Grand Arena Championships MEGATHREAD


  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    So to sum up your argument, we've been farming mods for the same period of time. Despite the fact that mods were in the game for 13 months before I started playing.

    And your mods are just as good as mine. Despite the fact that your fastest set is 18 slower than my fastest set. And I have four sets that are faster than your fastest.

    But why am I stating facts? Your opinion clearly isn't based on or supported by facts. You simply say something that's demonstrably false then stick to it because that's preferable to learning something. Even when that something would benefit you.

    No your mods are slightly better than mine, but in it's entirety our full span of mods are very comparable to eachother, and both of us are very close to what's f2p doable with mods. The difference between your mods are mine make for a very fair match where mods are not the deciding factor on the outcome.

    You are representing it as if this is one flat timeline where all the underlying conditions in the game have been the same.The time I played longer than you (downtime started 2 months after haat release, so should be within that period you guessed) there was a credit crunch and we weren't getting mods in spades. Everyone was trying to have one arena teams worth of them primarily. The process of getting that sped up so much later on and our previously worthless mods became worthy again after mods 2.0 where both of us have been active. I have more mods in stock to slice through than you probably, whereas you'll deplete them and will have to use your refills to farm more of them before me. Naturally I'll stop slicing them at some point which is not profitable anymore for the mats used on them and get to farming again.

    If you check my and current arena team with mods on them, you'll see how easily it's for me to close that gap that only allows you a few more better modded toons, which I also use to beat full g13 dr/malak teams on GAC left and right while able to leave mine on defense.

    When my opponent has beyond 400 10+s and rest corresponding to that number, that's something else entirely which was what I was trying to tell you all along.

    I'm already doing it like you told me to. I don't understand why you are assuming I'm slicing +4,+5 speed sec purples to gold which is not the case. Currently I'm on +11 purples for example.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    No_Try wrote: »
    So to sum up your argument, we've been farming mods for the same period of time. Despite the fact that mods were in the game for 13 months before I started playing.

    And your mods are just as good as mine. Despite the fact that your fastest set is 18 slower than my fastest set. And I have four sets that are faster than your fastest.

    But why am I stating facts? Your opinion clearly isn't based on or supported by facts. You simply say something that's demonstrably false then stick to it because that's preferable to learning something. Even when that something would benefit you.

    No your mods are slightly better than mine, but in it's entirety our full span of mods are very comparable to eachother, and both of us are very close to what's f2p doable with mods. The difference between your mods are mine make for a very fair match where mods are not the deciding factor on the outcome.

    You are representing it as if this is one flat timeline where all the underlying conditions in the game have been the same.The time I played longer than you (downtime started 2 months after haat release, so should be within that period you guessed) there was a credit crunch and we weren't getting mods in spades. Everyone was trying to have one arena teams worth of them primarily. The process of getting that sped up so much later on and our previously worthless mods became worthy again after mods 2.0 where both of us have been active. I have more mods in stock to slice through than you probably, whereas you'll deplete them and will have to use your refills to farm more of them before me. Naturally I'll stop slicing them at some point which is not profitable anymore for the mats used on them and get to farming again.

    If you check my and current arena team with mods on them, you'll see how easily it's for me to close that gap that only allows you a few more better modded toons, which I also use to beat full g13 dr/malak teams on GAC left and right while able to leave mine on defense.

    When my opponent has beyond 400 10+s and rest corresponding to that number, that's something else entirely which was what I was trying to tell you all along.

    I'm already doing it like you told me to. I don't understand why you are assuming I'm slicing +4,+5 speed sec purples to gold which is not the case. Currently I'm on +11 purples for example.
    No_Try wrote: »
    So to sum up your argument, we've been farming mods for the same period of time. Despite the fact that mods were in the game for 13 months before I started playing.

    And your mods are just as good as mine. Despite the fact that your fastest set is 18 slower than my fastest set. And I have four sets that are faster than your fastest.

    But why am I stating facts? Your opinion clearly isn't based on or supported by facts. You simply say something that's demonstrably false then stick to it because that's preferable to learning something. Even when that something would benefit you.

    No your mods are slightly better than mine, but in it's entirety our full span of mods are very comparable to eachother, and both of us are very close to what's f2p doable with mods. The difference between your mods are mine make for a very fair match where mods are not the deciding factor on the outcome.

    You are representing it as if this is one flat timeline where all the underlying conditions in the game have been the same.The time I played longer than you (downtime started 2 months after haat release, so should be within that period you guessed) there was a credit crunch and we weren't getting mods in spades. Everyone was trying to have one arena teams worth of them primarily. The process of getting that sped up so much later on and our previously worthless mods became worthy again after mods 2.0 where both of us have been active. I have more mods in stock to slice through than you probably, whereas you'll deplete them and will have to use your refills to farm more of them before me. Naturally I'll stop slicing them at some point which is not profitable anymore for the mats used on them and get to farming again.

    If you check my and current arena team with mods on them, you'll see how easily it's for me to close that gap that only allows you a few more better modded toons, which I also use to beat full g13 dr/malak teams on GAC left and right while able to leave mine on defense.

    When my opponent has beyond 400 10+s and rest corresponding to that number, that's something else entirely which was what I was trying to tell you all along.

    I'm already doing it like you told me to. I don't understand why you are assuming I'm slicing +4,+5 speed sec purples to gold which is not the case. Currently I'm on +11 purples for example.

    +168 is slightly better than +150 speed? Four sets over +150 is slightly better than one set of 150?

    Your definition of slightly is very different than my definition of slightly.

    It would be impossible for you to close the speed gap I have over you in a short period of time. I would be surprised if you ever close it. By the time you improve, I will have likely increased that margin.

    The mod shop was complete garbage until they reworked it in 2018. Even then, I only use it for highly targeted mods. Virtually all of your mods should come from farming.

    You should have been doing three refreshes a day every day, going back to the days of cantina energy. Being low on credits isn't much of an excuse.

    The simple fact is you claimed we have been farming mods for the same period of time. And that is clearly false.

    I would guess that I have more mods sitting in my inventory that you would slice while I choose not to. I probably have 30-40 +5 green that I will only slice if I need to find a specific secondary to go with speed. And probably 20 +10 blue that I hold onto for the same reason.

    You're being less selective on the mods you slice, or else you would have more similar results.

    But hey, I get it. It's the internet. And some people would rather slam their **** in a car door than admit they are wrong.

    As I said you are only focusing on a few mods you have better than me but not the entire span of them which is what matters for GAC. i.e. try to meet the bh team of a kraken with mods I exemplified above. All of a sudden all counters you've been using all along will start to crumble. Each team you have to fight on offense becomes a wall due to non-arena mod difference they have over you.

    Here's a dare though. Since you are claiming the time I played over you should make a significant difference (which I couldn't take advantage of by your claim) find me some other early f2p that has anything close to 350 +10s. I'll be happy to meet them and learn from them. Until then, my claim that we are both very close to f2p mod doability stands.
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    Why you all kidding yourselves. There is no point in a league and division based system if it is ignored for matchmaking.

    I've payed to gain an advantage over my peers but now I dont even face my peers and my advantage is gone.

    Why should I spend anymore money? What advantage is gained?

    Bloated rosters already have advantage through territory battles, raids and now gac.
    But I bet the focused rosters are the p2p players and we are not being looked after at all.

    your joking right...what advantage do I have in TB over you.... i deploy 4.6 million lean guy deploys 1.5-2

    we get the same rewards for it... in GA lean rosters reap massively better rewards and then piggy back off me for the same TB rewards.... You can have your advantage back and get tons of goodies while I sit in last place as long as they change TB rewards to where I get better stuff for my GP advantage....

    Not sure why you think only you should get an advantage somewhere and not everyone else...

    you brought up the imaginary advantage in TB not me....

    Also not sure which advantage a bloated roster has in raids as garbage teams are pretty much killed immediatly in HSTR.... can't hurt DN in one and 4..... Raid rank depends on basically 3-4 teams none of which are considered bloat

    honestly i have no idea what your talking about this "bloat advantage" ALL it boils down to people with lean rosters usually dominate every part of the game that actually matters then piggy back off bloat for TB.

    Are people mad because maybe it's a little fairer now ??????? (I'm not even sure that it is)

    What exactly is the complaint ????
  • Pauldecebalus
    61 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    I have a lean roster but each time im matched up against lean players with 600÷900k more gp . In last GAP i had an enemy with 75 more g12 chars than me . Neither of us can clean a territory from 1st but he had 15 more g12 teams . I had g9÷g10 leftovers so no chance . Now i have an enemy with 12 g13 and a lot more zeta , g12 . Its a joke this GAC
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    No_Try wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    So to sum up your argument, we've been farming mods for the same period of time. Despite the fact that mods were in the game for 13 months before I started playing.

    And your mods are just as good as mine. Despite the fact that your fastest set is 18 slower than my fastest set. And I have four sets that are faster than your fastest.

    But why am I stating facts? Your opinion clearly isn't based on or supported by facts. You simply say something that's demonstrably false then stick to it because that's preferable to learning something. Even when that something would benefit you.

    No your mods are slightly better than mine, but in it's entirety our full span of mods are very comparable to eachother, and both of us are very close to what's f2p doable with mods. The difference between your mods are mine make for a very fair match where mods are not the deciding factor on the outcome.

    You are representing it as if this is one flat timeline where all the underlying conditions in the game have been the same.The time I played longer than you (downtime started 2 months after haat release, so should be within that period you guessed) there was a credit crunch and we weren't getting mods in spades. Everyone was trying to have one arena teams worth of them primarily. The process of getting that sped up so much later on and our previously worthless mods became worthy again after mods 2.0 where both of us have been active. I have more mods in stock to slice through than you probably, whereas you'll deplete them and will have to use your refills to farm more of them before me. Naturally I'll stop slicing them at some point which is not profitable anymore for the mats used on them and get to farming again.

    If you check my and current arena team with mods on them, you'll see how easily it's for me to close that gap that only allows you a few more better modded toons, which I also use to beat full g13 dr/malak teams on GAC left and right while able to leave mine on defense.

    When my opponent has beyond 400 10+s and rest corresponding to that number, that's something else entirely which was what I was trying to tell you all along.

    I'm already doing it like you told me to. I don't understand why you are assuming I'm slicing +4,+5 speed sec purples to gold which is not the case. Currently I'm on +11 purples for example.
    No_Try wrote: »
    So to sum up your argument, we've been farming mods for the same period of time. Despite the fact that mods were in the game for 13 months before I started playing.

    And your mods are just as good as mine. Despite the fact that your fastest set is 18 slower than my fastest set. And I have four sets that are faster than your fastest.

    But why am I stating facts? Your opinion clearly isn't based on or supported by facts. You simply say something that's demonstrably false then stick to it because that's preferable to learning something. Even when that something would benefit you.

    No your mods are slightly better than mine, but in it's entirety our full span of mods are very comparable to eachother, and both of us are very close to what's f2p doable with mods. The difference between your mods are mine make for a very fair match where mods are not the deciding factor on the outcome.

    You are representing it as if this is one flat timeline where all the underlying conditions in the game have been the same.The time I played longer than you (downtime started 2 months after haat release, so should be within that period you guessed) there was a credit crunch and we weren't getting mods in spades. Everyone was trying to have one arena teams worth of them primarily. The process of getting that sped up so much later on and our previously worthless mods became worthy again after mods 2.0 where both of us have been active. I have more mods in stock to slice through than you probably, whereas you'll deplete them and will have to use your refills to farm more of them before me. Naturally I'll stop slicing them at some point which is not profitable anymore for the mats used on them and get to farming again.

    If you check my and current arena team with mods on them, you'll see how easily it's for me to close that gap that only allows you a few more better modded toons, which I also use to beat full g13 dr/malak teams on GAC left and right while able to leave mine on defense.

    When my opponent has beyond 400 10+s and rest corresponding to that number, that's something else entirely which was what I was trying to tell you all along.

    I'm already doing it like you told me to. I don't understand why you are assuming I'm slicing +4,+5 speed sec purples to gold which is not the case. Currently I'm on +11 purples for example.

    +168 is slightly better than +150 speed? Four sets over +150 is slightly better than one set of 150?

    Your definition of slightly is very different than my definition of slightly.

    It would be impossible for you to close the speed gap I have over you in a short period of time. I would be surprised if you ever close it. By the time you improve, I will have likely increased that margin.

    The mod shop was complete garbage until they reworked it in 2018. Even then, I only use it for highly targeted mods. Virtually all of your mods should come from farming.

    You should have been doing three refreshes a day every day, going back to the days of cantina energy. Being low on credits isn't much of an excuse.

    The simple fact is you claimed we have been farming mods for the same period of time. And that is clearly false.

    I would guess that I have more mods sitting in my inventory that you would slice while I choose not to. I probably have 30-40 +5 green that I will only slice if I need to find a specific secondary to go with speed. And probably 20 +10 blue that I hold onto for the same reason.

    You're being less selective on the mods you slice, or else you would have more similar results.

    But hey, I get it. It's the internet. And some people would rather slam their **** in a car door than admit they are wrong.

    As I said you are only focusing on a few mods you have better than me but not the entire span of them which is what matters for GAC. i.e. try to meet the bh team of a kraken with mods I exemplified above. All of a sudden all counters you've been using all along will start to crumble. Each team you have to fight on offense becomes a wall due to non-arena mod difference they have over you.

    Here's a dare though. Since you are claiming the time I played over you should make a significant difference (which I couldn't take advantage of by your claim) find me some other early f2p that has anything close to 350 +10s. I'll be happy to meet them and learn from them. Until then, my claim that we are both very close to f2p mod doability stands.

    Just to be clear, you think that you have more depth or comparable depth because you think you have more +10 mods than I have?

    Like I said, I don’t equip mods I don’t need. Here are my unequipped mods over 10. There’s a handful over 15. I count 97. Which makes my total 308.

    Your assumption that I just got lucky on high end mods is wrong. I farm a larger volume of mods and I’m more selective on slicing.

    Mod mods are better because I’m better at farming mods. But by all means, keep doing what you’re doing 😂

    You only confirmed me by also showcasing the edge of f2p doability is low 300 10+s. In the meantime I went through many f2p mods. Here's one which I can supply the ally code only with pm. I wonder why he has much more top end mods than you (and naturally me), maybe you should call him for a lesson how to get them, because this is not how statistics work and one gets very low percentage events simply by -doing it the right way-.

  • TVF
    36693 posts Member
    No_Try wrote: »
    Here's a dare though. Since you are claiming the time I played over you should make a significant difference (which I couldn't take advantage of by your claim) find me some other early f2p that has anything close to 350 +10s. I'll be happy to meet them and learn from them. Until then, my claim that we are both very close to f2p mod doability stands.

    I stared in April 2017 and have 318 equipped. Probably another 20 more that are unequipped, rough guess.

    With that said I'm not f2p. I've spent about $200 since I started.
    I need a new message here.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    Here's a dare though. Since you are claiming the time I played over you should make a significant difference (which I couldn't take advantage of by your claim) find me some other early f2p that has anything close to 350 +10s. I'll be happy to meet them and learn from them. Until then, my claim that we are both very close to f2p mod doability stands.

    I stared in April 2017 and have 318 equipped. Probably another 20 more that are unequipped, rough guess.

    With that said I'm not f2p. I've spent about $200 since I started.

    Very cool. You are close to f2p in practicality if you spent that distributed over time and are also within the edges of what I see the cream of the crop has.
  • TVF
    36693 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    No_Try wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    Here's a dare though. Since you are claiming the time I played over you should make a significant difference (which I couldn't take advantage of by your claim) find me some other early f2p that has anything close to 350 +10s. I'll be happy to meet them and learn from them. Until then, my claim that we are both very close to f2p mod doability stands.

    I stared in April 2017 and have 318 equipped. Probably another 20 more that are unequipped, rough guess.

    With that said I'm not f2p. I've spent about $200 since I started.

    Very cool. You are close to f2p in practicality if you spent that distributed over time and are also within the edges of what I see the cream of the crop has.

    To play Devil's Advocate, it's hard to say what advantage $200 has bought me over the span of 2+ years. I spent some money to be able to get JTR and Malak first run, which helped grow my crystal stash and let me farm more mods. However, I missed other metas, and stayed relevant by placing high in arena using off-meta teams. Also I am lucky that my fleet shard is fairly inactive and I've had a guaranteed 400 crystals from there from the minute crystals were added. And further, how many mods would I have farmed if I hadn't spent any money? Probably pretty close to the number I have actually farmed, but it's hard to say for sure.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention I didn't start using JTR in arena until the EP meta lol. So I didn't get nearly as many crystals from that purchase as you might think.

    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    Since we're on the topic of mods - those that heavily invested in mods prior to 2.0 while they were still farmed from Cantina energy had a great head start on really great greens and blues. Lest we forget, a pre 2.0 green mod with a speed secondary was a guaranteed roll. Blues had a 25% chance of hitting speed twice. All of those mods, pre-slicing, would be just sitting there waiting for the 2.0 splice factory to get cranked up, and would naturally lead to a higher ratio of top end mods (since they're working from a better base stock than 2.0 mods alone).

    So actually, a longer term player that was paying attention to mods prior to 2.0 has a massive advantage in that area if they chose to spend resources that way.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    No_Try wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    So to sum up your argument, we've been farming mods for the same period of time. Despite the fact that mods were in the game for 13 months before I started playing.

    And your mods are just as good as mine. Despite the fact that your fastest set is 18 slower than my fastest set. And I have four sets that are faster than your fastest.

    But why am I stating facts? Your opinion clearly isn't based on or supported by facts. You simply say something that's demonstrably false then stick to it because that's preferable to learning something. Even when that something would benefit you.

    No your mods are slightly better than mine, but in it's entirety our full span of mods are very comparable to eachother, and both of us are very close to what's f2p doable with mods. The difference between your mods are mine make for a very fair match where mods are not the deciding factor on the outcome.

    You are representing it as if this is one flat timeline where all the underlying conditions in the game have been the same.The time I played longer than you (downtime started 2 months after haat release, so should be within that period you guessed) there was a credit crunch and we weren't getting mods in spades. Everyone was trying to have one arena teams worth of them primarily. The process of getting that sped up so much later on and our previously worthless mods became worthy again after mods 2.0 where both of us have been active. I have more mods in stock to slice through than you probably, whereas you'll deplete them and will have to use your refills to farm more of them before me. Naturally I'll stop slicing them at some point which is not profitable anymore for the mats used on them and get to farming again.

    If you check my and current arena team with mods on them, you'll see how easily it's for me to close that gap that only allows you a few more better modded toons, which I also use to beat full g13 dr/malak teams on GAC left and right while able to leave mine on defense.

    When my opponent has beyond 400 10+s and rest corresponding to that number, that's something else entirely which was what I was trying to tell you all along.

    I'm already doing it like you told me to. I don't understand why you are assuming I'm slicing +4,+5 speed sec purples to gold which is not the case. Currently I'm on +11 purples for example.
    No_Try wrote: »
    So to sum up your argument, we've been farming mods for the same period of time. Despite the fact that mods were in the game for 13 months before I started playing.

    And your mods are just as good as mine. Despite the fact that your fastest set is 18 slower than my fastest set. And I have four sets that are faster than your fastest.

    But why am I stating facts? Your opinion clearly isn't based on or supported by facts. You simply say something that's demonstrably false then stick to it because that's preferable to learning something. Even when that something would benefit you.

    No your mods are slightly better than mine, but in it's entirety our full span of mods are very comparable to eachother, and both of us are very close to what's f2p doable with mods. The difference between your mods are mine make for a very fair match where mods are not the deciding factor on the outcome.

    You are representing it as if this is one flat timeline where all the underlying conditions in the game have been the same.The time I played longer than you (downtime started 2 months after haat release, so should be within that period you guessed) there was a credit crunch and we weren't getting mods in spades. Everyone was trying to have one arena teams worth of them primarily. The process of getting that sped up so much later on and our previously worthless mods became worthy again after mods 2.0 where both of us have been active. I have more mods in stock to slice through than you probably, whereas you'll deplete them and will have to use your refills to farm more of them before me. Naturally I'll stop slicing them at some point which is not profitable anymore for the mats used on them and get to farming again.

    If you check my and current arena team with mods on them, you'll see how easily it's for me to close that gap that only allows you a few more better modded toons, which I also use to beat full g13 dr/malak teams on GAC left and right while able to leave mine on defense.

    When my opponent has beyond 400 10+s and rest corresponding to that number, that's something else entirely which was what I was trying to tell you all along.

    I'm already doing it like you told me to. I don't understand why you are assuming I'm slicing +4,+5 speed sec purples to gold which is not the case. Currently I'm on +11 purples for example.

    +168 is slightly better than +150 speed? Four sets over +150 is slightly better than one set of 150?

    Your definition of slightly is very different than my definition of slightly.

    It would be impossible for you to close the speed gap I have over you in a short period of time. I would be surprised if you ever close it. By the time you improve, I will have likely increased that margin.

    The mod shop was complete garbage until they reworked it in 2018. Even then, I only use it for highly targeted mods. Virtually all of your mods should come from farming.

    You should have been doing three refreshes a day every day, going back to the days of cantina energy. Being low on credits isn't much of an excuse.

    The simple fact is you claimed we have been farming mods for the same period of time. And that is clearly false.

    I would guess that I have more mods sitting in my inventory that you would slice while I choose not to. I probably have 30-40 +5 green that I will only slice if I need to find a specific secondary to go with speed. And probably 20 +10 blue that I hold onto for the same reason.

    You're being less selective on the mods you slice, or else you would have more similar results.

    But hey, I get it. It's the internet. And some people would rather slam their **** in a car door than admit they are wrong.

    As I said you are only focusing on a few mods you have better than me but not the entire span of them which is what matters for GAC. i.e. try to meet the bh team of a kraken with mods I exemplified above. All of a sudden all counters you've been using all along will start to crumble. Each team you have to fight on offense becomes a wall due to non-arena mod difference they have over you.

    Here's a dare though. Since you are claiming the time I played over you should make a significant difference (which I couldn't take advantage of by your claim) find me some other early f2p that has anything close to 350 +10s. I'll be happy to meet them and learn from them. Until then, my claim that we are both very close to f2p mod doability stands.

    Just to be clear, you think that you have more depth or comparable depth because you think you have more +10 mods than I have?

    Like I said, I don’t equip mods I don’t need. Here are my unequipped mods over 10. There’s a handful over 15. I count 97. Which makes my total 308.

    Your assumption that I just got lucky on high end mods is wrong. I farm a larger volume of mods and I’m more selective on slicing.

    Mod mods are better because I’m better at farming mods. But by all means, keep doing what you’re doing 😂

    You only confirmed me by also showcasing the edge of f2p doability is low 300 10+s. In the meantime I went through many f2p mods. Here's one which I can supply the ally code only with pm. I wonder why he has much more top end mods than you (and naturally me), maybe you should call him for a lesson how to get them, because this is not how statistics work and one gets very low percentage events simply by -doing it the right way-.


    Nothing you’ve said has been confirmed as fact. I’ve playing for less than two years. I’m likely near the upper limit for f2p players at my account age, but as we’ve already established, your account is not the same age.

    You have been farming mods for a minimum of eight months longer. And realistically for a a year longer, given the time it took new players to level up and build the teams needed to farm mods.

    Given the extra time you’ve had, your mods should be better than mine. They are not. To anyone comparing our mods, they would likely assume I was the one who had been farming mods for an extra year.

    The results speak for themselves. Your words are just words.

    Everything I've said so far is supported by fact, you are just misreading what I write purposefully and took it to a hugely off topic direction. If you calm down and re-read from a few pages back our discussion, you'll see that. I bet 3rd party readers are also aware of that.

    I never claimed I have better mods than you, nor do I care since we played a match we are on even terms on mods, your uber mod farming won't change the outcome. My track record on GA and GAC shows that. I only lost to player that had a huge mod disparity with me so far, 4 of them.

    Do you want me to repeat my dare? Please do find my that hypothetical f2p with 400+ 10s which the playing time difference allows them to be. I keep showing you real world cases that I know are extremely good f2p and have been hugely successfull all along. Each people I personally know. You are the one running on assumptions.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Since we're on the topic of mods - those that heavily invested in mods prior to 2.0 while they were still farmed from Cantina energy had a great head start on really great greens and blues. Lest we forget, a pre 2.0 green mod with a speed secondary was a guaranteed roll. Blues had a 25% chance of hitting speed twice. All of those mods, pre-slicing, would be just sitting there waiting for the 2.0 splice factory to get cranked up, and would naturally lead to a higher ratio of top end mods (since they're working from a better base stock than 2.0 mods alone).

    So actually, a longer term player that was paying attention to mods prior to 2.0 has a massive advantage in that area if they chose to spend resources that way.

    I didn't pay attention at the time, I wasn't farming mods like mad as mine always sufficed to get my POs and game modes back then weren't calling too much for expanding my inventory to numerous teams, I moved mods for raids and that was fine. Which turned out to be a mistake in historical perspective. I only started systematical farming by 2.0. And I know the extent how far beyond me it can go for other f2p. Any f2p I talk to, I'll go bot and see what they have in stock.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member

    Here's where you spun off to mods trail. Nothing change since then and now. You are still talking about your mods and your arena shard with nothing to show for any other f2p or anything that goes beyond. They should simply make a spehcul herderofnerf MM for you since you are the one that always made the best choices any time.
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    guess the title of thread should be change to my mods are better than yours neener neener neener !

  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    No_Try wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    So to sum up your argument, we've been farming mods for the same period of time. Despite the fact that mods were in the game for 13 months before I started playing.

    And your mods are just as good as mine. Despite the fact that your fastest set is 18 slower than my fastest set. And I have four sets that are faster than your fastest.

    But why am I stating facts? Your opinion clearly isn't based on or supported by facts. You simply say something that's demonstrably false then stick to it because that's preferable to learning something. Even when that something would benefit you.

    No your mods are slightly better than mine, but in it's entirety our full span of mods are very comparable to eachother, and both of us are very close to what's f2p doable with mods. The difference between your mods are mine make for a very fair match where mods are not the deciding factor on the outcome.

    You are representing it as if this is one flat timeline where all the underlying conditions in the game have been the same.The time I played longer than you (downtime started 2 months after haat release, so should be within that period you guessed) there was a credit crunch and we weren't getting mods in spades. Everyone was trying to have one arena teams worth of them primarily. The process of getting that sped up so much later on and our previously worthless mods became worthy again after mods 2.0 where both of us have been active. I have more mods in stock to slice through than you probably, whereas you'll deplete them and will have to use your refills to farm more of them before me. Naturally I'll stop slicing them at some point which is not profitable anymore for the mats used on them and get to farming again.

    If you check my and current arena team with mods on them, you'll see how easily it's for me to close that gap that only allows you a few more better modded toons, which I also use to beat full g13 dr/malak teams on GAC left and right while able to leave mine on defense.

    When my opponent has beyond 400 10+s and rest corresponding to that number, that's something else entirely which was what I was trying to tell you all along.

    I'm already doing it like you told me to. I don't understand why you are assuming I'm slicing +4,+5 speed sec purples to gold which is not the case. Currently I'm on +11 purples for example.
    No_Try wrote: »
    So to sum up your argument, we've been farming mods for the same period of time. Despite the fact that mods were in the game for 13 months before I started playing.

    And your mods are just as good as mine. Despite the fact that your fastest set is 18 slower than my fastest set. And I have four sets that are faster than your fastest.

    But why am I stating facts? Your opinion clearly isn't based on or supported by facts. You simply say something that's demonstrably false then stick to it because that's preferable to learning something. Even when that something would benefit you.

    No your mods are slightly better than mine, but in it's entirety our full span of mods are very comparable to eachother, and both of us are very close to what's f2p doable with mods. The difference between your mods are mine make for a very fair match where mods are not the deciding factor on the outcome.

    You are representing it as if this is one flat timeline where all the underlying conditions in the game have been the same.The time I played longer than you (downtime started 2 months after haat release, so should be within that period you guessed) there was a credit crunch and we weren't getting mods in spades. Everyone was trying to have one arena teams worth of them primarily. The process of getting that sped up so much later on and our previously worthless mods became worthy again after mods 2.0 where both of us have been active. I have more mods in stock to slice through than you probably, whereas you'll deplete them and will have to use your refills to farm more of them before me. Naturally I'll stop slicing them at some point which is not profitable anymore for the mats used on them and get to farming again.

    If you check my and current arena team with mods on them, you'll see how easily it's for me to close that gap that only allows you a few more better modded toons, which I also use to beat full g13 dr/malak teams on GAC left and right while able to leave mine on defense.

    When my opponent has beyond 400 10+s and rest corresponding to that number, that's something else entirely which was what I was trying to tell you all along.

    I'm already doing it like you told me to. I don't understand why you are assuming I'm slicing +4,+5 speed sec purples to gold which is not the case. Currently I'm on +11 purples for example.

    +168 is slightly better than +150 speed? Four sets over +150 is slightly better than one set of 150?

    Your definition of slightly is very different than my definition of slightly.

    It would be impossible for you to close the speed gap I have over you in a short period of time. I would be surprised if you ever close it. By the time you improve, I will have likely increased that margin.

    The mod shop was complete garbage until they reworked it in 2018. Even then, I only use it for highly targeted mods. Virtually all of your mods should come from farming.

    You should have been doing three refreshes a day every day, going back to the days of cantina energy. Being low on credits isn't much of an excuse.

    The simple fact is you claimed we have been farming mods for the same period of time. And that is clearly false.

    I would guess that I have more mods sitting in my inventory that you would slice while I choose not to. I probably have 30-40 +5 green that I will only slice if I need to find a specific secondary to go with speed. And probably 20 +10 blue that I hold onto for the same reason.

    You're being less selective on the mods you slice, or else you would have more similar results.

    But hey, I get it. It's the internet. And some people would rather slam their **** in a car door than admit they are wrong.

    As I said you are only focusing on a few mods you have better than me but not the entire span of them which is what matters for GAC. i.e. try to meet the bh team of a kraken with mods I exemplified above. All of a sudden all counters you've been using all along will start to crumble. Each team you have to fight on offense becomes a wall due to non-arena mod difference they have over you.

    Here's a dare though. Since you are claiming the time I played over you should make a significant difference (which I couldn't take advantage of by your claim) find me some other early f2p that has anything close to 350 +10s. I'll be happy to meet them and learn from them. Until then, my claim that we are both very close to f2p mod doability stands.

    Just to be clear, you think that you have more depth or comparable depth because you think you have more +10 mods than I have?

    Like I said, I don’t equip mods I don’t need. Here are my unequipped mods over 10. There’s a handful over 15. I count 97. Which makes my total 308.

    Your assumption that I just got lucky on high end mods is wrong. I farm a larger volume of mods and I’m more selective on slicing.

    Mod mods are better because I’m better at farming mods. But by all means, keep doing what you’re doing 😂

    You only confirmed me by also showcasing the edge of f2p doability is low 300 10+s. In the meantime I went through many f2p mods. Here's one which I can supply the ally code only with pm. I wonder why he has much more top end mods than you (and naturally me), maybe you should call him for a lesson how to get them, because this is not how statistics work and one gets very low percentage events simply by -doing it the right way-.


    Nothing you’ve said has been confirmed as fact. I’ve playing for less than two years. I’m likely near the upper limit for f2p players at my account age, but as we’ve already established, your account is not the same age.

    You have been farming mods for a minimum of eight months longer. And realistically for a a year longer, given the time it took new players to level up and build the teams needed to farm mods.

    Given the extra time you’ve had, your mods should be better than mine. They are not. To anyone comparing our mods, they would likely assume I was the one who had been farming mods for an extra year.

    The results speak for themselves. Your words are just words.

    Everything I've said so far is supported by fact, you are just misreading what I write purposefully and took it to a hugely off topic direction. If you calm down and re-read from a few pages back our discussion, you'll see that. I bet 3rd party readers are also aware of that.

    I never claimed I have better mods than you, nor do I care since we played a match we are on even terms on mods, your uber mod farming won't change the outcome. My track record on GA and GAC shows that. I only lost to player that had a huge mod disparity with me so far, 4 of them.

    Do you want me to repeat my dare? Please do find my that hypothetical f2p with 400+ 10s which the playing time difference allows them to be. I keep showing you real world cases that I know are extremely good f2p and have been hugely successfull all along. Each people I personally know. You are the one running on assumptions.

    You’ve made two claims.

    1) We’ve had the same amount of time to farm mods. You do understand that eight months to a year longer is in no way the same amount of time, right?

    2) That overall, our mods are comparable. My mods are far better than yours. Think of it in terms of how long it would take to equal my mods. A year? Forever? By the time you get a set to +168 and four sets over 150, where do you think my mods will be?

    You seem to think you’re doing everything right and have no room to improve. Your results suggest the opposite.

    1- I consider mods 2.0 where the real climb for mods begin. I based my claim on that. Some players already had vast span of mods before 2.0 since they were spenders. Neither of us are like that, we both entered that era with mods that dwarves compared to what we got since then. I'm willing to bet your mods were better than me at that time since I wasn't paying attention to mods before 2.0 as I already said. I don't accept your excuse to call it unfair that MM matches you with players who played longer. You are free to ask for that kind of MM which checks playing time as the primary filter and matches you that way. You have no idea how far whales with the same starting time as you are now. You are only talking about a single squad arena shard. I presented you with a whale from mine.

    2- Your mods are slightly better, nothing to write home about as you keep thumping your chest, neither that I denied that fact, nor is the difference enough to make it certain on a match before it's played. However some matches are decided that way, when you bot yourself with your opponent, simply looking at the mod chart reveals the outcome: W/L. You and me are not one of those, if I got an opponent with otherwise comparable roster and your mod set, I go for the win. We have a comparable mod set span in it's entirety, I stand by my claim.

    I don't care about the few god mods you have over me, I've shown you an f2p that has much more difference on that part over you than you have with me. Anything to say about that, he must have gotten those before you started playing?
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Dk_rek wrote: »
    guess the title of thread should be change to my mods are better than yours neener neener neener !


    Kind of a dumb argument. He didn’t like the old matchmaking because he struggled against guys his own GP. I pointed out that his mods are less than spectacular for a 4.8 million GP account. And that he would have had better results with better mods. It went downhill from there with him refusing to concede he could do a better job on mods.

    I can't do anything better on mods than I'm doing now and have been doing for a while and will keep doing in the future. I could have done better which would also change other focuses I had.

    I'm content with having done what I have done. Here is me in that 900 that had malak and no more g12ing to do besides reworks and future releases.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    No_Try wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    So to sum up your argument, we've been farming mods for the same period of time. Despite the fact that mods were in the game for 13 months before I started playing.

    And your mods are just as good as mine. Despite the fact that your fastest set is 18 slower than my fastest set. And I have four sets that are faster than your fastest.

    But why am I stating facts? Your opinion clearly isn't based on or supported by facts. You simply say something that's demonstrably false then stick to it because that's preferable to learning something. Even when that something would benefit you.

    No your mods are slightly better than mine, but in it's entirety our full span of mods are very comparable to eachother, and both of us are very close to what's f2p doable with mods. The difference between your mods are mine make for a very fair match where mods are not the deciding factor on the outcome.

    You are representing it as if this is one flat timeline where all the underlying conditions in the game have been the same.The time I played longer than you (downtime started 2 months after haat release, so should be within that period you guessed) there was a credit crunch and we weren't getting mods in spades. Everyone was trying to have one arena teams worth of them primarily. The process of getting that sped up so much later on and our previously worthless mods became worthy again after mods 2.0 where both of us have been active. I have more mods in stock to slice through than you probably, whereas you'll deplete them and will have to use your refills to farm more of them before me. Naturally I'll stop slicing them at some point which is not profitable anymore for the mats used on them and get to farming again.

    If you check my and current arena team with mods on them, you'll see how easily it's for me to close that gap that only allows you a few more better modded toons, which I also use to beat full g13 dr/malak teams on GAC left and right while able to leave mine on defense.

    When my opponent has beyond 400 10+s and rest corresponding to that number, that's something else entirely which was what I was trying to tell you all along.

    I'm already doing it like you told me to. I don't understand why you are assuming I'm slicing +4,+5 speed sec purples to gold which is not the case. Currently I'm on +11 purples for example.
    No_Try wrote: »
    So to sum up your argument, we've been farming mods for the same period of time. Despite the fact that mods were in the game for 13 months before I started playing.

    And your mods are just as good as mine. Despite the fact that your fastest set is 18 slower than my fastest set. And I have four sets that are faster than your fastest.

    But why am I stating facts? Your opinion clearly isn't based on or supported by facts. You simply say something that's demonstrably false then stick to it because that's preferable to learning something. Even when that something would benefit you.

    No your mods are slightly better than mine, but in it's entirety our full span of mods are very comparable to eachother, and both of us are very close to what's f2p doable with mods. The difference between your mods are mine make for a very fair match where mods are not the deciding factor on the outcome.

    You are representing it as if this is one flat timeline where all the underlying conditions in the game have been the same.The time I played longer than you (downtime started 2 months after haat release, so should be within that period you guessed) there was a credit crunch and we weren't getting mods in spades. Everyone was trying to have one arena teams worth of them primarily. The process of getting that sped up so much later on and our previously worthless mods became worthy again after mods 2.0 where both of us have been active. I have more mods in stock to slice through than you probably, whereas you'll deplete them and will have to use your refills to farm more of them before me. Naturally I'll stop slicing them at some point which is not profitable anymore for the mats used on them and get to farming again.

    If you check my and current arena team with mods on them, you'll see how easily it's for me to close that gap that only allows you a few more better modded toons, which I also use to beat full g13 dr/malak teams on GAC left and right while able to leave mine on defense.

    When my opponent has beyond 400 10+s and rest corresponding to that number, that's something else entirely which was what I was trying to tell you all along.

    I'm already doing it like you told me to. I don't understand why you are assuming I'm slicing +4,+5 speed sec purples to gold which is not the case. Currently I'm on +11 purples for example.

    +168 is slightly better than +150 speed? Four sets over +150 is slightly better than one set of 150?

    Your definition of slightly is very different than my definition of slightly.

    It would be impossible for you to close the speed gap I have over you in a short period of time. I would be surprised if you ever close it. By the time you improve, I will have likely increased that margin.

    The mod shop was complete garbage until they reworked it in 2018. Even then, I only use it for highly targeted mods. Virtually all of your mods should come from farming.

    You should have been doing three refreshes a day every day, going back to the days of cantina energy. Being low on credits isn't much of an excuse.

    The simple fact is you claimed we have been farming mods for the same period of time. And that is clearly false.

    I would guess that I have more mods sitting in my inventory that you would slice while I choose not to. I probably have 30-40 +5 green that I will only slice if I need to find a specific secondary to go with speed. And probably 20 +10 blue that I hold onto for the same reason.

    You're being less selective on the mods you slice, or else you would have more similar results.

    But hey, I get it. It's the internet. And some people would rather slam their **** in a car door than admit they are wrong.

    As I said you are only focusing on a few mods you have better than me but not the entire span of them which is what matters for GAC. i.e. try to meet the bh team of a kraken with mods I exemplified above. All of a sudden all counters you've been using all along will start to crumble. Each team you have to fight on offense becomes a wall due to non-arena mod difference they have over you.

    Here's a dare though. Since you are claiming the time I played over you should make a significant difference (which I couldn't take advantage of by your claim) find me some other early f2p that has anything close to 350 +10s. I'll be happy to meet them and learn from them. Until then, my claim that we are both very close to f2p mod doability stands.

    Just to be clear, you think that you have more depth or comparable depth because you think you have more +10 mods than I have?

    Like I said, I don’t equip mods I don’t need. Here are my unequipped mods over 10. There’s a handful over 15. I count 97. Which makes my total 308.

    Your assumption that I just got lucky on high end mods is wrong. I farm a larger volume of mods and I’m more selective on slicing.

    Mod mods are better because I’m better at farming mods. But by all means, keep doing what you’re doing 😂

    You only confirmed me by also showcasing the edge of f2p doability is low 300 10+s. In the meantime I went through many f2p mods. Here's one which I can supply the ally code only with pm. I wonder why he has much more top end mods than you (and naturally me), maybe you should call him for a lesson how to get them, because this is not how statistics work and one gets very low percentage events simply by -doing it the right way-.


    Nothing you’ve said has been confirmed as fact. I’ve playing for less than two years. I’m likely near the upper limit for f2p players at my account age, but as we’ve already established, your account is not the same age.

    You have been farming mods for a minimum of eight months longer. And realistically for a a year longer, given the time it took new players to level up and build the teams needed to farm mods.

    Given the extra time you’ve had, your mods should be better than mine. They are not. To anyone comparing our mods, they would likely assume I was the one who had been farming mods for an extra year.

    The results speak for themselves. Your words are just words.

    Everything I've said so far is supported by fact, you are just misreading what I write purposefully and took it to a hugely off topic direction. If you calm down and re-read from a few pages back our discussion, you'll see that. I bet 3rd party readers are also aware of that.

    I never claimed I have better mods than you, nor do I care since we played a match we are on even terms on mods, your uber mod farming won't change the outcome. My track record on GA and GAC shows that. I only lost to player that had a huge mod disparity with me so far, 4 of them.

    Do you want me to repeat my dare? Please do find my that hypothetical f2p with 400+ 10s which the playing time difference allows them to be. I keep showing you real world cases that I know are extremely good f2p and have been hugely successfull all along. Each people I personally know. You are the one running on assumptions.

    You’ve made two claims.

    1) We’ve had the same amount of time to farm mods. You do understand that eight months to a year longer is in no way the same amount of time, right?

    2) That overall, our mods are comparable. My mods are far better than yours. Think of it in terms of how long it would take to equal my mods. A year? Forever? By the time you get a set to +168 and four sets over 150, where do you think my mods will be?

    You seem to think you’re doing everything right and have no room to improve. Your results suggest the opposite.

    1- I consider mods 2.0 where the real climb for mods begin. I based my claim on that. Some players already had vast span of mods before 2.0 since they were spenders. Neither of us are like that, we both entered that era with mods that dwarves compared to what we got since then. I'm willing to bet your mods were better than me at that time since I wasn't paying attention to mods before 2.0 as I already said. I don't accept your excuse to call it unfair that MM matches you with players who played longer. You are free to ask for that kind of MM which checks playing time as the primary filter and matches you that way. You have no idea how far whales with the same starting time as you are now. You are only talking about a single squad arena shard. I presented you with a whale from mine.

    2- Your mods are slightly better, nothing to write home about as you keep thumping your chest, neither that I denied that fact, nor is the difference enough to make it certain on a match before it's played. However some matches are decided that way, when you bot yourself with your opponent, simply looking at the mod chart reveals the outcome: W/L. You and me are not one of those, if I got an opponent with otherwise comparable roster and your mod set, I go for the win. We have a comparable mod set span in it's entirety, I stand by my claim.

    I don't care about the few god mods you have over me, I've shown you an f2p that has much more difference on that part over you than you have with me. Anything to say about that, he must have gotten those before you started playing?

    Mods were the most important part of the game since they were introduced. The fact that you ignored them for so long explains a lot. I did three cantina refreshes a day every day since I could farm mods, so I probably passed you before mods 2.0.

    Players who concentrated on mods before the rework got a huge boost with slicing. Players who didn’t fell further behind.

    If you can find one other person who thinks my mods are only slightly better, I’d love to meet them.

    As far as matchmaking goes, it isn’t fair to match much older accounts against newer accounts because it creates a significant zeta advantage. Every one of my opponents has 10-15 more zetas than I have. And because they have had longer to farm mods, it negates some of the advantage I built by concentrating on them from the start.

    But the biggest flaw in matchmaking is that it doesn’t include a large portion of viable teams. My current opponent has 47 more g11 toons that are excluded from matchmaking. If they don’t count in matchmaking, they shouldn’t be allowed to use them.

    They need to expand the parameters to capture those teams in matchmaking.

    I already agreed with you that if this -imo redundant- GP filter in the algo is to kept it should be enhanced.

    To sum up by adding you said you have 100 more 10+s, here is what the comparison looks like, feel free to revise:

    311 - 278 10s %10.6 difference for you
    74 - 76 15+s %2.6 difference for me
    16 - 11 20+s %45 difference for you, worth a toon of mods)
    3 - 0 25+s

    I'll just put the f2p you ignored last time for flair, no idea how many unequipped he has:


    I can show you where my mod distribution falls within the competetive f2p (2 of them actually) guild I'm in by pm. The highest one is where I claim it's at. The 310 10+ line. By all means find the secret f2p who have done better though.

  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    KyoO1234 wrote: »
    When you guys are finished comparing your ****... eh ... I mean mods, can you pull your pants back up and get back on topic: Grand Arena Championship

    Tried numerous times to no avail, my mods are merely decent and I didn't say otherwise. He's now riffing about the new mod he pulled though xD
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    No_Try wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    So to sum up your argument, we've been farming mods for the same period of time. Despite the fact that mods were in the game for 13 months before I started playing.

    And your mods are just as good as mine. Despite the fact that your fastest set is 18 slower than my fastest set. And I have four sets that are faster than your fastest.

    But why am I stating facts? Your opinion clearly isn't based on or supported by facts. You simply say something that's demonstrably false then stick to it because that's preferable to learning something. Even when that something would benefit you.

    No your mods are slightly better than mine, but in it's entirety our full span of mods are very comparable to eachother, and both of us are very close to what's f2p doable with mods. The difference between your mods are mine make for a very fair match where mods are not the deciding factor on the outcome.

    You are representing it as if this is one flat timeline where all the underlying conditions in the game have been the same.The time I played longer than you (downtime started 2 months after haat release, so should be within that period you guessed) there was a credit crunch and we weren't getting mods in spades. Everyone was trying to have one arena teams worth of them primarily. The process of getting that sped up so much later on and our previously worthless mods became worthy again after mods 2.0 where both of us have been active. I have more mods in stock to slice through than you probably, whereas you'll deplete them and will have to use your refills to farm more of them before me. Naturally I'll stop slicing them at some point which is not profitable anymore for the mats used on them and get to farming again.

    If you check my and current arena team with mods on them, you'll see how easily it's for me to close that gap that only allows you a few more better modded toons, which I also use to beat full g13 dr/malak teams on GAC left and right while able to leave mine on defense.

    When my opponent has beyond 400 10+s and rest corresponding to that number, that's something else entirely which was what I was trying to tell you all along.

    I'm already doing it like you told me to. I don't understand why you are assuming I'm slicing +4,+5 speed sec purples to gold which is not the case. Currently I'm on +11 purples for example.
    No_Try wrote: »
    So to sum up your argument, we've been farming mods for the same period of time. Despite the fact that mods were in the game for 13 months before I started playing.

    And your mods are just as good as mine. Despite the fact that your fastest set is 18 slower than my fastest set. And I have four sets that are faster than your fastest.

    But why am I stating facts? Your opinion clearly isn't based on or supported by facts. You simply say something that's demonstrably false then stick to it because that's preferable to learning something. Even when that something would benefit you.

    No your mods are slightly better than mine, but in it's entirety our full span of mods are very comparable to eachother, and both of us are very close to what's f2p doable with mods. The difference between your mods are mine make for a very fair match where mods are not the deciding factor on the outcome.

    You are representing it as if this is one flat timeline where all the underlying conditions in the game have been the same.The time I played longer than you (downtime started 2 months after haat release, so should be within that period you guessed) there was a credit crunch and we weren't getting mods in spades. Everyone was trying to have one arena teams worth of them primarily. The process of getting that sped up so much later on and our previously worthless mods became worthy again after mods 2.0 where both of us have been active. I have more mods in stock to slice through than you probably, whereas you'll deplete them and will have to use your refills to farm more of them before me. Naturally I'll stop slicing them at some point which is not profitable anymore for the mats used on them and get to farming again.

    If you check my and current arena team with mods on them, you'll see how easily it's for me to close that gap that only allows you a few more better modded toons, which I also use to beat full g13 dr/malak teams on GAC left and right while able to leave mine on defense.

    When my opponent has beyond 400 10+s and rest corresponding to that number, that's something else entirely which was what I was trying to tell you all along.

    I'm already doing it like you told me to. I don't understand why you are assuming I'm slicing +4,+5 speed sec purples to gold which is not the case. Currently I'm on +11 purples for example.

    +168 is slightly better than +150 speed? Four sets over +150 is slightly better than one set of 150?

    Your definition of slightly is very different than my definition of slightly.

    It would be impossible for you to close the speed gap I have over you in a short period of time. I would be surprised if you ever close it. By the time you improve, I will have likely increased that margin.

    The mod shop was complete garbage until they reworked it in 2018. Even then, I only use it for highly targeted mods. Virtually all of your mods should come from farming.

    You should have been doing three refreshes a day every day, going back to the days of cantina energy. Being low on credits isn't much of an excuse.

    The simple fact is you claimed we have been farming mods for the same period of time. And that is clearly false.

    I would guess that I have more mods sitting in my inventory that you would slice while I choose not to. I probably have 30-40 +5 green that I will only slice if I need to find a specific secondary to go with speed. And probably 20 +10 blue that I hold onto for the same reason.

    You're being less selective on the mods you slice, or else you would have more similar results.

    But hey, I get it. It's the internet. And some people would rather slam their **** in a car door than admit they are wrong.

    As I said you are only focusing on a few mods you have better than me but not the entire span of them which is what matters for GAC. i.e. try to meet the bh team of a kraken with mods I exemplified above. All of a sudden all counters you've been using all along will start to crumble. Each team you have to fight on offense becomes a wall due to non-arena mod difference they have over you.

    Here's a dare though. Since you are claiming the time I played over you should make a significant difference (which I couldn't take advantage of by your claim) find me some other early f2p that has anything close to 350 +10s. I'll be happy to meet them and learn from them. Until then, my claim that we are both very close to f2p mod doability stands.

    Just to be clear, you think that you have more depth or comparable depth because you think you have more +10 mods than I have?

    Like I said, I don’t equip mods I don’t need. Here are my unequipped mods over 10. There’s a handful over 15. I count 97. Which makes my total 308.

    Your assumption that I just got lucky on high end mods is wrong. I farm a larger volume of mods and I’m more selective on slicing.

    Mod mods are better because I’m better at farming mods. But by all means, keep doing what you’re doing 😂

    You only confirmed me by also showcasing the edge of f2p doability is low 300 10+s. In the meantime I went through many f2p mods. Here's one which I can supply the ally code only with pm. I wonder why he has much more top end mods than you (and naturally me), maybe you should call him for a lesson how to get them, because this is not how statistics work and one gets very low percentage events simply by -doing it the right way-.


    Nothing you’ve said has been confirmed as fact. I’ve playing for less than two years. I’m likely near the upper limit for f2p players at my account age, but as we’ve already established, your account is not the same age.

    You have been farming mods for a minimum of eight months longer. And realistically for a a year longer, given the time it took new players to level up and build the teams needed to farm mods.

    Given the extra time you’ve had, your mods should be better than mine. They are not. To anyone comparing our mods, they would likely assume I was the one who had been farming mods for an extra year.

    The results speak for themselves. Your words are just words.

    Everything I've said so far is supported by fact, you are just misreading what I write purposefully and took it to a hugely off topic direction. If you calm down and re-read from a few pages back our discussion, you'll see that. I bet 3rd party readers are also aware of that.

    I never claimed I have better mods than you, nor do I care since we played a match we are on even terms on mods, your uber mod farming won't change the outcome. My track record on GA and GAC shows that. I only lost to player that had a huge mod disparity with me so far, 4 of them.

    Do you want me to repeat my dare? Please do find my that hypothetical f2p with 400+ 10s which the playing time difference allows them to be. I keep showing you real world cases that I know are extremely good f2p and have been hugely successfull all along. Each people I personally know. You are the one running on assumptions.

    You’ve made two claims.

    1) We’ve had the same amount of time to farm mods. You do understand that eight months to a year longer is in no way the same amount of time, right?

    2) That overall, our mods are comparable. My mods are far better than yours. Think of it in terms of how long it would take to equal my mods. A year? Forever? By the time you get a set to +168 and four sets over 150, where do you think my mods will be?

    You seem to think you’re doing everything right and have no room to improve. Your results suggest the opposite.

    1- I consider mods 2.0 where the real climb for mods begin. I based my claim on that. Some players already had vast span of mods before 2.0 since they were spenders. Neither of us are like that, we both entered that era with mods that dwarves compared to what we got since then. I'm willing to bet your mods were better than me at that time since I wasn't paying attention to mods before 2.0 as I already said. I don't accept your excuse to call it unfair that MM matches you with players who played longer. You are free to ask for that kind of MM which checks playing time as the primary filter and matches you that way. You have no idea how far whales with the same starting time as you are now. You are only talking about a single squad arena shard. I presented you with a whale from mine.

    2- Your mods are slightly better, nothing to write home about as you keep thumping your chest, neither that I denied that fact, nor is the difference enough to make it certain on a match before it's played. However some matches are decided that way, when you bot yourself with your opponent, simply looking at the mod chart reveals the outcome: W/L. You and me are not one of those, if I got an opponent with otherwise comparable roster and your mod set, I go for the win. We have a comparable mod set span in it's entirety, I stand by my claim.

    I don't care about the few god mods you have over me, I've shown you an f2p that has much more difference on that part over you than you have with me. Anything to say about that, he must have gotten those before you started playing?

    Mods were the most important part of the game since they were introduced. The fact that you ignored them for so long explains a lot. I did three cantina refreshes a day every day since I could farm mods, so I probably passed you before mods 2.0.

    Players who concentrated on mods before the rework got a huge boost with slicing. Players who didn’t fell further behind.

    If you can find one other person who thinks my mods are only slightly better, I’d love to meet them.

    As far as matchmaking goes, it isn’t fair to match much older accounts against newer accounts because it creates a significant zeta advantage. Every one of my opponents has 10-15 more zetas than I have. And because they have had longer to farm mods, it negates some of the advantage I built by concentrating on them from the start.

    But the biggest flaw in matchmaking is that it doesn’t include a large portion of viable teams. My current opponent has 47 more g11 toons that are excluded from matchmaking. If they don’t count in matchmaking, they shouldn’t be allowed to use them.

    They need to expand the parameters to capture those teams in matchmaking.

    I already agreed with you that if this -imo redundant- GP filter in the algo is to kept it should be enhanced.

    To sum up by adding you said you have 100 more 10+s, here is what the comparison looks like, feel free to revise:

    311 - 278 10s %10.6 difference for you
    74 - 76 15+s %2.6 difference for me
    16 - 11 20+s %45 difference for you, worth a toon of mods)
    3 - 0 25+s

    I'll just put the f2p you ignored last time for flair, no idea how many unequipped he has:


    I can show you where my mod distribution falls within the competetive f2p (2 of them actually) guild I'm in by pm. The highest one is where I claim it's at. The 310 10+ line. By all means find the secret f2p who have done better though.

    The point you're missing (repeatedly) is I don't farm for +15-20 mods. If a mod doesn't hit +15 by the time it's blue, I move on. That greatly increases my odds of getting +20 and +25 mods. In the time we've been arguing, I've rolled another +22. Must be luck.

    Very cool, you have a total of 7 mods to show for it over me. Oh now 8.
  • TRanger
    329 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    Here's a dare though. Since you are claiming the time I played over you should make a significant difference (which I couldn't take advantage of by your claim) find me some other early f2p that has anything close to 350 +10s. I'll be happy to meet them and learn from them. Until then, my claim that we are both very close to f2p mod doability stands.

    I stared in April 2017 and have 318 equipped. Probably another 20 more that are unequipped, rough guess.

    With that said I'm not f2p. I've spent about $200 since I started.

    Very cool. You are close to f2p in practicality if you spent that distributed over time and are also within the edges of what I see the cream of the crop has.

    To play Devil's Advocate, it's hard to say what advantage $200 has bought me over the span of 2+ years. I spent some money to be able to get JTR and Malak first run, which helped grow my crystal stash and let me farm more mods. However, I missed other metas, and stayed relevant by placing high in arena using off-meta teams. Also I am lucky that my fleet shard is fairly inactive and I've had a guaranteed 400 crystals from there from the minute crystals were added. And further, how many mods would I have farmed if I hadn't spent any money? Probably pretty close to the number I have actually farmed, but it's hard to say for sure.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention I didn't start using JTR in arena until the EP meta lol. So I didn't get nearly as many crystals from that purchase as you might think.

    Well done I have spent, very well above that...and I have 0 advantage.I'm more **** I wasted so much $$ on this game and it has gotten me nothing. That's what upsets me the most. If I had spent little to nothing always coming In Last would'nt bother me so much.
  • Gannon
    1645 posts Member
    Gannon wrote: »
    Gannon wrote: »
    I honestly don't get all the complaining, especially from those who didn't optimize their roster and upgrades specifically for ga and war. It's a championship. If you don't have, or aren't working on all the counter teams you won't do well. If you upgrade entire factions, not just the useful team ones, to the max then you won't do well. Your personal choices are the problem, not the much improved matchmaking.

    I haven’t seen enough data yet, but I’m a little concerned about those who are completely overmatched again. I’ve seen someone who went 3-0 matched up against someone who went 1-2 and they have the exact same Top 80 GP.

    Shouldn’t we be starting to factor in results as we determine matchups now? I don’t understand what is going on.

    The real problem is preparation. Every determined player has all of the metas/counters necessary to clear a board fully and still put up an annoying/tricky defense. Two well prepared players will always fully clear the board, and the winner is judged by how well they did so. If you can't, you're not ready for championships.

    @Gannon You're experiencing matchmaking from a very narrow perspective and speaking as if you understand everything. As it turns out, your roster is tailor made for this type of matchmaking - great toons but heavy on G11. I would imagine you did fine with the prior matchmaking as well given that you have a pretty focused roster with most of the premier PVP toons. This one just happens to suit you better at 6 defensive squads. Take this comparison:


    Is the roster on the right unprepared? It's the same top 60 GP so it's a possible match. Excuse the squad and fleet ranks as I haven't climbed with it in weeks, but arena rank was similar to yours and fleet rank was top 2 when I bothered. I also haven't really bothered with GAC much, so the GA stats are largely from the pre-GAC era.

    Guess which one has a major advantage with this matchmaking at six squads? I had to place 5 squads in the prior format. Those extra two squads (12 instead of 10) put this account at a distinct disadvantage.

    How can you be prepared for something you don't know is coming (change in squad requirements, change in matchmaking specifics)?

    The problem becomes more pronounced at eight defensive squads.

    I was speaking from my, and my guilds, experience. Only two ppl in my guild are actually against the new matching from what I've heard, cuz it seems to be much closer with fewer landslides. So maybe I'm getting it easier now cuz im ftp and it takes forever to g12 all the stuff I need, but my matches have been insanely close every time tho. Besides, how is that my fault? I focus exclusively on GA teams, and have since it started, along with mods. I tend to fail an attack each round now, and have to clean it with lower stuff, but it's become more challenging and I like that.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    No_Try wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    So to sum up your argument, we've been farming mods for the same period of time. Despite the fact that mods were in the game for 13 months before I started playing.

    And your mods are just as good as mine. Despite the fact that your fastest set is 18 slower than my fastest set. And I have four sets that are faster than your fastest.

    But why am I stating facts? Your opinion clearly isn't based on or supported by facts. You simply say something that's demonstrably false then stick to it because that's preferable to learning something. Even when that something would benefit you.

    No your mods are slightly better than mine, but in it's entirety our full span of mods are very comparable to eachother, and both of us are very close to what's f2p doable with mods. The difference between your mods are mine make for a very fair match where mods are not the deciding factor on the outcome.

    You are representing it as if this is one flat timeline where all the underlying conditions in the game have been the same.The time I played longer than you (downtime started 2 months after haat release, so should be within that period you guessed) there was a credit crunch and we weren't getting mods in spades. Everyone was trying to have one arena teams worth of them primarily. The process of getting that sped up so much later on and our previously worthless mods became worthy again after mods 2.0 where both of us have been active. I have more mods in stock to slice through than you probably, whereas you'll deplete them and will have to use your refills to farm more of them before me. Naturally I'll stop slicing them at some point which is not profitable anymore for the mats used on them and get to farming again.

    If you check my and current arena team with mods on them, you'll see how easily it's for me to close that gap that only allows you a few more better modded toons, which I also use to beat full g13 dr/malak teams on GAC left and right while able to leave mine on defense.

    When my opponent has beyond 400 10+s and rest corresponding to that number, that's something else entirely which was what I was trying to tell you all along.

    I'm already doing it like you told me to. I don't understand why you are assuming I'm slicing +4,+5 speed sec purples to gold which is not the case. Currently I'm on +11 purples for example.
    No_Try wrote: »
    So to sum up your argument, we've been farming mods for the same period of time. Despite the fact that mods were in the game for 13 months before I started playing.

    And your mods are just as good as mine. Despite the fact that your fastest set is 18 slower than my fastest set. And I have four sets that are faster than your fastest.

    But why am I stating facts? Your opinion clearly isn't based on or supported by facts. You simply say something that's demonstrably false then stick to it because that's preferable to learning something. Even when that something would benefit you.

    No your mods are slightly better than mine, but in it's entirety our full span of mods are very comparable to eachother, and both of us are very close to what's f2p doable with mods. The difference between your mods are mine make for a very fair match where mods are not the deciding factor on the outcome.

    You are representing it as if this is one flat timeline where all the underlying conditions in the game have been the same.The time I played longer than you (downtime started 2 months after haat release, so should be within that period you guessed) there was a credit crunch and we weren't getting mods in spades. Everyone was trying to have one arena teams worth of them primarily. The process of getting that sped up so much later on and our previously worthless mods became worthy again after mods 2.0 where both of us have been active. I have more mods in stock to slice through than you probably, whereas you'll deplete them and will have to use your refills to farm more of them before me. Naturally I'll stop slicing them at some point which is not profitable anymore for the mats used on them and get to farming again.

    If you check my and current arena team with mods on them, you'll see how easily it's for me to close that gap that only allows you a few more better modded toons, which I also use to beat full g13 dr/malak teams on GAC left and right while able to leave mine on defense.

    When my opponent has beyond 400 10+s and rest corresponding to that number, that's something else entirely which was what I was trying to tell you all along.

    I'm already doing it like you told me to. I don't understand why you are assuming I'm slicing +4,+5 speed sec purples to gold which is not the case. Currently I'm on +11 purples for example.

    +168 is slightly better than +150 speed? Four sets over +150 is slightly better than one set of 150?

    Your definition of slightly is very different than my definition of slightly.

    It would be impossible for you to close the speed gap I have over you in a short period of time. I would be surprised if you ever close it. By the time you improve, I will have likely increased that margin.

    The mod shop was complete garbage until they reworked it in 2018. Even then, I only use it for highly targeted mods. Virtually all of your mods should come from farming.

    You should have been doing three refreshes a day every day, going back to the days of cantina energy. Being low on credits isn't much of an excuse.

    The simple fact is you claimed we have been farming mods for the same period of time. And that is clearly false.

    I would guess that I have more mods sitting in my inventory that you would slice while I choose not to. I probably have 30-40 +5 green that I will only slice if I need to find a specific secondary to go with speed. And probably 20 +10 blue that I hold onto for the same reason.

    You're being less selective on the mods you slice, or else you would have more similar results.

    But hey, I get it. It's the internet. And some people would rather slam their **** in a car door than admit they are wrong.

    As I said you are only focusing on a few mods you have better than me but not the entire span of them which is what matters for GAC. i.e. try to meet the bh team of a kraken with mods I exemplified above. All of a sudden all counters you've been using all along will start to crumble. Each team you have to fight on offense becomes a wall due to non-arena mod difference they have over you.

    Here's a dare though. Since you are claiming the time I played over you should make a significant difference (which I couldn't take advantage of by your claim) find me some other early f2p that has anything close to 350 +10s. I'll be happy to meet them and learn from them. Until then, my claim that we are both very close to f2p mod doability stands.

    Just to be clear, you think that you have more depth or comparable depth because you think you have more +10 mods than I have?

    Like I said, I don’t equip mods I don’t need. Here are my unequipped mods over 10. There’s a handful over 15. I count 97. Which makes my total 308.

    Your assumption that I just got lucky on high end mods is wrong. I farm a larger volume of mods and I’m more selective on slicing.

    Mod mods are better because I’m better at farming mods. But by all means, keep doing what you’re doing 😂

    You only confirmed me by also showcasing the edge of f2p doability is low 300 10+s. In the meantime I went through many f2p mods. Here's one which I can supply the ally code only with pm. I wonder why he has much more top end mods than you (and naturally me), maybe you should call him for a lesson how to get them, because this is not how statistics work and one gets very low percentage events simply by -doing it the right way-.


    Nothing you’ve said has been confirmed as fact. I’ve playing for less than two years. I’m likely near the upper limit for f2p players at my account age, but as we’ve already established, your account is not the same age.

    You have been farming mods for a minimum of eight months longer. And realistically for a a year longer, given the time it took new players to level up and build the teams needed to farm mods.

    Given the extra time you’ve had, your mods should be better than mine. They are not. To anyone comparing our mods, they would likely assume I was the one who had been farming mods for an extra year.

    The results speak for themselves. Your words are just words.

    Everything I've said so far is supported by fact, you are just misreading what I write purposefully and took it to a hugely off topic direction. If you calm down and re-read from a few pages back our discussion, you'll see that. I bet 3rd party readers are also aware of that.

    I never claimed I have better mods than you, nor do I care since we played a match we are on even terms on mods, your uber mod farming won't change the outcome. My track record on GA and GAC shows that. I only lost to player that had a huge mod disparity with me so far, 4 of them.

    Do you want me to repeat my dare? Please do find my that hypothetical f2p with 400+ 10s which the playing time difference allows them to be. I keep showing you real world cases that I know are extremely good f2p and have been hugely successfull all along. Each people I personally know. You are the one running on assumptions.

    You’ve made two claims.

    1) We’ve had the same amount of time to farm mods. You do understand that eight months to a year longer is in no way the same amount of time, right?

    2) That overall, our mods are comparable. My mods are far better than yours. Think of it in terms of how long it would take to equal my mods. A year? Forever? By the time you get a set to +168 and four sets over 150, where do you think my mods will be?

    You seem to think you’re doing everything right and have no room to improve. Your results suggest the opposite.

    1- I consider mods 2.0 where the real climb for mods begin. I based my claim on that. Some players already had vast span of mods before 2.0 since they were spenders. Neither of us are like that, we both entered that era with mods that dwarves compared to what we got since then. I'm willing to bet your mods were better than me at that time since I wasn't paying attention to mods before 2.0 as I already said. I don't accept your excuse to call it unfair that MM matches you with players who played longer. You are free to ask for that kind of MM which checks playing time as the primary filter and matches you that way. You have no idea how far whales with the same starting time as you are now. You are only talking about a single squad arena shard. I presented you with a whale from mine.

    2- Your mods are slightly better, nothing to write home about as you keep thumping your chest, neither that I denied that fact, nor is the difference enough to make it certain on a match before it's played. However some matches are decided that way, when you bot yourself with your opponent, simply looking at the mod chart reveals the outcome: W/L. You and me are not one of those, if I got an opponent with otherwise comparable roster and your mod set, I go for the win. We have a comparable mod set span in it's entirety, I stand by my claim.

    I don't care about the few god mods you have over me, I've shown you an f2p that has much more difference on that part over you than you have with me. Anything to say about that, he must have gotten those before you started playing?

    Mods were the most important part of the game since they were introduced. The fact that you ignored them for so long explains a lot. I did three cantina refreshes a day every day since I could farm mods, so I probably passed you before mods 2.0.

    Players who concentrated on mods before the rework got a huge boost with slicing. Players who didn’t fell further behind.

    If you can find one other person who thinks my mods are only slightly better, I’d love to meet them.

    As far as matchmaking goes, it isn’t fair to match much older accounts against newer accounts because it creates a significant zeta advantage. Every one of my opponents has 10-15 more zetas than I have. And because they have had longer to farm mods, it negates some of the advantage I built by concentrating on them from the start.

    But the biggest flaw in matchmaking is that it doesn’t include a large portion of viable teams. My current opponent has 47 more g11 toons that are excluded from matchmaking. If they don’t count in matchmaking, they shouldn’t be allowed to use them.

    They need to expand the parameters to capture those teams in matchmaking.

    I already agreed with you that if this -imo redundant- GP filter in the algo is to kept it should be enhanced.

    To sum up by adding you said you have 100 more 10+s, here is what the comparison looks like, feel free to revise:

    311 - 278 10s %10.6 difference for you
    74 - 76 15+s %2.6 difference for me
    16 - 11 20+s %45 difference for you, worth a toon of mods)
    3 - 0 25+s

    I'll just put the f2p you ignored last time for flair, no idea how many unequipped he has:


    I can show you where my mod distribution falls within the competetive f2p (2 of them actually) guild I'm in by pm. The highest one is where I claim it's at. The 310 10+ line. By all means find the secret f2p who have done better though.

    The point you're missing (repeatedly) is I don't farm for +15-20 mods. If a mod doesn't hit +15 by the time it's blue, I move on. That greatly increases my odds of getting +20 and +25 mods. In the time we've been arguing, I've rolled another +22. Must be luck.

    Very cool, you have a total of 7 mods to show for it over me. Oh now 8.

    You convinced me. 55% more +20 mods suddenly seems insignificant. I’ll just switch to farming mods haphazardly and chalk my results up to luck.

    Ok good luck beating your opponents with 8 god mods, it only takes 1 good team after all.
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