Conquest Launch [MEGA]


  • TVF
    36692 posts Member
    nottenst wrote: »
    Is there a way to check data cards without equipping them? I tried to see what they’d do, but it equipped them and I had to spend currency to take them off. Not sure if I did something wrong, or was in the wrong spot to check them. Would be nice to be able to see what the data cards do and have a confirmation button to place them.

    If you already are full with 12 slots worth of data cards, then any new ones are in the queue to be equipped once others are removed, but all those can then be viewed. That is, you start with 12/12 then any data disks you click raise your list of "equipped data disks" to 15/12 or something and you can view all of those of interest. The excess disks don't cost anything to be "removed" at this point.

    They don't cost anything even if you aren't full. You have to confirm equipping them. You can view and then remove at no cost. Still an unnecessary extra step though.
    I need a new message here.
  • MaruMaru
    3338 posts Member
    Has anyone managed the see %700 tm feat?
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    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Has anyone managed the see %700 tm feat?

    I got only one TM removal disc (8% per hit) and no cooldown reduction disc. I had no luck so far.
  • Hortus
    646 posts Member
    I just got 16 (sixteen!) attacks in a row from Ezra. Funny.
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    Okay, so after 7 days here are my thoughts on Conquest after I have just gotten the final crate.

    Overall I am really happy with the new mode and can see how it can be adjusted to make it very fun and playable so congrats. But here are my criticisms/thoughts and will then make suggestions on possible solutions.

    1. Timing. You get 120 energy a day which is 8 battles a day. That means you go in first thing, can probably do 4 battles, go in again in the evening and can do 3 maybe 4. This feels incredibly slow. Whilst everything is shiny and new of course people are going in more frequently but I do think that pretty soon it will lose its shine and be forgettable which is a shame as I really like it. This leads on to point 2.
    2. Notification. There is nothing on screen to say its happening. Along with the energy being so slow this means it will be really really easy to forget about it or miss a day.
    3. Stamina. I really enjoy this as sometimes having a weaker team actually makes certain feats easier to do.It also meant I played with more of my times.
    4. Rewards. So the rewards change as you go up the crates and I am really happy with the overall process however I think a couple of things miss the mark. A big example is Carbonite Circuit Boards. This is a real pinch point after 4 GLs and needing multiple high relic characters so these would be really valuable even to end game players as the gear is on nodes we rarely ever touch. This is true for a couple of other pieces as well.

    So onto possible changes
    1. Speed up energy and stamina. I would double the refresh rate on energy and double the stamina so that the whole thing takes a week.
    2. Make sure there is an on screen notification as we can easily miss it
    3. Integrate it in the off week of GAC. I had a chat with some real hardcore GAC streamers and even they said they would be able to play more during that off time.

    Like I said overall I really enjoy this and as someone would actually likes things such as LSTB and other PvE content this is a great addition. But was trying to think of how others also play when coming up with suggestions.

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    Really enjoying the new mode, but would like to be able to earn conquest credits after completion so that we can still buy gear from the store, unequip data disks so that I can try different combinations, it would also give an incentive to re-play once completed.
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    I just demolished a hugely protection stacked Nest....with 3po's basic.
    C3PO on padme lead team with Massively Ovetcharged = death beams :)
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    Magruffin wrote: »
    I just demolished a hugely protection stacked Nest....with 3po's basic.
    C3PO on padme lead team with Massively Ovetcharged = death beams :)

    it's one of my favorite disks. Padme heals her team? Kills Gen Sky :joy:
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    After completing conquest on normal I was wondering about difficulty ramp up on hard. If you get the red crate on normal will the difficulty to get the lowest crate on hard be on par or will it be much harder?
    Is there any information on what things can be available in the conquest store? Which characters and gear are on rotation?
    If you fail a battle attempt I understand you will lose out on the energy needed to start the battle but will the characters also lose stamina or is that only spent after a win?
  • Konju
    1180 posts Member
    After completing conquest on normal I was wondering about difficulty ramp up on hard. If you get the red crate on normal will the difficulty to get the lowest crate on hard be on par or will it be much harder?
    Is there any information on what things can be available in the conquest store? Which characters and gear are on rotation?
    If you fail a battle attempt I understand you will lose out on the energy needed to start the battle but will the characters also lose stamina or is that only spent after a win?

    Stamina is not used on a loss.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    After completing conquest on normal I was wondering about difficulty ramp up on hard. If you get the red crate on normal will the difficulty to get the lowest crate on hard be on par or will it be much harder?
    Is there any information on what things can be available in the conquest store? Which characters and gear are on rotation?
    If you fail a battle attempt I understand you will lose out on the energy needed to start the battle but will the characters also lose stamina or is that only spent after a win?

    There is no data and I dont thinknthey could say for sure what you can do in Hard just because you maxed out the rewards on Normal.

    The ramp should feel similar, just starting at relic levels.

    The first crate was relatively easy to get, just 1-2 sectors depending on your success rate and feats you can get done in that time.

    I would suspect anyone maxing out normal, easily, will be looking at the second crate in no problem. But who knows right now.
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    Thanks :)
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    I’m really enjoying the new Conquest game mode now 1 week into the first event.

    I think the 2-week timeline at this point for the event seems just right, I’m a 3.2mil gp player and after approx 7 days I’m nearing finishing sector 5, but I still have many feats and stars to clean up in the previous sectors and that’s why I think the 2 week timeline is perfect!

    I think it would be great if a UI could be added in battle for specific boss feats so that you can see your progress for the feat in game instead of trying to guess, also doesn’t affect me, but having an “easy” mode for lower level players that is NOT mandatory I think would be helpful for ALL players to have the fun experience of conquest.

    Final suggestion for feedback I have it in the data disk inventory, I’d there was a way to “read” or “preview” the data disks in your inventory before equipping them, makes it easier to manage data disks and also doesn’t waste or spend conquest currency equipping them just to be able to see what their info is.

    Thanks , keep up the great work
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    Just finished my first pass through Normal. I have a few feats to wrap up but should have no issue getting top reward crate, and I have used no refreshes and removed zero disks. I mostly enjoyed this game mode. I have some friendly, hopefully constructive, feedback below.

    Less RNG on disks offered, please. I saw my first and only purple on the node right before the S5 boss. Others have screenshots where they saw 2 or 3 or 4.

    Remove cost to unequip disks, or at least don't use Conquest Credits (maybe 1 energy per slot removed). In my opinion, disks were the most exciting new feature, but it costs currency whose value we don't fully know yet to play with the new toy. Being the stingy, f2p, try-hard that I am, I removed none the whole time and didn't have the fun of equipping different disks.

    We need to be able to see enemy stats, please. Some teams only work if you go first. I saw a team of S5 Ewoks outrun a GL for first turn.

    As others have mentioned, some kind of in-battle indicator of feat progress would be great.

    There are over a hundred toons in this game, many of them with leadership abilities. I would prefer more diverse enemy comps.

    I personally hated the feats. Rather than using the depth of my roster, I found 2 teams each sector that could contribute to sector feats and just rotated between them. I would have more fun with no feats and a bigger stamina cost per battle.
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    I see only area of opportunity that I see is that you can't look at your data disks without equipping them. With this it's very difficult to compare them and make the right decision on which to use. Plus then I've exited the menu with new ones equipped and neglected to press the confirm button so again not having the right ones going into battle again.

    I suggest removing the confirmation button and replacing it with an equip button which will verify that you do want to equip the one you have selected and allow us to see what have by clicking on each individual one.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    What a choice!
    I know this has been addressed already, I just find it funny.
  • Csharpmao
    48 posts Member
    edited March 2021
    I just finished my run on the conquest. And by finished, I mean just beating the last boss, not getting a full score. And I'd like to share my thoughts on it.

    First many thanks and thumb up to CG for this new game mode. I find it fun, interesting, the stamina, the data disc, the modifiers,... all of these add something new to the game.

    Now some remarks and suggestions:

    The normal mode was fine for me. As I've beaten the last boss, I could go in hard mode next time, but not sure I'll do it. Why ? Because if I chose it, I could be quickly blocked and having a 2 weeks event finished after 2-3 days would not be fun (could even be sooner as we start without any data disc versus enemy with higher relic level than the last level of the normal mode, but the enemy will still have their modifiers). This remark on being blocked very soon on a 2 weeks event is also something less advanced players already faced in normal mode.
    Maybe an alternative would be to have a third mode, easier than the normal, and rescale a little bit the difficulty to overlap partially, like
    - Easy : G10 to R1
    - Normal : R0 to R4
    - Hard : R4 to R8

    Data Disc
    Very interesting, and could add a lot to the strategic part of this new mode if it was for 3 things that IMHO are problematic :
    - The randomness of them. I finished my trip on the five sectors, and never found any 4 dots data disc, and the only 3 dots I got is the Leader's resolve (in fact, I could have 4 of them I think...). Suggestion to resolve this : Avoid proposing the same data disc multiple times on the same step, and having at least a guaranteed 4 dots at some point (maybe after the sector 2 and 4 bosses).
    - The cost to swap them. Ok, 5 conquest credits may seem not a lot, but when I must chose between swapping 3 data discs or buying a stun gun in the shop, I try to keep the credit for the stun gun.
    - Managing them is not easy. When I want to change something, usually I start to add all my data Disc, to be able to see their description, and then I remove to reach the 12 limit.

    At first, I was like 'Oh no, feats again, and moreover, 3 different layers of feats...'. But at the end, feats are what add some salt to this new game mode. Without them, you could just 2 team the whole conquest, as the stamina of 2 teams refill in 5 hours, and you need 6 hours to get the energy to play them.
    One type of feat I particularly don't like are the win X fights with Jedi/Sith/Other.

    Rewards seems good, but decreasing the number of gear box from tier 6 to tier 7 is a bad surprise, and if it wasn't for the Razor Crest shards, I think I'd choose to keep the tier 6 rewards.

    2 weeks for the event is a good duration, but the planned frequency (once per month) means we have a lot to do/play during 2 weeks, and less during the 2 other weeks (except if there is another game mode in preparation to fill the gap).
    An easy solution would be to always have a conquest running. Another solution would be to have a full month event with not only 5 sector, but 10 and with a difficulty raising slower (and maybe a first reward box after 2 weeks and the possibility for weaker player to reset their progression)

    There could be more different teams of enemy to fights, there is around 200 different toons, and I have the feeling I saw not more than 60-70 different. Maybe also more different modifiers for the same kind of team.

    I'd like to see fleet involved in the conquest. Ships take a big part of the Star Wars movies, and conquest could be a good way to give them a better place.
    I could imagine having a whole fleet sector, or maybe just some points inside each sector.

    My account if someone is interested

    I accept any advice concerning my dilemma about running next run in hard mode.

    Edit : spelling
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    Csharpmao wrote: »
    having a 2 weeks event finished after 2-3 days would not be fun (could even be sooner as we start without any data disc versus enemy with higher relic level than the last level of the normal mode, but the enemy will still have their modifiers).

    I think the modifiers depend on sectors to mirror our power as we obtain more and more data disks. So we will probably face enemies with 0 to 20%s stat modifiers in Sector 1 on hard mode as we did on normal difficulty. Pure guess, but it seems logical.

    It looks pretty straightforward: if you have a R4 team, you should be able to take on teams on "R4" difficulty, except if you have only rock and are forced to face a paper Oo But if you have several meta R1 teams, then you can RPS your way through R4 to R8, rewarding a broad roster.
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    Kapman wrote: »
    I’m really enjoying the new Conquest game mode now 1 week into the first event.

    I think the 2-week timeline at this point for the event seems just right, I’m a 3.2mil gp player and after approx 7 days I’m nearing finishing sector 5, but I still have many feats and stars to clean up in the previous sectors and that’s why I think the 2 week timeline is perfect!

    I think it would be great if a UI could be added in battle for specific boss feats so that you can see your progress for the feat in game instead of trying to guess, also doesn’t affect me, but having an “easy” mode for lower level players that is NOT mandatory I think would be helpful for ALL players to have the fun experience of conquest.

    Final suggestion for feedback I have it in the data disk inventory, I’d there was a way to “read” or “preview” the data disks in your inventory before equipping them, makes it easier to manage data disks and also doesn’t waste or spend conquest currency equipping them just to be able to see what their info is.

    Thanks , keep up the great work

    Solid feedback, I appreciate you chiming in.

    I've mentioned the feats progress tracker to the devs. I think it's needed in all game modes that have feat reqs. As far as an easy mode for Conquest, it might not make a lot of sense to do that given newer players likely don't have the roster depth needed to accomplish the intentions and requirements of the mode.

    Lastly, I've also brought up the data disks and being able to read the descriptions before equipping. For the record, you do NOT need to spend currency in order to read them. You can add them to your equipped disks, read the description and then exit without pressing confirm, which will not charge you currency. It's a bit cumbersome for sure, but that should save you currency.
  • TVF
    36692 posts Member
    It's *very* cumbersome. Please push them to reconsider.
    I need a new message here.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    TVF wrote: »
    It's *very* cumbersome. Please push them to reconsider.

    Reconsider what? He doesnt seem to be saying they came to any conclusion.
  • Ultra
    11551 posts Moderator
    edited March 2021
    it was annoying to find out how it worked at first but i'm used to it and i think its fine as it is
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    So, I won the battle with the Sector 5 Boss and got the final crate. I still can clean up a little if I feel like trying out some squads. I forgot to use consumables for that battle, so they were pretty much a waste. I guess I should probably give them a try.

    First question for the Hard mode will be how far would we need to get there in order to surpass the rewards in the Normal mode? Will we be able to see the crate rewards and Sector bosses before making a choice? Will the difficulty in Sector 1 Hard be higher than in Sector 5 Normal or will it be like starting in Sector 3 Normal? Will the data disks and consumables be correspondingly more useful?
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    nottenst wrote: »
    So, I won the battle with the Sector 5 Boss and got the final crate. I still can clean up a little if I feel like trying out some squads. I forgot to use consumables for that battle, so they were pretty much a waste. I guess I should probably give them a try.

    First question for the Hard mode will be how far would we need to get there in order to surpass the rewards in the Normal mode? Will we be able to see the crate rewards and Sector bosses before making a choice? Will the difficulty in Sector 1 Hard be higher than in Sector 5 Normal or will it be like starting in Sector 3 Normal? Will the data disks and consumables be correspondingly more useful?


    Basically crate one, and that should be achievable through sector 1, and some of sector 2, depending on how many stars per battle you get.

    You will have a similar preview we had before the next one, you can see the boss team for each sector and we know the relic level for each sector along with the scaling % for the teams we will face.

    There should be no difference in data discs, and consumables may change, but most likely not.
  • TVF
    36692 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    It's *very* cumbersome. Please push them to reconsider.

    Reconsider what? He doesnt seem to be saying they came to any conclusion.

    To reconsider the current system.
    I need a new message here.
  • TVF
    36692 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    it was annoying to find out how it worked at first but i'm used to it and i think its fine as it is

    It's more effort than it should be. You have to keep adding to find the right one then remove all the others you didn't want.
    I need a new message here.
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    Thanks @Kyno for presenting the data. So, if this gets finalized then it appears that if you can complete Normal in good order then you should go for Hard.

    Besides the level of difficulty, though, we will be starting without any data disks, but can use some of the currency we've accumulated already to get some consumables to help get through Sector 1 and accumulate data disks.
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    Are we getting a change in the conquest store anytime soon because it’s terrible as is?
  • TVF
    36692 posts Member
    IronCross wrote: »
    Are we getting a change in the conquest store anytime soon because it’s terrible as is?

    Let us know how hard mode goes.
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    it was annoying to find out how it worked at first but i'm used to it and i think its fine as it is

    It's more effort than it should be. You have to keep adding to find the right one then remove all the others you didn't want.

    Definitely this. And there's no indication of what ones already are equipt when you do this so it's cumbersome to remove, oh that's one I already had,never mind,etc. Definitely discouraged swapping them around
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