[Updated w/ Dev Response] PSA: DST has Shifted ALL In-Game Clocks/Timers and Arena Payout Time


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    Qeltar wrote: »
    Can someone explain the "staying up for reset" thing? I'm clearly missing something. You get a finite number of chances to do things per day and it doesn't matter when you do them. Why mess up your sleep schedule?

    Gladly. It is the timeframe that works for my schedule. That may sound weird. But the time period between 12-1 is one of the few times that I can devote to GW. It's time consuming and because I'm held hostage by credits, i need to ensure I complete it daily. I can Sim almost everything I need to otherwise, but not GW. That's the main reason. There are others too, but That's a biggie.
  • sid
    232 posts Member
    Oh no! Midnight and no reset!
    *calming down*

    They'll totally change the clocks, right? With the reset and energy awards and arena time, they've already developed a population of players that play at those times. That's like a restaurant changing the time for happy hour.
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    Qeltar wrote: »
    Can someone explain the "staying up for reset" thing? I'm clearly missing something. You get a finite number of chances to do things per day and it doesn't matter when you do them. Why mess up your sleep schedule?

    I always go to bed around 12:30 so it was convenient to get some stuff out of the way. I wasn't really staying up for.the game though
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    It's crazy to expect them to have an announcement about something so trivial on a Sunday. I'm sure there will be something out tomorrow.

    Trivial? 350 million people adjust the clock and this multi-mullion dollar franchise can't sync with the official US clock? I just wasted my Arena battles for nothing.

    Very amateurish. If something resets 6:00 Pm or 12:00 It should do what it must. This kind of issues are resolved in nuclear plants, airlines, and janitors going to work.

    Amazed at the zero change and lack of communication. CG lead devs need to step up to the level of quality of a billion dollar franchise.

    Actually, my time clock will probably be wrong for a couple weeks.
  • LoTEK
    101 posts Member
    Qeltar wrote: »
    The game's timing is likely tied to GMT. I've played other games that had this same issue.
    There is no need to stay up until midnight anyway.. never understood that. It's not like you get any benefit from this.

    I get home from work between midnight and 1am, so it makes perfect sense for me. But I'm probably the one exception.
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    My 100 credit s a day (21 days of. Credits) did not pay out at 12 am
    It reset at 1 am
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    Qeltar wrote: »
    Can someone explain the "staying up for reset" thing? I'm clearly missing something. You get a finite number of chances to do things per day and it doesn't matter when you do them. Why mess up your sleep schedule?

    I hear you
    But as for me, I get home late night. 11'ish. So I do all.. Well most of my daily after 12 am and call it a night
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    I get home at 6pm everday so now I might actually climb the arena ranks at the right time. I vote keep the time at 7pm and 1am
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    Game timers most likely tied to server and servers are most likely on UTC, which does not have DST. I am positive the developers did not overlook this, and it was a conscious decision to do nothing about it. Other than having to adjust personal playing schedule, it really isn't that big of a deal.

    Extremely sloppy at best. Phones, watches, planes, connected coffee machines...every single low tech things does this right
    The game client is transparent. Its just a window to the server. The server is the real game. The server does his right.

    As I've stated I'm positive they didn't forget. It is more likely hat it wasn't perceived as a big issue.

    Side note (not directed at you): it's comical how people talk smack on the developers. As if they could develop the game any better.
    So only other game developers have the right to criticize these devs? There's a difference between recognizing satisfactory management of a game and doing it, and all it takes to do the former is to be a player of this game, which, oh I don't know, might have the slightest possibility of accounting for a majority of people here. Who knows?

    Many people here have played other mobile games (shocking!), so they know what proper game management is, even without doing it, and many of them agree EA/CG don't make the cut.
    Ally code: 323-282-152. Member of TNR. The New Rebellion
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    Side note (not directed at you): it's comical how people talk smack on the developers. As if they could develop the game any better.
    Write the code or design the art better? Nope.
    Manage the development of the game and communication with players? In my sleep.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
    2761 posts Member
    6pm worked for me with arena time. 7pm means that I can't spend 20 minutes focusing on Arena anymore so I may not be able to stay in the top anymore. I hope they fix it. I rarely stay up until 11pm either so I will most likely miss out on the 45 bonus energy at 10pm.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
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    Qeltar wrote: »
    The game's timing is likely tied to GMT. I've played other games that had this same issue.
    There is no need to stay up until midnight anyway.. never understood that. It's not like you get any benefit from this.

    First, because it's a convenient time to play. Phone isn't ringing. Kids are in bed. Work, chores, etc. are done.

    Second because if you play at midnight, and use all your energy, it has enough time to refresh before the bonus energy kicks in at noon, giving you 45 free energy to use. If you time this right, you can also have full energy at the 6pm and 9pm resets. If you wait to play until after work the next day, say at 8pm, the 9pm reset will refill your empty energy counter rather than being a bonus.

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    So this really screws me. I'm from Chicago. Friend told me about the game when I was TDY in Arizona. Downloaded it there. So my times were already at 7pm and 1am (I don't care about the reset). Now my times have shifted to 8pm and 2am. 8pm is fine, but now my bonus energy is 11pm. I was already staying up later than I wanted to collect the 10pm one (I work at 730am and enjoy my sleep).

    Oh well.
  • Rolf
    1032 posts Member
    The refresh time moving to 1a is largely irrelevant. People that play from midnight to one can still play in that timeframe regardless of what time the actual refresh happens. (You either play right before the refresh with yesterday's update, or you play earliest in the new day's refresh cycle. No difference.)

    The Arena reward time is probably a wash, with it being better/worse for some people. Personally it's worse for me, but that's just my bad luck.

    The real problem here is the hour delay for the free energy boosts. The ones in the middle of the day people can deal with, go to the bathroom, wherever.
    But many of us don't want to stay up an extra hour and lose sleep for this. We were told it was supposed to be a certain time, and that's what it should be. Since the game is locked to certain timezones anyway, where's the harm in fixing the specific ones that they know have DST?
    My ally code: 296-673-769. Wish we could have more than 35.
  • Song
    863 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    IF this was happen a month ago i would hate to have 1am rest. Anyway i sleep around 2am so im okay and im not addictive to this game as before. Are you guys still addictive to play after the reset? Really? all you do is sim + 2 refresh, auto challenges, do some GW.

    7Pm arena would be a game changer for me. I think it benefits for folks work 9-5. Seriously 6pm arena time is very bad because most ppl still stuck in the traffic.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Song wrote: »
    IF this was happen a month ago i would hate to have 1am rest. Anyway i sleep around 2am so im okay and im not addictive to this game as before. Are you guys still addictive to play after the reset? Really? all you do is sim + 2 refresh, auto challenges, do some GW.

    7Pm arena would be a game changer for me. I think it benefits for folks work 9-5. Seriously 6pm arena time is very bad because most ppl still stuck in the traffic.

    Honestly, it's not about who it favors and why - it's about consistency. Every other (non-DST) player has a consistent schedule (Midnight refresh, 18:00 arena payouts, energy refills at 12:00, 18:00 and 20:00, etc.) - that remains constant. DST players not only have to adjust to a new time - they'll have to do so every few months.

    Honestly, EA/CG will send a very clear signal if they don't correct it and make it consistent for everyone (as it was intended):

    "We don't care"
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    On the "official forums" a dev has already weighed in saying they don't plan to change this.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    I think they've already sent the message pretty loud and clear that they dont care lol this change has screwed up my routine royally, I was at my parents house yesterday for dinner and had to do my arena mostly during dinner haha with the previous time I could do it before dinner, so yea they were like what the heck are you doing?! little embarassing lol
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    The irony here is that EA/CG was very intentional about making the times universally consistent. They don't change when you move. They don't change when you travel. Every single player in ALL time zones is midnight refresh, 18:00 arena payout - set times for energy refills.

    Until now. Oh, and 6 months from now. And then 6 months after that. And then again...

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Rolf
    1032 posts Member
    Qeltar wrote: »
    On the "official forums" a dev has already weighed in saying they don't plan to change this.
    Well since they have plausible deniability for things said on Reddit I'm hoping that they rethink this ridiculousness.
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    The irony here is that EA/CG was very intentional about making the times universally consistent. They don't change when you move. They don't change when you travel. Every single player in ALL time zones is midnight refresh, 18:00 arena payout - set times for energy refills.

    Until now. Oh, and 6 months from now. And then 6 months after that. And then again...

    Very true.
    My ally code: 296-673-769. Wish we could have more than 35.
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    Here's the Dev response from Reddit:
    I'm going to follow up on the DST thing, and I can't go in to too much detail here (don't ask me why, I sincerely don't know why I can't talk about certain things), but I don't believe we are adjusting for DST for multiple reasons, the first of which is that there are time zones that do not adjust for DST, and setting up something for specific TZ is problematic.

    Details. I don't really know them.

    If I learn more and I can share, I will. However, don't expect a DST adjustment at this time.

    Looks like nothing is changing anytime soon.
  • Rolf
    1032 posts Member
    Well I don't know if I can capture that last energy boost, and I really don't like playing at a disadvantage by not getting what others are. May be the last straw for me.
    My ally code: 296-673-769. Wish we could have more than 35.
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    Seriously guys!,? Your life must be really hard if you can t adapt to a little 1 hour change... in a video game. This is beyond me , really. ..
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    Qeltar wrote: »
    On the "official forums" a dev has already weighed in saying they don't plan to change this.

    Here's the Dev response from Reddit:
    I'm going to follow up on the DST thing, and I can't go in to too much detail here (don't ask me why, I sincerely don't know why I can't talk about certain things), but I don't believe we are adjusting for DST for multiple reasons, the first of which is that there are time zones that do not adjust for DST, and setting up something for specific TZ is problematic.

    Details. I don't really know them.

    If I learn more and I can share, I will. However, don't expect a DST adjustment at this time.

    Looks like nothing is changing anytime soon.

    I think the bigger question here is now why is THIS not the official forum and Reddit is...?
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    1 hour change can obviously affect people differently depending on what they need to do in a day, what if they want to play arena for the hour before payout, and now that hour is during karate class or something like that? obviously they wont be able to do it anymore. People have spent months getting into a routine, now thats is changed all of a sudden it can be hard for some people to adjust based on their schedule, most people dont just sit around all day and play this game, they have lives too
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    Boo. 6 works better for me. I assume anyway, only had one day to see.
  • StarSon
    7491 posts Member
    Qeltar wrote: »
    On the "official forums" a dev has already weighed in saying they don't plan to change this.

    Here's the Dev response from Reddit:
    I'm going to follow up on the DST thing, and I can't go in to too much detail here (don't ask me why, I sincerely don't know why I can't talk about certain things), but I don't believe we are adjusting for DST for multiple reasons, the first of which is that there are time zones that do not adjust for DST, and setting up something for specific TZ is problematic.

    Details. I don't really know them.

    If I learn more and I can share, I will. However, don't expect a DST adjustment at this time.

    Looks like nothing is changing anytime soon.

    I think the bigger question here is now why is THIS not the official forum and Reddit is...?

    This is the official forum. People call reddit the official forum simply because some devs actually post there. The real question is why CG/EA do not encourage their devs to post here (when they post at all). Probably an internal CG policy.

    Also... while mildly annoying, I think people are making this a bigger issue than it is. It is unfortunate, but so what? The only thing that even matters is Arena, and no one is happy with it anyway.
  • D_Millennial
    847 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    StarSon wrote: »
    Qeltar wrote: »
    On the "official forums" a dev has already weighed in saying they don't plan to change this.

    Here's the Dev response from Reddit:
    I'm going to follow up on the DST thing, and I can't go in to too much detail here (don't ask me why, I sincerely don't know why I can't talk about certain things), but I don't believe we are adjusting for DST for multiple reasons, the first of which is that there are time zones that do not adjust for DST, and setting up something for specific TZ is problematic.

    Details. I don't really know them.

    If I learn more and I can share, I will. However, don't expect a DST adjustment at this time.

    Looks like nothing is changing anytime soon.

    I think the bigger question here is now why is THIS not the official forum and Reddit is...?

    This is the official forum. People call reddit the official forum simply because some devs actually post there. The real question is why CG/EA do not encourage their devs to post here (when they post at all). Probably an internal CG policy.

    Also... while mildly annoying, I think people are making this a bigger issue than it is. It is unfortunate, but so what? The only thing that even matters is Arena, and no one is happy with it anyway.

    The Devs on Reddit are posting on their own accord. It's not their job to do so and they're not get paid for it. They're just trying to help out the community and Reddit is their preferred medium. I don't see why we have to keep patronizing these Devs for being helpful. Would you prefer they stop posting, giving us even less info then we already have?

    Edit: This isn't directed at you, but rather people who are angry with the Reddit Devs for not posting here.
  • StarSon
    7491 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    Qeltar wrote: »
    On the "official forums" a dev has already weighed in saying they don't plan to change this.

    Here's the Dev response from Reddit:
    I'm going to follow up on the DST thing, and I can't go in to too much detail here (don't ask me why, I sincerely don't know why I can't talk about certain things), but I don't believe we are adjusting for DST for multiple reasons, the first of which is that there are time zones that do not adjust for DST, and setting up something for specific TZ is problematic.

    Details. I don't really know them.

    If I learn more and I can share, I will. However, don't expect a DST adjustment at this time.

    Looks like nothing is changing anytime soon.

    I think the bigger question here is now why is THIS not the official forum and Reddit is...?

    This is the official forum. People call reddit the official forum simply because some devs actually post there. The real question is why CG/EA do not encourage their devs to post here (when they post at all). Probably an internal CG policy.

    Also... while mildly annoying, I think people are making this a bigger issue than it is. It is unfortunate, but so what? The only thing that even matters is Arena, and no one is happy with it anyway.

    The Devs on Reddit are posting on their own accord. It's not their job to do so and they're not get paid for it. They're just trying to help out the community and Reddit is their preferred medium. I don't see why we have to keep patronizing these Devs for being helpful. Would you prefer they stop posting, giving us even less info then we already have?

    Edit: This isn't directed at you, but rather people who are angry with the Reddit Devs for not posting here.

    Personally, I would prefer that they post here as well, regardless of their other posting activities. Their lack of involvement on this forum, to me, is another indication of their poor management (i.e. the policies of their managers). In this type of game, in this day and age, the developers should be encouraged (within limits, as seen even on reddit) to participate here first.
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