Preventing Critolyte, Second Pass [MEGA]


  • Arcaver
    317 posts Member
    edited August 2018
    NNOOOOOOO!!!!!! You guys just screwed over anyone who uses Nightsisters in arena! There have been several times that her second attack would be her saving attack due to all the Foresight you guys have been pimping out with GMY, JTR, GK, and BB-8. With these guys being in almost every Arena line up, it often takes two shots to heal all the DoT/Burning.

    Nightsisters viability is already very limited, this just made it worse. If this update rolls out, I'd like a refund of my gear, credits, ability mats, omegas, and Zetas of both Nightsister Acolyte, Zombie and Mother Talzin.

    When can we expect to see Raid Han getting nerfed? Cause we can auto the Rancor Raid with a just a 7* Raid Han and CLS. I mean, we gotta get him to 7 stars just to do it, but I'm guessing we should be expecting a nerf for him as well.

    I just don't see the point of you guys nerfing every team that people start using to make your raid not so terrible. I'm guessing that when you say you got feedback from the forums, you mean Reddit? Cause you guys don't really communicate here. I mean, you have 50+ pages of feedback for your raid, yet no responses and the only changes ever made are to the mutt teams people use to actually help it not be such hot garbage.
    #ReworkCaptialGamesPeopleSkills #StopIgnoringUsCG #CGCustomerSkillsWeakerThanAnakinsPowerAgainstTheHighGround
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    Make acolyte gain half TM on her turn. Or NO TM. She's in the shadows and can't see Azzaj's ragey self to gain the bonus, I don't care. Don't take away the second attack this kills her as a toon and is going to tear up the team.

    Regarding Zombie.... I worry about the Daka Zeta too. Because there is only ONE method of 'fixing' Zombie so she gets better with gear/levels - that is her unique reverses all str/HP/protection so she ends up being a rotten paper zombie at g12+ - just one that is faster and can maybe hit a little harder. And with this ONE method - we don't need a Daka zeta refund. See? Perfect.
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    Please let this be a lesson CG, do your testing, evaluate all options before deploying fixes. No bug is bad enough it needs to be patched immediately without proper testing or thinking of all possible solutions. Last weekend was a complete meltdown on the forums, reddit, discord and this could have easily been avoided.
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    I use acolyte in PVP against specific teams and Talia isn’t as powerful or useful in those cases. You’re saying everyone who uses her should accept that they are making her near useless for those specific situations? That defeats their purpose of not changing character “kits” to fix an issue with a raid, and yes it gimps the entire NS team for pvp which is what they said it wouldn’t effect with this proposed change. It’s easy to say it’s a better change if you don’t use them for PVP.
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    Not read all messages, sorry if the following idea is already posted.

    To keep Acolyte's PvP viability unchanged, her basic can deal double damage if the attack hits the enemy (as per proposed change). If basic attack is evaded, she attacks again doing regular damage.
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    Aramil66 wrote: »
    Not read all messages, sorry if the following idea is already posted.

    To keep Acolyte's PvP viability unchanged, her basic can deal double damage if the attack hits the enemy (as per proposed change). If basic attack is evaded, she attacks again doing regular damage.

    I would feel a little better about the PvP nerf with this implemented
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    dominiQC wrote: »
    Seems like a reasonable change. It's giving her a higher stealth chance and a larger heal when she crits, making it even more difficult to defeat her with AoEs while stealthed. I like it.

    She had 2x 70% chance. How is that greater than 1x 90%?

    She had 2x 20% heal. How is that greater than 40%?

    Now she can't revive or be assisted by 2 dead nightsisters at once. She can't hit through foresight.

    How is this great? It's bad. Really bad.

    She had 1x 70% chance. She only had 2x 70% chance if she was already stealthed. She’s more likely to get stealth on her first turn, and (I’m not going to do the exact math) still very unlikely to ever lose it.
    Again, she had 1x 20%. She only had 2x 20% if she was stealthed and scored two crits.
    I get how that kinda sucks with the revives and I get the whole foresight thing, but honestly on paper it looks like she’s still going to a great character. Nightsisters don’t have a problem taking out RJT or Bastila teams, and I don’t think this change will affect that. And I don’t see where it says that these changes are final. They could always change her basic to not be evaded or something.
    I wouldn’t say this is really bad. It’s a much better change than what they planned with BoW and they could’ve made her much worse. What if they’d decided to not increase her stealth chance and heal? What if they’d changed Asajj’s leader ability to not give any turn meter? What if they’d kept the original fix? When the devs make a change, they’re not going to make everybody happy. I think this is a fair change and I’m not going to complain about it.
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    after reading the acolyte changes more, it's overall a nerf to acolyte I think. Summary of some of the nerfs:
    1.) Less TM gain in STR raid (this was the desired outcome for CG)
    2.) Doesn't trigger two revives under MT lead anymore (now just one)
    3.) Less TMR under AV lead (expected value of 10% now vs 20% before)
    4.) Can't double tap foresighted toons anymore (zombie/acolyte combo is less effective)

    I think the stealth chance is a net gain to her kit. I really like the idea of either ignoring evade on her basic attack or if the basic attack is evaded (while stealthed), she can attack again for normal damage.
  • Anavel_Gato
    371 posts Member
    edited August 2018

    I have been critical about the original decision which was not incorporating the theory crafting community about this issue so I am very happy to see that you guys did take the time on the 2nd run to look at the other ideas out there. This path and mindset is how it should be before major changes occur. I hope you and the team can keep this mentality alive going forward because this does make good.

    I haven't seen anything addressing whether bonds of weakness rollback stays as is? AKA no 90% heal cap at 20 BoW or higher?

    I just saw a very neat idea (<-link) about how to make high geared zombie useful and still make it function similar to a low-gear paper zombie if people so chose. I'm not sure the exact ability changes or stat adjustments would quite work but the core idea cuts a unique solution to the low gear zombie problem by giving people the option to weaken a high geared zombie in battle or keep her at full power.
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    dominiQC wrote: »
    Seems like a reasonable change. It's giving her a higher stealth chance and a larger heal when she crits, making it even more difficult to defeat her with AoEs while stealthed. I like it.

    She had 2x 70% chance. How is that greater than 1x 90%?

    She had 2x 20% heal. How is that greater than 40%?

    Now she can't revive or be assisted by 2 dead nightsisters at once. She can't hit through foresight.

    How is this great? It's bad. Really bad.

    She had 1x 70% chance. She only had 2x 70% chance if she was already stealthed. She’s more likely to get stealth on her first turn, and (I’m not going to do the exact math) still very unlikely to ever lose it.
    Again, she had 1x 20%. She only had 2x 20% if she was stealthed and scored two crits.
    I get how that kinda sucks with the revives and I get the whole foresight thing, but honestly on paper it looks like she’s still going to a great character. Nightsisters don’t have a problem taking out RJT or Bastila teams, and I don’t think this change will affect that. And I don’t see where it says that these changes are final. They could always change her basic to not be evaded or something.
    I wouldn’t say this is really bad. It’s a much better change than what they planned with BoW and they could’ve made her much worse. What if they’d decided to not increase her stealth chance and heal? What if they’d changed Asajj’s leader ability to not give any turn meter? What if they’d kept the original fix? When the devs make a change, they’re not going to make everybody happy. I think this is a fair change and I’m not going to complain about it.

    Just to be clear on the Math, 2 x 70% chance is greater than 1 x 90%. (by 1 percent) It shouldnt matter too much, its just absurd that IN ADDITION to all the nerfs she's getting (not being able to hit foresighted any more, not able to rezz, not able to proc uniqurs that trigger on abi isage..), she's also clearly being nerfed on this aspect as well.
    Hows that balance? Shouldnt it gain something on one hand, when shes losing something on the other?!
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    dominiQC wrote: »
    Seems like a reasonable change. It's giving her a higher stealth chance and a larger heal when she crits, making it even more difficult to defeat her with AoEs while stealthed. I like it.

    She had 2x 70% chance. How is that greater than 1x 90%?

    She had 2x 20% heal. How is that greater than 40%?

    Now she can't revive or be assisted by 2 dead nightsisters at once. She can't hit through foresight.

    How is this great? It's bad. Really bad.

    She had 1x 70% chance. She only had 2x 70% chance if she was already stealthed. She’s more likely to get stealth on her first turn, and (I’m not going to do the exact math) still very unlikely to ever lose it.
    Again, she had 1x 20%. She only had 2x 20% if she was stealthed and scored two crits.
    I get how that kinda sucks with the revives and I get the whole foresight thing, but honestly on paper it looks like she’s still going to a great character. Nightsisters don’t have a problem taking out RJT or Bastila teams, and I don’t think this change will affect that. And I don’t see where it says that these changes are final. They could always change her basic to not be evaded or something.
    I wouldn’t say this is really bad. It’s a much better change than what they planned with BoW and they could’ve made her much worse. What if they’d decided to not increase her stealth chance and heal? What if they’d changed Asajj’s leader ability to not give any turn meter? What if they’d kept the original fix? When the devs make a change, they’re not going to make everybody happy. I think this is a fair change and I’m not going to complain about it.

    Just to be clear on the Math, 2 x 70% chance is greater than 1 x 90%. (by 1 percent) It shouldnt matter too much, its just absurd that IN ADDITION to all the nerfs she's getting (not being able to hit foresighted any more, not able to rezz, not able to proc uniqurs that trigger on abi isage..), she's also clearly being nerfed on this aspect as well.
    Hows that balance? Shouldnt it gain something on one hand, when shes losing something on the other?!

    She has 20% additional chance to gain stealth (if she wasn't previously in stealth before than she wouldn't attack twice).

    The probability of losing stealth is a minor change (.3^4 = 0.81% vs .1^2 = 1%) The difference is marginal. However, now the likelihood of losing stealth is always 1% whereas before it varied on whether she landed a finishing blow on her first attack (e.g. if she had one finishing blow on first attack it would be .3^3 = 2.7% chance to lose stealth)

    Overall, I think the stealth change is a plus to her kit. However, it's still an overall nerf.
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    Why is it that the community is willing to accept a change that's "better than the last thing they did?"

    Why is the community willing to accept a change to a character's kit that has been working as intended since it's introduction to the game just to fit some single portion of the game?

    And why the hell won't you recognize that the issue is the "permanency" of the Health Steal Up buff from two new characters?

    Traya's Health Steal Up is even restricted to when Isolate is applied to a RAID BOSS!!!! It's a Raid only effect! Change it!

    Qi'ra's Health Steal Up could be changed to match ATF's Protection up: "Each other ally that used an ability this turn also gains Health Steal Up for 1 turn IF THEY DIDN'T ALREADY HAVE IT"


    Mimic Veteran Smuggle Chewbacca's Partner in Crime: "Each other ally that used an ability this turn also gains Health Steal up until they score a critical hit"

    There have to be dozens of ways to affect TWO NEW CHARACTERS than to alter an existing character and fight to find a way to make that character still viable in the role it plays.

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    Meh, sounds good enough
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    I dont understand how this doesn't drastically affect the Acolyte kit. I'm using NS for PVP because i'm FTP and not being a whale do not have access to DT. Now my Pvp squad is garbage, the second attack is key with the great mother lead ..... and then they are going to make changes to zombie as welll ...... **** Dev's??? how the heck is this not affecting the entire NS squad. So your fixing a problem that the whales can exploit and punishing the remainder of the fan base??? Is your main goal to get people to quit the game? **** off your money making whales and your FTP gamers??? How many people beta tested this a dev and his 10 year old?? clearly not anyone who has spend close to the last 2 - 3 months working on a squad that is now complete garbage......... one mistake after another mistake .... i think its time to uninstall
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    Change the raid...not the nightsisters. People have spent a lot of many on them and are gonna be ****.
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    What don't you guys get? You're hurting your own game...
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    evoluza wrote: »
    I don't care about NS user. Good job CG.
    Now waiting what they do with zombie

    Its funny how people who dont use Acolyte in pvp say they dont care, its a good change etc...I could say the same about paper zombie, i dont care! Because I actually have her 7* and gear 12 and she works great. But im not saying i dont care about her, people have different play styles and what works for 1 person may not for anothers. Some people use Talia, some Acolyte. I persinally use Acolyte because in my shard arena there are a ton of characters with foresight.
    The major problem is, as others have hinted at, they are changing a characters kit to make up for the issues in this new raid. If we allow them to change this characters kit (which DOES and WILL effect other aspects of the game) that will leave them open to changing any character that they deem to go against how they want their raid to be played.
    So 5 months into the raid, a few people have found a way to use a team to make the raid go faster. Who F***** cares?!? You still can only complete the raid so many times a week due to the amount of tickets needed. Whether it takes you the full 48 hours, or 2 hours, you still cant do more instances of the raid then raid tickets will allow.
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    Thoughtful solutions, caution before making decisions, and step by step communication. Things are looking up!
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
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    After reading over the issue and taking a look at the mechanics in game, I can see how this "Critolyte" team is causing issues by creating an infinite loop of attacks. This has sprung much concern and has given way to the listed proposed changes:

    Proposed changes to Nightsister Acolyte:
    -1 attack instead of 2, dealing double damage
    -increased stealth chance (70% -> 90%)
    -increased heal on crit (20% -> 40%)

    Although this seemingly solves the issue of the loop in the raid, this can heavily affect the character in other aspects of the game. There is also the concern of future toons or teams that will be able to achieve similar loops using this mechanic. But perhaps there is another solution to this issue that avoids character changes.

    Proposed alternative:
    -change bonds of weakness mechanic to deal damage only to other allies when attacking
    (The ally who attacks does NOT take damage)

    Why this works:
    This will allow zVentress lead to still be viable since when Nightsister Acolyte attacks, other Nightsisters will drop in health allowing them to gain TM and go. However, the character that attacks (Acolyte) will not. This should in theory prevent infinite loops while still allowing the Nightsisters to deal good damage and gain extra turns. This should also make health steal buff valuable while not causing broken loops.

    Goal of change:
    This change will prevent any kit changes and hopefully ensure that no loop mechanics ever enter the game in the future. Please keep in mind that these are all my thoughts/opinions on the matter and I realize that this may not be the best course of action to take. That being said, I do suggest it as a possible alternative to the other suggested changes that I fear could change the play style of the characters in other aspects of the game.

    Off topic side note:
    This change also seems to have a more "Sithy" aspect to it as while you can do damage to the boss without worry of taking damage, your friends will suffer due to your attacks. This makes the "Bonds of Weakness" have a meaning other than just a game mechanic but also a meaning or morality. You may defeat the Sith, but by attacking and causing damage to your allies you slowly become more of a Sith.

    I thank you for your time and consideration. -Pyro
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    This Acolyte change is reasonable, but one of the biggest things you have removed is the strength she had against foresight. Double attacking a toon with foresight meant damaging the protected toon. Now with double damage, she will never damage the toon. This will potentially weaken a NS Acolyte team versus jedi and jtr teams
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    So really @CG_TopHat it appears there are 3 issues
    1) Acolyte has lost the ability to damage toons with foresight
    2) Acolyte will now gain half the usual tm under asaaj
    3) This may impair her previous res ability under MT
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    @CG_TopHat I guess a little information in regards to now with the changes that will or are being made I may not want to run that faction anymore since I made the decision based on what was originally rolled out. As all have time and money that has gone into making this team the way I want but now I don't want it. One podcast said it very well when they commented that "we bought fulling loaded cars from you and now you have come to our houses and removed some of the options we like but are not refunding our money for it." Can I(we) have an explanation? Thanks so much for answering these questions.
  • Ploosh
    565 posts Member
    Obviously this change is better overall (altho they could have just increased the 20 limit to 50 and we would have been fine), but this could potentially really change TW too. My guild all uses NSs on offense, and undergeared acolyte/zombie combo is one of our biggest strategies to counter all the fast JTR and CLS teams that don't have any AoE people on it. Definitely gonna make it a bit less reliable for our TW offense.
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    After reading over the issue and taking a look at the mechanics in game, I can see how this "Critolyte" team is causing issues by creating an infinite loop of attacks. This has sprung much concern and has given way to the listed proposed changes:

    Proposed changes to Nightsister Acolyte:
    -1 attack instead of 2, dealing double damage
    -increased stealth chance (70% -> 90%)
    -increased heal on crit (20% -> 40%)

    Although this seemingly solves the issue of the loop in the raid, this can heavily affect the character in other aspects of the game. There is also the concern of future toons or teams that will be able to achieve similar loops using this mechanic. But perhaps there is another solution to this issue that avoids character changes.

    Proposed alternative:
    -change bonds of weakness mechanic to deal damage only to other allies when attacking
    (The ally who attacks does NOT take damage)

    Why this works:
    This will allow zVentress lead to still be viable since when Nightsister Acolyte attacks, other Nightsisters will drop in health allowing them to gain TM and go. However, the character that attacks (Acolyte) will not. This should in theory prevent infinite loops while still allowing the Nightsisters to deal good damage and gain extra turns. This should also make health steal buff valuable while not causing broken loops.

    Goal of change:
    This change will prevent any kit changes and hopefully ensure that no loop mechanics ever enter the game in the future. Please keep in mind that these are all my thoughts/opinions on the matter and I realize that this may not be the best course of action to take. That being said, I do suggest it as a possible alternative to the other suggested changes that I fear could change the play style of the characters in other aspects of the game.

    Off topic side note:
    This change also seems to have a more "Sithy" aspect to it as while you can do damage to the boss without worry of taking damage, your friends will suffer due to your attacks. This makes the "Bonds of Weakness" have a meaning other than just a game mechanic but also a meaning or morality. You may defeat the Sith, but by attacking and causing damage to your allies you slowly become more of a Sith.

    I thank you for your time and consideration. -Pyro

    No, this would seriously nerf the usual NS p4 HSTR team, since the attacker wouldn't gain 50% TM on their own turn from health steal.

    It's really not that hard. Keep the first solution they thought of, but increase the bonds of weakness limit from 20 up to 80 or so before the heal block starts. Critolyte could then do some damage but get nowhere near a full phase or all of DN in p4. This requires no kit changes and I don't believe it would impact any other HSTR teams.
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