Can The Zeta Situation Be Improved?


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    JohnAran wrote: »
    I don’t really understand what kind of message you are trying to deliver here since you are making the exact point of op or palanthian.
    You will never be able to put zetas on wicket, fost, kru unique etc because they are too precious because there are too much mandatory (from an efficiency pov) zetas coming into the game compared to what you can acquire. You seem to say that you don’t care if you can’t, that’s great. Some people care and are asking for an increase in zeta sources so that they finally can put some zetas in some « b teams » as you call them to have fun with them without instantly falling behind because « wasted ressources ».

    What you are arguing or « explaining » to us is exactly what we would like to see changed.
    OP said there are not enough zetas to stay competitive. I'm disagreeing with that. Zetas can be broken into 3 categories - Ones you need to compete, ones that give a slight improvement (lower tier zetas on meta teams, or good zetas on good GA/TW teams), and zetas that just aren't useful. Many of the folks posting here seem to want to place all zetas, regardless of the impact.

    The current flow of mats is plenty to zeta your top meta squad, and a small number of carefully chosen additional zetas. I have 5 zetas saved, but I disagree that I will never put on zetas like wicket or fost without major sacrifice. I have those 5 saved despite recently putting a zeta on Jyn lead, as well as 3 zetas on Carth/Mission/Zaalbar for the OR DOT squad for GA/TW.

  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    Turkinaa wrote: »
    I think the problem is either (a) we don’t get enough zetas compared to the new toons that have too many zetas for new metas or reworks or (b) too many zetas (including zetas that aren’t good anymore or are kinda not necessary and are just there).

    With slightly more than 5 months between the introduction of JKR and DR, there was plenty of time to farm the zetas required for their teams and a few surplus to use on other characters.

    I see no problem here. Choose carefully how to spend your zetas. Very few zetas have been rendered useless. They may not be META any more, but they are rarely completely useless.
    So to have three functioning squads that’s 20 zetas. If you’re newer to the game and if it take 3 weeks to get it that’s over a year to zeta them all.

    The zeta availability should not be balanced around those players. Other players farm zetas much faster (~12 days).

  • Options
    My favorite thing about the state of zetas is looking at someone's roster in GA, looking at their fleet rank, counting the zetas, and know I'm about to dine on some whale carcass!!
  • TVF
    36706 posts Member
    Forget the zeta situation, we need help with the carb, stun gun, and mk8 bio implant situation.


    Oh, the new gear does that? Cool!


    Oh, it doesn't, in fact it just made it worse?
    I need a new message here.
  • JVU420
    429 posts Member
    Liath wrote: »
    JVU420 wrote: »
    I'm personally fine the way it is right now. I definitely wouldn't mind if they increased zeta availability (like for example with higher drop rates from challenges, more frequent Wicket/Talzin events or as rewards for ALL Grand Arena events), but I definitely wouldn't complain if it stayed the way it is. Sure, newer players don't have it easy, but they also fight other new players in Arena so they are all in the same boat, nobody has an advantage over the other. In GA you face people who started the game at different times, but unless you excessively fluff your roster, you will usually face other new players who are also in the same boat. Guilds also have players of different starting times, but if you are a newer player you shouldn't aim for guilds that are way above your level. Join a beginner guild. That way you will mostly stay with other newer players who are, again, in the same boat.

    You aren't supposed to zeta every single newly released toon straight away, and not every single zeta of newly released toons is 100% necessary to stay competitive. I see guys taking first in Arena with only half the zetas on their DRevan+Malak teams, so most of the time it's just luxury. As long as you only go for zetas that are game-changing you shouldn't ever have a problem. I have basically all zetas on my key toons and have 1 zeta on some leaders who make certain factions viable (like Bossk lead, Veers lead, Chirpa lead etc.). You don't ever NEED to zeta something like the full phoenix squad, the separatist droids, the scoundrels etc.. You obviously can do them if you like the faction, but then it's on you. If you zeta your full scoundrel team and your full separatist droid team, then it's not a surprise that you are lacking zetas for your DRevan team now (that was just an example). Set your priorities and then plan accordingly. If you want to stay super competitive with the Arena meta, ignore separatist droids or whatnot and save zetas for DRevan. Now GR toons got zetas and Padme will come to the game. But you also don't have to zeta those. Save for the next arena meta, if that's your priority. If your priority is zeta-ing your favorite factions regardless of the meta, go on and zeta the GR toons with Padme or whatever else you like. But then don't complain that you don't have enough zetas for when the next Arena meta comes along.

    If you are a whale and progress too fast, then that's something you should keep in mind. Just because YOU progress at ultra high speed and are in need of a gazillion zetas, doesn't mean the devs need to change their whole game because of you or the other 500 people who are in the same boat. If you are playing at an average pace like I would say 90% of the community, then zetas shouldn't be a problem. I'm sitting at ~140 zetas, ~250 omegas and like 4000 purple mats right now and will use those the next time DRevan comes back. And then I will start saving for the next meta and maybe give 1 or 2 zetas to some B teams if I can afford it. That's how I always did it, and it has always worked for me. I don't have to zeta every new shiny toy that comes out and I don't need to, to stay relevant. Just set your priorities and then zeta what is NEEDED for YOU. If you want to zeta everything straight away you will inevitably run out. As some people mentioned it, it is still, above everything, a game of resource management.

    Just my 2 cents on this.

    Whales and Krakens keep this game running. We progress fast and we need the zetas to be competitive in TW and and GA.

    Why would you need them to be competitive when the other people you are facing also have a limited zeta income same as you? And if they increase zeta income, those people you’re competing against will get that same increase as well.

    I would rather set teams with full zetas then not on d, and have full zeta teams on offense. So they need to increase the zetas we get. They have omega battles about time they add zetas to that.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    JVU420 wrote: »
    Liath wrote: »
    JVU420 wrote: »
    I'm personally fine the way it is right now. I definitely wouldn't mind if they increased zeta availability (like for example with higher drop rates from challenges, more frequent Wicket/Talzin events or as rewards for ALL Grand Arena events), but I definitely wouldn't complain if it stayed the way it is. Sure, newer players don't have it easy, but they also fight other new players in Arena so they are all in the same boat, nobody has an advantage over the other. In GA you face people who started the game at different times, but unless you excessively fluff your roster, you will usually face other new players who are also in the same boat. Guilds also have players of different starting times, but if you are a newer player you shouldn't aim for guilds that are way above your level. Join a beginner guild. That way you will mostly stay with other newer players who are, again, in the same boat.

    You aren't supposed to zeta every single newly released toon straight away, and not every single zeta of newly released toons is 100% necessary to stay competitive. I see guys taking first in Arena with only half the zetas on their DRevan+Malak teams, so most of the time it's just luxury. As long as you only go for zetas that are game-changing you shouldn't ever have a problem. I have basically all zetas on my key toons and have 1 zeta on some leaders who make certain factions viable (like Bossk lead, Veers lead, Chirpa lead etc.). You don't ever NEED to zeta something like the full phoenix squad, the separatist droids, the scoundrels etc.. You obviously can do them if you like the faction, but then it's on you. If you zeta your full scoundrel team and your full separatist droid team, then it's not a surprise that you are lacking zetas for your DRevan team now (that was just an example). Set your priorities and then plan accordingly. If you want to stay super competitive with the Arena meta, ignore separatist droids or whatnot and save zetas for DRevan. Now GR toons got zetas and Padme will come to the game. But you also don't have to zeta those. Save for the next arena meta, if that's your priority. If your priority is zeta-ing your favorite factions regardless of the meta, go on and zeta the GR toons with Padme or whatever else you like. But then don't complain that you don't have enough zetas for when the next Arena meta comes along.

    If you are a whale and progress too fast, then that's something you should keep in mind. Just because YOU progress at ultra high speed and are in need of a gazillion zetas, doesn't mean the devs need to change their whole game because of you or the other 500 people who are in the same boat. If you are playing at an average pace like I would say 90% of the community, then zetas shouldn't be a problem. I'm sitting at ~140 zetas, ~250 omegas and like 4000 purple mats right now and will use those the next time DRevan comes back. And then I will start saving for the next meta and maybe give 1 or 2 zetas to some B teams if I can afford it. That's how I always did it, and it has always worked for me. I don't have to zeta every new shiny toy that comes out and I don't need to, to stay relevant. Just set your priorities and then zeta what is NEEDED for YOU. If you want to zeta everything straight away you will inevitably run out. As some people mentioned it, it is still, above everything, a game of resource management.

    Just my 2 cents on this.

    Whales and Krakens keep this game running. We progress fast and we need the zetas to be competitive in TW and and GA.

    Why would you need them to be competitive when the other people you are facing also have a limited zeta income same as you? And if they increase zeta income, those people you’re competing against will get that same increase as well.

    I would rather set teams with full zetas then not on d, and have full zeta teams on offense. So they need to increase the zetas we get. They have omega battles about time they add zetas to that.

    “I would rather” /= “I need it to be competitive.”
  • JVU420
    429 posts Member
    Liath wrote: »
    JVU420 wrote: »
    Liath wrote: »
    JVU420 wrote: »
    I'm personally fine the way it is right now. I definitely wouldn't mind if they increased zeta availability (like for example with higher drop rates from challenges, more frequent Wicket/Talzin events or as rewards for ALL Grand Arena events), but I definitely wouldn't complain if it stayed the way it is. Sure, newer players don't have it easy, but they also fight other new players in Arena so they are all in the same boat, nobody has an advantage over the other. In GA you face people who started the game at different times, but unless you excessively fluff your roster, you will usually face other new players who are also in the same boat. Guilds also have players of different starting times, but if you are a newer player you shouldn't aim for guilds that are way above your level. Join a beginner guild. That way you will mostly stay with other newer players who are, again, in the same boat.

    You aren't supposed to zeta every single newly released toon straight away, and not every single zeta of newly released toons is 100% necessary to stay competitive. I see guys taking first in Arena with only half the zetas on their DRevan+Malak teams, so most of the time it's just luxury. As long as you only go for zetas that are game-changing you shouldn't ever have a problem. I have basically all zetas on my key toons and have 1 zeta on some leaders who make certain factions viable (like Bossk lead, Veers lead, Chirpa lead etc.). You don't ever NEED to zeta something like the full phoenix squad, the separatist droids, the scoundrels etc.. You obviously can do them if you like the faction, but then it's on you. If you zeta your full scoundrel team and your full separatist droid team, then it's not a surprise that you are lacking zetas for your DRevan team now (that was just an example). Set your priorities and then plan accordingly. If you want to stay super competitive with the Arena meta, ignore separatist droids or whatnot and save zetas for DRevan. Now GR toons got zetas and Padme will come to the game. But you also don't have to zeta those. Save for the next arena meta, if that's your priority. If your priority is zeta-ing your favorite factions regardless of the meta, go on and zeta the GR toons with Padme or whatever else you like. But then don't complain that you don't have enough zetas for when the next Arena meta comes along.

    If you are a whale and progress too fast, then that's something you should keep in mind. Just because YOU progress at ultra high speed and are in need of a gazillion zetas, doesn't mean the devs need to change their whole game because of you or the other 500 people who are in the same boat. If you are playing at an average pace like I would say 90% of the community, then zetas shouldn't be a problem. I'm sitting at ~140 zetas, ~250 omegas and like 4000 purple mats right now and will use those the next time DRevan comes back. And then I will start saving for the next meta and maybe give 1 or 2 zetas to some B teams if I can afford it. That's how I always did it, and it has always worked for me. I don't have to zeta every new shiny toy that comes out and I don't need to, to stay relevant. Just set your priorities and then zeta what is NEEDED for YOU. If you want to zeta everything straight away you will inevitably run out. As some people mentioned it, it is still, above everything, a game of resource management.

    Just my 2 cents on this.

    Whales and Krakens keep this game running. We progress fast and we need the zetas to be competitive in TW and and GA.

    Why would you need them to be competitive when the other people you are facing also have a limited zeta income same as you? And if they increase zeta income, those people you’re competing against will get that same increase as well.

    I would rather set teams with full zetas then not on d, and have full zeta teams on offense. So they need to increase the zetas we get. They have omega battles about time they add zetas to that.

    “I would rather” /= “I need it to be competitive.”

    All your squads are more competitive with zetas. So because I have a big roster there should be more ways to get zetas.
  • Options
    Turkinaa wrote: »
    One problem I believe is that older zetas which we invested in aren’t that great anymore. Then new zetas drop that aren’t that good. The grind to get zeta material and also just importantly omegas make things difficult. We can’t use omega abilities when we’re trying to save them for zetas.

    Another problem is the rate, as said before, of new zetas dropping. So many new toons require 2-3 zetas to be competitive so a squad needs 4-8 zetas. Remember when phasma, qui gon, and boba fett zetas were like the top ones?
    Remember the clone wars chewie zeta? some of us still have nightmares absolutely that one
  • Options
    JVU420 wrote: »
    Liath wrote: »
    JVU420 wrote: »
    Liath wrote: »
    JVU420 wrote: »
    I'm personally fine the way it is right now. I definitely wouldn't mind if they increased zeta availability (like for example with higher drop rates from challenges, more frequent Wicket/Talzin events or as rewards for ALL Grand Arena events), but I definitely wouldn't complain if it stayed the way it is. Sure, newer players don't have it easy, but they also fight other new players in Arena so they are all in the same boat, nobody has an advantage over the other. In GA you face people who started the game at different times, but unless you excessively fluff your roster, you will usually face other new players who are also in the same boat. Guilds also have players of different starting times, but if you are a newer player you shouldn't aim for guilds that are way above your level. Join a beginner guild. That way you will mostly stay with other newer players who are, again, in the same boat.

    You aren't supposed to zeta every single newly released toon straight away, and not every single zeta of newly released toons is 100% necessary to stay competitive. I see guys taking first in Arena with only half the zetas on their DRevan+Malak teams, so most of the time it's just luxury. As long as you only go for zetas that are game-changing you shouldn't ever have a problem. I have basically all zetas on my key toons and have 1 zeta on some leaders who make certain factions viable (like Bossk lead, Veers lead, Chirpa lead etc.). You don't ever NEED to zeta something like the full phoenix squad, the separatist droids, the scoundrels etc.. You obviously can do them if you like the faction, but then it's on you. If you zeta your full scoundrel team and your full separatist droid team, then it's not a surprise that you are lacking zetas for your DRevan team now (that was just an example). Set your priorities and then plan accordingly. If you want to stay super competitive with the Arena meta, ignore separatist droids or whatnot and save zetas for DRevan. Now GR toons got zetas and Padme will come to the game. But you also don't have to zeta those. Save for the next arena meta, if that's your priority. If your priority is zeta-ing your favorite factions regardless of the meta, go on and zeta the GR toons with Padme or whatever else you like. But then don't complain that you don't have enough zetas for when the next Arena meta comes along.

    If you are a whale and progress too fast, then that's something you should keep in mind. Just because YOU progress at ultra high speed and are in need of a gazillion zetas, doesn't mean the devs need to change their whole game because of you or the other 500 people who are in the same boat. If you are playing at an average pace like I would say 90% of the community, then zetas shouldn't be a problem. I'm sitting at ~140 zetas, ~250 omegas and like 4000 purple mats right now and will use those the next time DRevan comes back. And then I will start saving for the next meta and maybe give 1 or 2 zetas to some B teams if I can afford it. That's how I always did it, and it has always worked for me. I don't have to zeta every new shiny toy that comes out and I don't need to, to stay relevant. Just set your priorities and then zeta what is NEEDED for YOU. If you want to zeta everything straight away you will inevitably run out. As some people mentioned it, it is still, above everything, a game of resource management.

    Just my 2 cents on this.

    Whales and Krakens keep this game running. We progress fast and we need the zetas to be competitive in TW and and GA.

    Why would you need them to be competitive when the other people you are facing also have a limited zeta income same as you? And if they increase zeta income, those people you’re competing against will get that same increase as well.

    I would rather set teams with full zetas then not on d, and have full zeta teams on offense. So they need to increase the zetas we get. They have omega battles about time they add zetas to that.

    “I would rather” /= “I need it to be competitive.”

    All your squads are more competitive with zetas. So because I have a big roster there should be more ways to get zetas.

    Yeah, YOU have a big roster. But millions of other players don't. Devs aren't making the game just for you alone. And I know enough whales who are ok with the current zeta situation.
  • Nebulous
    1476 posts Member
    edited May 2019
    If ea/cg wanted more money, they could offer zeta packs. Playing at the “tip of the spear” in TW, it is challenging to recruit new whales/Krakens cuz they lack the necessary zetas required to place expected defense and have the offensive counters—there is NO way to catch up. They are forever behind. I’d suspect most of the purchased zetas would be used to backfill ga/tw more so than to build up his/her arena squads.

    I also suspect that when a player talks about 8 zetas for SE or 5 for gg seps, they aren’t necessarily talking about arena (except @Smapty I know he is droid master in arena), they are more interested in TW/GA. The lack of zetas really impacts players trying to compete in Those aspects of the game.

    For as long as I have played this game, I am very surprised by the slow accrual of zetas/omegas. I would 100% be on board with an increase in zeta/omega accrual for all players and for zeta packs for new players to catch up.
  • Ikky2win
    870 posts Member
    Waqui wrote: »
    Ikky2win wrote: »
    What older players don’t realize is that this is a huge issue for newer players. Newer players have no way of going back and doing older zetas. There is no possible way to catch up.

    Veteran players played longer time. I see no problem with them having farmed more zetas. Newer players farm zetas faster than veteran players did when zetas were first introduced. I see no problem here.

    Newer players just need to arm themselves with patience and - like the rest of us - carefully pick which abilities to zeta and which to leave without a zeta.

    Um, no? I will never be able to zeta older characters like CLS. Ever. My choices are skip newer factions to zeta him or not zeta him. Plain and simple. Since newer factions are generally better overall, it’s really no choice at all. Older players had more time to accumulate zetas so they had 2-3 zetas on CLS, one on maul, etc before I even started playing the game. Explain to me how I’m supposed to compete with that? I can catch up to older players in every other aspect of the game by spending money, but I can’t catch up on zetas no matter what.
  • Options
    Ikky2win wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    Ikky2win wrote: »
    What older players don’t realize is that this is a huge issue for newer players. Newer players have no way of going back and doing older zetas. There is no possible way to catch up.

    Veteran players played longer time. I see no problem with them having farmed more zetas. Newer players farm zetas faster than veteran players did when zetas were first introduced. I see no problem here.

    Newer players just need to arm themselves with patience and - like the rest of us - carefully pick which abilities to zeta and which to leave without a zeta.

    Um, no? I will never be able to zeta older characters like CLS. Ever. My choices are skip newer factions to zeta him or not zeta him. Plain and simple. Since newer factions are generally better overall, it’s really no choice at all. Older players had more time to accumulate zetas so they had 2-3 zetas on CLS, one on maul, etc before I even started playing the game. Explain to me how I’m supposed to compete with that? I can catch up to older players in every other aspect of the game by spending money, but I can’t catch up on zetas no matter what.

    I can tell you the responses you will get. “Get gud”, “make better choices”, “no one is forcing you to play a certain way”, “take top 10 in Fleet and Arena like us”, “you need more patience, we all started out with nothing but 3 hard node attempts”, and other such nonsense involving 5 years ago mechanics when Zetas did not exist.

    I completely agree with you. Even if they loosen the belt with monthly Talzin and Wicket event, that’s just 4 extra zeta entering the game per month or 2 zeta a year. Still bottlenecked with no more omega sources other than what’s already in game. The game packs have omega in them now so purchasing omegas is real.
  • Ikky2win
    870 posts Member
    edited May 2019
    Yah I buy omegas so that’s not a big deal. There just isn’t a way for me to catch up on zetas since I started later. I’m not even bothering gearing troopers for example as I can’t spare a zeta to make them viable. Troopers are a great team but where do I get the zeta from? Don’t zeta the jkr team? Don’t zeta the dr/malak team? Don’t zeta droids? Don’t zeta the new Galactic Republic? Those are all better than Troopers so I’m never going to have a reason to even gear or level my troopers. CG is shooting themselves in the feet. I’d spend more and gear Troopers if I had a zeta to spare to make them viable.
  • Bulldog1205
    3573 posts Member
    Waqui wrote: »
    Turkinaa wrote: »
    I think the problem is either (a) we don’t get enough zetas compared to the new toons that have too many zetas for new metas or reworks or (b) too many zetas (including zetas that aren’t good anymore or are kinda not necessary and are just there).

    With slightly more than 5 months between the introduction of JKR and DR, there was plenty of time to farm the zetas required for their teams and a few surplus to use on other characters.

    I see no problem here. Choose carefully how to spend your zetas. Very few zetas have been rendered useless. They may not be META any more, but they are rarely completely useless.
    So to have three functioning squads that’s 20 zetas. If you’re newer to the game and if it take 3 weeks to get it that’s over a year to zeta them all.

    The zeta availability should not be balanced around those players. Other players farm zetas much faster (~12 days).

    The typical JKR squad has 6 zetas. That was a pretty long meta, and it still didn’t leave anyone starting from scratch much time to complete their squad before the next big thing hit. The new Darth Revan squad has 8 zetas (and that doesn’t even include the zetas people used to unlock these characters). Many people aren’t even done with that and now we have the next big team that needs 5+ zetas.

    There absolutely is a zeta bottleneck. Which still continues to baffle me because it can’t be monetized. I could absolutely be persuaded into spending money on this crystal sale to gear up Padme quicker and complete the G12 for the rest of the squad. But I won’t. Because why spend money to finish the gear when I still have to wait 5 weeks to get the zetas anyways?
  • Options
    Ikky2win wrote: »
    Yah I buy omegas so that’s not a big deal. There just isn’t a way for me to catch up on zetas since I started later. I’m not even bothering gearing troopers for example as I can’t spare a zeta to make them viable. Troopers are a great team but where do I get the zeta from? Don’t zeta the jkr team? Don’t zeta the dr/malak team? Don’t zeta droids? Don’t zeta the new Galactic Republic? Those are all better than Troopers so I’m never going to have a reason to even gear or level my troopers. CG is shooting themselves in the feet. I’d spend more and gear Troopers if I had a zeta to spare to make them viable.

    I don’t know where you place in Fleet, but instead of leveling ships and pilots I buy zeta mats. I earn enough fleet credits to buy a single zeta every other day, plus the other usual sources. It equates to a full zeta every other week.

    I agree. Troopers are awesome. No regrets dropping zeta on them, my BH, my Ewoks or my Jedi team. Honestly with CLS, just zeta it binds all things. The other 2 are not as important.
  • JVU420
    429 posts Member
    JVU420 wrote: »
    Liath wrote: »
    JVU420 wrote: »
    Liath wrote: »
    JVU420 wrote: »
    I'm personally fine the way it is right now. I definitely wouldn't mind if they increased zeta availability (like for example with higher drop rates from challenges, more frequent Wicket/Talzin events or as rewards for ALL Grand Arena events), but I definitely wouldn't complain if it stayed the way it is. Sure, newer players don't have it easy, but they also fight other new players in Arena so they are all in the same boat, nobody has an advantage over the other. In GA you face people who started the game at different times, but unless you excessively fluff your roster, you will usually face other new players who are also in the same boat. Guilds also have players of different starting times, but if you are a newer player you shouldn't aim for guilds that are way above your level. Join a beginner guild. That way you will mostly stay with other newer players who are, again, in the same boat.

    You aren't supposed to zeta every single newly released toon straight away, and not every single zeta of newly released toons is 100% necessary to stay competitive. I see guys taking first in Arena with only half the zetas on their DRevan+Malak teams, so most of the time it's just luxury. As long as you only go for zetas that are game-changing you shouldn't ever have a problem. I have basically all zetas on my key toons and have 1 zeta on some leaders who make certain factions viable (like Bossk lead, Veers lead, Chirpa lead etc.). You don't ever NEED to zeta something like the full phoenix squad, the separatist droids, the scoundrels etc.. You obviously can do them if you like the faction, but then it's on you. If you zeta your full scoundrel team and your full separatist droid team, then it's not a surprise that you are lacking zetas for your DRevan team now (that was just an example). Set your priorities and then plan accordingly. If you want to stay super competitive with the Arena meta, ignore separatist droids or whatnot and save zetas for DRevan. Now GR toons got zetas and Padme will come to the game. But you also don't have to zeta those. Save for the next arena meta, if that's your priority. If your priority is zeta-ing your favorite factions regardless of the meta, go on and zeta the GR toons with Padme or whatever else you like. But then don't complain that you don't have enough zetas for when the next Arena meta comes along.

    If you are a whale and progress too fast, then that's something you should keep in mind. Just because YOU progress at ultra high speed and are in need of a gazillion zetas, doesn't mean the devs need to change their whole game because of you or the other 500 people who are in the same boat. If you are playing at an average pace like I would say 90% of the community, then zetas shouldn't be a problem. I'm sitting at ~140 zetas, ~250 omegas and like 4000 purple mats right now and will use those the next time DRevan comes back. And then I will start saving for the next meta and maybe give 1 or 2 zetas to some B teams if I can afford it. That's how I always did it, and it has always worked for me. I don't have to zeta every new shiny toy that comes out and I don't need to, to stay relevant. Just set your priorities and then zeta what is NEEDED for YOU. If you want to zeta everything straight away you will inevitably run out. As some people mentioned it, it is still, above everything, a game of resource management.

    Just my 2 cents on this.

    Whales and Krakens keep this game running. We progress fast and we need the zetas to be competitive in TW and and GA.

    Why would you need them to be competitive when the other people you are facing also have a limited zeta income same as you? And if they increase zeta income, those people you’re competing against will get that same increase as well.

    I would rather set teams with full zetas then not on d, and have full zeta teams on offense. So they need to increase the zetas we get. They have omega battles about time they add zetas to that.

    “I would rather” /= “I need it to be competitive.”

    All your squads are more competitive with zetas. So because I have a big roster there should be more ways to get zetas.

    Yeah, YOU have a big roster. But millions of other players don't. Devs aren't making the game just for you alone. And I know enough whales who are ok with the current zeta situation.

    I know more than enough whales asking for more zetas.
  • Ikky2win
    870 posts Member
    edited May 2019
    Ikky2win wrote: »
    Yah I buy omegas so that’s not a big deal. There just isn’t a way for me to catch up on zetas since I started later. I’m not even bothering gearing troopers for example as I can’t spare a zeta to make them viable. Troopers are a great team but where do I get the zeta from? Don’t zeta the jkr team? Don’t zeta the dr/malak team? Don’t zeta droids? Don’t zeta the new Galactic Republic? Those are all better than Troopers so I’m never going to have a reason to even gear or level my troopers. CG is shooting themselves in the feet. I’d spend more and gear Troopers if I had a zeta to spare to make them viable.

    I don’t know where you place in Fleet, but instead of leveling ships and pilots I buy zeta mats. I earn enough fleet credits to buy a single zeta every other day, plus the other usual sources. It equates to a full zeta every other week.

    I agree. Troopers are awesome. No regrets dropping zeta on them, my BH, my Ewoks or my Jedi team. Honestly with CLS, just zeta it binds all things. The other 2 are not as important.

    I get first in fleet every day and haven’t bought anything but zeta mats for more than a year.

    There’s my profile. The only zetas I really regret are Visas, but it helped me a ton in the early days of sith raid, and chirps but I needed it to get c3po because I don’t have Logray.
  • usArmyJedi
    351 posts Member
    Haven’t really read through the individual comments on this post but I absolutely agree. The old republic absolutely drained every bodies zeta reserve. Coming out with new characters and immediately making them meta along with their team with their zetas is asking for a lot. And not only that the separatist droid team maxed out is 7 zetas. The new GA team (which is missing a character/character rework most likely) is at 5 zetas. The 2nd separatist team that includes nute and dookus rework are gonna need zetas. And let’s not forget about the ever changing meta in arena. Malaks time has maybe 5 months left? Which means during the new movie release we’ll need even more zetas to get the new FO/Resistance team up and ready.

    As the game grows the resources also must grow with it and right now omegas and zetas haven’t seen an update in income for awhile now.
  • usArmyJedi
    351 posts Member
    And this coming from a guy with 76 zetad abilities w/15 mats and the upcoming free one. Puts me about 78
  • Author
    24 posts Member
    Part of the perceived need right now is not coming from people who want a zeta on everything. I for one would never place certain zetas--Stormtrooper for instance. I'd just hold them.

    BUT, the need for zetas is due to the flood of characters needing them, or multiples which are part of the game now that is very important for TW and GA performance.

    So if gearing and keeping all the top teams viable, geared, zeta'd is going to be a part of your current game, you've got to offer the means to do so.

    This includes when characters are introduced with massive roadblocked gear requirements as well.

    So many of the old methods of gear dispersal available to us are outdated, and new characters outright never need 90% of the gear rewards of challenges, raids or many events anymore.

    So either the requirements for this increased flood of characters lessens, or the supply of items needs to outfit those teams needs to increase.

    Imagine being a brand new player today. Think you're EVER going to get a single Zeta onto JTR? Triumverate? R2?
  • usArmyJedi
    351 posts Member
    Author wrote: »
    Part of the perceived need right now is not coming from people who want a zeta on everything. I for one would never place certain zetas--Stormtrooper for instance. I'd just hold them.

    BUT, the need for zetas is due to the flood of characters needing them, or multiples which are part of the game now that is very important for TW and GA performance.

    So if gearing and keeping all the top teams viable, geared, zeta'd is going to be a part of your current game, you've got to offer the means to do so.

    This includes when characters are introduced with massive roadblocked gear requirements as well.

    So many of the old methods of gear dispersal available to us are outdated, and new characters outright never need 90% of the gear rewards of challenges, raids or many events anymore.

    So either the requirements for this increased flood of characters lessens, or the supply of items needs to outfit those teams needs to increase.

    Imagine being a brand new player today. Think you're EVER going to get a single Zeta onto JTR? Triumverate? R2?

    Agreed 100%
  • Palanthian
    1262 posts Member
    Great comments here, new players haven’t got a prayer of putting zetas on older characters, and whaling on stars/gear for newer players is pointless as a deep roster of characters can’t be zeta’d or made competitive for TW/GA etc.

    In fact, a new player whaling on chromium packs today would be putting themselves in a high GP bracket for GA with virtually no zetas, versus veteran players who have 50+. They’d be paying to lose, effectively.
  • Author
    24 posts Member
    Palanthian wrote: »
    Great comments here, new players haven’t got a prayer of putting zetas on older characters, and whaling on stars/gear for newer players is pointless as a deep roster of characters can’t be zeta’d or made competitive for TW/GA etc.

    In fact, a new player whaling on chromium packs today would be putting themselves in a high GP bracket for GA with virtually no zetas, versus veteran players who have 50+. They’d be paying to lose, effectively.

    Absolutely correct. I myself have done this...

    Another cry from my ilk, or any other new whale type is: please create GA brackets that take Zetas into account...and mods...and 6 dots...and g12+ pieces...GP is just not accurate enough to create brackets from.

    But, if we can get that gap closed on zeta acquisition/new character requirements, that would be great, and every player in the game would enjoy it. I mean, i want to play with these cool squads, not wonder what if.
  • usArmyJedi
    351 posts Member
    I see no negative impact by increasing the zeta acquired weekly by just a bit. In fact I only see positives. More players will want to spend and increase character gear to use these abilities and the players that are FTP are also happier to use some of the more sought out old characters.

    As it stands I won’t spend a dime on gearing up padme since I don’t have 5 zetas lying around to zeta the new GR team that’s forming.
  • Ikky2win
    870 posts Member
    usArmyJedi wrote: »
    I see no negative impact by increasing the zeta acquired weekly by just a bit. In fact I only see positives. More players will want to spend and increase character gear to use these abilities and the players that are FTP are also happier to use some of the more sought out old characters.

    Exactly what I’ve been preaching. I have no incentive to gear up certain characters and even entire squads because I won’t be able to zeta them to make them useful even though I get first place in fleet every day.
  • RawdSW
    150 posts Member
    I agree with the OP. I can keep up with the newer zetas, more or less, but I would really love to go back and add zetas to, let's say, Ewoks. They make such a fun team to play. The current zeta acquisition rate is such that I'll never be able to do that and stay competitive in arena/TW at the same time.
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Forget the zeta situation, we need help with the carb, stun gun, and mk8 bio implant situation.


    Oh, the new gear does that? Cool!


    Oh, it doesn't, in fact it just made it worse?

    True Dis
  • Marcelord
    14 posts Member
    Please more zeta ways . Some buy packs.
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    A lot of the problem is due to the sudden increase of zeta heavy characters coming to the game. We got used to a slow and steady rate of characters that had low zeta requirements coming to the game so that this is just a shock change. I had actually stored many zeta pieces by the time Darth Revan came around and I had spent some of that on Jedi Revan when he came back for the second time. Now after the Darth Revan and Malak team, which needed 7 or 8 total I felt very spent and then Ashoka gets a zeta then Anakin, and Padme comes, and I still want to do droids. It just feels like the flood gates opened.

    My main issue is with Omegas though. When you need 10 or 13 for each zeta on top of 3 or 5 for all other abilities then that adds up a lot and my omegas haven't kept pace with how many Zetas I have as a result. I have over 60 zeta mats and no omegas right now.
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