Updated Reconciliation Plan [MERGE]


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    MattNewton wrote: »
    As far as money, I did spend $10.00 (I know, not a big amount) getting the last few gear pieces I needed for an event that usually runs 3 days.

    Any amount you spent is relevant if you spent it to make the deadline.

    If you knew you had more time you could have gained those pieces for free.

    I hope you can get a refund.

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    Nadebotfm wrote: »
    then dont replay it >:)

    or replay it and be happy with the 2 free zetas.

    or look around at the forums and see:


    oh, don't worry. I won't.
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    They should have to rework Mace Windu properly in atonement.
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    I'm basically punished because i already have malak at 7*?! Y'all are just plain stupid! The "make-good" needs to be the same for everybody. Bunch o children running this game & asking for money. Absolutely ridiculous.
    ~ There is a great disturbance in the forum. ~
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    I'm basically punished because i already have malak at 7*?! Y'all are just plain stupid! The "make-good" needs to be the same for everybody. Bunch o children running this game & asking for money. Absolutely ridiculous.
    ~ There is a great disturbance in the forum. ~
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    Do the right thing CG and let people keep their shards and give the same inconvenience crystals amount equally to everyone.

    You’re killing the game with your greed. G13 and relics isn’t new content, it’s a chore and paywall. Do the right thing for the players for once and stop the mass exodus.

    I already have one foot out the door over the gear grind and lack of real new content. If you deduct the Malak shards, I am quitting the game.
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    OP has a point...that wording does make you worry the rollback won't just target double dipping.

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    3Azyg4mes wrote: »
    They should have to rework Mace Windu properly in atonement.

    Usually in these threads I read the same 3 or 4 thoughts over and over again just reworded. Thank you for having an original idea.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • jonnysiniwal
    675 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    Hey, they said it. Maybe the person who wrote it is just bad at their job but it does imply new unlocks are getting rolled back.
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    3Azyg4mes wrote: »
    They should have to rework Mace Windu properly in atonement.

    Just rework the whole game to make it a more traditional turn based game, but "mobile". DICE reworked BF2 so there's zero loot crates, I'm pretty sure they can rework the game so it's actually fun and not a constant grind or a constant farm as atonement.
    Just an idea.
  • CookieCrispp
    555 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    We are rapidly approaching the point when CG may have to consider cutting its losses (between the rollback and the reconciliation, CG is admitting culpability on top of upsetting its playerbase) and just rolling into a massive Malak Shard/GET award. Because if CG continues down this path they’re looking at even more refunds, chargebacks, and most of all, loss of paying customers.

    I know people love to cite how little our opinions matter to the corporations, but there is a value for consumer confidence. And I think it’s been waning in the three days it took to pull Malak shards from the GET store.
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    Shame you CG!!!!!!!! Give at all 10.000 GET1 !!!!!
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    There are some very odd priorities going on in the game development right now. You are screwing over people who have spent time and/or money farming and gearing up their characters for this time thru the event, yet you are hyper focused on how to pay back those people who the event was not even intended for and delaying the re-launch of the event as a result. Get your priorities straight devs. This is not an event for malak owners. Start the event already.
  • Jenjhys
    272 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    The compensation are better but that still not enough.

    This show that :
    1/ unlock a mythic toon at 5* is not a good choice.
    2/ The gearing from 7 to 12 is too long, with relic : stun gun paywall and other need to disappear.
    3/ You are more actif to solve problem whan it concern whales
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    I unlocked Malak this time. I did Dark Side in one shot, but for the Light Side I spent about 3 hours to complete. If CG will roll back all of my activity on this event, who will give me back my time spent and who knows if this time I will succeed to do it again? Are they going to play it for me? I guess not. So basically they are time robbers, thieves. Shame on them! SHAME ON THEM! SHAME ON THEM! SHAME ON THEM! SHAME ON THEM!
  • JZ95
    167 posts Member
    The shard restoration for Malak is probably coming tomorrow. I already warned my guild that I'm quitting when it happens. The grind for these 5 star unlocks is excessive and unfun, games are about fun and we often forget that.
    You wanna make this right, there's ONLY ONE WAY:

    Let us keep the shards, the only shards that need to removed are from those who only completed the dark side or the light side twice and didn't meet the requirements for the other side, open the event and allow those who didn't participate before the event went away to also be able to earn the shards. Refund the GET that people spent on Malak shards up until this point.

    This is the only way the community will accept this and it's the only way to keep your promise of making it easier to gear post relics. Then try to be more careful moving into the future.

    Failure to do these things is going to cause many people to uninstall the game, the community is shifting towards other games faster and faster, they understand that as great as this game was, it's becoming unplayable for those who don't have deep pockets. Nobody is excited about the GET farm- 5 star unlock initiative, even p2p are getting tired of it. Understand your mistake, it is your fault all this is happening CG, be accountable...
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    I am not doing the event again. I would rather walk.
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    People who listened to cg when they asked not to do the event get punished too. Basically, if you did what cg wanted you are getting less compensation
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    I got the DM shards and unlock it for first time in 10.18.
    According to the new plan, EA WILL remove my DM?
    Is this true???
  • Ultra
    11552 posts Moderator
    Avadaer wrote: »
    I got the DM shards and unlock it for first time in 10.18.
    According to the new plan, EA WILL remove my DM?
    Is this true???

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  • Draconfier
    16 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    The only reason the 7* owners who didnt have him before the glitch or event (depending on your viewpoint) still are the ones that potentially lost the most out of this...

    Here's why:
    If they bought gear, g13'd him, then bought relics r7'd him and weren't close to getting him, (say at the worst end of the spectrum)..needing 150 shards to get him to 7*, they now have to wait several months to get him back to the point where (if cg doesn't mess up the rollback and then they lose this gear) they can reapply all the gear that they bought to get him to r7.

    Whether or not they knew of cg's post not to play the event, or played before the post, becomes a moot point because of this potential massive cash expenditure, which could be considered fraud by the courts..(if people pressed the issue)

    Those that already had him 7* most likely didn't rush out and spend the same resources as those that got him this way.

    Yes they dont get 5000 Get1 but, they don't get stuck with unusable gear for potentially several months, if they get it back at all.

    Those that weren't close to 7* even with the glitch also didn't have the potential gear lockup repercussions that those who were within the 150 shard limit.

    So everyone gets 500 Crystal's,
    The original 7* owners get shards plus the Crystal's.
    The most heavily impacted by the screwup get the 500 Crystal's plus 1tb worth of Get1..

    Ohh and 2 Zetas..or 1 fleet challenge event...

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    So, putting everything aside.
    I have this **** malak at 95/100. With just 5 shards away to 7*. So, I upgraded him to level 13 r4 right before I read it was “a bug”.
    So, these “smart” guys decided to make a roll back. Will my gear be returned as well?
    Also, free advice: you should really hire not only accountants, but programmers as well...
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    So nobody lost anything but a subset of players get lots of freebies because they "grew accustomed" to their ill-gotten Malaks? Dragon champions ftw...
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Avadaer wrote: »
    I got the DM shards and unlock it for first time in 10.18.
    According to the new plan, EA WILL remove my DM?
    Is this true???

    Players that did not have 7* Darth Malak as of 10/18 12:01 AM PST and are having shards/progress removed, will now receive 5000 GET I and 2 Zeta materials for the progress being removed.

    According to this . I thought that means even i receive DM SHARDS first time .DM or shards also will be removed by the new pkan..........
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    I read the news ... and was stunned. I have spent 41,800 currencies in recent days on Malak fragments. pumped it. spent gold on leveling up. And what will I get today? 5000 currencies? for your mistake you rob me of 36 800 currency? rob me of about 2kk gold and remove the parts invested in Malak? And give me 500 crystals? Have you looked at your store ??? for 500 crystals I will not buy the 10th share of the spent materials. For 500 crystals, I will get the opportunity to return back from 560k to 1560k gold. That is, in any case, my procured 36,800 currencies of 1.5kk gold and materials will be stolen. This is your mistake, either leave it as it is or simply remove unnecessary fragments. Rollback = robbery of players.
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    I don't understand how anyone could have seen the glitch with earning the Malak shards and not thought it was a glitch. CG has never, EVER given away shards like that for free, particularly at that great of an amount.

    At that point if you spent money, crystals, etc on gearing Malak in the 12 hours prior to them saying "hey, this isn't working as intended" I think you pretty much deserve what you got.
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    I think, in order not to make serious mistakes in relation to the players, there is the only right way. this is to compensate all those who had 7 * malak at the beginning of the event. In this case, you will not reset resources and currency, and you will be able to compensate for the insult to those who already had Malak 7 *. In general, the issue with Malak concerns enough pumped players, and the distribution of crystals to beginners who are far from Malak has nothing to do. The only aspect that you could initially hurt with this bug was people with Malak 7 *. So, settle the issue of compensation with these people.
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