie there, award the win to the guild with the lower participating gp (or just flip a coin).
    Bronziums are a no brainer as well. Add a auto-buy button which continually pops up 20 tiles, then flips them over one at a time (similar to a chromium pack) until the player clicks Finish or the ally points are gone. Have 1M points? Start it up and let it go overnight with your phone on the charger.
    Mod management still missing, and the rarity of triangles and crosses and decent speed secondaries makes swapping a must for most doing dstb special and combat missions.
    This seems like more of a bug fix list than anything, which does improve things a bit, but players were definitely expecting more from QoL 2.0. A missed opportunity.
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
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    The only TW change that needs to happen is the defense count. Scrap the rest of that nonsense please!
  • BrtStlnd
    1094 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    The changes to TW would be fine if there were many more useful characters in the game that were capable of beating other good squads. That is most definitely not the case in swgoh however. There are a dozen or so usable characters and the rest are (mostly) tackling dummies.

    I will refrain from judgement until seeing it in action but on paper it looks ridiculous.
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    I honestly cannot see whats wrong with the TW scoring system. Looks simple to me. Win on first try, with more survivors.
  • AA86
    102 posts Member
    No gear converter :(
  • LukeDukem8
    609 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    Personally, tw is already getting stale having to fight 50 cls, 50 jtr every single time over and over and over again. And now with an overly complicated scoring system, i will probably never attack. Went from a great concept, to boring to overly complicated. :( there is a general rule in life that should always be followed...K.I.****.
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    I think TW changes are fair. I really hated seeing enemy guild loses to my teams and they they win. This system at least takes winning on defense into account.
    But I really do not like GW siming. First, CG made it extremely difficult. Then extremely easy. Now even you can just sim it. And it is the only PvE mode in game! Instead of giving it more strategic diversity (like in conquest mode in old SW:Battlefront, may be) they just want to destroy it. Nice!
    Only raids left of PvE. Which are extremely boring: auto rancor and the same tactics on AAT.
    Sorry, but it is not the QoL...
  • OrpheusRobot
    238 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    Even with the new scoring system. The only strategy stays the same right?

    1. On defense front with the top with insane NS/Talzin squads, then the insane zBarris/GK squads on top, then insane ships and more insane ships.

    2. Fill the bottom with sorda easy squads that will burn through your enemy's roster, so that by the time they are done they can't put a dent on the zBarris/GK wall.

    3. Make sure your guild has enough on offense to take out their predictable Phoenix section, the CLS/Rebel Section, Jedi/Sith/Droid section, their sorry Talzin/GK/zBarris section (what, just sayin), FO section, I dunno, Ewok?

    4. Watch the timer run out and enjoy first place rewards.
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