Return Simming Slider to 1


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    Oh no...the energy packs!
    I usually love to get those energy data cards but now...I am petrified!
    I am going to have to Macgyverize a gadget...perhaps tape an index card to a paper clip and clip it to my nose with neon colored bold writing screaming at me to "CHANGE THE SIM SLIDER!"...
    A few of you think that by "just paying attention" is the obvious answer...well, my muscle memory is quite ingrained on this. I am not EVEN going to say how many times I have made the "max mistake"
    Also life has a way of distracting you...stress, exhaustion, alcohol, kids, etc.
    Idk I might have to skip buying these energy packs until my muscle memory has changed...
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    Kyno wrote: »
    If they are trying to make a change for QoL, yes I would imagine they look for things that will benefit a majority of players. The majority in this case either see a benefit (people who do max more often than not) or still have to adjust the numbers (people who use the slider).

    I said I would imagine, I didnt say we have the data, but when you look at the situation, the people who have the data seem to have concluded this based on something.

    I agree that Majority wins most cases,
    but you can make it better for everyone by simply adding button for Max sim (simplest solution)
    This retains the option for slider people (doesn't matter if you slide left or right)
    This keeps option to do it slow one by one.
    This gives option for people who panic farms.

    There are also other ways to deal with this:
    You can make it remember your last used setting forever (like which node you simed last, not just for 1 session)
    Or giving people option to customize it per user (probably more work)
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    TheJR wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    If they are trying to make a change for QoL, yes I would imagine they look for things that will benefit a majority of players. The majority in this case either see a benefit (people who do max more often than not) or still have to adjust the numbers (people who use the slider).

    I said I would imagine, I didnt say we have the data, but when you look at the situation, the people who have the data seem to have concluded this based on something.

    I agree that Majority wins most cases,
    but you can make it better for everyone by simply adding button for Max sim (simplest solution)
    This retains the option for slider people (doesn't matter if you slide left or right)
    This keeps option to do it slow one by one.
    This gives option for people who panic farms.

    There are also other ways to deal with this:
    You can make it remember your last used setting forever (like which node you simed last, not just for 1 session)
    Or giving people option to customize it per user (probably more work)

    I dont disagree.

    A little confused about the people who panic farm, but just not sure what you mean.
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    When you panic farm, you usually sim all energy on 1 node.
    So if there would be a button for max sim (let it be 8 for hard nodes and 20 for normal)
    this will cover those needs.
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    Haruk wrote: »
    I'm just legit curious *why* you would ever hit a node at anything other than max, *unless* you are going to be spending a specific amount of energy(like on a cantina node, and you wanna use like half) at which point it doesn't matter where the slider is, as you need to move it anyways.

    I've been playing this game for a few years now, and I can count on one hand the amount of times I have used the wrong amount of energy on a node.

    Does it suck? Sure, of course. But, I chalk it up to lesson learned, and make sure next time I pay a little more attention to what I'm doing.

    One obvious reason for less than Max Sims is light side/ dark side nodes. You have a certain amount of energy which has to be split. Say you're doing dailies and you sim 3 or 4 of one, then go to the other and sim 3 or 4. You don't want to accidentally spend it all in one side and have to refresh energy (or wait) just to do the other nodes.
    Defaulting to one was never broken to start.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    yuuzhanron wrote: »
    Haruk wrote: »
    I'm just legit curious *why* you would ever hit a node at anything other than max, *unless* you are going to be spending a specific amount of energy(like on a cantina node, and you wanna use like half) at which point it doesn't matter where the slider is, as you need to move it anyways.

    I've been playing this game for a few years now, and I can count on one hand the amount of times I have used the wrong amount of energy on a node.

    Does it suck? Sure, of course. But, I chalk it up to lesson learned, and make sure next time I pay a little more attention to what I'm doing.

    One obvious reason for less than Max Sims is light side/ dark side nodes. You have a certain amount of energy which has to be split. Say you're doing dailies and you sim 3 or 4 of one, then go to the other and sim 3 or 4. You don't want to accidentally spend it all in one side and have to refresh energy (or wait) just to do the other nodes.
    Defaulting to one was never broken to start.

    That's no longer the case. You can use all your energy on LS nodes and still complete your dailies.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Rojas
    336 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    i love it, pls keep it.

  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    TheJR wrote: »
    When you panic farm, you usually sim all energy on 1 node.
    So if there would be a button for max sim (let it be 8 for hard nodes and 20 for normal)
    this will cover those needs.

    I kind of figured, but just didnt feel that was true.

    I (almost)always farm max on hard nodes, cantina and ship, and almost always for gear and slicing mats, I just wait to use my energy as long as possible, or until its past the needed number. Has nothing to do with panic farming.

    Anyway back on topic, I don't disagree that that does seem to be a better way to make this work.
  • maraJade789
    289 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    No thank you to mass sims.

    After over 3 years in the game, have never made a habit of simming more than 2X, believe that RNG can be very cruel. It can also be kind taken in the right amounts. But not here to talk about techniques to produce more favorable rng.

    Now, unfortunately, as you'll notice alot of guys are saying, it's very troublesome to dial down that slider where we want it.
  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    I love it, don't care if it changes though. It literally is just sliding to a number. Literally one of the easiest things in the world to do.
  • Gannon
    1651 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    Monel wrote: »
    I love it, don't care if it changes though. It literally is just sliding to a number. Literally one of the easiest things in the world to do.

    Yes, but if a mistake is made it can be much more costly than before, wasting all available energy. That's really the issue I think.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    I like it.

    I would like a slider for GW.

    +1....would really be great to pick and choose which individual nodes to sim as well. Some battles I need for quests some I don't.
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    Haruk wrote: »
    I'm just legit curious *why* you would ever hit a node at anything other than max, *unless* you are going to be spending a specific amount of energy(like on a cantina node, and you wanna use like half) at which point it doesn't matter where the slider is, as you need to move it anyways.

    I've been playing this game for a few years now, and I can count on one hand the amount of times I have used the wrong amount of energy on a node.

    1) Because that's how I like to play it sometimes, plain and simple. Maybe I'm slow farming more than one character or piece of gear, or just trying to max my daily activity without using all my resources. Has nothing to do with drop rates for me.

    2) So you admit it was never a problem that need to be fixed/changed in the first place.

    I don't like change for the sake of change (ie, it's not a QOL improvement, it's just different). People have been playing the game for years without this being an issue...I've never once read someone's complaint that their thumb was killing them from having to swipe to max sims all the time.
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    Setting it to max with existing drop rates is just wasting xp, etc.. Which is WAI. I tap it back.
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    Gorem wrote: »
    Just give us the option if we want it maxed, at one, or at three/four like most of it do it.

    Simple. Everyone wins.

    Isnt that the point of a slider? U just slide, it doesnt matter where it starts.
  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    Gannon wrote: »
    Monel wrote: »
    I love it, don't care if it changes though. It literally is just sliding to a number. Literally one of the easiest things in the world to do.

    Yes, but if a mistake is made it can be much more costly than before, wasting all available energy. That's really the issue I think.

    To those people I'd say "pay attention". They made a change, sucks if it hurt you, I do mean that, but now you know.
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    NO thanks
  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    Gorem wrote: »
    Just give us the option if we want it maxed, at one, or at three/four like most of it do it.

    Simple. Everyone wins.

    Isnt that the point of a slider? U just slide, it doesnt matter where it starts.

    Yes, but so many people can only see their own point of view. Personally I am looking forward to practicing my sliding left skills. For so long I could only slide to the right. After a day or two of this I can slide both ways!
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    Not a fan, it's not QOL.
  • NeKryXe
    38 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    Gorem wrote: »
    Just give us the option if we want it maxed, at one, or at three/four like most of it do it.

    Simple. Everyone wins.

    Isnt that the point of a slider? U just slide, it doesnt matter where it starts.

    is that so hard to understand that there are no risk at all for a mistake having the slider at 1 but some risk if it is set to max?

    really? is it hard to understand? having it at 1 is the logic and safe position, and you can always change it. if you click 1 by mistake it's not a big deal, but if you click on max by mistake you lose all energy.

    this is a dumb update or a real scheme to take advantage of the possible known mistakes. I never had any problem before this horrible update and in the last 24 hours I already lost all energy twice on useless nodes by mistake. yeah, it's my fault for the mistake but it's the developers fault for an ilogic change.

    this might seem a little change but for me and many guild mates I talked to, it's a frustrating bug that ruined a lot of the fun of the game.

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    This has become a huge pain for me. I typically only run 1 mission at a time because its better RNG for shards and drops and most of the time I want to sim the mission 1 at a time until I have all the gear I need or if you only 1-2 more shards to finish off a character. In most cases I wont sim a node for gear unless I only need a few to finish out a character.
    I've already wasted a ton of energy on this.
    I understand that the update notes does say the node simming slider logic was adjusted but it says no where that it will be set to max when opening a node.
    Tons of people in my guild are complaining about this as well.
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    NeKryXe wrote: »
    Gorem wrote: »
    Just give us the option if we want it maxed, at one, or at three/four like most of it do it.

    Simple. Everyone wins.

    Isnt that the point of a slider? U just slide, it doesnt matter where it starts.

    is that so hard to understand that there are no risk at all for a mistake having the slider at 1 but some risk if it is set to max?

    really? is it hard to understand? having it at 1 is the logic and safe position, and you can always change it. if you click 1 by mistake it's not a big deal, but if you click on max by mistake you lose all energy.

    this is a dumb update or a real scheme to take advantage of the possible known mistakes. I never had any problem before this horrible update and in the last 24 hours I already lost all energy twice on useless nodes by mistake. yeah, it's my fault for the mistake but it's the developers fault for an ilogic change.

    this might seem a little change but for me and many guild mates I talked to, it's a frustrating bug that ruined a lot of the fun of the game.

    Previously when you switch between nodes the game remembers your last setting and has the default set to that number of sims. Going by your logic there was a risk there too, but did anybody complain? Nope.
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    Change happens, you'll get used to it
  • CadoaBane
    563 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    Haruk wrote: »
    How about you just be more aware? I didn't screw up at all last night cuz I pay attention to what I'm doing.
    Well I pay attention too and didn't fall for spending too much energy at once - nevertheless it's annoying. I always easily simmed 3-4 battles at once. Now since the update, I have to click more than before as I can't even click the bar directly. I have to set it back to 1, then use 2 clicks forward. Not a QoL for me.

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    You see what happens when you sim all your energy away?
    Server freezes, that's what! :D
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    Life's too short to sim things one at a time. I simulate battles to save time, so why would I want to move the slider to the max every time.

    Great move defaulting it to max. 10/10!
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    NeKryXe wrote: »
    people defending the slider set at max doesn't have any reason at all, they are just trolls.

    > setting the slider at 1 will never do any damage to players who want it at max and click 1 by mistake.

    > setting the slider at max will destroy the game for players who need it at 1 and click max by mistake.

    this is a stupid and ridiculous downgrade that is ruining the game. i already made that mistake a few times since the stupid downgrade launched and i know a lot of people in my guild that had the same problem. QoL update is horrendous.

    Hope the so-called unbiased Moderator reads this.
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    They should let us choose our own default in settings, give us an option to default to one or default to max. That said, I think there are probably more people who would pick max than one.

    Also, people complaining that they "lost" energy are just being silly. It's only lost if they consume the energy for max stacks, then give you the reward for one.
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    I hated it at first, but I like it now.

    How about if it's a hard node go max. If it's a regular node do minimal?
  • Rath_Tarr
    4944 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    CazNeerg wrote: »
    Also, people complaining that they "lost" energy are just being silly. It's only lost if they consume the energy for max stacks, then give you the reward for one.
    True, it is not "lost" per se but it is easily mis-spent by accident, especially when folks are used to a completely different behavior or unfamiliar with the behavior i.e. newbies.

    If the default is 1 then the worst case for a hurried / tired / unfamiliar mis-click is you sim 1 battle. You can either stop there, continue simming singles or move the slider and sim multiple.

    If the default is max then the worst case for a hurried / tired / unfamiliar mis-click is that you expend a large chunk of energy in a way that you did not intend to.

    A max default would be fine as an option, as you suggested, but it is a poor choice as a hard default.
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