Follow up Update on Sith Raid Rewards - 4/12/18 [MEGA]


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    The mathematical proof of why CGs STR socialism does not work.
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    The thing is, these individual rewards are not the primary issue. The Traya character is obviously broken with power creep and we havent even used it yet.

    Traya is going to be a problem. Period.
    CLS was nothing compared to what this is going to become.
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    Thank you for doing that! That is a real constructive feedback based on factual analysis.
    I'd like to add those screenshots to the discussion:
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    A 100% of your player base would rather choose the rewards from THE PIT
  • TVF
    36861 posts Member
    Swordd wrote: »
    The only issue here is that the data weren't gathered randomly, unless I am missing something. People taking the time to post their heroic rewards now are likely doing it because they feel they are exceptionally bad.

    I am not knocking the overall point at all. I am not in a heroic sith guild but I can imagine how mad I would be right now if I was. However, there is likely bias in the data collection here. Maybe not enough to change the conclusion, but worth mentioning. Data from the devs, or a more random sampling of new data (i.e. assign 25 people before raid payout to submit screenshots after payout), would alleviate the issue.

    @Maegor I noticed you responded to several other posts and ignored this one. I'm curious what your response is to it.
    I need a new message here.
  • Drim
    364 posts Member
    FYI if my guild leader quits I’m also done and it’s not looking good. I have no desire to look for another T7 Sith guild.
  • Vorgen
    254 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Swordd wrote: »
    The only issue here is that the data weren't gathered randomly, unless I am missing something. People taking the time to post their heroic rewards now are likely doing it because they feel they are exceptionally bad.

    I am not knocking the overall point at all. I am not in a heroic sith guild but I can imagine how mad I would be right now if I was. However, there is likely bias in the data collection here. Maybe not enough to change the conclusion, but worth mentioning. Data from the devs, or a more random sampling of new data (i.e. assign 25 people before raid payout to submit screenshots after payout), would alleviate the issue.

    @Maegor I noticed you responded to several other posts and ignored this one. I'm curious what your response is to it.

    Taking data from all 50 people from his guild is the same as taking data from 50 random people unless one guildie’s drop effect another guildie’s loot drop. I am not aware such loot drop logic is in place but again it’s CG so anything is possible.
  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Swordd wrote: »
    The only issue here is that the data weren't gathered randomly, unless I am missing something. People taking the time to post their heroic rewards now are likely doing it because they feel they are exceptionally bad.

    I am not knocking the overall point at all. I am not in a heroic sith guild but I can imagine how mad I would be right now if I was. However, there is likely bias in the data collection here. Maybe not enough to change the conclusion, but worth mentioning. Data from the devs, or a more random sampling of new data (i.e. assign 25 people before raid payout to submit screenshots after payout), would alleviate the issue.

    @Maegor I noticed you responded to several other posts and ignored this one. I'm curious what your response is to it.

    I took what data I had and could get quickly. I'm sure there is some bias in there. And obviously I had to make assumptions for the 100% drop rate period that we are promised, which any assumption is going to lead some inaccuracy. That's one reason I tagged some devs in my post. I *want* to be wrong, I really do.

    But, I think it's fair to say that after tonight's post from Carrie that the new rewards from heroic are not better for heroic guilds overall, or even equivalent. I am curious to see more information about the new gear and how it will be introduced into heroic loot boxes, and I'm curious, excited even, to see their data. Overall, I really liked Carrie's post tonight.
  • TVF
    36861 posts Member
    I'll admit I may have missed it, but where did he say the data is all from his guild?
    I need a new message here.
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    @Maegor I can send you screenshots from my guild if you want. PM me the way I could contact you.
  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    Vorgen wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Swordd wrote: »
    The only issue here is that the data weren't gathered randomly, unless I am missing something. People taking the time to post their heroic rewards now are likely doing it because they feel they are exceptionally bad.

    I am not knocking the overall point at all. I am not in a heroic sith guild but I can imagine how mad I would be right now if I was. However, there is likely bias in the data collection here. Maybe not enough to change the conclusion, but worth mentioning. Data from the devs, or a more random sampling of new data (i.e. assign 25 people before raid payout to submit screenshots after payout), would alleviate the issue.

    @Maegor I noticed you responded to several other posts and ignored this one. I'm curious what your response is to it.

    Taking data from all 50 people from his guild is the same as taking data from 50 random people unless one guildie’s drop effect another guildie’s loot drop. I am not aware such loot drop logic is in place but again it’s CG so anything is possible.

    I'm on several different discord servers with other heroic level guilds. I asked them to send me screenshots of rewards. Truly random samples? No, only because you don't know why somebody is posting one screenshot and the next person isn't. That's the inherent bias in my sample.
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    Based Maegor is based.

    You are correct. He is based in facts and data!
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
  • Abysmal_Void
    75 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    @Maegor It didn't take long for me to find you. I sent you an invite (#4935)
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    WOW! So in other words: "we nerfed the rewards and you're going to like it! Sorry not sorry."

    Please tell us again how this benefits us as a group but not individually. THIS MAKES NO SENSE WHATSOEVER! Tell us again how ignorant we are and how we'll eventually "see the light". I'm shocked and appalled by your self-righteousness. Absolutely shameless! You could still fix this, but you choose not to. Instead, you choose to insult us and insinuate that we don't know how good this is... Please re-think this... And QUICKLY!
  • Jordylee24
    117 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    Wow just wow. Give me back my challenge gear. I'll take it back. I haven't seen one (1) full piece yet in the new reward screenshots that would befit late endgame content. Mk3 carbs and cuffs won't cut it unless we receive a few at a time. As a regular top 3 performer in heroic this really really hurts. Give me at least one full g12 piece maybe not the couple I was getting on average I was getting but something for my efforts!!! Edit to change a few things and to say thats its 12 am and I just hit p4 and I will have to set my alarm for just a few hours for when the euros wake up if I want anymore of p4. @CG_Carrie
    Post edited by Jordylee24 on
  • Mischen1
    158 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    I think everyone complaining about the change in raid rewards needs to chill and stop accusing the devs of lying. They told you they were changing the way the rewards would drop, they changed the rewards, they said oops, we messed up, we need to fix it. Stop with the drama about lies and lost trust. This is a game, anyone who spends thousands on it needs to stop and think how best to convey your disappointment about the rewards being changed from 5 pieces to 4, or whatever, without making accusations based on one or two screenshots. IT IS A GAME. GET OVER IT, IT HAS RANDOM DROPS. The devs removed challenge gear and increased the currency, but all some people can do is post an emotional response about how they didn't INCREASE the rare gear. BUY THE REST, YOU'VE SPENT THOUSANDS, JUST SPEND MORE, that's something you don't want to hear, but what are your solutions! Y'all obviously have enough to waste anyway, but relax and see what CG comes up with to fix the issue. The devs said they made a mistake, God forbid they make mistakes. No one wants to have their fun spoiled, but a strongly worded response can be just as bad. Just enjoy the game and let them sort it out.
    Post edited by Mischen1 on
  • Jeric
    271 posts Member
    A 100% of your player base would rather choose the rewards from THE PIT

    They plan on "flattening" those too
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    I'm positive that my account is more expensive than most people's car, but you're not seeing another dime from me. I may continue playing from time to time, but you people have no clue what you're doing whatsoever...

    What was the worst that could happen if you continued maintaining the rewards? Would f2p people have no interest in spending $$$ on the g12 parts sold in the shop? Guess what? they're not doing that anyway. Do whales do that? Highly doubt it. Krakens? maybe, but from a financial point of view you just kicked yourself in the balls...

    Anyway, if any of the CGs bother reading this, feel free to say your good byes to my credit card :smile:
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    Jeric wrote: »
    A 100% of your player base would rather choose the rewards from THE PIT

    They plan on "flattening" those too

    For god's sake they better not after having seen the outcry from this "improvement".
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    I am F2P. How dare you tell me to spend more when I am completing the hardest content in this game with my guild, only to get worse rewards than the Rancor which can be auto'd in 8 minutes.
    If the change doesn't affect you, go back playing like a sheep. It's a game afterall?
  • Delmon_Ciiidrr
    504 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    CG_Carrie wrote:
    At an aggregate level (meaning total for the guild but not necessarily for every individual in it), we wanted to boost the rewards that all members of the guild were acquiring, while addressing some quality of life asks (namely the removal of challenge gear).

    There is this nice post where someone tried to verify it.

    This is of course not perfect, and the g12 5/6 is not included, but it gives a feeling. And the feeling is that the first iteration (40% droprate) was a deception.

    People understand that there is (unfortunately) rng involved in rewards. The screenshots posted dont show the whole picture but such an anlysis like above is a good approach with what the community can gather as data.

    Since the game started you try to push even more rng in a lot of places and that leads to additional confusion and misbelief. Couldn’t it be that sometimes less rng would be better?

    There are statements where you ask for time or where you think that the community doesnt see the value of the heroic sith yet. These are pretty bold statements under the current circumstances. There is just no trust left. On a scale from 0 to 10 the start is at - 10, its that easy.

    It would be nice that you just proof by real numbers that there will be an improvement. You run the game by numbers/economics so it would be possible. Something like we increased the total guild payout in an equivalent of 50,000 guild store currency or so.
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    You obviously have no clue about what you talking, nor did you have access to HSith rewards pre nerf.
    I'm not a whale, I'm able to rank 1~3 in the raid, and I need this gear to move forward.
    And you are missing the point. They are actively and conciously lying about their actions.
  • crewmeister
    252 posts Member
    edited April 2018
    I'm positive that my account is more expensive than most people's car, but you're not seeing another dime from me. I may continue playing from time to time, but you people have no clue what you're doing whatsoever...

    What was the worst that could happen if you continued maintaining the rewards? Would f2p people have no interest in spending $$$ on the g12 parts sold in the shop? Guess what? they're not doing that anyway. Do whales do that? Highly doubt it. Krakens? maybe, but from a financial point of view you just kicked yourself in the balls...

    Anyway, if any of the CGs bother reading this, feel free to say your good byes to my credit card :smile:

    As expensive as a car? Maybe you spent as much on it as you could have on a car, but that's definitely not a reflection of it's value. Try selling your account for $20k or whatever obscene amount of money you've spent on it, and perhaps you'll get an idea of it's market value.

    I appreciate the whales for their contributions that allow me to enjoy a pretty good game for a marginal amount of money, and I 100% agree with almost everyone's sentiments about how misleading and untruthful these raid reward changes have been, but the entitlement that some whale's think they've purchased with their CLEARLY horrible investment is getting really old. I have zero sympathy for someone who's throwing a fit because the mobile game they've dropped a ridiculous amount of cash on isn't conforming to their exact wishes. Enough with the threats, follow through and leave!

  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Jeric wrote: »
    A 100% of your player base would rather choose the rewards from THE PIT

    They plan on "flattening" those too

    For god's sake they better not after having seen the outcry from this "improvement".

    They will. And then explain to us why it's better for the long term health of the game and why we should like less rewards more.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    I'm F2P as well. I'm just saying the drama and anger is so stupid and misplaced. The ones who are griping the most are the ones who want everything handed to them without working for it. This game is a grind, no way the devs can just give away gear, it has to be balanced. So they screwed up and need to fix it. SO WHAT? JUST ENJOY THE FRIGGIN GAME!
  • Huatimus
    3669 posts Member
    Your anger and drama is misplaced. Time for you to take your own advice.
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Jeric wrote: »
    A 100% of your player base would rather choose the rewards from THE PIT

    They plan on "flattening" those too

    For god's sake they better not after having seen the outcry from this "improvement".

    They will. And then explain to us why it's better for the long term health of the game and why we should like less rewards more.

    "Repeat a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth." - Joseph Goebbels
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    Huatimus wrote: »
    Your anger and drama is misplaced. Time for you to take your own advice.

    Worth quoting!
    And let me ask you, @Mischen1 , which rewards would you rather choose without considering the character shards?
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    Devfenders everywhere. They are grown up people I'm sure they can understand our frustration
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    I'm not angry I've been laughing all day at the acidic comments from people who don't realize the rewards are now going to be exclusively useful gear and lots of currency to buy more useful gear. Carrie just said they messed up implementing the change and need to revise it a bit more to get it right
This discussion has been closed.