Conquest 10 [MERGE]


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    The good think is that they listen to community and everything is better this round..
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    So let’s recap:

    You missed that at some point you have to choose between data discs and Boba shards :)

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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    The hard path doesn’t offer any better rewards as promised and is in no way clear based on the current layout so people may not have any idea if they’re on it or not.

    Doesn’t it get even worse? Unless you take the hard path, don’t you have *less* choice/reward than you did previously?
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    The special route was: go up. Lol, no indication of what you needed to do. All signs point to cancel this Conquest. See you all in December!
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    First off, faced an empire squad with a full squad of clone troopers and only got credit for 2 kills, i won the battle and killed 5 empire toons… then used bossk pead bh vs nightsisters and didnt get credit for a single frenzy… anyone else getting bugs?

    Yes. I’ve completed 3 battles with clones and only have 11 kills credited.

    Did you use Arc? His turret doesn’t count

    Lol seriously? Wow.
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    I try to have a positive attitude towards this game - things happen and sometimes things have to change...but the complete lack of communication regarding how you were going to destroy a game mode without giving comparable rewards has really stung. Normal mode now has infuriating feats and rosters not designed to help. Did you think that making conquest, an already grindy game mode, even worse was going to push people to upgrade underutilized factions for p***** poor rewards was going to work? Or that they would buy the + pass that is scaled down in benefits but not price? I don't understand....can we get any clarification as to why you are being so shady while wrecking the game for even light spenders? Thanks.
  • E3P0
    111 posts Member
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    So let’s recap:...

    We can also add:

    - disks get added and removed seemingly arbitrarily with no official way of knowing all the changes
    - disks get changed and nerfed with little to no transparency. If we're lucky, we get a vague bug fix statement saying the disk was "changed to match in-game functionality.
    - invariably some disks are seriously bugged/broken. What's odd is that they're often disks that formerly worked fine but suddenly stop working. For example in previous Conquests we've seen this happen with the Zealous disks (for some toons the bonus only applied on the first turn then stopped), and Entrenched disks, to name two off the top of my head. Who knows what will be broken this time?

    Some growing pains are to be expected any time there's a new game mode. But at this point Conquest has been out for like 9 months. How is it still so riddled with bugs?
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    It's a matter of perspective. For whales, $30 for the battle pass might make this conquest easier than previous, I'm not positive on this though. For f2p, maybe we have to settle for lower prize boxes and will therefore spend less time in this game. I find this game to be too much of a time suck as it is and maybe this is exactly the kick in my butt that gets me to not care about "keeping up" any more. Maybe this is for the best and I find more enjoyable ways to spend my free time than this game.

    Try to stay positive and look at the bright side of everything, even hating this game could actually be the best thing for your life. When one door closes, another opens.
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    Are you going to bite the bullet and get the conquest pass @sloweagle
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    I was honestly ok with the Crystal investment required to get Maul 7* albeit with a boring repetitive grind I could handle.

    This conquest? Nope I’m done between the node progression and hard mode not being obvious or communicated at all. It was implicitly stated that this conquest would be fun as you had heard the feedback from the community and would respond to it.

    That response is to double down on the repetitive feats and add in other niche ones for surviving units, no GLs to get boss feats. It’s just extreme monitisation and the final ruination of the most fun game mode you’ve cone out with in years.

    If there was a time, this is the time the community should boycott this conquest and give you nothing. It is clear that our voices don’t get the results so our final option is to withhold the money.
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    If there is a special "path" with more rewards, either I don't see it or I'm not understanding where the "extra" rewards or path comes from... All I see is more battles than before and nothing indicating their a special hard path or more rewards 🤷
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    I’m aware there is supposed to be a special route for increase difficulty that allows players to get more data cards to use, but the new Conquest UI does not have that highlighted at all in game. Aside from the terribleness of CG trying to milk money out of what used to be a fun mode to play, CG can’t even be bothered to highlight this route at all…
  • MaricSkywalker
    170 posts Member
    edited November 2021
    Revert to conq 9. This isn’t the least bit exciting. If we buy the $30 pass can we play conq 9 lol. Seriously this is awful. Mini bosses are 2-3x as tough as before and I’m on sector 1.
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    The UI NEEDS to indiciate WHERE this “special” path is. Not relying on us to guess or find some “map” out in discord.
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    Yeah ive made a post/PSA about it and it contained image with the highlighted paths but mods decided to move it to the MERGE thread which noone reads
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    I’m aware there is supposed to be a special route for increase difficulty that allows players to get more data cards to use, but the new Conquest UI does not have that highlighted at all in game. Aside from the terribleness of CG trying to milk money out of what used to be a fun mode to play, CG can’t even be bothered to highlight this route at all…


    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    Falco3 wrote: »
    The special route was: go up. Lol, no indication of what you needed to do. All signs point to cancel this Conquest. See you all in December!

    Really? I mean I kinda did that but then when I got presented with 2 data disk nodes I went with the bottom one because it had a better data disk? lol wth...I didn't notice anything special about it. is it just the actual fights were supposed to award stuff? The thing is just how the top had 2x data disk nodes, the bottom has 2x jaw nodes so you would have to go down for those rewards? It really makes no sense to me.
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    They have managed to strip literally all of the fun out of this game mode and substitute it with confusion and equally boring feats. Did I miss something, but how do I know if I am in the hard path or easy path?

    This is truly a spectacular fail. This has me seriously wondering why I bother to play anymore.
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    its nuts that the turret from arc trooper doesnt count as a clone trooper kill. I finished a couple battles and was very particular to make sure clones got all the kills. Went and looked and the number of kills was alot smaller than what I thought it would be. Then I started thinking and was like yup thats ea/cg for you. Make a feat with a built in flaw in it that will take away kills because if the turret is the damage the does the kill it doesnt count toward the feat.

    shame. just shame
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Dnoff423 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Dnoff423 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »

    Orange lines are the special path, I do agree that the game needs to make this clearer for the players

    Quick question where is this map posted? Has CG posted this map somewhere?

    SWGOH Events server / Reddit

    So data mined? And not officially released by CG?

    As an FYI, they work directly with the dev team on much of this information. They specifically say when they get the data from in game data, which is a data mine.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Dnoff423 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Dnoff423 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »

    Orange lines are the special path, I do agree that the game needs to make this clearer for the players

    Quick question where is this map posted? Has CG posted this map somewhere?

    SWGOH Events server / Reddit

    So data mined? And not officially released by CG?

    As an FYI, they work directly with the dev team on much of this information. They specifically say when they get the data from in game data, which is a data mine.

    Why the heck does that matter? It’s still something that should be officially released.
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    Conquest 7 was a buggy chore, but we knew and expected that. Conquest 10 was supposed to be better. This isn’t better.
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    So… we are stuck with this horse manure called conquest 10 (11,12) until february, right? Exact same feats next three conquests (except that arctrooper thing; which cg will claim to have fixed in 11 and completely remove in 12 because of course they won’t have…)
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    So let’s recap:

    Easy and normal mode now have increased energy cost.

    Players who’ve been doing normal mode can’t because of the GP requirement even though we were assured that wouldn’t happen (not a knock on kyno since it’s not his fault, but of course it’s bugged out)

    The hard path doesn’t offer any better rewards as promised and is in no way clear based on the current layout so people may not have any idea if they’re on it or not.

    The free path of rewards has less in between rewards in terms of mod slicing materials at the very least.

    There are still duplicate or triplicate data disks in the same caches.

    The enemies are still repetitive with little difference than the last batch of conquests.

    The feats are still overly repetitive and insanely time consuming and grindy. Possibly even more so this time.

    Stamina and energy refresh rates remain unchanged.

    Data disk swap costs remains unless you pay $30.

    Still no in battle feat counter after more than a year since we’ve been demanding it since GC’s came into play….

    So…devs. Wanna keep standing by that statement you listened to community feedback? You guys didn’t listen to us at all. Conquest is still just as much of a time consuming grind full of bugs and repetitive nonsense as before. Keep lying to us and keep pushing a broken product and see how loyal your players stay, or even how much longer they play. How about actually LISTENING to your community and quality test your game before releasing the same broken garbage and have the audacity to tell us to spend $30 to fix your self imposed problems.

    I understand that Kyno and other moderators had no idea about this nonsense changes. Hope dev team correct their mistakes and take back these changes, because I don't think this is the way to sell your pass, at least I will never buy them.
  • LeeB
    56 posts Member
    Is there 10 less maul shards on offer? Or is maul purchaseable with tickets later
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    E3P0 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    So let’s recap:...

    Some growing pains are to be expected any time there's a new game mode. But at this point Conquest has been out for like 9 months. How is it still so riddled with bugs?

    I think part of the problem is that each Conquest season is 3 events, so it changes regularly (ish).and CG can't change things that often without messing things up. I don't mean the intentional making things worse (but we listened to your feedback!) but as you say, broken discs and now people that had previously completed normal mode are gated by a GP requirement that shouldn't be there. The hard path that has caught people out etc.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Kyno wrote: »
    Dnoff423 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Dnoff423 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »

    Orange lines are the special path, I do agree that the game needs to make this clearer for the players

    Quick question where is this map posted? Has CG posted this map somewhere?

    SWGOH Events server / Reddit

    So data mined? And not officially released by CG?

    As an FYI, they work directly with the dev team on much of this information. They specifically say when they get the data from in game data, which is a data mine.

    Why the heck does that matter? It’s still something that should be officially released.

    When did I say it shouldn't be?

    I was providing a little clarity between the datamined stuff and things released from work with the team.

    Yes this information should be included in the UI of the game.
  • scuba
    14123 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    Dnoff423 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Dnoff423 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »

    Orange lines are the special path, I do agree that the game needs to make this clearer for the players

    Quick question where is this map posted? Has CG posted this map somewhere?

    SWGOH Events server / Reddit

    So data mined? And not officially released by CG?

    As an FYI, they work directly with the dev team on much of this information. They specifically say when they get the data from in game data, which is a data mine.

    As you can see in the post below it was datamined

    I agree with others it is pretty bad that this is what CG expects us to rely on instead of official information.
    Just more of the same happening I guess.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    scuba wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Dnoff423 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Dnoff423 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »

    Orange lines are the special path, I do agree that the game needs to make this clearer for the players

    Quick question where is this map posted? Has CG posted this map somewhere?

    SWGOH Events server / Reddit

    So data mined? And not officially released by CG?

    As an FYI, they work directly with the dev team on much of this information. They specifically say when they get the data from in game data, which is a data mine.

    As you can see in the post below it was datamined

    I agree with others it is pretty bad that this is what CG expects us to rely on instead of official information.
    Just more of the same happening I guess.

    I also agree.
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