Sith Triumvirate Raid Feedback Thread


  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    They don't go anywhere cause they don't respond to the players even though they said they would.
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    The bosses should not have such high tenacity that they're immune to everything except JTR and revolve around so much RNG to get a good run... lower it enough so you can occasionally get a debuff and potency up teams are a little more viable.
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  • Natos
    138 posts Member
    Advance to First Page.

    Yes! Back to the tippy top.
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    @CG_SBCrumb daily ping
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    Jam this raid where the sun doesn’t shine.
  • XKurareX
    478 posts Member
    The bosses should not have such high tenacity that they're immune to everything except JTR and revolve around so much RNG to get a good run... lower it enough so you can occasionally get a debuff and potency up teams are a little more viable.

    Problem is the expose endless loop. Thats the reason for the immunity i suppose.

    My proposed changes:
    - Remove tenacity buff from all bosses
    + Make all bosses immune to TM removal
    + Give all bosses 5-10% TM on each expose, to avoid endless loops
    - Remove speed buff from the bosses
    + Enrage AOE to all bosses which ignores foresight ("Force Implosion" - AOE Annihilation)

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    I can hear the conversations at their offices now.

    "Let's change a whole bunch of random stuff keep the highest level, biggest spending players engaged and spending money."

    "How will these changes effect the lower level players?"

    "LOL! Who cares?!"
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    XKurareX wrote: »
    The bosses should not have such high tenacity that they're immune to everything except JTR and revolve around so much RNG to get a good run... lower it enough so you can occasionally get a debuff and potency up teams are a little more viable.

    Problem is the expose endless loop. Thats the reason for the immunity i suppose.

    My proposed changes:
    - Remove tenacity buff from all bosses
    + Make all bosses immune to TM removal
    + Give all bosses 5-10% TM on each expose, to avoid endless loops
    - Remove speed buff from the bosses
    + Enrage AOE to all bosses which ignores foresight ("Force Implosion" - AOE Annihilation)

    It is understandable to me that they increased the tenacity so much and include the speed bonus Nihilis gets every time he is hit to help prevent teams from soloing whole phases or even the whole raid like the direction of the other 2 raids have gone. However, my problem with the tenacity being so high is that it renders so many characters and compositions completely ineffective. Sith is the first faction to come to mind that can't perform well as a result. It pigeonholes players too much into which teams to use for which phase. I appreciate that they made the raid to act differently than the other 2 raids and to get the player to think about which choices to make more. This prevents autoing from being effective which is doable in Rancor and multiple phases of the AAT. However, as has been repeated many times throughout this thread it has resulted in a large dependence on RNG, which gives a very wide range for scores the player can achieve when making good decisions. This results in frequently having to perform many restarts to produce what feels like an acceptable score. Every single phase frustrates me with this, although 1,3, and 4 are the most frustrating for screwing me over making me restart due to Nihilis in phase 1 and 4 using Annhiliate when it was on a 3 turn cooldown still or not using it when it was on a one turn cooldown, or Traya's adds in phase 3 debuffing the wrong characters over and over etc.

    I think the raid could be enjoyable with some tweaks, but not sure how I would go about fixing the problems I have with it. It's hard for me to want to expend the energy into coming up with ideas when I don't feel player ideas are listened to or even acknowledged anymore.
  • t0neg0d
    616 posts Member
    Mzee wrote: »
    This prevents autoing from being effective which is doable in Rancor and multiple phases of the AAT.

    Yet 75% of people auto it anyways, if they bother do that. Why? Because the raid is a dumpster fire they refuse to put out.
  • JVU420
    429 posts Member
    CG you guys adjust the tank health for lower guilds before, you need to do the same with the sith raid for them. Dont understand why you guys make a raid thats too hard for lower guilds and give crap rewards. Rewards for heroic are just as bad but at least we get Traya shards. Gear 12+ drop rates are pretty horrendous.
  • Natos
    138 posts Member
    t0neg0d wrote: »
    Mzee wrote: »
    This prevents autoing from being effective which is doable in Rancor and multiple phases of the AAT.

    Yet 75% of people auto it anyways, if they bother do that. Why? Because the raid is a dumpster fire they refuse to put out.

    Well, that and if you don't want to bother with restarts, auoting yields a bout the same results for a lot of teams anyway. So, why bother actually paying the content?
  • t0neg0d
    616 posts Member
    Natos wrote: »
    t0neg0d wrote: »
    Mzee wrote: »
    This prevents autoing from being effective which is doable in Rancor and multiple phases of the AAT.

    Yet 75% of people auto it anyways, if they bother do that. Why? Because the raid is a dumpster fire they refuse to put out.

    Well, that and if you don't want to bother with restarts, auoting yields a bout the same results for a lot of teams anyway. So, why bother actually paying the content?

    So true =(
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    Our guild has basically stopped this raid. Our guild tokens sit at 150K in the red and we just say screw it. Has anyone thought of just boycotting it all together. Pretend it doesn’t exist and focus on life like it was before? #boycottsithraid. I’m not trying to start some sort of revolution here and I’m really not all that upset about this raid. Rather than get frustrated we just ignore. There are still many other elements of the game that keep it enjoyable.
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    Also just curious about this idea. Has anyone tested the sith raid with a toon that has as close to zero speed (or whatever lowest speed possible is)? Logic behind this is that you get one toon who is starred appropriately but you’ve never geared or done anything to up speed. If there is a way to get unbreakable will on them activate it. Then let everyone else’s higher speed do their thing while this toon with low speed just keeps getting hit as their two turns take forever to come around and they can never be killed. Just curious. Thank for feedback.
  • Bloodynubberz
    68 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    I know that they was waiting to see what happens with the “new JTRs in the wild”, here is my thoughts about using my new JTR aquired in the last event. I should say that i have JTR, BB8 & R2D2 AT G12.5, scavenger and pilot at 11.5 (farming RT as a priority).

    T5 P1 is now a little fun i admit, thought i dont reset more than twice, lets face it i want to do well for my guild but two resets only as its a long way from great fun and having a JTR team does not improve the mechanics of this raid.

    T6 after a failed HSIT the leadership wanted to run this as a HSIT practice with max participation, i ran JTR in P1 and p2, ive ignored the rest of p2, and p3, Dn is dead in p4 so i thought i would have a go, threw JTR in, got eaten quickly and reminded me sharply why i dont give a hoot about this raid, next i threw my sisters in who are under geared and also got eaten, i have other unsuitable g12 teams but cant be bothered to waste my time chucking them in.

    HSIT tried it once but didnt have enough guild interest or geared JTRs to get through P1, funny that we have 25 or more JTR teams but many still didnt bother to register a score ;(

    So how are all the new JTRs in the field? Im trying, but struggling to engage, JTR increases my P1 engagement only, mostly the guild is still apathetic towards it.

    Making a little but not much difference in our guild, its the officers i feel sorry for, they cant be too aggressive with those that have JTRs but dont fully participate or the guild would rush in a backward direction, many of us want to move forward but i guess like me, bashing my head against the least fun part of any game ive ever played is not inspiring me, i guess i will keep gearing my teams, and once i have a geared team for p2 i guess i will start trying, one phase at a time

  • Ultra
    11552 posts Moderator
    Also just curious about this idea. Has anyone tested the sith raid with a toon that has as close to zero speed (or whatever lowest speed possible is)? Logic behind this is that you get one toon who is starred appropriately but you’ve never geared or done anything to up speed. If there is a way to get unbreakable will on them activate it. Then let everyone else’s higher speed do their thing while this toon with low speed just keeps getting hit as their two turns take forever to come around and they can never be killed. Just curious. Thank for feedback.
    That was the tactic behind Stormtrooper Han in phase 4 before the devs nerfed it. The no speed cheese is only good in phase 4 when traya is alone since the raid bosses can do AOE attacks in other phases. Traya usually targets and drains TM from your slowest toon before it can go so it requires some RNG to get UW. You can boost your chances by using First Order Officer or Jyn Erso. Lowest speed possible in the game will be someone at g1 and UW is usually given to the healthiest toon at the start of encounter.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    Natos wrote: »
    t0neg0d wrote: »
    Mzee wrote: »
    This prevents autoing from being effective which is doable in Rancor and multiple phases of the AAT.

    Yet 75% of people auto it anyways, if they bother do that. Why? Because the raid is a dumpster fire they refuse to put out.

    Well, that and if you don't want to bother with restarts, auoting yields a bout the same results for a lot of teams anyway. So, why bother actually paying the content?

    Yep. The other presumption with redoing attempts until you get decent rng in HSith is that you better hope your guild is weak. Several times I have retreated to restart either a JTRey run in phase 1 or NS at the open of phase 4, only to miss the opportunity completely.

    Please fix this horrific raid and the even worse HSith reward structure and rewards across all tiers.

    Honest question - if you, the developers, were in a guild with friends of two years+, would you want to play this raid?
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    I've about given up with this game. Biggest contributor is this raid. The other is the blatant power creep cash grabs. EA has ruined another game for me... Not counting sports game... They're a perfect 4/4.
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    @CG_SBCrumb sorry I missed the daily ping yesterday. Was busy with real life priorities like getting married ;).
    But here’s your daily ping!! Nothing to really go over. You have 41 pages of unanswered feedback to attend to and quite a few promises to fulfill :blush:
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    sorry I missed the daily ping yesterday. Was busy with real life priorities like getting married ;).

    Unrelated to the thread, but Congrats!
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    sorry I missed the daily ping yesterday. Was busy with real life priorities like getting married ;).

    Unrelated to the thread, but Congrats!

    Oh it’s related for sure lol. Something to do with priorities and time managaement and all. Something we haven’t seen too much of in this thread in almost 2 months now. Gotta love it :)
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    sorry I missed the daily ping yesterday. Was busy with real life priorities like getting married ;).

    Unrelated to the thread, but Congrats!

    Oh it’s related for sure lol. Something to do with priorities and time managaement and all. Something we haven’t seen too much of in this thread in almost 2 months now. Gotta love it :)

    I meant that my post congratulating you was unrelated to the Sith Raid, not your post.

    It would be nice if they could spend some time to work on making people enjoy the Sith raid. I mean, after they release these KotoR characters, they’ll have what, one and a half to two months for the whole development team to work on Mods 2.0? I’d be surprised if that’s the only thing they do, even though that’s all they say in the road ahead. Maybe they could squeeze in a rework for all the STR rewards? And lower the health while they’re at it. And tenacity.
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    Maybe they could squeeze in a rework for all the STR rewards? And lower the health while they’re at it. And tenacity.

    You mean spend about an hour buffing the rewards to at least make the raid worthwhile? A whole hour of planning and design work? LOL

    Of course that is not the issue, it is the fact they somehow blindly don't think it is needed, I mean you have to be REALLY blind to a lot of things, but that is where this stands. They foolishly have been thinking (or, it's just another poor excuse to delay the inevitable) that more JTR and Yoda's are going to save the day here. Again if someone was living under a rock, this kind of logic might somewhat fly, to anyone who has done proper testing and analysis that logic holds no water.

    I suspect they did almost no longer term testing of Tiers 3-6, where the majority of players are spending wasting time. If they did, it would be clear the raid takes far too long, and the rewards completely stink and don't match the effort.

    @CG - Here is a metric to look at, why don't you compare the amount of retreats in STR vs Tank. While your at it, why don't you take some Level 75-80 G8-G9 toons through each phase of the STR, tiers 3 & 4. Throw some JTR & Yoda in there sure, then also use some other teams. Then see how long it takes, how difficult and frustrating it is, how RNG dependent it is, and how pitiful the rewards are at the end for all the effort.

  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    Maybe they could squeeze in a rework for all the STR rewards? And lower the health while they’re at it. And tenacity.

    You mean spend about an hour buffing the rewards to at least make the raid worthwhile? A whole hour of planning and design work? LOL

    Of course that is not the issue, it is the fact they somehow blindly don't think it is needed, I mean you have to be REALLY blind to a lot of things, but that is where this stands. They foolishly have been thinking (or, it's just another poor excuse to delay the inevitable) that more JTR and Yoda's are going to save the day here. Again if someone was living under a rock, this kind of logic might somewhat fly, to anyone who has done proper testing and analysis that logic holds no water.

    I suspect they did almost no longer term testing of Tiers 3-6, where the majority of players are spending wasting time. If they did, it would be clear the raid takes far too long, and the rewards completely stink and don't match the effort.

    @CG - Here is a metric to look at, why don't you compare the amount of retreats in STR vs Tank. While your at it, why don't you take some Level 75-80 G8-G9 toons through each phase of the STR, tiers 3 & 4. Throw some JTR & Yoda in there sure, then also use some other teams. Then see how long it takes, how difficult and frustrating it is, how RNG dependent it is, and how pitiful the rewards are at the end for all the effort.

    You’d think that they would but they are acting as if the problem doesn’t exist even after acknowledging it, asking for feedback to pinpoint the issues, redo the rewards (terribly I might add), and then ignore everything and push more broken content....lovely isn’t it?
  • Natos
    138 posts Member
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Maybe they could squeeze in a rework for all the STR rewards? And lower the health while they’re at it. And tenacity.

    You mean spend about an hour buffing the rewards to at least make the raid worthwhile? A whole hour of planning and design work? LOL

    Of course that is not the issue, it is the fact they somehow blindly don't think it is needed, I mean you have to be REALLY blind to a lot of things, but that is where this stands. They foolishly have been thinking (or, it's just another poor excuse to delay the inevitable) that more JTR and Yoda's are going to save the day here. Again if someone was living under a rock, this kind of logic might somewhat fly, to anyone who has done proper testing and analysis that logic holds no water.

    I suspect they did almost no longer term testing of Tiers 3-6, where the majority of players are spending wasting time. If they did, it would be clear the raid takes far too long, and the rewards completely stink and don't match the effort.

    @CG - Here is a metric to look at, why don't you compare the amount of retreats in STR vs Tank. While your at it, why don't you take some Level 75-80 G8-G9 toons through each phase of the STR, tiers 3 & 4. Throw some JTR & Yoda in there sure, then also use some other teams. Then see how long it takes, how difficult and frustrating it is, how RNG dependent it is, and how pitiful the rewards are at the end for all the effort.

    You’d think that they would but they are acting as if the problem doesn’t exist even after acknowledging it, asking for feedback to pinpoint the issues, redo the rewards (terribly I might add), and then ignore everything and push more broken content....lovely isn’t it?

    Updating loot tables is apparently REALLY complex...

    I can understand that adjusting the mechanics of the raid would be hard. However, they haven't even asked for follow up on ANY problem brought up in this ENTIRE thread. It just makes me think (based on previous practice) that CG is now moving forward with a "plan" based on nothing but data, with no qualitative feedback from anyone to filter it, and we're going to get junk...again.

    That or they're just completely ignoring this thread, which is also very probable considering the amount of communication we've received back from @CG_SBCrumb, or any mention of the raid-that-shall-not-be-named from @CG_Carrie anywhere.
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    Oh yay
    Anothey day
  • dabro_011
    25 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    This old girl with purple mods and a total +44 speed might make it where we don't have to worry about the raid or gear anymore.
    Climbed from 41 to 9 and took out a classic palp traya and a palp traya nest team.
  • Lanj54
    39 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    I have feedback, the fact that Treya targets DN and DT with her cooldown buff everytime is ridiculous the raid is enough of a pain without the AI being programmed to do so. Having certain toons targeted by AI isn't right. While I'm at it the same with ships the AI always targets Vader no matter whether he starts or you bring him in as a reinforcement. Been playing for well over years now and am very disappointed with those 2 moves this may have been brought up before, but I'm so frustrated with it, it makes it not fun it makes me want to quit the game as a whole.
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