The raid issue on Han [MERGE]


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    It's ridiculous. It's not a bug. It just happens to make the raid easier when they wanted it to be more challenging. So now they are getting rid of it, cuz it's harder to make money off st han being useful. End of story.
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    wanna bet they will oppress our voices and anger by closing this thread..
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    Boomer8800 wrote: »
    wanna bet they will oppress our voices and anger by closing this thread..

    I'll take that bet. But I bet some comments get deleted...
    Two Time Golden Poo Award Winner
  • Karek77
    292 posts Member
    Unintended TM? You guys are ridiculous. It is working exactly as it should be. We found a way to counter the raid using the game mechanics and you say it isnt working as intended because you dont like what we did. Fine, when Traya was getting her TM reduced while she was topless we all can agree that wasnt WAI but STHan is working perfectly fine and you are just sored cuz we could beat your raid faster than you expected.
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    I don't like how quick they are to try and "fix" this but they haven't said anything about how broken tw is right now.
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    Karek77 wrote: »
    Unintended TM? You guys are ridiculous. It is working exactly as it should be. We found a way to counter the raid using the game mechanics and you say it isnt working as intended because you dont like what we did. Fine, when Traya was getting her TM reduced while she was topless we all can agree that wasnt WAI but STHan is working perfectly fine and you are just sored cuz we could beat your raid faster than you expected.

    Two Time Golden Poo Award Winner
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Boomer8800 wrote: »
    wanna bet they will oppress our voices and anger by closing this thread..

    I'll take that bet. But I bet some comments get deleted...

    only the ones that go beyond the Forum Guidelines.
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    I get that some aspects of the raid weren't working correctly and needed fixing, but to address a toons unique quality because it was too good? C'mon now we just out thought you. You set us a challenge and we found a way with a mediocre character. I'm pretty sure I won't be the only one getting upset if you keep nerfing the teams were finding success with.
  • Meerava
    481 posts Member
    Welcome to the forum ṨκειɖΘɴ!!
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    Taking your ball and going home is poor sportsmanship.
  • OrpheusRobot
    238 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    What mediocre character? You mean the five jawas of death?
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    Taking your ball and going home is poor sportsmanship.
    So is kicking the ball down the street when he tries to pick it up
    Two Time Golden Poo Award Winner
  • Fatzke
    705 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Fix your raid and its mechanics, or test your stuff before releasing at, don't touch any characters because you are too lazy.
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    Taking your ball and going home is poor sportsmanship.
    So is kicking the ball down the street when he tries to pick it up
    Outhinking the devs isnt the same as (kicking the ball down the street). Changing the rules midgame because it isn't going your way also isn't (trying to pick it up).
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    Taking your ball and going home is poor sportsmanship.
    So is kicking the ball down the street when he tries to pick it up
    Outhinking the devs isnt the same as (kicking the ball down the street). Changing the rules midgame because it isn't going your way also isn't (trying to pick it up).

    Very confused by your interpretation.

    In my metaphor, removing ST Han's effectiveness (thus prolonging the time it takes to create other teams that can do similar exploits like other raid teams) is kicking the van down the steeet ( making the time to complete the raid further away). Trying to pick it up was using the tools given ( ST Han's taunt TM gain)
    Two Time Golden Poo Award Winner
  • Varlie
    1286 posts Member
    Newsflash, people have been finding ways to beat raids easily since the rancor, and turns out ST Han is the key for this one, if you are so salty about it then why not complain about turn meter removal strategies for rancor, or wampanader vs the AAT, get real you guys.

    That's exactly it. They told the game changers that they wanted people to experiment and try different teams to beat beat the new raid. They just didn't expect them to find one so fast
  • Boba_The_Fetter
    3393 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    They wanted to let the biggest whale guilds beat it and then fix it
  • Ryger_Gorzan
    6 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Taking your ball and going home is poor sportsmanship.
    So is kicking the ball down the street when he tries to pick it up
    Outhinking the devs isnt the same as (kicking the ball down the street). Changing the rules midgame because it isn't going your way also isn't (trying to pick it up).

    Very confused by your interpretation.

    In my metaphor, removing ST Han's effectiveness (thus prolonging the time it takes to create other teams that can do similar exploits like other raid teams) is kicking the van down the steeet ( making the time to complete the raid further away). Trying to pick it up was using the tools given ( ST Han's taunt TM gain)

    The way you worded it in your original post is blaming players not devs. It looks like you flipped player base and cg in your example. In the post starting this picking up the ball and going home is ea/cg changing the raid because of how fast it got beat.
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    we all saw this coming. No surprise. No fix to st han is needed here though, just have her enrage hit through the protection. This will hold the runs to 3 or 4 million instead of 26 million, then there's really no nerf. the fact that he survives past enrage is the only thing that really doesn't make sense, everything else up to that should be fair game.
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    Wow. Unbelievable.

    Wait. No, I can believe it.

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    If you didn’t know this was coming then you having been playing long enough. No way a F2P toon gets to beat down a brand new raid (Nute).
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    kicking the van down the steeet

    I thought of two responses:

    1) Down to the river?
    2) You must have a big foot.

    Can't decide which to go with, I'll think it over and get back to you.
    I need a new message here.
  • Daishi
    718 posts Member
    I KNOW that the ST Han issue is annoying more than just me, yet any thread about how stupid and frustrating it is has been closed or removed. What's wrong CG, you can't take the roasting of all the players you've annoyed? ST Han may be unintended but it is NOT a bug, so fixing it now just means you can't even figure out the most basic things.

    Did you do any internal testing of the raid to make sure guilds could actually beat it? If you did, why didn't you figure this out? It took most of us 1 day to figure out that since you blocked TM removal (immune to tenacity down and gains tenacity with each attack) and blocked TM gain via expose (zeta finn) that our next option would be TM gain teams, and Han would feature in that.

  • Argarath
    197 posts Member
    In before delete. But yeah I agree
  • Banth
    158 posts Member
    TM gain teams would allow you to beat the raid without buying any of the upcoming, unreleased characters though! We can’t have that.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Daishi wrote: »
    I KNOW that the ST Han issue is annoying more than just me, yet any thread about how **** and frustrating it is has been closed or removed. What's wrong CG, you can't take the roasting of all the players you've annoyed? ST Han may be unintended but it is NOT a bug, so fixing it now just means you can't even figure out the most basic things.

    Did you do any internal testing of the raid to make sure guilds could actually beat it? If you did, why didn't you figure this out? It took most of us 1 day to figure out that since you blocked TM removal (immune to tenacity down and gains tenacity with each attack) and blocked TM gain via expose (zeta finn) that our next option would be TM gain teams, and Han would feature in that.

    not deleted
  • Argarath
    197 posts Member
    Just moved to woop woop
  • Daishi
    718 posts Member
    If the Devs are gonna block any pathway to beat it, and when we find a new path they block that, I don't even care about the raid anymore. It was exciting to theorycraft at first but now we see that if we find anything that is "too effective" it gets nerfed. If they change the raid so that treya can kill with her unique, that's fine! Han teams can still put down a lot of damage
  • Daishi
    718 posts Member
    If they alter the raid, instead of Han, so that the damage from Treya can kill your team. This tactic could still be used to put some mega damage up, and can be altered to add a healer that could extend the time without it being broken. Let's just hope CG figures out a "fix" like that, so they don't just ruin any strategy that works better than intended.
  • Zevox
    172 posts Member
    Yeah, I've got to agree with the general tenor here. The only "unintended" thing about this is that the devs didn't realize it would be this effective. It's a very straightforward, obvious interaction of the mechanic that has always been Stormtrooper Han's hallmark with the specific mechanics of that phase of the raid. Doing something to neuter it feels like a slap in the face - finding things like this is exactly what the raids are supposed to be about.

    Neutering it quickly while plenty of actual bugs take forever to fix will be especially telling. Players find something effective, which isn't even a bug, that is beneficial to them, it needs to be dealt with ASAP. Something's going wrong that hurts them? Eh, get to it eventually.
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