The Pit Challenge Tier & Relic 8 [MEGA]


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    A ranking system makes no sense in this raid anyway. The raid needs to get coordinated and the same teams do different amount of dmg in different phases.
    Rey can do 20% in p1 and 8% in p4. If you are allowed to use you slkr in p1 you are at rank 1 and can chill the other phases cause he can now do about 80% of p1!
    So if the officer decides, that your slkr is needed in p2 or p3 then u won't get more dmg then the p1 slkr. There is just no way.
    So why do such a reward system? Didn't they wanted to look at the hsr reward structure cause of the same problem? Slkr beats everything in raid and there is no inguild competition possible.
    Also it benefits the mercing situation. If u want maximum loot you have to jump from guild to guild... Dunno if that's pretty cool
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    edited February 2021
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    The Rancor Challenge could use some changes for sure, when I tried to explain the raid to my GF, it sounded insane when said out loud - The raids mechanics, Airplane Mode, Discord, people using 2nd devices to communicate while holding scores on another, needing to tally up damage and decide whether to post it, the reward structure...

    It's a bit much.
    I am very curious if the developers intended us to be solving the challenge these ways.

    It’s not a sustainable model though. Sooner or later people will burn out on the raid due to the mechanics and time sink. They need to remove the drop below 80% damage frenzy mechanic. Do that and it’s fixed. Still challenging for most guilds.

    They would still need to replace it with something, or this becomes fairly trivial right off the bat.

    Make the mechanic per individual run. Not universal. Even if the rancor in p3 is at 19% it doesn’t ramp up. If it’s at 41% it ramps twice. Still prevents solo’s and takes away the insane coordination needed. Still requires multiple teams at R5 to do it. Still requires some sort of planning and coordination so people don’t stack one phase too much.

    Look at that. The challenge remains. The soloing of the raid is gone and the resource requirement still works....without the ungodly coordination and splitting of guilds based on that and time zones...hmmm interesting

    I never said their were not solutions, as we have all discussed, I was pointing out that just removing it would make it trivial.

    Not saying you are. I’m just saying the solution in theory is insanely simple and looking them right in the face.

    It's not that simple, FYI. This has been discussed way earlier in the thread and brought up to them.
  • Options
    The Rancor Challenge could use some changes for sure, when I tried to explain the raid to my GF, it sounded insane when said out loud - The raids mechanics, Airplane Mode, Discord, people using 2nd devices to communicate while holding scores on another, needing to tally up damage and decide whether to post it, the reward structure...

    It's a bit much.
    I am very curious if the developers intended us to be solving the challenge these ways.

    It’s not a sustainable model though. Sooner or later people will burn out on the raid due to the mechanics and time sink. They need to remove the drop below 80% damage frenzy mechanic. Do that and it’s fixed. Still challenging for most guilds.

    I don't know about that, a few months from now the Rancor could be being between buy a handful of players in guild because some new team is doing crazy damage; I just saw a video of SLK doing 80%+ in p1.
    This is definitely frustrating for guilds, it is for mine, I think they are looking at the issue, and I can be patient, they can't change anything quickly. I would love some feedback on the developers intention here, AP mode etc, are tactics we use outside the game, are they now expectations from the games developers?
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    The Rancor Challenge could use some changes for sure, when I tried to explain the raid to my GF, it sounded insane when said out loud - The raids mechanics, Airplane Mode, Discord, people using 2nd devices to communicate while holding scores on another, needing to tally up damage and decide whether to post it, the reward structure...

    It's a bit much.
    I am very curious if the developers intended us to be solving the challenge these ways.

    It’s not a sustainable model though. Sooner or later people will burn out on the raid due to the mechanics and time sink. They need to remove the drop below 80% damage frenzy mechanic. Do that and it’s fixed. Still challenging for most guilds.

    They would still need to replace it with something, or this becomes fairly trivial right off the bat.

    Make the mechanic per individual run. Not universal. Even if the rancor in p3 is at 19% it doesn’t ramp up. If it’s at 41% it ramps twice. Still prevents solo’s and takes away the insane coordination needed. Still requires multiple teams at R5 to do it. Still requires some sort of planning and coordination so people don’t stack one phase too much.

    Look at that. The challenge remains. The soloing of the raid is gone and the resource requirement still works....without the ungodly coordination and splitting of guilds based on that and time zones...hmmm interesting

    I never said their were not solutions, as we have all discussed, I was pointing out that just removing it would make it trivial.

    Not saying you are. I’m just saying the solution in theory is insanely simple and looking them right in the face.

    It's not that simple, FYI. This has been discussed way earlier in the thread and brought up to them.

    Yes WE discussed it. Yet nothing from
    The devs about its practicability. Maybe if they would stop ignoring the thread and actually talk to us... you know, tell us what could be done, address our feedback, etc. it would go a long way. Doja can’t tell us anything. Either they won’t let him or they haven’t made him privy to those discussions. The poor guy can’t just keep telling us “I’ve relayed the sentiment and they’re looking at it”. It’s been two months. How much longer do they need to “look at it” before they tell us what the plan going forward is. This whole “leave em in the dark” nonsense is old
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    The Rancor Challenge could use some changes for sure, when I tried to explain the raid to my GF, it sounded insane when said out loud - The raids mechanics, Airplane Mode, Discord, people using 2nd devices to communicate while holding scores on another, needing to tally up damage and decide whether to post it, the reward structure...

    It's a bit much.
    I am very curious if the developers intended us to be solving the challenge these ways.

    It’s not a sustainable model though. Sooner or later people will burn out on the raid due to the mechanics and time sink. They need to remove the drop below 80% damage frenzy mechanic. Do that and it’s fixed. Still challenging for most guilds.

    They would still need to replace it with something, or this becomes fairly trivial right off the bat.

    Make the mechanic per individual run. Not universal. Even if the rancor in p3 is at 19% it doesn’t ramp up. If it’s at 41% it ramps twice. Still prevents solo’s and takes away the insane coordination needed. Still requires multiple teams at R5 to do it. Still requires some sort of planning and coordination so people don’t stack one phase too much.

    Look at that. The challenge remains. The soloing of the raid is gone and the resource requirement still works....without the ungodly coordination and splitting of guilds based on that and time zones...hmmm interesting

    I never said their were not solutions, as we have all discussed, I was pointing out that just removing it would make it trivial.

    Not saying you are. I’m just saying the solution in theory is insanely simple and looking them right in the face.

    It's not that simple, FYI. This has been discussed way earlier in the thread and brought up to them.

    Yes WE discussed it. Yet nothing from
    The devs about its practicability. Maybe if they would stop ignoring the thread and actually talk to us... you know, tell us what could be done, address our feedback, etc. it would go a long way. Doja can’t tell us anything. Either they won’t let him or they haven’t made him privy to those discussions. The poor guy can’t just keep telling us “I’ve relayed the sentiment and they’re looking at it”. It’s been two months. How much longer do they need to “look at it” before they tell us what the plan going forward is. This whole “leave em in the dark” nonsense is old

    I dont know why they dont want to give more details, but that is the way they operate.

    So all that can be said is they are looking into it.

    From my understanding that is not practicle.

    Yes he knows what's going on, that doesn't mean he can or will discuss details, both from a comms perspective and a dev perspective, until they have something more solid.

    If we know they are looking into it, how are we in the dark?
  • Options
    Can we get an update on this this week? At the very least a “yea we will be changing things” or a “no sorry about your luck” at least?
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    The Rancor Challenge could use some changes for sure, when I tried to explain the raid to my GF, it sounded insane when said out loud - The raids mechanics, Airplane Mode, Discord, people using 2nd devices to communicate while holding scores on another, needing to tally up damage and decide whether to post it, the reward structure...

    It's a bit much.
    I am very curious if the developers intended us to be solving the challenge these ways.

    It’s not a sustainable model though. Sooner or later people will burn out on the raid due to the mechanics and time sink. They need to remove the drop below 80% damage frenzy mechanic. Do that and it’s fixed. Still challenging for most guilds.

    They would still need to replace it with something, or this becomes fairly trivial right off the bat.

    Make the mechanic per individual run. Not universal. Even if the rancor in p3 is at 19% it doesn’t ramp up. If it’s at 41% it ramps twice. Still prevents solo’s and takes away the insane coordination needed. Still requires multiple teams at R5 to do it. Still requires some sort of planning and coordination so people don’t stack one phase too much.

    Look at that. The challenge remains. The soloing of the raid is gone and the resource requirement still works....without the ungodly coordination and splitting of guilds based on that and time zones...hmmm interesting

    I never said their were not solutions, as we have all discussed, I was pointing out that just removing it would make it trivial.

    Not saying you are. I’m just saying the solution in theory is insanely simple and looking them right in the face.

    It's not that simple, FYI. This has been discussed way earlier in the thread and brought up to them.

    Yes WE discussed it. Yet nothing from
    The devs about its practicability. Maybe if they would stop ignoring the thread and actually talk to us... you know, tell us what could be done, address our feedback, etc. it would go a long way. Doja can’t tell us anything. Either they won’t let him or they haven’t made him privy to those discussions. The poor guy can’t just keep telling us “I’ve relayed the sentiment and they’re looking at it”. It’s been two months. How much longer do they need to “look at it” before they tell us what the plan going forward is. This whole “leave em in the dark” nonsense is old

    I dont know why they dont want to give more details, but that is the way they operate.

    So all that can be said is they are looking into it.

    From my understanding that is not practicle.

    Yes he knows what's going on, that doesn't mean he can or will discuss details, both from a comms perspective and a dev perspective, until they have something more solid.

    If we know they are looking into it, how are we in the dark?

    They’ve been looking into it since the forums blew up on its release. We know they’ve been looking into it since then. We don’t know anything else other than that. Not that they’re going to change things, or keep it the same. After over a month and a half of “looking into it” I think it’s fair to expect some kind of update from them.
  • Pistons
    57 posts Member
    edited February 2021
    This mechanic can't last forever. They will lose many mid-range players, which are the driving force of all things, if this stays as it is.
    I'm on a brink to quit the game just because of Pit.
    Both guilds where I have accounts are able to clear the raid consistently but it's getting tougher, not easier. People are tired of staying late night or getting up early in the morning, even in the middle of the night, to participate. Participation itself dropped from 40-45 to 30-35 people. This is a bare minimum, especially for P4, where there are still no big damage teams.
    Top rewards are being distributed to the same people every time and the rest are being demoralized with the bottom half rewards, which are pitiful.
    We were very close to ruin the whole raid few times because of accidental posting, game crashes, etc., some of which are out of players reach. And I think it may happens sooner or later.
    THIS IS A MOBILE GAME, not a part time job after all. It shouldn't requires such massive effort.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    The Rancor Challenge could use some changes for sure, when I tried to explain the raid to my GF, it sounded insane when said out loud - The raids mechanics, Airplane Mode, Discord, people using 2nd devices to communicate while holding scores on another, needing to tally up damage and decide whether to post it, the reward structure...

    It's a bit much.
    I am very curious if the developers intended us to be solving the challenge these ways.

    It’s not a sustainable model though. Sooner or later people will burn out on the raid due to the mechanics and time sink. They need to remove the drop below 80% damage frenzy mechanic. Do that and it’s fixed. Still challenging for most guilds.

    They would still need to replace it with something, or this becomes fairly trivial right off the bat.

    Make the mechanic per individual run. Not universal. Even if the rancor in p3 is at 19% it doesn’t ramp up. If it’s at 41% it ramps twice. Still prevents solo’s and takes away the insane coordination needed. Still requires multiple teams at R5 to do it. Still requires some sort of planning and coordination so people don’t stack one phase too much.

    Look at that. The challenge remains. The soloing of the raid is gone and the resource requirement still works....without the ungodly coordination and splitting of guilds based on that and time zones...hmmm interesting

    I never said their were not solutions, as we have all discussed, I was pointing out that just removing it would make it trivial.

    Would removing this mechanic really make it trivial? Why would that be the case? We did fine without it raid upon raid.
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    Completely removing the mechanic, or restricting it to “per run” would make the raid trivial, yes. I’m surprised at some forum regulars thinking that this is something the devs would even consider.

    I think the best we can hope for that removes the coordination that’s currently required would be restricting the soft enrage to per run, but increasing it to every 10% instead of 20%. People would struggle to replicate the scores they’re currently getting in phases 1-3, but if they didn’t need to plan their posting with other people that would just about balance it out.
  • Options
    I didn't think that would or should happen. Just not getting the preemptive assumption this would be the case. I also think the solution comes from applying the idea to each individual player to restrict the viable runs they can get.
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    Overall, I largely agree with you and I could get onboard with a lot of your ideas. I like the idea of completely flat rewards (or close to it) for the entire guild as Raid payouts. But, my specialty is more in communication and writing, not in the areas req'd to determine economics for the game.

    Also, it was stated the rewards would be "flatter" not "flattened." I know that seems petty, but I think it gets overlooked a lot and people use that argument against the current structure, which isn't accurate.

    With any new game mode (and even without), there will always be guild movement, expansion, and collapse.

    But again, you raise some good points, and those have been articulated to the powers that be (especially the req'd close coordination/airplane mode stuff). I have no idea what, if anything, will come of it. But, I know it's (let's all say it togther...) being looked at.

    Thanks for replying and sharing with the powers that be Doja.

    Yes you are correct that the rewards stated "flatter" not "flattened" but I think we can agree that 1 person getting 1100% more Aeromagnifiers than someone else isn't in anyones definition of flatter ;)

    I do agree with the new game mode points you mentioned - this is natural of course - but isn't it in CG's best interest to possibly takes steps to mitigate this for a happier player base?

    As I say, I understand your position and thank you for communicating.

  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    The Rancor Challenge could use some changes for sure, when I tried to explain the raid to my GF, it sounded insane when said out loud - The raids mechanics, Airplane Mode, Discord, people using 2nd devices to communicate while holding scores on another, needing to tally up damage and decide whether to post it, the reward structure...

    It's a bit much.
    I am very curious if the developers intended us to be solving the challenge these ways.

    It’s not a sustainable model though. Sooner or later people will burn out on the raid due to the mechanics and time sink. They need to remove the drop below 80% damage frenzy mechanic. Do that and it’s fixed. Still challenging for most guilds.

    They would still need to replace it with something, or this becomes fairly trivial right off the bat.

    Make the mechanic per individual run. Not universal. Even if the rancor in p3 is at 19% it doesn’t ramp up. If it’s at 41% it ramps twice. Still prevents solo’s and takes away the insane coordination needed. Still requires multiple teams at R5 to do it. Still requires some sort of planning and coordination so people don’t stack one phase too much.

    Look at that. The challenge remains. The soloing of the raid is gone and the resource requirement still works....without the ungodly coordination and splitting of guilds based on that and time zones...hmmm interesting

    I never said their were not solutions, as we have all discussed, I was pointing out that just removing it would make it trivial.

    Not saying you are. I’m just saying the solution in theory is insanely simple and looking them right in the face.

    It's not that simple, FYI. This has been discussed way earlier in the thread and brought up to them.

    Yes WE discussed it. Yet nothing from
    The devs about its practicability. Maybe if they would stop ignoring the thread and actually talk to us... you know, tell us what could be done, address our feedback, etc. it would go a long way. Doja can’t tell us anything. Either they won’t let him or they haven’t made him privy to those discussions. The poor guy can’t just keep telling us “I’ve relayed the sentiment and they’re looking at it”. It’s been two months. How much longer do they need to “look at it” before they tell us what the plan going forward is. This whole “leave em in the dark” nonsense is old

    I dont know why they dont want to give more details, but that is the way they operate.

    So all that can be said is they are looking into it.

    From my understanding that is not practicle.

    Yes he knows what's going on, that doesn't mean he can or will discuss details, both from a comms perspective and a dev perspective, until they have something more solid.

    If we know they are looking into it, how are we in the dark?

    They’ve been looking into it since the forums blew up on its release. We know they’ve been looking into it since then. We don’t know anything else other than that. Not that they’re going to change things, or keep it the same. After over a month and a half of “looking into it” I think it’s fair to expect some kind of update from them.

    Fair point.

    What would change if they said they are going to make a change, but they dont know what it is yet? (Honest question, I'm not trying to argue anything, I'm just curious on your thoughts here)
  • Konju
    1180 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    The Rancor Challenge could use some changes for sure, when I tried to explain the raid to my GF, it sounded insane when said out loud - The raids mechanics, Airplane Mode, Discord, people using 2nd devices to communicate while holding scores on another, needing to tally up damage and decide whether to post it, the reward structure...

    It's a bit much.
    I am very curious if the developers intended us to be solving the challenge these ways.

    It’s not a sustainable model though. Sooner or later people will burn out on the raid due to the mechanics and time sink. They need to remove the drop below 80% damage frenzy mechanic. Do that and it’s fixed. Still challenging for most guilds.

    They would still need to replace it with something, or this becomes fairly trivial right off the bat.

    Make the mechanic per individual run. Not universal. Even if the rancor in p3 is at 19% it doesn’t ramp up. If it’s at 41% it ramps twice. Still prevents solo’s and takes away the insane coordination needed. Still requires multiple teams at R5 to do it. Still requires some sort of planning and coordination so people don’t stack one phase too much.

    Look at that. The challenge remains. The soloing of the raid is gone and the resource requirement still works....without the ungodly coordination and splitting of guilds based on that and time zones...hmmm interesting

    I never said their were not solutions, as we have all discussed, I was pointing out that just removing it would make it trivial.

    Not saying you are. I’m just saying the solution in theory is insanely simple and looking them right in the face.

    It's not that simple, FYI. This has been discussed way earlier in the thread and brought up to them.

    Yes WE discussed it. Yet nothing from
    The devs about its practicability. Maybe if they would stop ignoring the thread and actually talk to us... you know, tell us what could be done, address our feedback, etc. it would go a long way. Doja can’t tell us anything. Either they won’t let him or they haven’t made him privy to those discussions. The poor guy can’t just keep telling us “I’ve relayed the sentiment and they’re looking at it”. It’s been two months. How much longer do they need to “look at it” before they tell us what the plan going forward is. This whole “leave em in the dark” nonsense is old

    I dont know why they dont want to give more details, but that is the way they operate.

    So all that can be said is they are looking into it.

    From my understanding that is not practicle.

    Yes he knows what's going on, that doesn't mean he can or will discuss details, both from a comms perspective and a dev perspective, until they have something more solid.

    If we know they are looking into it, how are we in the dark?

    They’ve been looking into it since the forums blew up on its release. We know they’ve been looking into it since then. We don’t know anything else other than that. Not that they’re going to change things, or keep it the same. After over a month and a half of “looking into it” I think it’s fair to expect some kind of update from them.

    Fair point.

    What would change if they said they are going to make a change, but they dont know what it is yet? (Honest question, I'm not trying to argue anything, I'm just curious on your thoughts here)

    Less guild shuffling. Less players quitting the game.
  • Options
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    I didn't think that would or should happen. Just not getting the preemptive assumption this would be the case. I also think the solution comes from applying the idea to each individual player to restrict the viable runs they can get.
    I think it would make it easier, and many more guilds would complete it, because the coordination required to get the phases finished would go away.

    My guild has 3 successful Crancor raids under our belt. Success in the first weekend of 2021, then a failure (caused by someone accidentally posting 18% in p1 when nobody else was running a team), followed by two further successes.

    And it’s that failed run that highlights why it would be easier if the soft enrage was removed. Our guild has 26 SLKR owners. At the moment we’re using them, with the odd Padme team for topping up, for each of phases 1-3.

    Pretty much all 26 of us can score 20% ish on phase 1 or 15% ish on phases 2/3. Some can score much more than that. With no soft enrage, we’d need 3-5 people for phase 1, 5-7 people for each of phases 2,3 and they could do that damage whenever they liked - no coordination is required.

    With the soft enrage, the coordination is essential. I don’t know if you’ve ever tried to run a team that usually scores 20% in phase 1 but starting at 82% health on the Middle pig? It’s horrendous. Even 10% is pretty much unachievable.

    So, if soft enrage was removed entirely, teams could score their max potential score whenever they liked, regardless of what anyone else had done.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    The Rancor Challenge could use some changes for sure, when I tried to explain the raid to my GF, it sounded insane when said out loud - The raids mechanics, Airplane Mode, Discord, people using 2nd devices to communicate while holding scores on another, needing to tally up damage and decide whether to post it, the reward structure...

    It's a bit much.
    I am very curious if the developers intended us to be solving the challenge these ways.

    It’s not a sustainable model though. Sooner or later people will burn out on the raid due to the mechanics and time sink. They need to remove the drop below 80% damage frenzy mechanic. Do that and it’s fixed. Still challenging for most guilds.

    They would still need to replace it with something, or this becomes fairly trivial right off the bat.

    Make the mechanic per individual run. Not universal. Even if the rancor in p3 is at 19% it doesn’t ramp up. If it’s at 41% it ramps twice. Still prevents solo’s and takes away the insane coordination needed. Still requires multiple teams at R5 to do it. Still requires some sort of planning and coordination so people don’t stack one phase too much.

    Look at that. The challenge remains. The soloing of the raid is gone and the resource requirement still works....without the ungodly coordination and splitting of guilds based on that and time zones...hmmm interesting

    I never said their were not solutions, as we have all discussed, I was pointing out that just removing it would make it trivial.

    Not saying you are. I’m just saying the solution in theory is insanely simple and looking them right in the face.

    It's not that simple, FYI. This has been discussed way earlier in the thread and brought up to them.

    Yes WE discussed it. Yet nothing from
    The devs about its practicability. Maybe if they would stop ignoring the thread and actually talk to us... you know, tell us what could be done, address our feedback, etc. it would go a long way. Doja can’t tell us anything. Either they won’t let him or they haven’t made him privy to those discussions. The poor guy can’t just keep telling us “I’ve relayed the sentiment and they’re looking at it”. It’s been two months. How much longer do they need to “look at it” before they tell us what the plan going forward is. This whole “leave em in the dark” nonsense is old

    I dont know why they dont want to give more details, but that is the way they operate.

    So all that can be said is they are looking into it.

    From my understanding that is not practicle.

    Yes he knows what's going on, that doesn't mean he can or will discuss details, both from a comms perspective and a dev perspective, until they have something more solid.

    If we know they are looking into it, how are we in the dark?

    They’ve been looking into it since the forums blew up on its release. We know they’ve been looking into it since then. We don’t know anything else other than that. Not that they’re going to change things, or keep it the same. After over a month and a half of “looking into it” I think it’s fair to expect some kind of update from them.

    Fair point.

    What would change if they said they are going to make a change, but they dont know what it is yet? (Honest question, I'm not trying to argue anything, I'm just curious on your thoughts here)

    Honestly many people would calm down. If they said

    “hey we know this mechanic is requiring too much coordination and is breaking up guilds in a way that was unintended, so as a result we will be making a change. Please bear with us as we find a solution that does not undermine the intended challenge of the raid but also does not cause coordination and time sinks that causes guilds to break up nor impedes real life responsibility. We have a few ideas in mind and are in the process of testing those solutions and will come forward with those when we have more data.”

    That would do a great deal to show that
    A.) They’re listening to us and care about our experience with the game
    B.) Guilds will be more patient and guild mates won’t rush to leave due to frustration or outright quitting the game.
    C.) Buy some goodwill with the community and as a result would have some casual spenders, myself included be willing to spend again. I’d love to spend to finish SLKR and move on to other things. I’ve got gift cards and extra income for it but given their moves with GC’s and the mandos, but more so the Crancor...I refuse to financially support them until they make things right
  • StarSon
    7498 posts Member
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    The Rancor Challenge could use some changes for sure, when I tried to explain the raid to my GF, it sounded insane when said out loud - The raids mechanics, Airplane Mode, Discord, people using 2nd devices to communicate while holding scores on another, needing to tally up damage and decide whether to post it, the reward structure...

    It's a bit much.
    I am very curious if the developers intended us to be solving the challenge these ways.

    It’s not a sustainable model though. Sooner or later people will burn out on the raid due to the mechanics and time sink. They need to remove the drop below 80% damage frenzy mechanic. Do that and it’s fixed. Still challenging for most guilds.

    They would still need to replace it with something, or this becomes fairly trivial right off the bat.

    Make the mechanic per individual run. Not universal. Even if the rancor in p3 is at 19% it doesn’t ramp up. If it’s at 41% it ramps twice. Still prevents solo’s and takes away the insane coordination needed. Still requires multiple teams at R5 to do it. Still requires some sort of planning and coordination so people don’t stack one phase too much.

    Look at that. The challenge remains. The soloing of the raid is gone and the resource requirement still works....without the ungodly coordination and splitting of guilds based on that and time zones...hmmm interesting

    I never said their were not solutions, as we have all discussed, I was pointing out that just removing it would make it trivial.

    Not saying you are. I’m just saying the solution in theory is insanely simple and looking them right in the face.

    It's not that simple, FYI. This has been discussed way earlier in the thread and brought up to them.

    Yes WE discussed it. Yet nothing from
    The devs about its practicability. Maybe if they would stop ignoring the thread and actually talk to us... you know, tell us what could be done, address our feedback, etc. it would go a long way. Doja can’t tell us anything. Either they won’t let him or they haven’t made him privy to those discussions. The poor guy can’t just keep telling us “I’ve relayed the sentiment and they’re looking at it”. It’s been two months. How much longer do they need to “look at it” before they tell us what the plan going forward is. This whole “leave em in the dark” nonsense is old

    I dont know why they dont want to give more details, but that is the way they operate.

    So all that can be said is they are looking into it.

    From my understanding that is not practicle.

    Yes he knows what's going on, that doesn't mean he can or will discuss details, both from a comms perspective and a dev perspective, until they have something more solid.

    If we know they are looking into it, how are we in the dark?

    They’ve been looking into it since the forums blew up on its release. We know they’ve been looking into it since then. We don’t know anything else other than that. Not that they’re going to change things, or keep it the same. After over a month and a half of “looking into it” I think it’s fair to expect some kind of update from them.

    Fair point.

    What would change if they said they are going to make a change, but they dont know what it is yet? (Honest question, I'm not trying to argue anything, I'm just curious on your thoughts here)

    Honestly many people would calm down. If they said

    “hey we know this mechanic is requiring too much coordination and is breaking up guilds in a way that was unintended, so as a result we will be making a change. Please bear with us as we find a solution that does not undermine the intended challenge of the raid but also does not cause coordination and time sinks that causes guilds to break up nor impedes real life responsibility. We have a few ideas in mind and are in the process of testing those solutions and will come forward with those when we have more data.”

    That would do a great deal to show that
    A.) They’re listening to us and care about our experience with the game
    B.) Guilds will be more patient and guild mates won’t rush to leave due to frustration or outright quitting the game.
    C.) Buy some goodwill with the community and as a result would have some casual spenders, myself included be willing to spend again. I’d love to spend to finish SLKR and move on to other things. I’ve got gift cards and extra income for it but given their moves with GC’s and the mandos, but more so the Crancor...I refuse to financially support them until they make things right

    Oh, kind of like they did with Finn/3PO in the STR? It took them a couple months to actually fix it, but they told us pretty quickly they were changing something.

    Not so much here. Probably because they won't change it?
  • Options
    Pistons wrote: »
    This mechanic can't last forever. They will lose many mid-range players, which are the driving force of all things, if this stays as it is.
    I'm on a brink to quit the game just because of Pit.
    Both guilds where I have accounts are able to clear the raid consistently but it's getting tougher, not easier. People are tired of staying late night or getting up early in the morning, even in the middle of the night, to participate. Participation itself dropped from 40-45 to 30-35 people. This is a bare minimum, especially for P4, where there are still no big damage teams.
    Top rewards are being distributed to the same people every time and the rest are being demoralized with the bottom half rewards, which are pitiful.
    We were very close to ruin the whole raid few times because of accidental posting, game crashes, etc., some of which are out of players reach. And I think it may happens sooner or later.
    THIS IS A MOBILE GAME, not a part time job after all. It shouldn't requires such massive effort.

    This ^
  • Options
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    I didn't think that would or should happen. Just not getting the preemptive assumption this would be the case. I also think the solution comes from applying the idea to each individual player to restrict the viable runs they can get.
    I think it would make it easier, and many more guilds would complete it, because the coordination required to get the phases finished would go away.

    My guild has 3 successful Crancor raids under our belt. Success in the first weekend of 2021, then a failure (caused by someone accidentally posting 18% in p1 when nobody else was running a team), followed by two further successes.

    And it’s that failed run that highlights why it would be easier if the soft enrage was removed. Our guild has 26 SLKR owners. At the moment we’re using them, with the odd Padme team for topping up, for each of phases 1-3.

    Pretty much all 26 of us can score 20% ish on phase 1 or 15% ish on phases 2/3. Some can score much more than that. With no soft enrage, we’d need 3-5 people for phase 1, 5-7 people for each of phases 2,3 and they could do that damage whenever they liked - no coordination is required.

    With the soft enrage, the coordination is essential. I don’t know if you’ve ever tried to run a team that usually scores 20% in phase 1 but starting at 82% health on the Middle pig? It’s horrendous. Even 10% is pretty much unachievable.

    So, if soft enrage was removed entirely, teams could score their max potential score whenever they liked, regardless of what anyone else had done.

    Interesting. We are so much above the required min resources, all that mechanic does is to cause disturbance. And if we failed in the way you described no amount of extra gls to throw at it would save us, same for even self proclaimed world first guild. Though I bet you realise you are not even talking about the difficulty of the event itself or having enough resources to meet that min, but rather one depends on the failure of some player-s out of the bunch as the difficulty.
  • Options
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    The Rancor Challenge could use some changes for sure, when I tried to explain the raid to my GF, it sounded insane when said out loud - The raids mechanics, Airplane Mode, Discord, people using 2nd devices to communicate while holding scores on another, needing to tally up damage and decide whether to post it, the reward structure...

    It's a bit much.
    I am very curious if the developers intended us to be solving the challenge these ways.

    It’s not a sustainable model though. Sooner or later people will burn out on the raid due to the mechanics and time sink. They need to remove the drop below 80% damage frenzy mechanic. Do that and it’s fixed. Still challenging for most guilds.

    They would still need to replace it with something, or this becomes fairly trivial right off the bat.

    Make the mechanic per individual run. Not universal. Even if the rancor in p3 is at 19% it doesn’t ramp up. If it’s at 41% it ramps twice. Still prevents solo’s and takes away the insane coordination needed. Still requires multiple teams at R5 to do it. Still requires some sort of planning and coordination so people don’t stack one phase too much.

    Look at that. The challenge remains. The soloing of the raid is gone and the resource requirement still works....without the ungodly coordination and splitting of guilds based on that and time zones...hmmm interesting

    I never said their were not solutions, as we have all discussed, I was pointing out that just removing it would make it trivial.

    Not saying you are. I’m just saying the solution in theory is insanely simple and looking them right in the face.

    It's not that simple, FYI. This has been discussed way earlier in the thread and brought up to them.

    Yes WE discussed it. Yet nothing from
    The devs about its practicability. Maybe if they would stop ignoring the thread and actually talk to us... you know, tell us what could be done, address our feedback, etc. it would go a long way. Doja can’t tell us anything. Either they won’t let him or they haven’t made him privy to those discussions. The poor guy can’t just keep telling us “I’ve relayed the sentiment and they’re looking at it”. It’s been two months. How much longer do they need to “look at it” before they tell us what the plan going forward is. This whole “leave em in the dark” nonsense is old

    I dont know why they dont want to give more details, but that is the way they operate.

    So all that can be said is they are looking into it.

    From my understanding that is not practicle.

    Yes he knows what's going on, that doesn't mean he can or will discuss details, both from a comms perspective and a dev perspective, until they have something more solid.

    If we know they are looking into it, how are we in the dark?

    They’ve been looking into it since the forums blew up on its release. We know they’ve been looking into it since then. We don’t know anything else other than that. Not that they’re going to change things, or keep it the same. After over a month and a half of “looking into it” I think it’s fair to expect some kind of update from them.

    Fair point.

    What would change if they said they are going to make a change, but they dont know what it is yet? (Honest question, I'm not trying to argue anything, I'm just curious on your thoughts here)

    Honestly many people would calm down. If they said

    “hey we know this mechanic is requiring too much coordination and is breaking up guilds in a way that was unintended, so as a result we will be making a change. Please bear with us as we find a solution that does not undermine the intended challenge of the raid but also does not cause coordination and time sinks that causes guilds to break up nor impedes real life responsibility. We have a few ideas in mind and are in the process of testing those solutions and will come forward with those when we have more data.”

    That would do a great deal to show that
    A.) They’re listening to us and care about our experience with the game
    B.) Guilds will be more patient and guild mates won’t rush to leave due to frustration or outright quitting the game.
    C.) Buy some goodwill with the community and as a result would have some casual spenders, myself included be willing to spend again. I’d love to spend to finish SLKR and move on to other things. I’ve got gift cards and extra income for it but given their moves with GC’s and the mandos, but more so the Crancor...I refuse to financially support them until they make things right

    Oh, kind of like they did with Finn/3PO in the STR? It took them a couple months to actually fix it, but they told us pretty quickly they were changing something.

    Not so much here. Probably because they won't change it?

    Then they need to say that. If they aren’t going to change things then they need to stop with the “they’re looking into it, maybe they’ll change it, maybe they won’t.”

    If they’re going to change it, then say something. If they’re not going to change it, then say something. 6 weeks is long enough to be “looking at it” as well as thousands of comments and responses about how much the current mechanics are hated.
  • Options
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    I didn't think that would or should happen. Just not getting the preemptive assumption this would be the case. I also think the solution comes from applying the idea to each individual player to restrict the viable runs they can get.
    I think it would make it easier, and many more guilds would complete it, because the coordination required to get the phases finished would go away.

    My guild has 3 successful Crancor raids under our belt. Success in the first weekend of 2021, then a failure (caused by someone accidentally posting 18% in p1 when nobody else was running a team), followed by two further successes.

    And it’s that failed run that highlights why it would be easier if the soft enrage was removed. Our guild has 26 SLKR owners. At the moment we’re using them, with the odd Padme team for topping up, for each of phases 1-3.

    Pretty much all 26 of us can score 20% ish on phase 1 or 15% ish on phases 2/3. Some can score much more than that. With no soft enrage, we’d need 3-5 people for phase 1, 5-7 people for each of phases 2,3 and they could do that damage whenever they liked - no coordination is required.

    With the soft enrage, the coordination is essential. I don’t know if you’ve ever tried to run a team that usually scores 20% in phase 1 but starting at 82% health on the Middle pig? It’s horrendous. Even 10% is pretty much unachievable.

    So, if soft enrage was removed entirely, teams could score their max potential score whenever they liked, regardless of what anyone else had done.

    Interesting. We are so much above the required min resources, all that mechanic does is to cause disturbance. And if we failed in the way you described no amount of extra gls to throw at it would save us, same for even self proclaimed world first guild. Though I bet you realise you are not even talking about the difficulty of the event itself or having enough resources to meet that min, but rather one depends on the failure of some player-s out of the bunch as the difficulty.
    Of course it’s made difficult by players failing to stick to the plan - which is why people are saying that removing the mechanic that creates such failures would make the raid easier. They wouldn’t become failures any more, after all!
  • StarSon
    7498 posts Member
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    The Rancor Challenge could use some changes for sure, when I tried to explain the raid to my GF, it sounded insane when said out loud - The raids mechanics, Airplane Mode, Discord, people using 2nd devices to communicate while holding scores on another, needing to tally up damage and decide whether to post it, the reward structure...

    It's a bit much.
    I am very curious if the developers intended us to be solving the challenge these ways.

    It’s not a sustainable model though. Sooner or later people will burn out on the raid due to the mechanics and time sink. They need to remove the drop below 80% damage frenzy mechanic. Do that and it’s fixed. Still challenging for most guilds.

    They would still need to replace it with something, or this becomes fairly trivial right off the bat.

    Make the mechanic per individual run. Not universal. Even if the rancor in p3 is at 19% it doesn’t ramp up. If it’s at 41% it ramps twice. Still prevents solo’s and takes away the insane coordination needed. Still requires multiple teams at R5 to do it. Still requires some sort of planning and coordination so people don’t stack one phase too much.

    Look at that. The challenge remains. The soloing of the raid is gone and the resource requirement still works....without the ungodly coordination and splitting of guilds based on that and time zones...hmmm interesting

    I never said their were not solutions, as we have all discussed, I was pointing out that just removing it would make it trivial.

    Not saying you are. I’m just saying the solution in theory is insanely simple and looking them right in the face.

    It's not that simple, FYI. This has been discussed way earlier in the thread and brought up to them.

    Yes WE discussed it. Yet nothing from
    The devs about its practicability. Maybe if they would stop ignoring the thread and actually talk to us... you know, tell us what could be done, address our feedback, etc. it would go a long way. Doja can’t tell us anything. Either they won’t let him or they haven’t made him privy to those discussions. The poor guy can’t just keep telling us “I’ve relayed the sentiment and they’re looking at it”. It’s been two months. How much longer do they need to “look at it” before they tell us what the plan going forward is. This whole “leave em in the dark” nonsense is old

    I dont know why they dont want to give more details, but that is the way they operate.

    So all that can be said is they are looking into it.

    From my understanding that is not practicle.

    Yes he knows what's going on, that doesn't mean he can or will discuss details, both from a comms perspective and a dev perspective, until they have something more solid.

    If we know they are looking into it, how are we in the dark?

    They’ve been looking into it since the forums blew up on its release. We know they’ve been looking into it since then. We don’t know anything else other than that. Not that they’re going to change things, or keep it the same. After over a month and a half of “looking into it” I think it’s fair to expect some kind of update from them.

    Fair point.

    What would change if they said they are going to make a change, but they dont know what it is yet? (Honest question, I'm not trying to argue anything, I'm just curious on your thoughts here)

    Honestly many people would calm down. If they said

    “hey we know this mechanic is requiring too much coordination and is breaking up guilds in a way that was unintended, so as a result we will be making a change. Please bear with us as we find a solution that does not undermine the intended challenge of the raid but also does not cause coordination and time sinks that causes guilds to break up nor impedes real life responsibility. We have a few ideas in mind and are in the process of testing those solutions and will come forward with those when we have more data.”

    That would do a great deal to show that
    A.) They’re listening to us and care about our experience with the game
    B.) Guilds will be more patient and guild mates won’t rush to leave due to frustration or outright quitting the game.
    C.) Buy some goodwill with the community and as a result would have some casual spenders, myself included be willing to spend again. I’d love to spend to finish SLKR and move on to other things. I’ve got gift cards and extra income for it but given their moves with GC’s and the mandos, but more so the Crancor...I refuse to financially support them until they make things right

    Oh, kind of like they did with Finn/3PO in the STR? It took them a couple months to actually fix it, but they told us pretty quickly they were changing something.

    Not so much here. Probably because they won't change it?

    Then they need to say that. If they aren’t going to change things then they need to stop with the “they’re looking into it, maybe they’ll change it, maybe they won’t.”

    If they’re going to change it, then say something. If they’re not going to change it, then say something. 6 weeks is long enough to be “looking at it” as well as thousands of comments and responses about how much the current mechanics are hated.

    Today actually marks 8 weeks.
  • Options
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    The Rancor Challenge could use some changes for sure, when I tried to explain the raid to my GF, it sounded insane when said out loud - The raids mechanics, Airplane Mode, Discord, people using 2nd devices to communicate while holding scores on another, needing to tally up damage and decide whether to post it, the reward structure...

    It's a bit much.
    I am very curious if the developers intended us to be solving the challenge these ways.

    It’s not a sustainable model though. Sooner or later people will burn out on the raid due to the mechanics and time sink. They need to remove the drop below 80% damage frenzy mechanic. Do that and it’s fixed. Still challenging for most guilds.

    They would still need to replace it with something, or this becomes fairly trivial right off the bat.

    Make the mechanic per individual run. Not universal. Even if the rancor in p3 is at 19% it doesn’t ramp up. If it’s at 41% it ramps twice. Still prevents solo’s and takes away the insane coordination needed. Still requires multiple teams at R5 to do it. Still requires some sort of planning and coordination so people don’t stack one phase too much.

    Look at that. The challenge remains. The soloing of the raid is gone and the resource requirement still works....without the ungodly coordination and splitting of guilds based on that and time zones...hmmm interesting

    I never said their were not solutions, as we have all discussed, I was pointing out that just removing it would make it trivial.

    Not saying you are. I’m just saying the solution in theory is insanely simple and looking them right in the face.

    It's not that simple, FYI. This has been discussed way earlier in the thread and brought up to them.

    Yes WE discussed it. Yet nothing from
    The devs about its practicability. Maybe if they would stop ignoring the thread and actually talk to us... you know, tell us what could be done, address our feedback, etc. it would go a long way. Doja can’t tell us anything. Either they won’t let him or they haven’t made him privy to those discussions. The poor guy can’t just keep telling us “I’ve relayed the sentiment and they’re looking at it”. It’s been two months. How much longer do they need to “look at it” before they tell us what the plan going forward is. This whole “leave em in the dark” nonsense is old

    I dont know why they dont want to give more details, but that is the way they operate.

    So all that can be said is they are looking into it.

    From my understanding that is not practicle.

    Yes he knows what's going on, that doesn't mean he can or will discuss details, both from a comms perspective and a dev perspective, until they have something more solid.

    If we know they are looking into it, how are we in the dark?

    They’ve been looking into it since the forums blew up on its release. We know they’ve been looking into it since then. We don’t know anything else other than that. Not that they’re going to change things, or keep it the same. After over a month and a half of “looking into it” I think it’s fair to expect some kind of update from them.

    Fair point.

    What would change if they said they are going to make a change, but they dont know what it is yet? (Honest question, I'm not trying to argue anything, I'm just curious on your thoughts here)

    Honestly many people would calm down. If they said

    “hey we know this mechanic is requiring too much coordination and is breaking up guilds in a way that was unintended, so as a result we will be making a change. Please bear with us as we find a solution that does not undermine the intended challenge of the raid but also does not cause coordination and time sinks that causes guilds to break up nor impedes real life responsibility. We have a few ideas in mind and are in the process of testing those solutions and will come forward with those when we have more data.”

    That would do a great deal to show that
    A.) They’re listening to us and care about our experience with the game
    B.) Guilds will be more patient and guild mates won’t rush to leave due to frustration or outright quitting the game.
    C.) Buy some goodwill with the community and as a result would have some casual spenders, myself included be willing to spend again. I’d love to spend to finish SLKR and move on to other things. I’ve got gift cards and extra income for it but given their moves with GC’s and the mandos, but more so the Crancor...I refuse to financially support them until they make things right

    Oh, kind of like they did with Finn/3PO in the STR? It took them a couple months to actually fix it, but they told us pretty quickly they were changing something.

    Not so much here. Probably because they won't change it?

    Then they need to say that. If they aren’t going to change things then they need to stop with the “they’re looking into it, maybe they’ll change it, maybe they won’t.”

    If they’re going to change it, then say something. If they’re not going to change it, then say something. 6 weeks is long enough to be “looking at it” as well as thousands of comments and responses about how much the current mechanics are hated.

    Agreed. This has everything to do with the mechanics and time sink of the raid itself and not necessarily with the difficulty. They can make it difficult without making players across the globe time coordinate to defeat a horrible mechanic that could easily be taken out.
  • Options
    If there ends up being no intent to alter the ramping damage mechanic, is there any chance of putting some items into place to make the organization of damage less nightmarish? Even something as simple as a confirmation button before you post damage so that one guy is less likely to ruin the raid for the rest of the guild would massively improve a pretty miserable experience.
  • Options
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    The Rancor Challenge could use some changes for sure, when I tried to explain the raid to my GF, it sounded insane when said out loud - The raids mechanics, Airplane Mode, Discord, people using 2nd devices to communicate while holding scores on another, needing to tally up damage and decide whether to post it, the reward structure...

    It's a bit much.
    I am very curious if the developers intended us to be solving the challenge these ways.

    It’s not a sustainable model though. Sooner or later people will burn out on the raid due to the mechanics and time sink. They need to remove the drop below 80% damage frenzy mechanic. Do that and it’s fixed. Still challenging for most guilds.

    They would still need to replace it with something, or this becomes fairly trivial right off the bat.

    Make the mechanic per individual run. Not universal. Even if the rancor in p3 is at 19% it doesn’t ramp up. If it’s at 41% it ramps twice. Still prevents solo’s and takes away the insane coordination needed. Still requires multiple teams at R5 to do it. Still requires some sort of planning and coordination so people don’t stack one phase too much.

    Look at that. The challenge remains. The soloing of the raid is gone and the resource requirement still works....without the ungodly coordination and splitting of guilds based on that and time zones...hmmm interesting

    I never said their were not solutions, as we have all discussed, I was pointing out that just removing it would make it trivial.

    Not saying you are. I’m just saying the solution in theory is insanely simple and looking them right in the face.

    It's not that simple, FYI. This has been discussed way earlier in the thread and brought up to them.

    Yes WE discussed it. Yet nothing from
    The devs about its practicability. Maybe if they would stop ignoring the thread and actually talk to us... you know, tell us what could be done, address our feedback, etc. it would go a long way. Doja can’t tell us anything. Either they won’t let him or they haven’t made him privy to those discussions. The poor guy can’t just keep telling us “I’ve relayed the sentiment and they’re looking at it”. It’s been two months. How much longer do they need to “look at it” before they tell us what the plan going forward is. This whole “leave em in the dark” nonsense is old

    I dont know why they dont want to give more details, but that is the way they operate.

    So all that can be said is they are looking into it.

    From my understanding that is not practicle.

    Yes he knows what's going on, that doesn't mean he can or will discuss details, both from a comms perspective and a dev perspective, until they have something more solid.

    If we know they are looking into it, how are we in the dark?

    They’ve been looking into it since the forums blew up on its release. We know they’ve been looking into it since then. We don’t know anything else other than that. Not that they’re going to change things, or keep it the same. After over a month and a half of “looking into it” I think it’s fair to expect some kind of update from them.

    Fair point.

    What would change if they said they are going to make a change, but they dont know what it is yet? (Honest question, I'm not trying to argue anything, I'm just curious on your thoughts here)

    Honestly many people would calm down. If they said

    “hey we know this mechanic is requiring too much coordination and is breaking up guilds in a way that was unintended, so as a result we will be making a change. Please bear with us as we find a solution that does not undermine the intended challenge of the raid but also does not cause coordination and time sinks that causes guilds to break up nor impedes real life responsibility. We have a few ideas in mind and are in the process of testing those solutions and will come forward with those when we have more data.”

    That would do a great deal to show that
    A.) They’re listening to us and care about our experience with the game
    B.) Guilds will be more patient and guild mates won’t rush to leave due to frustration or outright quitting the game.
    C.) Buy some goodwill with the community and as a result would have some casual spenders, myself included be willing to spend again. I’d love to spend to finish SLKR and move on to other things. I’ve got gift cards and extra income for it but given their moves with GC’s and the mandos, but more so the Crancor...I refuse to financially support them until they make things right

    Oh, kind of like they did with Finn/3PO in the STR? It took them a couple months to actually fix it, but they told us pretty quickly they were changing something.

    Not so much here. Probably because they won't change it?

    Then they need to say that. If they aren’t going to change things then they need to stop with the “they’re looking into it, maybe they’ll change it, maybe they won’t.”

    If they’re going to change it, then say something. If they’re not going to change it, then say something. 6 weeks is long enough to be “looking at it” as well as thousands of comments and responses about how much the current mechanics are hated.

    Today actually marks 8 weeks.

    Ahhh even worse! @CG_SBCrumb @CG_TopHat you’re on the clock. How about some updates?
  • Options
    Random thought : if the point of the ReRancor is to get full 50 person participation from a guild, why does the TW matchmaking algorithm punish full 50 person participation?
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • TVF
    36730 posts Member
    edited February 2021
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Random thought : if the point of the ReRancor is to get full 50 person participation from a guild, why does the TW matchmaking algorithm punish full 50 person participation?

    It is definitely wise to do more stretching as you get older.
    I need a new message here.
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    TVF wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Random thought : if the point of the ReRancor is to get full 50 person participation from a guild, why does the TW matchmaking algorithm punish full 50 person participation?

    It is definitely wise to do more stretching as you get older.

    When I figure out what this means, I will try to come up with a witty reply... ;)
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • TVF
    36730 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Random thought : if the point of the ReRancor is to get full 50 person participation from a guild, why does the TW matchmaking algorithm punish full 50 person participation?

    It is definitely wise to do more stretching as you get older.

    When I figure out what this means, I will try to come up with a witty reply... ;)

    It means you are stretching there. :shrug:
    I need a new message here.
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    Does this thread also need 150 pages before they come up with a yes/no changes reply?
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