(Yoda is back)


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    Everything official people like Jesse and Method have said previously is that Yoda will come back every couple weeks.

    The release notes on the apple store say clearly one week a month. Considering that the EA/CG employees here also dont know everything, I consider that as an official statement.
    You guys aren't playing a game if everything is handed to you and you're not having to make ANY decisions. You have to change priorities on the fly. Most players and forum members understand and have fun playing this game.

    This game is about planning and allocating ressources. That happens based on the official information avaiable, which says once month. I plannec and priorized according this and I am still confident that Yoda will return in April.
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    Hmmmm.....maybe Yoda event isn't coming back next month because they are prepping for a new event like the often-rumored Scoundrel event. Then between the two events they would alternate every other month, then eventually rotate in other monthly events.
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    Hmmmm.....maybe Yoda event isn't coming back next month because they are prepping for a new event like the often-rumored Scoundrel event. Then between the two events they would alternate every other month, then eventually rotate in other monthly events.

    Yeah but it still segregates the playerbase.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
  • Irics
    98 posts Member
    I am posting now and will do to keep this thread up until the devs care enough to answer. Others please help!
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    This won't be a popular take, but I acually hope it's "a while" before the Grand Master comes back. Selfishly , I'm not ready. If it's a few months, I'll be more than ready to compete for a 7* yoda , so no worries there.
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    This won't be a popular take, but I acually hope it's "a while" before the Grand Master comes back. Selfishly , I'm not ready. If it's a few months, I'll be more than ready to compete for a 7* yoda , so no worries there.

    1) This is a selfish mindset that only benefits you, so obviously it won't be a 'popular take'.
    2) If he returns monthly as stated on the App Store it won't matter either way.
    3) Just because you don't 5 Jedi doesn't mean other should suffer.

    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
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    This won't be a popular take, but I acually hope it's "a while" before the Grand Master comes back. Selfishly , I'm not ready. If it's a few months, I'll be more than ready to compete for a 7* yoda , so no worries there.

    How does it harm you if the Yoda event doesn't come back now? From what I can see in my shard and going by the posts here, top players already have him. What's the benefit to you?
  • Shanks
    131 posts Member
    This won't be a popular take, but I acually hope it's "a while" before the Grand Master comes back. Selfishly , I'm not ready. If it's a few months, I'll be more than ready to compete for a 7* yoda , so no worries there.

    1) This is a selfish mindset that only benefits you, so obviously it won't be a 'popular take'.
    2) If he returns monthly as stated on the App Store it won't matter either way.
    3) Just because you don't 5 Jedi doesn't mean other should suffer.

    good lord! your DP is creepy af
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    Shanks wrote: »
    This won't be a popular take, but I acually hope it's "a while" before the Grand Master comes back. Selfishly , I'm not ready. If it's a few months, I'll be more than ready to compete for a 7* yoda , so no worries there.

    1) This is a selfish mindset that only benefits you, so obviously it won't be a 'popular take'.
    2) If he returns monthly as stated on the App Store it won't matter either way.
    3) Just because you don't 5 Jedi doesn't mean other should suffer.

    good lord! your DP is creepy af

    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
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    So now with the level cap increase, what happen to the challenge?
    It will become more easier as our level increases or yoda challenge will be increase as well.
    If yoda challenge also increase till level 80 level, this means we have to get to level 80, before we can defeat him? That will be more resources allocate to all the jedis..
  • DV_27
    967 posts Member
    Shanks wrote: »
    This won't be a popular take, but I acually hope it's "a while" before the Grand Master comes back. Selfishly , I'm not ready. If it's a few months, I'll be more than ready to compete for a 7* yoda , so no worries there.

    1) This is a selfish mindset that only benefits you, so obviously it won't be a 'popular take'.
    2) If he returns monthly as stated on the App Store it won't matter either way.
    3) Just because you don't 5 Jedi doesn't mean other should suffer.

    good lord! your DP is creepy af


    I think he's talking about your picture. That's definitely one creepy looking barriss
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    I have the same feeling... I will be rather disappointed if they will extend the wait, because I finally have four maxed out jedis and am 80 shards away to 7* Jinn and one gear slot left to fill. I was counting on the event returning every month. I never would have put this much effort into the jedis if it hadn't been for the Yoda event. I can't say I'll be mad though, because they never gave a fixed timeframe. This game is overall a big lottery.
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    Same for me. Planned to achieve 7* Yoda for April. If I would have known that I d have to get him in March, I d have much more focused on leveling my Jedi.
    Now I have no Yoda and get kicked by those who have him.
    Sometimes I really ask myself, why I read daily on this forum, cause it doesn't bring any advantage
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    I only skimmed through most of this thread, so I don't know if it has been mentioned, but check out the original update notes from 2/10/16 in the Game Update section. In one of the points it states that "Yoda will be available for a week, unavailable for a number of weeks, return for a week, etc." I point to the "etc." because that implies continuity of the given information contained in the same sentence. Therefore, I know that I as well as many others, saw that as being a pattern of 1 week on, 3 weeks off, 1 week on, etc.

    We have spent money and resources to prep characters we normally wouldn't prioritize in order to get Yoda within a certain time frame. It is not fun feeling like you have been duped out of some type of exciting expectation, and not even knowing when it is returning. @EA_Jesse : Maybe there should be given some exact time periods that events are going to be returning, and then if a wrinkle comes up you can let people know it may be delayed for a short period because of circumstances?

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    iPenguinn wrote: »
    So now with the level cap increase, what happen to the challenge?
    It will become more easier as our level increases or yoda challenge will be increase as well.
    If yoda challenge also increase till level 80 level, this means we have to get to level 80, before we can defeat him? That will be more resources allocate to all the jedis..

    Exactly. It is a total unknown because of incomplete details and obscure communications.
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    Nightlores wrote: »

  • xJazzx
    808 posts Member
    Nightlores wrote: »

    @EA_Jesse @EA_Jesse @EA_Jesse @EA_Jesse
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    Not a bad thing. 7 star Yodas in arena are annoying to face. Glad to be able to work on Dooku rather than leveling up Jedi Jesus. Much rather update Dooku.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    reizse wrote: »
    lol you guys are so quick to overreact. seriously...any little thing and the forum jumps on it. be ye all that bored?

    Bored, impatient, ungrateful, whiny, overprivileged, undereducated, anti-depressed, ADHD, rude, pubescent, unoriginal, paranoid sheep.

  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    reizse wrote: »
    lol you guys are so quick to overreact. seriously...any little thing and the forum jumps on it. be ye all that bored?

    Bored, impatient, ungrateful, whiny, overprivileged, undereducated, anti-depressed, ADHD, rude, pubescent, unoriginal, paranoid sheep.

    Troll. We can be done with this now.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Irics
    98 posts Member
    yoda yoda yoda yoda yoda yoda yoda yoda yoda yoda yoda yoda
    184 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Oh man if this is true that really stinks for anyone who hasn't 7* him yet. Yoda is sooooooo good!! :#
  • Baggodi
    404 posts Member
    There are 52 weeks in a year. Why not have five events go in order with all five available every 26th week. It's what they do with challenges every week. (Every event has two days it falls on and Sunday has everything available. ) bet they'd sell a lot of crystals leading up to the weeks where everything is a available.
  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    This was always intended. Read the update.

    Somewhere Jesse said that Yoda would come back a couple of times, then go away for a while, then come back a few more times etc. Probably in a couple of months he'll be back.

    We're screaming for content, so the longer they wait the more complaints they will get.

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    Timitock wrote: »
    reizse wrote: »
    lol you guys are so quick to overreact. seriously...any little thing and the forum jumps on it. be ye all that bored?

    One of these things is not like the other.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
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    The ios update clearly stated that event was monthly. If not, its an easy refund for a bait and switch.
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    I saw that too and thought the same thing, but I'm not even trying for Yoda, he's just a boring Jedi I'm trying to get something people don't use. Mostly f2p I don't want to be farming the same Stuff as every body else.
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    I'm kinda flabbergasted that Yoda might be delayed... It's not like the game is just bursting at the seams with new and exciting content that there is just no space to fit it in the schedule. For this game the Yoda event is the premiere Grand Slam event.

    Think about the ridiculous reality it would be if the Olympics or World Cup just arbitrarily decided not to run?

    There are plenty of new players who started in Jan / Feb (myself incl.) and I feel it is only fair that I get a fair shake at getting Yoda

    Bring back Yoda on the normal schedule pls.
    | ANZGC | Exile |
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    We're all uncertain what will occur. The only reason people have fear and are skeptical is because they don't trust EA or CG to do right by them. Being honest, can we blame them???
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