Whats wrong with juhani drops?


  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
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    nabokovfan wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    nabokovfan wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    U have bad RNG

    33% drop rate

    It is NOT rng when the droprate is lowered as the event gets closer.

    Luckily they don't do this.

    Yes they do.

    Don’t talk back to TVF. He takes mega-corporations at their word as we all should. EA would never do anything to help their bottom line at the expense of their customer base.

    I'd be more inclined to take EA's word for it than the vague and unsubstantiated claims of a forum user.

    All these drop rate whines look the same. They're either bereft of any meaningful data and filled with statements like "much longer than other farms" or "took months on 1 or 2 refreshes most days"; or they present data for 2 days worth of farming as if that is of any relevance whatsoever.

    As soon as just one person presents properly tracked data across a reasonable timeline or amount of sims, TVF and many others would take their claim seriously. Trouble is, nobody making these claims can ever provide data to back up their claims.

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    2smooth wrote: »
    No pay 2 play toons have good drops juhani is no exception. If they want them to be accessible they will release on lower tier cantina. But it’s in ships the worse place to farm toons they want you to buy instead lol.
    nabokovfan wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    nabokovfan wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    U have bad RNG

    33% drop rate

    It is NOT rng when the droprate is lowered as the event gets closer.

    Luckily they don't do this.

    Yes they do.

    Don’t talk back to TVF. He takes mega-corporations at their word as we all should. EA would never do anything to help their bottom line at the expense of their customer base.

    I'd be more inclined to take EA's word for it than the vague and unsubstantiated claims of a forum user.

    All these drop rate whines look the same. They're either bereft of any meaningful data and filled with statements like "much longer than other farms" or "took months on 1 or 2 refreshes most days"; or they present data for 2 days worth of farming as if that is of any relevance whatsoever.

    As soon as just one person presents properly tracked data across a reasonable timeline or amount of sims, TVF and many others would take their claim seriously. Trouble is, nobody making these claims can ever provide data to back up their claims.
    Your logic is flawed if you see someone steal your vehicle but you didn’t record the incident does that mean it never happened?

    Terrible analogy.

    Explain how it has any relevance to someone researching the drop rates to prove if its 33% or not.
  • Options
    2smooth wrote: »
    No pay 2 play toons have good drops juhani is no exception. If they want them to be accessible they will release on lower tier cantina. But it’s in ships the worse place to farm toons they want you to buy instead lol.
    nabokovfan wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    nabokovfan wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    U have bad RNG

    33% drop rate

    It is NOT rng when the droprate is lowered as the event gets closer.

    Luckily they don't do this.

    Yes they do.

    Don’t talk back to TVF. He takes mega-corporations at their word as we all should. EA would never do anything to help their bottom line at the expense of their customer base.

    I'd be more inclined to take EA's word for it than the vague and unsubstantiated claims of a forum user.

    All these drop rate whines look the same. They're either bereft of any meaningful data and filled with statements like "much longer than other farms" or "took months on 1 or 2 refreshes most days"; or they present data for 2 days worth of farming as if that is of any relevance whatsoever.

    As soon as just one person presents properly tracked data across a reasonable timeline or amount of sims, TVF and many others would take their claim seriously. Trouble is, nobody making these claims can ever provide data to back up their claims.
    Your logic is flawed if you see someone steal your vehicle but you didn’t record the incident does that mean it never happened? Lol nobody is recording months worth of statistics for a game unless they are paid to do so.

    Wrong. Lots of people track them out of personal interest. There are loads of threads on this on reddit in particular.

    My logic is not flawed. The evidence that those complaining about drop rates is always vague or massively insignificant (like the guy above telling us about 3 days worth of farming).

    You are matching the drop rate conspiracy theory eFit here. You gather no evidence yourself, and dismiss the evidence provided as corrupt. You’ve already decided that drop rates are rigged and will turn your back on any and all evidence that shows you otherwise.
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    cboath7 wrote: »
    The juhanni drops have **** from the get go. I don't care what anyone says. they have not been an even 30%. Not remotely close to it.

    I've farmed more than enough toons to know that she's taken longer than anyone except sabine. Big difference is sabine is fairly optional. Juhanni, not so much.

    Either every other toon i've done has been off the charts good, or she's off the charts bad. Seeing as i've been doing 2 at a time and the other toon hasn't been abysmal at all, it's not pure RNG. Unless, that is, i have unusually good RNG on every other toon (which i don't).

    People will say "it's just you, I got her super fast!!" "It evens out, you'll have good RNG days." "Stop with your confirmation-biased frivolity, n00b!" "No it's 33% really it is trust me."

    Must be nice, eh? I've been farming Carth, Juhani, and BSF since long before the last DR event, at least one daily refresh for each, and all three are only at 5*. And they all were already 3* from their respective marquees.

    I'll take Juhani as an example. I've been farming her for at least four months now, with at least one refresh per day. For now we'll say that's 120 days and 1,200 battles, which are reasonable numbers to use. She is currently at 18/85.

    Many commenters here will claim a 30% or 33% drop rate "if given enough time;" many online farming calculators assume 25%. I'll be even more generous and assume a 20% drop rate averaged over time. Over 1,200 battles, that should yield around 240 shards.

    Starting at 3* with 0/30, I've collected 113 total shards (30+65+18) over ~1,200 battles, for a drop rate of ~9.4%. That's slightly less than half of my (again generous) expected 20%, and is of course even worse compared to the actual 25% and 33% rates which are commonly cited. In actuality my real drop rate would be even lower, because I've done an extra refresh on several occasions.

    The point is, yes, drop rates for Juhani actually do suck, and farming her is hugely frustrating unless you can afford to spend hundreds of crystals per day on refreshes. Maybe it really is different with other characters, but somehow I doubt it.

    This fits the mould perfectly. “Long before”, “at least one refresh”, “at least 4 months” then all of a sudden 120 days 1200 sims.

    The vagueness in your detail does not merit the sudden assumption of how many sims you’ve done.

    This isn’t evidence, it’s guesswork. And if you truly have been farming all 3 of those toons for that length of time, I flat out don’t believe that you’ve refreshed each of them once a day.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    nabokovfan wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    @nabokovfan Hehe the usual "just saying" argument. There are literally thousands of drop rate tracking threads on reddit. This -drop rates get nerfed when close to complete shards- thing is new and it's fine if you don't believe in dev word outright denying it.

    You just need to do one single thing: gather up some data, convince others to gather data as well so there is a larger sample size. Since the window of finishing up shards are narrow, a single person can't gather enough samples. To see how it alternates you can divide how many attempts it took each 20 shard segment took, which would showcase if there's any dependence to how many shards you have. -If- that data looks significantly different than the average shard drop rates, then we are in biz. You really can be the one to prove that there's such an alteration.

    Then we all know you'll believe what you'll believe anyways and majority echo chamber is convincing enough for you. We'll never see any data from you or anyone that are positive droprates get actively nerfed via some system/patent -in this game-, will we?

    It's fine, neither side of the argument care at this point. We have different wirings.


    No studies have been performed for a random week of attempts and the a week prior to an event on a full squad that is required.

    Feel free to perform that study to prove your claim.
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    Let me put some numbers here.16 BSF shards and 33 Juhaani shards from 75 attempts each. Thats 21% and 44% respectively with 32.6% overall. I started counting the day DR event was announced.Though BSF drop rate is horrible, Juhaani compensated for it (thankfully).

    Prior to the announcement, I was only doing my free attempts. Didnt count that time.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    nabokovfan wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    @nabokovfan Hehe the usual "just saying" argument. There are literally thousands of drop rate tracking threads on reddit. This -drop rates get nerfed when close to complete shards- thing is new and it's fine if you don't believe in dev word outright denying it.

    You just need to do one single thing: gather up some data, convince others to gather data as well so there is a larger sample size. Since the window of finishing up shards are narrow, a single person can't gather enough samples. To see how it alternates you can divide how many attempts it took each 20 shard segment took, which would showcase if there's any dependence to how many shards you have. -If- that data looks significantly different than the average shard drop rates, then we are in biz. You really can be the one to prove that there's such an alteration.

    Then we all know you'll believe what you'll believe anyways and majority echo chamber is convincing enough for you. We'll never see any data from you or anyone that are positive droprates get actively nerfed via some system/patent -in this game-, will we?

    It's fine, neither side of the argument care at this point. We have different wirings.


    No studies have been performed for a random week of attempts and the a week prior to an event on a full squad that is required.

    I know that there is no such study, you are the one that's claiming that specific is necessary. Instead of flat droprates for character shards, it may have differed from node to node, map to map, between characters or distributed upon how many shards an account has of that character. Maybe drop rates are nerfed at the beginning of farming. So....why is there no such study?
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    This is why this game should be regulated like the casino that it is. Contact your representative in Congress.
  • TVF
    36706 posts Member
    This is why this game should be regulated like the casino that it is. Contact your representative in Congress.

    Conspiracy theories with no data to back them up are deserving of wasting congress' time?
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    This is why this game should be regulated like the casino that it is. Contact your representative in Congress.

    Conspiracy theories with no data to back them up are deserving of wasting congress' time?

    I'm having lunch friday with Adam Schiff I'll bring this up and let you know what he says.
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    Totally NOT tracking my Juhani but I am tracking my Ordo that I just started this week.
    (I had no intention of making it for this time but should be ready in December Drevan.)

    Here is some data so far. (Shards - Sims)

    Saturday = 1 - 11 (Ouch)
    Sunday = 13 - 39 (Avg)
    Monday = 9 - 43 (Low)
    Tuesday = 16 - 45 (Avg)
    Wednesday = 14 - 43 (Avg)

    Total So Far = 53 - 181 (29.28%) A bit below 33% but with a sample pool of only 181 that isn't surprising.

    This is the first time I've actually tracked my results so I'll keep you posted
  • Options
    Totally NOT tracking my Juhani but I am tracking my Ordo that I just started this week.
    (I had no intention of making it for this time but should be ready in December Drevan.)

    Here is some data so far. (Shards - Sims)

    Saturday = 1 - 11 (Ouch)
    Sunday = 13 - 39 (Avg)
    Monday = 9 - 43 (Low)
    Tuesday = 16 - 45 (Avg)
    Wednesday = 14 - 43 (Avg)

    Total So Far = 53 - 181 (29.28%) A bit below 33% but with a sample pool of only 181 that isn't surprising.

    This is the first time I've actually tracked my results so I'll keep you posted

    That's about what you'd expect. When I got DR and my grind was down to the wire Carth shards dropped off the map.
  • Options
    No_Try wrote: »
    nabokovfan wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    @nabokovfan Hehe the usual "just saying" argument. There are literally thousands of drop rate tracking threads on reddit. This -drop rates get nerfed when close to complete shards- thing is new and it's fine if you don't believe in dev word outright denying it.

    You just need to do one single thing: gather up some data, convince others to gather data as well so there is a larger sample size. Since the window of finishing up shards are narrow, a single person can't gather enough samples. To see how it alternates you can divide how many attempts it took each 20 shard segment took, which would showcase if there's any dependence to how many shards you have. -If- that data looks significantly different than the average shard drop rates, then we are in biz. You really can be the one to prove that there's such an alteration.

    Then we all know you'll believe what you'll believe anyways and majority echo chamber is convincing enough for you. We'll never see any data from you or anyone that are positive droprates get actively nerfed via some system/patent -in this game-, will we?

    It's fine, neither side of the argument care at this point. We have different wirings.


    No studies have been performed for a random week of attempts and the a week prior to an event on a full squad that is required.

    I know that there is no such study, you are the one that's claiming that specific is necessary. Instead of flat droprates for character shards, it may have differed from node to node, map to map, between characters or distributed upon how many shards an account has of that character. Maybe drop rates are nerfed at the beginning of farming. So....why is there no such study?

    The point is.... When someone says drop rates change when the event gets close, the argument is "no it's been tested at 30% avg many times". Recording what the droprates are is an entirely different study and not remotely what I brought up or the topic brought up by the OP.

    Needless to say, you have to track an entire team to show that 1, 2, or none of the droprates change.

    I don't need to go to the ends of the Earth and get a mob of support to record droprates over time. I also don't expect you to do that to disprove me. The point is to have a discussion, many have reported it. I've witnessed it. It's a business decision, and a very obvious one.

  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    nabokovfan wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    nabokovfan wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    @nabokovfan Hehe the usual "just saying" argument. There are literally thousands of drop rate tracking threads on reddit. This -drop rates get nerfed when close to complete shards- thing is new and it's fine if you don't believe in dev word outright denying it.

    You just need to do one single thing: gather up some data, convince others to gather data as well so there is a larger sample size. Since the window of finishing up shards are narrow, a single person can't gather enough samples. To see how it alternates you can divide how many attempts it took each 20 shard segment took, which would showcase if there's any dependence to how many shards you have. -If- that data looks significantly different than the average shard drop rates, then we are in biz. You really can be the one to prove that there's such an alteration.

    Then we all know you'll believe what you'll believe anyways and majority echo chamber is convincing enough for you. We'll never see any data from you or anyone that are positive droprates get actively nerfed via some system/patent -in this game-, will we?

    It's fine, neither side of the argument care at this point. We have different wirings.


    No studies have been performed for a random week of attempts and the a week prior to an event on a full squad that is required.

    I know that there is no such study, you are the one that's claiming that specific is necessary. Instead of flat droprates for character shards, it may have differed from node to node, map to map, between characters or distributed upon how many shards an account has of that character. Maybe drop rates are nerfed at the beginning of farming. So....why is there no such study?

    The point is.... When someone says drop rates change when the event gets close, the argument is "no it's been tested at 30% avg many times". Recording what the droprates are is an entirely different study and not remotely what I brought up or the topic brought up by the OP.

    Needless to say, you have to track an entire team to show that 1, 2, or none of the droprates change.

    I don't need to go to the ends of the Earth and get a mob of support to record droprates over time. I also don't expect you to do that to disprove me. The point is to have a discussion, many have reported it. I've witnessed it. It's a business decision, and a very obvious one.

    What did you exactly witness? Describe that observation please as if you witnessed an event and now that event is under investigation.

    I'm not trying to disprove you as I'm not convinced the reverse is true either. There's a single thing I'm convinced of which this topic is also a display of. People running the big bad wolf rhetoric, evil ai patent narrative and people that doesn't need a single data point to be convinced merge in the same pot significantly often. This makes me question their integrity. While I also agree these exist seperate from eachother, not a single attempt has been made to connect them.
  • Options
    nabokovfan wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    nabokovfan wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    @nabokovfan Hehe the usual "just saying" argument. There are literally thousands of drop rate tracking threads on reddit. This -drop rates get nerfed when close to complete shards- thing is new and it's fine if you don't believe in dev word outright denying it.

    You just need to do one single thing: gather up some data, convince others to gather data as well so there is a larger sample size. Since the window of finishing up shards are narrow, a single person can't gather enough samples. To see how it alternates you can divide how many attempts it took each 20 shard segment took, which would showcase if there's any dependence to how many shards you have. -If- that data looks significantly different than the average shard drop rates, then we are in biz. You really can be the one to prove that there's such an alteration.

    Then we all know you'll believe what you'll believe anyways and majority echo chamber is convincing enough for you. We'll never see any data from you or anyone that are positive droprates get actively nerfed via some system/patent -in this game-, will we?

    It's fine, neither side of the argument care at this point. We have different wirings.


    No studies have been performed for a random week of attempts and the a week prior to an event on a full squad that is required.

    I know that there is no such study, you are the one that's claiming that specific is necessary. Instead of flat droprates for character shards, it may have differed from node to node, map to map, between characters or distributed upon how many shards an account has of that character. Maybe drop rates are nerfed at the beginning of farming. So....why is there no such study?

    The point is.... When someone says drop rates change when the event gets close, the argument is "no it's been tested at 30% avg many times". Recording what the droprates are is an entirely different study and not remotely what I brought up or the topic brought up by the OP.

    Needless to say, you have to track an entire team to show that 1, 2, or none of the droprates change.

    I don't need to go to the ends of the Earth and get a mob of support to record droprates over time. I also don't expect you to do that to disprove me. The point is to have a discussion, many have reported it. I've witnessed it. It's a business decision, and a very obvious one.
    The issue I have is that ALL those who have reported the reduction in drop rate in the run up to an event are presenting data from an insignificant sample size.

    On top of that, the devs have openly stated, more than once, that they do not (and have not) change(d) drop rates for any reason at any time.

    The people who dismiss the devs candour as the corporate lies of crooked big business are one and the same group as those who are convinced by their own unverified and undocumented experience that drop rates are reduced.

    So we're back to the same old spot. No amount of evidence will convince you, unless it backs up your already ingrained assumption.

  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    This is why this game should be regulated like the casino that it is. Contact your representative in Congress.

    Conspiracy theories with no data to back them up are deserving of wasting congress' time?

    Data you ask? When you are “farming” for shards you are telling me that’s not like a slot machine? Doesn’t seem very conspiratorial to me.

  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    This is why this game should be regulated like the casino that it is. Contact your representative in Congress.

    Conspiracy theories with no data to back them up are deserving of wasting congress' time?

    Data you ask? When you are “farming” for shards you are telling me that’s not like a slot machine? Doesn’t seem very conspiratorial to me.
    Not quite. Shards even out at 33% or close in the end. You know you'll need 600-ish battles for 200 shards.

    You can't calculate your winnings with a slot machine. Rolling looks similar, completely different thing.
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    This is why this game should be regulated like the casino that it is. Contact your representative in Congress.

    Conspiracy theories with no data to back them up are deserving of wasting congress' time?

    Data you ask? When you are “farming” for shards you are telling me that’s not like a slot machine? Doesn’t seem very conspiratorial to me.
    Not quite. Shards even out at 33% or close in the end. You know you'll need 600-ish battles for 200 shards.

    You can't calculate your winnings with a slot machine. Rolling looks similar, completely different thing.

    Pretty much this.

    The rng-casino argument is a matter of scale. I have a midway example...that's coincidentally CGs previous game HODA. That game was much more p2p than this one in numerous ways (unfortunately this one alarmingly is on that path). Anyway they were making pack releases for toons where you either get the toon or not in that mechanic. No shards, once you have it, it's full. The droprates of toons were in the vicinity of %1 and spenders were going for it until they it, so the lucky ones got it in much less tries. But when it comes to f2p, it was a pure lottery, packs were buyable by hoardable currency that was very limitedly avaliable to f2p like here. Each toon release a few f2p would be able to win that lottery which made a huge difference for them amongst their peers.

    The higher the percentages are, more it becomes a matter of statistics which is pretty stable once you do it a good amount of times. As your example some will be outliers and it will take 700 attempts to get those 200 shards, some will take 500 runs for it. And the variation will always be much less than the obscure events like omega drops in cantina or 330 shard pulls in the packs.

    I fully get how much it hurts when one is running for completion for a time restricted event with very limited resources, you pay extreme attention to those last few drops which also corresponds to the dopamine kick you'll get when you hit upgrade. And not making it in time is destructive for months to come.

    But in the long run, that's not the only toon you'll farm either, we all farm hundreds of these things and terms like luck/lack of luck becomes meaningless and variations between players disappear.

  • Vendi1983
    5028 posts Member
    edited September 2019
    Over a 4-ish month span, purely for curiosity's sake, I tracked all my Cantina farms. I had read "Vets are terrible" threads countless times, and I was halfway through that awful farm and figured "Why not?"

    Characters I farmed:
    Vet Chewie
    Mission Vao
    NS Spirit

    It's a wide range covering almost all node costs and Table #'s.

    My end result? 1,510/4,039 which is 37.39%. Not one of those characters was below the near-universally accepted 33% drop rate.

    I had absolutely terrible days with 0/10 more times than I can remember but I also had plenty of 6/10, 8/10, or even 6/7 + Omega!

    As someone said earlier "Confirmation Bias" is a powerful thing. That, and the pressure of a deadline, results in too many of these.
  • TVF
    36706 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    This is why this game should be regulated like the casino that it is. Contact your representative in Congress.

    Conspiracy theories with no data to back them up are deserving of wasting congress' time?

    Data you ask? When you are “farming” for shards you are telling me that’s not like a slot machine? Doesn’t seem very conspiratorial to me.

    The fact that you have no data makes it a conspiracy theory.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    Vendi1983 wrote: »
    Over a 4-ish month span, purely for curiosity's sake, I tracked all my Cantina farms. I had read "Vets are terrible" threads countless times, and I was halfway through that awful farm and figured "Why not?"

    Characters I farmed:
    Vet Chewie
    Mission Vao
    NS Spirit

    It's a wide range covering almost all node costs and Table #'s.

    My end result? 1,510/4,039 which is 37.39%. Not one of those characters was below the near-universally accepted 33% drop rate.

    I had absolutely terrible days with 0/10 more times than I can remember but I also had plenty of 6/10, 8/10, or even 6/7 + Omega!

    As someone said earlier "Confirmation Bias" is a powerful thing. That, and the pressure of a deadline, results in too many of these.

    This. And always this - and it has always been this. Every single time anyone (whether in attempt to prove or disprove "drop rate manipulation" theories) actually tracked the data over a significant sample size, the end result has been 30-33% minimum for the entirety of the almost 3 years of existence of the game. Period.

    You can argue that your limited experience doesn't seem to match up, or based on how you "feel", or what could/might be. But the facts (and hard data) are the facts. Sorry if they don't match up with your opinion. Every one is entitled to their own opinion - just not their own set of facts.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    This is why this game should be regulated like the casino that it is. Contact your representative in Congress.

    Conspiracy theories with no data to back them up are deserving of wasting congress' time?

    Data you ask? When you are “farming” for shards you are telling me that’s not like a slot machine? Doesn’t seem very conspiratorial to me.

    The fact that you have no data makes it a conspiracy theory.

    The data is irrelevant. Farming is set up like a slot machine. That’s the point that this game is set up like a casino.
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    This is why this game should be regulated like the casino that it is. Contact your representative in Congress.

    Conspiracy theories with no data to back them up are deserving of wasting congress' time?

    Data you ask? When you are “farming” for shards you are telling me that’s not like a slot machine? Doesn’t seem very conspiratorial to me.
    Not quite. Shards even out at 33% or close in the end. You know you'll need 600-ish battles for 200 shards.

    You can't calculate your winnings with a slot machine. Rolling looks similar, completely different thing.

    At least slot machines by law are programmed to PAY OUT a certain percentage. “Farming” shards are not guaranteed at at all to pay out. Which makes this game actually far worse than a casino.

    I tell you what why don’t we let Congress decide? Contact your representatives today. We are $22 trillion in debt I’m sure they would love to find a new source of revenue that this game could provide our country. Or the mechanics of this game can be adjusted to more fairly work. I think it is naïve to think that this game is not set up to milk you of every cent that you have.

  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    This is why this game should be regulated like the casino that it is. Contact your representative in Congress.

    Conspiracy theories with no data to back them up are deserving of wasting congress' time?

    Data you ask? When you are “farming” for shards you are telling me that’s not like a slot machine? Doesn’t seem very conspiratorial to me.
    Not quite. Shards even out at 33% or close in the end. You know you'll need 600-ish battles for 200 shards.

    You can't calculate your winnings with a slot machine. Rolling looks similar, completely different thing.

    At least slot machines by law are programmed to PAY OUT a certain percentage. “Farming” shards are not guaranteed at at all to pay out. Which makes this game actually far worse than a casino.

    I tell you what why don’t we let Congress decide? Contact your representatives today. We are $22 trillion in debt I’m sure they would love to find a new source of revenue that this game could provide our country. Or the mechanics of this game can be adjusted to more fairly work. I think it is naïve to think that this game is not set up to milk you of every cent that you have.

    Uh...this might be news to you but mobile games EXIST to make money. So its obvious they'll try subtle nudges to make you spend. Whether you or do spend or not, that's on you.
    It's totally possible to progress without spending.

    That said, I don't think they reduce drop rates with impending event either.
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    Not saying this is proof, but I need one Bastila Fallen shard and I just refreshed attempts and energy 3 times and have received ZERO shards in 15 attempts. At a cost of around 500 crystals (I already used refreshes earlier today).

    I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.
  • Options
    Not saying this is proof, but I need one Bastila Fallen shard and I just refreshed attempts and energy 3 times and have received ZERO shards in 15 attempts. At a cost of around 500 crystals (I already used refreshes earlier today).

    I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.

    Obviously. I needed 5. Hit 5/15.
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    Not saying this is proof, but I need one Bastila Fallen shard and I just refreshed attempts and energy 3 times and have received ZERO shards in 15 attempts. At a cost of around 500 crystals (I already used refreshes earlier today).

    I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.

    If there’s no sarcasm in your post, then you’re quite right.

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    Is Darjelo Salas spanish for Capital Games or Electronic Arts?
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