Conquest Changes [MERGE]


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    kalidor wrote: »
    Huh, I completed it quickly because I enjoy doing Conquest. Even bought a few refreshes just so I could continue to play. Playing even shorter stints is directly in opposition to that. I honestly don't see the issue with people completing it quickly, those players are spending crystals to do so. I'm not sure who this benefits.

    It benefits CG, because the people who rushed to complete it are likely to still rush to complete it, except now it'll cost more crystals to do that. They literally could have just put a limit on the number of energy refreshes you can do in a day, and that would have the same effect in lengthening the time of engagement with the mode. But nah that wouldn't increase the number of crystals being poured into Conquest so of course they didn't do that.


    I'm going to try to reserve judgement on the rest of these changes until we actually see how the Conquest plays out, but my first instinct is that these changes are bad. And none of the other changes they introduced to "compensate" come anywhere near actually compensating for those bad changes. ABs simmable? I love it. Should have been introduced long ago but whatever. But that won't make up for the amount of time that they're now asking for in Conquest. Data disks no longer requiring currency to swap out? Great! Too bad it'll be swappable with energy instead and now they're making energy more valuable than before. With CG it's always one step forward, ten steps back. That's not progress
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    I really don’t understand your logic cg. Some players, myself included, spent crystals to engage with your content faster. This ultimately leads to more spending which is good for you. Your stated goal of these changes is that our choices lead to disengagement from the mode. Who cares?

    You guys have been making decisions lately that are just nuts with all the respect I can muster. Your decisions are continuing to limit the choices of your players. Requirements that force players to max characters, changes that force players to engage with content on your terms. Counters nerfed. I mean I’m not sure you could alienate the player base more if you tried.
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    And no word about the randomness of data disks? Any adjustment to guarantee that we will not see duplicates and get at least one epic/legendary after a boss or mini-boss ??
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    I didn’t finish mine till like 1-2 days before it ended. Guess I won’t finish at all now.

    Just because whales were doing it too fast 🤷‍♂️
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Oh, and what about feat counters in battle?
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    Crayons wrote: »

    Making the game better and more fun should not be about making us spend longer in the game. Increase the quality of the time we already spend.

    This is honestly one of the best comments on this forum imo. It's 100% true.
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    Crayons wrote: »
    I didn’t finish mine till like 1-2 days before it ended. Guess I won’t finish at all now.

    Just because whales were doing it too fast 🤷‍♂️

    I very much doubt it's about people finishing too fast - that's just spurious pretext. GC runs for 3 days. I'd imagine participation nose dives after the first day.
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    Data Disks:
    Defensive Formation I - Cost 2 - Common - Whenever an ally attacks out of turn, all allies recover 2% Protection
    Quick Reflexes - Cost 3 - Epic - Whenever an ally gains 10 buffs, they gain Foresight. Whenever an ally Evades, reduce their cooldowns by 1 turn
    Booming Voice - Cost 4 - Legendary - When an allied unit in the Leader slot uses an ability during their turn, all allies are called to assist.
    Caustic Recurrence - Cost 4 - Legendary - When a debuff on an enemy expires, they gain Damage Over Time for 2 turns, which can't be resisted

    …Booming Voice is already a Data Disk.
  • XiXiS
    48 posts Member
    Not going to spend crystals… Can I assume I will earn minimum rewards now?
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    AlexanderG wrote: »
    Crayons wrote: »
    I didn’t finish mine till like 1-2 days before it ended. Guess I won’t finish at all now.

    Just because whales were doing it too fast 🤷‍♂️

    I very much doubt it's about people finishing too fast - that's just spurious pretext. GC runs for 3 days. I'd imagine participation nose dives after the first day.

    Oh absolutely. The problem is clearly not that too many people were buying refreshes. It’s that not enough were imo
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    But can you tell me, is every squad on sector 3 and above overprepared still?

    Overall agree with most comments here. The change to swapping discs using energy is very much welcomed, but then raising the energy cost of each battle doesn't make sense. Well, I guess it will just force me to do fewer battles per day (was taking me 12 days of the 14 to complete anyway on Normal at 2m GP) but on the bright side since I'm doing fewer battles per day, my stamina on key teams will be more refilled.

    Good CG: Data Discs swaps using energy, mini-bosses, new data discs & consumables, changing maps, adding different feats
    Bad CG: More energy per battle because a few krakens refreshed a ton of energy to blow through GC in 3 days

    Let's see how it plays out...
  • X3sk0
    3 posts Member
    edited August 2021
    Wow... they just don't give up in roughing us up, how stubborn they are, lmao! Well, It was fun the first two Conquests but it has been just a waste of time and effort to get less rewards each time with minimum and slight changes they did. But now? Another game mode to skip.
    Post edited by crzydroid on
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    If they were really worried that people rushed through and then disengaged, why not give us a reason to keep playing it? This is a resource management game and, who woulda guessed, we engage with content that rewards us
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Morgoth01 wrote: »
    More energy pr battle also mean that without refresh, we will have fewer battles pr day, and thus toons will recover more stamina between each battle = less incentive to have a broad roster as you can more heavily lean into fewer teams. Fewer battles pr day would also mean less time spent in conquest, but they stated that with the increased time commitment, they will reduce time elsewhere (and thank you for that), but to me all this indicates that CG expect players to have to spend crystals with the changes.

    This will likely mean more feats, so while you say less battles and relying more on fewer teams, what is more likely to happen is you will need more teams just to do feats and the smaller your roster, the more refreshes (energy and stamina) will be needed to get the new feats.

    That is my take on the more time commitment needed.

    True that feats can be designed to reward (or demand) broader rosters. However it still stands that CG say people spend too little time on conquest, while limiting the (free) available battles pr day. It does seem counterintuitive.
    While we are on the topic of feats, if they increase energy cost and keep feats that cannot be done without replaying the same battles, they are just really doing us a disservice. I have to admit that by the end of conquest I'm usually tired of it, mainly because of feats that require me to do 20 battles in a zone with 15 nodes, that's not fun and engaging, that's just repetitive. And will cost crystals to complete going forward, by the sound of it.
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    Didnt like last two of them, this one i will probably like even less.. because of my long working hours and job i do, sometimes i dont have time to play, and in the evening i simply crush in bed and sleep..and now because of few people it will be even harder.. thanks, with each new update you bring in you kill game more and more, and raise new paywall.. and the fact you can now buy toons from raids and ships we collected for months ???
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    They said that the conquest will run longer?
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    khdelboy wrote: »
    They said that the conquest will run longer?

    No, still 2 weeks. They are trying to make interaction over those 2 weeks, more. From my understanding.
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    Zanir wrote: »
    1) The "punishment" for rushing conquest to completion was having to wait until the event ended to collect the rewards, knowing that other players might well be earning the same prize box without spending crystals.

    2) Just why do you care how long it takes me to complete the event once you set the clock? What are you, my foreman? THIS IS A PHONE GAME CG, NOT A SHIFT JOB AT A FACTORY. This is some ridiculous reasoning.

    3) The only consumables I ever used was a speed booster (once, I think) and some stamina boosters when I was impatient to complete a certain battle/feat now instead of waiting for stamina to refresh. I expect I'll be able to continue to ignore all other boosters/consumables. If you make conquest unplayable without them (forcing players to spend resources on them) that's very garbage of you.

    Start date on the 30th, I look forward to it being cancelled on the 31st because a bug will be discovered that makes JKL eligible for DS GeoTB fleet CMs as the Fleet Commander of the Executor or whatever, and then not seeing Conquest 8 until March 2021.

    This is just stuff they say because it can’t be proven wrong and can justify any kind of change to the product. With the same „data“ they could have shortened Conquest to 7 days duration.

    I was in Product Management and we often sat together in meetings trying to find some phrases and explanations to sell changes to products to customers. Because we had to say something. It was never about whether what we said was actually a major factor in the decision making process.
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    It is so strangethat they try to make the conquest last for 2 weeks in a practical term - by slowing down the players not providing more content......
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    Kyno wrote: »
    khdelboy wrote: »
    They said that the conquest will run longer?

    No, still 2 weeks. They are trying to make interaction over those 2 weeks, more. From my understanding.

    That’s what I thought. Just asking to make sure.

  • Drathuk916
    639 posts Member
    edited August 2021

    Why cg just why? The player base is continually worried about the gear crunch and you drop second tier shards to 30? If you’re not going after maul in in three conquest but four instead, you need to spend half your currency on shards instead of a third. Why????

    I’m just thankful I got cat in three. If I had planned for cat in four to discover it’ll take five I’d be even more furious
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    So, because some people rushed it, now I am forced to play it less each day?

    How is making me play it less encouraging more engagement?

    I was only just reaching final crate with a day or two left, and I would already do 2 or 3 refreshes of energy. Now that energy purchase will be worth less battles to me, I'll be less inclined to do it.

    I think I'm going to have to avoid swapping disks even more than before.

    So, I get to pay it less, and with less variety.

    Awesome changes cg.
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    Crayons wrote: »
    I didn’t finish mine till like 1-2 days before it ended. Guess I won’t finish at all now.

    Just because whales were doing it too fast 🤷‍♂️

    I am not a whale. After the 2nd run of Conquest I knew which feats to do. So I only needed 4-6 days for Conquest and spent 100-200 crystals on energy. Because I wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible.

    It was boring and not challenging except for 2 feats. And 100-200 crystals is not much if you get rank 1 rewards in arena every day.
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    How does raising the energy cost solve your issue CG? Whales just gonna whale harder and refresh more. It's those that have a lot of gems in the first place that refreshed the energy more that rushed conquest. It was fine as it was. This is a bad move, and pretty sure doesn't solve it at all
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    Drathuk916 wrote: »

    Why cg just why? The player base is continually worried about the gear crunch and you drop second tier shards to 30? If you’re not going after maul in in three conquest but four instead, you need to spend half your currency on shards instead of a third. Why????

    I’m just thankful I got cat in three. If I had planned for cat in four to discover it’ll take five I’d be even more furious

    This was always know was it not? Just like when CAT replaced RC?

    When a new toon comes the old one is replaced and is less shards?
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    Crayons wrote: »
    Drathuk916 wrote: »

    Why cg just why? The player base is continually worried about the gear crunch and you drop second tier shards to 30? If you’re not going after maul in in three conquest but four instead, you need to spend half your currency on shards instead of a third. Why????

    I’m just thankful I got cat in three. If I had planned for cat in four to discover it’ll take five I’d be even more furious

    This was always know was it not? Just like when CAT replaced RC?

    When a new toon comes the old one is replaced and is less shards?

    we got more than 30 RC shards. i think i got 55? 45? last conquest. 30 is alot less than either of those numbers.
  • Crayons
    565 posts Member
    edited August 2021
    I really don’t understand the thinking behind higher energy cost for fights, and in the same breath say we want to fix people being able to move disks around, so it’s going to cost energy, the thing we just crunched elsewhere.

    This makes no sense.
  • IntrepidFox
    237 posts Member
    edited August 2021
    So cost increases because some people are refreshing energy. Presumably then that means you now have to refresh energy to get through.

    What the hell. How is people using energy refreshes the only problem you can find with conquest. If people want to zoom through in a week at their own cost then let them. The rest of us can saunter through using normal daily energy and take the full time.

    The people who are refreshing to get through early are not going to stop.

    I’m free to play and don’t know any people at all who are getting it done in a week. No doubt the spenders are but we’re talking about people who care about winning without playing anyway. These people are never going to engage anyway. They are valuable to the game for sure, but not the sort to really put in effort.

    How many people reading this are finishing conquest week one?
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    It is not the fault of pretended people doing it too fast.

    It is just a pathetic excuse to increase the ressource needed for the game mode. Now cristals will be mandatory.

  • Drathuk916
    639 posts Member
    edited August 2021
    Crayons wrote: »
    Drathuk916 wrote: »

    Why cg just why? The player base is continually worried about the gear crunch and you drop second tier shards to 30? If you’re not going after maul in in three conquest but four instead, you need to spend half your currency on shards instead of a third. Why????

    I’m just thankful I got cat in three. If I had planned for cat in four to discover it’ll take five I’d be even more furious

    This was always know was it not? Just like when CAT replaced RC?

    When a new toon comes the old one is replaced and is less shards?

    Rc was 44 shards as both first and second tier reward. Yes it certainly didn’t mean that cat should be 44 too and they never guaranteed it would remain the same. That said I think two conquests of freed up currency was a fair trade off for one conquest longer wait. It’s now going to only free up about 3000 currency instead of 4000.
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