All a "guild qualification requirement" will do is hurt smaller guilds


  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    evoluza wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    Dk_rek wrote: »
    Stenun wrote: »
    evoluza wrote: »
    Again. The cap doesn't hurt anyone, it prevents lower guild's from losing Hoth rewards, by not letting them praticipate in Geo.
    The reason is still GP. You don't have enough GP, so you want make it to the first star and lose rewards off ONE Full TB.

    So the options are:
    Have a participation requirement and then a lot of smaller guilds will fall apart.
    Have no participation requirements, everyone can see first hand what Geonosis is like, guilds lose one round of Hoth rewards.

    I cannot fathom that a majority of a guild would pass up 100-200 stun guns worth of GET just to get locked into 4 days of not getting past area one in Genosis just to "try" it out....


    I get everyone is not me or thinks like me but I cannot fathom at all anyone who would lose out on hoth rewards for NOTHING.

    Curiosity? Attraction of the novelty? I'm glad, I still have my curiosity.

    Now you just need an 80mil guild

    Was that an invitation? No, thanx. I'm fine. Good luck recruiting.
  • Lanbo
    128 posts Member
    evoluza wrote: »
    Lanbo wrote: »
    evoluza wrote: »
    Lanbo wrote: »
    evoluza wrote: »
    Lanbo wrote: »
    evoluza wrote: »
    Stenun wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    They cant just make it easier so everyone can participate, and then beat it "in no time". New content like this needs to have some lasting effect to then allow them to work on other projects.

    But most people aren't asking for that. At least, I'm not and I wasn't in my original post.
    By all means keep it hard. By all means bring in more hard PvE "end game content". But allow us to play it. Don't decide "it's too tough for you therefore we're not going to let you even try"; let US make that decision for ourselves.

    You keep saying that and I kepp telling you, that it is pointless to praticipate, because you haven't enough gp to do anything relevant!!!
    Try when the guild reaches 80mil

    Tell me, how exactly does it adversely affect YOU if HIS guild decides to try it and fails to gain a star? The only ones hurt by that decision are HIS guildmates. Not YOU. So THEY should be able to make that decision since it only affects THEM.

    And besides, since when has GP alone been a definitive indicator of success? A player with X million GP evenly spread out across every character possible is going to fail miserably against most high-end content, whereas a player with X million GP focused on a handful of "synergized" teams geared toward specific content is going to fare significantly better against that content. Heck, even between the LS and DS Hoth battles there are massive discrepancies. I myself am an example of that one. I blow through every single DS battle with ease and have high-end DS teams to spare because most of my high-end teams are DS. When it comes to the LS battles, I have the teams to complete every stage of every mission just barely and I can't do all the special missions because I never farmed/geared Rogue One.

    But the main argument here is let us freaking try the content. It doesn't hurt anyone else to let us try. If we fail, then so be it, but at least we got to try. I like playing this game for the actual fun of playing it, not for the rewards. Heck, I wish there were a practice mode or something where we could just keep playing when there's nothing else to do without having to waste energy. I'd even pay money to unlock it if it were a one-time deal just to have fun when I'm bored but out of energy. Again, we don't need a nanny to tell us it's too hard so you can't try. And even if we try and completely fail, we still gain something valuable from that. Maybe we get a star or two. Maybe we don't get any, but we can at least see how close we came. Once you know the point requirements and how many points each mission gives, it's stupid simple math to calculate what you need. By letting us see how far we can get, we can very easily determine what we need for each star. If we need to be able to beat X more missions, we can work on teams that will do it. If we need X Y and Z characters to fill squads, we can start farming those. But we should have the option to make our own choice to try or not.

    If you can easily determine what you guys need, why do you not know that you need 80mil. I never said gp is an indicator for success, but tb always needed deployed GP. Thats why they cap it.
    It's just pointless to try.

    You're clearly missing the point. If CG has determined that with less than 80 million GP it's mathematically IMPOSSIBLE to earn a single star no matter what then I will accept that. That's a guaranteed failure and I understand and it would make sense. However, with the way they've worded it, I don't think that's the case (please feel free to correct me CG).

    Just think about your recent Grand Arena events. You're always matched very closely to someone else with a very similar GP. How many times have you stomped your opponent or vice versa? How many times have you gone up against someone you couldn't hope to defeat? But you've got roughly the same GP right? So it should be a toss up right? Wrong. A player's (or guild's) overall GP is nothing more than a number. Just like horsepower in a car is just a number. GP alone doesn't tell you how powerful you are just like horsepower alone doesn't tell the whole picture. My truck has more horsepower and torque than most high-end sports cars...but it's designed for towing. It can tow 21,000 pounds but it's 0-60 and top speed (while great for a truck) are horrible compared to a sports car. Now try and get that car to tow 21,000 pounds and it will simply die. The same goes with a player's (or guild's) GP. It's not the number that makes the difference. It's how it gets to that number. It's what makes up that number. So why base it solely off the number?

    But all of that is completely irrelevant. The relevant point is that we don't need to be treated like children that cannot make their own choices.

    You need that number (GP)
    They didn't say to get 80 mil and max waves for one star, but they have to cap it somewhere.
    That means giving the cap right.
    Not to high so alot more guild's can't reach and not to low, so you actually need the ordered GP + max waves and platoons.
    You probably can do one star with 79, but if they cap it there another group starts complaining. Till the point we hit the hard cap.
    Going further with this discussion is just pointless.

    Again, missing the point. They do NOT have to put a requirement at all. They are choosing to do so to police us because they think we can't police ourselves.

    I dont miss the point. You want all people to do it even if they would completely fail.
    You miss cg's point.
    Avoiding the complains after, because alot of guild's will be crushed by the difficulty and the amount of GP you will need.

    You do miss the point. You keep misreading my statements apparently. Or fail to comprehend what I'm saying. I do NOT want "all people to do it even if they would completely fail." I never said anything of the sort. I said I want my guild to be able to make that decision for themselves. Maybe you're the type of person that's happy with being told what they can and can't do. I'm not. Never have been and never will be. I can make my own decisions. I'm not a drone.
  • Lanbo
    128 posts Member
    evoluza wrote: »
    Stenun wrote: »
    evoluza wrote: »
    Stenun wrote: »
    evoluza wrote: »
    You want all people to do it even if they would completely fail.

    We want all people to have the OPTION of doing it. Nobody's asking to make it compulsory.

    Did you simply ignore the rest?
    That answers why nobody gets an option

    'The rest' being: "Avoiding the complains after, because alot of guild's will be crushed by the difficulty and the amount of GP you will need."?
    If so then did you simply ignore all my other comments on this thread and my OP itself? Because I have addressed your point many, many times.

    Have an in game warning ...
    (and despite what Kyno and others have said, in game warnings do work otherwise why would they be in many other places in the game including today's Military Might event Mythic Tier which says "This event is very, very hard". Why bother with that if it doesn't work?)
    ... and specify that the design intent is to make this a challenge for the very large guilds and therefore it is believed that smaller guilds will struggle. But cutting off part of the game from us rather than allowing us to explore it and fail, they are hurting smaller guilds which was my original point in the first place.

    And are you REALLY saying that this whole GP Requirement is only there to stop people complaining? you don't think people are going to complain anyway?

    A warning works for modes where you don't need GP.
    Events, raids and that stuff are done with a few team. These teams can do it or not. It's worth a try.
    In tb you can have the best teams, but not enough GP to complete stars.
    Maybe you missed that huge difference.

    Cite your source. Where have they said it will be impossible to earn a star with less than 80 million GP? We all want the answer to that question. You could be right, but as far as I know that question has not been answered yet. If it has, please link to the post. I know I've said it and I'm sure others have as well: if CG can tell us that it is physically impossible to earn a single star with less than 80 million GP then most of us will accept the requirement. Although we still want the joy of playing the content regardless.
  • Options
    So you want access to a TB that you might not even get a star and terrible rewards to as opposed to Hoth TB where you know you can get good rewards?
  • Lanbo
    128 posts Member
    evoluza wrote: »
    Stenun wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    As I said in an earlier post (as pure speculation), this could be intentional. We have seen a wide range of complaints about big fish in little ponds. This could be a back end fix to this issue that will push it to self correct

    You're saying that the hurt to smaller guilds that I foresee and have spent the entire thread arguing against ... could actually be the intention all along?
    So you're saying that I might be right? In that case, why are we arguing? **lol**

    Do you not understand that small guild's get hurt no matter what...?
    People that leave the guild, because no 80 mil, would leave the the guild also for not beating it.

    Absolutely not true. I am a perfect example of this. I don't leave my guild for not being able to fully star Hoth. I could easily find a guild that could. For me, I know that I still get rewards, just at a slower rate and to me that is acceptable so that I can stay in a guild with my friends. If it is indeed possible to get a star with less than 80 million GP, we should be able to decide for ourselves if we want those small, but better, rewards instead of larger, but worse, rewards. Again, if it truly is not mathematically possible to get a single star with less than 80 million GP then I will stop complaining about the minimum requirement.
  • Lanbo
    128 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    Stenun wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    As I said in an earlier post (as pure speculation), this could be intentional. We have seen a wide range of complaints about big fish in little ponds. This could be a back end fix to this issue that will push it to self correct

    You're saying that the hurt to smaller guilds that I foresee and have spent the entire thread arguing against ... could actually be the intention all along?
    So you're saying that I might be right? In that case, why are we arguing? **lol**

    Not at all, you are just focused on this situation, doesnt it hurt smaller guilds to be unequally matched in TW, because a small guild has a fee big players?

    Doesnt it hurt a small developing guild to have a few big players that lock the top spots on all events, because at some point they thought they needed them to compete content, rather than grow into it themselves?

    I dont think it hurts a small guild that they lose members that want to leave and have no loyalty due to the new and shiny. They will be better without them.

    And so what of those big players that ARE loyal to their guild like me? We're being shafted.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Lanbo wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Stenun wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    As I said in an earlier post (as pure speculation), this could be intentional. We have seen a wide range of complaints about big fish in little ponds. This could be a back end fix to this issue that will push it to self correct

    You're saying that the hurt to smaller guilds that I foresee and have spent the entire thread arguing against ... could actually be the intention all along?
    So you're saying that I might be right? In that case, why are we arguing? **lol**

    Not at all, you are just focused on this situation, doesnt it hurt smaller guilds to be unequally matched in TW, because a small guild has a fee big players?

    Doesnt it hurt a small developing guild to have a few big players that lock the top spots on all events, because at some point they thought they needed them to compete content, rather than grow into it themselves?

    I dont think it hurts a small guild that they lose members that want to leave and have no loyalty due to the new and shiny. They will be better without them.

    And so what of those big players that ARE loyal to their guild like me? We're being shafted.

    You made your choice. The end result is that you will be locked out of this end game content either way, by either a difficulty gate or by a stated gate. Both of them leave you in this situation. Wanting to choose to "bang your head against a wall" to see how it feels doesnt change that.

    The end results are the same:
    - do the content and get low to no rewards, but have the choice to do it - some will leave some will stay
    - dont have the choice to do it - some will leave some will stay
    The second one just gives people a thing to point at and say that's the problem.

    This happens every time something new comes out.
    The dev team seem to be drawing the line in the sand and saying that this "end game" requires some level of investment(time and/or $$).

    It's been said before but an 80M GP guild probably has bigger fish to fry as far as content development, it seems like a good place for that line to be. It is also fairly low and achievable for a group of committed players to do.

    From the information we are seeing right now, you will still have access to all the new stuff, just at a different pace.
  • Lanbo
    128 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    Lanbo wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Stenun wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    As I said in an earlier post (as pure speculation), this could be intentional. We have seen a wide range of complaints about big fish in little ponds. This could be a back end fix to this issue that will push it to self correct

    You're saying that the hurt to smaller guilds that I foresee and have spent the entire thread arguing against ... could actually be the intention all along?
    So you're saying that I might be right? In that case, why are we arguing? **lol**

    Not at all, you are just focused on this situation, doesnt it hurt smaller guilds to be unequally matched in TW, because a small guild has a fee big players?

    Doesnt it hurt a small developing guild to have a few big players that lock the top spots on all events, because at some point they thought they needed them to compete content, rather than grow into it themselves?

    I dont think it hurts a small guild that they lose members that want to leave and have no loyalty due to the new and shiny. They will be better without them.

    And so what of those big players that ARE loyal to their guild like me? We're being shafted.

    You made your choice. The end result is that you will be locked out of this end game content either way, by either a difficulty gate or by a stated gate. Both of them leave you in this situation. Wanting to choose to "bang your head against a wall" to see how it feels doesnt change that.

    The end results are the same:
    - do the content and get low to no rewards, but have the choice to do it - some will leave some will stay
    - dont have the choice to do it - some will leave some will stay
    The second one just gives people a thing to point at and say that's the problem.

    This happens every time something new comes out.
    The dev team seem to be drawing the line in the sand and saying that this "end game" requires some level of investment(time and/or $$).

    It's been said before but an 80M GP guild probably has bigger fish to fry as far as content development, it seems like a good place for that line to be. It is also fairly low and achievable for a group of committed players to do.

    From the information we are seeing right now, you will still have access to all the new stuff, just at a different pace.

    That's a foolish line of thought. I've have invested not only time but a ridiculous amount of money into this game because I enjoy it, but it's getting boring. My guild is the main reason I even still play. So I have to either choose new content or keeping my guild. But keep singing CG's praises by all means. I choose to stay in my guild because I can afford to spend cold hard cash to buy most of what I need to supplement what I get with my guild. So no matter how this plays out CG will ultimately get less money from me if they keep it this way. How is that good for the game? If I stop playing they get no more money from me. If I decide to move to a more powerful guild, then I will spend less money because I'm getting more rewards from content. Financially it's in their best interest to keep me in my current guild. I'm certain I'm not the only one that plays and spends this way.

    But I digress. You're still making the argument that we need to be protected from ourselves and that we can't make our own decisions. I'm glad you think you know better than the rest of us.

    And again, as I've said many times now, as soon as CG states it's mathematically impossible to obtain a star with less than 80 million GP I will abstain from **** further. But if it is possible, let us have our freaking shot at it.
  • Lanbo
    128 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    Lanbo wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Stenun wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    As I said in an earlier post (as pure speculation), this could be intentional. We have seen a wide range of complaints about big fish in little ponds. This could be a back end fix to this issue that will push it to self correct

    You're saying that the hurt to smaller guilds that I foresee and have spent the entire thread arguing against ... could actually be the intention all along?
    So you're saying that I might be right? In that case, why are we arguing? **lol**

    Not at all, you are just focused on this situation, doesnt it hurt smaller guilds to be unequally matched in TW, because a small guild has a fee big players?

    Doesnt it hurt a small developing guild to have a few big players that lock the top spots on all events, because at some point they thought they needed them to compete content, rather than grow into it themselves?

    I dont think it hurts a small guild that they lose members that want to leave and have no loyalty due to the new and shiny. They will be better without them.

    And so what of those big players that ARE loyal to their guild like me? We're being shafted.

    You made your choice. The end result is that you will be locked out of this end game content either way, by either a difficulty gate or by a stated gate. Both of them leave you in this situation. Wanting to choose to "bang your head against a wall" to see how it feels doesnt change that.

    The end results are the same:
    - do the content and get low to no rewards, but have the choice to do it - some will leave some will stay
    - dont have the choice to do it - some will leave some will stay
    The second one just gives people a thing to point at and say that's the problem.

    This happens every time something new comes out.
    The dev team seem to be drawing the line in the sand and saying that this "end game" requires some level of investment(time and/or $$).

    It's been said before but an 80M GP guild probably has bigger fish to fry as far as content development, it seems like a good place for that line to be. It is also fairly low and achievable for a group of committed players to do.

    From the information we are seeing right now, you will still have access to all the new stuff, just at a different pace.

    I have invested plenty of time and an absurd amount of money. But all this is going to do is keep me from spending more. If I'm going to leave my guildmates I may as well just play a different game altogether. This game is boring now. Same old stuff. Now the new comes out and we can't even attempt it without ditching our old guild. And I've said it many times now, if CG states it's mathematically impossible to obtain a star with less than 80 million GP then I will accept that. But otherwise let us play the freaking content.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Lanbo wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Lanbo wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Stenun wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    As I said in an earlier post (as pure speculation), this could be intentional. We have seen a wide range of complaints about big fish in little ponds. This could be a back end fix to this issue that will push it to self correct

    You're saying that the hurt to smaller guilds that I foresee and have spent the entire thread arguing against ... could actually be the intention all along?
    So you're saying that I might be right? In that case, why are we arguing? **lol**

    Not at all, you are just focused on this situation, doesnt it hurt smaller guilds to be unequally matched in TW, because a small guild has a fee big players?

    Doesnt it hurt a small developing guild to have a few big players that lock the top spots on all events, because at some point they thought they needed them to compete content, rather than grow into it themselves?

    I dont think it hurts a small guild that they lose members that want to leave and have no loyalty due to the new and shiny. They will be better without them.

    And so what of those big players that ARE loyal to their guild like me? We're being shafted.

    You made your choice. The end result is that you will be locked out of this end game content either way, by either a difficulty gate or by a stated gate. Both of them leave you in this situation. Wanting to choose to "bang your head against a wall" to see how it feels doesnt change that.

    The end results are the same:
    - do the content and get low to no rewards, but have the choice to do it - some will leave some will stay
    - dont have the choice to do it - some will leave some will stay
    The second one just gives people a thing to point at and say that's the problem.

    This happens every time something new comes out.
    The dev team seem to be drawing the line in the sand and saying that this "end game" requires some level of investment(time and/or $$).

    It's been said before but an 80M GP guild probably has bigger fish to fry as far as content development, it seems like a good place for that line to be. It is also fairly low and achievable for a group of committed players to do.

    From the information we are seeing right now, you will still have access to all the new stuff, just at a different pace.

    I have invested plenty of time and an absurd amount of money. But all this is going to do is keep me from spending more. If I'm going to leave my guildmates I may as well just play a different game altogether. This game is boring now. Same old stuff. Now the new comes out and we can't even attempt it without ditching our old guild. And I've said it many times now, if CG states it's mathematically impossible to obtain a star with less than 80 million GP then I will accept that. But otherwise let us play the freaking content.

    Where do you draw the line where it's ok for you not to be able to try this content? Only 0 stars? Would 1 star do for you? 2-3? Will you trade +30* stars you get on Hoth for that? Just curious.
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
    No_Try wrote: »
    Lanbo wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Lanbo wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Stenun wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    As I said in an earlier post (as pure speculation), this could be intentional. We have seen a wide range of complaints about big fish in little ponds. This could be a back end fix to this issue that will push it to self correct

    You're saying that the hurt to smaller guilds that I foresee and have spent the entire thread arguing against ... could actually be the intention all along?
    So you're saying that I might be right? In that case, why are we arguing? **lol**

    Not at all, you are just focused on this situation, doesnt it hurt smaller guilds to be unequally matched in TW, because a small guild has a fee big players?

    Doesnt it hurt a small developing guild to have a few big players that lock the top spots on all events, because at some point they thought they needed them to compete content, rather than grow into it themselves?

    I dont think it hurts a small guild that they lose members that want to leave and have no loyalty due to the new and shiny. They will be better without them.

    And so what of those big players that ARE loyal to their guild like me? We're being shafted.

    You made your choice. The end result is that you will be locked out of this end game content either way, by either a difficulty gate or by a stated gate. Both of them leave you in this situation. Wanting to choose to "bang your head against a wall" to see how it feels doesnt change that.

    The end results are the same:
    - do the content and get low to no rewards, but have the choice to do it - some will leave some will stay
    - dont have the choice to do it - some will leave some will stay
    The second one just gives people a thing to point at and say that's the problem.

    This happens every time something new comes out.
    The dev team seem to be drawing the line in the sand and saying that this "end game" requires some level of investment(time and/or $$).

    It's been said before but an 80M GP guild probably has bigger fish to fry as far as content development, it seems like a good place for that line to be. It is also fairly low and achievable for a group of committed players to do.

    From the information we are seeing right now, you will still have access to all the new stuff, just at a different pace.

    I have invested plenty of time and an absurd amount of money. But all this is going to do is keep me from spending more. If I'm going to leave my guildmates I may as well just play a different game altogether. This game is boring now. Same old stuff. Now the new comes out and we can't even attempt it without ditching our old guild. And I've said it many times now, if CG states it's mathematically impossible to obtain a star with less than 80 million GP then I will accept that. But otherwise let us play the freaking content.

    Where do you draw the line where it's ok for you not to be able to try this content? Only 0 stars? Would 1 star do for you? 2-3? Will you trade +30* stars you get on Hoth for that? Just curious.

    Wouldn't matter where he draws the line anyway... just where his guild mates do. Fact is the GP wall is not what may drive ppl from guilds, its the lack of access to the new content and rewards. The lack may appear to come from the GP wall, but even without it, the wall would still exist from the fact that it won't be doable in their current low GP guilds (as Kyno pointed out).
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    Lanbo wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Lanbo wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Stenun wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    As I said in an earlier post (as pure speculation), this could be intentional. We have seen a wide range of complaints about big fish in little ponds. This could be a back end fix to this issue that will push it to self correct

    You're saying that the hurt to smaller guilds that I foresee and have spent the entire thread arguing against ... could actually be the intention all along?
    So you're saying that I might be right? In that case, why are we arguing? **lol**

    Not at all, you are just focused on this situation, doesnt it hurt smaller guilds to be unequally matched in TW, because a small guild has a fee big players?

    Doesnt it hurt a small developing guild to have a few big players that lock the top spots on all events, because at some point they thought they needed them to compete content, rather than grow into it themselves?

    I dont think it hurts a small guild that they lose members that want to leave and have no loyalty due to the new and shiny. They will be better without them.

    And so what of those big players that ARE loyal to their guild like me? We're being shafted.

    You made your choice. The end result is that you will be locked out of this end game content either way, by either a difficulty gate or by a stated gate. Both of them leave you in this situation. Wanting to choose to "bang your head against a wall" to see how it feels doesnt change that.

    The end results are the same:
    - do the content and get low to no rewards, but have the choice to do it - some will leave some will stay
    - dont have the choice to do it - some will leave some will stay
    The second one just gives people a thing to point at and say that's the problem.

    This happens every time something new comes out.
    The dev team seem to be drawing the line in the sand and saying that this "end game" requires some level of investment(time and/or $$).

    It's been said before but an 80M GP guild probably has bigger fish to fry as far as content development, it seems like a good place for that line to be. It is also fairly low and achievable for a group of committed players to do.

    From the information we are seeing right now, you will still have access to all the new stuff, just at a different pace.

    I have invested plenty of time and an absurd amount of money. But all this is going to do is keep me from spending more. If I'm going to leave my guildmates I may as well just play a different game altogether. This game is boring now. Same old stuff. Now the new comes out and we can't even attempt it without ditching our old guild. And I've said it many times now, if CG states it's mathematically impossible to obtain a star with less than 80 million GP then I will accept that. But otherwise let us play the freaking content.

    Where do you draw the line where it's ok for you not to be able to try this content? Only 0 stars? Would 1 star do for you? 2-3? Will you trade +30* stars you get on Hoth for that? Just curious.

    Wouldn't matter where he draws the line anyway... just where his guild mates do. Fact is the GP wall is not what may drive ppl from guilds, its the lack of access to the new content and rewards. The lack may appear to come from the GP wall, but even without it, the wall would still exist from the fact that it won't be doable in their current low GP guilds (as Kyno pointed out).

    Yasss, and I'm willing to bet the practical wall of simply not playing the new TB for a guild will be much much higher than the entry barrier CG felt like they need to put up.
  • Stenun
    853 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    Can I ask why you dont care about the guilds that inevitably get "unfairly" matched against you?

    I do care but what am I supposed to do once the draw's been made and the match has started?

    You are skirting uncomfortably near "ad hominem attack" territory. Firstly by insinuating that I only cared about my guild just because I used some examples of how we deal with problems, and now by once again implying that I don't care about other guilds in an unfair match up. I rejected the premise of your previous response to me and I reject this one, too.

    I'd prefer to keep this conversation civil and not about me personally. Can we agree to that?
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Stenun wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Can I ask why you dont care about the guilds that inevitably get "unfairly" matched against you?

    I do care but what am I supposed to do once the draw's been made and the match has started?

    You are skirting uncomfortably near "ad hominem attack" territory. Firstly by insinuating that I only cared about my guild just because I used some examples of how we deal with problems, and now by once again implying that I don't care about other guilds in an unfair match up. I rejected the premise of your previous response to me and I reject this one, too.

    I'd prefer to keep this conversation civil and not about me personally. Can we agree to that?

    I asked if you cared about unfair matches and you response was:
    Stenun wrote: »
    Hasn't hurt us yet! *lol* We win far more often than we lose!

    You seem to be saying your ok with it because you are on the up side. Sorry for misinterpreting your statement.
    My questions were based in the fact that you are saying what's "unfair to small guilds". I pointed out other things that this may help alleviate some issues that small guilds discuss, and you didnt seem to care about those.

    I am not attacking you in any way, I am following down the line of what is unfair for small guilds, and stating that there are aspects of this that could (unintentionally or not) help balance things for those guilds with other problems they are having.

    The reason I am doing this is because from all past experience we have had with new content, 1 thing is very common. Guilds get shaken up, small guilds tend to suffer from bigger players leaving them to get into a better position. This will happen no matter the gate placed, the content itself or an imposed limit.
  • Stenun
    853 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    I asked if you cared about unfair matches and you response was:
    Stenun wrote: »
    Hasn't hurt us yet! *lol* We win far more often than we lose!

    You seem to be saying your ok with it because you are on the up side. Sorry for misinterpreting your statement.

    You question was specifically framed as: "doesnt it hurt smaller guilds to be unequally matched in TW, because a small guild has a fee big players?" [sic]
    Speaking as a "small guild that has a few big players", I'm saying the unfair match ups don't have to be a problem. There is a solution for the smaller guilds to take.

    My other response was an illustration of why Raids don't have to be a problem, either.

    But there is no solution to the unfairness of this 80M requirement other than the dissolution of those guilds.
  • Options
    The good news is if your in a sub 80m gp guild you can now meet new friends because you will need to recruit new players once all the decent players leave.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Stenun wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    I asked if you cared about unfair matches and you response was:
    Stenun wrote: »
    Hasn't hurt us yet! *lol* We win far more often than we lose!

    You seem to be saying your ok with it because you are on the up side. Sorry for misinterpreting your statement.

    You question was specifically framed as: "doesnt it hurt smaller guilds to be unequally matched in TW, because a small guild has a fee big players?" [sic]
    Speaking as a "small guild that has a few big players", I'm saying the unfair match ups don't have to be a problem. There is a solution for the smaller guilds to take.

    My other response was an illustration of why Raids don't have to be a problem, either.

    But there is no solution to the unfairness of this 80M requirement other than the dissolution of those guilds.

    I understand you dont see this as a problem, and this response is similar to others in this thread saying the 80M GP limit is not an issue, and your response has been at times "you dont care because it doesn't effect you" (paraphrasing, not literally,but you get my drift). But this is an issue, and others do post about it, and unfortunately you are right the only good response right now is to tell them to develop better teams for TW if that is what they care about because we dont control matchmaking. I am suggesting that this limit also on the back end helps with that issue (an issue that effects smaller guilds) and you responded saying it hurts smaller guilds..... this is the reason I was saying that you seem more focused on what is effecting your guild rather than the overall term of "smaller guilds".

    You named 1 raid, the lowest end raid where you have a solution. I asked if you did anything similar for the other raids to help the lower end grow and you didnt respond. I assume it's still a top heavy reward system on those, but I could be wrong, which is why I asked.

    There is the same solution to the 80M GP gate as there is to a difficulty gate or any gates we have seen in this game - develop your rosters. This game has a backbone of resource management and development. Development will get you past any hurdle put in this game.
  • Stenun
    853 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    Stenun wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    I asked if you cared about unfair matches and you response was:
    Stenun wrote: »
    Hasn't hurt us yet! *lol* We win far more often than we lose!

    You seem to be saying your ok with it because you are on the up side. Sorry for misinterpreting your statement.

    You question was specifically framed as: "doesnt it hurt smaller guilds to be unequally matched in TW, because a small guild has a fee big players?" [sic]
    Speaking as a "small guild that has a few big players", I'm saying the unfair match ups don't have to be a problem. There is a solution for the smaller guilds to take.

    My other response was an illustration of why Raids don't have to be a problem, either.

    But there is no solution to the unfairness of this 80M requirement other than the dissolution of those guilds.

    I understand you dont see this as a problem, and this response is similar to others in this thread saying the 80M GP limit is not an issue, and your response has been at times "you dont care because it doesn't effect you" (paraphrasing, not literally,but you get my drift). But this is an issue, and others do post about it, and unfortunately you are right the only good response right now is to tell them to develop better teams for TW if that is what they care about because we dont control matchmaking. I am suggesting that this limit also on the back end helps with that issue (an issue that effects smaller guilds) and you responded saying it hurts smaller guilds..... this is the reason I was saying that you seem more focused on what is effecting your guild rather than the overall term of "smaller guilds".

    You named 1 raid, the lowest end raid where you have a solution. I asked if you did anything similar for the other raids to help the lower end grow and you didnt respond. I assume it's still a top heavy reward system on those, but I could be wrong, which is why I asked.

    There is the same solution to the 80M GP gate as there is to a difficulty gate or any gates we have seen in this game - develop your rosters. This game has a backbone of resource management and development. Development will get you past any hurdle put in this game.

    Now you're engaging in "whataboutery". "What about this problem ...", "what about that one ...".

    There are multiple problems in this game, I chose to start a thread on this one. You can't launch an ad hominem attack on me because I didn't start a thread about another one instead. Do you really want me to list every problem I see with this game? Or shall we just stick to the topic at hand?

    I named one Raid because, as you are demonstrating, people latch on to examples and try to tear them down in a belief that that wins them the argument. If I'd put forward a solution for the Heroic Tank, you'd have attacked that, too.
    If you must know, those with General Kenobi at 7* don't attack the Tank, either. Just like those with Han Solo at 7* don't attack the Rancor. Do you want me to extrapolate out for the Heroic Sith?

    I gave one example and hoped that would be enough because I believed the "whataboutery" was going to derail this thread and I wanted to get it back on topic. But oh look, here we are ...

    The 80M GP Requirement is bad for smaller guilds and hurts them - forcing a lot of players to choose between loyalty to their current guild and abandoning them in the hopes of finding a slightly bigger guild that will take them. And a lot of players aren't comfortable with being made to make that choice.
    This move hurts smaller guilds and the players in them.
  • DarthBigdogVWW
    43 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    I don’t see how the fallout is going to be at the sub 80M level. Big accounts at that level are already forgoing high end rewards. GTB just adds on G12 finishers they can’t use since aren’t getting G12+. As others wrote, why would this be the tipping point for most? They’re already settling, what’s one more settle? I’m betting the attrition will hit the sub 120M guilds as their high end players leave to join up with 180M+ guilds to get sufficient stars to make the new content worth doing.

    The reality is G13 is going to shake up arena. If you are a high end player in a low end guild, you are going to need to make a choice about your guild. Anyone not able to get top end stars will fall way behind moving arena and GA toons to G13 and will fall out of top 20, probably top 50 regardless of whether your guild is 81M and can get 1 Star or 79 M and can’t try. If you aren’t in the 180+ range, kiss your #1 rank goodbye.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Stenun wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Stenun wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    I asked if you cared about unfair matches and you response was:
    Stenun wrote: »
    Hasn't hurt us yet! *lol* We win far more often than we lose!

    You seem to be saying your ok with it because you are on the up side. Sorry for misinterpreting your statement.

    You question was specifically framed as: "doesnt it hurt smaller guilds to be unequally matched in TW, because a small guild has a fee big players?" [sic]
    Speaking as a "small guild that has a few big players", I'm saying the unfair match ups don't have to be a problem. There is a solution for the smaller guilds to take.

    My other response was an illustration of why Raids don't have to be a problem, either.

    But there is no solution to the unfairness of this 80M requirement other than the dissolution of those guilds.

    I understand you dont see this as a problem, and this response is similar to others in this thread saying the 80M GP limit is not an issue, and your response has been at times "you dont care because it doesn't effect you" (paraphrasing, not literally,but you get my drift). But this is an issue, and others do post about it, and unfortunately you are right the only good response right now is to tell them to develop better teams for TW if that is what they care about because we dont control matchmaking. I am suggesting that this limit also on the back end helps with that issue (an issue that effects smaller guilds) and you responded saying it hurts smaller guilds..... this is the reason I was saying that you seem more focused on what is effecting your guild rather than the overall term of "smaller guilds".

    You named 1 raid, the lowest end raid where you have a solution. I asked if you did anything similar for the other raids to help the lower end grow and you didnt respond. I assume it's still a top heavy reward system on those, but I could be wrong, which is why I asked.

    There is the same solution to the 80M GP gate as there is to a difficulty gate or any gates we have seen in this game - develop your rosters. This game has a backbone of resource management and development. Development will get you past any hurdle put in this game.

    Now you're engaging in "whataboutery". "What about this problem ...", "what about that one ...".

    There are multiple problems in this game, I chose to start a thread on this one. You can't launch an ad hominem attack on me because I didn't start a thread about another one instead. Do you really want me to list every problem I see with this game? Or shall we just stick to the topic at hand?

    I named one Raid because, as you are demonstrating, people latch on to examples and try to tear them down in a belief that that wins them the argument. If I'd put forward a solution for the Heroic Tank, you'd have attacked that, too.
    If you must know, those with General Kenobi at 7* don't attack the Tank, either. Just like those with Han Solo at 7* don't attack the Rancor. Do you want me to extrapolate out for the Heroic Sith?

    I gave one example and hoped that would be enough because I believed the "whataboutery" was going to derail this thread and I wanted to get it back on topic. But oh look, here we are ...

    The 80M GP Requirement is bad for smaller guilds and hurts them - forcing a lot of players to choose between loyalty to their current guild and abandoning them in the hopes of finding a slightly bigger guild that will take them. And a lot of players aren't comfortable with being made to make that choice.
    This move hurts smaller guilds and the players in them.

    No I am bringing up problems for small guilds that are brought up quite often.

    This issue is an issue with new content and not a limit of 80M GP because as we have seen new content will cause players to look for greener grass and this is unavoidable. The 80M GP is just something to point at as the problem when it's just a symptom and excuse players will use, when it's really just human nature.

    I am not trying to do anything other than to point out what you are calling a problem, may actually help things that "hurt small guilds". Since the inevitable outcome of what you call a problem (players leaving guilds for better rewards or new content) is, inevitable, I was choosing to show you that in some way this could be helpful.

    Your reluctance to look at the bigger picture of this change is not my concern, but can lead one to believe you are less interested in smaller guilds and more interested in your guild, which is 100% perfectly fine and good.

    If players are going to leave a guild due to lack of access to a game mode or its rewards due a restriction, they will leave no matter what. We have literally seen it every time new content rolls out. Yes, 100% it hurts small guilds. No it does not directly relate to the 80M GP mark. The 80M GP mark will change some characteristics of the change, but the end result is the same, some players will leave and others may stay. Being able to try it, or changing the limit, or just making it no limit will not change the fact that some will leave to get new and shiny and others will not.

    The GP limit may not limit the rewards to 0, but from all the talk about the difficulty (remembering back to the Sith raid launch and some other recent events), things are going to be hard for guilds even at that number to get meaningful rewards, but nothing as far as we know is locked behind this wall and any guild can develop and grow to meet this mark.

  • Lanbo
    128 posts Member
    No_Try wrote: »
    Lanbo wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Lanbo wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Stenun wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    As I said in an earlier post (as pure speculation), this could be intentional. We have seen a wide range of complaints about big fish in little ponds. This could be a back end fix to this issue that will push it to self correct

    You're saying that the hurt to smaller guilds that I foresee and have spent the entire thread arguing against ... could actually be the intention all along?
    So you're saying that I might be right? In that case, why are we arguing? **lol**

    Not at all, you are just focused on this situation, doesnt it hurt smaller guilds to be unequally matched in TW, because a small guild has a fee big players?

    Doesnt it hurt a small developing guild to have a few big players that lock the top spots on all events, because at some point they thought they needed them to compete content, rather than grow into it themselves?

    I dont think it hurts a small guild that they lose members that want to leave and have no loyalty due to the new and shiny. They will be better without them.

    And so what of those big players that ARE loyal to their guild like me? We're being shafted.

    You made your choice. The end result is that you will be locked out of this end game content either way, by either a difficulty gate or by a stated gate. Both of them leave you in this situation. Wanting to choose to "bang your head against a wall" to see how it feels doesnt change that.

    The end results are the same:
    - do the content and get low to no rewards, but have the choice to do it - some will leave some will stay
    - dont have the choice to do it - some will leave some will stay
    The second one just gives people a thing to point at and say that's the problem.

    This happens every time something new comes out.
    The dev team seem to be drawing the line in the sand and saying that this "end game" requires some level of investment(time and/or $$).

    It's been said before but an 80M GP guild probably has bigger fish to fry as far as content development, it seems like a good place for that line to be. It is also fairly low and achievable for a group of committed players to do.

    From the information we are seeing right now, you will still have access to all the new stuff, just at a different pace.

    I have invested plenty of time and an absurd amount of money. But all this is going to do is keep me from spending more. If I'm going to leave my guildmates I may as well just play a different game altogether. This game is boring now. Same old stuff. Now the new comes out and we can't even attempt it without ditching our old guild. And I've said it many times now, if CG states it's mathematically impossible to obtain a star with less than 80 million GP then I will accept that. But otherwise let us play the freaking content.

    Where do you draw the line where it's ok for you not to be able to try this content? Only 0 stars? Would 1 star do for you? 2-3? Will you trade +30* stars you get on Hoth for that? Just curious.

    It all depends on how they structure the gear 12 finishers and other rewards. If they are locked behind Geonosis with no other way to obtain them then for many of us 1 star on Geonosis is better than 48 stars on Hoth.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Lanbo wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    Lanbo wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Lanbo wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Stenun wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    As I said in an earlier post (as pure speculation), this could be intentional. We have seen a wide range of complaints about big fish in little ponds. This could be a back end fix to this issue that will push it to self correct

    You're saying that the hurt to smaller guilds that I foresee and have spent the entire thread arguing against ... could actually be the intention all along?
    So you're saying that I might be right? In that case, why are we arguing? **lol**

    Not at all, you are just focused on this situation, doesnt it hurt smaller guilds to be unequally matched in TW, because a small guild has a fee big players?

    Doesnt it hurt a small developing guild to have a few big players that lock the top spots on all events, because at some point they thought they needed them to compete content, rather than grow into it themselves?

    I dont think it hurts a small guild that they lose members that want to leave and have no loyalty due to the new and shiny. They will be better without them.

    And so what of those big players that ARE loyal to their guild like me? We're being shafted.

    You made your choice. The end result is that you will be locked out of this end game content either way, by either a difficulty gate or by a stated gate. Both of them leave you in this situation. Wanting to choose to "bang your head against a wall" to see how it feels doesnt change that.

    The end results are the same:
    - do the content and get low to no rewards, but have the choice to do it - some will leave some will stay
    - dont have the choice to do it - some will leave some will stay
    The second one just gives people a thing to point at and say that's the problem.

    This happens every time something new comes out.
    The dev team seem to be drawing the line in the sand and saying that this "end game" requires some level of investment(time and/or $$).

    It's been said before but an 80M GP guild probably has bigger fish to fry as far as content development, it seems like a good place for that line to be. It is also fairly low and achievable for a group of committed players to do.

    From the information we are seeing right now, you will still have access to all the new stuff, just at a different pace.

    I have invested plenty of time and an absurd amount of money. But all this is going to do is keep me from spending more. If I'm going to leave my guildmates I may as well just play a different game altogether. This game is boring now. Same old stuff. Now the new comes out and we can't even attempt it without ditching our old guild. And I've said it many times now, if CG states it's mathematically impossible to obtain a star with less than 80 million GP then I will accept that. But otherwise let us play the freaking content.

    Where do you draw the line where it's ok for you not to be able to try this content? Only 0 stars? Would 1 star do for you? 2-3? Will you trade +30* stars you get on Hoth for that? Just curious.

    It all depends on how they structure the gear 12 finishers and other rewards. If they are locked behind Geonosis with no other way to obtain them then for many of us 1 star on Geonosis is better than 48 stars on Hoth.

    They will also be in the GA store per Carrie on the podcast.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    edited June 2019
    Lanbo wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    Lanbo wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Lanbo wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Stenun wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    As I said in an earlier post (as pure speculation), this could be intentional. We have seen a wide range of complaints about big fish in little ponds. This could be a back end fix to this issue that will push it to self correct

    You're saying that the hurt to smaller guilds that I foresee and have spent the entire thread arguing against ... could actually be the intention all along?
    So you're saying that I might be right? In that case, why are we arguing? **lol**

    Not at all, you are just focused on this situation, doesnt it hurt smaller guilds to be unequally matched in TW, because a small guild has a fee big players?

    Doesnt it hurt a small developing guild to have a few big players that lock the top spots on all events, because at some point they thought they needed them to compete content, rather than grow into it themselves?

    I dont think it hurts a small guild that they lose members that want to leave and have no loyalty due to the new and shiny. They will be better without them.

    And so what of those big players that ARE loyal to their guild like me? We're being shafted.

    You made your choice. The end result is that you will be locked out of this end game content either way, by either a difficulty gate or by a stated gate. Both of them leave you in this situation. Wanting to choose to "bang your head against a wall" to see how it feels doesnt change that.

    The end results are the same:
    - do the content and get low to no rewards, but have the choice to do it - some will leave some will stay
    - dont have the choice to do it - some will leave some will stay
    The second one just gives people a thing to point at and say that's the problem.

    This happens every time something new comes out.
    The dev team seem to be drawing the line in the sand and saying that this "end game" requires some level of investment(time and/or $$).

    It's been said before but an 80M GP guild probably has bigger fish to fry as far as content development, it seems like a good place for that line to be. It is also fairly low and achievable for a group of committed players to do.

    From the information we are seeing right now, you will still have access to all the new stuff, just at a different pace.

    I have invested plenty of time and an absurd amount of money. But all this is going to do is keep me from spending more. If I'm going to leave my guildmates I may as well just play a different game altogether. This game is boring now. Same old stuff. Now the new comes out and we can't even attempt it without ditching our old guild. And I've said it many times now, if CG states it's mathematically impossible to obtain a star with less than 80 million GP then I will accept that. But otherwise let us play the freaking content.

    Where do you draw the line where it's ok for you not to be able to try this content? Only 0 stars? Would 1 star do for you? 2-3? Will you trade +30* stars you get on Hoth for that? Just curious.

    It all depends on how they structure the gear 12 finishers and other rewards. If they are locked behind Geonosis with no other way to obtain them then for many of us 1 star on Geonosis is better than 48 stars on Hoth.

    Where to get Gear 12 Finishers
    There are 3 new exclusive pieces for Gear 12 finishers: Injector Head, Injector Handle, and Injector Cell. The salvages for these pieces will be obtainable through Geonosian Territory Battles rewards and the new currency from Geonosian Territory Battles, Grand Arena Championships Shipments, and farmable via PvE nodes.

    This is the info we have, they are not exclusive. Geo TB will only be a boost to some extent.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Lanbo wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    Lanbo wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Lanbo wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Stenun wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    As I said in an earlier post (as pure speculation), this could be intentional. We have seen a wide range of complaints about big fish in little ponds. This could be a back end fix to this issue that will push it to self correct

    You're saying that the hurt to smaller guilds that I foresee and have spent the entire thread arguing against ... could actually be the intention all along?
    So you're saying that I might be right? In that case, why are we arguing? **lol**

    Not at all, you are just focused on this situation, doesnt it hurt smaller guilds to be unequally matched in TW, because a small guild has a fee big players?

    Doesnt it hurt a small developing guild to have a few big players that lock the top spots on all events, because at some point they thought they needed them to compete content, rather than grow into it themselves?

    I dont think it hurts a small guild that they lose members that want to leave and have no loyalty due to the new and shiny. They will be better without them.

    And so what of those big players that ARE loyal to their guild like me? We're being shafted.

    You made your choice. The end result is that you will be locked out of this end game content either way, by either a difficulty gate or by a stated gate. Both of them leave you in this situation. Wanting to choose to "bang your head against a wall" to see how it feels doesnt change that.

    The end results are the same:
    - do the content and get low to no rewards, but have the choice to do it - some will leave some will stay
    - dont have the choice to do it - some will leave some will stay
    The second one just gives people a thing to point at and say that's the problem.

    This happens every time something new comes out.
    The dev team seem to be drawing the line in the sand and saying that this "end game" requires some level of investment(time and/or $$).

    It's been said before but an 80M GP guild probably has bigger fish to fry as far as content development, it seems like a good place for that line to be. It is also fairly low and achievable for a group of committed players to do.

    From the information we are seeing right now, you will still have access to all the new stuff, just at a different pace.

    I have invested plenty of time and an absurd amount of money. But all this is going to do is keep me from spending more. If I'm going to leave my guildmates I may as well just play a different game altogether. This game is boring now. Same old stuff. Now the new comes out and we can't even attempt it without ditching our old guild. And I've said it many times now, if CG states it's mathematically impossible to obtain a star with less than 80 million GP then I will accept that. But otherwise let us play the freaking content.

    Where do you draw the line where it's ok for you not to be able to try this content? Only 0 stars? Would 1 star do for you? 2-3? Will you trade +30* stars you get on Hoth for that? Just curious.

    It all depends on how they structure the gear 12 finishers and other rewards. If they are locked behind Geonosis with no other way to obtain them then for many of us 1 star on Geonosis is better than 48 stars on Hoth.

    They will also come from GAC tourney. Though a low number of stars bottom scraping will get you such a miniscule amount that you'll never choose it over the complete package that you get from Hoth. Ofc I'm assuming the case where we are talking about guilds close to the threshold. For a guild with much higher GP it can be assessed as a trade-off.

    Whole this discussion revolves around -just the principle of it- mind you. When the real thing is revealed, noone will care for the entry barrier. Focus will shift why it's so hard even for double the GP of entry barrier.
  • ashbbk
    45 posts Member
    Ryanodo wrote: »
    You don’t get to make the call that I want to play chess with anyone.

    But, you are okey with CG to make the call whether a guild can play the new TB or not!
  • Options
    Interesting topic.

    Didn't read the whole thread, but quite a bit of it. I don't have a response either way, but still wanted to add a twist.

    While this thread seems to isolate the discussion about guild rights to play new content, and CG regulations to protect guilds, the discussion can be broadened into the overall player strategy of focusing on roster growth for GTB to the detriment of GAC, versus focusing on a slim but powerful roster for GAC, to the detriment of GTB.

    It appears there is a choice between individual achievements and guild achievements, this game of resources forces players to make.

    With GAC, you don't want fluff, so you can have better match-ups and therefore better chances at winning. (Assuming there is some sort of algorithm to matching similar rosters).

    With GTB, it seems you do want a certain amount of fluff to increase your reward tier.
    what an ugly thing to say... does this mean we're not friends anymore?
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    With GAC, you don't want fluff, so you can have better match-ups and therefore better chances at winning. (Assuming there is some sort of algorithm to matching similar rosters).

    That bit is speculation for now. They announced new matchmaking algo already for the purpose of solving this exact problem. We'll see how much it changes once play GAC only.

  • ashbbk
    45 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    I would like to try the new TB, regardless whether I get rewards or not. If I am not able to get any rewards the first time, then I will decide, whether to leave my current and join a stronger guild or work towards strengthening my current guild. But, I don't want the game to make(or force) that decision for me. I do not mind letting go one Hoth TB to try new TB, even if I don't get any rewards.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    ashbbk wrote: »
    I would like to try the new TB, regardless whether I get rewards or not. If I am not able to get any rewards the first time, then I will decide, whether to leave my current and join a stronger guild or work towards strengthening my current guild. But, I don't want the game to make(or force) that decision for me. I do not mind letting go one Hoth TB to try new TB, even if I don't get any rewards.

    The game is not forcing that decision on you, it's forcing it on your guild. You expect your guild to go for almost no rewards so that you can try it out and decide to leave them for another one that can get good rewards. How altruistic xD
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