Galactic Challenges MEGA


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    More information to follow with the next Road Ahead: circa 2022.

    So, this sounds potentially interesting, but holy moley, after 7+ months of radio-frickin-silence this is ALL you have to say? Seriously? I was expecting a flood of information... whatever this winds up being, the 'fix' to the framework that's been apparently holding things back, new raid status, a serious and sincere apology for allowing cheaters to proliferate, clues towards- if not descriptions of- the 'flood' of new characters and content hinted at a few months ago...

    Underwhelming as usual. It seems like you literally threw this out because someone promised 'June' for the road ahead... it's technically still June, well done! Couldn't even bother to give us a projected date for this news. July? August? Throw us a bone!!! I know so many people (spenders) who love this game and are barely hanging on by the threads, including me. You guys needs to step up COMMUNICATION and CONTENT, because a mass exodus is coming if things don't change.
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    they delayed 8 months just to tell us this? like they could have said this last month. We have no when, no art and they LOVE TO SHOW OFF ART! as far as we know this can be nothing more than what is typed after a brainstorm this morning. This isn't enough, this IS nothing more than a brainstorm. They're literally string us along not me, im done.
  • RoloJawa
    35 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    Turasleon wrote: »
    Neat. Should not have taken three months to write up. All that buildup for this, crazy.

    because it is all a lie, remember everything else they hyped up, there was always something. pictures, art work, and etc. Tophat is stringing us along.
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    More information to follow with the next Road Ahead: circa 2022.

    So, this sounds potentially interesting, but holy moley, after 7+ months of radio-frickin-silence this is ALL you have to say? Seriously? I was expecting a flood of information... whatever this winds up being, the 'fix' to the framework that's been apparently holding things back, new raid status, a serious and sincere apology for allowing cheaters to proliferate, clues towards- if not descriptions of- the 'flood' of new characters and content hinted at a few months ago...

    Underwhelming as usual. It seems like you literally threw this out because someone promised 'June' for the road ahead... it's technically still June, well done! Couldn't even bother to give us a projected date for this news. July? August? Throw us a bone!!! I know so many people (spenders) who love this game and are barely hanging on by the threads, including me. You guys needs to step up COMMUNICATION and CONTENT, because a mass exodus is coming if things don't change.

    because it is all a lie, remember everything else they hyped up, there was always something. pictures, art work, and etc. Tophat is stringing us along.
  • Zedstar
    22 posts Member
    I’m pleased we are getting a new game mode... and maybe cos I have a life away from the game I don’t feel the urge to **** n moan. 👍😉
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    Nauros wrote: »
    Serious statement and not just a smart **** comment:

    Tell me why this isn’t just a revamped Galactic War that I will have fun with at first but eventually view as a chore to complete on a daily basis.

    Is there any game mode that can't be eventually viewed as a chore, though? This looks like a solid attempt at variety in PvE, it could at least take some time to completely figure out all combinations.

    Sure. I’m not immediately saying this is bad. I’m just saying that’s a major question I have. Designing dynamic PVE content is very hard. What is going to keep us engaged and keep it from getting stale quickly? Is this coming with mod swapping improvements so I don’t get irritated needing to swap mods on a daily basis? I need to know things like this before it excites me.
  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    RAs *always* come with questions unanswered.

    But WHEN?!? I cant take another sleepless night!

    Ha just kidding. Yes they do.
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    Imagine if we got this Road Ahead on time! Plus they include a hint to JKL event, then they drop a hint of a fan favorite Character rework.
    Then crumb drops the puzzle on the Luke event... that would’ve been great, but instead they break these pieces up into poorly timed posts.

    I will try to remain positive. Hopefully, the rewards are worth it. It does sound like a time sink, but I would be happy to play and use my entire roster to achieve something worthwhile.
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    Anakin Skywalker: Master, sir, I heard cg_TopHat talking about Galactic Challenges. I've been wondering...what are Galactic Challenges? Qui-Gon Jinn: A poorly rewarded waste of peoples time and nothing for anyone to get excited about.
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    So it does not sound like this will be any time soon. It's a new game mode, it takes time.

    Are you telling us there's nothing in between? Couldn't bother to tease a character release? Quality of life fixes? Upcoming events, if any? Changes to GAC or TW? The data that guild officers want you've had up for months? Something to acknowledge a crackdown on cheaters, constant connection issues, or any of the other bugs?

    What have you been doing these past few months aside from writing up a few paragraphs of limited details for a new mode that you gave absolutely zero indication on the timing it would drop?

    Either you knew this wasn't going to go well when you posted it, or you are very, very out of touch with what the players have been asking for.
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    Great post @VaderB1
  • Kudlaty
    106 posts Member
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    First reactions while was reading it were positive from my side, even if it seems more of an announcement and less of a road ahead as focuses on a single item.
  • Iy4oy4s
    2942 posts Member
    Imagine if we got this Road Ahead on time! Plus they include a hint to JKL event, then they drop a hint of a fan favorite Character rework.
    Then crumb drops the puzzle on the Luke event... that would’ve been great, but instead they break these pieces up into poorly timed posts.

    I will try to remain positive. Hopefully, the rewards are worth it. It does sound like a time sink, but I would be happy to play and use my entire roster to achieve something worthwhile.

    Well, however is running the show over there clearly has NO idea. We couldnt even get a screenshot.
  • TayloRen
    121 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    I read it a couple times but I didn't notice a statement about cheating in the game and what CG is planning on doing to take it more seriously. Hopefully that comes in a separate post, since I'll admit it's off topic for the RA.
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    Sounds like Assault Battles, but with extra bonuses/penalties. I imagine similar rewards: blue/purple gear in the lower levels, gold gear/kyros in the middle levels and g12 finishers/relic materials in the higher levels.
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    Sounds like Assault Battles, but with extra bonuses/penalties. I imagine similar rewards: blue/purple gear in the lower levels, gold gear/kyros in the middle levels and g12 finishers/relic materials in the higher levels.

    Just please don’t be a bunch of waves per battle. That turns it into an RNG fest based on how TM falls.
  • Gamorrean
    2745 posts Member
    If that’s really all the info we could get, why still nothing about the cheating?
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    Just make all raids sim able please!
    I hope this new stuff wont be too time consuming...
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    I know you won’t actually answer this but I’m going to ask it anyway: @CG_SBCrumb why did this very basic outline post take so much extra time to get put up?
  • ssj4tim
    135 posts Member
    So nothing about any of the bugs or anything, instead they announce a new game mode that basically took the horrible ideas implemented in TB and made a while mode out of it. Sigh, they say they listen to us and won't give us the most requested thing on this forum because they are busy making "what people want," meanwhile it is essentially exactly what people hated about the special themes they added to TB. Great listening.
  • dsdsds
    72 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    Affy wrote: »
    Lazy RA.
    As a RA I expect to see a little more the ideas of the the devs regarding this game.
    They could tell us, about the Q&A? Vader will be or not nerfed?
    Tease us about new releases and the time/era (SW) it will be related.

    I suspect the problem is, due to the delays and the expectation, anything they released was likely to be received as a bit “meh”.

    I agree with Edison. If this has come pre Luke and Vader rework it could have been quite exciting. For a road ahead it’s a bit light. Less a motorway of information, more like a country track. My concern is, if this is the road ahead, is there nothing else in the pipeline?

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited for this. In theory it sounds fresh and fun. But is that all we’re looking at for the next quarter?

    But I don’t think it’s a Road Ahead. It doesn’t live up to the name.

    Agreed, this is an announcement, not a progress map. There has been lots of talk of the game dying, this kinda sounds like a reskinned Galactic War with feats.... and there is very little information here.

  • dsdsds
    72 posts Member
    Edison wrote: »
    Affy wrote: »
    Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited for this. In theory it sounds fresh and fun. But is that all we’re looking at for the next quarter?

    Maybe this is still Q2 RA, and we're due for a Q3 one in a week :expressionless:

    100% agree, but im guessing this is what we get for this year
  • VaderB1
    146 posts Member
    Not enough, not even a Road Ahead, just an announcement of a new game mode that will eventually be coming.

    No QOL,
    No mention of new characters
    No reference to cheating

    Just a reference to a new mode...

    This is a Road Ahead...

    This is not...

    Not enough not by a long shot.

    Take care everybody.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    ssj4tim wrote: »
    So nothing about any of the bugs or anything, instead they announce a new game mode that basically took the horrible ideas implemented in TB and made a while mode out of it. Sigh, they say they listen to us and won't give us the most requested thing on this forum because they are busy making "what people want," meanwhile it is essentially exactly what people hated about the special themes they added to TB. Great listening.
    I liked the themes. They were a bit too over the top, that's true, but the idea is imo good.
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    Hope not gonna be after all dailies as my PO is set to midnight, as most suitable time of the day due to schedule
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    We’ve been waiting months for a road ahead and that’s it?!?!?!?!

    Please tell us exactly what is that post required you 2 months to compose?!?!?!

    None of the other issues mentioned or addressed?

    You guys are so tone deaf it’s laughable. This is making a great case study on how to not treat your player base.

    Count me as completely disappointed and unimpressed
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