Galactic Challenges MEGA


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    This is not a Galactic Challenges MEGA.

    This is a Road Ahead MEGA. The majority of posts here are about Road Ahead as its own thing (how much info should be included, what RAs have looked like in the past, the fact that the RA was delayed, general comments about how this doesn't make up for generally bad communication, etc.). Only a minority of comments here are about the Galactic Challenges idea.

    Off topic stuff should be removed or this thread should be renamed and mods should allow creation of a Galactic Challenges thread that isn't merged back into this one so that we can talk about actual Galactic Challenges and not whether or not we like CG's communication. As of now, it's too small a percentage of the thread to even have a coherent conversation.

    This is the same as the past few Road Aheads ("we'll be introducing Relics", "We're working on LS TB", "We're working on DS TB") etc

    No. It's not. Past RAs have covered multiple topics at a time. Posts addressing a single topic (Jedi Luke, upcoming Q&A, etc., etc., etc.) are not called "Road Ahead". This is an announcement of a specific topic. It doesn't address multiple topics and it doesn't give us a sense of how the game is going to evolve.


    Actually talking about the GalChallenges for a moment, I like the idea. HOWEVER (and it's a big however) the only way to prevent this from becoming a chore is, simultaneously, the way to address fears over Gas being unlocked by daily activities.

    They said they're considering different time frames for completion from 24 hours to 1 week. Please, CG, definitely make it 1 week. By doing this, you allow us to time-shift our gameplay. We would not be committed to doing everything every day, even when we're busy, and on days when we have more time we can spend as long as we like trying for multiple feats and attempting multiple tiers.

    Currently, everything is on a 24-hour schedule ...or less! ... except Geo TB, which is on a 36 hour schedule. Galactic Challenges (or any new content) is going to feel more and more like a chore the less and less we have the freedom to pick the day when we want to do the challenges.

    So, unlock on daily activities if you want - but only once, and have the content available for a week. People who have more time on weekends can play on weekends. People who save completing their dailies for their arena climb only lose 1 day out of 7, with plenty of flexibility remaining.

    You're already considering a 7-day availability period, CG, so this needn't be anything hard. Do this for the players, and everyone will be happier.

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    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Hi Holotable Heroes,
    We’re excited to begin sharing details about the next feature coming to the holotables in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes: Galactic Challenges.
    Our main goal for this feature is to provide more activities for players each day. We hear players asking for more ways to use their growing roster of units and want more than just new events that you can master quickly or sim. Galactic Challenges are the first in a series of features (similar to how Grand Arena was the basis for Grand Arena Championships) that will work together to offer new ways to utilize your collection.
    What are Galactic Challenges:
    Galactic Challenges are a new type of event that will feature interesting combat puzzles which will change on a regular basis. These events will feature a rotation of different enemy factions, allowing you to test out different parts of your collection. What makes Galactic Challenges an interesting twist from other forms of combat is the introduction of randomly selected combat modifiers to constantly change up the puzzle. Modifiers can come in 3 different forms: Environmental, Enemy, and Player.
    We want to keep these bonuses and match ups thematic, but use a variety of options to keep the challenges unique and interesting. For example, Environmental modifiers come from the planet or location and apply to both the player and enemy (e.g. Hoth could have a modifier called Frost Bite that makes all units more vulnerable). Enemy modifiers are tied to the enemy faction, so Imperial Troopers could have a positive modifier called Imperial Assault that gives them offense up, but also a negative modifier called Pew Pew which makes them hit less. Player modifiers can also be positive or negative and applied to the player’s units. The different environments, enemy factions and combat modifiers (positive and negative) combine to create fresh and interesting challenges.
    The Challenge in Galactic Challenges:
    We’re still working out some of the details (like at what level Galactic Challenges unlock), but our intention is for Galactic Challenges to offer an appropriate challenge for you wherever you are in the game. There will be multiple tiers of increasing difficulty and players can attempt them all to earn rewards, but we’ll recommend a starting tier based on your collection.
    In addition to playing the base mission for the tier, each tier may feature Feats. Feats will add an additional layer of complexity to the puzzle, so while you can bring your favorite squad into battle, Feats will challenge you to complete the battle with additional conditions to earn more rewards.
    Schedule for Galactic Challenges:
    You’ll earn access to the Galactic Challenges by completing Daily Activities. Once you’ve qualified to enter the event for the day, you’ll be able to play any tier - and importantly, you’ll be able to play as many times as you like for that day to attempt to complete as many Tiers and Feats as possible.
    Similar to Grand Arena Championships, we’ll release Galactic Challenges in an Exhibition Season format. During this time, we’ll try out different versions of the event and see which combinations work best - but we’re currently envisioning event durations of 24 hours to 7 days with 7 tiers of difficulty and 3 feats per tier.
    That’s all we have for today, but we look forward to sharing more details about Galactic Challenges in future posts!

    So....good?...bad?....need more info???....discuss.

    It sounds like fun. Hoping the rewards are good gear or relic materials. Even as a F2P I can enjoy it which is very rare in this game

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    CG, you keep using those words, road ahead. I do not think it means what you think it means. Compare it to all the other road aheads and you'll see how lackluster it is. It's more like a quick sneak peek than laying out the plans for the next few months, unless the game is truly dead and that's all you have for us.
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    @Nihion i wonder which Road Ahead has more words, the Hyper drive bundle RA or this one... the reason I have complaints about CG is they do nothing to fix said complaints. The Bugs, lack of communication etc... wanna know how to get people to quit complaining. Change something they can’t complain about that specific thing.
  • Lysandrax
    1127 posts Member
    That's not why people are annoyed.
    People are annoyed because there are lots of things than need to be addressed that have been left to stagnate and what gets talked about in this RA cost us 9 months of waiting. Even if it is good, that's not worth 9 months of, "here's some meta toons that take over a dozen relic toons to participate in an event that looks like we knocked it together in an afternoon"
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    Not trying to be a Debbie downer but it kind of sounds lame. I have never been a fan of the arena either. I just want another raid, Level 90, new higher challenges and rewards. New chars, like the good ol days. That’s what got me to want to play in the first place. Stop trying to be cute with this kind of stuff.
  • Metroplex79
    836 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    That doesn't really sound exciting TBH.

    We just need reasons to gear up and use the bottom 60% of our roster, other than for Deployment in TBs.

    Mini versions of Assault Battles using specific characters shouldn't be hard to come up with. Rewards don't have to be huge.

    -"Cloud City Escape" - only using Lando, Lobot, and Ugnaught...maybe even calling in a Bespin Guard like calling in the B2 Rocket Trooper in DS Geo TB. Keep it simple at Tier 1 to Bonus Tier.

    -"Destruction of Rebel Shield Generator" - Imperial Troopers only. The final stage is shooting a shield generator like killing the table in Ghosts of Dathomir. Almost like a mini extension of Empire Hoth TB.

    -"Escape from Echo Base" - Wampa only. Simply killing Rebel and Empire troopers to escape. Maybe calling in a shorter and skinnier version of Wampa as a buddy to assist, like calling in the B2 Rocket Trooper in DS Geo TB.

    -"Assault on Sandcrawler" - Tuskens only. Taking out Jawas and odd looking droids to get supplies from the Sandcrawler. Exterior environment ==> entrance motif ==> 'foyer" ==> stairs or "lifts" ==> "supply room" ==> "escape hatch".

    "Defend Jabba's Palace" - only using Gamorrean Guard, Mob Enforcer and Greedo. Various Jabba's palace locations against Tuskens.

    That's just a lot of simple re-skinning and modifications of existing backgrounds and characters.

    Those were just easy OT ideas only. Thrown in minor variations for PT, ST, SW, and Rebels era/scenes/landscapes and that could buy a couple of years of entertainment before people get bored. Then two years from that point, add Challenge Tier 1 and 2.

    Most the templates already exists, just re-shuffle and/or slight recoloring of some can work.
    When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

    Started mid-FEB 2017, and not trying to reach the top.
  • Monel
    2788 posts Member
    ZAP wrote: »
    This could end up a home run or a fastball straight to the face.

    Completely up to how CG handles this going forward.

    So either way my on base percentage improves! Thats what we call a win win.
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    Not trying to be a Debbie downer but it kind of sounds lame. I have never been a fan of the arena either. I just want another raid, Level 90, new higher challenges and rewards. New chars, like the good ol days. That’s what got me to want to play in the first place. Stop trying to be cute with this kind of stuff.
  • Lack
    74 posts Member
    They forgot the brand new currency that this is going to introduce.
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    I liked it

    So do you think it was enough to justify months of delaying it? Do you think that was an actually Road Ahead, rather than just an announcement of a game mode? From what I remember, RA’s were plans of what was to come over the next few months.
    Who am i to criticize if the delay is justified? I'm not their boss. The delay was from May to June, its not as bad as people are making it out to be

    This is the same as the past few Road Aheads ("we'll be introducing Relics", "We're working on LS TB", "We're working on DS TB") etc

    This new game mode is what's coming over in the next few months, and it makes given how intensive the work is. There is puzzle elements, there is a new season, and feats to go along with it. Bonuses and lots of other stuff. The rewards, and how to extend future seasons of GC

    Ummm first it was supposed to be April. Then it got moved to May. Then to June.

    And I guess if you’re ok with something delayed for months (the RA) only to get bare bones information on one thing then.....hey, be happy with the lackluster product that CG is pushing and spending money on it, if you do that is.
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    This would make me happier IF this became a way to FINALLY farm pistols faster and easier, as they’re currently the biggest hole and break in the farming routine.
    Note: faster and easier implies that I don’t need to max the hardest tiers or feats - they should become common like the almost daily carbants.
    I have spoken.
  • TVF
    36696 posts Member

    This is not a Galactic Challenges MEGA.

    This is a Road Ahead MEGA. The majority of posts here are about Road Ahead as its own thing (how much info should be included, what RAs have looked like in the past, the fact that the RA was delayed, general comments about how this doesn't make up for generally bad communication, etc.). Only a minority of comments here are about the Galactic Challenges idea.

    Off topic stuff should be removed or this thread should be renamed and mods should allow creation of a Galactic Challenges thread that isn't merged back into this one so that we can talk about actual Galactic Challenges and not whether or not we like CG's communication. As of now, it's too small a percentage of the thread to even have a coherent conversation.

    This is the same as the past few Road Aheads ("we'll be introducing Relics", "We're working on LS TB", "We're working on DS TB") etc

    No. It's not. Past RAs have covered multiple topics at a time. Posts addressing a single topic (Jedi Luke, upcoming Q&A, etc., etc., etc.) are not called "Road Ahead". This is an announcement of a specific topic. It doesn't address multiple topics and it doesn't give us a sense of how the game is going to evolve.


    Actually talking about the GalChallenges for a moment, I like the idea. HOWEVER (and it's a big however) the only way to prevent this from becoming a chore is, simultaneously, the way to address fears over Gas being unlocked by daily activities.

    They said they're considering different time frames for completion from 24 hours to 1 week. Please, CG, definitely make it 1 week. By doing this, you allow us to time-shift our gameplay. We would not be committed to doing everything every day, even when we're busy, and on days when we have more time we can spend as long as we like trying for multiple feats and attempting multiple tiers.

    Currently, everything is on a 24-hour schedule ...or less! ... except Geo TB, which is on a 36 hour schedule. Galactic Challenges (or any new content) is going to feel more and more like a chore the less and less we have the freedom to pick the day when we want to do the challenges.

    So, unlock on daily activities if you want - but only once, and have the content available for a week. People who have more time on weekends can play on weekends. People who save completing their dailies for their arena climb only lose 1 day out of 7, with plenty of flexibility remaining.

    You're already considering a 7-day availability period, CG, so this needn't be anything hard. Do this for the players, and everyone will be happier.

    Kyno had nothing to do with this thread.
    I need a new message here.
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    Kyno had nothing to do with this thread.

    Please quote the portion of my text where I said otherwise.

    Why is it so hard for people to respond to what was actually said instead of what they're assuming maybe someone maybe possibly implied somehow, despite pretty clearly not saying that?
  • TVF
    36696 posts Member
    Maybe because of your massive text walls?
    I need a new message here.
  • TVF
    36696 posts Member
    Lysandrax wrote: »
    That's not why people are annoyed.
    People are annoyed because there are lots of things than need to be addressed that have been left to stagnate and what gets talked about in this RA cost us 9 months of waiting. Even if it is good, that's not worth 9 months of, "here's some meta toons that take over a dozen relic toons to participate in an event that looks like we knocked it together in an afternoon"

    What cost us 9 months of waiting?
    I need a new message here.
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    If they could make it an option to fight your own factions that would be all the content I need. I want to fight some of my off meta relic'd teams that I worked hard building. Make it happen CG... Please and thanks
  • Lysandrax
    1127 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Lysandrax wrote: »
    That's not why people are annoyed.
    People are annoyed because there are lots of things than need to be addressed that have been left to stagnate and what gets talked about in this RA cost us 9 months of waiting. Even if it is good, that's not worth 9 months of, "here's some meta toons that take over a dozen relic toons to participate in an event that looks like we knocked it together in an afternoon"

    What cost us 9 months of waiting?

    A baby boy
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Kyno had nothing to do with this thread.

    Please quote the portion of my text where I said otherwise.

    Why is it so hard for people to respond to what was actually said instead of what they're assuming maybe someone maybe possibly implied somehow, despite pretty clearly not saying that?

    People would rather spend time making sure everyone knows what they think rather than trying to take the time to read and understand other people's point of view. Life is so much easier when the only point of view you feel is worth listening to is your own.

    All of that said, I agree with your concern about flexibility of time usage.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • TVF
    36696 posts Member
    Lysandrax wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Lysandrax wrote: »
    That's not why people are annoyed.
    People are annoyed because there are lots of things than need to be addressed that have been left to stagnate and what gets talked about in this RA cost us 9 months of waiting. Even if it is good, that's not worth 9 months of, "here's some meta toons that take over a dozen relic toons to participate in an event that looks like we knocked it together in an afternoon"

    What cost us 9 months of waiting?

    A baby boy

    I need a new message here.
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    Sounds like same old battles with buffs and nerfs. Like daily challenges meets MSF alliance war.

    Would rather something BRAND NEW after 7 months of nothing. Like moments from the movies you play through or mini raid bosses like that creature we fought in the revan battle. Maybe this will have some of that but I wouldn't be optimistic.
  • TVF
    36696 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    ZAP wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    ZAP wrote: »
    VaderB1 wrote: »
    Not enough, not even a Road Ahead, just an announcement of a new game mode that will eventually be coming.

    No QOL,
    No mention of new characters
    No reference to cheating

    Just a reference to a new mode...

    This is a Road Ahead...

    This is not...

    Not enough not by a long shot.

    Take care everybody.

    The difference is 100% who’s running the show there now.

    Their enthusiasm and excitement for the game back then compared to the last year is striking.

    Their ability to listen to the community and continue to learn from mistakes and grow is completely gone now.

    Honest question did they ever listen to the community before, other than scrapping the TW toon ban thing that was universally hated?

    (maybe scrapping tournaments, which were so long ago they were before my time?)

    You should read the RA from Carrie in Jan 2019 that I quoted. Several great things in there that showed they listened to us and in the following months added even more great stuff.

    I know you say nothing has changed, but I completely disagree and say things have changed and not for the better.

    If they do bug fixes, QOL additions, communicate more with the community and implement content updates quarterly, this will be the best game of its kind, hands down.

    The game is good, hopefully they can build upon that and make it great for at least a few years to come. They’ve done some things lately that tells me they absolutely can do it with the team they have if management and all their bureaucracy will allow it.

    I never said nothing has changed. I asked when they had listened before, beyond the examples I gave, and I got several more which were valid.
    I need a new message here.
  • TVF
    36696 posts Member
    "Honest question"
    I need a new message here.
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