Mythic Mods Removal


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    Degs29 wrote: »
    CG: Yo dawg, you complained about semantics, so we gave you a legitimate reason to complain instead.

    Read in Xzibit’s voice too
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    NicWester wrote: »
    Did they say they were removing mods from mythic events?
    That's not the impression I got. To be fair, the impression I got was that they were only removing the first time completion mods. What do I know, though?

    Aaaaaaanyway.... @CG_SBCrumb tagging you in on this because everyone else is doing it, and I'd hate for you to have missed the earlier post I made that literally solved everything because it wasn't tagged.

    You guys already have the solution implemented. Go into the Forest Moon rewards menu and it shows a whole bunch of mods using that generic mod icon with the symbol of the type you can get and the dots above it. Just use that. Shade it gold so people know it's what they'll get--or leave it white, when they get their gold they'll be pleasantly surprised. Stop making things hard on yourself by overthinking the solutions to problems, and don't make some overly dramatic post about "We'll remove these things until we can get it right," that's some straight up co-dependency nonsense right there, and I should know because I'm SUPER co-dependent :p

    So there is confusion on if it's all mythic events?

    Surely they will remove all mythic events now.
  • Strubz
    429 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    I've said this before but it bears repeating, the in-game description of events including rewards and whether or not attempts are shared should be overhauled to be more descriptive. They should denote the range of rewards and how many distinct rewards you can receive. With everything accomplished in this game, I don't believe it would be that difficult to modify the rewards tab with an apt description of what you can receive and if attempts are shared.

    We had this issue with the Ghosts of Dathomir event where attempts were shared between the two tiers but it was never noted in the event. This was further confusing due to the achievement to beat Tier 1 10 times. Why would you beat tier 1 10 times when you can do Tier 2 for better rewards? Seemed like they were trying to trick us into getting lower rewards for the sake of an achievement.

    I see small improvements such as the Bounty quests which clearly state that attempts are shared and exactly what rewards you will get. This should be done with all events and challenges and raids, clearly state the rewards or reward ranges. Don't just state "one or more of the following." That is far too vague.

    Removing one of the rewards from the mythic tier because people were confused is doubling down on the problem. You caused the confusion and to rectify it, remove a reward? Why not edit the rewards text to clarify? And why make an incredibly subjective statement about mods being the least valuable reward? The most valuable reward is what the player/customer deems valuable. This could have been handled much better and I hope they (CG/EA) will heed the suggestion to revamp their descriptions and extend their promise for better communication to also include in-game communication.
  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
    I'm really confused by this. How can anyone be able to beat the mythic tier, and yet not be advanced enough in the game to understand how the rewards work?

    I know there are some people who did not get the rewards after hours of tweaking and pounding; this just tells them to go pound sand, to put it politely.

    I haven't been in the forums in a while; I'm sure I haven't missed much.

    It’s a side effect of buying your way to the top you lose a lot of learning
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    Strubz wrote: »
    I've said this before but it bears repeating, the in-game description of events including rewards and whether or not attempts are shared should be overhauled to be more descriptive. They should denote the range of rewards and how many distinct rewards you can receive. With everything accomplished in this game, I don't believe it would be that difficult to modify the rewards tab with an apt description of what you can receive and if attempts are shared.

    We had this issue with the Ghosts of Dathomir event where attempts were shared between the two tiers but it was never noted in the event. This was further confusing due to the achievement to beat Tier 1 10 times. Why would you beat tier 1 10 times when you can do Tier 2 for better rewards? Seemed like they were trying to trick us into getting lower rewards for the sake of an achievement.

    I see small improvements such as the Bounty quests which clearly state that attempts are shared and exactly what rewards you will get. This should be done with all events and challenges and raids, clearly state the rewards or reward ranges. Don't just state "one or more of the following." That is far too vague.

    Removing one of the rewards from the mythic tier because people were confused is doubling down on the problem. You caused the confusion and to rectify it, remove a reward? Why not edit the rewards text to clarify? And why make an incredibly subjective statement about mods being the least valuable reward? The most valuable reward is what the player/customer deems valuable. This could have been handled much better and I hope they (CG/EA) will heed the suggestion to revamp their descriptions and extend their promise for better communication to also include in-game communication.

    You're never going to get an exact "number of" or "quantity of" in the description fields. For whatever reason, this game was built around obfuscation of rewards and has done quite well. Much to the frustration of players like me who want to know the programmed drop rates so I can do my own QA. I'm a bit OCD like that though.

    What I don't understand, is the complaining. They built a Mythic event where none existed before. People just wanted to replay the legendary events and instead, CG did us a favor by including high quality rewards for completing and gave us a new game play experience.. And what do they get as thanks? Posts about 2 omegas per attempt not being enough to justify the effort and then three posts down there's someone complaining about the omega materials crunch and the materials pack not coming out frequently enough. They include SUPER high quality mods in this event, and you seem to be complaining that they didn't tell us the exact number we should expect to receive. why? Why? WHY???? I just don't get it. Now the mods are gone. Great.

    Being vague on rewards IS NOT THE SAME as not clearly defining shared attempts across tiers. Do not conflate the two issues. One is relevant, the other is not. You get to choose.

    Honestly, if I were in their shoes, I'd use the approach someone else had posted where instead of showing gold mods and all the different types available they go back to the generic transparency catch-all mod and people would be pleasantly surprised when a gold one dropped. Then if people complained I'd simply say "it is what it is". Here they were trying to provide more clarity and obviously had to field a ton of complaints. And I still can't figure out over what exactly.

    Since no one else seems to be saying it; CG, the Yoda event was dope and the rewards were incredible. Thank you.
  • Madpup
    279 posts Member
    Rebel_yell wrote: »
    Strubz wrote: »
    I've said this before but it bears repeating, the in-game description of events including rewards and whether or not attempts are shared should be overhauled to be more descriptive. They should denote the range of rewards and how many distinct rewards you can receive. With everything accomplished in this game, I don't believe it would be that difficult to modify the rewards tab with an apt description of what you can receive and if attempts are shared.

    We had this issue with the Ghosts of Dathomir event where attempts were shared between the two tiers but it was never noted in the event. This was further confusing due to the achievement to beat Tier 1 10 times. Why would you beat tier 1 10 times when you can do Tier 2 for better rewards? Seemed like they were trying to trick us into getting lower rewards for the sake of an achievement.

    I see small improvements such as the Bounty quests which clearly state that attempts are shared and exactly what rewards you will get. This should be done with all events and challenges and raids, clearly state the rewards or reward ranges. Don't just state "one or more of the following." That is far too vague.

    Removing one of the rewards from the mythic tier because people were confused is doubling down on the problem. You caused the confusion and to rectify it, remove a reward? Why not edit the rewards text to clarify? And why make an incredibly subjective statement about mods being the least valuable reward? The most valuable reward is what the player/customer deems valuable. This could have been handled much better and I hope they (CG/EA) will heed the suggestion to revamp their descriptions and extend their promise for better communication to also include in-game communication.

    You're never going to get an exact "number of" or "quantity of" in the description fields. For whatever reason, this game was built around obfuscation of rewards and has done quite well. Much to the frustration of players like me who want to know the programmed drop rates so I can do my own QA. I'm a bit OCD like that though.

    What I don't understand, is the complaining. They built a Mythic event where none existed before. People just wanted to replay the legendary events and instead, CG did us a favor by including high quality rewards for completing and gave us a new game play experience.. And what do they get as thanks? Posts about 2 omegas per attempt not being enough to justify the effort and then three posts down there's someone complaining about the omega materials crunch and the materials pack not coming out frequently enough. They include SUPER high quality mods in this event, and you seem to be complaining that they didn't tell us the exact number we should expect to receive. why? Why? WHY???? I just don't get it. Now the mods are gone. Great.

    Being vague on rewards IS NOT THE SAME as not clearly defining shared attempts across tiers. Do not conflate the two issues. One is relevant, the other is not. You get to choose.

    Honestly, if I were in their shoes, I'd use the approach someone else had posted where instead of showing gold mods and all the different types available they go back to the generic transparency catch-all mod and people would be pleasantly surprised when a gold one dropped. Then if people complained I'd simply say "it is what it is". Here they were trying to provide more clarity and obviously had to field a ton of complaints. And I still can't figure out over what exactly.

    Since no one else seems to be saying it; CG, the Yoda event was dope and the rewards were incredible. Thank you.

    Ok so we got one guy in the support changes for taking away our rewards camp and... Hmm let's see about 50+ in the what the hell are you guys doing camp. Real tight race here.
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    Madpup wrote: »
    Rebel_yell wrote: »
    Strubz wrote: »
    I've said this before but it bears repeating, the in-game description of events including rewards and whether or not attempts are shared should be overhauled to be more descriptive. They should denote the range of rewards and how many distinct rewards you can receive. With everything accomplished in this game, I don't believe it would be that difficult to modify the rewards tab with an apt description of what you can receive and if attempts are shared.

    We had this issue with the Ghosts of Dathomir event where attempts were shared between the two tiers but it was never noted in the event. This was further confusing due to the achievement to beat Tier 1 10 times. Why would you beat tier 1 10 times when you can do Tier 2 for better rewards? Seemed like they were trying to trick us into getting lower rewards for the sake of an achievement.

    I see small improvements such as the Bounty quests which clearly state that attempts are shared and exactly what rewards you will get. This should be done with all events and challenges and raids, clearly state the rewards or reward ranges. Don't just state "one or more of the following." That is far too vague.

    Removing one of the rewards from the mythic tier because people were confused is doubling down on the problem. You caused the confusion and to rectify it, remove a reward? Why not edit the rewards text to clarify? And why make an incredibly subjective statement about mods being the least valuable reward? The most valuable reward is what the player/customer deems valuable. This could have been handled much better and I hope they (CG/EA) will heed the suggestion to revamp their descriptions and extend their promise for better communication to also include in-game communication.

    You're never going to get an exact "number of" or "quantity of" in the description fields. For whatever reason, this game was built around obfuscation of rewards and has done quite well. Much to the frustration of players like me who want to know the programmed drop rates so I can do my own QA. I'm a bit OCD like that though.

    What I don't understand, is the complaining. They built a Mythic event where none existed before. People just wanted to replay the legendary events and instead, CG did us a favor by including high quality rewards for completing and gave us a new game play experience.. And what do they get as thanks? Posts about 2 omegas per attempt not being enough to justify the effort and then three posts down there's someone complaining about the omega materials crunch and the materials pack not coming out frequently enough. They include SUPER high quality mods in this event, and you seem to be complaining that they didn't tell us the exact number we should expect to receive. why? Why? WHY???? I just don't get it. Now the mods are gone. Great.

    Being vague on rewards IS NOT THE SAME as not clearly defining shared attempts across tiers. Do not conflate the two issues. One is relevant, the other is not. You get to choose.

    Honestly, if I were in their shoes, I'd use the approach someone else had posted where instead of showing gold mods and all the different types available they go back to the generic transparency catch-all mod and people would be pleasantly surprised when a gold one dropped. Then if people complained I'd simply say "it is what it is". Here they were trying to provide more clarity and obviously had to field a ton of complaints. And I still can't figure out over what exactly.

    Since no one else seems to be saying it; CG, the Yoda event was dope and the rewards were incredible. Thank you.

    Ok so we got one guy in the support changes for taking away our rewards camp and... Hmm let's see about 50+ in the what the hell are you guys doing camp. Real tight race here.

    I never said that. Not even once in my post. Good try though.

    TL;DR - is that people complaining that the rewards weren't descriptive enough is equally obnoxious to removing them. I'm spiteful, so I'd probably do something similar.
  • Obi1_son
    656 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    I'm going to make a list of everything CG has done well in the last 4 months :

    1) artwork in ships

    This is one of my shortest posts ever.

    True story
  • Jed_Eye
    177 posts Member
    Skykraker wrote: »
    Clearly when cg plays they must not put mods on their toons, as that is the only explanation of their maddening statement. I must be playing a different game then them.

    They don't need to. Their toons are gear 20
  • Jed_Eye
    177 posts Member
    Strubz wrote: »
    I've said this before but it bears repeating, the in-game description of events including rewards and whether or not attempts are shared should be overhauled to be more descriptive. They should denote the range of rewards and how many distinct rewards you can receive. With everything accomplished in this game, I don't believe it would be that difficult to modify the rewards tab with an apt description of what you can receive and if attempts are shared.

    We had this issue with the Ghosts of Dathomir event where attempts were shared between the two tiers but it was never noted in the event. This was further confusing due to the achievement to beat Tier 1 10 times. Why would you beat tier 1 10 times when you can do Tier 2 for better rewards? Seemed like they were trying to trick us into getting lower rewards for the sake of an achievement.

    I see small improvements such as the Bounty quests which clearly state that attempts are shared and exactly what rewards you will get. This should be done with all events and challenges and raids, clearly state the rewards or reward ranges. Don't just state "one or more of the following." That is far too vague.

    Removing one of the rewards from the mythic tier because people were confused is doubling down on the problem. You caused the confusion and to rectify it, remove a reward? Why not edit the rewards text to clarify? And why make an incredibly subjective statement about mods being the least valuable reward? The most valuable reward is what the player/customer deems valuable. This could have been handled much better and I hope they (CG/EA) will heed the suggestion to revamp their descriptions and extend their promise for better communication to also include in-game communication.

    And this describes the disconnect and lack of communication. Improved communication. HA. Ha ha ha.
  • Jed_Eye
    177 posts Member
    @cg if you hired a new dev and listed out the job compensation with so many perks and xxx salary; the new dev completed the job and only received half of what was expected.... Do you think it would be ok to say that was just the possible drops from completing the job.... And since you aren't happy you get nothing ....
  • jejuzang
    710 posts Member
    Feedbacks good but you need to give it on the unofficial reddit page, not the official forums.
  • Obi1_son
    656 posts Member
    jejuzang wrote: »
    Feedbacks good but you need to give it on the unofficial reddit page, not the official forums.

    So you are saying these forums are useless?
  • Madpup
    279 posts Member
    Obi1_son wrote: »
    jejuzang wrote: »
    Feedbacks good but you need to give it on the unofficial reddit page, not the official forums.

    So you are saying these forums are useless?

    I mean it doesn't really matter. They used to never look at the Reddit page and they started to a few months back. However if you listened to some of their early interviews when they tried to work on their "communication" it was clear they weren't going to take anything they read on Reddit seriously.
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    Obi1_son wrote: »
    jejuzang wrote: »
    Feedbacks good but you need to give it on the unofficial reddit page, not the official forums.

    So you are saying these forums are useless?

  • Fauztin
    1332 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    Concerning that this thread has gone on for multiple days, it’s not a weekend, and there has been no response. Even something along the lines of, “we are currently reevaluating the current circumstances,” would suffice. Tell us you’re listening.

    To play devil’s advocate in their defense, I will say this: remember how freaking excited everyone was when Carrie started doing he Q&A stuff and we had a whole week of free rewards just for logging in? Mind you, I’m not placing the value of this on a full carbantis - I’m placing value in the concept of being recognized, being heard, and being appreciated. We appreciate that. Please demonstrate that same respect here. Tell us we’re being heard.
    "I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar." ~ Hoban Washburne
  • Emmant
    93 posts Member

    Carrie - Is this a communication failure, a decision proces failure or both?
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    Fauztin wrote: »
    Concerning that this thread has gone on for multiple days, it’s not a weekend, and there has been no response. Even something along the lines of, “we are currently reevaluating the current circumstances,” would suffice. Tell us you’re listening.

    To play devil’s advocate in their defense, I will say this: remember how freaking excited everyone was when Carrie started doing he Q&A stuff and we had a whole week of free rewards just for logging in? Mind you, I’m not placing the value of this on a full carbantis - I’m placing value in the concept of being recognized, being heard, and being appreciated. We appreciate that. Please demonstrate that same respect here. Tell us we’re being heard.

    Welcome back Faiztin! Seems like you’ve been absent for sabbatical for a long time even though it’s only been since June 14! And I agree 100% with comms has to be picked up with the player base or these forums are useless other players talking to each other.

    Lots of topics in the feedback thread not even responded to either.
  • jejuzang
    710 posts Member
    Obi1_son wrote: »
    jejuzang wrote: »
    Feedbacks good but you need to give it on the unofficial reddit page, not the official forums.

    So you are saying these forums are useless?

    Was a joke because devs tend to post things to unofficial sites like reddit instead of here. Like the jedi rework info for example.
  • crzydroid
    7371 posts Moderator
    Strubz wrote: »
    I've said this before but it bears repeating, the in-game description of events including rewards and whether or not attempts are shared should be overhauled to be more descriptive. They should denote the range of rewards and how many distinct rewards you can receive. With everything accomplished in this game, I don't believe it would be that difficult to modify the rewards tab with an apt description of what you can receive and if attempts are shared.

    We had this issue with the Ghosts of Dathomir event where attempts were shared between the two tiers but it was never noted in the event. This was further confusing due to the achievement to beat Tier 1 10 times. Why would you beat tier 1 10 times when you can do Tier 2 for better rewards? Seemed like they were trying to trick us into getting lower rewards for the sake of an achievement.

    I see small improvements such as the Bounty quests which clearly state that attempts are shared and exactly what rewards you will get. This should be done with all events and challenges and raids, clearly state the rewards or reward ranges. Don't just state "one or more of the following." That is far too vague.

    Removing one of the rewards from the mythic tier because people were confused is doubling down on the problem. You caused the confusion and to rectify it, remove a reward? Why not edit the rewards text to clarify? And why make an incredibly subjective statement about mods being the least valuable reward? The most valuable reward is what the player/customer deems valuable. This could have been handled much better and I hope they (CG/EA) will heed the suggestion to revamp their descriptions and extend their promise for better communication to also include in-game communication.

    The achievement for beating tier 1 10 times is for Defense of Dathomir, not Ghosts of Dathomir. Defense you need 7* Talzin to even attempt p2.
  • Strubz
    429 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    crzydroid wrote: »
    Strubz wrote: »
    I've said this before but it bears repeating, the in-game description of events including rewards and whether or not attempts are shared should be overhauled to be more descriptive. They should denote the range of rewards and how many distinct rewards you can receive. With everything accomplished in this game, I don't believe it would be that difficult to modify the rewards tab with an apt description of what you can receive and if attempts are shared.

    We had this issue with the Ghosts of Dathomir event where attempts were shared between the two tiers but it was never noted in the event. This was further confusing due to the achievement to beat Tier 1 10 times. Why would you beat tier 1 10 times when you can do Tier 2 for better rewards? Seemed like they were trying to trick us into getting lower rewards for the sake of an achievement.

    I see small improvements such as the Bounty quests which clearly state that attempts are shared and exactly what rewards you will get. This should be done with all events and challenges and raids, clearly state the rewards or reward ranges. Don't just state "one or more of the following." That is far too vague.

    Removing one of the rewards from the mythic tier because people were confused is doubling down on the problem. You caused the confusion and to rectify it, remove a reward? Why not edit the rewards text to clarify? And why make an incredibly subjective statement about mods being the least valuable reward? The most valuable reward is what the player/customer deems valuable. This could have been handled much better and I hope they (CG/EA) will heed the suggestion to revamp their descriptions and extend their promise for better communication to also include in-game communication.

    The achievement for beating tier 1 10 times is for Defense of Dathomir, not Ghosts of Dathomir. Defense you need 7* Talzin to even attempt p2.

    I had another response correcting this but I don't think it saved as I don't see it anywhere. Regardless, the overall point remains. It would be very easy to note that attempts are shared. They did it with Galactic Bounties. Why not do it with other events and challenges? Some events share attempts, others do not.

    CG created the confusion by not clearly communicating and their response was to make a subjective statement about mods being the "least valuable" reward and removed them. I'm saying it could have been handled differently by revamping the descriptions.
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    Nomad1941 wrote: »
    Are you kidding me?!? One event a few people complained and they take out the best part of doing mythic events. Everyone has been complaining about worthless challenge gear in herioc raids but that **** is still there. What a disconnect CG has with its player base. @CG_SBCrumb where did this come from?? And don’t tell me the player base because they have been complaining about other things louder and for a longer time. If it’s becaue the mods are turning into too valuable of a reward then be honest. The explanation you are trying to give makes less sense.

    what was actually being complained about was 99% of the time they are health or shield mods used by barely any characters. so in revenge they take ALL mods off and leave it to the people here to attack those who are sick of getting health/shield mods EVERY SINGLE TIME

    Umm people complain about rewards for basically every event, raid, guild activity, changing screens, etc in the game. No different since I started playing a year and a half ago. To choose this one event to listen to a few people when an 100x are complaining about other rewards is stupid. Which is not going to cause anyone to go after the few who complained. Everyone has a right to say they don't like something. They choose which one to listen too in a way that makes them look disconnected. Personally the defense mods suck. Health mods with speed I can find uses for especially since they are free. I don't think they comprehend the importance Mods have on the game.
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    In reading through the thread, I don't think some people don't understand the TRUE reason that people are upset. Here is what was shown on the rewards screen:


    Note that the special notation of "1st Time" for these rewards. Whenever an event has "1st time" it has ALWAYS meant you get every one of those rewards the first time you complete it. Think back to the recently added Rebels Assault Battle. We got a CRAP TON of character shards, because we got ALL of them the first time. I ended up with 3K in shard currency.

    Here is what we got:


    Note that it is 4 of the SAME mod slot. It was always the same mod slot.

    The primary source of frustration was seeing "1st Time" rewards and not getting everything that was highlighted as "1st Time" - that's the FIRST TIME this has happened in this game.

  • Madpup
    279 posts Member
    Nomad1941 wrote: »
    Nomad1941 wrote: »
    Are you kidding me?!? One event a few people complained and they take out the best part of doing mythic events. Everyone has been complaining about worthless challenge gear in herioc raids but that **** is still there. What a disconnect CG has with its player base. @CG_SBCrumb where did this come from?? And don’t tell me the player base because they have been complaining about other things louder and for a longer time. If it’s becaue the mods are turning into too valuable of a reward then be honest. The explanation you are trying to give makes less sense.

    what was actually being complained about was 99% of the time they are health or shield mods used by barely any characters. so in revenge they take ALL mods off and leave it to the people here to attack those who are sick of getting health/shield mods EVERY SINGLE TIME

    Umm people complain about rewards for basically every event, raid, guild activity, changing screens, etc in the game. No different since I started playing a year and a half ago. To choose this one event to listen to a few people when an 100x are complaining about other rewards is ****. Which is not going to cause anyone to go after the few who complained. Everyone has a right to say they don't like something. They choose which one to listen too in a way that makes them look disconnected. Personally the defense mods suck. Health mods with speed I can find uses for especially since they are free. I don't think they comprehend the importance Mods have on the game.

    Hence why I'm always excited when a new character is released. I know I won' t get the character past 3 stars for months (and most likely longer since they get put in hard nodes 90% of the time) but we always get like 6-8 blue health mods when a new character is released. If your lucky that those can net you a 15 speed secondary which is nothing to sneeze at.
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    I'm happy with this fix (backflip?).
    Confused as to why this wasn't done in the first place and why this thread was allowed to blow up like it did.

    But that aside, thanks CG!!
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    Hey look! two mods posted in this thread for the first time posting in this thread, just gotta wait for cg to come and remove them :D English is not British enough, too confusing, instead of fixing, easier to just remove.

    (mods should take offence to cg saying they are insignificant! xD)

    Edit: (being serious now) Oh its been fixed already! Sweet!

    Yay <3 CG !
  • Madpup
    279 posts Member

    Good on CG. Don't know why/how this wasn't handled like this in the first place, or why it was left to go on like this for two days... but good on them for solving the issue in a reasonable manner.
This discussion has been closed.