[Mega] 3v3 Grand Arena!


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    So, what you're going to do about ppl not setting defenses in the back territories Devs???
    IMO it's not fair, because not only slows the completion of quest, but there's less rewards and less banners for the ones who have to fight with that kind of opponents....
    Just like this guy today, he simply decided to not set defenses in his 2 back territories...
    I can't really blame him because you're the ones who allowed it...

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    Hey CG! I can't wait to try out this new grand arena! You know, whenever my opponents actually set a defense I'll finally get to play! 2f4ey3snvskm.png
  • LoreleiPhoenix
    148 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    TVF wrote: »
    I love 3v3. All new strategies.

    Me too!!
    I think those complaining about loosing synergy of the 5 toon squad should try to see this as a brand new game within our awesome game. It keeps this place from being "same old same old"...although I do love the "same old" too here.
    It keeps it fresh and adds a bit of spice.
    The thing I love is it is undiscovered...someone might find a 3 squad no one has thought of that has a strange synergy and beat that unbeatable Revan. Take your strategizing and add a dash of imagination and creativity.
    I think 3v3 is a blast and hope they do not go back to 5v5.
  • LoreleiPhoenix
    148 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    Keep 5v5 forTerritory wars but 3v3 for Grand Arena...apples and oranges.
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    What_Why wrote: »
    Hey CG! I can't wait to try out this new grand arena! You know, whenever my opponents actually set a defense I'll finally get to play! 2f4ey3snvskm.png

    Anyone who doesn't set a defense should be disqualified for poor sportsmanship.
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    Y'know, when they announced GA, I never expected the number of posts about it that would be spammed, from all corners of this thing people are attacking as if their life depends on it. Like, come on.

    So what people didn't set defence, just take your win and enjoy it, you automatically win extra six dot mats and automatically are getting better ranking rewards. Stop trying to force others to play the way you want to play the game. Before GA did you care about the guys ranked 1000 in arena, did you complain "Why are they not using their five hits to get higher" or something? Did you care at all about these people? Suddenly having to fight against them and they don't set defence its like the end of the world for people, being behind in the quests means nothing it means literally nothing.

    Now i'll agree that the 2 spots showing up can be confusing to people who don't read about the fact that their GP means they need to set more squads and didn't pay attention to the 0/3 at the top right or pay attention to many many posts that were already on here ages before the event or didn't read the dev posts. In TW we've never seen the characters pop up, why would that be what determines the amount of toons we could set on defence? It is like you are telling the devs that they can't do cool graphics like this because what, if not for the graphic, we'd just keep placing like we'd normally do for TW?

    It is 3v3 now, have fun, learn. Doesn't matter win or lose, just enjoy it. Losing this does not matter. Winning does not matter. Having fun is what matters. Know better for next time, triumph over people stronger then you next time, just keep at it. Mistakes are bound to happen, don't complain about your mistakes and instead learn from them and get better.
  • TVF
    36716 posts Member
    If you don't get to play because your opponent joined and then set no D, of course it's annoying. The whole point of playing is...you know...playing.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    Darko_1 wrote: »
    GA has been garbage so far! I refuse to play it anymore. I don’t think it is right that I spent the last 2+ years developing my characters to 7* so they can be usable and that is actually the wrong thing to do for GA if you want to win. This was supposed to be an event of “skill” but it is another event for “who has the best top 6-8 teams”. A players total GP should not be a basis for a “match up” unless ALL of the character are used to play the event. GA is just a glorified reboot of squad arena with the ability to use several teams at once.
    Please fix this issue so GA can be enjoyable and fair.

    I spent the last 2 years developing a very lean and top heavy squad. Are you suggesting I should be punished because I play differently than you?
    You think having a fair match is beeing punished ? So basically you just want easy wins...
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    My opponent has not deployed but has started attacking me. And i have nothing to attack. Although i believe the way defense points are set, an opponent who doesn't deploy can not win against an opponent who has deployed (But has nothing to attack). That's all fine. But i wanted to actually test out my 3v3 teams. And am unable to do that if people do not deploy.

    I think the correct fix should be that if you do not deploy in the first round. It either deploys randomly. Or... They are removed from the Grand Arena for the rest of the match and they get 0 rewards. (They should not get rewards if they do not fully participate) I believe TW has a clause that if you do not set defense teams or attack then you don't get any rewards because you didn't do anything to deserve them.

    Also people not deploying strips away our chances at completing the Grand Arena quests. I would have finished one of the quests today and been rewarded for it already, now i need to wait for 2 more full days before i can get my rewards.

    There is more to it than just being frustrated they did not set defenses. If you don't want to play GA, then don't play GA and don't enter it. As stated above. If you don't care about the game mode, then you shouldn't care about the rewards, and should get 0 rewards.
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    I am done playing Grand Arena....I play this game to enjoy it...not feel like i want to throw my phone...so for the sake of not ruining my enjoyment of the game and raising my blood pressure i have decided to ignore this node of the game from here on out.
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    I wasn’t able to post any of my defense squadrons in the 3v3. It kept showing ?/? and a faded out button used for setting squadrons. It cost me a fair fight which I had a chance of winning. Can I get some help for the next phase?

    CG_SBCrumb you are my only Hope!
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    Hey CG! Thanks for giving out free rewards for ruining player experiences! Super cool that you’re rewarding losers
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    The overall matchmaking issue I see comes down not to roster size but number of zetas, my first round of this GA has me faced up against someone with 50 zetas (no joke) to my 15. I respect the time invested by my opponent but there is no catch-up mechanic for zetas to allow me to become competitive over time.

    Many teams are made by a single zeta and I am slowly applying them however while I am applying a zeta so is he.

    I like the mode and apart from some fringe teams (Talzin, zombie, acolyte res/taunt spam) it's no issue for me to find a counter for teams but in some cases just because of zetas it takes more teams for me to defeat my opponents team. It feels bad to not be beaten but to feel like everytime I attempt to beat a team I'm just handing him defensive points.

    Maybe some consideration for number of zetas in matchmaking? The value of the gp that the zetas give you is wildly more powerful than the power gained from every other ability upgrade on a character.
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    Grand Arena was started very nice concept. But change this version to 3x3 its a bigger mistake. You don't feel the emotion to make for yourself a Grand TW. Yeah. Its a lot better with 5x5. The concept of the game was building around synchronize 5 toons. Not 3. Was so poor. So lame. If you guys don't make a rollback on this will lose a lot of good players.
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    They need to make the algorithm for matchmaking include only the toons over 6000 power like they do in TW. Whales with 30 level 1 toons and the rest of the squad gold is not right.
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    Grand Arena was started very nice concept. But change this version to 3x3 its a bigger mistake. You don't feel the emotion to make for yourself a Grand TW. Yeah. Its a lot better with 5x5. The concept of the game was building around synchronize 5 toons. Not 3. Was so poor. So lame. If you guys don't make a rollback on this will lose a lot of good players.

    3 years building around 5 person teams, i don’t want a new game, otherwise i would have found a new game, you’re right, at least 1 person will leave if it stays 3v3, and i would probably win a lot of my ga’s, i just don’t like it
  • Darknesswon
    618 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    Darko_1 wrote: »
    GA has been garbage so far! I refuse to play it anymore. I don’t think it is right that I spent the last 2+ years developing my characters to 7* so they can be usable and that is actually the wrong thing to do for GA if you want to win. This was supposed to be an event of “skill” but it is another event for “who has the best top 6-8 teams”. A players total GP should not be a basis for a “match up” unless ALL of the character are used to play the event. GA is just a glorified reboot of squad arena with the ability to use several teams at once.
    Please fix this issue so GA can be enjoyable and fair.

    I spent the last 2 years developing a very lean and top heavy squad. Are you suggesting I should be punished because I play differently than you?

    No you are lol, unless you are saying being matched up with someone with the same character GP as you is unfair. Are you ?
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    IC3M4N wrote: »
    Dnoff423 wrote: »
    Ok quick question. How are we to finish the character quests for GA like the han solo quest? Spobv1g4tf0mkh.png

    Specifically the portion about using Han in an undersized party? Are we supposed to only use 2?

    seriously, it wasn’t addressed, so it must be an oversight from their overly terrible idea department

    A gear 12 han can solo through most gear 9 and under defensive comps. A gear 12 han and CLS can solo through a mediocre gear 11/12 team. These quests are designed to make you think about how to attack
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    AxisBold wrote: »
    10 squads required on defense for me? So 10 more minimum for offense. Let's pretend for a second I have 20 minimum worthwhile leaderships.i need to relearn how to build 20 teams minimum around those leaderships with 3 man squads instead of 5. Then I have to do the hours of research each round to figure out how best to use those 20+ team against each individual opponent each round. If you would like to offer me a full time position and pay me to do this I'm all in. Otherwise I will join for minimum rewards but I won't play it. I will not play this game mode this way

    Time to dust off some of those old leaders. The classic old ben lead/scav rey/sthan might be making a comeback in this mode..
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    Gorem wrote: »
    Stop trying to force others to play the way you want to play the game.

    If someone isn't setting defense as some sort of "strategy' and then attacking, that's fine....it will get taken care of when they've fixed the auto-filled defensive teams. If someone isn't setting defenses OR attacking and just joins to get rewards for doing absolutely nothing though, then that is not "playing" the game and they shouldn't get any rewards. But, it will be moot once the auto-fill returns.
    Yeah. Its a lot better with 5x5. The concept of the game was building around synchronize 5 toons. Not 3. Was so poor. So lame. If you guys don't make a rollback on this will lose a lot of good players.
    IC3M4N wrote: »
    3 years building around 5 person teams, i don’t want a new game, otherwise i would have found a new game, you’re right, at least 1 person will leave if it stays 3v3, and i would probably win a lot of my ga’s, i just don’t like it

    There's nothing to "rollback". They said from the very first announcement about GA that they would have different formats and there would be some 3 vs 3 matches and ships in some GAs. These will have different formats...it's not like this is the new format for all future GAs.

  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    AxisBold wrote: »
    10 squads required on defense for me? So 10 more minimum for offense. Let's pretend for a second I have 20 minimum worthwhile leaderships.i need to relearn how to build 20 teams minimum around those leaderships with 3 man squads instead of 5. Then I have to do the hours of research each round to figure out how best to use those 20+ team against each individual opponent each round. If you would like to offer me a full time position and pay me to do this I'm all in. Otherwise I will join for minimum rewards but I won't play it. I will not play this game mode this way

    Time to dust off some of those old leaders. The classic old ben lead/scav rey/sthan might be making a comeback in this mode..

    Was just thinking the same thing. I put a zeta on GMY lead and was happy until Bastila. I put a zeta on Bastila lead and was happy until Revan. I put a zeta on Revan lead believing I had wasted 2 other jedi leads. Now in 3v3 I have an opportunity to make 3 good jedi teams. Lots of obsolete type leads will come back around in the 3v3 stuff.
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    For whatever reason the devs thought it would be interesting setting 20+ teams of 3v3 (offense & defense).
    Got news for you...it sucks!!!
    This is the worst game mode ever in SWGOH, has no place in the game, & needs to be reworked back to 5v5 asap.
    Not spending another penny in this game until fixed.💸💸💸
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    I hate GA but would happily stop complaining about it if they ditch 3v3 its really really horrible
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    Although my opponent and I have 2.3M gp, they have 40+ G12 toons versus my 15. I feel this is still something that can easily be accommodated for in the algorithm devs use to match opponents. GP and # of G12 toons should BOTH be considered.

    It’s nice when I face a solid wall of G12s in all defensive positions when I have little to nothing to hash out in response.

    Sorry, I’ll step down from my soap box now....and strive for 7th place and a free zeta.
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    So you want the devs to change matchmaking because you made poor decisions when gearing toons.
  • Tsuo_Vook
    62 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    Personally, I'm finding that I often face opponents with more G12 characters than I have---and I haven't lost a round of GA yet, and expect I can probably make it through this event without dropping a round as well. (I've got 2M gp and six G12 characters.)

    Good mods, roster depth, and tactical planning can make up for a lot of G12 imbalance. I don't (personally) think there's probably a need for a G12 rebalance. A mod balance might be appropriate, given that I keep winning my matches, and mods are one of my strongest suits; but GA has largely stayed competitive for me and I feel like tactical planning has had as much to do with my wins as anything else, so AFAICT it's working about like it's supposed to, at least for me.

    ETA: Worth mentioning that this round was actually one of my hardest fights, and it was against a player with 2M gp and not even a single G12 character in their roster.

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