[MEGA] Conquest 7


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    c'est hallucinant de voir que pas un seul personnage de cette conquete pourrie ne soit pas en dessous de 300 de vitesse . comment arriver a jouer avec une difficultés pareil , sérieux faut arrêter votre délire , c'est vraiment n'importe quoi :!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI : Ok, so a couple of days into this new Conquest and I can already see an issue for myself that may be true for other players out there. Even with the roughly two weeks of availability that conquest has, the number of repetitive battle feats compounded with the extra energy cost is going to make completing as many of the feats as possible a chore. Yes, not an enjoyable experience, but a chore. For those of us with other responsibilities, etc, the extra time commitment created by the new Conquest experience is frustrating. Since I know CG wants constructive criticism, let me provide some ideas that I believe would make conquest fun again and less of a chore.

    1. Revert to the old energy cost per battle.
    2. For the love the Gotra, PLEASE give us the ability to examine an enemy's speed prior to jumping into battle. It's unacceptable to keep us guessing what the enemy speed is going to be. Wasting a battle because the enemy got a major jump on the player without the player being able to strategize around speeds is a waste of the player's resources made worse by the current energy cost per battle.
    3. Half the energy cost in a given Sector for units that are required for repetitive feats such as a full squad of X. This will help make such feats much less repetitive/dull.
    4. Since there are still bugs present in the current iteration of Conquest which have the potential to affect feat completion (lets face it, most players are trying to maximize their feats to get as many Maul shards as possible), unless any bugs are completely breaking, let is continue so that players can be your beta testers BUT provide all players unable to max out the tokens this time with a reward chest that is at minimum one tier higher than they would've gotten, and ideally two levels higher. This would be a great goodwill offering to the player base which is essentially open beta testing Conquest 2.0 .
    5. Please be sure to remedy, if this wasn't already addressed, any Maul shard advantage any players of the cancelled conquest may have been able to get either by removing those shards, or giving the maximum shards acquired by a given player to ALL players.

    Thank you for the hard work you do communicating with the community, and I hope that future iterations of Conquest can continue to be as fun as the original iterations.
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    il se soucis de ce qu'on dit , ils ont viré un de mes poste qui leur disait que nous les joueurs avait d'autres chose a payer que les merdes qu'on pouvais acheter sur le jeu pour augmenter nos personnages . on a des factures NOUS !!! on fait pas cracher les gens pour une chose qui normalement est faite pour nous détendre apres notre taf ou notre journée d’école pour les plus jeunes . donc ils se soucient bient de se qu'on ecrit du moment qu'on leurs cassent pas les dents avec la verité qui les gènes !!!
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    j'ai mis un peu d'argent dans ce jeu mais franchement je le ferais plus , car ils nous prennent pour des jambons avec leur pack a 100 euros qui te font rien gagner
  • Xcien
    2436 posts Member
    MAGMA wrote: »
    il se soucis de ce qu'on dit , ils ont viré un de mes poste qui leur disait que nous les joueurs avait d'autres chose a payer que les merdes qu'on pouvais acheter sur le jeu pour augmenter nos personnages . on a des factures NOUS !!! on fait pas cracher les gens pour une chose qui normalement est faite pour nous détendre apres notre taf ou notre journée d’école pour les plus jeunes . donc ils se soucient bient de se qu'on ecrit du moment qu'on leurs cassent pas les dents avec la verité qui les gènes !!!

    Exactly. It’s just sad how a fun game mode like Conquest was ruined and made a boring grind. This game is supposed to be fun, something for us players to do when we have the time. We don’t need this game to be like a job; we need it to be like a game.
    I've found this whole experience to be very enlightening.

    Thank you for evaluating. Your feedback is appreciated.
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    tout a fait Xcien , ils croient qu'on a pas de vie a coté de leur jeu sauf qu'on est des parents avec un travail , un loyer , des courses a payer et tout le reste , on a pas d'argent a mettre dans leur jeu surtout pour gagner de la ****
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    ils arrivent a faire quitter le jeu a des joueurs qui sont dessus depuis le tout début , si c'est pas fort ca franchement !! un jeu aussi bien qui est devenu aussi nul en quelque mois
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    franchement a choisir , si j'ai de l'argent a mettre dans une chose , c'est dans un repas avec ma femme au restaurant pas dans ce jeu
  • nottenst
    709 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    When you click for the Sector 1 Info on the Conquest Main Page it says "Relic 4 with +0-20% Stat Bonuses. Stat bonuses increase further down the Sector." And yet on the third node I see Overprepared IV - "Increases Max Health, Max Protection, Offense, and Speed by 80%."

    Sector 2 reads +20-60% stat bonuses
    Sector 3 reads +30-70% stat bonuses
    Sector 4 reads +40-80% stat bonuses
    Sector 5 reads +50-90% stat bonuses.

    I guess they need to change the descriptions to 90% Stat Bonuses upper limit on all 5 Sectors.
  • Xcien
    2436 posts Member
    MAGMA wrote: »
    franchement a choisir , si j'ai de l'argent a mettre dans une chose , c'est dans un repas avec ma femme au restaurant pas dans ce jeu

    Agreed. That’s the reason why I’m F2P; there are more important things to spend money on than this game.
    I've found this whole experience to be very enlightening.

    Thank you for evaluating. Your feedback is appreciated.
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    At this point if they really want to monetize the game they should charge you crystals to uninstall.
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    quand tu désinstalle le jeu ça enlève même pas ton compte du jeu donc ils peuvent pas te facturer des cristaux loll
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    nottenst wrote: »
    When you click for the Sector 1 Info on the Conquest Main Page it says "Relic 4 with +0-20% Stat Bonuses. Stat bonuses increase further down the Sector." And yet on the third node I see Overprepared IV - "Increases Max Health, Max Protection, Offense, and Speed by 80%."

    Sector 2 reads +20-60% stat bonuses
    Sector 3 reads +30-70% stat bonuses
    Sector 4 reads +40-80% stat bonuses
    Sector 5 reads +50-90% stat bonuses.

    I guess they need to change the descriptions to 90% Stat Bonuses upper limit on all 5 Sectors.

    Over Prepared is on top of the +% sector stat bonuses.
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    As a kraken I can say this conquest is about all out zerg in the first couple of days as far as possible and collect (if rng loves you) good disks. I even went as far as completing all sectors.
    Then when you set the proper disks up (stay away from purple!!) Your teams become invincible. Intended or not it’s how these battles seem to keep happening. You are able to use one team all the way down to zero stamina.
    Gotta say after fighting vs maul with mandalorians in sector 4 got me excited for the character. Maul with armour is going to be a pain soon! Lol
  • nottenst
    709 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    nottenst wrote: »
    When you click for the Sector 1 Info on the Conquest Main Page it says "Relic 4 with +0-20% Stat Bonuses. Stat bonuses increase further down the Sector." And yet on the third node I see Overprepared IV - "Increases Max Health, Max Protection, Offense, and Speed by 80%."

    Sector 2 reads +20-60% stat bonuses
    Sector 3 reads +30-70% stat bonuses
    Sector 4 reads +40-80% stat bonuses
    Sector 5 reads +50-90% stat bonuses.

    I guess they need to change the descriptions to 90% Stat Bonuses upper limit on all 5 Sectors.

    Over Prepared is on top of the +% sector stat bonuses.

    Oh, joy. But that does mean that there can easily be squads in Sector 1 that have higher stat bonuses than squads in later Sectors.
  • ToaDin
    5 posts Member
    edited November 2021
    Spharynx01 wrote: »
    Olderaan wrote: »
    Only I don’t understand something, or will there really be no CAT shard at the Conquest store this time? I only have Mando's ship since the current Conquest runs.

    CAT is available… Enjoy… or not…

    Cat is not available in conquest shop if u play NORMAL DIFFICULTY conquest.

    I want to ask developers if this is intended? If yes, why? I can't even buy her for crystalls. 15! shards for max crate is all we can get.

    Post edited by ToaDin on
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    I have some problems with sector 2 against NS. I used Traya, Malak, DN, Sion and BSF but I do not get the 300k health feat. Malak alone gets so much help. Why do the health gain not count?
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    Sewpot wrote: »
    As a kraken I can say this conquest is about all out zerg in the first couple of days as far as possible and collect (if rng loves you) good disks. I even went as far as completing all sectors.
    Then when you set the proper disks up (stay away from purple!!) Your teams become invincible. Intended or not it’s how these battles seem to keep happening. You are able to use one team all the way down to zero stamina.
    Gotta say after fighting vs maul with mandalorians in sector 4 got me excited for the character. Maul with armour is going to be a pain soon! Lol
    Which are those proper disks ? Every bit of help would be appreciated in this conquest…
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    Starslayer wrote: »
    Sewpot wrote: »
    As a kraken I can say this conquest is about all out zerg in the first couple of days as far as possible and collect (if rng loves you) good disks. I even went as far as completing all sectors.
    Then when you set the proper disks up (stay away from purple!!) Your teams become invincible. Intended or not it’s how these battles seem to keep happening. You are able to use one team all the way down to zero stamina.
    Gotta say after fighting vs maul with mandalorians in sector 4 got me excited for the character. Maul with armour is going to be a pain soon! Lol
    Which are those proper disks ? Every bit of help would be appreciated in this conquest…

    Not sure if everyone gets the same disk options but mine have been garbage. They're all the same and don't really help much. Maybe I've been unlucky.
  • MasterSeedy
    5126 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    tout a fait Xcien , ils croient qu'on a pas de vie a coté de leur jeu sauf qu'on est des parents avec un travail , un loyer , des courses a payer et tout le reste , on a pas d'argent a mettre dans leur jeu surtout pour gagner de la ****


    Or "celui çi," si on préfère.

    It's a 2 week event. We can't spend more on it every single day. Eventually we have to take a break, do other things, etc. The fact that they complained that people were spending to get the red crate quickly then ignoring Conquest was telling.

    After all, they get MORE money if people spend to finish the event in 3 to 5 days, since that requires refreshes and stamina boosters.

    If they were going to be mad at anyone, it should have been at the people who waited patiently for free energy to come in and stamina to regenerate, then got the red crate in the last couple days without spending anything.

    But nope! The only people they complained about where folks that were spending... but then got on with having lives outside the game for a week. How dare they!
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    The whole thing is a frustrating joke. The feats are absolutely horrible in every way shape and form, jacked up energy cost for no reason and making it cost energy to remove mods is not a better solution to spending currency to do it. Ffs you ruined a mostly fun game mode and made it a tedious chore
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    So players have found even more bugs in the feats and game mode today. No response today, and we won’t get one until Tuesday seeing it’s a long weekend. So another 3 days of bug filled conquest? Not knowing whether or not feats are going to be counted?

    This is just ridiculous and unacceptable.
  • Ally
    47 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    Calbion wrote: »
    You stated you didn’t want to make the battles harder in the new conquest rationale, hence the increased number of feats and more specific squads required for said feats.

    Yet that’s exactly what you’ve done. You introduced Overprepared III & IV buff for opponents which increases their stats and speed by 60% and 80% respectively for squads that previously have overprepared I & II.

    The trust in the community is at a very low point, let’s have some honest communication to restore that.

    This and you stuck a stupid feat for a full team of smugglers in a Relic 7 zone with overprepared 3 and 4 everywhere - who has a full relic smugglers except the very very high level krakens.

    you increased the difficulty with these feats, you increased the Relic teams required and you didnt increase the rewards, trust isnt low, its zero.

    Instead of upping the tickets why didnt you make an extra box or two on the end for people to eventually shoot for with the increased tickets, now im going to get the same box for far more effort and larger requirments.

    At this point your just trying to push the playerbase as much as you you can for your greed, the past month has been atrocious for this game, get your **** together.

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    Starslayer wrote: »
    Sewpot wrote: »
    As a kraken I can say this conquest is about all out zerg in the first couple of days as far as possible and collect (if rng loves you) good disks. I even went as far as completing all sectors.
    Then when you set the proper disks up (stay away from purple!!) Your teams become invincible. Intended or not it’s how these battles seem to keep happening. You are able to use one team all the way down to zero stamina.
    Gotta say after fighting vs maul with mandalorians in sector 4 got me excited for the character. Maul with armour is going to be a pain soon! Lol
    Which are those proper disks ? Every bit of help would be appreciated in this conquest…


    These are what I have on at the moment.
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    CG forgets that this is a MOBILE game that players are supposed to be able to play on available time. Not just more time, but *forced time requirements*. Conquest is the latest time-waster that should have been a fun and engaging game mode, but instead, turned into a cluster-f that has bugs, so many ridiculous feats (and never did remove the next-to-impossible 700% TM removal feat), increased the energy cost and also forced us to do multiple battles (see middle bosses, etc) that waste even more of our precious energy. Come on! I've played this game since day one and I'm near the point where I want to quit because it's not fun anymore. Those of us who have multiple accounts since the beginning are regretting it now. I know I am. The lack of compensation for a buggy game, the lack of decent rewards, lack of 'sale' items (packs/crystals) that other games supply in abundance is obvious.
  • Vendi1983
    5028 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    The creativity in team choices is also pretty alarming? Don't want to fight mirror damage GAS or Padmé? Then just follow this route:

    Post edited by Vendi1983 on
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    To balance out the increased energy per battle could we please have the energy refresh rate changed to 6 minutes per point?

    This would meet your stated goal of discouraging rushing through in one or 2 days, as the incentive to buy crystal refreshes stays the same as right now, you still only get 6 fights per crystal spend.

    It would meet your stated goal of encouraging ongoing engagement by allowing players to play more often throughout a day.

    It would give players a chance at completing all the competing/nonconcurrent feats shuch as on the mini boss nodes, or sector 2 where 14 nightsisters battles are required, but there are not 5 nightsister attackers to use at once, and winning without nightsister support units is unlikely.

    It would aid in the originally stated goal of conquest to reward roster depth in encouraging use of different teams due to stamina running low. The extra energy to battle with will drain stamina more. The increased cost at the moment has made stamina a non issue if you are not buying energy with crystals, so I can just use my one team for every attack.

    I think this one change would go a long way in restoring balance to the galactic conquest. Are you the chosen one CG?
  • Konju
    1180 posts Member
    Ally- “Instead of upping the tickets why didnt you make an extra box or two on the end for people to eventually shoot for with the increased tickets”

    I find this idea quite good.
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    I've gone to free to play. No way at all I drop another dime until I have a feeling that what I invest in will even be useful in a few months. The game is a dumpster fire and the direction is unintelligible. What's worse is that CG has no limiting principles on the horrible direction of GL's. GL's ruined the game. Everything you are seeing now is a chaotic scramble to try and fix that major eff up. Now all they can do is make stronger and stronger GL's and fleets because apparently that's the only thing they can think of to make money. They won't be accountable, so instead you'll get abused. If it isn't incompetence it's just hatred for their customers. Seriously, nobody with any respect or care for their player base would even consider this insulting, malicious piece of crap called the new Conquest. I've never seen a middle finger extended to this extent toward paying customers in my life.
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