Grand Arena Championships MEGATHREAD


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    kieltrx wrote: »
    Sorry man but I couldn't stop myself 😂



    😂😂😂😂😂 made my day!
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    Saada wrote: »
    501stsquad wrote: »
    There’s definitely something wrong with the score board. I’ve finished all the possible feats to me available. I won the first round with a full clear and banners average above 59. I’m winning the second round with a full clear and average above 59 again. How is it possible that the first placeholders on the leaderboard have over 900 points more than I have? I don’t see how i could have scored that much more. @CG_SBCrumb

    This. there's people in my division (3) with way more points than should be possible. Crumb said there was a bug inflating scores that would be fixed yesterday, but either it didn't get fixed or there is another bug.

    This 🔝

    I'm 400 points behind first, in div 5, I averaged 60 banners across the 5 squads in both rounds and cleared all territories so at most I could lose 40 points (10*64 instead of 10*60) and I only have 2 feats left (one that couldn't have been completed, clearing 10 territories). So at most I should be 100 behind.

    Same in D2


    You can max have :
    - 16 x 90 (defense teams) = 1440
    - 16 x 64 (offense teams) = 1024
    - 8 x 180 (all territories cleared) = 1440
    - 2000 (2 victories) = 2000
    so 5904 pts, plus feats
    I did all feats (except the " clear 10 territories) and scored 5794 / 5904, so how can I be 1k behind ?
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    My first day I earned 1800 points for a full clear. I was still like 500 points out if first for my division so I gave up on GA.

    I didn't do anything the second day and earned another 2500 points on day 2 for doing absolutely nothing at all, 700 more point than I earned on round 1 when I cleared all enemy teams.

    This is great keep up the good work cg
  • Beyol
    328 posts Member
    Top league should be called the " Plaid League".
  • Redapple
    25 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    I just snuck into div 2 w 3.8m gp. I have matched mostly div 1 people in my bracket. 2 div 2 5 div 1. So as I compete w and beat these div 1 guys I get my same div 2 rewards. If I compete w div 1 I should get div 1 rewards.

    Also for that matter, it doubles down on rankings being flawed. The true top div 2 players are matching all div 1 players and true top div 3 players matching all div 2 players. The top on the leaderboards cant reflect the true top til the outside of div play stops. Their competition is much more stiff and less likely to be able to win and boost banner counts w undersized squads.

    We do not need a flawed matchmaking to pair all the top players in carbonite. Or to pair top players together period. Wont the 5 league system pair these players as they progress? The idea of this being a championship and advancing as you go is jaded when you realize the best people were meeting from the start not randomly. There will be better players that just had the deck stacked against them w matchmaking in the bottom leagues than people that get to breeze thru to kyber based on the algorithms.

    In the NCAA tournament the top seeds Duke unc kentucky and kansas dont all play each other round 1 while the 15 and 16 seeds get a free path to the finals. If you want to set this up championship/tournament style then get a clue how they work.
    Post edited by Redapple on
  • jjjwar
    17 posts Member
    Options in division 4...what is the point of me going up against someone in div 3 with one million more gp than me? Seems ridiculous
  • VladMacNaggets
    1 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    Hello, dear administration! I'm not the first time faced with the fact that I lose on GA because of the smaller GP. And this is despite the fact that in my account more GP. t is especially insulting for lowering in the main rating. You lay out in every fight to the fullest to win, but you lose because of an error. I do not take into account the loss game currency.
    Please consider my requast and correct the error
    Post edited by VladMacNaggets on
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    Why should it be an error ? A guy with less GP got a tie with you, so he did better than you in this game. That's rather normal to me to see him win.
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    @Redapple :
    I just snuck into div 2 w 3.8m gp. I have matched mostly div 1 people in my bracket. 2 div 2 5 div 1. So as I compete w and beat these div 1 guys I get my same div 2 rewards. If I compete w div 1 I should get div 1 rewards.

    Go ahead and check out the rewards for each bracket in each division.

    While the minimum reward in Bronzium is higher than the max reward in the Carbonite, the minimum reward for Bronzium in Division 9 or 10 or 11 is exactly the same as the minimum reward in division 1, 2 & 3. Same with the maximum reward. Same with the intermediate rewards.

    Moving up or down divisions
    (don't laugh, it's technically possible if you were 100 gp over the line and then took some mods off some toons)
    doesn't change your rewards at all. What changes your rewards are two things:

    1: your rank in your league, and
    2: which league (Carbonite, Bronzium, Chromium, Aurodium, or Khyber) you're in.

    It seems the intent is that if you're Chromium in Div 3 and you gain enough GP to move up to Div 2, you'll stay Chromium (you won't start over at the bottom league each time you gain a division). I'm not entirely certain on that point, but I really did think that was the intent. On the off chance I'm wrong, someone will correct me.

    So build up those lifetime points - you'll earn a couple thousand every GAC round even if all you do is set defenses. Pretty soon you'll be raking in 3200 championship tokens every time GAC comes around again, even if you don't do squat.

    Work hard now, then coast off past success, that's what I say. ;-)

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    Hello everyone, I'm curious how is it possible that first 2 guys in division 6 have this much points. This was taken during attack phase of round 2,don't know how much they have know. I had 4197 points at that time and I was missing 26 points from round 1, 17 points from round 2. And only feat achievable for me at that time was Fleet Commander which awards 125 points. That means maximum would be 4365. Am I missing some way to gain points. Thanks

  • MasterSeedy
    5148 posts Member
    edited June 2019

    Read the developer's notes thread about known issues.

    It's always a good idea to check those threads before you start posting about bugs that are already reported and in the process of being addressed.
  • DarkISI
    91 posts Member
    ArWarn wrote: »
    Why should it be an error ? A guy with less GP got a tie with you, so he did better than you in this game. That's rather normal to me to see him win.

    Because higher GP wins. That is the rule and it is what the devs specifically said with TU 15, when GA came around.
    The fact that lower GP wins in a row is also noted under "known issues" in the dev announcements. That doesn't make it any better, if you didn't know before you lost a tie despite higher GP. Happened to me. Instead of fighting a cakewalk guy for first, I know will have to take 2nd to 4th rewards. Would have taken first easily without the error. Directly costing me lots of gear and, more importantly, GAC tokens
    That is a big screw up on CG's part, because I'm sure as hell not the only one losing out on rewards because of this.
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    So the bug is still not fixed? The developer's notes thread said it should be corrected by June 28th and it was rare bug (not so rare as it seems). Even if guys in my division won every fight with maximum 64 points, finished all doable feats atm, the difference can be max 550 points. And it's almost 1400....
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    Something for developers to consider. My first two opponents put all their good teams on defense. I did not. I was able to clear all but one territory because they put so much on defense. Neither of my opponents even attempted to attack me, probably because they had nothing on offense to do so. Because they had bad strategy and put everything on defense, I am penalized by not getting the points for clearing all territories. This is a flaw in the logic IMO. Clearing territories is not a true indication of how good someone is if they got cleared themselves. There should be a way to even out if the person defending didn’t have their territories beat as well. Maybe give points for higher margin of victories
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    No_Try wrote: »
    It's obvious things are not staying where they are in this one week exhibition, they said it outright. Instead of scrutinising every detail on what it is currently, I think people should put their effort in making an applicable definition of what is the universal common ground of least grieving, most sustaniable method for where the game is heading with many indications present.

    Its obvious return to the previous matchmaking and only include your current divisions. The league system will even out matches after a couple months.


    No and the fact people do not understand why doing that would be bad makes my head hurt. The reasons why have been posted over and over
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    @Redapple :
    I just snuck into div 2 w 3.8m gp. I have matched mostly div 1 people in my bracket. 2 div 2 5 div 1. So as I compete w and beat these div 1 guys I get my same div 2 rewards. If I compete w div 1 I should get div 1 rewards.

    Go ahead and check out the rewards for each bracket in each division.

    While the minimum reward in Bronzium is higher than the max reward in the Carbonite, the minimum reward for Bronzium in Division 9 or 10 or 11 is exactly the same as the minimum reward in division 1, 2 & 3. Same with the maximum reward. Same with the intermediate rewards.

    Moving up or down divisions
    (don't laugh, it's technically possible if you were 100 gp over the line and then took some mods off some toons)
    doesn't change your rewards at all. What changes your rewards are two things:

    1: your rank in your league, and
    2: which league (Carbonite, Bronzium, Chromium, Aurodium, or Khyber) you're in.

    It seems the intent is that if you're Chromium in Div 3 and you gain enough GP to move up to Div 2, you'll stay Chromium (you won't start over at the bottom league each time you gain a division). I'm not entirely certain on that point, but I really did think that was the intent. On the off chance I'm wrong, someone will correct me.

    So build up those lifetime points - you'll earn a couple thousand every GAC round even if all you do is set defenses. Pretty soon you'll be raking in 3200 championship tokens every time GAC comes around again, even if you don't do squat.

    Work hard now, then coast off past success, that's what I say. ;-)

    1st off excellent post. Well done.

    The biggest problem with GAC is the inequality of opportunity to score points to compete against opponents within your division.

    This inequality will effect both 1 your rank in your league, and 2 which league you are in.

    1&2 above are purely rng based with "cross division play" which can limit OR increase the # of teams people can deploy/beat based on how much of a GP difference exists between the two players.

    They need to limit the cross division matches to people who are all in 8v8 divisions, or all in 6v6 divisions, and so on. currently rng of matchmaking gives a select few players the ability to score more points than almost everyone else in their division.

    Then again, maybe this is just their SUPRISE MECHANICS?
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    Every player I’m up against in the new grand arena is 500k to 1M higher GP than me. Know way I’m ever getting a zeta out of this arena. NOT FAIR !!
  • EAZY_E
    21 posts Member
    Matchmaking is trash now
  • Absolute_chaos10
    4 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    Hi there! I would like a good explanation for why I'm paired up against a division 1 player who has over 1.1m gp more then me, while I'm a division 2 player and has 67 more gl12 toons then me, I get that our top few teams might be equal but when I dont 1 shot everyone one of his teams, I immediately run out of a roster to battle him or her with, where if he cant beat one of my teams, he has 15 more gl12 teams to throw against me, how is this anywhere near fair???????????
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    Read the developer's notes thread about known issues.

    It's always a good idea to check those threads before you start posting about bugs that are already reported and in the process of being addressed.

    The post also said the bug would be fixed "today" (with the post being made on the 28th). I think it's fair to discuss if a supposedly "fixed" bug is still obviously happening in-game.

    While I know it's exhibition, some players might be wasting time on feats or running undermanned teams in an attempt to pass players who are actually 999 points behind them rather than 1 point ahead.
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    I’m sure many people have brought this up already, but I’ll add my dissent as well. Counting total banners towards championship rankings is unfair and the “feats” system needs to be redesigned so that your opponent can’t screw you over by going heavy on defense. I see what you’re going for, but maybe count the margin of victory instead? I have a very good roster for my GP level and I’ve won all but 2 of my prior GA matchups, so I’m slated to play a bunch of 3.6-3.8M opponents (I’m 3.3). I can’t go 100% offense because their rosters are much deeper than mine and I could lose a cheap one on points, so I go 50/50. I’ve had 3 opponents in a row go extremely heavy on defense in GA championships. I easily beat the first 2 and assume I’ll win my last matchup too. But I can’t finish any of the offensively-focused feats or clear all 4 territories because of the losing strategy that my opponents have used against me. I should not be penalized for winning against a bad strategy that happens to screw me over in the offensively focused scoring system. Hopefully, people will learn that they need to go heavy on offense to maximize scoring and I won’t face 100% defense opponents again... but my main point is this: the losing party should not be able to screw over the winning party with a bad 100% defense strategy.
  • USAFmedic129
    1538 posts Member
    edited July 2019

    We are all division 2, character GP 2.6-3.5 mil. How did these guys get that high of a score when the bulk of us are 6-7k?

    Was this part of the starting with a ton of points bug? Not accusing anyone of cheating. I seriously believe it is a score issue bug.

    @CG_Erik please note in the photo their lifetime is off by one in each case from their actual. That’s kinda fishy in the coding has to be wrong or off.
    Post edited by USAFmedic129 on
  • Rekrn123
    41 posts Member
    New GAC matchmaking is hot garbage. i don't know what the hell you think you are trying to match but this is the worst its ever been. Yea cool maybe we have the same number of something but when somebody you match against has 500k more GP than you it doesn't matter because they just fielded 10 more squads against your defense than you have. Fix this **** ****.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Rekrn123 wrote: »
    New GAC matchmaking is hot garbage. i don't know what the hell you think you are trying to match but this is the worst its ever been. Yea cool maybe we have the same number of something but when somebody you match against has 500k more GP than you it doesn't matter because they just fielded 10 more squads against your defense than you have. Fix this **** ****.

    They had the same number of something else before, how is the past case good and this one bad specifically?
  • BlDe2
    2 posts Member
    Hi there! I would like a good explanation for why I'm paired up against a division 1 player who has over 1.1m gp more then me, while I'm a division 2 player and has 67 more gl12 toons then me, I get that our top few teams might be equal but when I dont 1 shot everyone one of his teams, I immediately run out of a roster to battle him or her with, where if he cant beat one of my teams, he has 15 more gl12 teams to throw against me, how is this anywhere near fair???????????

    So true, I'm in Devision 4 and have to fight against a player with 800k GP more than me. It isn't a fair match. It feels like you are being punished because you are focused on the top teams in the game.
  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    Rekrn123 wrote: »
    New GAC matchmaking is hot garbage. i don't know what the hell you think you are trying to match but this is the worst its ever been. Yea cool maybe we have the same number of something but when somebody you match against has 500k more GP than you it doesn't matter because they just fielded 10 more squads against your defense than you have. Fix this **** ****.
    No, that is not how that works at all.

    If someone has 500k more GP than you do, odds are that difference is primarily at the bottom of the roster in the fluff, not twenty-five more fieldable G12 units.

    I have a relatively fluffy roster at the bottom with no units below 1000 GP. I have 10 units in the 1000-3000 range, 31 units in the 3000-7000 GP range at this moment, and 18 in the 7000-10000 GP range, none of them fieldable and quite a few above that who are not in a fieldable state. But just the set listed from the bottom of my roster are over three hundred thousand GP.

    Not all GP is relevant or useful. The old matchmaking algorithm would count that 300,000 GP worth of dross as fieldable, which is not necessarily fair.

    The new matchmaking algorithm does not reference the dross. It uses pertinent GP. I do not know the precise cutoff or all the factors involved, but as an approximate example, my bracket places six teams. At six teams on defense, approximately six teams on offense, and five toons per team, what portion of my roster is pertinent? It's not all 171 units in my roster, that's for sure. It's more fair to compare the top 60 units in my roster to the top 60 units in my opponent's roster. Plus other considerations.

    It is more fair for the vast majority of the playerbase, until you get to very high power players who have the depth and breadth of roster to make up for mistakes below the cutoff. Which is a point on which the current algorithm can iterate in the future.

    The current algorithm is not perfect. However, it is better.
    Still not a he.
  • Dethjin
    75 posts Member
    What I wonder is now that part (bugged score people) will hit chromium, there is going to be only a few so they'll instanly be rewarded with top50 chromium rewards, which are obviously 50% better than bronzium top100. Fair much?
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    I could not participate, although I have registered. What should I do now?
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