The Pit Challenge Tier & Relic 8 [MEGA]


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    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Bl4ckDe4th wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »

    Just to be clear, at no point did I say it was good or what they should have done.

    The post I am replying to stated it was a bug. And it was supposed to be one way and they made it the other.

    My reply is accurate from the discussions we have had with the team.
    Kyno wrote: »
    No you do need to be on at the same time, yes it is a benefit to coordinate, but no it is not 100% necessary.

    Like I said before, I was mainly referring to the last sentence in the paragraph I quoted, so this exact sentence in the second quote here. This is just wrong as it doesn't apply for everyone.

    Not everyone is ready for end game content.

    If your guild needs to have everyone attack while at 100% health in each phase to beat the raid, maybe that guild isn't quite at the end game state they need to be.

    You know Kyno, we can go back and forth on gear economy all we want in my thread; that’s fine. However, this statement is just obtuse beyond comprehension.

    I’m very curious on how guilds should be punished for poor mechanics in this raid. As DarkHelmet had said, if the mechanic was limited per run to prevent solo’s I could see it. However to punish others for not being able to get on depending on time zones given the current structure almost demands simultaneous attacks is just....insincere to be kind.

    There’s nothing wrong with a challenge but there is so much wrong with this raid that there’s no defending it. They need to fix the raid and grossly missed on it, just as they need to fix the gear economy

    They state the raid will require a lot of coordination for guilds that have mastered all previous raids. The response is to remove one of the major elements that forces coordination for guilds that are on the lower end of ability to beat it. Who is being obtuse?

    Just like the Sith raid, they will monitor the situation and the feedback and adjust things that miss the mark, and just like the Sith raid, it will be difficult and players will figure out strategies and teams that work and there will be a clear path to defeat it outlined, just like every raid before.

    And just like the gear economy discussion we were having, perspective matters, and we all have a different one, but it doesnt make them wrong on how we get to the end situation.

    Lots of people here act like CG owes them a favor. It's their game and their business, for better or worse.

    If you don't like something, you vote with your wallet. Pretty straight forward I think.

    I've been crítical of the game in the past (over tuned Lstb, as an example), but this is one area where I can't agree with the criticism.

    A favor? Lol do you have that kind of mindset when you go out to eat or go shopping? CG is a business and are held to a certain standard of service and product. When they fail to meet said standard, they are obligated to correct it to their PAYING customers. It’s not a favor, we the customers are doing them a favor by paying for their game and choosing their service.
    You’re right though, if their service and product grossly missed the mark, there are venues that we the customers can take as a result and I truly hope people do this time as CG is getting far too greedy lately
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Bl4ckDe4th wrote: »
    @Kyno I don't think it leads anywhere answering to this topic again as our opinions on this are clearly different and we won't agree with each other.
    But is the answer to the stacking speed coming with the feedback to what Doja wrote about earlier or can you / the devs already share somthing?
    Noted some of possible bugs being reported earlier [...]
    This is what I'm talking about:
    Nemio wrote: »
    Here, the boss has under 20% health. If it is working like you say, he should have 100%+75+75+75+75 = 400% speed. So anywhere between 880 and 1200. Then Jedi Master Luke goes before him. Unless I'm missing something (would appreciate someone pointing it out if so), the mechanics are not working as you are saying they are. It would be nice to have more insight than: 'It is working as intended'. He is indeed faster and seems to hit harder later on in the fight, but nowhere close to 4 times 75% buffs.

    This is the issues he is referring to. We wont hear anything for a little bit due to the bug guy being out, I believe with a bug (ah the irony).

    So a studio of CG's size only has ONE guy that can fix this? I read that as just another reason to believe that CG is back burning SWGOH for their new game.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Bl4ckDe4th wrote: »
    Kyno I don't think it leads anywhere answering to this topic again as our opinions on this are clearly different and we won't agree with each other.
    But is the answer to the stacking speed coming with the feedback to what Doja wrote about earlier or can you / the devs already share somthing?
    Noted some of possible bugs being reported earlier [...]
    This is what I'm talking about:
    Nemio wrote: »
    Here, the boss has under 20% health. If it is working like you say, he should have 100%+75+75+75+75 = 400% speed. So anywhere between 880 and 1200. Then Jedi Master Luke goes before him. Unless I'm missing something (would appreciate someone pointing it out if so), the mechanics are not working as you are saying they are. It would be nice to have more insight than: 'It is working as intended'. He is indeed faster and seems to hit harder later on in the fight, but nowhere close to 4 times 75% buffs.

    This is the issues he is referring to. We wont hear anything for a little bit due to the bug guy being out, I believe with a bug (ah the irony).

    So a studio of CG's size only has ONE guy that can fix this? I read that as just another reason to believe that CG is back burning SWGOH for their new game.

    No that's not what was said, please go back and read Dojas comment.

    As always, don't let the truth in the way of a good story.
  • Options
    There are two guys and both are sick!
  • RescueME
    51 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    Ultra wrote: »
    I understand tagging me in your posts on this thread, but trust I'm keeping an eye on it already. I will do my part to report community sentiment to the devs.

    Can we have a Q&A for this Challenge Raid only?

    I have so many questions about so many decisions that have taken place regarding this raid

    Why? So they could cherry pick 95% of questions about Art and the other 5% on patting themselves on the back for content? Their Q&A's are a joke like their decision making.

    I'm just really disappointed in them being as tone-deaf as they are. For over a year they've heard about how poor the reward structure was and then to come out and say they're flattening it for the Challenge Rancor and then literally do the opposite is quite ridiculous. It's almost as literally do not understand what they say.
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Bl4ckDe4th wrote: »

    The raid is 48 hours long, shouldn't be impossible to coordinate two times in two days to hit the raid

    The attacks go by so quickly its like a 10 min time investment

    *four times
    each of those for 50 people, maybe 25, but both isn't easy. And there're always people getting screwed. It's not like they're living all in the same time zone with every one having a 9-to-5 job

    You can clear a phase in less than 5 mins, so two phases would be 10 or less
    So two 10 minute commitments

    Guild events are about group coordination

    Again, different time zones. It’s not the physical time itself spent in game. It’s the time zone people are in. It’s 330pm for me right now and another guildie may be 3:30 am right now. Why should they need to get up in the middle of the night? Please start getting the point

    Find a guild that better aligns to your time zone, problem solved

    So you can't play with friends around the world anymore? All because of a single raid? The guild I lead beat phase 1. We definitely need more firepower to continue so it'll be a very long grind. And I like the scaling stats as an idea for INDIVIDUAL RUNS to stop solos. But to punish my European guildmates for being asleep at raid start is just unfair. If I knew the mechanic worked like that, I'd have arranged an earlier time. I inferred, as others did, that this mechanic was run-specific and not punishing everyone for one player's progress.

    I said in a post not too long ago that you come for the Star Wars, stay for the people. It's not just about "git gud". Our guild isn't strong enough, that's fine. Not the end of the world. But does that mechanic HAVE to punish everyone? Seems an overreach to me.

    You can play however you want.
    A lot of you are acting like this is the only way to beat the raid.

    I seem to remember hstr being designed to not be able to be solo'd. Then SLKR came around. Things will change over time.

    You can have at most 2 r8 toons right now? Pretty sure more r8 toons is going to help

    There's more toons coming. Some toons in the game are not widely owned and have not been sufficiently tested.

    There's clearly more to come in terms of growing your rosters power. So if you can't see that those things will come to pass and eventually trivialize this raid and you have to be world's first clear!!!!!! Then yeah git gud

    Otherwise sit back, have fun testing and learning and building towards a goal.

    why would more r8 toons help? r7 to r8 makes zero difference in arena thus far on GLs so how much of an impact is it going to have on, say, Chewpio? The only difference noteworthy is with ships. Are r8 GG and r8 GK going to be god tier in this raid? Also, unless you're a whale you're not getting any r8 toons unless the raid is already able to be beaten so this "get r8 toons to git gud" response is absolutely hilariously bad :joy:

    It doesn't matter how many more 'good teams' we get when the mechanic to prevent solos (which again, is fine for individual runs) is crippling the rest of the guild as a whole unless we time it perfectly. Which you seem to just take for granted since it was 'easy' for your guild.
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    The more I read about all this, the more it makes sense. Huge thanks @Kyno for highlighting the important points and responding to relevant stuff. <3
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Bl4ckDe4th wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Not everyone is ready for end game content.

    If your guild needs to have everyone attack while at 100% health in each phase to beat the raid, maybe that guild isn't quite at the end game state they need to be.

    This is just an excuse. And I'm not even talking about my guild. We're nearly done. If we can't make it this time we just need a little bit of coordination. Just look at all the complaints. It's clearly not done well.

    No that's not an excuse, that is reality. In this game if "you" need to rely on any gimmick or thing as "the only way", then "you" just need to develop more to rely on it less, and eventually not at all. That doesnt make it a design issue.

    Go check every raid release, it's always like this.

    It's less about relying on the gimmick and more about making it not a fair design. Guilds that have members spread out over the globe can't make use of everyone hitting the raid at the same exact time and thus might have a stronger roster overall than a guild who is able to attack at the exact same time at 100% and use fewer teams purely because they're all in the same time zone is a design issue.

    I'm not saying you're wrong that they might have intended it to be that if you can't do it one attack after the other and slowly go down the % that your guild is "not ready" by their standards, but the fact that there is even a gimmick like this possible where you can send in everyone at 100% and hit for more than you would if you did the raid "naturally" means there is something wrong with the design. There should not be advantages given to some guilds over others, and as a guild that is going to beat it, but w/o using the gimmick because we are all over the globe, it's annoying to see other, far weaker guilds still beating it by exploiting the gimmick instead of actually using the strength of their rosters.

    This is a design issue that does not impact everyone equally and allows people who you state as unready by CG's standard to beat the raid where they really should not be able to. Tell me how *that* isn't a design issue.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Bl4ckDe4th wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Not everyone is ready for end game content.

    If your guild needs to have everyone attack while at 100% health in each phase to beat the raid, maybe that guild isn't quite at the end game state they need to be.

    This is just an excuse. And I'm not even talking about my guild. We're nearly done. If we can't make it this time we just need a little bit of coordination. Just look at all the complaints. It's clearly not done well.

    No that's not an excuse, that is reality. In this game if "you" need to rely on any gimmick or thing as "the only way", then "you" just need to develop more to rely on it less, and eventually not at all. That doesnt make it a design issue.

    Go check every raid release, it's always like this.

    I wholeheartedly disagree with your argument. The "gimmick" shouldn't even exist in the raid, and its inclusion was a downright horrendous idea. If the goal was to stop solos (which IS a noble goal IMO), they should have made the stacking offense/speed exist within an encounter only, not persist between battles.

    Just because people can beat it without using an exploit, doesn't mean that exploit shouldn't be addressed.

    The raid's difficulty is not at issue. The mechanic of rewarding exploiting the raid in order to bypass its more difficult chunks is the issue.

    I'd like to know if a dev ever goes on record and says they inteneded guilds to all attack and post their damage at once in order to bypass the final 80% of each phase.

    Other than that mechanic, I think the raid is perfectly fine. Figuring out a new raid is my favorite content in the game, so I really hope they address this.
  • Options
    Degs29 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Bl4ckDe4th wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Not everyone is ready for end game content.

    If your guild needs to have everyone attack while at 100% health in each phase to beat the raid, maybe that guild isn't quite at the end game state they need to be.

    This is just an excuse. And I'm not even talking about my guild. We're nearly done. If we can't make it this time we just need a little bit of coordination. Just look at all the complaints. It's clearly not done well.

    No that's not an excuse, that is reality. In this game if "you" need to rely on any gimmick or thing as "the only way", then "you" just need to develop more to rely on it less, and eventually not at all. That doesnt make it a design issue.

    Go check every raid release, it's always like this.

    I wholeheartedly disagree with your argument. The "gimmick" shouldn't even exist in the raid, and its inclusion was a downright horrendous idea. If the goal was to stop solos (which IS a noble goal IMO), they should have made the stacking offense/speed exist within an encounter only, not persist between battles.

    Just because people can beat it without using an exploit, doesn't mean that exploit shouldn't be addressed.

    The raid's difficulty is not at issue. The mechanic of rewarding exploiting the raid in order to bypass its more difficult chunks is the issue.

    I'd like to know if a dev ever goes on record and says they inteneded guilds to all attack and post their damage at once in order to bypass the final 80% of each phase.

    Other than that mechanic, I think the raid is perfectly fine. Figuring out a new raid is my favorite content in the game, so I really hope they address this.

    Good point, solos in raids happen due to various mechanics being able to stop the flow towards rage. This can be stopped in various ways right within every particular run.
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    What sounds really fun is an event that requires 50 people to all attack at once to avoid 80% of the raid mechanics.

    Guilds that don't have 50 people all from the same area will be crushed.

    What's even more fun would be if they limited the characters you can use so most people can't use their rosters they have worked for years to build unless they pay more money.

    This soulds really fun.
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    Go go hyperbole! It's doable with 10-20 ppl at the same time depending on the phase.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Degs29 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Bl4ckDe4th wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Not everyone is ready for end game content.

    If your guild needs to have everyone attack while at 100% health in each phase to beat the raid, maybe that guild isn't quite at the end game state they need to be.

    This is just an excuse. And I'm not even talking about my guild. We're nearly done. If we can't make it this time we just need a little bit of coordination. Just look at all the complaints. It's clearly not done well.

    No that's not an excuse, that is reality. In this game if "you" need to rely on any gimmick or thing as "the only way", then "you" just need to develop more to rely on it less, and eventually not at all. That doesnt make it a design issue.

    Go check every raid release, it's always like this.

    I wholeheartedly disagree with your argument. The "gimmick" shouldn't even exist in the raid, and its inclusion was a downright horrendous idea. If the goal was to stop solos (which IS a noble goal IMO), they should have made the stacking offense/speed exist within an encounter only, not persist between battles.

    Just because people can beat it without using an exploit, doesn't mean that exploit shouldn't be addressed.

    The raid's difficulty is not at issue. The mechanic of rewarding exploiting the raid in order to bypass its more difficult chunks is the issue.

    I'd like to know if a dev ever goes on record and says they inteneded guilds to all attack and post their damage at once in order to bypass the final 80% of each phase.

    Other than that mechanic, I think the raid is perfectly fine. Figuring out a new raid is my favorite content in the game, so I really hope they address this.

    its not an exploit, trying to make that argument is moot.

    the mechanic is what is adding to the difficulty, if the difficulty is not an issue, then this mechanic shouldn't be an issue. There is "nothing to address", they are aware of this design, and they intended for it to be there. The raid is doable without doing anything extra to avoid this mechanic (its a choice that can be made to make it easier), so while you can go to extra lengths to minimize its effects, they didn't fully intend for a guild to organize every player to jump in the raid at the start of each phase. this was a plan of attack formed by the player base.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Degs29 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Bl4ckDe4th wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Not everyone is ready for end game content.

    If your guild needs to have everyone attack while at 100% health in each phase to beat the raid, maybe that guild isn't quite at the end game state they need to be.

    This is just an excuse. And I'm not even talking about my guild. We're nearly done. If we can't make it this time we just need a little bit of coordination. Just look at all the complaints. It's clearly not done well.

    No that's not an excuse, that is reality. In this game if "you" need to rely on any gimmick or thing as "the only way", then "you" just need to develop more to rely on it less, and eventually not at all. That doesnt make it a design issue.

    Go check every raid release, it's always like this.

    I wholeheartedly disagree with your argument. The "gimmick" shouldn't even exist in the raid, and its inclusion was a downright horrendous idea. If the goal was to stop solos (which IS a noble goal IMO), they should have made the stacking offense/speed exist within an encounter only, not persist between battles.

    Just because people can beat it without using an exploit, doesn't mean that exploit shouldn't be addressed.

    The raid's difficulty is not at issue. The mechanic of rewarding exploiting the raid in order to bypass its more difficult chunks is the issue.

    I'd like to know if a dev ever goes on record and says they inteneded guilds to all attack and post their damage at once in order to bypass the final 80% of each phase.

    Other than that mechanic, I think the raid is perfectly fine. Figuring out a new raid is my favorite content in the game, so I really hope they address this.

    its not an exploit, trying to make that argument is moot.

    the mechanic is what is adding to the difficulty, if the difficulty is not an issue, then this mechanic shouldn't be an issue. There is "nothing to address", they are aware of this design, and they intended for it to be there. The raid is doable without doing anything extra to avoid this mechanic (its a choice that can be made to make it easier), so while you can go to extra lengths to minimize its effects, they didn't fully intend for a guild to organize every player to jump in the raid at the start of each phase. this was a plan of attack formed by the player base.

    That was figured out in about 5 minutes. Certainly you're not suggesting that the development team didn't see this coming? Or that such a strategy wasn't addressed in the "testing"?
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Degs29 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Bl4ckDe4th wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Not everyone is ready for end game content.

    If your guild needs to have everyone attack while at 100% health in each phase to beat the raid, maybe that guild isn't quite at the end game state they need to be.

    This is just an excuse. And I'm not even talking about my guild. We're nearly done. If we can't make it this time we just need a little bit of coordination. Just look at all the complaints. It's clearly not done well.

    No that's not an excuse, that is reality. In this game if "you" need to rely on any gimmick or thing as "the only way", then "you" just need to develop more to rely on it less, and eventually not at all. That doesnt make it a design issue.

    Go check every raid release, it's always like this.

    I wholeheartedly disagree with your argument. The "gimmick" shouldn't even exist in the raid, and its inclusion was a downright horrendous idea. If the goal was to stop solos (which IS a noble goal IMO), they should have made the stacking offense/speed exist within an encounter only, not persist between battles.

    Just because people can beat it without using an exploit, doesn't mean that exploit shouldn't be addressed.

    The raid's difficulty is not at issue. The mechanic of rewarding exploiting the raid in order to bypass its more difficult chunks is the issue.

    I'd like to know if a dev ever goes on record and says they inteneded guilds to all attack and post their damage at once in order to bypass the final 80% of each phase.

    Other than that mechanic, I think the raid is perfectly fine. Figuring out a new raid is my favorite content in the game, so I really hope they address this.

    its not an exploit, trying to make that argument is moot.

    the mechanic is what is adding to the difficulty, if the difficulty is not an issue, then this mechanic shouldn't be an issue. There is "nothing to address", they are aware of this design, and they intended for it to be there. The raid is doable without doing anything extra to avoid this mechanic (its a choice that can be made to make it easier), so while you can go to extra lengths to minimize its effects, they didn't fully intend for a guild to organize every player to jump in the raid at the start of each phase. this was a plan of attack formed by the player base.

    I don't see what you mean at all. Mechanics directly inform how to tackle it. This is not one of those times with unforeseen interaction and theorycrafted team things. How can it be unintended when it's the consequence of a new mechanic being in place?
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Bl4ckDe4th wrote: »
    Kyno I don't think it leads anywhere answering to this topic again as our opinions on this are clearly different and we won't agree with each other.
    But is the answer to the stacking speed coming with the feedback to what Doja wrote about earlier or can you / the devs already share somthing?
    Noted some of possible bugs being reported earlier [...]
    This is what I'm talking about:
    Nemio wrote: »
    Here, the boss has under 20% health. If it is working like you say, he should have 100%+75+75+75+75 = 400% speed. So anywhere between 880 and 1200. Then Jedi Master Luke goes before him. Unless I'm missing something (would appreciate someone pointing it out if so), the mechanics are not working as you are saying they are. It would be nice to have more insight than: 'It is working as intended'. He is indeed faster and seems to hit harder later on in the fight, but nowhere close to 4 times 75% buffs.

    This is the issues he is referring to. We wont hear anything for a little bit due to the bug guy being out, I believe with a bug (ah the irony).

    So a studio of CG's size only has ONE guy that can fix this? I read that as just another reason to believe that CG is back burning SWGOH for their new game.

    No that's not what was said, please go back and read Dojas comment.

    As always, don't let the truth in the way of a good story.
    Noted some of possible bugs being reported earlier and sent them to the appropriate person without realizing they are out sick today. So, as a backup plan, I sent to our general QA dept.

    Hopefully we'll get some clarification soon. Might be next week, tho given our resident expert on bugs for this particular raid is out.

    Sooooo....the "appropriate PERSON" and "resident expert" (singular) is therefore, we have to wait....which would imply that there is ONE person for know....since we have to wait until that ONE person gets back to work for resolution....becasue there is ONE person. As always, dont let the truth get in the way there Kyno.

  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Degs29 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Bl4ckDe4th wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Not everyone is ready for end game content.

    If your guild needs to have everyone attack while at 100% health in each phase to beat the raid, maybe that guild isn't quite at the end game state they need to be.

    This is just an excuse. And I'm not even talking about my guild. We're nearly done. If we can't make it this time we just need a little bit of coordination. Just look at all the complaints. It's clearly not done well.

    No that's not an excuse, that is reality. In this game if "you" need to rely on any gimmick or thing as "the only way", then "you" just need to develop more to rely on it less, and eventually not at all. That doesnt make it a design issue.

    Go check every raid release, it's always like this.

    I wholeheartedly disagree with your argument. The "gimmick" shouldn't even exist in the raid, and its inclusion was a downright horrendous idea. If the goal was to stop solos (which IS a noble goal IMO), they should have made the stacking offense/speed exist within an encounter only, not persist between battles.

    Just because people can beat it without using an exploit, doesn't mean that exploit shouldn't be addressed.

    The raid's difficulty is not at issue. The mechanic of rewarding exploiting the raid in order to bypass its more difficult chunks is the issue.

    I'd like to know if a dev ever goes on record and says they inteneded guilds to all attack and post their damage at once in order to bypass the final 80% of each phase.

    Other than that mechanic, I think the raid is perfectly fine. Figuring out a new raid is my favorite content in the game, so I really hope they address this.

    its not an exploit, trying to make that argument is moot.

    the mechanic is what is adding to the difficulty, if the difficulty is not an issue, then this mechanic shouldn't be an issue. There is "nothing to address", they are aware of this design, and they intended for it to be there. The raid is doable without doing anything extra to avoid this mechanic (its a choice that can be made to make it easier), so while you can go to extra lengths to minimize its effects, they didn't fully intend for a guild to organize every player to jump in the raid at the start of each phase. this was a plan of attack formed by the player base.

    That was figured out in about 5 minutes. Certainly you're not suggesting that the development team didn't see this coming? Or that such a strategy wasn't addressed in the "testing"?


    As I said they were aware of this, and left it in place, because it was intended for coordination, but not that "the only way to do it would eb to have 50 people all log in at each phase".

    Again its doable without this.

    I never said they didnt see this coming, did I?
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Bl4ckDe4th wrote: »
    Kyno I don't think it leads anywhere answering to this topic again as our opinions on this are clearly different and we won't agree with each other.
    But is the answer to the stacking speed coming with the feedback to what Doja wrote about earlier or can you / the devs already share somthing?
    Noted some of possible bugs being reported earlier [...]
    This is what I'm talking about:
    Nemio wrote: »
    Here, the boss has under 20% health. If it is working like you say, he should have 100%+75+75+75+75 = 400% speed. So anywhere between 880 and 1200. Then Jedi Master Luke goes before him. Unless I'm missing something (would appreciate someone pointing it out if so), the mechanics are not working as you are saying they are. It would be nice to have more insight than: 'It is working as intended'. He is indeed faster and seems to hit harder later on in the fight, but nowhere close to 4 times 75% buffs.

    This is the issues he is referring to. We wont hear anything for a little bit due to the bug guy being out, I believe with a bug (ah the irony).

    So a studio of CG's size only has ONE guy that can fix this? I read that as just another reason to believe that CG is back burning SWGOH for their new game.

    No that's not what was said, please go back and read Dojas comment.

    As always, don't let the truth in the way of a good story.
    Noted some of possible bugs being reported earlier and sent them to the appropriate person without realizing they are out sick today. So, as a backup plan, I sent to our general QA dept.

    Hopefully we'll get some clarification soon. Might be next week, tho given our resident expert on bugs for this particular raid is out.

    Sooooo....the "appropriate PERSON" and "resident expert" (singular) is therefore, we have to wait....which would imply that there is ONE person for know....since we have to wait until that ONE person gets back to work for resolution....becasue there is ONE person. As always, dont let the truth get in the way there Kyno.

    Resident expert on bugs for this particular raid.

    That in no way states or implies there is only one person who handles all bugs, or is the only one who can fix this. Just that they have one person who would make quicker work of this than others on the team.

    But you dont want to believe they have a team, and its basically Crumb and Doja doing all of this from one computer.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Bl4ckDe4th wrote: »
    Kyno I don't think it leads anywhere answering to this topic again as our opinions on this are clearly different and we won't agree with each other.
    But is the answer to the stacking speed coming with the feedback to what Doja wrote about earlier or can you / the devs already share somthing?
    Noted some of possible bugs being reported earlier [...]
    This is what I'm talking about:
    Nemio wrote: »
    Here, the boss has under 20% health. If it is working like you say, he should have 100%+75+75+75+75 = 400% speed. So anywhere between 880 and 1200. Then Jedi Master Luke goes before him. Unless I'm missing something (would appreciate someone pointing it out if so), the mechanics are not working as you are saying they are. It would be nice to have more insight than: 'It is working as intended'. He is indeed faster and seems to hit harder later on in the fight, but nowhere close to 4 times 75% buffs.

    This is the issues he is referring to. We wont hear anything for a little bit due to the bug guy being out, I believe with a bug (ah the irony).

    So a studio of CG's size only has ONE guy that can fix this? I read that as just another reason to believe that CG is back burning SWGOH for their new game.

    No that's not what was said, please go back and read Dojas comment.

    As always, don't let the truth in the way of a good story.
    Noted some of possible bugs being reported earlier and sent them to the appropriate person without realizing they are out sick today. So, as a backup plan, I sent to our general QA dept.

    Hopefully we'll get some clarification soon. Might be next week, tho given our resident expert on bugs for this particular raid is out.

    Sooooo....the "appropriate PERSON" and "resident expert" (singular) is therefore, we have to wait....which would imply that there is ONE person for know....since we have to wait until that ONE person gets back to work for resolution....becasue there is ONE person. As always, dont let the truth get in the way there Kyno.

    Resident expert on bugs for this particular raid.

    That in no way states or implies there is only one person who handles all bugs, or is the only one who can fix this. Just that they have one person who would make quicker work of this than others on the team.

    But you dont want to believe they have a team, and its basically Crumb and Doja doing all of this from one computer.

    We've never seen any proof that they have more than one computer, and we've never seen Crumb and Doja in the same place at the same time. For all we know, it's just Crumb on an old TRS-80 pretending to be the entire team.
  • Options
    I agreed something isn’t right with the mechanics in phase 1 with these 20% health depletion bonuses that would then effect other guild members encounters. I have read the “details” notes on all the existing raids...including the new rancor. All the mechanics listed relate to a particular individual encounter and the new rancor specifically calls out this 20% health depletion bonuses as it does the other mechanics. There is no qualifier that states it will effect other encounters...only that it would effect the existing encounter. This makes sense if they are trying to prevent individual solos but why should my run then effect others? Especially to their they happen to enter after me or others post quickly. It just doesn’t seem like a guild friendly thing to do. I have a hard time believing that this was their intent. It seems like a major flub that needs to be fixed...along with all the other bugs discovered over the last few days.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Kyno wrote: »
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Bl4ckDe4th wrote: »
    Kyno I don't think it leads anywhere answering to this topic again as our opinions on this are clearly different and we won't agree with each other.
    But is the answer to the stacking speed coming with the feedback to what Doja wrote about earlier or can you / the devs already share somthing?
    Noted some of possible bugs being reported earlier [...]
    This is what I'm talking about:
    Nemio wrote: »
    Here, the boss has under 20% health. If it is working like you say, he should have 100%+75+75+75+75 = 400% speed. So anywhere between 880 and 1200. Then Jedi Master Luke goes before him. Unless I'm missing something (would appreciate someone pointing it out if so), the mechanics are not working as you are saying they are. It would be nice to have more insight than: 'It is working as intended'. He is indeed faster and seems to hit harder later on in the fight, but nowhere close to 4 times 75% buffs.

    This is the issues he is referring to. We wont hear anything for a little bit due to the bug guy being out, I believe with a bug (ah the irony).

    So a studio of CG's size only has ONE guy that can fix this? I read that as just another reason to believe that CG is back burning SWGOH for their new game.

    No that's not what was said, please go back and read Dojas comment.

    As always, don't let the truth in the way of a good story.
    Noted some of possible bugs being reported earlier and sent them to the appropriate person without realizing they are out sick today. So, as a backup plan, I sent to our general QA dept.

    Hopefully we'll get some clarification soon. Might be next week, tho given our resident expert on bugs for this particular raid is out.

    Sooooo....the "appropriate PERSON" and "resident expert" (singular) is therefore, we have to wait....which would imply that there is ONE person for know....since we have to wait until that ONE person gets back to work for resolution....becasue there is ONE person. As always, dont let the truth get in the way there Kyno.

    Resident expert on bugs for this particular raid.

    That in no way states or implies there is only one person who handles all bugs, or is the only one who can fix this. Just that they have one person who would make quicker work of this than others on the team.

    But you dont want to believe they have a team, and its basically Crumb and Doja doing all of this from one computer.

    We've never seen any proof that they have more than one computer, and we've never seen Crumb and Doja in the same place at the same time. For all we know, it's just Crumb on an old TRS-80 pretending to be the entire team.

    They moved into Dojas basement, that's how he got into his position.
  • Options
    I read a lot of embarrassment on pages 19 and 20.

    1) The heroic attack of the sith raid in the beginning was not really available for all guilds, but at least there were non-heroic degrees to give rewards and that would be enough to make all the fallacious arguments that the claim was the same at the launch of the Sith Raid.

    2) There were no relics on the way as a lock, in other words, you can still use 7-star toons g0 or g1 to sacrifice and help you attack.

    3) Normal Pit reward is low and that of HAAT can be lower than that of Pit, and that of sith raid little for most of the guild. and none of the 3 raids give rewards for relic materials.

    4) Yes, the mechanics are made in a difficult and sloppy way.

    I had increased the rating on google play about the game right after they got it right to facilitate the entry of new players. Obviously I downgraded the note and redid the review after this mess (the word is different).

    I thought TW toon vote blocking was the limit of madness. I see that it can always get worse.

    And no, I won't leave the game, I like Star Wars, I think CG can get it right, but for now she made a big mistake and usually lacks humility.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Bl4ckDe4th wrote: »
    Kyno I don't think it leads anywhere answering to this topic again as our opinions on this are clearly different and we won't agree with each other.
    But is the answer to the stacking speed coming with the feedback to what Doja wrote about earlier or can you / the devs already share somthing?
    Noted some of possible bugs being reported earlier [...]
    This is what I'm talking about:
    Nemio wrote: »
    Here, the boss has under 20% health. If it is working like you say, he should have 100%+75+75+75+75 = 400% speed. So anywhere between 880 and 1200. Then Jedi Master Luke goes before him. Unless I'm missing something (would appreciate someone pointing it out if so), the mechanics are not working as you are saying they are. It would be nice to have more insight than: 'It is working as intended'. He is indeed faster and seems to hit harder later on in the fight, but nowhere close to 4 times 75% buffs.

    This is the issues he is referring to. We wont hear anything for a little bit due to the bug guy being out, I believe with a bug (ah the irony).

    So a studio of CG's size only has ONE guy that can fix this? I read that as just another reason to believe that CG is back burning SWGOH for their new game.

    No that's not what was said, please go back and read Dojas comment.

    As always, don't let the truth in the way of a good story.
    Noted some of possible bugs being reported earlier and sent them to the appropriate person without realizing they are out sick today. So, as a backup plan, I sent to our general QA dept.

    Hopefully we'll get some clarification soon. Might be next week, tho given our resident expert on bugs for this particular raid is out.

    Sooooo....the "appropriate PERSON" and "resident expert" (singular) is therefore, we have to wait....which would imply that there is ONE person for know....since we have to wait until that ONE person gets back to work for resolution....becasue there is ONE person. As always, dont let the truth get in the way there Kyno.

    Resident expert on bugs for this particular raid.

    That in no way states or implies there is only one person who handles all bugs, or is the only one who can fix this. Just that they have one person who would make quicker work of this than others on the team.

    But you dont want to believe they have a team, and its basically Crumb and Doja doing all of this from one computer.

    We've never seen any proof that they have more than one computer, and we've never seen Crumb and Doja in the same place at the same time. For all we know, it's just Crumb on an old TRS-80 pretending to be the entire team.

    They moved into Dojas basement, that's how he got into his position.
    And his mom doesn't object? It's her house after all. ;)
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Bl4ckDe4th wrote: »
    Kyno I don't think it leads anywhere answering to this topic again as our opinions on this are clearly different and we won't agree with each other.
    But is the answer to the stacking speed coming with the feedback to what Doja wrote about earlier or can you / the devs already share somthing?
    Noted some of possible bugs being reported earlier [...]
    This is what I'm talking about:
    Nemio wrote: »
    Here, the boss has under 20% health. If it is working like you say, he should have 100%+75+75+75+75 = 400% speed. So anywhere between 880 and 1200. Then Jedi Master Luke goes before him. Unless I'm missing something (would appreciate someone pointing it out if so), the mechanics are not working as you are saying they are. It would be nice to have more insight than: 'It is working as intended'. He is indeed faster and seems to hit harder later on in the fight, but nowhere close to 4 times 75% buffs.

    This is the issues he is referring to. We wont hear anything for a little bit due to the bug guy being out, I believe with a bug (ah the irony).

    So a studio of CG's size only has ONE guy that can fix this? I read that as just another reason to believe that CG is back burning SWGOH for their new game.

    No that's not what was said, please go back and read Dojas comment.

    As always, don't let the truth in the way of a good story.
    Noted some of possible bugs being reported earlier and sent them to the appropriate person without realizing they are out sick today. So, as a backup plan, I sent to our general QA dept.

    Hopefully we'll get some clarification soon. Might be next week, tho given our resident expert on bugs for this particular raid is out.

    Sooooo....the "appropriate PERSON" and "resident expert" (singular) is therefore, we have to wait....which would imply that there is ONE person for know....since we have to wait until that ONE person gets back to work for resolution....becasue there is ONE person. As always, dont let the truth get in the way there Kyno.

    Resident expert on bugs for this particular raid.

    That in no way states or implies there is only one person who handles all bugs, or is the only one who can fix this. Just that they have one person who would make quicker work of this than others on the team.

    But you dont want to believe they have a team, and its basically Crumb and Doja doing all of this from one computer.

    I didn’t say all bugs....and I heard it was Doja’s attic, the basement is where all our feedback is buried.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Bl4ckDe4th wrote: »
    Kyno I don't think it leads anywhere answering to this topic again as our opinions on this are clearly different and we won't agree with each other.
    But is the answer to the stacking speed coming with the feedback to what Doja wrote about earlier or can you / the devs already share somthing?
    Noted some of possible bugs being reported earlier [...]
    This is what I'm talking about:
    Nemio wrote: »
    Here, the boss has under 20% health. If it is working like you say, he should have 100%+75+75+75+75 = 400% speed. So anywhere between 880 and 1200. Then Jedi Master Luke goes before him. Unless I'm missing something (would appreciate someone pointing it out if so), the mechanics are not working as you are saying they are. It would be nice to have more insight than: 'It is working as intended'. He is indeed faster and seems to hit harder later on in the fight, but nowhere close to 4 times 75% buffs.

    This is the issues he is referring to. We wont hear anything for a little bit due to the bug guy being out, I believe with a bug (ah the irony).

    So a studio of CG's size only has ONE guy that can fix this? I read that as just another reason to believe that CG is back burning SWGOH for their new game.

    No that's not what was said, please go back and read Dojas comment.

    As always, don't let the truth in the way of a good story.
    Noted some of possible bugs being reported earlier and sent them to the appropriate person without realizing they are out sick today. So, as a backup plan, I sent to our general QA dept.

    Hopefully we'll get some clarification soon. Might be next week, tho given our resident expert on bugs for this particular raid is out.

    Sooooo....the "appropriate PERSON" and "resident expert" (singular) is therefore, we have to wait....which would imply that there is ONE person for know....since we have to wait until that ONE person gets back to work for resolution....becasue there is ONE person. As always, dont let the truth get in the way there Kyno.

    Resident expert on bugs for this particular raid.

    That in no way states or implies there is only one person who handles all bugs, or is the only one who can fix this. Just that they have one person who would make quicker work of this than others on the team.

    But you dont want to believe they have a team, and its basically Crumb and Doja doing all of this from one computer.

    I didn’t say all bugs....and I heard it was Doja’s attic, the basement is where all our feedback is buried.

    And he never said no one else could fix it.

    Basement or the fire pit out back?

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