[Mega] An Ancient Journey of Redemption


  • Trent_Illician
    110 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    You guys do understand that if they make important character too easy to obtain, then it would subtract from the enjoyment of the game, right??? Imagine if they made Revan available for 20 bucks. Imagine how many people would buy him, they would probably make a fortune because everyone would buy him, shortly after that, the game would fall completely down the tubes. The new complaint would be about how everyone is playing the same team, and the game isn't fun anymore bla bla bla. This is good. It doesn't even require a legendary, so it's only 5 toons to farm for the next event instead of 10. The older shards are probably only going to see a few Revan's in their arena, it's not a big deal. Relax.
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    Of course I understand that. I also understand that adding one or two weeks before the event wouldn’t even close to make Revan “too easy” to obtain. If it did, than I suppose CLS was WAY too easy, and the game went down the tubes and no one plays it anymore. Oh wait. That didn’t happen.
    "Don't take yourself so serious; it's a game, have fun!" • https://swgoh.gg/u/yerffcaasi/
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    Sooo road ahead when exactly?
  • Ultra
    11614 posts Moderator
    Eutus wrote: »
    Sooo road ahead when exactly?
    They're struggling on launching the event on the 18th I'm guessing they don't even have a road

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    Ultra wrote: »
    Eutus wrote: »
    Sooo road ahead when exactly?
    They're struggling on launching the event on the 18th I'm guessing they don't even have a road

    No time to post a meme but.....

    “Roads, where we’re going we don’t need roads”
  • Ultra
    11614 posts Moderator
    edited October 2018
    CG today:
    We usually post kit reveals before now, but given the importance of this character, we wanted to make sure he was done right - rather than committing too early and then changing his kit.

    CG after Revan is good in Sith Raid or a Future raid: We regret to inform you that there is a bug in Revan's kit and his abilities are not working as described!
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    Too much crying. It is a bad move to give out strong characters for nothing. Not everyone who's ever logged on should get this character or that just because you post on the forums.
    And no, I'm not on track to get Revan this time around.
    It's always the same crap. New toon? Oh it's not fair that I can't get it even though I've never spent a dime on this game or whatever. Quit.
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    Veritasum wrote: »
    Too much crying. It is a bad move to give out strong characters for nothing. Not everyone who's ever logged on should get this character or that just because you post on the forums.
    And no, I'm not on track to get Revan this time around.
    It's always the same crap. New toon? Oh it's not fair that I can't get it even though I've never spent a dime on this game or whatever. Quit.

    Dude you’ve got issues.
    I’ve never seen anyone say they want Revan or any premium character like him for free. Expecting proper notice on a release, proper time to farm, etc. isn’t unreasonable. Nobody is saying hey add him to my roster at G12 right meow!
    Instead they’re saying “hey can we get longer than 10’days to farm 3 different characters to 7*? If we can’t get more time then can we get double drops to help us out?” If you think that’s unreasonable then I’ve got nothing else to discuss with you.
  • CountPookoo
    189 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    Supports ftp to much
    It will never happen

    There are plenty of whales and dolphins not willing to spend at all in this short timeframe. Give them two more weeks and you better believe they’ll change their minds. There is no one who doesn’t benefit from this proposal. CG would likely make even more money.

    Sorry but I completely disagree.

    The shortened timeframe means diddle squat to whether a player decides to invest in a character or not and extending the timeframe merely panders to the majority of F2P players who imo get a pretty easy ride with SWGOH.

    I mean for one second look at it from a P2P players perspective..

    Character gets announced - they suport CG (again and again and again) with their hard earned money and invest a couple hundred bucks and buy packs to get the toons event ready. Spend another couple hundred bucks getting the characters gear ready, credits ready etc etc..then event drops and CG decide to “extend” the event due to the constant whine of F2P players and “game changers” - how is that fair?

    How is that even remotely fair to P2P players? Most marquee characters released over the past year eventually turn up in the shard shop a couple moths later and on a F2P node - again, how is that fair for P2P players?

    If i spend $1k on a TV i expect to get some utility out of that TV for lets say 1 year? So shouldn’t the same rule apply to players who spend $1k on a SWGOH character?

    CG are extremely fair and generous to their F2P player base and (imo) should not be extending any time frames what so ever for Revan.

    To do so would be a slap in the face to players who have invested $$$ to get their squads ready and in fairness i think the P2P players have already been slapped around enuff with the ease in which strong toons like Sion / Bastila etc are now so easily accessible such that investing in the marquee packs was a regrettable decision.

  • Gannon
    1695 posts Member
    Supports ftp to much
    It will never happen

    There are plenty of whales and dolphins not willing to spend at all in this short timeframe. Give them two more weeks and you better believe they’ll change their minds. There is no one who doesn’t benefit from this proposal. CG would likely make even more money.

    Sorry but I completely disagree.

    The shortened timeframe means diddle squat to whether a player decides to invest in a character or not and extending the timeframe merely panders to the majority of F2P players who imo get a pretty easy ride with SWGOH.

    I mean for one second look at it from a P2P players perspective..

    Character gets announced - they suport CG (again and again and again) with their hard earned money and invest a couple hundred bucks and buy packs to get the toons event ready. Spend another couple hundred bucks getting the characters gear ready, credits ready etc etc..then event drops and CG decide to “extend” the event due to the constant whine of F2P players and “game changers” - how is that fair?

    How is that even remotely fair to P2P players? Most marquee characters released over the past year eventually turn up in the shard shop a couple moths later and on a F2P node - again, how is that fair for P2P players?

    If i spend $1k on a TV i expect to get some utility out of that TV for lets say 1 year? So shouldn’t the same rule apply to players who spend $1k on a SWGOH character?

    CG are extremely fair and generous to their F2P player base and (imo) should not be extending any time frames what so ever for Revan.

    To do so would be a slap in the face to players who have invested $$$ to get their squads ready and in fairness i think the P2P players have already been slapped around enuff with the ease in which strong toons like Sion / Bastila etc are now so easily accessible such that investing in the marquee packs was a regrettable decision.

    I'm f2p and agree with this. Truth is, they're a business. The point of a business is to make money. I try to stay f2p (I have splurged here and there), but I respect their need to make a profit to remain in business. The fact is, we can get the same stuff without spending if we are patient. It's completely fair. Yes, p2p will have advantages over the rest, that's the reason they invest. If we all had everything maxed and finished instantly, who would keep playing? The progression is the best part of this game, and every new addition spices it up with new combinations and having to decide which path to take. I love it.
  • CountPookoo
    189 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    Gannon wrote: »

    I'm f2p and agree with this. Truth is, they're a business. The point of a business is to make money. I try to stay f2p (I have splurged here and there), but I respect their need to make a profit to remain in business. The fact is, we can get the same stuff without spending if we are patient. It's completely fair. Yes, p2p will have advantages over the rest, that's the reason they invest. If we all had everything maxed and finished instantly, who would keep playing? The progression is the best part of this game, and every new addition spices it up with new combinations and having to decide which path to take. I love it.

    Amen brother and thankyou for being honest.
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    Supports ftp to much
    It will never happen

    There are plenty of whales and dolphins not willing to spend at all in this short timeframe. Give them two more weeks and you better believe they’ll change their minds. There is no one who doesn’t benefit from this proposal. CG would likely make even more money.

    Sorry but I completely disagree.

    The shortened timeframe means diddle squat to whether a player decides to invest in a character or not and extending the timeframe merely panders to the majority of F2P players who imo get a pretty easy ride with SWGOH.

    I mean for one second look at it from a P2P players perspective..

    Character gets announced - they suport CG (again and again and again) with their hard earned money and invest a couple hundred bucks and buy packs to get the toons event ready. Spend another couple hundred bucks getting the characters gear ready, credits ready etc etc..then event drops and CG decide to “extend” the event due to the constant whine of F2P players and “game changers” - how is that fair?

    How is that even remotely fair to P2P players? Most marquee characters released over the past year eventually turn up in the shard shop a couple moths later and on a F2P node - again, how is that fair for P2P players?

    If i spend $1k on a TV i expect to get some utility out of that TV for lets say 1 year? So shouldn’t the same rule apply to players who spend $1k on a SWGOH character?

    CG are extremely fair and generous to their F2P player base and (imo) should not be extending any time frames what so ever for Revan.

    To do so would be a slap in the face to players who have invested $$$ to get their squads ready and in fairness i think the P2P players have already been slapped around enuff with the ease in which strong toons like Sion / Bastila etc are now so easily accessible such that investing in the marquee packs was a regrettable decision.

    I understand the concept, but you’re missing the fact that there’s spending money and then there’s spending a LOT of money. It’s not a binary P2P vs. F2P. There’s a big scale of P2P players. And some aren’t willing to spend the dollars necessary to get Revan, even though they spent the money to get RJT, or CLS, or other legendaries.

    The reality, no matter how you spin it, is that CG put the toon paywall higher than ever before. I am 100% fine with CG putting a paywall on characters—they are a business, and I get that. But this paywall is too high. Adding one week would not remove the paywall at all. It would drop it a little is all. That still caters to the P2P players, like you want. It’s totally fair. Those who have already spent the money aren’t losing their investment.

    And at the same time, many whales, whom I’ve actually spoken to, would no longer feel that it’s too much for them to afford, or that CG is being greedy (I’m not saying they are, but I’ve seen people say that), and would be willing to spend some money. Just a little less.

    I don’t understand what the problem is with that idea.

    I also don’t understand why everyone always accusing me of wanting these characters to be easily accessible to everyone. I don’t. That wouldn’t make sense.
    "Don't take yourself so serious; it's a game, have fun!" • https://swgoh.gg/u/yerffcaasi/
  • CountPookoo
    189 posts Member
    edited October 2018

    The reality, no matter how you spin it, is that CG put the toon paywall higher than ever before. I am 100% fine with CG putting a paywall on characters—they are a business, and I get that. But this paywall is too high. Adding one week would not remove the paywall at all. It would drop it a little is all. That still caters to the P2P players, like you want. It’s totally fair. Those who have already spent the money aren’t losing their investment.

    And at the same time, many whales, whom I’ve actually spoken to, would no longer feel that it’s too much for them to afford, or that CG is being greedy (I’m not saying they are, but I’ve seen people say that), and would be willing to spend some money. Just a little less.

    I don’t understand what the problem is with that idea.

    I also don’t understand why everyone always accusing me of wanting these characters to be easily accessible to everyone. I don’t. That wouldn’t make sense.

    Hey man - I appreciate your comments but lets look at it from a different lens..

    There are players that have already invested serious money into getting their squad ready for the event - I’m talking over $1k...thats gear / stars and crystals..

    Extending the timeframe is pretty disrespectful to those players when even 1 extra day can mean getting him or not. In one day u can get in excess of 20 shards for the toons - the spread of shards is across fleet/LS/DS and cantina - add to that the weekly shipments and 699 packs which imo are great value - I just don’t understand how you can say that is not fair already - CG are offering all players the means to be event ready already..but like everything in life you are going to have to sacrifice..

    We are all here b/c we love the game - if you love the game what is your hesitation to invest your cash and support the devs and company that offers you the enjoyment? I mean a burger and fries cost 10 bucks yea? You saying u cant forego a burger and fries for maybe a month or two to invest in one character? and hey if your financial situation is such that you cant - No probs! The event will be back in a few months like all journey events - so what’s the biggie?

    The fact that the event has caused such an uproar where players are constantly asking for an extra few days to be event ready (which lets be honest means they are looking to spend the least amount possible) is reason enough to not extend the event to ensure those who sacrificed before hand and will continue to sacrifice / spend money on the game are being respected and have a window (small as it will be) to enjoy the character while he is unique.

    I don’t think CG are being greedy at all - because behind CG there are a group of people who like many others reading this post have mortgages, rent, car payments etc etc etc and rely on people spending money on their game to keep the machine (that we all enjoy) ticking along every day..

    Not matter which way you cut it - people asking for “more time” are really asking for “can I spend less and jump the que?” - that mindset is never fair.

    Post edited by CountPookoo on
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    Ultra wrote: »
    CG today:
    We usually post kit reveals before now, but given the importance of this character, we wanted to make sure he was done right - rather than committing too early and then changing his kit.

    CG after Revan is good in Sith Raid or a Future raid: We regret to inform you that there is a bug in Revan's kit and his abilities are not working as described!

    “Not intended” is the word you are looking for lol
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    2 more weeks of farming and they would have made more money, that much is guaranteed. Whales who would pay for Revan already paid for him through the marque release. So they won't make money off the people actually willing to spend a lot of money on him as they already have.

    And the people who would pay for him won't cause they are not close enough for the packs to make it. Stop arguing against this obvious fact.

    What this release has done is actually made people "NOT" spend to get Revan, because they will wait for his next return since its too expensive to pay for him now. so instead of making money off the dolphins, they decided to make less money.

    less people will have Revan due to this, no F2p whose actually a real F2P will have Revan. There has not been enough time for the farm for any real f2p to unlock Revan.

    Only people who spend A lot of money between now and the end of the event will unlock him, not including the people who already spent the money to seven star them. Which is a small amount of people.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    This silence is way more scarier than previous rage for me. Is he so op that noone is complaining anymore? xD
  • Kman736
    2 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    So, how much money to actually take Kotor toons to 7*? Curious to know what the cost would be
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    Can’t wait to see one of you all on dr.phil a year from now on a episode titled “ video game addiction: how I went bankrupt over a mobile game”
  • EA_Cian
    971 posts EA Staff (retired)
    Let's please quit it with the remarks about people being "addicts", and let's be respectful that some folks do play the game without spending cashing, while others don't and not throw shade as a result. Let's respect the differences of opinion that stem from these styles of play.
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    Kman736 wrote: »
    So, how much money to actually take Kotor toons to 7*? Curious to know what the cost would be

    It depends a lot on your dedication. I have been farming OR very hard since they became farmable. I bought faction packs with the crystals I accumulated over time (I did not spend money on that). But I bought all 3 packs (about $75 I dont now sure, I am Brazilian, the exchange is diferent) There are still a few shards left, but it will be time-consuming. I spent only the value of the packages in cash.
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    Kman736 wrote: »
    So, how much money to actually take Kotor toons to 7*? Curious to know what the cost would be

    Two vaults and all money-for-shards packs
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    Faction packs is the key.
    By 699 for 12 shard (average) is a great deal.
    I got 3 X 20.
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    I'm a little surprised no one seems to be commenting on this, but based on the revealed kit I think we've gotten (more?) shadow confirmation that a Sith version of Revan will also be incoming. Previously—in addition to the fact that it would just make sense—there hasn't been much more than this snippet from the "Making of Jedi Knight Revan" post:

    "RY: We wanted this version of Jedi Revan to be a symbol of the characters’ light side self, much in the same way that the reward from the Star Forge is dependent on your light side and dark side choices in KotOR."

    The implication of course being that there may be other versions of Revan who haven't been publicly confirmed yet.

    I think, based on the kit reveal, we can further posit that a Sith Lord Revan will have two uniques, like Jedi Knight Revan—and that those uniques will be "Conqueror" and "Villain".

    CG has been using the "Savior, Conqueror, Hero, Villain..." line in all their trailers so far, which traces back to Darth Malak in the original KotOR game. Given that we've now seen Jedi Knight Revan come out with "Savior" and "Hero" as the names for his two uniques, it seems like a pretty short deductive leap to what a potential Sith Lord Revan may look like.
  • WeaponXLVII
    51 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    There are players that have already invested serious money into getting their squad ready for the event - I’m talking over $1k...thats gear / stars and crystals..

    If you can read that portion of your own post without thinking CG set the paywall too high, then **** is wrong with you? That's absurdly predatory. CG should be ashamed of stealing THAT KIND of hard earned money from incels to make them think they can compete in a mobile cell phone game

    Disclaimer: I also take this game too seriously... but $1k too seriously? LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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    I know a lot of people are lobbying for an extra week or two for the event to start, but it can't and wont happen... in simplest terms, it would be illegal and CG knows that. It's called bait and switch.

    If they say you need "x" OR shards by "y" date which will cost you "z" dollars to get "a" toon... then at the last minute they change "y" date to two weeks later, effectively reducing the "z" dollars you need to get "x" OR shards; that's a form of fraud.

    They may delay the event if it's not ready (that seems unlikely, and if it happens, it'll be a day at most) but they will not extend it to make more money or appease those who are complaining.
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    Gorem wrote: »
    2 more weeks of farming and they would have made more money, that much is guaranteed. Whales who would pay for Revan already paid for him through the marque release. So they won't make money off the people actually willing to spend a lot of money on him as they already have.

    And the people who would pay for him won't cause they are not close enough for the packs to make it. Stop arguing against this obvious fact.

    What this release has done is actually made people "NOT" spend to get Revan, because they will wait for his next return since its too expensive to pay for him now. so instead of making money off the dolphins, they decided to make less money.

    less people will have Revan due to this, no F2p whose actually a real F2P will have Revan. There has not been enough time for the farm for any real f2p to unlock Revan.

    Only people who spend A lot of money between now and the end of the event will unlock him, not including the people who already spent the money to seven star them. Which is a small amount of people.

    +1 also the players who kracken out to 7* and g11 the toons would probably do so regardless of event release time frame. Whales might whale a little less hard on gear since they would have more time to farm for free but that would be made up by dolphins.

    So a longer timeframe isn't disrespectful to the whales & krackens since they likely planned to spend major bucks regardless. That's how cls & jtr were and to my knowledge the whales & krackens didn't overwhelmingly express frustration that dolphins and some well prepared f2p had a shot too.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    edited October 2018
    So a longer timeframe isn't disrespectful to the whales & krackens since they likely planned to spend major bucks regardless. That's how cls & jtr were and to my knowledge the whales & krackens didn't overwhelmingly express frustration that dolphins and some well prepared f2p had a shot too.

    There weren't delays for the previous 2 hero's journey first runs, were there?

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    Shrug. I'm not sure most of you actually understand the concept of "fair". If only some players were getting the event on the 18th, that would be unfair. If only people who had spent money on the game previously could attempt the event, that would be unfair. If only people who had played for 1 year or more, or were named Bruce, or were born before 1980, or posted on the forums... That would be unfair. As long as everybody is given the same opportunity, it's "fair". CG isn't responsible for your financial highs or lows. Everyone has the opportunity to buy the packs, everybody will have a chance on the 18th. Many, like myself, don't have any chance of getting Revan this time around since I can't come up with that sort of cash for a game. But it's not "unfair". It's unfortunate (for me), but not unfair. I'll farm them now and be ready the next time... just like I did with CLS...and JTR.
    This you have to understand. There's only one way to hurt a man who's lost everything. Give him back something broken..” -Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever
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