Oh look, no zetas in today’s fleet ability mat double drops...


  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    CronozNL wrote: »
    VonZant wrote: »
    CronozNL wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Palanthian wrote: »
    Never saw that coming.

    Zero x2 = zero. Thanks guys, that really makes up for no GAs this month.


    RnG say it with me,


    For example if something has a 20% drop rate. There is a 80% no drop rate.


    i see you've been missing some interesting news lately. Hint: it's patent related. If you need 1 more zeta to get to 20, droprates are not 20%..

    Got evidence for this claim?

    Dude do your own research, lazy bum


    I'm aware a patent exists. But your answer is nonresponsive.

    1. Do you have evidence that it is being used?
    2. Are you just a lemming that reads/hears a headline and starts repeating it as fact?
  • Options
    CronozNL wrote: »
    VonZant wrote: »
    CronozNL wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Palanthian wrote: »
    Never saw that coming.

    Zero x2 = zero. Thanks guys, that really makes up for no GAs this month.


    RnG say it with me,


    For example if something has a 20% drop rate. There is a 80% no drop rate.


    i see you've been missing some interesting news lately. Hint: it's patent related. If you need 1 more zeta to get to 20, droprates are not 20%..

    Got evidence for this claim?

    Dude do your own research, lazy bum


    34 pages when they can simply say:

    "Whenever the user gets close to accomplishing his goals we shut down his dreams and cut his drop rates so he goes to the store and buys **** due to impatience and we make extra bucks".

    There, saved them 33.9 pages lol
  • Rhod101
    50 posts Member
    Yep, got zero Zetas on double drops too. As this is supposed to be instead of guaranteed rewards of GA, this absolutely sucks.
  • Options
    Sniff sniff, no zetas on Monday or even today of all days. But kyno would like to know I got 1 x 2 = 2 omegas from today.

    Math is hard. Who knew zero would be so important.
  • Preto
    56 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    The system is not designed to help the player but the house, always.

    Whether CG are lying to us or not, what they are using or not using, at this point, is irrelevant.

    When you have so many people complaining about the same thing, something is clearly wrong.

    If someone calls you crazy, you laugh and brush them off. When the 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc person tells you the same, maybe it's time for you to ask yourself "are all these people crazy or maybe, just maybe, they might be right...".

    I understand how gaming works, been playing games for over 20 years. This is not right... CG should meet players somewhere in the middle. If you constantly p1ss against the wind, it will only get messy for you and at a certain point you will get fed up and stop doing it.

    What I think CG are doing very wrong is the pricing.
    Why put exorbitant prices on pixels which only a relatively small base of players can afford when you could put much lower prices which a lot more players can afford? Wouldn't that bring more revenue in the long run?!
    It would also massively narrow the gap between players and make the game generally more competitive.
    Maybe I'm wrong, it happened before. :)
  • Options
    Preto wrote: »
    What I think CG are doing very wrong is the pricing.
    Why put exorbitant prices on pixels which only a relatively small base of players can afford when you could put much lower prices which a lot more players can afford? Wouldn't that bring more revenue in the long run?!
    It would also massively narrow the gap between players and make the game generally more competitive.
    Maybe I'm wrong, it happened before. :)

    Absolutely my thought, at actual prices i would have to spend 120.- bucks to unlock Drevan, no way i'm spending that much, but if it would be the half, so lets say 60.- i would seriously think about it...
    Swiss Garde Officer, drop me a message if you're interested joining
  • Options
    So much for being compensated rewards when playable content is removed. I received ZERO Zeta mats today from ship challenges.
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    I got 0 zeta’s as well. Most in my guild also got nothing
  • Preto
    56 posts Member
    Danubiss wrote: »
    I got 0 zeta’s as well. Most in my guild also got nothing

    Same here. At least 10 people stated on Discord that they had 0 zeta; very few omegas as well.
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    Ditto.. 0 zetas
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    I got zero omegas and zero zetas, both attempts. Carrie was so right - it feels bad man.
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    I got 6!!! But I know your pain all too well.
  • Options
    Got zero Zeta mats. I would have been better off playing GA for my rewards. Not sure why the “sticking” up for a decision to put skilled GA strategy vs lottery.
  • Vanitas
    46 posts Member
    Got four zeta's this morning.... :#
  • Options
    Why are mods locking threads about this? Is discussion frowned upon?

    That’s what happens. They are so out of touch with the player base when it comes to messing stuff up in the game and later rewarding badly it’s just astonishing you could keep messing that part up after player outcry.
  • Options
    The thing is those with a lucky couple pulls won’t complain about Zeta drops as they are excited for a big reward. If those same people got zero they would be up in arms. As I read this I can see the big difference and again my skillful GA rewards shouldn’t be tied to a lottery.
  • Options
    just want to say that I got 0 zeta also LOL normal drop I usually get 1-2 zetas for 2 tries, so yeah, great double drop indeed!!! TROLOLOLOLOLOOLOL
  • Jarvind
    3931 posts Member
    Four zetas for me. Must be because of all my amoral shilling for EA!
  • Beyol
    328 posts Member
    Got my 4 this morning. Good luck all.
  • Beyol
    328 posts Member
    Dk_rek wrote: »
    Nadebotfm wrote: »
    same. 2x0 = 0

    But there are 2 more days of the double drops for ship challenges still so chill

    2X0X6 = 0
    kieltrx wrote: »
    Well I got 6 zetas altogether which is nice.

    That's it.... rub it in more.. sure that will make people chill lol

    since people asking kyno to make a megathread maybe we could get a Brag post containment thread that would clean it up as well

    No need for a brag thred, the positive has to balance the negative. That is the way of the force, Padawan, balance.
  • jkray622
    1636 posts Member
    So much for being compensated rewards when playable content is removed. I received ZERO Zeta mats today from ship challenges.

    Except you're not being compensated. The loss of GA rewards is being "offset" by these double drops, which does NOT imply or guarantee parity to the missed rewards.
  • Beyol
    328 posts Member
    jkray622 wrote: »
    So much for being compensated rewards when playable content is removed. I received ZERO Zeta mats today from ship challenges.

    Except you're not being compensated. The loss of GA rewards is being "offset" by these double drops, which does NOT imply or guarantee parity to the missed rewards.

    Right. Everybody doesn't get that in GA not everyone gets first place rewards. Some get no zetas when they don't do well enough in their matches.
  • TVF
    36721 posts Member
    Jarvind wrote: »
    Four zetas for me. Must be because of all my amoral shilling for EA!

    That's nothing. I shill so hard I got 12 in my inbox and I haven't even run my challenges yet.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    VonZant wrote: »
    CronozNL wrote: »
    VonZant wrote: »
    CronozNL wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Palanthian wrote: »
    Never saw that coming.

    Zero x2 = zero. Thanks guys, that really makes up for no GAs this month.


    RnG say it with me,


    For example if something has a 20% drop rate. There is a 80% no drop rate.


    i see you've been missing some interesting news lately. Hint: it's patent related. If you need 1 more zeta to get to 20, droprates are not 20%..

    Got evidence for this claim?

    Dude do your own research, lazy bum


    I'm aware a patent exists. But your answer is nonresponsive.

    1. Do you have evidence that it is being used?
    2. Are you just a lemming that reads/hears a headline and starts repeating it as fact?

    1 I have as much evidence that it's being used as you have that it's not. This is EA we are talking about, I don't trust them, never did.
    2 I've been saying this since december 2015, in one of my first posts. I'm far from a lemming.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
  • Ultra
    11554 posts Moderator
    TVF wrote: »
    Jarvind wrote: »
    Four zetas for me. Must be because of all my amoral shilling for EA!

    That's nothing. I shill so hard I got 12 in my inbox and I haven't even run my challenges yet.
    Now you can't stop complaining about your paycheck!
  • TVF
    36721 posts Member
    Then why are you still playing? Or still complaining? After 3-1/2 years, it seems like you should give up on one or the other.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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