Dev Blog - Sith Triumvirate Raid Rewards - 4/2/18 [MEGA]


  • TVF
    36706 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    If you say [MEGA] three times, something bad happens, but I don't know what yet.

    Inb4 "raid rewards get nerfed."
    I need a new message here.
  • Muaddib
    563 posts Member
    Pyrefly wrote: »
    Muaddib wrote: »
    Not to mention... sure looks like the old CG is back with deleting threads. Can't find the thread anymore where this was posted originally.
    Threads aren't being deleted. Threads directly pertaining to the update referenced in the [MEGA], however, are being merged with the [MEGA], as that is, indeed, the exact purpose of a [MEGA].

    You say that... but the posts I saw complaining about raid rewards (specifically those with images) have not been merged with this, or any other MEGA. They went poof.
  • ForeverWest76
    168 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    TVF wrote: »
    If you say [MEGA] three times, something bad happens, but I don't know what yet.

    The trolls come out in force and try to sell you a lemonade stand...
  • TVF
    36706 posts Member
    Muaddib wrote: »
    Pyrefly wrote: »
    Muaddib wrote: »
    Not to mention... sure looks like the old CG is back with deleting threads. Can't find the thread anymore where this was posted originally.
    Threads aren't being deleted. Threads directly pertaining to the update referenced in the [MEGA], however, are being merged with the [MEGA], as that is, indeed, the exact purpose of a [MEGA].

    You say that... but the posts I saw complaining about raid rewards (specifically those with images) have not been merged with this, or any other MEGA. They went poof.

    I see a ton of complaint posts in the MEGA thread, including ones that were their own thread a moment prior, so I don't know what you're talking about.
    I need a new message here.
  • UdalCuain
    5038 posts Member
    Muaddib wrote: »
    Pyrefly wrote: »
    Muaddib wrote: »
    Not to mention... sure looks like the old CG is back with deleting threads. Can't find the thread anymore where this was posted originally.
    Threads aren't being deleted. Threads directly pertaining to the update referenced in the [MEGA], however, are being merged with the [MEGA], as that is, indeed, the exact purpose of a [MEGA].

    You say that... but the posts I saw complaining about raid rewards (specifically those with images) have not been merged with this, or any other MEGA. They went poof.

    They are definitely in the Content Update Mega, just been through them again.
  • Muaddib
    563 posts Member
    Muaddib wrote: »
    Pyrefly wrote: »
    Muaddib wrote: »
    Not to mention... sure looks like the old CG is back with deleting threads. Can't find the thread anymore where this was posted originally.
    Threads aren't being deleted. Threads directly pertaining to the update referenced in the [MEGA], however, are being merged with the [MEGA], as that is, indeed, the exact purpose of a [MEGA].

    You say that... but the posts I saw complaining about raid rewards (specifically those with images) have not been merged with this, or any other MEGA. They went poof.

    They are definitely in the Content Update Mega, just been through them again.

    Why would complaints about Raid Rewards get merged into a Content Update Mega and not the ... wait for it ... Raid Rewards Mega?
  • UdalCuain
    5038 posts Member
    Muaddib wrote: »
    Muaddib wrote: »
    Pyrefly wrote: »
    Muaddib wrote: »
    Not to mention... sure looks like the old CG is back with deleting threads. Can't find the thread anymore where this was posted originally.
    Threads aren't being deleted. Threads directly pertaining to the update referenced in the [MEGA], however, are being merged with the [MEGA], as that is, indeed, the exact purpose of a [MEGA].

    You say that... but the posts I saw complaining about raid rewards (specifically those with images) have not been merged with this, or any other MEGA. They went poof.

    They are definitely in the Content Update Mega, just been through them again.

    Why would complaints about Raid Rewards get merged into a Content Update Mega and not the ... wait for it ... Raid Rewards Mega?

    Not a mod so can't answer that, and don't really care. Though the new "rewards" are part of the content update, so...
  • TVF
    36706 posts Member
    Because it's part of the content update. Beyond that though, who cares?
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    I am absolutely furious over the raid reward change, and I won’t spend another dime on this game till they fix this.
  • Mol_Eliza_99999
    278 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    CG: We listen to player base.
    PLAYERS: pls remove challenge gear in Heroic Sith Raid and replace with something useful.
    CG: We are happy to announce that we have removed most of gear from rewards.

    Seriously!?!? It's like when I chat with your EA Helpdesk reps. Do you understand English? We can post in the language you're most comfortable with , so that you get the message right. Just say it.
    Post edited by Mol_Eliza_99999 on
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    These type of changes lead to not having a player base.
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    Ummm so what happened I expected the look of rewards to be about the same just not a full peiece as often as heroic sith raid was rewarding not no rewards at all!!! I mean this clear nerf is ridiculous worst thing To happen to the game since CLS
  • TVF
    36706 posts Member
    worst thing To happen to the game since CLS

    Lol what.
    I need a new message here.
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    Have seen the reddit post about the changes and rewards. To me this is the same reaction that happened after mods where changed the first time. Players don't like change.
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    You mean when they lost 1/4 of their player base because they messed up, yea I hope this is like that.
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    Seeing how serene and polished EA forums are, one wouldn't even know the fury storm this update has caused within the player base.

    Keep hiding behind the comfortable lies, lads. You're doing a great job listening to the player base.

    And an even better job in filtering out uneasy messages and game-changers (aka McMole2).
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    They suck....previous ones broke apart small guilds with players chasIng Traya...reworked ones are gonna break apart my heroic guild because none of us wanna put forth the effort to clear.

    Not for a an extra few Traya shards...We had a pit today too and quite a few of us got better rewards for 1 push of the “auto” button and 7 minutes of our toons soloing it.
  • RJ__Brando
    1500 posts Moderator
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Krayt337 wrote: »
    You mean when they lost 1/4 of their player base because they messed up, yea I hope this is like that.

    No - mod-gate affected most of the player base. This nerf is aimed squarely at the long-time players and customers. If you look at the threads in which people are expressing frustration over the nerf, it's players and posters that have been here since 2016 and before.

    They won't lose as many...only those that have been the most loyal and paid the most. Brilliant marketing strategy. :D

    If anything, this feels like the OG pre craft all over again lol

    Those who pre crafted: strong guilds who enjoyed hsith on farm the past month or so. All those shiny fully crafted pieces.
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    I'm embarrassed for CG on this one. Huge slap in the face to all players. Who cares if the rewards are balanced if they are terrible in the first place?
  • Wrath
    16 posts Member
    Kodimus wrote: »
    Wrath wrote: »
    What’s my incentive to bust my butt on this sith raid if getting #1 gets the same gear as #50, I don’t give 2 craps about “extra currency”, I want that better gear! So I use my whole roster to take #1 and I get scraps and pieces, where as #50 thanks to CG’s wonderful RNG algorithm will give #50 6 fully crafted pieces. Horrible changes. No incentive to try hard

    The incentive is you make your guild stronger.

    I saw you post in the reddit thread, how are these changes working out for you? Have they made your guild better yet?
  • Obi1_son
    656 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Wow. Just wow. Biggest nerf in game history

    For shame
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    Nerfing the sith raid rewards, not a good way to please the player base
  • jedibaer71
    578 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    just got the reward of a rank 2 of a tier 5 sith raid.

    cannot find words....


    update: some words: with these rewards we can try the heroic sith raid 2020.
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    Wrong move, plain and simple.
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    You say one thing and do another. I’ve seen screenshots and it’s a disgrace what you are doing.
  • Bz183
    170 posts Member
    Everyone file a ticket for your missing rewards
  • Putnam
    194 posts Member
    Wow so all those crystals I spent to get my squads up to earn fully crafted g12 pieces in heroic? Now for what???
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    I’m trying to give cg the benefit of the doubt and assume something just went wrong with the update and they will fix it. I can’t see any other explanation. I think it’s pretty safe to assume they didn’t flat out lie and say the rewards would be better then intentionally put in far, far worse rewards. Thus why I’d probably lean towards a technical issue and rewards are not what they are supposed to be. Understandably upsetting, but if fixed in a reasonable amount of time, not the end of the world.
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  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Ikky2win wrote: »
    I’m trying to give cg the benefit of the doubt and assume something just went wrong with the update and they will fix it. I can’t see any other explanation. I think it’s pretty safe to assume they didn’t flat out lie and say the rewards would be better then intentionally put in far, far worse rewards. Thus why I’d probably lean towards a technical issue and rewards are not what they are supposed to be. Understandably upsetting, but if fixed in a reasonable amount of time, not the end of the world.

    You're cute. Welcome to the forums!
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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