Darth Revan delays


  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    Poseidonn wrote: »

    Actually, JTR was released way before Traya :smiley:

    Good eye
  • Vos_Landeck
    1666 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    Ninjah9 wrote: »
    Yea we'll see, my main point is that after over 6 months of preparation the fact that they are unsure about the release date is not a good sign.

    Spoken like someone who has never been involved in computer programming or software development, lol. It's pretty common that initial target deadlines get pushed back and release dates are always subject to delay in the event that bugs come up in testing, etc. That is why specific release dates are usually not announced far in advance when it comes to video games. However, there is a second reason in this case...they never announce specific release dates for journey or legendary character events very far in advance at all because too many people will be able to get the character on the first attempt by spending little to no money.
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    No date has been pushed back yet, but that being said, meeting deadlines is more often a sign of problems than failing to meet them is. Games (or updates to games) are almost never actually ready on their target dates, the difference between developers is some have publishers that force them to meet the date whether they are ready or not, while others let them have the time they need to finish.
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    You all are burying the lead here. Whether it was meant to come out on Mar 21 or not is irrelevant. What is relevant is that Revan is now 90% of the meta across all shards.

    Sure...and that's why we need a new meta asap and hard to get.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    jhbuchholz wrote: »
    Ninjah9 wrote: »
    Lichbane wrote: »
    Corrog wrote: »
    This is adorable. There's zero indication they're having trouble with his kit. Zero.

    You mean aside from changing HK lead, changing Badstilla, changing deathmarked?

    💯💯💯And dont forget creating a new faction. For the people saying they've been planning this for half a year, and got everything figured out; then why did they have to rework a character that is only a few months old SPECIFICALLY for DR???

    One of her reworked skills specifically names Darth Revan. So there's that...

    Not really following how the two reworks and added faction couldn't have been in their plans and somehow indicate a pending disaster.


    How do we know this isnt all planned.

    I mean any other time changes happen and they dont seem to be in the players advantage, they have this deep seeded plan to reap the benefits, but in this case, there is something wrong and everything is falling apart in the background.

    Couldn't the date drop be similar to the GG "leak", a totally intended hint to keep the player base "in the loop", whilst acting like there is "nothing to see here, just move along".

    And again, nothing is delayed, until its delayed, there is still time.

    Casuals rejoice! More time to grind out gear.
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    Why don't y'all just wait several days? Insanity and impatience in this forum are really off the scale
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    Just going to add that HK 47 only had 1 zeta in the screen shot. It looks like he will have 2. So don't put too much into zeta count...
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    Wiggs, chaze, and 5th also broke the arena back in early 16 if I remember correctly.
    There was a time where no chaze meant no top 50.
  • mvmss
    213 posts Member
    No kit reveal on the 19th most likely means the launch will not be on the 21st - if they repeat the cadence from JKR.

    No need to rush, just take your time, do it right, CG.
  • Ninjah9
    906 posts Member
    Riffinator wrote: »
    Ninjah9 wrote: »
    Riffinator wrote: »
    Ninjah9 wrote: »
    Lichbane wrote: »
    Corrog wrote: »
    This is adorable. There's zero indication they're having trouble with his kit. Zero.

    You mean aside from changing HK lead, changing Badstilla, changing deathmarked?

    💯💯💯And dont forget creating a new faction. For the people saying they've been planning this for half a year, and got everything figured out; then why did they have to rework a character that is only a few months old SPECIFICALLY for DR???

    Because she was his apprentice and they didnt want to mention DR so they could catch more people off guard for DR

    She wasnt his apprentice, she was Malaks. That's why she wasnt supposed to have direct synergy with DR. Nice try though, SMH...

    But she had a force link with DR. Nice try though, SMH...

    ... So adorable 🐩
  • Ninjah9
    906 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    jhbuchholz wrote: »
    Ninjah9 wrote: »
    Lichbane wrote: »
    Corrog wrote: »
    This is adorable. There's zero indication they're having trouble with his kit. Zero.

    You mean aside from changing HK lead, changing Badstilla, changing deathmarked?

    💯💯💯And dont forget creating a new faction. For the people saying they've been planning this for half a year, and got everything figured out; then why did they have to rework a character that is only a few months old SPECIFICALLY for DR???

    One of her reworked skills specifically names Darth Revan. So there's that...

    Not really following how the two reworks and added faction couldn't have been in their plans and somehow indicate a pending disaster.


    How do we know this isnt all planned.

    I mean any other time changes happen and they dont seem to be in the players advantage, they have this deep seeded plan to reap the benefits, but in this case, there is something wrong and everything is falling apart in the background.

    Couldn't the date drop be similar to the GG "leak", a totally intended hint to keep the player base "in the loop", whilst acting like there is "nothing to see here, just move along".

    And again, nothing is delayed, until its delayed, there is still time.

    This is obviously has not been all "part of their plan" since Revan was released or when Fallen Bastilla was released. CG has stated several times that reworking characters, especially changing their kits is an absolute last resort that they try to avoid when they can.
  • Ninjah9
    906 posts Member
    thantos911 wrote: »
    If they do delay it past 3/21, they will need to still make money off his release so full expect the gear requirements to be very hard to meet. That is the only downside i see the longer everyone knows about the requirements to get him the more will not need to pay into the pot, hence the steeper the gear will need to be to make up the difference so they can push whaling on him.

    I agree. Which is why all LOGIC tells me if everything has been going according to plans for half a year, then they would start the event as soon as possible.
  • Ninjah9
    906 posts Member
    Just curious but have we ever given the thought that they are introducing Darth Malek? I mean, they've been working on Darth Revan since Jedi Revan. I actually wonder if it is due to them getting Darth Malek ready. Either by way of Marquee, or ship raid reward? Maybe they realized that they can' t keep throwing out quotes from him, and they didn't want to leave KOTOR like this without him are they?

    I actually believe ds Bastilla was originally intended to have more synergy with Malek, just based on canon. But you can tell CG scrambled to make changes after everyone really got **** about GG, and the 90% dominance by one team in arena. So instead of doing Malek first they rushed out DR to counter JKR, and I think that it could be causing issues for the release.
  • Ninjah9
    906 posts Member
    Monel wrote: »
    Ninjah9 wrote: »
    Monel wrote: »
    Ninjah9 wrote: »
    Riffinator wrote: »
    Ninjah9 wrote: »
    Monel wrote: »
    Ninjah9 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    What delays?

    Based on previous legendary character releases, most players anticipated Darth Revan would be released this week. And the devs acknowledging that release date said that the release will probably be later.

    But they never had an official post giving a timeline. Player assumption is just that. The only way you can have a delay is when you have a release date and then its missed.

    Maybe not "official", but when you go by history, the timing of the packs, and the glaring MARCH 21ST displayed in the trailer; logical players could easily infer that he was intended to be released on this date. Not to mention, they gave themselves a 1-2 week window, which is a pretty good sign something is wrong. I mean if you guys want to be eternal optimist, then go ahead. But all of these signs coupled with recent history, the addition of a new faction, and a rework of a character who is only a few months old, does not say to me everything is going as planned...

    Ok why are you complaining about getting more time to farm for him? It doesnt make sense.

    Not complaining about farm time. Just highlighting the fact that the devs have made major mistakes with JKR that they wont acknowledged. And that it is coming back to haunt them on this release. And we are likely to get another 6 months of a broken arena...

    Why do they have to say something is a mistake. For all you know it's exactly as they wanted it. Just cause we the players have found the squad arena matches boring and lackluster does not mean it's not exactly what they sought. Lots of people paid for Revan the first time around and then lots of other people paid more the second time around so they could compete. The only people broken are the people that opened their wallets lol.

    Their jobs are to generate money for EA by creating a product people will spend on. I'd say JKR and now Darth Revan are working exactly as intended.

    True but sacrificing integrity for profit is just a horrible buisness model especially..... FOR US THE PLAYERS!

    How did they sacrifice integrity? This is a for profit company, have they ever claimed to be anything else. I honestly don't understand what they have done to make them lose integrity.

    Breaking the game with a stupidly op character like Revan, and **** off the players solely for profit, is sacrificing integrity in my book; and many other gamers out there. EA has a bad history of doing this, look it up.
  • Ninjah9
    906 posts Member
    No_Try wrote: »
    The packs have 8 days and some change left. The packs end when the event ends. We are still within that window. Calm your moobs

    This time seems to be a special case. Normally they would have a definite date. So depending on what they decide in the end they may also extend the packs (if it's later than 21th).

    Yes just my point, that this release doesn't seem like it was planned well. To me that could spell trouble...
  • Ninjah9
    906 posts Member
    No_Try wrote: »
    Monel wrote: »
    Ninjah9 wrote: »
    Monel wrote: »
    Ninjah9 wrote: »
    Riffinator wrote: »
    Ninjah9 wrote: »
    Monel wrote: »
    Ninjah9 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    What delays?

    Based on previous legendary character releases, most players anticipated Darth Revan would be released this week. And the devs acknowledging that release date said that the release will probably be later.

    But they never had an official post giving a timeline. Player assumption is just that. The only way you can have a delay is when you have a release date and then its missed.

    Maybe not "official", but when you go by history, the timing of the packs, and the glaring MARCH 21ST displayed in the trailer; logical players could easily infer that he was intended to be released on this date. Not to mention, they gave themselves a 1-2 week window, which is a pretty good sign something is wrong. I mean if you guys want to be eternal optimist, then go ahead. But all of these signs coupled with recent history, the addition of a new faction, and a rework of a character who is only a few months old, does not say to me everything is going as planned...

    Ok why are you complaining about getting more time to farm for him? It doesnt make sense.

    Not complaining about farm time. Just highlighting the fact that the devs have made major mistakes with JKR that they wont acknowledged. And that it is coming back to haunt them on this release. And we are likely to get another 6 months of a broken arena...

    Why do they have to say something is a mistake. For all you know it's exactly as they wanted it. Just cause we the players have found the squad arena matches boring and lackluster does not mean it's not exactly what they sought. Lots of people paid for Revan the first time around and then lots of other people paid more the second time around so they could compete. The only people broken are the people that opened their wallets lol.

    Their jobs are to generate money for EA by creating a product people will spend on. I'd say JKR and now Darth Revan are working exactly as intended.

    True but sacrificing integrity for profit is just a horrible buisness model especially..... FOR US THE PLAYERS!

    How did they sacrifice integrity? This is a for profit company, have they ever claimed to be anything else. I honestly don't understand what they have done to make them lose integrity.

    This is the most common misunderstanding about the economical systems we live in. -for profit- doesn't justify any and all actions. If it did -for profit- actions would never cause anything than profit itself. Yet there's more, much more to it.

  • Ninjah9
    906 posts Member
    No_Try wrote: »
    Monel wrote: »
    Ninjah9 wrote: »
    Monel wrote: »
    Ninjah9 wrote: »
    Riffinator wrote: »
    Ninjah9 wrote: »
    Monel wrote: »
    Ninjah9 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    What delays?

    Based on previous legendary character releases, most players anticipated Darth Revan would be released this week. And the devs acknowledging that release date said that the release will probably be later.

    But they never had an official post giving a timeline. Player assumption is just that. The only way you can have a delay is when you have a release date and then its missed.

    Maybe not "official", but when you go by history, the timing of the packs, and the glaring MARCH 21ST displayed in the trailer; logical players could easily infer that he was intended to be released on this date. Not to mention, they gave themselves a 1-2 week window, which is a pretty good sign something is wrong. I mean if you guys want to be eternal optimist, then go ahead. But all of these signs coupled with recent history, the addition of a new faction, and a rework of a character who is only a few months old, does not say to me everything is going as planned...

    Ok why are you complaining about getting more time to farm for him? It doesnt make sense.

    Not complaining about farm time. Just highlighting the fact that the devs have made major mistakes with JKR that they wont acknowledged. And that it is coming back to haunt them on this release. And we are likely to get another 6 months of a broken arena...

    Why do they have to say something is a mistake. For all you know it's exactly as they wanted it. Just cause we the players have found the squad arena matches boring and lackluster does not mean it's not exactly what they sought. Lots of people paid for Revan the first time around and then lots of other people paid more the second time around so they could compete. The only people broken are the people that opened their wallets lol.

    Their jobs are to generate money for EA by creating a product people will spend on. I'd say JKR and now Darth Revan are working exactly as intended.

    True but sacrificing integrity for profit is just a horrible buisness model especially..... FOR US THE PLAYERS!

    How did they sacrifice integrity? This is a for profit company, have they ever claimed to be anything else. I honestly don't understand what they have done to make them lose integrity.

    This is the most common misunderstanding about the economical systems we live in. -for profit- doesn't justify any and all actions. If it did -for profit- actions would never cause anything than profit itself. Yet there's more, much more to it.

    They don't have to justify any actions they take to you or me or anyone else. The system we live in allows people to buy or not buy their product.

    Businesses tend to try and not **** of consumers too much, for fear of pushing them away, but it's their choice to do so if they want. Another company can step in and fill the void.

    This guy has four pages crying about a character that isn't released yet, nor is "delayed" yet. He can choose to stop playing.

    I'm not "crying" I'm speculating. Obviously the only reason I create discussion like this is because I love the game, and always want to see it improve. Its shills like you who attack anyone who criticizes the game like a ****, and encourage them to make pure profit decisions that end up hurting players, and the game... which I love to play.
  • Ninjah9
    906 posts Member
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Ninjah9 wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Ninjah9 wrote: »
    Ninjah9 wrote: »
    What delays? Anyone that’s worked for a large company knows that there is an approval process. Release dates probably have to be signed off by various levels of management. So if it was announced before going through those processes, it has to be redacted until it’s officially signed off on. In other words, everyone is covering their a$$ just in case. Nothing about a delay benefits them. In fact, we’ve even seen broken content be released. On 3/22 we can talk about so callled “delays”.

    Lol, just answered this mirror comment on reddit.

    Mirror comment to the equally stupid thread on Reddit. The same rumors were viral when JKR was released and he came out on time. Talk to me on 3/22.

    Yea he came out on time.....and now look at the game. One team is over 90% of the meta, the game is broken. That's kinda my whole point....

    Thats not relevant to delay vs on time.

    You can debate the delivery quality post delivery but 90% meta doesnt mean late delivery.

    ???? 😱

    Its speculation at best.

    When JKR released they knew they wanted it to crush traya.

    Most things that can beat traya can beat everything else. May require rng.... or mods, but it was doable.

    Adding design to crush traya, means they knee it would be dominant.

    It took over the meta in 7 days.

    Then it came back and those who hadnt got it... got it.

    Thats not a break in design, thats normal. Not liking it is not the same as poor design or unintended consequences.

    I hate mirror matches too, but the design isnt broken because of that.

    New darth revan will be more of the same.

    Yes I've never claimed my prediction is anything but speculation, that's what forums are for...

    And BH, EP, and CLS can beat Traya without beating everything else. That's balance, and that's what the game desperately lacks right now.
  • Ninjah9
    906 posts Member
    evoluza wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Ninjah9 wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Ninjah9 wrote: »
    Ninjah9 wrote: »
    What delays? Anyone that’s worked for a large company knows that there is an approval process. Release dates probably have to be signed off by various levels of management. So if it was announced before going through those processes, it has to be redacted until it’s officially signed off on. In other words, everyone is covering their a$$ just in case. Nothing about a delay benefits them. In fact, we’ve even seen broken content be released. On 3/22 we can talk about so callled “delays”.

    Lol, just answered this mirror comment on reddit.

    Mirror comment to the equally stupid thread on Reddit. The same rumors were viral when JKR was released and he came out on time. Talk to me on 3/22.

    Yea he came out on time.....and now look at the game. One team is over 90% of the meta, the game is broken. That's kinda my whole point....

    Thats not relevant to delay vs on time.

    You can debate the delivery quality post delivery but 90% meta doesnt mean late delivery.

    ???? 😱

    Its speculation at best.

    When JTR released they knew they wanted it to crush traya.

    Most things that can beat traya can beat everything else. May require rng.... or mods, but it was doable.

    Adding design to crush traya, means they knee it would be dominant.

    It took over the meta in 7 days.

    Then it came back and those who hadnt got it... got it.

    Thats not a break in design, thats normal. Not liking it is not the same as poor design or unintended consequences.

    I hate mirror matches too, but the design isnt broken because of that.

    New darth revan will be more of the same.

    Oooookay. In that context I see... You have no clue what broken means...

  • Ninjah9
    906 posts Member
    Intrapidoo wrote: »
    Ninjah9 wrote: »
    Just curious but have we ever given the thought that they are introducing Darth Malek? I mean, they've been working on Darth Revan since Jedi Revan. I actually wonder if it is due to them getting Darth Malek ready. Either by way of Marquee, or ship raid reward? Maybe they realized that they can' t keep throwing out quotes from him, and they didn't want to leave KOTOR like this without him are they?

    I actually believe ds Bastilla was originally intended to have more synergy with Malek, just based on canon. But you can tell CG scrambled to make changes after everyone really got **** about GG, and the 90% dominance by one team in arena. So instead of doing Malek first they rushed out DR to counter JKR, and I think that it could be causing issues for the release.

    Good viewpoint but it could be 1 another thing. That is ls revan beeing so dominant that no matter what they release from here on out, they either increase the power creep significantly or they nerf revan. They seem to be willing to go the power creep route which results in the death of the game in the long run, instead of nerfing their golden boy money maker. So ultimately their own ignorance is the issue and their lack of understanding and knowledge about the game they develop.

    I could not agree more, very well put!
  • Ninjah9
    906 posts Member
    Intrapidoo wrote: »
    Ninjah9 wrote: »
    Just curious but have we ever given the thought that they are introducing Darth Malek? I mean, they've been working on Darth Revan since Jedi Revan. I actually wonder if it is due to them getting Darth Malek ready. Either by way of Marquee, or ship raid reward? Maybe they realized that they can' t keep throwing out quotes from him, and they didn't want to leave KOTOR like this without him are they?

    I actually believe ds Bastilla was originally intended to have more synergy with Malek, just based on canon. But you can tell CG scrambled to make changes after everyone really got **** about GG, and the 90% dominance by one team in arena. So instead of doing Malek first they rushed out DR to counter JKR, and I think that it could be causing issues for the release.

    Good viewpoint but it could be 1 another thing. That is ls revan beeing so dominant that no matter what they release from here on out, they either increase the power creep significantly or they nerf revan. They seem to be willing to go the power creep route which results in the death of the game in the long run, instead of nerfing their golden boy money maker. So ultimately their own ignorance is the issue and their lack of understanding and knowledge about the game they develop.

    💯💯💯 I can't tell you how much of a relief it is to know this forum isnt completely overrun with shills. Thanks for speaking up 💪
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    I don’t understand why you are thinking that a delay is a bad thing if something is wrong. A delay would mean what they are releasing would be of higher quality. I would gladly wait another week if it meant the difference between DR being balanced. Also calling everyone arguing against your views “shills” hardly makes anyone want to agree with you. It seems like rather than considering their posts you are disregarding it.
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    Why everyone sure that that is no way to design team that will be perfect counter to Revan? There is tons of way to do it without breaking game. What can DR have in his kit to do it

    1. All enemy leaders start with 3 turns cooldown on all their abilities.
    2. Team immune to Mark
    3. Team not immune to mark but reflect it back
    4. Each time enemy hit marked character, he lose 30% offense, defence, health, protection, his cooldowns increased to 1 turn.
    5.When any toon at DR team receive mark debuff, all other toons get bonus 100% offence, defence, CD, CC, health, protection, speed for 2 turns, all their cooldowns resets and they get bonus turn immediately.

    And so on... There is many ways to create team that will be powerful specifically against LS Revan.
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    Keeping us in suspense perhaps?
    Get good and get a Revan. Ryanwhales
  • Ninjah9
    906 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    Lagandary wrote: »
    I don’t understand why you are thinking that a delay is a bad thing if something is wrong. A delay would mean what they are releasing would be of higher quality. I would gladly wait another week if it meant the difference between DR being balanced. Also calling everyone arguing against your views “shills” hardly makes anyone want to agree with you. It seems like rather than considering their posts you are disregarding it.

    No trust me I listen to to their arguments. It's just everytime I post something critical of the game, they go way out of their way to defend CG; to the point of not making any sense. Trust me been doing this a while, and its usually the same bunch. Once I prove how ridiculous the points they're making are, they always resort to insulting me personally.

    And AGAIN, I'm not saying the delay is necessarily a bad thing, just a sign that they may be having issues related to how ridiculously OP Revan is. There have been a couple of rational people here who acknowledge that Revan is way too OP, and that a true counter to him would likely either break arena again, or create a dangerous power creep that could kill the game. I've mentioned several times that this is purely speculation, and I've opened up the discussion to see what others might think is going on. Which means I want to hear others opinions, but if you actually read the previous posts you will see that 90% of them are people just denying the fact that recent changes prove things aren't going as planned.
  • Ninjah9
    906 posts Member
    Ryanwhales wrote: »
    Keeping us in suspense perhaps?

    I would think that if it weren't for the fact that the sooner they release him the more profit they will gain...
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