Dev Blog - Character Release and Event Cadence - 3/30/2018 [MEGA]


  • Alastair
    54 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Thanks for the update. Great to know these things and really appreciate you taking the time out to keep us up to date!

    I'd second loving to know when the executioner might be appearing to farm, as I'm super keen to farm him up.

    Have fun!
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    My wish is that events would keep adding higher difficulty tiers. Why stop at 3 or 7? Now that I sim most of them the game has become more of a cow clicker. Make it hard! Keep adding difficulty and slightly better rewards! This leaves lower tiers for newbies, and keeps it challenging for old timers. Makes us have to keep creatively building teams to get to the next level!
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    If I read that correctly, it says you all are doing away with talzin and wickets events? I really hope not because I’ve yet to get the metal and malice and the natives are restless achievements. I worked on other teams instead of nightsisters and ewoks under the assumption those events would be around much longer.
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    Why are we still only getting a week’s notice for a legendary event? You say you want to reward players who prepare in advance for the event, but don’t give us adequate time to prepare. I’ve been playing since the first week the game launched and have never missed a legendary character, but only because I’ve had to drop serious cash into the game when those events happen. Could you at least publish the required toon list a month out so we can have a chance? You’ll still see revenue from the panic farm
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    @CG_TopHat I’m glad we finally have a schedule for character releases to plan with now. We need to see this adhered to on your part first, but over time, the more it is done, the more the community can trust you.

    I must ask though, why was the decision made to no longer put more characters in Galacitc War, Squad Arena, Cantina Battles, and Fleet Arena? Eventually you will run out of hard nodes to put characters in. I think it would be fair to add one character to each of those shops every now and again, or at the very least do one final shake up of these stores so that new and old players alike can enjoy some new characters.
  • Nirvana
    3 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    I'm overall satisfied with the recent communication with the community - congrats, it's a move in the right direction.
    I also don't have any issues with the directions you took. I really think it's more about 'excitement' than 'deep in our pockets', it's a matter of perspective (related with some opinions above).

    There is only one thing that is mass disappointing me - the invalidation of the majority of the in-game shops. And I would like to clarify why. I understand your position about those "easy farmable shops", but I really think there is a workaround. The toon base is rapidly growing. I really understand why putting a new toon on GW shop is something SWGOH management wants to avoid. But there is a workaround!

    You are talking about "legacy" and "new". Well, we need some "legacy" characters to only fill in Platoons on TB. Please, explain me why it is impossible to move really "LEGACY" characters as my favorite Lobot to an easy farmable location at some point? It'll help mid-game, it wont affect early and end-game and it would massively improve guild contribution (which I consider as NOT Bad Thing). It would award those who already have farmed the critical important characters on those locations.
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    Getting better.

    Stay on target.
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    I'm trying to give credit where credit is due here, all of these blogs have been well thought out and written. However...
    we don't have any INFORMATION at all about any of the real questions yet. We have long-worded, detailed information on how certain things work behind the scenes, but ZERO concrete answers. NOTHING.
    For example, @CG_TopHat , you mentioned (for the third time), release cadence, everyone is asking about NIGHTSISTER zombie/spirit. Another poster asked the question as well. There's no mention of, "hey, we messed that up, it's coming," other than a future update. Really? How far into the future.
    I mentioned this in a post before, you guys have got to deliver INFORMATION- not lip service. Admit you made the mistake and what/when you will fix it. Start with this example.

    Are you serious? He literally said it would be in the next content release, and that they run content releases every two weeks. They also set a time cadence on Heroic events and told us they'll start putting Legendaries into the event calendar when they've run more than two times. What more do you want from these people? They are bending over backwards trying to get more information out to us quickly, and I guarantee that the last two weeks have been hell for them between this and all the internal pressure they're likely getting on top of their normal deadlines to improve things after the Sith Raid launch.

    This next part isn't directed at you, but more in general. There's definitely things in this update people won't like, but its not the developers job to make this game 100% F2P friendly. There has to be some element of motivation for players to spend money on the game, or else they can't keep the lights on, and I'll bet good money that EA hangs revenue targets on CG's head that they have no control over. I understand people pine for the old days where you paid $60 for a game and that was it, but that also meant you got a static game that never changed over time, and you had a boom bust employment cycle for game studios that resulted in generally large job turnover for their staff. If you want to expect ongoing and frequent high quality content updates, there needs to be ongoing cost and revenue in order for that to be justified. Personally, if that means I have to pay a little more than in the past overall to enjoy that experience for a long period of time (16 months for me) and it improves the lives of the people that work on these games, fair enough. If the net of that means theres some things I won't get the first time around, I'm fine with that.

    I agree that communication had reached a bad stage and there was numerous areas of possible improvement, but that doesn't mean that when CG tries to make it better they automatically owe anyone every answer or giving customers exactly what they want immediately, regardless of internal roadmap and planning.
  • JacenRoe
    3016 posts Member
    Nauros wrote: »
    CG_TopHat wrote: »
    Thanks for the great update @CG_TopHat! Quick question: will the AT-ST, Ghosts of Dathomir and Defense of Dathomir events be discontinued after Talzin and crew move to “traditional” farmable locations? I’m not sure if that is what you meant by this:

    “Releases of characters through a Marquee event into a farmable “Heroic Event” will no longer occur (looking at Mother Talzin and Wicket, here).
    - Mother Talzin, Wicket, Nightsister Spirit, and Nightsister Zombie will be moving to farmable locations in the next content release.”

    Rather, I think this means that we shouldn’t expect to see similar AT-ST and Dathomir-styled events in the future, correct?

    Great question. We have no intention of retiring the Endor Escalation or Defense of Dathomir events at this time. If we make any changes to them (including their regular scheduling or retirement), we'll let you know ahead of time!

    As far as future, new Heroic events, there are no new ones planned at this time.

    That's a shame, I am enjoying them and would welcome new ones. The only thing in need of adjustment was imo the amount of shards recieved (or the frequency of the events). I think it is a great way to release characters a bit differently and the only fault of the current version is that it is far too slow.

    Far...far, far.... FAAAAAAAAARRRR, far, far, far, far too slow. Like really, ridiculously too slow. As in, 'is this supposed to be a joke' slow.
  • Fatzke
    705 posts Member
    we believe that there is a tremendous amount of excitement when a Legendary or Mythic is first announced and we want to preserve that ability to surprise our players

    Oh yeah thanks. It's so much fun to get surprised with new gamebreaking characters and the requirements to panic farm. :D

    So no change at all, they get announced early when nobody cares anymore.

    Surprise, surprise.
  • gufu21
    335 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    I love the new engagement and communication in general, but I'll add my two cents to the rest of the players disappointed that the stores won't see any new additions. And please just be honest and say, "We don't want to add more units to those easily farmable locations because, honestly, the easier a character is the farm, the less incentive there is for players to spend money, which lets us keep operating the game. That's always a consideration for how farmable toons are, and we like where the balance is right now"

    Still, I'd love it if you could just throw the players a bone and add a few lower or mid-level toons to the stores. Nothing amazing, nothing meta-changing. And like was mentioned in another post, maybe even some of those bad, super-old toons that you jeer at us in TB platoons for not having at 7* (Lobot, etc.). As far as I'm aware, people aren't really tossing money at those lower/mid-teir toons anyway.
    Post edited by gufu21 on
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    @CG_TopHat I paid for a Sith Maurader pack and that only got it to 25/30 and 3*, should I have had more? Or is the Marquee Cadence only affect future events? (I completed all stages of the Marquee)

    Also I need to give credit to you guys for ramping up the engagement with the community in the past couple of weeks! Thank you!
  • Ebbda
    261 posts Member
    Seems the general consensus is if the character release cadences are adhered to we'll all benefit. I agree.

    I do believe the stores need addressing. Badly.

    Guild Store: Love all the gear but the characters seems jumbled. Kinda peeved I rushed Starck to 7* and since then he now has a permanent home. Jawa Engineer has no other home yet he's as rare as raid reward stun guns. Why Clone Sergeant is farmable in numerous places baffles me.

    Cantina: The lone ship. Cassian's U Wing. I don't get it. We have a fleet store gear was removed from yet it's in here. Only been playing 16 months and find myself farming toons for the sake of it. Maybe put one of the peculiar toons in fleet there and pop him where he should be? Call it my OCD, lol.

    Fleet Store: The place you get zetas when none have dropped for 3 weeks. A good store but what Fulcrum, Chirrut and Tusken Shaman are doing there baffles me. Maybe when you have someone like Rey already 7* we can farm the Falcon there? Same with Kylo and Co with the shuttle. Sincerely hope with any 'potential' bounty hunter rework we see Dengar and any new ones get their ships added.

    GW Store: I had the dilemma yesterday: Poggle the Lesser or Tusken Raider next... Need I say more, lol.

    Mod Store: Kudos there. I don't skip through that one anymore. Love the addition of using fleet currency.

    Guild Events store: Again, this is diverse but I like that aspect. Sadly just look in after territory battles for Wampa shards.

    Arena Store: Similar scenario to GW Store. Now just farming what's left.

    On a happy note, great work devs! A sometimes thankless task. I thank you and may the Force be with you.
  • Z2gop
    199 posts Member
    So it took two years for communication ?
  • jstehly
    108 posts Member
    This is a F2P, with occasional crystal purchases, perspective. This is the category that most of my friends fall into. While I am mostly F2P, I have dropped more cash than I would have on a console game.

    I love the Legendary Events. I wish more characters were released with this method. I think Wicket would have been ideal in a Legendary event where you could use the new & old Ewoks against the Empire on Endor. I also would have loved to see a more characters from the Last Jedi released through Legendary events. I always enjoyed trying to build up squads to finish those events. I also really appreciate the Mythic events because I can go back and use those old squads again.

    However, I personally really dislike the Marquee events. The Marquee Event characters are introduced really nicely and you do get a feel for how they might fit into your squads. However, most of these characters really aren’t available for 3+ months for F2P players. The game has evolved to where a character doesn’t mean much unless they are 7 Stars, Level 85, and at least Gear 9. Therefore, characters released through the Marquee process aren’t viable for at least 6-8 months for the F2P, or mostly F2P, crowd. By this point, many have lost their initial appeal.

    Switching gears, I think the root of the lack of advance notice for Legendary/Hero’s Journey events problem is transparency. The post says that CG wants the ability to surprise the player base by not supplying notice. However, I would argue that the late notice is used to induce panic farming which often requires buying crystals - not surprise/excite people.

    I think people would be much more receptive of the late notice if EA/CG just simply state that it is their business model to entice people to buy packs and crystals. Nobody likes the element of surprise for events, we like notice. CG refusing to acknowledge that fact is why people are so frustrated. It makes CG feel disconnected from the player community.

    I appreciate this post, but it doesn’t look like much is changing with character release cadence. Most of what was mentioned above was previously discussed in forums.
  • Eutus
    232 posts Member
    May i suggest a rebook on your stance the updating of stores? I feel like in a years time itll be more than neccissary to update the stores ,or i guess make new ones with an alternative currancy. Frankly though it seems like having a hard stance on this is just gonna be feul for the trolls of the future.
  • CG_TopHat
    78 posts SWGOH Dev Team
    edited March 2018
    Luke2310 wrote: »
    @CG_TopHat I paid for a Sith Maurader pack and that only got it to 25/30 and 3*, should I have had more? Or is the Marquee Cadence only affect future events? (I completed all stages of the Marquee)

    Also I need to give credit to you guys for ramping up the engagement with the community in the past couple of weeks! Thank you!

    Thanks for asking. The cadence as described above is for all events going forward, not previously run events.

    And glad to hear the communication has been positive for you!
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    @CG_TopHat seeing as communication is the topic, perhaps you or someone can explain why half the stores are going to be permanently used as shard shop currency for older players and never have new characters neglected. I don’t see why adding a new marquee character once a month or two, when their cadence timer comes to maturity, would be harmful. For example...FO Executioner in GW store would be wonderful. Adding wicket to squad arena would be amazing. Adding NS zombie to cantina would be amazing. Save MT for a longer and more random farm obviously but still...
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    It’s really great that you are going to be making new characters available to farm. However, what are you planning to do about some of the older characters like Jyn Erso, the Jawa Engineer, Colonel Stark, etc. that are only in (random) data cards and/or occasionally in one of the guild stores? Both Jyn (the only resistence leader) and the Jawa Engineer (one of only 5 jawas) are critical in the building of teams. It would make sense if they were more readily available.
  • Ephran
    499 posts Member
    I don't mind not getting new characters in most of the shops but I would really like if they moved old characters in from nodes. It would help new players out a lot without really changing anything for old players.
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    Wow I've really been waiting for a clarification post and you hit everything! Thanks @CG_TopHat. Im sad the arena, gw, cantina, and fleet stores are being retired, but it's great to finally have a definitive statement that no new characters will be added so we can start using up all that currency. Would it be possible to expand the shard shop offerings since we have all that extra currency to use?
    also thanks for bringing the legendary events back to the calendar!
    Once again excellent information! Thank you

    Hey! Given that our intention for those stores is to be a reliable place for well established players to get Shard Shop Currency, we will update the Shard Shop offerings over time.
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    I think they forgot the bit about “ just to be clear, this is an exercise to extract the largest amount of cash possible fro this game”
  • Fanatic
    415 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    Why are we still only getting a week’s notice for a legendary event? You say you want to reward players who prepare in advance for the event, but don’t give us adequate time to prepare. I’ve been playing since the first week the game launched and have never missed a legendary character, but only because I’ve had to drop serious cash into the game when those events happen.

    Sounds like it is WAI to me.

    By prepared, they mean those who understood, for example, that luke's heroes journey which was announced months in advance of the requirements for it, or before it came out, would require toons from ANH, and thus farmed them. With that in mind, it was not terribly surprising that when the vets became farmable RJT would need them when she came out (along with existing resistance toons), and a lot of people started farming them immediately and were rewarded.

    I immediately got CLS when he came out, I had to wait till this next cylce for RJT because I did not start farming the vets as soon as they became farmable, so I was ~15 days behind. I chose not to drop money on them to get RJT the first time around.
  • LordVictus
    4 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    I'm impressed with the transparency lately, it's appreciated. There are lots that complain but some people are just kinda **** y'know? Keep up the good work
    Darth Victus, the Unbreakable
  • Fanatic
    415 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    I disagree with all those complaining about no change to the various shops. I'm happy to have a source of gear besides spending energy for it, without having to sacrifice acquiring new toons to do so. Ever since gear has become available in the shard shop there isn't a day that passes without me buying 4+ pieces from it during its 4 refreshes throughout the day.

    I'd actually love to have my gear acquisition rate accelerated even more without an opportunity cost of character shards.
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    This was horrible. You say you want to improve communication so lets get to it. Basically what I heard was you are still going to not announce key events so you can spring them on players when they least expect them to gain the most purchases you can. By the way this is the most frustrating part of what you devs do. This is Easter week, this is when it was announced that Jrey was returning.

    As far as the changes with Mother, horrible, I just paid crystals for her over the last 4 months and now everyone gets her. (shakes head in frustration) What a waste of resources. I suppose she gets nerfed on the server too.
    This is in direct contradiction to her announcement and event.

    It is sad that this is not open communication and just a way to announce all the changes coming because of the drop in the player base and lack of new players.

    There was a lot of bad news in this letter, no more additions? I guess the game is done and we are moving to maintenance mode.

    Lots of people must of missed Leai's announcement that nothing new in ships is coming. THEY are broken basically.

    New heroes and new ships are not generally considered new content by players. They are new characters to play with. What we play is content. GW, ship arena, arena, light side, etc.

    Your core player base is Star Wars fans and we are all still waiting for a JEDI LUKE SKYWALKER and his X-WING, have you even seen starwars? this is like a big poop stain on your jeans and it stinks more and more each month and each year....

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    Add me to the list of those who would like to see you reconsider your decision about the shops.

    I’m an end game player who can solo hAAT but is locked out of Sith Raid and TW because I make the choice to stay in my small, social, supportive, semi-casual guild. Guild and guild event credits are the only things I’m short on! So hearing those stores are where you want to put the new chars is disappointing to me. It feels like just another big guild lock on the cool stuff.

    I get plenty of shard shop credit through GW, ship farming nodes with 7* chars, and the admiral events. I would much rather have useful characters from my store farming than click-to-dump for shard store credit, especially when the gear I really need doesn’t show up there. If shard store is meant for end game players, maybe add g12 to it? Or bring back characters in the shard shop?

    4 of my small guild capped out GW shop this month. We would really like new goals there! The Phoenix and Rogue One additions through all the shops were great last year. Someone earlier in the thread suggested restricted farming legacy char additions. Resistance Trooper, Jawa Engineer, FOST, Sabine, Zam, Dengar, and all those 20 energy single hard node chars like Baze and Krennic.... you’ve got a lot of choices without putting “new” content in those shops.

    (That said, thank you for guaranteeing the $10 packs will get you to 4*! I don’t gamble on crystal card packs, but do pay reasonable value for content to support the game. I was excited to see that change - I even bought Visas even though I have no idea who she is - so I’m glad it is permanent.)
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    I am okay with no changes to the stores, newer players need to farm there, I need gear, I can convert toon shards.
    Thanks for explaining the reasoning and intentions of the various events.
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    I've read it three times, i still don't understand what the poin is :flushed:
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    5 shards for 1299 crystals is way too few. It should be more like a 30 shard minimum.
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