6-A Mods Discussion


  • Looooki
    1045 posts Member
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited October 2020
    Forgive me for not being excited. Mod management is already a chore. In-game mod management tools are rudimentary, at best. Adding more farming and work to a part of the game that was already like work.... :/

    Of all of the things the developers could have been working on, you went with this, huh?

    I think the old "do they actually play their own game?" question is being answered clearly by this and the GC rewards.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    I actually had one day this week with nothing to do but dailies and collect energy ... no events, no raids, no nothing ... so what do we get? The opportunity to randomly upgrade our mods four more times (capped at five upgrades -- fine) using materials behind the Galactic Challenge events that show up, what, weekly and are done in a few minutes ... and I wouldn't be surprised if they reduced the current rewards because now they giving us this new crap.

    The mod management in GOH already sucks ... how about a quality of life update on mod management first? Especially since the code has apparently been reworked to allow all sorts of cool new things. I hate when I have to spend an hour or two upgrading and selling mods that I've accumulated. It's actually caused me to NOT want to buy/farm mods and avoid the events that keep dropping useless health mod after health mod.

    This is a minor change ... and four more opportunities to not watch a speed secondary get upgraded.

    Yes, this is a negative rant... but I'd like CG to do something to increase the enjoyment of the game rather than create another thing to farm ... ugh.
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    Mods are boring and a chore. If mod doesn’t have speed it gets deleted. How about just make so all mods have speed that what happen anyways
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    Looks like they are forcing us to win feats in GC. Better not be like the last one
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    I hate it so much.
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    I like it. There’s definitely promise for it, and it doesn’t really create any major gaps between players and takes a bit of focus away from speed, which I’d say is good, since in any game with a bunch of different stats, I think there should never be a one “end all, be all” stat that matters more than the rest, then there may as well be almost no point in having any of the other stats to begin with.
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    Anything that will help reduce the RNG dumpster fire that is Geo LSTB in general and the KAM mission in particular is welcome in my book!
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    I'm pretty stoked. Requires people to think even more about mods and upgrading. There will be all new theory and priorities on modding. Will make LSTB easier. Not many drawbacks.

    Right now mods are the only thing that differentiate people's lineups. This will make more thoughtful players better.
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    Just what absolutely nobody was asking for. This ocean of content is amazing.
  • Phoenixeon
    1844 posts Member
    edited October 2020
  • scuba
    14176 posts Member
    Phoenixeon wrote: »
    If i am not mistaken, if I upgrade a mod to 6e, it will has +9 speed at least (total 12 rolls divided by 4, so its 3 3 3 3, +3 on 3 times), provide that mod has speed secondary in the first place, right?

    Starting stat is 3-6 for speed and a roll can be 3-6 and you get +1 for upgrade to 6e
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    scuba wrote: »
    Phoenixeon wrote: »
    If i am not mistaken, if I upgrade a mod to 6e, it will has +9 speed at least (total 12 rolls divided by 4, so its 3 3 3 3, +3 on 3 times), provide that mod has speed secondary in the first place, right?

    Starting stat is 3-6 for speed and a roll can be 3-6 and you get +1 for upgrade to 6e

    lol plz igmore this
    just wake up i have to clear my mind on new things
  • scuba
    14176 posts Member
    Phoenixeon wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    Phoenixeon wrote: »
    If i am not mistaken, if I upgrade a mod to 6e, it will has +9 speed at least (total 12 rolls divided by 4, so its 3 3 3 3, +3 on 3 times), provide that mod has speed secondary in the first place, right?

    Starting stat is 3-6 for speed and a roll can be 3-6 and you get +1 for upgrade to 6e

    lol plz igmore this
    just wake up i have to clear my mind on new things

    Too late it is one the interwebs forever 😂😂
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    Jpolson43 wrote: »
    I'm pretty stoked. Requires people to think even more about mods and upgrading. There will be all new theory and priorities on modding. Will make LSTB easier. Not many drawbacks.

    Right now mods are the only thing that differentiate people's lineups. This will make more thoughtful players better.

    Technically it only applies for top tier teams, for example Kylo vs Kylo. Otherwise the toons kits themselves will kill everything not Kylo...
    Example: You can put all the 6-A mods you want on your Clone team, they still won't beat Kylo.
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    Gul_Ski09 wrote: »
    Jpolson43 wrote: »
    I'm pretty stoked. Requires people to think even more about mods and upgrading. There will be all new theory and priorities on modding. Will make LSTB easier. Not many drawbacks.

    Right now mods are the only thing that differentiate people's lineups. This will make more thoughtful players better.

    Technically it only applies for top tier teams, for example Kylo vs Kylo. Otherwise the toons kits themselves will kill everything not Kylo...
    Example: You can put all the 6-A mods you want on your Clone team, they still won't beat Kylo.

    Correct. But there's a lot of things out there besides arena.
  • Wimma
    152 posts Member
    Awesome, new content. Yay.
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    CG: Everyone hates everything about GC.
    Also CG: Let's tie another hated thing to GC and call it new content. Voila, mods 3.0 with GC as the delivery device.
    Make Bronzium autoplay opening an option.
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    As someone who is obsessed with his mods and had some well in that department, I'm not too excited to see more things to have to farm but hopefully they aren't too bad to build up.
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    How about mods with 5x Offense and 5x Offense% secondaries? It might be a little too much.
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    Give us new content than just more farming and gearing up to do
  • DubbQ
    92 posts Member
    I think its a decent solution to improve the speed meta situation a little bit.

    Only thing im worried about is the place to farm. If they are only in the faction specific tier 7 feat of gal chal, they will not be available to people keeping their toons around r3 to 5 so really hoping they are available by just finishing a tier and nof a specific feat
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    It makes sense that galactic challenges added a new level of power. Because since a raid would add relics, to match the income, any new content needs a new power introduced.
  • Ultra
    11592 posts Moderator
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Forgive me for not being excited. Mod management is already a chore. In-game mod management tools are rudimentary, at best. Adding more farming and work to a part of the game that was already like work.... :/

    Of all of the things the developers could have been working on, you went with this, huh?

    I think the old "do they actually play their own game?" question is being answered clearly by this and the GC rewards.

    They really need to upgrade mod inventory and management

    I don’t mind power progression as long as there is some good content with it
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    Pro: it actually sounds good, reduces the rng in mod developing, gives us some powercreep for your most screwed up content. I almost said "ever" but we all know it is only "so far".

    Con: it is still not content, it is still not bugfix, it is not a statement about LD's negotiations with cheaters (these things are still things) and while it is seemingly well figured, i can feel an immediate demand for modcap increase, but i see no sign of it in the text.

    Huge possible backfire: 6E is tied to g12. If 6D is tied to lets say r4, then this idea is instantly horrible
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    Upgrade the Tw map and Tw rewards with news brackets to fight against sandbaggers
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    The mod change itself is fine, nothing game-breaking but lets us turn mediocre mods into great ones. What sucks is the execution. Instead of a meaningful way to ease the existing gear crunch, CG comes up with a new crunch to tie with the new game mode.
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    Does this count as cg finally releasing a statement about galactic challenges.
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