Content Update 4/11/2018 [MEGA]


  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    SwordsLFD wrote: »
    If this is not changed back, I might be done with the game. To put all that time and effort to get to heroic and now this? Just super disappointing.

    I hope CG is taking note of the fact that many of the players upset by this nerf are some of the most long-time and most loyal customers and posters here.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    R0n_Sn0w wrote: »

    This is disgustingly low compared to what it was earlier. It feels like a massive setback to the heroic guilds.

    You mean getting the best character (their words) in game isnt enough for you?

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    TVF wrote: »
    CaptainRex wrote: »
    Well, since it's been 2 hours, and devs still haven't issued a response, it's obvious that the HUGE nerf to Sith Raid rewards was something they fully intended.

    CG_Carrie wrote: »
    Hey guys - we are looking into this right now. Response from someone on the team incoming.

    This is what I mean when I talk about ridiculous overreactions.

    thats not right, if everyone had said nothing she wouldn´t had posted that
  • kriles76
    24 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Rewards rebalance was clearly a bottom line rebalance driven by the CG accountants.
  • Strubz
    429 posts Member
    I'm going to give CG the benefit of the doubt this one time and wait for a response. Maybe the implementation of the reward rework got bugged on raids already in progress, who knows. Until they explicitly say "we meant to do exactly this" I'll reserve judgement.

    That being said, I know how difficult the heroic sith raid is and I feel for guilds that waited to finish the raid until this update went LIVE. I hope you get some reimbursement.
  • Banth
    158 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Darsid238 wrote: »
    R0n_Sn0w wrote: »

    This is disgustingly low compared to what it was earlier. It feels like a massive setback to the heroic guilds.

    What you should be paying attention to is the 3700 guild currency you got, which is insane. They're basically giving you the choice on what gear you want, rather than a random drop

    @Tuftedpaper85 Guild currency doesn’t replace The lack of G12 drops. If guild EVENTS currency was 3500 then that would be a different story.

    3500 guild event currency doesn’t even come close to covering the nerf. It would take more like 12000 to even begin to.
  • TVF
    36794 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    jedilord wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    CaptainRex wrote: »
    Well, since it's been 2 hours, and devs still haven't issued a response, it's obvious that the HUGE nerf to Sith Raid rewards was something they fully intended.

    CG_Carrie wrote: »
    Hey guys - we are looking into this right now. Response from someone on the team incoming.

    This is what I mean when I talk about ridiculous overreactions.

    thats not right, if everyone had said nothing she wouldn´t had posted that

    He posted that an hour after she said they were looking into it. So they did issue a response, and faster than his arbitrary timeframe, and afterwards he says it's OBVIOUS the HUGE nerf was deliberate.

    My point has always and ever will be...calm the hell down. Just for a little while.
    I need a new message here.
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    what the hell is going on?
    Is this a late April fools joke.
    How can a team so royally mess things up and push people out of the game?
    we just went heroic today and now half of the guild cant be bothered to do it again.
    If this is not what you intended to try testing the thing before you release and if this is what you intended you should be sacked.
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    @TVF So what exactly is your thought process? What used to drop over FIFTEEN pieces of gear (statistically with a guaranteed chance for at LEAST one full G12 piece) now drops 4, with a CHANCE at a full drop.
    What are you seeing here? They would have to slash store prices by 90% to make up for the loss in gear, and they're claiming that these new rewards are better now.
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
  • JuliusSkywalker
    509 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    The following characters are now farmable in the following locations:

    • Dark Side 8-A
    • Replaces Barriss Offee (3 other locations)

    Mother Talzin
    • Light Side 8-A
    • Replaces Boba Fett (4 other locations)

    Nightsister Zombie
    • Dark Side 8-D
    • Replaces Ewok Scout (2 other locations)

    Nightsister Spirit
    • Cantina 7-F

    First Order Executioner
    • Cantina 2-G
    • Replaces Dathcha (3 other locations)

    Is there the possibility that these characters...
    • Luminara Unduli (meanwhile 3 locations)
    • Jedi Consular (meanwhile 5 locations)
    • First Order Stormtrooper (meanwhile 3 locations)
    • Clone Wars Chewbacca (meanwhile 4 locations)
    • Rey (Scavenger) (meanwhile 3 locations)
    • Count Dooku (meanwhile 3 locations)
    • Stormtrooper (meanwhile 3 locations)
    • General Veers (meanwhile 3 locations)
    • Talia (meanwhile 4 locations)

    will be replaced by new characters in the last phase of the marquee event?
  • origDeathfly
    127 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    I can't wait to get Chewie shards from this mistake....
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    If they don’t fix this many top end players will quit, just like after the mod debacle.
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    Can you confirm that you meant "Recommended Lvl: 85" ?
    It's only for lvl 85 now?!?!

    This was a typo, it's been removed.

    Thanks for the heart attack...
  • Jeric
    271 posts Member
    jedilord wrote: »
    Kyleslater wrote: »

    Edit: I understand t5/6 were improved. That’s a good thing. But it’s too much of a nerf to heroic
    Jeric wrote: »
    jedilord wrote: »
    Jeric wrote: »
    Muaddib wrote: »
    Jeric wrote: »
    Also of note, those that are on TIV-VI should be happy, and as those individuals haven't started the HSTR, their disappointment will be mitigated. This was a decent long term stategy for the company.

    As someone not on heroic, my rewards look like they will be better, and I have agency thanks to the increase in currency.

    The currency does not offset the nerf of the rewards.

    I was speaking on Tier IV-VI

    The rewards are better.

    no they are not, we are playing tier5

    Looks better to me.

    take a closer look, please...
    place1: only one box... they have taken the other box: and give instead only 200 ge-token more and only 1450 guild-token more!

    200 ge-token -> you need 2 raids for 5 pieces of g12^^
    1450 guild-token -> you can buy 15dengar shards ... woooohoooo awful awful!

    they have said, "Special attention has been paid to increasing the rewards to better fit the difficulty of the Sith Raid Tiers 5 & 6 for the population of guilds currently running those Tiers, and to rewarding guilds for "moving up" to, and performing well in, those challenging Tiers."

    with only one box, that drops worse gear than a rancorraid??? and some tiny token more?? that is ridiculing that is

    1st gets less gear, 40th gets more. They both get more currency. It's an improvement in the lower tiers since you need the whole guild to improve to reach and win in Heroic.

    After going through the various images for Heroic, and even though I think the histrionics are a tad over-the-top, they have a point there. The shift seems more noticable and dramatic.
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    tRRRey wrote: »
    R0n_Sn0w wrote: »

    This is disgustingly low compared to what it was earlier. It feels like a massive setback to the heroic guilds.

    What you should be paying attention to is the 3700 guild currency you got, which is insane. They're basically giving you the choice on what gear you want, rather than a random drop

    Lemme know when I can buy G12 salvage with regular ol' guild currency
    Darsid238 wrote: »
    R0n_Sn0w wrote: »

    This is disgustingly low compared to what it was earlier. It feels like a massive setback to the heroic guilds.

    What you should be paying attention to is the 3700 guild currency you got, which is insane. They're basically giving you the choice on what gear you want, rather than a random drop

    @Tuftedpaper85 Guild currency doesn’t replace The lack of G12 drops. If guild EVENTS currency was 3500 then that would be a different story.
    nfsseb1978 wrote: »
    R0n_Sn0w wrote: »

    This is disgustingly low compared to what it was earlier. It feels like a massive setback to the heroic guilds.

    What you should be paying attention to is the 3700 guild currency you got, which is insane. They're basically giving you the choice on what gear you want, rather than a random drop

    You can’t buy G12 gear with guild currency.........which is kinda the point I think most people are getting at. Can only buy G11 gear used to reach G12. So the choice is much smaller than you are getting at.

    You can't buy gear 12 gear, but you can buy gear to get characters to gear 12, which is a huge bottleneck. The 3700 currency helps out a lot.

    @Tuftedpaper85 I understand your point but the major uproar over this is concerning heroic rewards, specifically G12 drops. They are nerfing player progression of end game players like myself with this update but trying to pass it off as a betterment for the entire guild. I’m not interested in guild currency. I have enough as it is.
  • Ephran
    499 posts Member
    What do the rewards look like for lower tiers? My guild is nowhere near Heroic so as long as lower one's aren't too different I don't really care.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Strubz wrote: »
    I'm going to give CG the benefit of the doubt this one time and wait for a response. Maybe the implementation of the reward rework got bugged on raids already in progress, who knows. Until they explicitly say "we meant to do exactly this" I'll reserve judgement.

    That being said, I know how difficult the heroic sith raid is and I feel for guilds that waited to finish the raid until this update went LIVE. I hope you get some reimbursement.

    "Come on. You know what's about to happen....what we're up against...."
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • TVF
    36794 posts Member
    CaptainRex wrote: »
    @TVF So what exactly is your thought process? What used to drop over FIFTEEN pieces of gear (statistically with a guaranteed chance for at LEAST one full G12 piece) now drops 4, with a CHANCE at a full drop.
    What are you seeing here? They would have to slash store prices by 90% to make up for the loss in gear, and they're claiming that these new rewards are better now.

    My thought process is maybe you shouldn't be guaranteed a full G12 piece almost every raid and maybe they fixed it.

    Who knows though, she said they're looking into it, but that's not good enough for you.
    I need a new message here.
  • Strubz
    429 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Strubz wrote: »
    I'm going to give CG the benefit of the doubt this one time and wait for a response. Maybe the implementation of the reward rework got bugged on raids already in progress, who knows. Until they explicitly say "we meant to do exactly this" I'll reserve judgement.

    That being said, I know how difficult the heroic sith raid is and I feel for guilds that waited to finish the raid until this update went LIVE. I hope you get some reimbursement.

    "Come on. You know what's about to happen....what we're up against...."

    I'm trying to be positive for once. I'm usually very negative :smile:
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Krayt337 wrote: »
    If they don’t fix this many top end players will quit, just like after the mod debacle.

    No, the mod-debacle stuck it to everyone. This nerf only hits their longest and most loyal customers. Which is why it stings a little more.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • mlb1399
    674 posts Member
    I don’t get it. You charge:
    $10 for an omega pack
    $25 for a gold mod
    $100-$200 to take a toon from g11-g12
    $300 for a new 7* character
    And you can’t give away 1 g12 piece for someone who has spent years or thousands of dollars to get the right roster to finish in the top 20 of a tough raid?

    Don’t even get me started on how something that had months of planning already has 3 major changes to how status effects work, rewards and a zeta that has been around since zetas were created.
  • Olddumper
    3000 posts Member
    I'm a very principled person. I'm giving it a week. If these changes are live then I will be removing the app. I spend too much time and money on this game as it is. The last thing I need is to feel ripped of by it too.
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    Great update ! Thx :) - and the new Raid-Pictures look amazing - good work.
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    mlb1399 wrote: »
    I don’t get it. You charge:
    $10 for an omega pack
    $25 for a gold mod
    $100-$200 to take a toon from g11-g12
    $300 for a new 7* character
    And you can’t give away 1 g12 piece for someone who has spent years or thousands of dollars to get the right roster to finish in the top 20 of a tough raid?

    Don’t even get me started on how something that had months of planning already has 3 major changes to how status effects work, rewards and a zeta that has been around since zetas were created.

    So right you are. All they seem to care about is their bottom line. Could care less about their players as they have proven time and time again.
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    Corrog wrote: »
    I'm sorry, but I don't think this is as bad as everyone is making it out to be. I haven't seen any challenge gear in those pictures, and we don't have enough finished raids for statistical relevance. It's quite possibly bad luck.

    Not to mention the fact that the increased currency is supposed to offset the loss in gear. There will be changes in the coming weeks to guild store and guild event store, to help offset the change for top players. In my opinion, that's a great change I'm looking forward to.

    People need to calm down.


    I've since learned the entitlement in this thread won't tolerate logic or reason. Or criticism. Or sarcasm - but that much I at least expected.
  • Brownie
    298 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    CaptainRex wrote: »
    @TVF So what exactly is your thought process? What used to drop over FIFTEEN pieces of gear (statistically with a guaranteed chance for at LEAST one full G12 piece) now drops 4, with a CHANCE at a full drop.
    What are you seeing here? They would have to slash store prices by 90% to make up for the loss in gear, and they're claiming that these new rewards are better now.

    My thought process is maybe you shouldn't be guaranteed a full G12 piece almost every raid and maybe they fixed it.

    Who knows though, she said they're looking into it, but that's not good enough for you.

    Do you have any idea what goes into finishing a heroic sith raid? How much time it takes to do successful runs? The amount of time it took to complete the raid was deserving of G12 full drops. Thats fine if you disagree, but Im guessing you havent done a heroic sith raid yet, so I get why you might think that. You just dont want people progressing faster than you...
  • DeepChu
    185 posts Member
    Jeric wrote: »
    jedilord wrote: »
    Kyleslater wrote: »

    Edit: I understand t5/6 were improved. That’s a good thing. But it’s too much of a nerf to heroic
    Jeric wrote: »
    jedilord wrote: »
    Jeric wrote: »
    Muaddib wrote: »
    Jeric wrote: »
    Also of note, those that are on TIV-VI should be happy, and as those individuals haven't started the HSTR, their disappointment will be mitigated. This was a decent long term stategy for the company.

    As someone not on heroic, my rewards look like they will be better, and I have agency thanks to the increase in currency.

    The currency does not offset the nerf of the rewards.

    I was speaking on Tier IV-VI

    The rewards are better.

    no they are not, we are playing tier5

    Looks better to me.

    take a closer look, please...
    place1: only one box... they have taken the other box: and give instead only 200 ge-token more and only 1450 guild-token more!

    200 ge-token -> you need 2 raids for 5 pieces of g12^^
    1450 guild-token -> you can buy 15dengar shards ... woooohoooo awful awful!

    they have said, "Special attention has been paid to increasing the rewards to better fit the difficulty of the Sith Raid Tiers 5 & 6 for the population of guilds currently running those Tiers, and to rewarding guilds for "moving up" to, and performing well in, those challenging Tiers."

    with only one box, that drops worse gear than a rancorraid??? and some tiny token more?? that is ridiculing that is

    1st gets less gear, 40th gets more. They both get more currency. It's an improvement in the lower tiers since you need the whole guild to improve to reach and win in Heroic.

    After going through the various images for Heroic, and even though I think the histrionics are a tad over-the-top, they have a point there. The shift seems more noticable and dramatic.

    40th do 1m damagem 1st do +10m damage, if 1st is gonna have the same rewards as 40th, he will not bother in make tries and lose time, so he will do 3m and then the raid won't complete.

    And this is now while traya is not at 7*, then?, why bother?

    This is not the right move...
  • TVF
    36794 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Brownie wrote: »
    You just dont want people progressing faster than you...

    Don't be silly.

    I need a new message here.
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    I thought the sith tri. Raid rewards were being improved? Instead they are being effectively nerfed!?!!???
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    I think the gamechangers wil love the update!
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