(Yoda is back)

2658 posts Member
edited March 2016

We got dat dere trolled hard.
| John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
Post edited by InternetSwag on


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    I only hope that the Game self will comeback
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    Noooo!! I wanted a 7* yoda. Please be wrong
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    I have the same feeling. In my case it might be a good thing though because I still haven'T got him, but would not have been ready to get him at 7* next month anyway and people have said that he is not really useful unless at 7* so this simply gives us more time to prepare, while making space for other events.
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    This was always intended. Read the update.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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    Booo....I would be able to 7☆ him next time.
  • Dan_z
    103 posts Member
    Really hope mthats not the case! 8 shards short on barris and 12 short on JC... Next time he's mine!
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    He'll be back.
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    This was always intended. Read the update.

    Somewhere Jesse said that Yoda would come back a couple of times, then go away for a while, then come back a few more times etc. Probably in a couple of months he'll be back.

    We're screaming for content, so the longer they wait the more complaints they will get.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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    Something tells me they are getting plenty of complaints about now lol.
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    If you end up being right, I really wish they would communicate better. I could've gotten my Jedi to 7 this time, but didn't want to waste crystals assuming he'd be back in a month again.

    And I'd be surprised they didn't mention he'd be gone for a while. When you put a time limit on something it forces people to spend crystals (and therefore actual cash) to get things done.

    I know I would've spent crystals (sitting on a bunch because of the level cap)
    "I find your lack of faith disturbing" - Darth Vader
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    I say it should come up every 4-5 weeks.
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    Oh wow, I didn't realize this at all. Just another thing I will put in my complaints on the 0 star rating I gave the game on Google Play.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    Somewhere Jesse said that Yoda would come back a couple of times, then go away for a while, then come back a few more times etc. Probably in a couple of months he'll be back.

    ARGH!!!!!!! I just assumed he'd be back in another month.. I so wanted a 7* Yoda. Now, who knows when he will be back...
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    BTW if anyone wonders why I hoard.. this is the reason, we never know when stuff like this will happen. I decided to save the 8000 Cantina tokens to 7* Jinn until I was sure they'd be needed. Now that could be in months. (Yes, 7*-ing Jinn would be good anyway, but who knows what new goodies they will put in there...)
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Diraan
    332 posts Member
    I seriously hope this isn't the case. I decided not to spend my last crystals getting JC and Bariss to7 stars because I was fine waiting until the next time I could acquire Yoda. If I had known, I would have spent and gotten him.

    Why don't they communicate these kinds of things? I know people are referencing posts made months ago, but most players probably haven't seen them. A forum sticky would probably be the best way to let everyone know, or even an in-game announcement.

    The thing is, it would only have worked in their favor to announce that the event would not come back for months. You would have had people scrambling to upgrade their characters, buying crystals and credit packs when needed. They would only have come out ahead in the chaos.

    Though we'll probably never see anything official on here, so I'm off to the reddit forums to wait until a dev posts something actually official.
    4/25/2016 - The day General Grevious Shards were reasonably priced.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    Diraan wrote: »
    The thing is, it would only have worked in their favor to announce that the event would not come back for months. You would have had people scrambling to upgrade their characters, buying crystals and credit packs when needed. They would only have come out ahead in the chaos.
    Yep. Well, maybe it will still be soon.
    I'm really disappointed in this, Yoda is a key part of my arena team and I had hoped only to be at a competitive disadvantage for a few weeks.. not months.
    I guess we'll have to wait and see.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • El_Duderino
    413 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I have Yoda at six stars and was hoping to seven star him next month.

    However, I see the glass half-full since now I can finish my Dooku before going back to finish up JC. It felt like a chore that had to be done, and now we may have more time...
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    Maybe it is next week. Don't freak out or let other people influence your behavior : p
  • Kalo
    123 posts Member
    Yay! I'm only 17 shards away from 5 x 7* Jedis. Now I've got plenty of time!
  • Cythis
    273 posts Member
    Hopefully when they bring it back it will be repeatable even if you cleared it already for some cash and prizes! Or even a Yoda vs. Yoda face off
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    Well I've got three more Jedi to hit 7* so that gives me a little more time to get QGJ up and Mace and JC hope I can also get Akosha up also. But all I could get was 5* Yoda and he is very helpful in Arena no negative affects for the first 2 rounds is freaking great and the AI always uses special first :)
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    Qeltar wrote: »
    BTW if anyone wonders why I hoard.. this is the reason, we never know when stuff like this will happen. I decided to save the 8000 Cantina tokens to 7* Jinn until I was sure they'd be needed. Now that could be in months. (Yes, 7*-ing Jinn would be good anyway, but who knows what new goodies they will put in there...)

    Because they've put so many goodies in there in the last... Oh wait. Nvm. :p
    ☮ Consular ☮
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    I expected the events to come back every month. I'm bummed.
  • scuba
    14118 posts Member
    If that is true I am glad I spent the extra crystals today to get snips done and get thru the last battle.
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    Plz be wrong plz be wrong plz be wrong
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    I wouldn't mind if he doesnt come back next month if there is some other type event needing a particular team to unlock a character.

    Maybe every month a different theme and half way through the month they go ahead and announce the next to give us a little time to prep.
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    Ravenclaw wrote: »
    Well I've got three more Jedi to hit 7* so that gives me a little more time to get QGJ up and Mace and JC hope I can also get Akosha up also. But all I could get was 5* Yoda and he is very helpful in Arena no negative affects for the first 2 rounds is freaking great and the AI always uses special first :)

    Four more Jedis until 7* for me so a couple more months would be just fine. Is Ashoka worth powering up? She was one of those toons that I got and never bothered to use. Maybe now is a good time.
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    With me getting 0/6 shards for JK Anakin for the last four days in a row I'm still 39/65 and possibly still won't 5* him in a few months let alone next month :D
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
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    Imo there is no reason not to run it monthly. That leaves room for 3 more monthly events before there is a reason to pick and choose.
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    C00L_Story wrote: »
    I wouldn't mind if he doesnt come back next month if there is some other type event needing a particular team to unlock a character.

    Maybe every month a different theme and half way through the month they go ahead and announce the next to give us a little time to prep.

    Themes should not be every event like this imo.. Yoda? Sure, ok. But I hope they don't play it out
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