[MEGA] Conquest 7


  • StarSon
    7494 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    Mercury88 wrote: »
    Can't even buy every batch of maul shards if you didn't Hoard conquest credits. There's 70 battles at 20 per battle. That's 1400 tickets. 4 batches of maul at 525 per is 2100

    Plus the milestone rewards, which is an additional 750 per conquest, or a total possible of 2150 currency earned.
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    cette conquete est pas faite pour gagner mais pour perdre un maximum de tout ce qu'on possède ( argents réel , cristaux , énergie , temps de vie réel .... ) . jouer la conquête maintenant est devenu une perte de tout !!! ils ont cru qu'on était riche chez CG ou quoi ??
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    Another week gone by with zero response to this feedback from the devs. That’s cute lol.

    So many ideas here, just like prior to this dumpster fire of a conquest, that will help the devs reach their goal of the new characters being a premium but also not being such a slog and grind for the players. Sigh….this last month and a half has just been awful compared to the few months prior. Talk about washing away any progress they made with the community lol
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    They should give every crate some amount of R8 mats in hard mode. That would at least take some of the sting out of the fact that a lot of us are likely going to get lesser rewards, while also allowing all mid-end game players work slowly towards getting more R8 toons, so they can then at some point beat C-Pit and at least dream about getting new, shiny R9 mats.
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    Borat wrote: »
    JUST LOWER THE COST OF THE BATTLES TO 10 ENERGY!!!!! Most wouldn't mind going in, doing 12 battles and completing some of these feats in 2 refreshes as opposed to 4 would significantly cut down on time spent as well as crystals spent to get box 6 or 7. Right now it takes 3 full energy days to complete one feat in some instances (ie. 14 geo battles). You can do 4-5 with ease maybe 6 with good RNG because you can't afford to spend energy moving disks or spend burritos on amplifiers to boost stats like before. It was feasible with 10 energy battles and amplifiers to complete those types of feats in one day, not 3.

    Lower energy cost will make conquest cheaper but won’t change anything about time spent. If you need to do 100 battles, you need to do 100 battles, free energy or not.
  • TVF
    36717 posts Member
    Borat wrote: »
    spend burritos on amplifiers

    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    Eh I gave up. Gonna get crate 3 most likely. CG took away any hope I had to get max crate so why waste my time? Are we ever going to receive a response from the devs? Bueller….bueller….
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    TVF wrote: »
    Borat wrote: »
    spend burritos on amplifiers


    It’s just autocorrect- obvs meant empanadas
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    Mercury88 wrote: »
    Can't even buy every batch of maul shards if you didn't Hoard conquest credits. There's 70 battles at 20 per battle. That's 1400 tickets. 4 batches of maul at 525 per is 2100

    Classic CG. Math is so hard.
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    Starslayer wrote: »
    Borat wrote: »
    JUST LOWER THE COST OF THE BATTLES TO 10 ENERGY!!!!! Most wouldn't mind going in, doing 12 battles and completing some of these feats in 2 refreshes as opposed to 4 would significantly cut down on time spent as well as crystals spent to get box 6 or 7. Right now it takes 3 full energy days to complete one feat in some instances (ie. 14 geo battles). You can do 4-5 with ease maybe 6 with good RNG because you can't afford to spend energy moving disks or spend burritos on amplifiers to boost stats like before. It was feasible with 10 energy battles and amplifiers to complete those types of feats in one day, not 3.

    Lower energy cost will make conquest cheaper but won’t change anything about time spent. If you need to do 100 battles, you need to do 100 battles, free energy or not.

    well a lower energy cost = more battles you can do at once in a faster amount of time. the time it takes to accrue 20 energy to do just 1 battle is obscene and runs counter to their "we want you to play more" excuse. Yes we all know the excuse is **** but they're not even giving their own excuse lip service :joy:
  • TVF
    36717 posts Member
    Mercury88 wrote: »
    Can't even buy every batch of maul shards if you didn't Hoard conquest credits. There's 70 battles at 20 per battle. That's 1400 tickets. 4 batches of maul at 525 per is 2100

    Classic CG. Math is so hard.
    StarSon wrote: »
    Mercury88 wrote: »
    Can't even buy every batch of maul shards if you didn't Hoard conquest credits. There's 70 battles at 20 per battle. That's 1400 tickets. 4 batches of maul at 525 per is 2100

    Plus the milestone rewards, which is an additional 750 per conquest, or a total possible of 2150 currency earned.

    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    Some sort of sim/multiplier would be nice, particularly for faction feats where there aren't enough characters to field two full squads (Geos, Smugglers, Nightsisters, etc.).

    At least with Jedi, Empire, Sith, etc. I can alternate between 2-3 squads. Logging in every 3 hours to fight the exact same battle with Geos is sort of lame.
  • petersphilo
    93 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    Deathmarks and staggers are not being counted!!!!
    This is f’ing b#ll $#it!!
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    Starslayer wrote: »
    Borat wrote: »
    JUST LOWER THE COST OF THE BATTLES TO 10 ENERGY!!!!! Most wouldn't mind going in, doing 12 battles and completing some of these feats in 2 refreshes as opposed to 4 would significantly cut down on time spent as well as crystals spent to get box 6 or 7. Right now it takes 3 full energy days to complete one feat in some instances (ie. 14 geo battles). You can do 4-5 with ease maybe 6 with good RNG because you can't afford to spend energy moving disks or spend burritos on amplifiers to boost stats like before. It was feasible with 10 energy battles and amplifiers to complete those types of feats in one day, not 3.

    Lower energy cost will make conquest cheaper but won’t change anything about time spent. If you need to do 100 battles, you need to do 100 battles, free energy or not.

    well a lower energy cost = more battles you can do at once in a faster amount of time. the time it takes to accrue 20 energy to do just 1 battle is obscene and runs counter to their "we want you to play more" excuse. Yes we all know the excuse is **** but they're not even giving their own excuse lip service :joy:

    You can’t fight the same number of battles without spending crystals. So either you don’t spend and fight less battles, or you spend and you can do the same numbers of battles at once than before without waiting for energy regeneration. Only the feats are relevant to time spent in conquest, because it changes the number of battles needed.

    20 energy battles means Conquest is more expensive
    Harder to reach crates mean Conquest is more exclusive
    Repetitive feats mean Conquest is more boring

    I only have a problem with the more boring part tbh.
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    I said before I’ll say it again. All they have to do is put 1000 crystals in the red crate and then that helps us recoup the loss we spend getting the red crate.
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    After playing this conquest daily the one change that I think would make it way better is to change all of the complete 14 battles with x faction to complete 5 battles with x faction.

    That is a change that could be completed easily before the next run of conquest. Just change one number on 5 lines of code.

    It still acts as a gear check that people have the faction required. It's a high enough number that a single fluke run is not enough, people would need the squad geared up decently.

    It decreases the horrible grind factor massively.

    The 14 battles with sith and jedi were the ones that I hated in the original feat list. They take away all of the player choice about what toons to use.

    Of course ideally I'd also want the energy cost reverted to 15 and for dealing data disks to be free to actually make this fun.

    But a quick fix to lighten the mill stone that is conquest right now is: just decrease the faction specific battle count. Maybe not even all the way to 5. Any decrease would be better than it is now.
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    The changes they have instituted have taken a moderately enjoyable game mode and made it tedious and not really worth the effort. As I stated in https://gaming-fans.com/2021/09/07/swgoh-editorial-changes-by-cg-are-ruining-conquest/, "When guys who love Star Wars and have played this game daily for nearly 6 years are asking “why bother” that is nothing but a bad thing."
  • TVF
    36717 posts Member
    Sewpot wrote: »
    I said before I’ll say it again. All they have to do is put 1000 crystals in the red crate and then that helps us recoup the loss we spend getting the red crate.

    They want our crystals. Why would they give back?
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    I got Deadly Catalyst in my very last Disk Cache. Without it, I’d be pretty much doomed. Now I might actually have a chance. A crystal-draining chance, but a chance. And getting Maul for crystals Conquest 10 would be a crystal-drain as well

    There really should be less RNG in Disk Drops. At least by rarity.
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    I just managed to finish Hard mode with the Max box. It was a complete chore, but here are my thoughts on the subject.

    - I really liked the addition of 6E+ Salvage to the nodes between boxes. It was a nice addition. For hard mode, I might recommend replacing the normal and ship credits with more salvage or a couple pieces of signal data/scrap.

    - Mini-boss nodes. I do not mind the addition of the mini-bosses in each sector, but I disliked having to beat it 3 times for minimal gains. If you want to keep the data disks attached, I would recommend adding some small amounts of needed gear to each feat. 3 pieces of MK V Stun guns isn't going to break the game.

    - Like many have already stated, the repetition of grinding out faction feats was not enjoyable.
    - Lack of diversity in opponents. Facing the same teams over and over is simply not fun. We have so many leaders in the game to create a diversified game mode. Where was the Lobot lead Droids, Lando Scoundrels/Rebels, Wedge with Solo, Gar Saxon with Empire teams? Add more creative teams for us to fight against.

    Overall, Conquest felt more like a chore than an enjoyable experience. I enjoyed the other Conquests, but the grind really took the fun out of this one.
  • John_Matrix1985
    2276 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    Does it really matter if you get Maul in 4 conquests instead of 3? Let the whales stress about Lord Vader/ Maul and just do it in an extra month or at your pace. Otherwise yeah you have to put in the time to get max crate.

    Personally I did 3 refreshes for the first week now am just passively doing the remaining feats needed for max crate cos I know I'll get there. And that is skipping Mandalorian/smuggler for phase 4
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    Does it really matter if you get Maul in 4 conquests instead of 3? Let the whales stress about Lord Vader/ Maul and just do it in an extra month or at your pace. Otherwise yeah you have to put in the time to get max crate.

    Personally I did 3 refreshes for the first week now am just passively doing the remaining feats needed for max crate cos I know I'll get there. And that is skipping Mandalorian/smuggler for phase 4

    It isn't about Maul. At least to me, I feel every bit bit same as OP. They have **** the fun out of it, the first few conquests were shaky but at least I didn't mind going through it. This just feels... worse than tedious. If they are worried about people getting Maul too quick just reduce the amount of shards you receive or something instead of making something that feels quite similar to bashing yourself in thr face with a 2x4.

    I'm sure you had no issues and had a great time with it, and I'm sure others who were lucky enough to fulfill their random feats (though how have you only refreshed 3 times? The sheer amount of battles you need to do seems to require much more since there aren't a lot of overlap.) But for the most part the general opinions I've heard in game and discord is that people are frustrated and not having a good time. There has to be a better solution to throttling Maul shards than this.
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    Does it really matter if you get Maul in 4 conquests instead of 3? Let the whales stress about Lord Vader/ Maul and just do it in an extra month or at your pace. Otherwise yeah you have to put in the time to get max crate.

    It does matter that it will now take 5 conquests for CAT at the T6 boxes since they nerfed the rewards. Under the prior structure, she would have been obtainable in 4 conquests with the T6 boxes. Meanwhile, I dumped a ton of time and resources into getting JMK and, much like DR was with Malak, he's really not all that great in arena without CAT. Frankly, the "just take more time to get the rewards" argument isn't really a viable argument to defend whether a game mode is fun or worthwhile.

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    Agree with OP, good chance I get max crate this time but I won’t do it agin. Took a good game mode that was a win for the player base and turned it into an excruciating slog. I don’t need a game mode that equates to a second job.
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    I got CAT with some effort and 6 or more refreshes. I'm currently on the second loot box, prob end up on third. That's a lot less engagement with this game and it's because I don't want to look at spreadsheets to figure out how to get all the feats efficiently (also knowing that many feats are impossible for my 6+ million GP roster).
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    Echo’s EMP stun probably not counting properly but I m not 100% sure , I don’t have energy (in game or real person) to track bugs for them.
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    Conquest, still a good game mode now with more grinding.

    Conquest is still one of my favorite modes, but all these changes were definitely not good.

    Using energy instead of currency to switch disks, fantastic change. I used to have to make it a point to not switch disks to make sure I had enough currency for CAT shards.

    Mini bosses are a good idea but were implemented poorly. Having the exact same 3 feats that require you to do it 3 seperate times is terrible. Make them actual boss feats but slightly easier.

    Changing all the battles to 20 energy. Not great especially with energy being used to switch disks now. You're just forcing an energy shortage making the players buy more refreshes to do the same amount of battles.

    Having the actual boss feats change was nice, although some of the feats were the same old same old. Change them up more. The difficulty of them is at a good level, but variety is the spice of life.

    Sector feats were a big downfall. All the faction related feats are extremely annoying. They don't make it more enjoyable. It just makes it more difficult/impossible for F2P players. Depending on your roster and GP.

    From an overall standpoint this conquest in comparison to previous ones is overall worse. Just because some people chose to buy more refreshes and complete it in a week is NOT a bad thing.
    What if someone has a vacation planned, god forbid ends up in the hospital, or for whatever reason misses 4+ days of conquest??
    With the old system they could still complete it and get CAT/Maul.
    With this new system if you miss a couple days you are pretty much out of luck.

    Players still have lives, and forcing them to play an event every single day for 2 weeks straight doesn't make anyone enjoy the game more.
    Especially knowing that if they miss that max box by even 1 keycard, that they will be behind on the new conquest character by an entire month.

    Find a happy medium between the old and new conquest. The way it is now is pushing many people away.
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