Galactic challenges event [MERGE]


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    DuneFlint wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    SWBSD wrote: »
    Still with the gear gate... :(

    @SWBSD Yes. They stated they were not going to make any changes during the exhibition.

    Didnt they change the durations and some of the rewards changed or are we to believe the changes were already in before the complaints?

    The different durations were all part of the original schedule

    And the rewards being different after first 2?
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    ShaggyB wrote: »
    DuneFlint wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    SWBSD wrote: »
    Still with the gear gate... :(

    @SWBSD Yes. They stated they were not going to make any changes during the exhibition.

    Didnt they change the durations and some of the rewards changed or are we to believe the changes were already in before the complaints?

    The different durations were all part of the original schedule

    And the rewards being different after first 2?

    I can't speak for that, but I haven't noticed a significant difference in the rewards, all the decent rewards still seem locked behind having 5 g12/r3/r5 of the faction.
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    the seperatist one is hard but doable. all you need is wat, magna and b2 really.
    have wat give taunt to magna, then the attack thing to sniper. when sniper gets 5 stacks kill anakin then snipps, then padme. as long as magna doesnt die too fast he will take all hits protecting the 1 shot sniper droid (1 shot because he does all the damage thus reducing his own HP to nothnig).
    iv'e beaten tier 7 with this strategy with only those 3 charatcers (yes magna and b2 are reliced but wat is only 5*)
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    DuneFlint wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    SWBSD wrote: »
    Still with the gear gate... :(

    @SWBSD Yes. They stated they were not going to make any changes during the exhibition.

    Didnt they change the durations and some of the rewards changed or are we to believe the changes were already in before the complaints?

    The different durations were all part of the original schedule

    And the rewards being different after first 2?

    They were what they were going to be, they didn't make any changes.
  • Ultra
    11553 posts Moderator
    Kyno do you know if we are getting a post on Galactic Challenges today?

    This is the last GC of the exhibition and then its a long weekend
  • TVF
    36706 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    Kyno do you know if we are getting a post on Galactic Challenges today?

    This is the last GC of the exhibition and then its a long weekend

    In CG world 2020 is a long weekend AMIRITE
    I need a new message here.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Ultra wrote: »
    Kyno do you know if we are getting a post on Galactic Challenges today?

    This is the last GC of the exhibition and then its a long weekend

    No it doesn't' seem like we will. Being a holiday weekend, i'm sure they are getting out early too, if not off completely on Friday.

    so i'm not sure how things will roll out from here but I'm hoping we see something next week.

    Obviously they were talking about being able to react quicker to our feedback, but i'm not sure what a quicker timeline looks like, since this is the first real round of this we are seeing.
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    TVF wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Kyno do you know if we are getting a post on Galactic Challenges today?

    This is the last GC of the exhibition and then its a long weekend

    In CG world 2020 is a long weekend AMIRITE

    2019 was too :joy:
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    Nute, Droideka, GG, B2 and Wat - all R5 except GG at R7, piece of cake. Nute as the Lead. (weapon tech on GG, and Tank Tech on Nute.
  • Azza
    245 posts Member
    To be fair, 2020 seems like a hell of a long week-end for CG as they are away since Jan 1st
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    Has anyone reported the bug of you removing a team member to make the squad incomplete, but by the alpha Geonosian summoning the brute, you can not achieve the achievement? Hope so.

    I sincerely hope that profound changes will be made. The fact that it's a debut season gives me low hopes that something good will come out of it.
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    camper288 wrote: »
    Has anyone reported the bug of you removing a team member to make the squad incomplete, but by the alpha Geonosian summoning the brute, you can not achieve the achievement? Hope so.

    I sincerely hope that profound changes will be made. The fact that it's a debut season gives me low hopes that something good will come out of it.

    Been reported since the first GC’s.

    So it’ll be fixed sometime mid 2022.
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    Big thanks to whoever recommended the strategy of Asajj lead, Malak & zombie. Worked like a charm on all challenge levels to get flawless & undersized feat. Didn’t even need relics on Malak
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    @MasterSeedy , respect for all your writing mate!
    It's baffling to see that the community invests so much time and effort into a game where the developers cannot be bothered to communicate with their clients.
    How hard is to hire a Community Manager to at least pretend they care and listen to their player base?!

    Regarding GCs, I have only one question: Not Even One (Mk5) Stun Gun as a reward?! Seriously..?

    @TVF , I'm not sure if you realize how disrespectful it is to reply to a long post where there clearly has been a lot of thought put into, with a sarcastic redundant one liner. Could you please do some of us a favor and repeat whatever you've done a few months back when you were locked out.
  • Magruffin
    818 posts Member
    edited September 2020
    Preto wrote: »
    @MasterSeedy , respect for all your writing mate!
    It's baffling to see that the community invests so much time and effort into a game where the developers cannot be bothered to communicate with their clients.
    How hard is to hire a Community Manager to at least pretend they care and listen to their player base?!

    Regarding GCs, I have only one question: Not Even One (Mk5) Stun Gun as a reward?! Seriously..?

    @TVF , I'm not sure if you realize how disrespectful it is to reply to a long post where there clearly has been a lot of thought put into, with a sarcastic redundant one liner. Could you please do some of us a favor and repeat whatever you've done a few months back when you were locked out.

    But its TVF; that's kinda his shtick
    (Dont get me wrong; he annoys the heck out of me sometimes, but he is a forum staple)
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    @MasterSeedy can you point to where they said the GCs will only run once a week?
    I'm not seeing anything of the sort to base your conclusion off of.

    I clearly said that both running every day and running once per week are options. I personally believe that they don't have any intention of developing a new GC daily, but I conceded that was a possibility. You seem to be very confused if you think I have asserted I know exactly how often these will run. I quote myself:
    Again, either they simply won't do more events - which means they shorten the duration without giving you anything else to do the rest of the week when there is no gal challenge - OR they spend 1/7th the programming time on each one.
    So set a realistic goal for how often you can put out a good quality Galactic Challenge, then actually put out ONLY good quality challenges, and keep the last one available until the next one drops, even if you can't produce more than one good quality GalChal per month and that means the same Gal Challenge ends up sitting open & playable for 30 days.

    I've said "either / or" not that I know exactly what's coming. And though there are quotes from CG, there's no reason to believe that I'm wrong that they've already decided how much programming time they have available and that it won't go up or down based on our forum feedback about how long the event is available to play.

    What I don't see from other people is any acknowledgement that there is actually no evidence that if you reduce the time allowed to complete a GC, that therefore they will run more GCs. There is also no support for THAT position, yet people seem to think that a shorter window to complete automatically means more GCs - but CG has NEVER said that.

    Given that there's got to be a budget (I'm related to accountants so I know that any multimillion dollar company ALWAYS has a budget), only two possibilities exist:

    1. Either quality stays consistent and the number of events per month or year or whatever say the same ... which means that less time to complete just means more time with no GC available at all...

    2. the quality deteriorates because they're trying to make 3.5 or 5 or 7 times the number of events on the same budget.

    This is the reality of running a company. The money doesn't multiply just because your customers would love you to run an event every day.

    Personally I think it would be great if they hired 7 times the programmers and had separate groups each developing only one GC per week... but what evidence does anyone have that if they tell CG they want the time to complete shortened that this means they'll hire 7x the programmers?

    No, I'm quite clear about the information we do and don't have.

    On the other hand, I'd love to be proven wrong and that they're willing to triple the budget if forum feedback says we want events 3x as often.

    Why don't you ask them whether our feedback will change the budget for GC development? I'd be very curious about the answer.

    Maybe End Game isn't for you
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    So since GC isn’t in the events calendar for September, and seeing as this last one is almost done do we know when they will put GC on a new scheduling?
    And when it’s returning?
  • Ultra
    11553 posts Moderator
    Sewpot wrote: »
    So since GC isn’t in the events calendar for September, and seeing as this last one is almost done do we know when they will put GC on a new scheduling?
    And when it’s returning?

    We might get a reply on that next week since it’s a long weekend
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    i think that the modifiers are a ridiculous ploy to get us to freak out about how insufficiently geared our toons are, and to go spend money asap.

    I don't think there is a Master Plan to make the modifiers so hard that we feel the need to gear our toons. The faction feat already have this job. Modifiers are just a way to avoid boredom by repeating the same 5v5 fights over, over and over again imo. I hope you'll find future modifiers more interesting and have more fun next time ('not aiming very high considering the fun you had this time ^^)

  • petersphilo
    93 posts Member
    edited September 2020
    @Starslayer thank you for the reply,
    Maybe you devs are bored with this game, and feel the need to suddenly upend all the work we do to build our toons over months, and sometimes with extra boosts of serious money..
    But *we* are not bored!
    We love this game, I only wish I could do more battles the ‘boring 5v5 way’..
    I even proposed that you guys create a space, not necessarily even with rewards, where we get to free-fight against the squads of other members in our respective Guilds..
    That’d be awesome because of the variety of opponents it would offer!

    The ridiculous modifiers you folks put in place are ridiculous because they don’t add anything to our knowledge of how to make our toons and Squads better..
    They’re just a gimmick! They make absolutely no sense!

    I was so excited when I saw the first Galactic Challenge because I thought ‘wow! I’ve never fought this type of Squad before; I wonder how my Squads will dead with it’
    But instead of offering a way for us to hone our skills, you just created a space where nothing is as it seems, no toon behaves as it should, and all of our skills and hard-earned mods/gear/relics/etc.. don’t mean anything any more!

    I’m sorry to say this, because I love this game, to a fault, but this modifiers idea is abject crap on a stick..

    Just get rid of the modifiers, leave the rest as is, and you’ve got a fun, if perhaps a little quaint, addition to the game...

    I hope you read this, and I hope, against hope, that you just ditch the modifiers..
    Thank you for your time..
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    OK the last scheduled Gallactic Challenge ends today - when will the new revised ones be announced and start? This was announced as an on-going new challenge/event. I thought that meant there would always be an active one, is this not true? Or is this still in the Alpha phase and it will not be on-going until the kinks are worked out? Either way an update would be nice. 1-2 days per challenge appears to be plenty of time. I found I was maxing out what I could complete in a short period of time - 20 minutes or so for the first 4 levels.
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    This one is the end of the exhibition season. We will likely get an update next week about what GC's will look like in the future.
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    They would need to polish up several things:

    Better rewards.
    Keep it to two days.
    Adjust the feats: if you can beat it on a lesser geared toons, give the rewards. Locking it behind gearwall is a terrible idea.
    A new store; don’t screw it up.
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    khdelboy wrote: »
    A new store; don’t screw it up.

    Mods 3.0 I'm hoping...
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    I know it was the exhibition season still thought they would give us some indication when the next one would be
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    edited September 2020
    Well overall... that was not a good showing.

    Bad rewards, annoying modifiers, simply bad experience overall.

    It has promise but this wasnt fun. Once youve completed rewards it lacks a compelling reason to play more.

    Its so close to a sand box.... yet fails to be that too.

    Frankly, scrap it and start over from the ground up
    Post edited by ShaggyB on
  • NottaClone
    117 posts Member
    edited September 2020
    Seroiously though... This event made no sense! The level of characters required to accomplish the "Feats" compared to the rewards received is absurd. We're not talking just crappy rewards... We're talking completly irrelevant rewards! Anyone who would actually need these trash offerings, would still be like years away from even being close to capable of accomplishing any of these challenges!
    Many of which are impossible even for seasoned veterans like myself, and this is the prize for said impossible challenges? ⤵
    I mean come on! It's just completly useless garbage... How is it that no one on the EA/CG development team stopped and said:
    "Hey wait, this seems really dumb"
    That is what the most absurd part of this whole debacle is. Just the inept foresight behind this little project.
    It's almost like when you forget to set your GAC Defenses... It's as if they forgot to set the rewards and so the system set it for them, except instead of setting them from highest to lowest value... It did the opposite and started with the lowest value garbage it could find first! ;)
    Post edited by NottaClone on
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    Looking back in the history of other game modes, Grand Arena was announced December of 2018 (probably released in January/Febrary) and then Grand Arena Championship came in June 2019. So what does everybody think the timeline will be for our newest game mode?
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Bnorth86 wrote: »
    Looking back in the history of other game modes, Grand Arena was announced December of 2018 (probably released in January/Febrary) and then Grand Arena Championship came in June 2019. So what does everybody think the timeline will be for our newest game mode?

    No one actually knows, and it's really difficult to even make a guesses based on previous examples. As part of the background changes they made they have stated they will be able to more easily make changes and respond to feedback.
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    Who cares? Galactic challenges is boring and just a reskinned combination of galactic war and assault battles. You can up the rewards all you want it'll still be boring. Laziest content ever
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