Ships 2.0 5/22/18 [Mega]


  • Far327
    3 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    @Bane1492 -100% my exact same experience. It's actually comforting to see it happening to someone using Executrix. I thought it was only my Endurance with GR ships getting hammered this way. But don't worry. Geonosian ships will be able to beat any 3v3 combo. Lol, you'll just have to grind forever because no one has those ships leveled. Or you will just have to spend lots of $ when the packs become available. Which is exactly what EA/CG are banking on here.
    Post edited by Far327 on
  • Landale3
    87 posts Member
    That's my experience as well. There's more than a few times rng has left me with 1 ship before I even get a reinforcement, and I have a really good fleet for my younger shard.

    The a.i. focus-fires now, and has a clear target priority list. Vader is almost always more than half-dead, or dead-dead before I can get the taunt happening on any toon. And even putting him back in reinforcements means another of my damage dealers gets murdered instead.

    Much of this would be mitigated with a 5v5 start.
  • Ruprecht
    112 posts Member
    Vestrit wrote: »
    the change in challenge difficulty is my pet peevee with this update, my shards has maybe 10ish people that managed to get the ships needed before the update. the rest of us will likely to be stuck for weeks now. thats weeks without a chance to take on the next tier of ability challenges that some people we are competing against can.

    Exactly true.
    The thing is people here don't care about that. They can simulate their zeta challenges and have their capital ships where they want them to be.

    leef wrote: »
    but if they revert it back to 5v5 the reinforcements will not have as big of an impact anymore, wich is one of the things i do like about the update.

    I think the nerfing/rebalancing of the ships was a good move.
    And the reinforcement abilities are fun.
    But it was more fun for me to fight with 5 ships starting, there must be a solution to this.
    I want to use more ships and I want to still have a chance after the AI destroys one of my ships.

    But something has to be done to the ship challenges, we newer players want to farm zetas, too.
    And we want our capitals to get better as well.
    Where is the point of 4* and lvl 75 requirements if I need 7* ships at lvl 85 and maxed out pilots for the tier 4 challenges?
    I mean what comes after? Because there's still a tier 5 and a tier 6.
  • Options
    One thing I will say about the ships rework is that there's one clear area where they dropped the ball: Tanks for the starting lineup.Sun Fac's reinforcement ability is too good to run him from the start, and Slave 1 and CS ARC 170 only taunt when reinforcing. So there's no real alternative to Biggs.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    One thing I will say about the ships rework is that there's one clear area where they dropped the ball: Tanks for the starting lineup.Sun Fac's reinforcement ability is too good to run him from the start, and Slave 1 and CS ARC 170 only taunt when reinforcing. So there's no real alternative to Biggs.

    And when 33% of almost EVERYONE'S starting ship lineup is set (and Vader arguably makes it 67%) - people to need to step away from the "diversity" silliness.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
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  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    One thing I will say about the ships rework is that there's one clear area where they dropped the ball: Tanks for the starting lineup.Sun Fac's reinforcement ability is too good to run him from the start, and Slave 1 and CS ARC 170 only taunt when reinforcing. So there's no real alternative to Biggs.

    And when 33% of almost EVERYONE'S starting ship lineup is set (and Vader arguably makes it 67%) - people to need to step away from the "diversity" silliness.

    Yea, super silly. It's not like 80% of everyone's starting line-up + capital ship the same prior to the update or anything like that.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    One thing I will say about the ships rework is that there's one clear area where they dropped the ball: Tanks for the starting lineup.Sun Fac's reinforcement ability is too good to run him from the start, and Slave 1 and CS ARC 170 only taunt when reinforcing. So there's no real alternative to Biggs.

    And when 33% of almost EVERYONE'S starting ship lineup is set (and Vader arguably makes it 67%) - people to need to step away from the "diversity" silliness.

    Yea, super silly. It's not like 80% of everyone's starting line-up + capital ship the same prior to the update or anything like that.

    I have said repeatedly that the previous system wasn't perfect. But reducing the number of options available to players seems like a backwards way to increase variety and diversity. Here's a thought - buff some of the weaker ships so there aren't 2-3 OP ships. At the same time they could have added reinforcement abilities such that those weaker ships are brought into balance. But instead they reduced the number of options available to players, nerfed hard-farm ships into the ground, lengthened battle time and increased the effects of RNG on battle outcomes.

    Defending the current update by saying it's no worse than Ships 1.0 is hardly extolling it's virtues. There is virtually nothing that is truly "better" about this update - and a number of factors which are actually worse.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    One thing I will say about the ships rework is that there's one clear area where they dropped the ball: Tanks for the starting lineup.Sun Fac's reinforcement ability is too good to run him from the start, and Slave 1 and CS ARC 170 only taunt when reinforcing. So there's no real alternative to Biggs.

    And when 33% of almost EVERYONE'S starting ship lineup is set (and Vader arguably makes it 67%) - people to need to step away from the "diversity" silliness.

    Yea, super silly. It's not like 80% of everyone's starting line-up + capital ship the same prior to the update or anything like that.

    I have said repeatedly that the previous system wasn't perfect. But reducing the number of options available to players seems like a backwards way to increase variety and diversity. Here's a thought - buff some of the weaker ships so there aren't 2-3 OP ships. At the same time they could have added reinforcement abilities such that those weaker ships are brought into balance. But instead they reduced the number of options available to players, nerfed hard-farm ships into the ground, lengthened battle time and increased the effects of RNG on battle outcomes.

    Defending the current update by saying it's no worse than Ships 1.0 is hardly extolling it's virtues. There is virtually nothing that is truly "better" about this update - and a number of factors which are actually worse.

    Not more options- True
    More possible synergies and strategies- also true
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    And when 33% of almost EVERYONE'S starting ship lineup is set (and Vader arguably makes it 67%) - people to need to step away from the "diversity" silliness.
    But that's the point I've been trying to make this whole time--Ships aren't RNG any more. They're paper, rock, scissors.

    Home One beats Chimaera, Chimaera beats Executrix, Executrix beats Home One. Everything beats Endurance.

    Home One burns through Biggs faster than he can heal through assists; with Executrix and Chimaera you hit Vader before Biggs taunts, then burn him down with AoE through the taunt. With Endurance you just delete the app and go watch Netflix.

    Your reinforcements are arguably more important than your starting lineup.

    There's genuinely a lot you can do about diversity, but folks don't want to for whatever reason.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Options
    I was typically ranked 1-5 daily with Endurance prior to update. Seems a bit rediculous “everything” beats it now. Before I uninstalled I was 22 rank and unable to beat any opponents. Even those with 100,000 less power at times. Aside from all the issues most of us are describing with gameplay experience. To nerf a capital ship to the point it is unusable seems a bit extreme.
  • Ebbda
    261 posts Member
    Far327 wrote: »
    I was typically ranked 1-5 daily with Endurance prior to update. Seems a bit rediculous “everything” beats it now. Before I uninstalled I was 22 rank and unable to beat any opponents. Even those with 100,000 less power at times. Aside from all the issues most of us are describing with gameplay experience. To nerf a capital ship to the point it is unusable seems a bit extreme.

    I was the same. Top 5 daily. Makes zero sense you lose to garbage and go on insane losing streaks. Before this update they'd happen, but nowhere near as bad as it was once 2.0 arrived.

    I uninstalled as well. The update was the final straw.

    Worst part, still, is the total neglect of this chat from devs. I've never been one to bother with voicing my opinion, but Star Wars fans are a passionate bunch. The silence remains deafening.

    Still on here because the player base is amazing and curious to see if/when the silence is broken.
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    I cannot remember using my Executrix's basic attack since the update....
    I usually do:
    1. Heavy Ion Cannon
    2. Executive Order
    3. Reinforce
    4. Executive Order/Ion Cannon
    5. Executive Order/Ion Cannon
    6. Reinforce
    Is it just me?

    Yeah, feel bad for upgrading his basic early on now, however I will say I do use it on the rare occasion my RNG luck has been so terribly bad that my ship was Target locked and hit by TFP's special right before my capitals first turn. So instead of hitting a foresighted TFP, I use his basic on Biggs. Can be useful to increase the chance of a TL too. Course, what I've seen before is the basic was resisted.

    Then my next Three chances to TL were resisted. Fun times.

    Was it really a good balance idea to have a ship that on one hand, can be so tanky it means you auto win or auto lose, or be so untanky all due to TL luck?

    Honestly I just love how they go and nerf the tie's n such, nerf so many ships, yet didn't nerf the thing that made TL good. if the only nerfs that came out of the entire patch were towards Biggs and nothing else, I bet then we'd see diversity :p
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »

    Communication 2.0. It's similar to 1.0, but it's been nerfed, is more random and generally not as good. ;)

    I laughed harder at this then I should have :D
  • T_Servo
    32 posts Member
    One of the issues I have is that they nerfed tfp dodge which is fine I guess, but the enemy tfp seems to dodge just as much or more than before. I always check the gear lvl before I go against someone too. Many times their speed, gear and ship upgrades are lower than mine. If your going to nerf dodge, it needs to be nerfed on the AI side too.
  • Obi1_son
    656 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    And when 33% of almost EVERYONE'S starting ship lineup is set (and Vader arguably makes it 67%) - people to need to step away from the "diversity" silliness.
    But that's the point I've been trying to make this whole time--Ships aren't RNG any more. They're paper, rock, scissors.

    Home One beats Chimaera, Chimaera beats Executrix, Executrix beats Home One. Everything beats Endurance.

    Home One burns through Biggs faster than he can heal through assists; with Executrix and Chimaera you hit Vader before Biggs taunts, then burn him down with AoE through the taunt. With Endurance you just delete the app and go watch Netflix.

    Your reinforcements are arguably more important than your starting lineup.

    There's genuinely a lot you can do about diversity, but folks don't want to for whatever reason.

    Say paper rock scissors all you want. Doesn't make it true. Ships is still targ lock to feed biggs. If rng misses for your targ lock and not theirs. You lose. Period.

    If it was paper rock scissors we would see more diversity than just biggs + 2 targ lock ship.
    Mostly biggs Vader tfp
  • Options
    @CG_Carrie what was all that talk about communication? The lack of response to the community speaks volumes. Then you wonder why long time paying players jump ship to other games. The communication with your community has and is still horrible. Y'all might want to work on that in your next team meeting. Savvy
  • Kenjiro
    21 posts Member
    Ships 2.0 totally killed all the little diversity we had and everyone is running the same line-up now....**** it's boring...
  • Vinniarth
    1859 posts Member
    Well, I am on the fence.
    I love the reinforcement effects: that is very nice idea. I also like to see increase in health and protection.
    What I do not like is reduced the ship numbers. It is really bad decision to my mind: you simply cannot mitigate the bad range in the beginning. So the ship arena is now even MORE range dependent and tools longer than it did.
    I also do not like ship omegas: more grind to find out you should have upgraded other ship. Same with the reinforcement materials. You level it up and then decide to put the ship in starting third :/ And there is only one source of them.

    So, I think, starting ships should be 5.
    And all ships should start with their ‘reinforcements effects’ (or at least buffs).
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    Just hit the same guy three times.

    Each times his TFP gets his TL off first go and mine doesn't.
    Each time his TFP dodges without Foresight my capitals aoe, Each time mine doesn't.
    Each time his team takes out one of my starting ships in the first four hits
    Each time its down to the wire still, but then RNG upon RNG happens and I lose.

    I hate the amount of RNG this new ship battles has.
    I hate the RNG so much.

    Forth hit?
    I Lose nothing and win in a landslide.
  • Lilpup
    403 posts Member
    I don't see the problem with ships 2.0. I love it.. Win every match.
  • Ebbda
    261 posts Member
    Lilpup wrote: »
    I don't see the problem with ships 2.0. I love it.. Win every match.

    Just remember that for every player who gets blessed by RNGesus, there's someone out there with farcical RNG and losing streaks a plenty. Glad you like it.

  • Options
    I was 7/7 yesterday but I still hate ships 2.0
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    And when 33% of almost EVERYONE'S starting ship lineup is set (and Vader arguably makes it 67%) - people to need to step away from the "diversity" silliness.
    But that's the point I've been trying to make this whole time--Ships aren't RNG any more. They're paper, rock, scissors.

    Home One beats Chimaera, Chimaera beats Executrix, Executrix beats Home One. Everything beats Endurance.

    Home One burns through Biggs faster than he can heal through assists; with Executrix and Chimaera you hit Vader before Biggs taunts, then burn him down with AoE through the taunt. With Endurance you just delete the app and go watch Netflix.

    Your reinforcements are arguably more important than your starting lineup.

    There's genuinely a lot you can do about diversity, but folks don't want to for whatever reason.

    I don't understand your last sentence. Are you suggesting that we should all just hope everyone else on our shard changes their teams so there is diversity? Because what I've noticed is, as soon as someone switches to Home One or Executrix, the other 49 Chims running Biggs/Vader/TFP pummel them out of the top 50. So then they switch back - so everyone is running the same starting 3 again. There are a few random people trying different things - but they get creamed - drop 30+ ranks in a few hours and switch back. Is some of that simply people trying to fight a different team to see if it is any better? Sure.

    But if RNG plays a large enough role that people have to keep switching back because they struggle on both offense and defense, that's not diversity.

    You can keep slamming your diversity flag into the ground, but the longer this update has been out, the more it seems that any "diversity" is simply a mirage - and an extremely temporary one at that.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Vinniarth
    1859 posts Member
    Ok, I changed my mind. Another CG ‘masterpiece’ special for money grabbing. Another worst experience in game history. Why am I still playing? :/
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    And when 33% of almost EVERYONE'S starting ship lineup is set (and Vader arguably makes it 67%) - people to need to step away from the "diversity" silliness.
    But that's the point I've been trying to make this whole time--Ships aren't RNG any more. They're paper, rock, scissors.

    Home One beats Chimaera, Chimaera beats Executrix, Executrix beats Home One. Everything beats Endurance.

    Home One burns through Biggs faster than he can heal through assists; with Executrix and Chimaera you hit Vader before Biggs taunts, then burn him down with AoE through the taunt. With Endurance you just delete the app and go watch Netflix.

    Your reinforcements are arguably more important than your starting lineup.

    There's genuinely a lot you can do about diversity, but folks don't want to for whatever reason.

    I don't understand your last sentence. Are you suggesting that we should all just hope everyone else on our shard changes their teams so there is diversity? Because what I've noticed is, as soon as someone switches to Home One or Executrix, the other 49 Chims running Biggs/Vader/TFP pummel them out of the top 50. So then they switch back - so everyone is running the same starting 3 again. There are a few random people trying different things - but they get creamed - drop 30+ ranks in a few hours and switch back. Is some of that simply people trying to fight a different team to see if it is any better? Sure.

    But if RNG plays a large enough role that people have to keep switching back because they struggle on both offense and defense, that's not diversity.

    You can keep slamming your diversity flag into the ground, but the longer this update has been out, the more it seems that any "diversity" is simply a mirage - and an extremely temporary one at that.

    Yeah, switch to Home One, no joke. Unless you're vastly undergeared compared to their Thrawn, you'll do fine. You're faster, you can alpha strike, you get extra protection. My g9 Ackbar has a field day with g11 Thrawns, and with luck can beat g12 Thrawns.

    If your Ackbar just isn't cutting it, then use Thrawn while gearing him up. It's the equivalent of throwing rock when the other guy also throws rock.

    Use Thrawn against Executrix, use Executrix against Home One, and Home One against Thrawn. Use Endurance because you've had a long day and need a good laugh to decompress.

    Biggs truly isn't a threat any more. He's ablative, sacrificial. He's great on offense because the AI is dumb, but on defense you can deal with him no problem. Guaranteed target lock with 5s, then the AI Biggs will go before Vader can lock anyone so he'll just use his basic, Ackbar AoE, Biggs' assist on enemy Biggs, he explodes into space debris. Bring in Poe or Clone Sgt and then one-shot TIE Pilot. Their next ship will be Slave-1, you'll eat some counterattacks but at the point Slave-1 comes into the field you'll just be up against it and TIE Advance, while you should have Biggs, 5s, Vader, and Poe. Bring out Clone Sgt to eat Chimaera's ult, finish the job.

    EDIT: Yes, I'm aware I'm saying "Beat Biggs and Vader with Biggs and Vader." The diversity doesn't come from your starting lineup, it comes from your flexibility with capital ships and your hidden reserve ships. But also I'm saying you should fling TIE Pilot into the sun, it's a bad ship against an opponent that knows what they're doing. Only a real dummy is going to just sit there blazing away at it, occasionally missing and giving your capital ship TM. Anyone with enough sense to pour water out of a boot with instructions written on the heel will know to use unavoidable attacks to take it out.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Eddiemundie
    1070 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    And when 33% of almost EVERYONE'S starting ship lineup is set (and Vader arguably makes it 67%) - people to need to step away from the "diversity" silliness.
    But that's the point I've been trying to make this whole time--Ships aren't RNG any more. They're paper, rock, scissors.

    Home One beats Chimaera, Chimaera beats Executrix, Executrix beats Home One. Everything beats Endurance.

    Home One burns through Biggs faster than he can heal through assists; with Executrix and Chimaera you hit Vader before Biggs taunts, then burn him down with AoE through the taunt. With Endurance you just delete the app and go watch Netflix.

    Your reinforcements are arguably more important than your starting lineup.

    There's genuinely a lot you can do about diversity, but folks don't want to for whatever reason.

    I don't understand your last sentence. Are you suggesting that we should all just hope everyone else on our shard changes their teams so there is diversity? Because what I've noticed is, as soon as someone switches to Home One or Executrix, the other 49 Chims running Biggs/Vader/TFP pummel them out of the top 50. So then they switch back - so everyone is running the same starting 3 again. There are a few random people trying different things - but they get creamed - drop 30+ ranks in a few hours and switch back. Is some of that simply people trying to fight a different team to see if it is any better? Sure.

    But if RNG plays a large enough role that people have to keep switching back because they struggle on both offense and defense, that's not diversity.

    You can keep slamming your diversity flag into the ground, but the longer this update has been out, the more it seems that any "diversity" is simply a mirage - and an extremely temporary one at that.

    If his swgoh profile is what i think it is, u’ll understand why he loves ships 2.0. He’s probably finally breaking top 50 with a low investment fleet and then getting slapped down 50 spots every day. So yea he’ll be defending it forever.

    For people who really invested in their fleets, this update is garbage. Not a single home one has broken into my shard’s top 20 since the update, and there was this one guy who always used it before during ships 1.0. He now uses chimaera all day.

  • Eddiemundie
    1070 posts Member
    Wasnt the update supposed to add variance? Nah. Nice try.

    It was a relatively easy fix. Reaper and tfp were OP and needed a nerf. Small buffs to the other capital ships to stop Chimaera from being ridiculously OP. Problem solved.

    Now its just a race to Thrawns ultimate with 95% reinforcing with Slave 1 first instead of Scimitar.

    They added some diversity to reinforcements that’s for sure, since u need options when rng screws u and leave u at 2v4 before u can reinforce
  • Degs29
    361 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Because what I've noticed is, as soon as someone switches to Home One or Executrix, the other 49 Chims running Biggs/Vader/TFP pummel them out of the top 50.

    Except that's not true. There are three people in my shard running a Home One lead who regularly show up in the top 20. Two of them (myself included) can regularly hit the #1 spot. A couple other teams are having success with Executrix in the top 20, though I haven't really been keeping tabs on them the same way I have been for Home One. And more of each in the top 50. Of the cap ships, only Endurance isn't viable (and even saying that, there's three of them in my shard's top 50).

    The bigger issue is the starting line-up, though even that is starting to shake up. Most still run the Biggs/Vader/TFP trio, but some people are finding success with other builds. I think most people just latched on to the first reported meta and forgot to experiment, and so we have all these teams running the same thing.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Degs29 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Because what I've noticed is, as soon as someone switches to Home One or Executrix, the other 49 Chims running Biggs/Vader/TFP pummel them out of the top 50.

    Except that's not true. There are three people in my shard running a Home One lead who regularly show up in the top 20. Two of them (myself included) can regularly hit the #1 spot. A couple other teams are having success with Executrix in the top 20, though I haven't really been keeping tabs on them the same way I have been for Home One. And more of each in the top 50. Of the cap ships, only Endurance isn't viable (and even saying that, there's three of them in my shard's top 50).

    The bigger issue is the starting line-up, though even that is starting to shake up. Most still run the Biggs/Vader/TFP trio, but some people are finding success with other builds. I think most people just latched on to the first reported meta and forgot to experiment, and so we have all these teams running the same thing.

    What is your the average fleet power in your top 50? Most of us are 380k-420k. I ask because it has occurred to me that we might be talking past each other due to significant differences in "game life". My overall GP is over 3 million with over 1,600 ship battles won. I am beginning to think the "diversity" and strategies that you and Nic are suggesting, might be working on (pardon any unintended slight) "lesser" ship shards, but don't exist as real options on "stronger" ship shards.

    On my shard, which is made up of a lot of players like me - there are 45 Chims and 5 Tarkin in the top 50 as of right now. No Endurance and not a single Home One. And almost all of them (with maybe 5-6 exceptions) are running Vader/Biggs/TFP. There are a few minor variations. Of the ones I fight regularly, there is one of two reinforcements - Boba about 80-90% of the time. The only other first reinforcement I have seen since the update is Scimitar. The second reinforcement is always the other (of the the two above). 3rd is usually Poe or Reaper (followed, again, by the other).

    I am not seeing any diversity at all. Ships 2.0, from my experience, has been fighting the same battle 5 (or 10, if I bother refreshing) times in a row, with varying degrees of RNG based on targeting, crits, random dodges (by Biggs, etc.). It's been are less strategic than 1.0 - and far less enjoyable.

    A trend I have also noticed in 2.0 is, that because of the increased role of RNG on the final outcome, fleets with lesser-geared ships and weaker cap ships are able to win battles against stronger/better fleets more often than under ships 1.0. This is also problematic both in terms of rewarding stronger players and encouraging players to strengthen their fleets, look at diversity, etc.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Degs29
    361 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Degs29 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Because what I've noticed is, as soon as someone switches to Home One or Executrix, the other 49 Chims running Biggs/Vader/TFP pummel them out of the top 50.

    Except that's not true. There are three people in my shard running a Home One lead who regularly show up in the top 20. Two of them (myself included) can regularly hit the #1 spot. A couple other teams are having success with Executrix in the top 20, though I haven't really been keeping tabs on them the same way I have been for Home One. And more of each in the top 50. Of the cap ships, only Endurance isn't viable (and even saying that, there's three of them in my shard's top 50).

    The bigger issue is the starting line-up, though even that is starting to shake up. Most still run the Biggs/Vader/TFP trio, but some people are finding success with other builds. I think most people just latched on to the first reported meta and forgot to experiment, and so we have all these teams running the same thing.

    What is your the average fleet power in your top 50? Most of us are 380k-420k. I ask because it has occurred to me that we might be talking past each other due to significant differences in "game life". My overall GP is over 3 million with over 1,600 ship battles won. I am beginning to think the "diversity" and strategies that you and Nic are suggesting, might be working on (pardon any unintended slight) "lesser" ship shards, but don't exist as real options on "stronger" ship shards.

    On my shard, which is made up of a lot of players like me - there are 45 Chims and 5 Tarkin in the top 50 as of right now. No Endurance and not a single Home One. And almost all of them (with maybe 5-6 exceptions) are running Vader/Biggs/TFP. There are a few minor variations. Of the ones I fight regularly, there is one of two reinforcements - Boba about 80-90% of the time. The only other first reinforcement I have seen since the update is Scimitar. The second reinforcement is always the other (of the the two above). 3rd is usually Poe or Reaper (followed, again, by the other).

    I am not seeing any diversity at all. Ships 2.0, from my experience, has been fighting the same battle 5 (or 10, if I bother refreshing) times in a row, with varying degrees of RNG based on targeting, crits, random dodges (by Biggs, etc.). It's been are less strategic than 1.0 - and far less enjoyable.

    A trend I have also noticed in 2.0 is, that because of the increased role of RNG on the final outcome, fleets with lesser-geared ships and weaker cap ships are able to win battles against stronger/better fleets more often than under ships 1.0. This is also problematic both in terms of rewarding stronger players and encouraging players to strengthen their fleets, look at diversity, etc.

    Maybe shard strength does play a role, because I'm finding the opposite of what you're saying. I'm finding more cap ship diversity in the top 20, less RNG, and more strategy. The only part I agree with you on is that the starting line-ups tend to be the same.

    Fleet powers are typically in the 330Ks to 390Ks in my shard. My personal fleet power is on the low end of that scale (I think 337K) and, honestly, there are certain fleets I simply cannot beat regularly. With better than 50/50 results, I can beat Chimaera teams that are 40K+ GP above me, Home One teams that are about 20K+ GP on me, and I struggle to beat Executrix teams that are on par with me GP-wise.
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