Grand Arena Championships MEGATHREAD


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    Montanz wrote: »
    *Edit; player with score in question also does not even have the best of rosters and wouldn’t be able to achieve all undersized wins unless someone colluded and set an extremely poor defense for him

    Well, with matchmaking in its current state, you never know what cupcake he got. Poor guy, getting all of this unwanted attention.

    Ladies and gentleman, your Division 2 leader in the club house. Way to put a finger on the scale....
  • DuneSeaFarmer
    3525 posts Member
    edited June 2019
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    Just got owned by a guy from division 1. Who has more gp, more g12, more g12+ and traya.

    Awesome matchmaking.
  • TRanger
    329 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    TRanger wrote: »
    TRanger wrote: »
    Some of you have a very twisted view of what's fair. Fair doesn't mean you have an equal chance to win your GA. Fair means you had an equal opportunity to build a roster capable of winning in GA.

    If you don't farm the best toons, don't farm mods and don't gear your teams properly, you do not deserve to win.

    What's not fair is to pair good players against mediocre players who have been playing for a lot longer and have a much larger roster. And have had a lot longer to farm mods.

    If this is what they consider fair, they should let horrible players switch to younger arena shards where they have a chance to make it to the top. They should nerf HSR so they can solo it with their gold Phoenix team. They should make it so they can complete the new TB with their p.o.s. rosters.

    The better players sacrifice short-term gratification to reach their long-term strategic goals. It doesn't make sense to make GA more difficult for them while rewarding players who squander their resources for instant gratification.

    You did not build for GA or GAC for that matter, because the feature is just over months old. A lot of these "squandered" resources or "useless" toons we're required for other game features and they filled a nitch in other game modes that we're developed. And are now being essentially "punished" or disadvantage in this new game mode. And yes CG encourged collecting and buffing in earlier game mode releases. Educational game research on the forums should be conducted before someone starts making claims such as this. Those broad rosters took time cash and lots of effort to build with no shortcut into a premium game mode that they are now being used against the player. There shouldn't be any place in this game for narrow minded, entitlement attitudes. This whole battle with GA and GAC has been about balanced matching for more enjoy game at..not kicks into the face. Respecting those who have invested that time and money into this game for them to develop these new cool features you enjoy!
    TRanger wrote: »
    Some of you have a very twisted view of what's fair. Fair doesn't mean you have an equal chance to win your GA. Fair means you had an equal opportunity to build a roster capable of winning in GA.

    If you don't farm the best toons, don't farm mods and don't gear your teams properly, you do not deserve to win.

    What's not fair is to pair good players against mediocre players who have been playing for a lot longer and have a much larger roster. And have had a lot longer to farm mods.

    If this is what they consider fair, they should let horrible players switch to younger arena shards where they have a chance to make it to the top. They should nerf HSR so they can solo it with their gold Phoenix team. They should make it so they can complete the new TB with their p.o.s. rosters.

    The better players sacrifice short-term gratification to reach their long-term strategic goals. It doesn't make sense to make GA more difficult for them while rewarding players who squander their resources for instant gratification.

    You did not build for GA or GAC for that matter, because the feature is just over months old. A lot of these "squandered" resources or "useless" toons we're required for other game features and they filled a nitch in other game modes that we're developed. And are now being essentially "punished" or disadvantage in this new game mode. And yes CG encourged collecting and buffing in earlier game mode releases. Educational game research on the forums should be conducted before someone starts making claims such as this. Those broad rosters took time cash and lots of effort to build with no shortcut into a premium game mode that they are now being used against the player. There shouldn't be any place in this game for narrow minded, entitlement attitudes. This whole battle with GA and GAC has been about balanced matching for more enjoy game at..not kicks into the face. Respecting those who have invested that time and money into this game for them to develop these new cool features you enjoy!

    Here’s a clue, genius. Everyone has to farm teams that are not useful. That’s part of the game. The players who suffered under the old matchmaking are the ones who unlocked every toon they could and geared them to g7 to inflate their GP. There has never been a strategic advantage to doing that.

    Judging by your response, you’re probably one of the weaker players in the game. You’re probably terrible at arena, terrible at raids and terrible in all aspects of the game. So what makes you think you’re entitled to only face other players as terrible as you?

    You assume too much...once again.. speaking with out facts. You built lean for a be more competitive! Not being properly matched is only an false sense of accomplishment. And in no way proves how good you are. Because your being under challanged while the other are being overly challenged. If we were able to trim this roster to be more viable for PVP competition..which we can't do...then you would draw higher matches. What is happening is broad rosters are forced into matches with extra GP that can't be used because they carry that GP and can not shed it.

    And you think too little. "Broad rosters" are nothing but bloat. Like I said, there has never been an advantage to artificially inflating your GP. It's a waste of resources. But now CG has decided to match bloated accounts against accounts with up to 50% less GP. The result is players who can't even compete in arena are now getting top rewards. The fastest toon for the guy in first place is +98. CG should not be rewarding terrible players simply because they whined.

    Broad rosters were in play way before GA and new GAC....I agree some players in GAC are terrible and shouldn't get top rewards based on higher speeds and lucky pulls. Maybe they should weight mods and zatas better..and keep you from having to face down God speed mod toon and let him vs other god speed toons. And Broad rosters shouldn't be match to force rosters with toons they couldn't use to compete against it either. Let's keep the debate on point not at each other. The issue is balanced/fair/equitable matchmaking not personal jabs based on ones opinion of self worth. A terriable player isn't one who has a broad or lean roster but someone who doesn't try to progress and relies on his lucky draws to carry him forward instead of looking for this balance and attempting through trial and error to overcome.
    Post edited by TRanger on
  • TRanger
    329 posts Member
    Drawing from my current match making I'm not seeing what you describe. Toon GP is similar close +/- a few points but Zeta weight is up to 1/3 better in favor of my opponents. The unusable toon GP appears to have been factor in my draws. Where as my opponents super lean to my broad. Thus far I'm seeing no change in this regard.
  • rickertron
    345 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    GAC is great, don't understand the complaints being made regarding match making. One fact about this game and life is there are is always someone better than you. No amount of match making will change that fact. I certainly don't have a great roster, but I am able to get wins at the same time I suffer losses. I have lost to rosters I felt were inferior to me and have beaten rosters that appeared to be stronger than mine. The one thing I have noticed about grand arena and GAC is that there are more factors that determine the winner than just having the current meta squad. Things like roster depth, how you set your squads on defense both in terms of composition and what territory to place them, what squads you deploy on offence and against which squads, etc. all play a part in whether or not you are going to win or lose. Of all the modes in this game, it requires more thinking, strategy, and uses parts of the roster you would otherwise not use and for that it is enjoyable.

  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    rickertron wrote: »
    . The one thing I have noticed about grand arena and GAC is that there are more factors that determine the winner than just having the current meta squad. Things like roster depth, how you set your squads on defense both in terms of composition and what territory to place them, what squads you deploy on offence and against which squads, etc. all play a part in whether or not you are going to win or lose.

    yeah all that...or you could just be a Oil prince...

    They have a it lot easier 1) they can buy everything 2) Anyone who opposes them get's thrown into a dungeon like on you can't do that on television
  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member
    Liklik113 wrote: »
    Oh god how stupid some people are. I lost GAC round 1 by 1 point against a guy who has 500k gp on me making him 4.9 ml gp. THE point is if he loses a fight he is much better equiped with g12 toons or even g11 toons to sweep up second time. Me i have to be perfect. If i lose a fight i may not have another g11 or g12 team waiting to pounce if things go wrong. In boxing if your a middlewieght u fight against middleweights even if you have right hand as good as a heavyweight. Thats good luck to you.
    ...or maybe it was actually a fair match and the fact that it was decided by one point is proof positive that the matchmaking algorithm did a reasonable job.

    There is always gonna be a bit of swing. Sometimes you'll be at the advantage. Sometimes at a disadvantage. It would be boring otherwise. But obviously if it was decided by a single point, it couldn't have been unreasonable.
    Still not a he.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    More random correlations, moar, moar, bring moar. Let's do a bicycling one and one where couples race with one of their legs inside a sack.
  • rickertron
    345 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    Liklik113 wrote: »
    Oh god how stupid some people are. I lost GAC round 1 by 1 point against a guy who has 500k gp on me making him 4.9 ml gp. THE point is if he loses a fight he is much better equiped with g12 toons or even g11 toons to sweep up second time. Me i have to be perfect. If i lose a fight i may not have another g11 or g12 team waiting to pounce if things go wrong. In boxing if your a middlewieght u fight against middleweights even if you have right hand as good as a heavyweight. Thats good luck to you.

    Seems like a fairly even match up given the result.

    Fact: There is always one winner and one loser in a head to head match up.

    Another Fact: Within a given weight class in boxing, there is a large variance in skill, power and ability amongst boxers. Its not like they are all equals in skill, ability, speed and power.

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    Liklik113 wrote: »
    Oh god how stupid some people are. I lost GAC round 1 by 1 point against a guy who has 500k gp on me making him 4.9 ml gp. THE point is if he loses a fight he is much better equiped with g12 toons or even g11 toons to sweep up second time. Me i have to be perfect. If i lose a fight i may not have another g11 or g12 team waiting to pounce if things go wrong. In boxing if your a middlewieght u fight against middleweights even if you have right hand as good as a heavyweight. Thats good luck to you.

    In boxing people fight outside their division sometimes your analogy is poor.

    Cross division GA is still bad, but your analogy doesn't really make any valid points.
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    My 1st GA opponent : 250K more GP than me + he has Malak and not me

    Result = i lost

    My 2nd GA opponent : only 400K more GP than me but he doesnt have Malak.

    I m heading to a 0 win / 3
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    So... what is the point of divisions? I'm fighting outside my division in order to get my rewards ranked against others inside my division.
    If one person is in D4 and only fights D2-3 this shows no practical information when comparing to another person in D4 who only fights D5-6. So why reward them the same. This makes no sense and does nothing to show who is a better player.
    If gp doesn't matter for fights, it shouldn't matter in rewards.
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    So I can’t figure this out. How are some scoring so high? I did all available feats and cleared the board averaging 59 points per battle.. but I am ranked 3500? What am I missing? How are there a few with over 1k more point than me?
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    So, I realise that what they have essentially done is taken some people hated about GW, the place where only your top squad mattered and gave you matches accordingly,

    And made it much worse by stretching that failed project to more then just your top squad, in a place that actually matters. Yeah great, it is going to be fun losing Gac after winning every single GA. So I'm someone who actually had a brain and was actually smart about roster building. Sorry for being too smart for you CG. I apologise that I am smarter then you are. Not that that is hard.

    Anyone who has a bloated top roster now is 100% losing this, and anyone who had a roster made by someone terrible who had no focus and made every toon say, 10k or less power and never went higher with any toon ever, will have a 100% win rate.

    That is what this promotes, having a roster of terrible toons all the same power, so that you always win. Any toon with three zeta's is actually making this harder for you.

    So in the end, the terrible so bad at this devs are STILL JUDGING BY GP. Only doing it in a way that a blind and deaf child would do it.
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    Are ties now decided differently than by what was indicated here for GAs?

    I lead my opponent by 400k GP over all and by 200k character GP.

  • Ultra
    11553 posts Moderator
    I'm the guy with the second highest score in my league paired up against the highest score of my bracket

    I'm curious if everyone else is paired accordingly (1st vs 2nd; 3rd vs 4th)
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    It's obvious things are not staying where they are in this one week exhibition, they said it outright. Instead of scrutinising every detail on what it is currently, I think people should put their effort in making an applicable definition of what is the universal common ground of least grieving, most sustaniable method for where the game is heading with many indications present.
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    Uhh i played almost perfectly and won have some feats ?? How do they have 1000 points on me ??? Da heck....

    Edit : i dont really care.... like only 1% of the entire player base will finish 500 or bettter in their bracketleauge thing for better rewards.... kind of **** and hope they change it but at least we can ALL be screwed together lol
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    Dk_rek wrote: »
    Uhh i played almost perfectly and won have some feats ?? How do they have 1000 points on me ??? Da heck....

    Edit : i dont really care.... like only 1% of the entire player base will finish 500 or bettter in their bracketleauge thing for better rewards.... kind of **** and hope they change it but at least we can ALL be screwed together lol

    Hmm prob 800 some from setting D seems legit
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    I really liked previous matchmaking.
    I lost some battles I won some battles. I knew why I lost and why I won. My mistakes were my mistakes. At least I knew that if we have the same gp and enemy has more crucial characters then it is my mistake I didn't get that characters and I need to find a way to counter that. But now... fighting people from other divisions with more g12, g12+, more fast mods, more crucial characters is just not fun, not fun at all.
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    Gorem wrote: »
    So, I realise that what they have essentially done is taken some people hated about GW, the place where only your top squad mattered and gave you matches accordingly,

    And made it much worse by stretching that failed project to more then just your top squad, in a place that actually matters. Yeah great, it is going to be fun losing Gac after winning every single GA. So I'm someone who actually had a brain and was actually smart about roster building. Sorry for being too smart for you CG. I apologise that I am smarter then you are. Not that that is hard.

    Anyone who has a bloated top roster now is 100% losing this, and anyone who had a roster made by someone terrible who had no focus and made every toon say, 10k or less power and never went higher with any toon ever, will have a 100% win rate.

    That is what this promotes, having a roster of terrible toons all the same power, so that you always win. Any toon with three zeta's is actually making this harder for you.

    So in the end, the terrible so bad at this devs are STILL JUDGING BY GP. Only doing it in a way that a blind and deaf child would do it.

    Glad I took all my guys to g12 but horded all the g12 pieces and zetas while farming and equipping mods which help compensate for lack of gear. have almost 300 zetas farmed now and close to 1000 g12.5. Just waiting for my next project to take to g13 but until then.... I'm matched against people with elite zeta g11 teams.


    But seriously matchmaking cross division is broken AF
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    How is this possible ? In my arena people already have G13 bastilla fallen...
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    Lost my first GAC due to a tie.
    My opponent had more gp than me, so I lost. That is so unfair that the underdog looses if able to tie the match.
    Nobody is allowed to say that matchmaking will fix itself if u loose enough. Because that is admitting that matchmaking is broken and u refuse to fix it.
    U matched me w revan, Drevan. Why? I don't have those OP characters. I would gladly invite any of my opponents into my guild. Yes it's that broken. Am trying not to actively break it more, but CG forces me to act.
    I expect CG to respond to me, not ignore me as per normal. My final act with this game will be shooting my entire guild into no guild, but I owe them so much that I cannot punish thm for CG policy.
    Question: has CG ever played the game without having every character?
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    How is this possible ? In my arena people already have G13 bastilla fallen...

    It's farmable with refreshes. some people in my arena have FULL G13 teams already.
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